A lions sext toy

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#2 of Lion Masters

A Lions sex toy.

A Lions sex toy.

By Kendodragon.

If you're under 21, you know the drill. Go away.

Flamers, get fucked.

Sitting in a toilet stall crying because the cramps you're experiencing are making your legs shake too hard to stand up and no-one gives a shit is something that not any male will ever manage to understand.

But Blake knew what it was like, as the fourteen year old blue flamedramon was sitting on the toilet with his pants around his legs as his stomach doubled in on itself and sent spasms through the lower half of his body.

"Fuck" he whimpered out as he felt another spasm in his guts. They just seemed to get worse every month for him, even when he did use the typical protective contraceptives and everything else girls used. Except they were meant for girls to use, not guys.

He felt the hot tears coarse down his cheeks as he felt the gut wrenching cramp settle itself down for a moment or two, and he tried to keep himself from moving too much as he hoped that the cramps had finally stopped. He was thankful that the toilets were empty aside from him so that he was spared further embarrassment.

It seemed like an eternity for him, but was probably more like half an hour when the pain had finally subsided and felt like it wasn't going to come back. He slowly stood up and pulled his pants up his slender legs and hobbled out of the stall.

"Way to go getting cramps in the middle of a fucking lesson" he said angrily to himself as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. So fucking embarrassing, getting his cramps in the middle of his English class and having to practically beg the teacher to let him go while the whole class sniggered to how hard he had to convince the teacher he was actually in pain and not faking it.

He leant over the sink and ran the water, trying to make himself feel better before he had to go and see the nurse. He looked at himself in the mirror for a minute or so, just watching the water strain down his face. Unlike other flamedramons, he was born with dark red hair on his head, and he ran his fingers through it a few times to make it look more neat.

"Way to be born a fucking herm" he said angrily to his reflection for what he felt was the millionth time he had said it that month.

And unlike other flamedramons, he had been born a male, but a male herm. He hadn't actually known until he was around six, when the foster parents he lived with took him to the doctors cause they thought he was old enough to know. So, he found out he wasn't a typical little boy. He had a vagina. And the doctor though it was funny that he would get everything that a normal girl would get in the future. Only without pregnancy and breasts. Breasts. That made him shiver something cronic every time he thought of it.

"Yeah, so fucking funny" he said to his reflection as he recalled how the doctor tried to make him feel better by making jokes about it. He felt like crying all over again, although not from his cramps.

Try keeping being a herm a secret when everyone knew about it except him. And then try to keep it a secret from everyone else around you. Except they all seem to know somehow and make your life a living hell.

Blake made sure his uniform was tucked back in around his thin body before he left the toilets to head to the nurses office.

He hated that bitch. Oh yes, she knew everything about periods and cramps and menstruation and all that other chick shit. But when you have to discuss it with a guy that actually NEEDS to know, suddenly the dumbass donkey didn't know what to say. And she still didn't. Every damn month he went in for help to ease the pain, and she NEVER could recommend anything cause "boys shouldn't get them."

"Well, I'm actually having that shit, so obviously I'm getting them" he had shouted at her once. Stupid bitch got him suspended for using bad language on her.

But, you get a pass for being sick around here, you did your business in the toilets then went to see her.

He made his way through the halls, hearing the various classes on either side of him. He wondered how much homework his stupid teacher would end up giving him just for having a little 'stomach pain'. When the girls got their periods and such, the teachers were always sympathetic and sorry for them. But when he got cramps, they doubled his homework.

"Yeah, a little stomach pain. Lets see how much of a little pain it is when you have them you stupid bitch" he thought to himself as he finally made it to the nurses office and knocked on the door.

Strangely, there was no answer. But it wasn't always strange, as sometimes she was known to sneak out the back and smoke behind the bike shed with the older kids.

Blake sighed and opened the door into the office, figuring he'd just sit down and wait it out. Hopefully the dumb bitch wouldn't smoke more then half a packet or he'd be waiting till the end of school.

Blake sat himself down carefully on one of the empty chairs that faced away from the door and for some reason had a poster of hygiene on it and winced as he felt a light pang in his guts.

It didn't last long as he tried to wait patiently. It was more then ten minutes before he heard the door open behind him.

"Nurse Bailey? I got a permission slip from Mrs Harder to come here for cramps" he said as he stood up to get the slip from his pocket. He turned around and saw that the nurse wasn't the one who came in, but a tall wolf in an emergency outfit. He looked like a guy from an ambulance.

"Who are you?" Blake asked, momentarily confused.

The wolf said nothing and pulled his hand from his pocket. He had what looked like a small hot glue gun in his hand, and he pointed it at Blake.

Blake was still trying to figure out what it was when it fired two little projectiles, connected by wires at him.

The flamedramons cry was strangeled in his throat as he felt his body shock up and crumble under neath him. His vision swam as the world around him tumbled and spun as his body twitched around him.

Had he just been shot? Was he going to die? What the hell happened? He tried to cry out for help, but his vocal cords wouldn't respond. His entire body felt rigid and offline to his mind.

He tried to make sense of it as heard the door open and someone else stepped in. His hope for rescue was shattered as he felt two sets of hands hook themselves under his arms and drag him through the door.

Blake tried to look around to see where he was going, but all he could do was stare at the floor as he was dragged through the hall. He knew he had been dragged outside when he saw his feet cross the bottom of the schools entrance door and connect with pavement.

An ambulance was waiting outside and he felt the two kidnappers haul him up onto the already waiting bed. They were in the process of strapping him down when he felt his throat loosen and strength return to his body.

He sat up as fast as he could and started to scream.

But a thick heavy hand wrapped a cloth against his mouth from behind. He sucked in a breath to gasp and inhaled the smell of chemicals. He tried to struggle, but his head spun and he felt himself go limp before he blacked out.



He could....hear voices.

Voices. So far away, but right against his ear. They were... they were talking.

"wuh hahpunn?"

"Looks to be in good shape for a male hermaphrodite his age. Make sure to check out each part of him. Anything special found, put it on the list."

