From the Head Down - P3

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#4 of From the Head Down

Elsewhere in the palace, the only two beings that seem to have a real sense of love for one another are feeling put under pressure...

Three: The Only Love

"You know its annoying... bad enough I'm the only midwife attending the entire harem but also the court officials. How is it going to be when I have every one of them about to burst? I guess we'll all have to do it in the pool!" With the emperor's words as law, it was impossible to complain about them and yet someone needed to say something at the least! Complaining about being overworked even more than she already was, came as nothing new for Shula to hear, but she really wished that she could speak her mind about it! Indeed, the problem was that outside of her little room in the servant's quarters and outside the old handmaidens that were long dried up and kept because they knew all the old routines, she couldn't say anything outside of the room!

The sand gazelle was saddened as she looked towards the old ewes in the room that were quick to nod their heads in agreement, but only about how many they would deal with. They were bowing their heads as they insisted that they would be there to help Shula if she requested their attention and yet she shook her head at them, rubbing her temples in dismay as she sat back down onto the chair and stroked back her horns with a soft sigh. The ewes looked to one another, not sure how they could assist the doe before they turned towards the doorway and noticed a very handsome figure was standing in the doorway, hand to the sword on his belt to stop himself making too much noise as they cooed at him.

"Prince Koray... is there something we can do to assist you? Its quite late... has something happened that you need us to react to?" They bleated in excitement at the handsome scimitar horned oryx who was looking towards them thoughtfully and he smiled at them as he stepped into their kitchen. Shula lifted her delicate head, giving a soft chuckle of amusement as she looked up to him and then stood up, bowing her head to him affectionately as Koray bobbed his head back to them before he gave a soft chuckle.

"Its not for anything important... I just needed to talk to Shula about the current situation... know if there's anything she'll be needing in future." Koray stated, lounging alongside the door and looking affectionately towards them all. Koray was actually the adopted son of the emperor, the son of his most beloved friend and general, whose wife had perished in birth and whom the dowager empress had suckled herself. He had been officially adopted upon his father's death when he was still very young and the emperor had treated him as a little brother, titled him prince but his job was to keep the harmony in the harem and make sure the ladies were all happy. He was harmless to them, adored and the only one with so much owed loyalty to the emperor that he could trust the buck would never turn against him.

Shula stood up for him, bowing her head in thanks and then stepping away towards her friend with a charming smile before beckoning him to follow. He stepped aside, letting her through before then bowing to the other ladies as they swooned. He stepped to Shula's side and together, they paced calmly down the servant's quarters towards the one at the very end, which held a special lift outside it that looked like a cage and took her to harem quarters whenever needed. Shula and Koray passed many of the eunuchs and butlers passing through, bringing in items and preparing fresh linen, shaving implements and things that said that the emperor's particular quirks and desires would be dealt with as Koray watched but both remained silent until they reached her quarters.

"Come in, I'll give you a list and tell you exactly why for each..." Shula stated, saying it aloud so that the eunuch to pass by heard what they were up to and made no question over. She unlocked the door, bowed and let him step in before she stepped in after him, grasping the door and closing it shut. No sooner had she put the key inside, then Koray had wrapped an arm about her waist and spun her around and to his chest. He brought her close and she lifted her hooves up, stretching them against his chest as he looked down at her with a desperate look of affection and she quivered within his embrace as he looked down at her desperately. "Koray... what on earth is the emperor doing?"

"I don't know... but I knew I had to see you as soon as possible... you may be at risk in all of this and... I couldn't stand the thought of anyone hurting you." Koray stated, the oryx spoke in a strange manner, almost as if he was not even speaking the whole truth and it scared her. Shula was not sure if he was talking about the duty she performed and the risk it put on her as most likely they'd all birth at the same time, Shula was almost worried he might mean something else. She brought her delicate white muzzle up to his darker one as he heaved a sigh and whimpered up at him.

