Scarlet Eyes in Shadow [CM]

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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#28 of Short Story Commissions

After being sent on a mission from his homeland, Shaenarys is tasked with infiltrating the mind of a Queen in a nearby kingdom to figure out their next moves for the war and perhaps some leverage to use against them. Little did he know that they were expecting him and before he knows it, the terrifying and beautiful dragoness Cynder pins him down, an enemy assassin much like him, showing that he won't be escaping without a price.

This is a commission for Shaenarys! Thank you so much darling for the commission, you're super awesome and this was a ton of fun to work on! Mind reading and such isn't something I've written a lot about so it was great to think about how it'd all work.

The wonderful art above was drawn by the talented Amy-Past! The art has been a while in the making and we're all very happy to see how it turned out! Also, go check her out! She deserves a lot more love and attention!

Link to Shaenarys's FA:

Link to Amy-Past's FA:

Hope you all enjoy it and tell me what you think below!

As the moon rose high above the stone brick walls in the city, a large crowd began to gather before a large stage, soft mutterings passing between the humans and anthros alike as they spoke about what was to come. The soft chirping of crickets nearby in the fields outside the town filled the background as a wooden cart rolled by, delivering supplies for the market. It seemed people from all over were gathering for what the Queen had to say, but even in moments like these, it seemed the war between kingdoms still loomed on the horizon, waiting for the moment to strike.

Like a shadow in the night, an assassin stood watching the commotion, black smoke-like magic slipping through the cracks of his scales, diffusing to shield himself from view. His amber eyes flared with fire as he remained vigilant, staring from a side alley nearby the stage behind a fenced-off gate, knowing that if he was seen he would be able to flee much easier with such a barrier in the way for others to get to him. Still, he had no reason to alert anyone. All he had to do was wait, to be patient, for the Queen to arrive so he could infiltrate her mind. He let out a soft hum, glancing down at his claws as he flexed them, part of him wanting to kill a dragon as he was typically sent out on missions to do, but this time he'd have to hold back. 'Besides, I should practice this new ability a little more. I should be fine, but still...'

He scanned the villagers of the town, noticing a man holding a cigarette at the back of the pack, leaning against a wooden pole to a building. Closing his eyes, Shaenarys focused his mind on the voices and thoughts around him, trying to drain his own thoughts away so he could find the individual in the crowd he was looking for. He remembered how overwhelming it had been his first time using the power, all those different thoughts from so many people seeming to break his concentration, making any connection nearly impossible. But as time went on, after enough practice, he found himself able to tune out most of the sounds. Using the trick his teacher had taught him, he focused on the collective group before him, taking all those strings of thoughts before placing them each into their own little raindrop in his mind. Visualizing this, he then took a deep breath, imagining all those drops hitting the ground, pitter-pattering into the back of his mind, making it easier to sift through them as they became simply noise in the background.

It didn't take long to find the stranger who was smoking, opening his eyes to glare directly at him, finding a connection inside not long after as his focus grew true. Luckily for him, if he was careful, he would be able to search his mind without being noticed, but even if he was noticed he doubted the man would even know what was happening. Sure, commoners knew of magic, but mind-reading was not a common trait people learned of, so there was only a slim chance he'd accidentally try to read the mind of someone who knew how to detect it. Still, as he gathered himself and surrounded himself in the man's thoughts, the scruff masculine voice in his head, he found himself only in the outer circle of his brain, feeling the first mental wall preventing him from going further.

He could remember the words of his mentor as he felt the tension before him in the human's mind, 'You will run across many barriers in one's inner thoughts. The hardest part of breaking in is to delve further into those harder-to-reach places without being detected. How do you think you could get through without shattering the barrier completely?' Shae closed his eyes again, remembering the thought pattern he'd been practicing with over the last few weeks, letting out a mental fire breath on that wall to try and soothe the surface. Then, with slow pawsteps, he pressed forward, the barrier seeming to almost melt like metal into a molten liquid, allowing him entry as he calmly took one step at a time past it. He did find some more hidden thoughts in the second layer, chuckling at how the stranger was thinking about what one of the women in the crowd would look like naked as Shae approached the second wall.

'This is where things really get hard...' There were three walls, but behind the second usually held most of the secrets of oneself, meaning it would be much harder to get through. The trick here was to try and speak his own thoughts into the receiver's mind, to try talking to them as one would talk to themselves, to persuade them to think of the past to make a crack big enough in the mental wall for him to slip past. It could sometimes take a while, but if he could turn things into his favor and listen to the thoughts, perhaps he could find a way. 'Still, why hasn't he told us how to get into the third wall?' He knew there was one more barrier after this, the inner sanctum where the darkest secrets of a being were held, but no matter what he tried he couldn't find a way in, and for some reason, the teacher refused to teach them that. 'Maybe it's something you learn only once you've mastered everything else? It shouldn't matter though, he said I would only need to get into the Queen's second layer to find some hints as to the plans for her army.'