"wass gonn ohn?"

He felt hands on his body. More then one. Maybe fifty. He couldn't tell. His eyes wouldn't open. The voices were so loud. They were poking and prodding and rubbing him. Felt like....like cleaning. His body wouldn't move. Felt like cold lead. Cold and heavy. Nothing was moving.

"Check his vaginal folds. If he's a virgin there, the price goes up."

"whass happunned tuh meh?"

He felt his legs get spread open and felt fingers lift his balls out of the way as more fingers started to invade his folds. He couldn't feel any pleasure from the probing, but he felt how deep they were going.

"No...no dohn tach meh"

"He's starting to come out of it. Someone sedate him"

He barely managed to open his eyes enough to see a white glare from above, and then a looming dark figure stand above him. He couldn't see who it was, and it terrified him.

"Who ...who ahr yooo?" he felt his mouth say as a prick was felt on his arm, and then a calm nothingness was forced on him as he passed out again.


He woke up again, wincing as the bright light stung his eyes. He had to blink several times in order for the glare to diminish enough for him to look around. His eyes hurt. They hurt just to open, and just to close.

"Is this what it's like to wake up hungover?" he thought to himself as he dimly looked around where he was. He told himself never to drink. Ever.

A bed. He was lying on a bed. It looked like the type of bed they wheeled you around in hospitals with. Except there was no mattress. It was just cold steel against his body. He tried to sit up, but he was tied down with several leather straps that were wrapped over his body. And they were under his body as well. The straps were pressing hard into his skin and they were very uncomfortable.

He tried to speak, but it was then he realised something was stuck in his mouth. Something that felt like a ball. And it tasted like cold rubber. Stale rubber.

He started to panic as he remembered being shot in the nurses office. They must have used a taser on him. Then he was carried outside and drugged in an ambulance, and then the few voices he had heard from when he had tried to wake up. What the hell had happened to him? Had he been kidnapped?

"Guess the obvious answer is yes" he thought in a panic.

He struggled and tried to cry out, but he was too well restrained to do anything expect lift his head up. The room was brightly lit as he looked around to try and see where he was.

The room was brightly lit, and vary spacious. It looked like an old storage room. There were several other beds lined up against the back wall. He could see other males and some females all tied down, each one looked like they were either drugged or asleep.

His heart began to race as he felt goosebumps run over his skin. He realised he was still dressed, but something was off. His legs and arms felt cold, and so did his stomach. Did they strip him down and redress him?

Then he had a cold thought. Who, or what, were they?

Blake wasn't sure how long he was left there, unable to do anything. It felt like hours. But could have just been very slow minutes. His eyes wandered over the ceiling countless times as he tried to keep himself calm. But eventually a door opened and two looming figures stepped through.

One of them looked like a giant, at least from his viewpoint. He was a rhino, at least eight feet tall and packed with so many muscles that Blake briefly wondered how he was able to keep himself up.

The other was a mare who was dressed up like a librarian. She looked very strict and was carrying a clipboard. Neither of them seemed to notice him as he struggled.

"Alright, which one is next?" the rhino asked as he looked over the beds.

"The herm is next. He's got quite a starting price on him" the mare said as she ran a pen over the board and marked something off. "Found in a public school through his medical records. School nurses can be so stupid with their filing systems and what they throw out" she said, a smirk almost across her lips. The rhino laughed to that, just as she looked up.

Blake struggled more as he felt her gaze on him. But he shivered as he saw that she looked more annoyed with the fact he was awake then that he was a teenage kid tied to a bed.

"And look, he'll be awake for this. Sedate him again" she said with annoyance in her voice. "Enough so that he at least display himself" she added.

"Got it" the rhino said as he walked up to Blake. Blake felt his heart race as he saw the hulking behemoth walk up to him and hold out something in his hand. It looked like a hot glue gun. Was it another taser? Blake wanted to scream, but the ballgag in his mouth prevented that as the rhino pressed the gun against his exposed arm.

A shot sound, a brief flash of pain, and then Blake felt his body relax and his mind begin to fog over somewhat. He even felt his eyes begin to droop as he was unable to hold his head up any further.

"That's better" the mare said as she looked at the rhino. "Wheel him into the auction room."

"Did she say auction?" Blake thought as he watched the rhino step behind him. Then he felt the bed, or gurney or whatever it was start to move.

Blake saw the ceiling move above him as he was wheeled out of the room. The ceiling became dark as he was wheeled through a dark looking hall. The rhino above his head didn't even look down at him as he wheeled to god knows where.

Blake felt a million thoughts run through his head even though it was clouded from the drugs. What was going on? What auction? Was anyone looking for him? Was anyone missing him? What in the hell was going on?

He was finally wheeled to a large doorway and the rhino finally looked down at him with a smirk across his heavy looking face.

"Let's see what price you get princess" he said with a grin that was followed by a laugh as he pushed the frightened teen through the doors.

Everything was happening so fast that Blake was too confused to actually understand it all.

The doors led into a large black room filled with reflective windows. There were ten around the circular walls and each one had a blue light above it. Blake felt his heart pound harder as the gurney was pushed into the middle. Without even a grunt, or looking like he was putting in any effort, the rhino tilted the gurney upwards.

Blake felt himself get held up on the gurney thanks to the straps. He could see his reflection on the window in front of him and his heart skipped a beat.

He was still wearing his uniform, but it had been altered. It was much smaller then it had meant to be. His tie was still on, but his white shirt was sleeveless and the base went under his chest, exposing his lean stomach and his sides.

His pants had been lowered so that his hips had been exposed and were just above his crotch. And they couldn't even be described as pants anymore. They were too short now. His legs were completely exposed, and they were way too above crotch level to be anything decent. And he had a bright red ballgag with a black leather strap in his mouth.

His shoes had been removed, and he wore long socks that ended just under his kneecaps and for some reason, had little pink bows on the edges. His hair had been combed back and tied in place with matching ribbons.

He looked like a schoolboy hooker. A girly schoolboy hooker.