"Do you mean your brother?" Only around Koray, in this private area, could she dare to call him brother and not refer to the emperor. If they had said any of these words outside her room, she might have been killed and he might have been castrated. She stared at him, her big golden eyes shimmering in her anxiety before he brought his muzzle to hers in a soft, gently kiss before she bent her head forward onto his chest with a grimace. "You do... don't you?"

"I don't know how far this will go... if a good portion of the harem are visibly pregnant by the end of the year, we'll be safe and yet... I can't trust him now that its obvious he's going insane! I mean... breeding his own granddaughter and daughters?" Koray stated; it had not happened just yet but it seemed it would occur within the next few days. In fact, the harem's eunuchs were already starting to realise that they were going to have to prepare every room, have every set of legs spread and waiting as they would have to carry him from room to room. Shula was scared and she shook her head, lowering it in disbelief as she muttered in fury.

"If he breeds his own relatives... we could have trouble... it was bad enough when that one was born!" Shula stated, her eyes wide with fear as a familiar scene came to mind. It had been her first time visiting the harem to witness how to perform midwifery around the imperial females. It had been a good twenty odd years ago and she'd been so young, so fearful when she'd been brought to that female and heard her sobbing in her agony as she gave birth. As she had helped deliver the kid, it had been clear that one eye was blue and weird compared to the golden-brown one, then they'd seen the horn buds, on the blue eye side on was already weirdly twisted and it had been an ill omen! "When his mother was dying after birth, she revealed to us that she'd kept a secret from the harem, she was the cousin of the emperor... just from producing that creature, I don't want to see another one."

"I'm terrified too... I don't want to have another maniac running around being violent without anyone keeping them in check. Shula... I know this is not the kind of time to talk about it, but I'm convinced that these ten years waiting are going to go to waste." Koray stated, but he knew he was stepping on nervous ground, especially because it was clear that Shula might hate him for what he was going to suggest to him. She looked up at him with a nervous expression, her eyes wide in anxiety and it was clear she did not want him to finish his sentence, but Koray had no choice as he rubbed her shoulders gently and then kissed her lips. "Shula... if I don't claim you... there's the possibility my brother will..."

"No... I wanted to wait until we could marry. Maybe... if I do a good job in this situation, your brother will grant me a favour and we will marry! I don't want us to keep taking away our frustrations in these seedy circumstances... I want that first time we truly connect to be pure and beautiful..."

"...Shula..." Koray growled, though it was not even aggressively, he knew that the situation was not as stable as it had been before. His chance of favour may be lost at any time with the emperor's shifting mood and it was far more likely that she was going to get raped by his brother in that desperation to have more heirs. He did not understand it either, as far as he knew his brother had enough sons that it would be suitable, especially as they'd all kill each other for the position in the first place! The only reason might be because he was going to divide up the empire like the older families that had moved into the region from the wilderness and yet... he didn't have time to ponder over it. "Shula... we'll have to consider it carefully soon, I will try to talk to my brother soon, after he's had his moment."

They kissed again and then gently Koray pulled away from her, he turned about to grab the door, about to leave and say good day now they'd spoken their concerns. He knew that she would be more alert now and perhaps think about the situation, but he did not want to bully her into this position. All he knew was that if his brother chose her, the only way to escape would be killing herself... even if they married he still might assert his dominance.

No one could predict the emperor right now....

"Koray... wait..." Shula pleaded, suddenly looking coy and a little flustered as she stepped over to the bunk with thin sheets that was her bed. She sat herself down there, grasping her pillow and bringing it up to her face. She was hiding behind it, mumbling nervously and Koray's body tingled in delight. Just knowing the cues was making his cock throb and swell and he stepped back over to her side. He sat and stroked her face, her shoulder and then down to her thigh, looking down into her eyes lovingly as she opened her mouth with a nervous muttering motion. "...I want... I want..."