"Is my hide really that colour?" he thought to himself for a moment. He had to look down at his body to double check. It looked like it had been scrubbed with a toothbrush. He couldn't ever remember being that clean looking at all. Even his hair seemed to have some luster in it.

Is that what those hands from before had done? Cleaned him up and dressed him for show?

His thoughts on himself were jarred as he felt the back of the gurney fall down. Now he was completely held up by the straps in a wire frame so that he was being shown off from front and back. But shown off to who?

The rhino finished by making sure the frame was in place before he left. The door behind him closed flush to the wall so that it wasn't visible any more and Blake was left in the circular room facing the windows.

A light tone was heard before a female voice came on from overheard. It wasn't the mares voice. At the tone, he felt the floor under him start to revolve slowly and himself was turned along with it. The voice was flat, and emotionless, as if the female saying her lines was void of empathy.

"This is Lot 35, Blake Robertson. Fourteen years old. Flamedramon species. Male hermaphrodite. Guaranteed Virgin stock."

Now it started to click into place. He had been kidnapped from his school and was part of an auction. He started to panic, but the drugs were preventing him from doing anything else other then just hang in the restraints. He had heard about these sort of things in the movies, but like many, never expected it to happen to him.

He looked up as at least three of the blue lights suddenly switched off. Why did they do that?

"He lived in foster care for most of his life. He is one who will not be missed. His grades in school have been marginal, and he has not joined any after school activities" the voice added.

Another light went off.

"One final note to add is that he is currently on his menstruation cycle, although the worst has passed" the voice said once more.

Yet another light switched off. There were at least six left on.

"Does this mean they're not interested in me?" he wondered as he was slowly rotated. Then another thought entered his mind. How did they know so much about him? Did they kidnap him first and then look him up? Or had they planned all this out and then taken him?

"The bidding will now commence. For virgin stock, the price will start at fifty thousand dollars."

"Fifty thousand dollars?" Blake thought as his eyes went as wide as they were able to. How was he worth that much?

Another light went off. Now there was only five left.

A red light flashed.

"We have our bidding of fifty thousand. Do we have fifty five?"

A red light flashed.

"We have fifty five. Do we have sixty?"

A red light flashed. Then another flashed twice.

"We have sixty. The bidding has been raised to seventy. Do we hear seventy five?"

A blue light went off. A red light flashed.

"We have seventy five. Do we hear eighty?"

Eighty thousand dollars? Blake could hardly believe it. But somehow, it was starting to sink in. He was being sold off. People were paying high amounts of money for him. How was this possible?

A red light flashed. Another light flashed twice more. Then a third flashed once.

"We have eighty. The bidding has been raised to ninety, and further to ninety five. Do we have a bidding of one hundred thousand?"

Two lights went off, obviously outbidden. Then one red light flashed.

"We have one hundred thousand. Do we have any further bids?"

The lights stayed silent. Blake felt his heart being to pulse.

"Shit" he thought to himself. Any second now, he was going to be sold off. He struggled, but his drugged body refused to co-operate.

He had been drugged, kidnapped, brought to who knows where, probed and violated, strapped down and shown off to perfect strangers, and was now about to be bought by someone he couldn't see.

"This can't be happening" Blake thought to himself as he felt himself start to cry. At least the tears were able to escape his body. He could feel them drip down his cheeks, and he could see them in the reflective windows of the potential buyers. But did any of them care?

Probably not. They probably did this all the time. Buying and selling males and females to the highest bidder, and not caring about them as anything other then a way to make money.

"One hundred thousand going once" the voice said.

Blake hung his head and cried to himself.

"One hundred thousand going twice" the voice said.

Blake felt his heart pound, but his body remained cold. He was going to be sold off for a hundred thousand dollars, and no-one was going to care about him.

A red light flashed. Then once, twice, and then three times. Four flashes. Did that mean another twenty?

"The bidding has been raised to one hundred and twenty thousand" the voice said. "Do we have any further bids?"

One blue light flicked off. Only one remained.

"Lot 35 have been sold for one hundred and twenty thousand dollars" the voice said. "Congratulations."

Blake felt his heart pound as the lights at the windows all flicked back on for what was going to be the next auction. The floor under him stopped rotating and the hidden door opened up to his side.

One hundred and twenty thousand dollars. It wouldn't sink in. It all still felt out of place. Real, but not real. How was this possible?

The hulking rhino from before walked in and set the gurneys back up again and tilted it down as he wheeled the teenager out. Blake caught sight of a young female fox in what looked like a cheerleading outfit was wheeled into the room after him by a thickset bull.

He didn't feel sorry for her. He couldn't feel anything. He didn't know what to feel.

The rhino wheeled him through another corridor and into an empty room where the mare from before was talking to another hulking creature.

Blake lifted his head up and saw the hulking creature was a very large lion. Big, musclebound, and wearing a suit and tie that looked like it was almost bursting at the seams. But he didn't look grotesquely musclebound like the rhino. And he wore glasses. For some reason, he found that funny. But he couldn't laugh.

"Congratulations on your purchase" the mare was saying to the lion, who handed her a black leather briefcase.

"It's all in there. One hundred and twenty thousand dollars. All laundered and untraceable. I expect it to remain that way" he said to her. He had a somewhat deep and even voice. Sounded almost like a cross between American and English.

"Of course" the mare said as she crossed something off her clipboard.

"You exceeded my expectations" the lion said to her. "It seems you are quite qualified in this line of work."

"I'm one of the better ones" she said with a small smile on her face before it was gone and looked over at the rhino.

"Untie him" she ordered before she walked off, obviously to meet with the next lucky buyer. The rhino nodded and began to undo the straps roughly. Blake had to cry out a little as he felt the rough rhinos hands dig into his side as he undid a clasp.

The lion looked annoyed at the rhino.

"This lot was brought in unharmed, save for a few needle marks. I expect him to remain that way" he said sternly.

"So? You paid for him already. And not that I care, but you'll probably just beat the crap out of him to get him to submit to you. What's a bruise or two now?" the rhino said with an obvious sneer in his voice.

"If anyone is going to bruise him, it will be me" the lion said, and his voice sounded like he wasn't going to mess around, although his face didn't change. "If you bruise him, expect to find yourself in a dark alley, gang raped and tied down for anyone to find you. And you'll never see it happen" he threatened.

The threat obviously worked, for though the rhino was bigger then the lion, he visibly gulped and was a lot more gentle to undo the straps.

Blake felt the gag get removed carefully from his mouth and he was able to move his jaw around a little to get the blood flowing back in it.

"Put the chip in him" the lion said calmly. The rhino nodded and pulled out another small gun device and pressed it against Blakes leg.

Blake cried out as the shot this time was harder and deeper then the others were. He felt like a small bump had been passed through his skin and he could still feel it there, like a giant pimple that had yet to surface.

"What...what did you do to me?" Blake asked as he tried to sit up, but his body refused to allow him. His limbs still felt heavy.

"That was a slave chip that I have had put in you" the lion said as he looked down at the much smaller flamedramon. "It will tell me wherever you are on my property whenever I want to find you. And if you leave my property, it will activate and shock you for five seconds, and then every five seconds it takes you to not return. And I can activate it anytime I want if you displease me. And it might take five seconds, but you'll feel like it was ten minutes. It is not pleasant in the slightest" he said firmly.

Blake gulped and felt his body finally shiver. The lion hadn't raised his voice to the explanation, but Blake felt like he should listen and listen carefully.

"Now, help him to the car" the lion ordered the rhino before he turned and left the room.

The rhino bent down and slid his arms carefully under Blake and lifted him like he weight nothing into the air. He was surprisingly careful, obviously still heeding the warning of the lion.

"Why...why are you afraid of him?" Blake asked as he looked up at the rhinos face. It was the only question he could ask at that moment that he felt like he needed to know.

"Because Mr Langston promises what he can deliver" the rhino said simply, but there was a slight fear in his voice. Blake had to guess anyone of that size being reduced to a rape victim and being powerless would be a scarey thought.

He was carried out of what had to be the back way into the parking lot. Blake looked around as he was carried out of the building. It was a giant old looking warehouse, and it was nighttime wherever they were. It had to have been somewhere out in the sticks, cause he couldn't see anything else out there.

The parking lot was nothing more then a large dusty open area, but it was full of assorted cars. Mostly limousines. And there were a lot of them. The rhino easily carried him to a limo parked in the back.

The driver was already there, patiently waiting. He was a Doberman in a black suit and a black cap on his said. He said nothing but opened the back door of the limo. The inside was white in contrast to its black outside. Blake was helped in by the rhino, who couldn't fit in through the door. Blake would have giggled, but he daren't.

The door was shut and the limo was silent. Blake felt his body fall against the seat and he shut his eyes. The soft leather felt better after lying on that cold metal gurney for so long and he welcomed the softness.

He started to cry. He couldn't help it. The tears flooded through like someone had opened a floodgate. It had all sunk in. Everything had finally sunk in to his mind and there was no escaping it.

He was sold and chipped like a common dog to a new owner, one who could make mountainous rhinos tremble in fear with one threat. If he could do that to rhinos, what could he do to him?

Electrocution was already established. Blake could still feel that chip throb in his leg, and he knew it would take a long time before he stopped feeling it. And how bad was it going to be when he did make the huge lion angry?

He did say something about his property, and for a moment he thought about escaping. The chip would activate if he left the property, which meant it hadn't been activated for that purpose yet. The driver was still outside the car. Blake could slip away. He could get out through the door on the other side and run like crazy.

But his body wouldn't move. And he had no idea where he was, so escaping and running were out of the question. And even if he wasn't drugged, he felt too tired to even get himself up.

How long he lay there, he didn't know. There was a tv set, a minibar, a stockpile of books and movies lined up on a shelf, but no clock. All he could do was lie there and let the tears stream down his face. They were hot and felt like they would never end.

Finally, the door open and the large lion, Mr Langston, he had been called, slid himself into an open seat. How he managed to fit in was anyones guess. He didn't say anything until the driver got in behind the wheel and the limo began to move.

"We're leaving now" he said as he settled his huge frame back against the leather seat.

"What...what's going on?" Blake asked as he managed to sit himself up slowly, although it took some effort still. He had never felt so weak.

"We're heading back to my property, and your new home" Mr Langston said as he picked up a book and settled himself down to read it.

"Why...why did you buy me? Why did they take me?" Blake asked him. Mr Langston obviously didn't want to talk to him as he sat silent for a moment as he looked for his page before he looked over at Blake.

"I know you're confused about what has happened to you, and I can understand that you want answers. But, I also know you're mentally and physically exhausted, so I'm going to tell you what you need to know.

"Yes, you were kidnapped by a smuggling ring that sells people as slaves and objects to the highest bidder. I bought you because you were what I was looking for in a slave to use sexually. I own you, and I can do what I like with you."

"But.." Blake began, but he was cut off. The lion didn't look angry, all he did was hold up his hand. Blake felt himself stop as soon as the hand was in the air.

"I suggest you stop talking. The trip back home will take some time, and you will need to rest. I intend to put you in your place when we return to my home, so I advise you lie down and sleep" he said. "And first ground rule, you will call me master, or sir. And don't disobey me" he added as he licked his thumb and returned to his reading.

A sex slave. So that is what he was going to be. He had been bought to become a sex slave to the giant lion. The thought made him somewhat sick, and very uneasy. His head was spinning, but it wasn't from the drugs. Part of him wanted to throw up his stomach on the floor of the limo. Another part of him wanted to start screaming that he couldn't be a sex slave, and that he was a person and not something to just be bought.

But the part he listened to just wanted to sleep and hope that it was all just a very bad and very detailed dream that he could wake up from. The more he struggled against it, the more his body grew tired and he felt his arms struggle to hold himself up.

Finally, he just became too tired. He had been through a lot, most of it he was still coming to terms with, and all the parts he did accept were making him sick. Mr Langston didn't seem interested in talking anymore, so there was no point to really continue his fight to stay awake.