"You never have to ask, you can take anything from me Shula... command me... I'd do anything in my power for you." Koray almost purred to her, smiling lovingly at her, kissing her lips again with his own as he brought his hooves forward. Gently, he grasped the bottom of her dress and steered it upwards as her tail was wiggling about in excitement as he pulled it free from her. She then took the pillow and lay it behind her, lying back against it as he removed her underwear too, making her shiver in pleasure. Her hooves delicately lifted up to cover her bared and beautiful small breasts to the world, her little pink nipples straining out cutely as he looked down at her. He then shifted his jerkin off and then lounged over her.

He wrapped his arms around her body, pulling their soft, pale chests against one another as they sighed, kissed, licked and nibbled at each other's flesh. Their motions were cute, sweet and gentle as they both sighed and moaned to the touch of one another. Both of them wished their motions could be firmer, that they could mark each other with their kisses and yet, it would be dangerous if anything was ever shown to the world of their love. They sighed as they pressed their heads together, letting their different horns rub against one another, the motion rattling and vibrating down to their heads, making them both shudder as if it were pleasurable. Then Koray slid downwards, lounging against her chest and bringing one of her nipples to his white lips. He pressed them around it, tugging softly and tapping slightly with his teeth to make her hiss. He then began to suck playfully on the pretty pink nipple that strained and stretched against his motions before he brought his hoof around to grasp at the other nipple gently.

Shula sighed and shivered, moaning and rolling her hips underneath him, feeling that strange damp fizz in the back of her throat that made her hungry for more of his touch as Koray groaned out in his pleasure. He sucked and pressed his lips about it, his hooves pinching the other and almost pumping it into her soft flesh. She sighed and panted happily, their tails both flickering with their excitement as he could feel his erection throbbing firmly, but he then released her nipples and started to kiss down her belly. He kissed down softly, smiling in pleasure to be able to touch her body as her chest was rising, her wet glistening nipples shining from his touch as he then licked at her belly button teasingly as she gave a little giggling sound, before he then moved down lower.

Koray knew that he needed to warm Shula up before he could just go ahead and enjoy himself with her, otherwise she would get sore when he touched her other lips. Knowing that touching her breasts and even licking her belly button made her wet, pleased Koray and it was a secret he hoped that no one else would ever learn about her. Now, with her body ready, he swung his position around to kneel beside her shoulders and lounged his head between her thighs. She gave a sharp intake of anticipation, her body tingling and rippling with Goosebumps in delight at the idea he would touch her as his muzzle dropped to her soft lips.

They were already coated in a sticky dew to say that she was ready for him as he kissed them gently with his muzzle and then licked their glaze away. He felt her hips buckle beneath him, heard the sudden sucking n of her gut as she moaned to feel his breath against her private place. Koray grinned to feel it, bringing his lips down to press his very dextrous tongue between and to the bead that was slightly swelling within. His tongue moved fast, flickering cutely over the little pink nose within that began to swell and strain out. Each fast flick and touch made her voice catch and her hips buck up at him again. He grinned at her taste, familiar and still so sweet for knowing that it belonged to him and him alone!

He then moved his head lower down, kissing the lips with his own, pressing down so they stretched open a little more as he then brought his muzzle lover down. His tongue flickered and slurped into the wet, glistening pink pussy within that was swelling and reddening under his touch. He lounged his head against her thigh, his tongue slurping in and out of the lips, flicking playfully around her as he felt her hips roll and relax out. It was clear that she was starting to relax more and more against his motions before she gave a desperate sound.

"Yes... I know... you don't have to ask, my darling." Koray cooed out to her, his muzzle wet and sticky, his tongue dripping drool as he felt her hooves lift and grasp at his maroon trousers. He waited for her to start, feeling her pull the fabric down to reveal his long leonine tail that flicked to the side gently before his great hefty balls with their darker shaded sac before down between his taut and tight buttocks... his shaft. Koray beamed as he felt her hooves slip between to grasp the already straining, long and thick pink cock that she grasped and then gently steered between his legs.