With a very tired "yes sir" he let his body slide back down on the soft leather seat and he closed his eyes. Sleep came very quickly, and he welcomed it.


Blake felt better when he woke up. He was surrounded by warmth and softness, on a level he had never felt before. His entire body felt relaxed as he laid on his side, his body curled around himself.

He didn't want to wake up. He just wanted to lie there in the warmth and the softness that kept his body safe and secure. He slowly murred to himself as he stretched his body out. As his arms and legs extended, the warm softness was there to meet his limbs as he stretched himself out.

The moment he opened his eyes, the reality of the previous day struck him like a bad headache. He sat upright as his eyes adjusted themselves in record time and he looked about, suddenly terrified to his core as his body shivered with coldness.

He was in the biggest bed he had ever seen, in the largest bedroom he had ever been in. The bed was so big it made him feel small. It was bigger then the biggest king sized bed he had ever seen. The room was huge and very fancily furnished with what looked like fortune costing furniture. Sunlight was streaming through a huge window that overlooked a very long looking lawn with multiple trees outside.

But the room was still bare. It was huge and fancy indeed, but it was still bare. It felt like a guest room somewhere, one that was always ready for guests, but was still empty.

Blake wondered where the giant lion had gone. He last remembered seeing him in the limo before he fell asleep. Did he carry him up here and put him in the giant bed?

A sudden shock ran through his mind. The lion had told him that he would 'put him in his place' when they got back.

"Oh god, please no" he cried out as he frantically pulled the covers back off his body and shoved his hands into his shorts.

As soon as he checked his entrance and realised that the lion hadn't raped him in his sleep, he felt his heart calm down. He was still virgin, and he wasn't hurt.

"Thank god" he said to himself as he sighed. He realised he was still in the same clothes he had been in when he had been bought. At least in that aspect he hadn't been touched at all.

"I guess it's too late to hope that it was all a dream" he said to himself. Blake freed his feet from the blankets and moved his way over the super soft mattress to the edge of the bed. He slowly stood up and moved over to the window.

The expansive lawns seemed to roll out in the view outside. He figured he was on the third floor of wherever he was as he saw the greens roll away from the building. There was even a pool out there, big and sparkling blue. As he looked further, he could see a high wall at the end of the lawns that seemed to run over the edge of the property.

The property limit. As he thought that, he became aware of the chip in his leg. It didn't hurt or throb to get his attention. He just knew that it was there. And now that he was in the property, it would have been activated to ensure he never left.

He felt like crying again. But he didn't want to. Crying was only going to make it worse, and he really didn't want things to get any worse.

The bed was the only thing in the room that was making him feel safe, so he decided to crawl back into it and maybe fall asleep again. Perhaps the longer he slept the longer he could keep himself away from reality.

But just as he was climbing over to the spot he had been in before, the door to the room open and Mr Langston walked in.

Blake froze in place as he saw the giant lion walk in. He looked like he had just come from a gym as he was wearing a red singlet and a pair of black shorts with matching sneakers. The singlet looked like it was stretched to breaking point. Blake could see every muscle on the lions huge torso through the thin material.

Every muscle bulged out as if they had been inflated with a bicycle pump. His pecs looked like slabs of iron and his nipples were visible, looking like thick round dollar coins. Blakes eyes went down to the lions powerful looking legs. They too were bulging like muscled tree trunks. How those skin tight looking shorts managed to stay on in one piece, he didn't know. And the bulge in them. It looked like it was causing the most strain, almost looking like it was going to break free. For some reason, just looking at the huge packed crotch of the lion made his opening tingle, but the rest of his body shiver in fear. The lion shut the door and walked over to the bed, looking down at Blake through his glasses.

"I see you woke up. Did you sleep well?" he asked him. His voice was calm and even, but still commanding.

Blake felt compelled to nod as he sat down on his knees as he looked up at the hulking lion. He suddenly felt very, very small.

"Yes sir" he said almost automatically. He felt too small in the lions presence to say anything else.

"That's good. I'm glad you rested well" Mr Langston said with a small smile across his large face. Blake shivered a little as he hugged himself around his chest, feeling very vulnerable. Was this where the lion was going to put him in his place? Blake glanced quickly at the lions huge crotch and the thought of what was in there made his opening tingle again and the rest of his body shiver harder with fear.

"What are you going to do to me Mr Langston...sir?" he asked, adding sir quickly on the end.

The lion looked down at him before he adjusted the glasses resting on the ridge of his nose.

"It's Marcus Langston, for future reference" he said down to the smaller digimon. "And as I said last night, I bought you so that you could be my sexual slave. My sex toy if you like. And that is what you are" he said.

"Just...just a slave?" Blake asked as he felt himself start to shiver.

"In laymen's terms, yes" Marcus said to him. "I will fuck you, whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want. But, how you are treated, depends on how you behave" he added.

Blake looked up, somewhat surprised at that last comment.

"What...what do you mean?" he asked as he felt his body stop shivering slightly. Did he have a choice?

"If you please me, you will be taken well care of, and gain more privileges around my manor. If you displease me, I will have you punished and have privileges removed from you. This bedroom is the first privilege you have. If you displease me, I can have you live in something much less desireable" Marcus said firmly.

Blake looked around the room at that. So, this room was something he had earned so far. And if he behaved, he would get more. Although, what the lions ideas of more was, he wasn't too sure about knowing.

But what type of situation would be worse then this? He suddenly rememberd the look on the rhinos face when Marcus had threatened him with the gang rape.

"Whatever Mr Langston promises, he delivers" he had said. So, if Marcus promised something worse.... Blake shivered very obviously as he considered that.

"But....what if...what if I just don't want to?" he asked as he looked up at the lion. Marcus ran a finger under his chin slowly as he looked down at the digimon.

"I know you're nervous, and I know you probably would want to be anywhere but here" he said finally after a few minutes. "But, I own you. I will look after you, and punish you when you deserve it. But, if I want to fuck you, it will happen. That is why I bought you after all" he said as he moved up to the end of the bed and stood in front of it.

"If you don't want to do it, I can force you" he said as he looked down at the shivering digimon in his tight girly looking schoolclothes. "And by force, I do mean rape" he said firmly. Blake gasped to himself to hear that as his heart thudded like crazy in his chest. "But, the sooner you submit yourself to me and allow me to do whatever I want without resistance, the better you'll be out of it. The more you resist, the more I will force you" he said.

"But" Blake stammered out, but he was cut off by Marcus holding his hand up.

"Blake" he said firmly. "I have explained everything to you, and I intend to hold this off no further. I am ready to break you in and claim your virginity for myself. If you struggle, I will force you to take me without consent. If you allow me, you will not be hurt as much and you might actually enjoy it. Now, the decision is yours as to what you do now" he said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the shaking digimon.

"So, I can either force this and make it hurt, or you can submit yourself to this and get it over with" Marcus said as he looked down at the digimon, obviously waiting for an answer.

Blake did not know what he should have done as he sat there, feeling the lions gaze on him. What should he do? If he resisted and fought back, if he struck the lion and tried to run, he would be raped. That was what was promised, and more then likely would be delivered.

But, if he submitted...would that be any better?

He knew he didn't really have a choice. He would be taken. The only difference, was how badly he would be hurt.

Blake let the tears fall down his cheeks, feeling like he would not have been able to hold them back even if he tried. He slowly got himself on all fours without looking up and turned around on his hands and knees.

He lowered his face to a large pillow and raised his tail in the air as he put himself on display.

"Just....just do it...sir" he said, although part of him just wanted to wail it out.

He closed his eyes as he felt the shift in the weight on the bed. He gripped the pillow in his arms and held onto it as he felt the lions knees place themselves against his legs. He could almost feel the weight of the lions shadow over his body.

He felt two very large hands place themselves on his hips and he felt them squeeze. He choked a squeak in his throat as he felt them start to roam over his hips and up his sides slowly. He could feel those thick strong fingers run themselves up his sides and under his shirt.

"Good boy" Marcus said in a low voice as he slid his hands over his boys sides. The shirt was moved as he slid his fingers under the material and rubbed them over the top of his back before they moved under to his chest.

"Mmm, you're nice and soft" he murred lowly as Blake shuddered from the contact. Those thick fingers felt almost like spiders legs with the way they were roaming across his chest. He bit his lip as he felt them brush against his nipples and a small shock ran through his body to his groin.

"Mmm, you like that boy? You like me touching your nipples?" Marcus said with a smirk on his face as he started to tweak the nipples in his hand. He could feel the small nubs start to harden as he teased them, feeling the boy shudder and squeak under him.

After teasing his nipples for a little bit, Marcus then slid his hands from under the boys shirt and instead gripped it from the front. In an almost effortless grip, he pulled the shirt open, the buttons popping off and bouncing off the sheets below as Blake felt the shirt being ripped from his body, leaving his torso exposed. Blake shut his eyes as he felt himself get exposed, the somewhat cool air brushed over his body and made him shiver.

"Oh, very nice boy" Marcus said as he saw the boys lean soft back and soft round shoulders exposed to him. Blake felt fresh tears coarse down his cheeks as he felt the lion grip his shoulders, almost testing how good of a handle he had to grip. He felt like he was being inspected.

"Now, lets see what else you have" Marcus said as he reached down to adjust the thick and large bulge that was growing in his shorts as he ran his hands down the boys sides and back to his hips. His hands lifted off and Blake gave another squeak as his backside was cupped by the strong hands. He tried to suppress a moan as he felt those big hands squeeze his rumpcheeks.

"You're a squeaker boy" Marcus said with a chuckle as he gripped the boys cheeks in his hands. "I like that. And I like what I'm holding" he added as he squeezed again, which made Blakes face burn a dark red which became purple as he stifled another cry.

"Shame it's not bigger" Marcus said as he started to squeeze and stroke the backside in his hands. "Wouldn't mind something a bit more to grab onto" he said as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of the tiny shorts and pulled them down.

"Oh, now this is very nice indeed" Marcus said, which made Blakes cheeks burn a darker shade of violet. "Such sexy little panties you're wearing."

Blake felt like he was choking. And he almost did at that remark. He was wearing what?

And indeed he was. They were a bright pink with a soft white frill around the edges. They were shaped over his backside and exposed a lot of cheek, which made the big lion very happy to see. Blake felt humiliated. It was bad enough to be in this situation, but for those people to put him in those?

"I might just have to make you wear these and nothing else" Marcus said with a smirk as he cupped those sexy cheeks in his hand again and squeezed. Blake felt the tears stoping as he felt the lions paws over his backside. It was almost like a massage as he felt the strong fingers dig into the soft flesh of his backside.

He moaned softly. He couldn't help it. It felt good. He closed his eyes and gripped the pillow against his chest and felt himself push back a little.

Marcus heard it and smirked to himself as he cupped the cheeks in his hands again and squeezed them again before he pulled the panties down, and then practically ripped the last remaining clothes from the new boy.

Blake suddenly felt two things. The first was that he was now naked lying on his stomach in front, or under, or something, of a large and horny lion. The other thing he felt, was his own hardness against his abdomen.

He had no idea he was even hard, but he felt his cheeks burn as he tried not to cry again. He was only about five inches hard, but it was enough to be noticeable. He felt his legs get pried apart and felt hot breath against his rump.

"Oh gods..." he squeaked out as he felt two thick thumbs slide between his cheeks before they were pulled apart, exposing his hidden depths. Was he going to...?

He was. He felt the thick tongue start to slide its way from the back of his balls up to his warm lips, and with another shudder he realised he had been dripping for a while. He could feel the tip flick its way over his lips and they tingled like crazy.

He moaned again as he felt the tongue press against his inner walls and start to push its way in. Blake had never even inserted a finger into him, hesitant he was to touch himself there unless he had to. But this...he couldn't help it. He started to push back.

"Oh...oh gods" he moaned out as he felt that thick rough tongue slide its way into his inner opening. His juices were dripping more now as he felt his lips and his length tingle and throb from the lions manipulations.