It was always the most anxious moment, fearing she might just tug him or pinch him painfully, but he loved the way she would stroke at him so gently. Her warm, neat hooves would stroke and tease against his throbbing form as she held it, stroked it, gently making sure not to graze it with her hoof so that she never hurt him. He sighed and moaned softly, his form growing a little more within her touch as the smell of his form tickled her nose and made her mouth water. She sighed and moaned softly, straining it back to face her and straining her neck towards it, her tongue out as she slurped and lapped at him lovingly. She moaned at his familiar taste, her pussy quivering to produce more honey as Koray gave a soft sigh of pleasure.

"It's so hot and big... its so perfect..." Shula moaned softly as she slowly slurped and licked up and down his form. She loved it, that addictive sensation as she slurped and slapped him with her long tongue, curling it around his form and feeling the drool pool in her jaw. She was hungry for it, her belly bouncing and knotting and her insides feeling like they were oozing heat. The more they relied on this as their most intimate kind of connection, the more addictive it was and the more pleasure building from it. She knew it would not be long before doing this was not enough for them both and it bothered her that there could be a chance that she'd give in and be sullied. She wanted marriage so much, to be secure with him because she knew... as much as he was afraid of her getting hurt, his risk of being killed by the maddening emperor was building more and more.

But as Koray brought his lips back to her, licking with slower, more steadied motions, dipping into the soggy opening and scooping out her precious honey, Shula moaned out loud! It was almost too loud as Koray pulled his head back, only to nearly bray in surprise by her reaction. Shula had enjoyed that sudden penetrating motion so much she'd pulled him to her mouth and opened wide. She'd taken inside the damp cave, her lips squeezing tightly around her, the form being pulled and sucked inwards as Koray's tail coiled upward against his rump and he was clearly enjoying it.

Koray brought his head back down to lick into her more, stuffing his tongue in deep, wiggling and stroking around carefully. He panted over her groin, the skin warming her and making her hips rock again. She sucked in deeply on his shaft, drool dripping from her lips as she snorted out of his nostrils. She sucked in deeply on him, pulling him in so deep he was throbbing and swelling within her jaw and it almost felt painful. He groaned in pleasure as he continued to lick and slurp at her.

Together, the pair were slurping and sucking at each other heavily, the precum almost choking her as Shula swallowed heavily and Koray drooling and slurping to get the honey from her insides into his throat. He could feel her insides squeezing around his tongue, the bubble of pressure within her ready to make her blow and he wrapped his arms around her thighs, pulling her upward more. He groaned and gargled his precum down in a gulp as she continued to suck and he continued to groan. His tail was wiggling, he wanted to thrust but he would only hurt her... the painful but beautiful build up of cum within him travelling down ready to blow.

They both groaned and moaned desperately, the pair were about to blow when there was a sudden knock at the door and they both froze! There was a soft female voice calling for Koray, insisting he had been requested by his brother and the pair still remained motionless. He was feeling his thickness ebbing, her insides getting drier with her agony and he pulled his head up. There was only one thing he could say as he called out with a wet sounding voice.

"Yes... I was about to leave..." Koray wanted to bark at her to piss off, but when she insisted she'd wait, Koray grit his teeth and growled. Shula pulled his form from her throat, letting him drip onto her and she tried not to growl in irritation as he gently stepped off her and pulled his clothes back on. He did not care if he would look scrapy, whenever someone interrupted them, no matter ow excited he got it always died... it had to die... erections often got chopped off in the harem! "I'll talk to you soon, keep safe."

"I will..." Shula stated, pulling her blanket over herself and curling up as he unlocked the door, stepping out and closed it behind him, the servant leading him away and leave Shula alone. She laughed to herself as she considered his previous proposal... how could they even have sex when they were always blocked like this?