Blake couldn't believe it. For the majority of his life, he had viewed his extra genitals as nothing more then a burden and something to be picked on by. But he had never believed it could feel this good.

Marcus was murring against the warm lips that were engulfing his tongue. He swirled his tongue around as he gripped the boys asscheeks in his hand and held them apart as he moved his tongue around like a snake in the boys pussy. Blake was squeaking softly and moaning from the pleasure his lips were giving him as his length bobbed and bounced against his stomach, throbbing with each movement.

The big lion was enjoying this, the taste of a virgin pussy. His tongue worked its way through the tight confines in front of him and he happily lapped his tongue against the tight warmth. He could taste the boys juices as they started to leak and he enjoyed the taste.

Blake felt his juices start to drip and flow a bit more freely as the lion started to tongue fuck him. Blake gasped loudly and gripped onto the pillow as he felt the thick tongue force its way into him before being pulled out and then rammed back in again.

Blake started to pant as he couldn't help but enjoy it. It was too good. His moist lips were tingling and his length was throbbing and his hide had goosebumps from the pleasure and everything felt too good for him to even think of resisting.

"Oh gods...please...don't....stop" someone moaned out. And for a moment he didn't know that he had said it. And his cheeks burned fiercely as he realised he meant it. He could feel his build up already happening, and he didn't want it to stop. He felt himself push his rump back against that hot tongue, wanting to ride that hot flesh into his orgasm.

He was surprised to find that Marcus suddenly withdrew his tongue with a long slurping noise. The tongue exited him and he felt a feeling of emptiness inside of him as he felt the hands remove themselves. He felt almost disappointed, and had a desire for more of that treatment. He slowly lifted his head up and looked over his shoulder in time to see Marcus sit himself up and lick at his wet lips.

"You taste like sweet honey" Marcus said as he cleaned his wet lips and looked down at the shivering blushing boy in front of him. He looked so cute, holding onto the pillow crushed against his chest with wet tears and a soft sweet rump on squeezable hips with a lifted tail and a dripping wet pussy under it.

"Now, you can either watch, or bury your face in the pillow" he said as he slowly unzipped the barely confining shorts. Blake wished he had buried his face into the pillow as he felt his lips tingle, his breath catch in his throat and saw that the lion wasn't wearing underwear.

"Holy fuck" Blake whimpered.

The lion obviously was the kind with no sheath, but that made no difference. His length was at least eighteen inches long and as thick as a beercan. It bobbed up and down slightly, the thick veins pumping as much blood into the thick fat flesh. And his balls looked like tennis balls in a thick furry sac that hung down under the length.

He was supposed to take THAT? Blake felt a shiver go through his body, mostly in his crotch. That thing could split him in half.

Marcus didn't say anything as he placed a hand on the flamedramons rump and held him steady as he picked up a small tube of lubricant in his other hand fished from his pocket. A small click was heard and Blake watched as a drizzle of thick clear liquid was dripped down onto the fat flesh.

"You better hope you're ready boy" Marcus said as he dripped the lubricant down his hard cock and tossed the bottle to the side. He wrapped his hand around his girth and worked the lube over his length, wet suckling sounds were heard as he coated his cock.

Blake felt his eyes watch the cock as best he could as he lion held onto his rumpcheek and guided the cock towards his prize. He could almost feel the heat from the huge cock as it disappeared under his backside, although he felt his whole body jump as he felt the thick head press against his opening.

Marcus took his hand off his cock and placed both his hands on the flamedramons soft blue asscheeks and held them steady as he presses his cockhead against those dripping pussy lips and pushed forward.

Blake felt his breath catch in his throat as he felt his lips get spread open far more then they ever had. He gripped the pillow as tightly as he could and clenched his eyes shut as he felt the thick head get pushed in.

But it felt so good...

Marcus let out a grunt as he felt his cockhead almost pop its way into the tight virgin pussy under him and he let out a low deep murr of pleasure as he felt the lips wrap around his head like a warm glove. Blake let out a loud squeaking cry as his pussy was forced open against the thick head, and his length throbbed heavily under him. Then he felt another inch get pushed in. He started to pant harder. Something was building up quickly and he couldn't hold it back. He arched his back and cried out as it hit him like a hammer to the head.

Blake saw stars as his whole body convulsed, a rush of pleasure that ran down his body and centered around his crotch. The stars in his eyes exploded into millions of lights as his length bobbed under him and spurted several small but thick bolts of seed onto the blankets below him. And then the lights burned into fire as he literally couldn't breath as he felt his vaginal lips contract around the huge cockhead lodged inside him and a gush of thick honeyed juice flowed around the lions cock.

Marcus looked down as he watched the flamedramons dual orgasm rock his slender body and a grin crept across his face. From the glazed look of pleasure on his boys face, it was most likely his first. He growled in pleasure as he felt that hot tight glove of a pussy squeeze itself around his cock as it drenched it in fresh hot juices.

"You really must have liked your masters big cock up your virgin pussy" he said as he held the quivering dramon down and pushed another inch into him, eliciting a moan and a gasp from his boy. The dramons vaginal juices coated his cock nicely and helped to lube him up even further. "Yeah, you liked it so much you shot without touching yourself" he said with a grunt as he pushed another inch in. "mmm, damn your tight boy."

Blake couldn't answer. But he could moan as he felt that huge cock push into places inside him that he never knew existed. He panted as he felt himself get spread open, barely listening to the lion above him as he found himself lost in a pleasure he didn't know existed.

"Please..don't stop" he moaned again as he felt another inch slide into him. Then he heard another grunt and felt a push against something inside him as he lion gripped his rump.

He panted and was jolted forward a bit as he felt the seriously lubed cock inside him try to push against something. He gasped again as he was pushed forward, his head almost knocking into the headboard of the bed. He felt like the huge cock was at its limit inside him. But it felt like the lion either didn't know or didn't care.

"M...master...please" he begged as he tried to tell him to stop, that he had filled him to the brink, but another jolting thrust said otherwise.

Blake let out a strangled cry as he suddenly felt the rest of the cock plough its way into him to the hilt. His stomach bulged out and Marcus let out a thick growl of pleasure as he broke the boys cherry and claimed his virginity for himself. Blake saw stars again and held his head down to catch his breath, and managed to get a look at his now thickly swollen abdomen.

"Oh fuck that feels good. Damn, you're so good and tight around my cock" Marcus said as he licked his lips. "Oh yeah boy...i'm going to fuck you good. I've taken your virginity and now I'm going to fuck you good and hard" he promised as he squeezed the boys rump cheeks. "Yeah, you're going to be a good sex toy when I'm done with you" he promised.

Blake was unable to argue back. He couldn't argue back as he felt that huge cock slide its way out of him. He arched his back and moaned loudly as he felt every inch slide out of him until just the thick head remained. Then he felt it get shoved back in which made him cry out.

He felt the thick hands move from his rump to his hips and hold him down as the lion started to do what he promised. He felt the cock slide out and then get shoved back in as he big lions hips bounced off his backside.

Blake held onto his pillow as best he could as he felt the thrusts start to pick up speed and he felt his body rock against the thrusting.

"Oh gods" he moaned out as he felts his own cock slap against his stomach, still rock hard and bouncing with each slapping thrust into him. He panted hard as he felt his body start to sweat as he was fucked.

Marcus was obviously enjoying himself as he held the dramon down and worked up a good steady rhythm. The slapping of his hips against the dramons rump and the rocking rhythm of the bed seemed in tune with the soft squeaks and the loud moans his boy was making. His own body started to sweat as he got into it, his shirt and shorts catching the sweat and growing darker in colour as his mane started to drip as the sweat built up.

He growled loudly as he moved his body over the smaller figure and pushed his cock deep in. Blake could have sworn the length went even deeper into him as he cried out, feeling the lions balls press against his own smaller set and felt his hips ram against his own.

The lions hips went from slapping to pounding against his backside, his buttcheeks almost rippled with every slam against him as he panted and squeaked and moaned loudly, his body rocking against every thrust.

The bed started to rock harder, loud thuds heard as it was slammed into the wall as the dramon was all but ravaged. The lions thick cock was sliding in almost effortlessly as Blakes hot pussy was stretched wide enough to take every inch. He was gasping and panting as he felt every inch of that thick log like cock explore every inch inside of him.

Marcus growled as he held the boy down under him, pushing him down into the blankets as he pushed and shoved his cock between the boys pussy lips. His cock throbbed with each thrust into him as he slammed his hips against his boy. It felt like he was fucking a tight glove that rippled around his cock with every thrust into him. He growled hard as he squeezed his boys hips and fucked his pussy.

Blake felt his orgasm start to build up again as his pussy was ravaged. His length was throbbing with each thrust and his pussy was tingling and throbbing as he felt it build up.

"M..master...i'm....oh....i'm..." he squeaked out as he tried to tell him, but with the mix of thrusting and banging and slapping and growling and fucking he either couldn't, or he wasn't heard. And if he was, the lion didn't care.

Marcus felt it as he saw the boy quiver and quaked as he felt those hot pussy lips contract around his length and grip it again as his cock thrusted into him and a spray of vaginal honey spurted out of the rapidly filling orifice. Each ramming thrust into him oozed out more juices and each slurping movement out just gave the boy more room to fill himself.

Blake saw stars and fire and lights again as his cock throbbed and spurted a second, but smaller load onto the sheets below him as he quivered and squeaked out, gripping the pillow so tightly he almost ripped it in half.

The gush of hot fluids around his cock made Marcus' cock throb like crazy and his thick balls contracted against his body as he pinned the dramon down into the sheets, muffling the boys squeaks as he thrusted in balls deep and emptied his load in.

Blake felt like someone had placed a small explosion inside him as he felt himself get filled by a sudden rush of what felt like molten lava. The stars returned into his eyes as he felt his abdomen swell from the huge cock and rush of seed that were planted deep inside of him.

Marcus held him down as he growled low, his thick muscled body dripping with sweat that dripped down onto the pinned figure under him as he breathed deeply to catch his breath. He murred to himself from the pleasure of a good release and held himself there as he felt himself start to soften.

Slowly, he pulled out. He looked down as he saw his thick length exit the fucked pussy and a large slosh of seed and honey juice spilt out as Blakes lips slowly sealed themselves closed.

"Mmm, that was a good fuck boy" Marcus said as he moved himself backward and got off the bed. He zipped himself back and up and tucked himself down to make himself look more presentable. He removed his glasses and wiped them on his shirt, before he realised that Blake hadn't responded.

"Boy?" he said as he put his glasses back on and looked down at the bed. Then he smiled to himself.

Blake was lying on his stomach completely out of it. His legs were spread and his tail lifted to the side, his butt on perfect display with a thick wet patch under his puffy red pussy lips. Sweat covered his body and his eyes were closed. He had been fucked unconscious.

"No staying power" Marcus said to himself as he reached over and gently ran a finger over Blakes face and wiped some of his hair out of his eyes. He looked so cute, freshly fucked and left in a puddle of his own juices. He smiled and he gripped the bedsheets and pulled them out from under his boy. Blake didn't move, didn't even make a sound from being moved as he was so out of it. His body was completely deadweight as the sheets were dragged out from under him. Marcus then placed the blankets over his boy.

He made sure Blake was comfortable before he let him alone. He left the room and went about his own business. He decided to head to his private gym and have his usual workout. And then maybe have another go at his boy. This time in another hole.

And Blake slept on. Both mentally and physically exhausted, he dreamt no dreams. His sleep was deep and refreshing, giving his freshly de-virginised body a chance to refresh itself.

A soft smile was barely visibly on his face as he slept peacefully under the juice soaked blankets. Soon, his master would return. And when he did, Blake would not cry this time.

Unless it hurt.

Grand Fur Auto - Payback is a bitch

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The Dragon and his Daddy

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Joining the Fighters Guild

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