Taking a few deep breaths, he focused on pulling out, simply like reeling in a fish, taking it slow while making sure not to trip over any thoughts or accidentally input his own as he exited. He remembered hearing that people who were skilled in fighting off mind-reading could conjure barriers to prevent the spy from escaping, but in common folk, he shouldn't ever have to worry about running across something like that. Surely enough he was out of the man's head before he knew it, letting out a sigh as he opened his eyes and blinked, the fire within calming for a moment as his black pupil became visible, talking to himself in a hushed tone. "Okay, I got this. Just get in, find what you can get, and get out..."

It seemed like he had planned his exit perfectly as not a moment after an anthro wolf in formal attire announced that the Queen would be on the stage momentarily, presenting his speech to the crowd to stall time for her. Shae flexed his talons again, tail swaying softly with his furred ears pulled back, his fangs seeming eager to dig into that precious mind of hers to get what he needed and perhaps maybe even something fun for himself while he was in there.

After waiting for a moment, a wave from someone else backstage that she was ready, he finished up his words and turned to welcome her, stepping back for her as she stepped into the moonlight. Her snow-white scales gleamed marvelously as she stepped out into view, her ice-blue eyes resting just beneath a silver ornate crown around her horns, swirling over one another like vines with red and purple jeweled flowers cresting the top. Her body was adorned in jewelry, a silver necklace in the shape of a leaf laying against her chest plates, the light-blue underbelly complimenting her perfectly. It was only as she reached the center of the stage that she spread her feral wings, splaying them out, displaying on them the cosmos swirling throughout. It was like a rainbow of faint colors, like the reflection of the sun against the sea, casting an array of lights from the moon onto the delicate membranes of her wings, giving her her name: Dazzle.

She raised her head after lowering her wings, a mic on the center stage to catch her voice as a few bodyguards stood watching around the feet of the platform on either side, keeping an eye out. Luckily for him, they weren't looking his way, but with his cloak of magic around him, he doubted he'd be spotted. He only caught the start of her conversation before he quickly went to work, calming himself for just a moment before staring intently into her mind as he began his intrusion.

He immediately felt a slight interference with even entering the mind but it was to be expected from someone as noble as her to be informed about such tactics. Still, with enough patience and practice, he began maneuvering around the subtle alarms that he may trigger if he was forceful to get into her mind, acting like a snake as he twisted around them until he reached the first layer. He paused for a moment to make sure he hadn't been detected, breathing softly as he then took a look at some of her thoughts. The first thing he heard from her was her complaining about having to deliver this message herself, wishing she could be back in her palace relaxing in a bath of soaps. He also noticed how she thought of the king, more of a constant longing he could almost feel she was holding onto, a yearning that she was trying to ignore as she went about her speech.

After poking around for just a moment, he reminded himself to keep going, knowing he would only have so long until the announcement would be over and his chance would be gone. He slowly turned, taking a step towards the second barrier, but after only a moment a strong presence seemed to cover it, causing him to stand still as he realized what those wisps were. 'Protection Spells. Someone's... guarding her mind... right now. Could they know I was coming? No...' He remembered hearing about the spells one could use to stop others from intruding unnoticed, but most of these would have to be focused on entirely to completely prevent one from breaking in. So, if someone was casting this on her now to stop him then...

He only had a moment of panic to realize something was wrong before something hard crashed into his side, knocking him off his paws with a large thud. He let out a grunt, trying to remain quiet as he attempted to recover himself. He had to pull out of the Queen's mind quickly before she realized something was wrong and trapped him inside, being a little careless as he withdrew before finally snapping his eyes open, the face of a black dragon glaring down at him. He could immediately feel the claws wrapped around his neck, pinning him on his back against the cold stone floor, another paw quickly clenching over his snout to keep him silent as they held him down. Noticing she was a little dazed from the crash, he took the moment to sweep his tail from under her legs, knocking her off balance for a moment as he tried scrambling away, attempting to open his wings as he got to his paws. But before he could turn away and start his escape, a loud and horrifying scream hit him in the face like a train.

He could feel his scales crawling, eyes widening as his heart dropped and began racing as the mysterious stranger before him stared him down. Their eyes were a bright red, seething with rage as her maw parted to jet out thrumming wails directly at him. He could see red tendrils forming around her from her body, her face shifting into something from nightmares, shrinking back at the sight of her as he stumbled over his own paws before falling back once more in fear. She smiled at his reaction before giving a huff, the mirage around her slowly fading as she pounced on him once more in the back alley, away from view, this time placing a hind paw on his tail while gripping him much the same as before, pinning him forcefully. He let out a pained gasp at those sharp talons digging into him slightly, those red eyes slowly fading into a blue and green hue, narrowed down at him with her jaw drawn back to reveal her teeth. It was only then as he recognized her markings and the power she'd used on him that he stopped breathing for a moment, realizing just how bad he'd fucked up. 'Cynder!'

Despite the precarious situation he was in, it seemed his body had other intentions, the member within his slit pressing outwards at the sight of the Terror of The Skies, her beautiful and elegant body pressing him down. He growled at himself, glancing back up to her as she leaned her head down to growl right back at him, "I thought I smelled a snake lurking in the shadows. You really think you could just sneak in here and get to the Queen unnoticed?" She hissed down at him, baring her sharp.

After he recovered himself from the elemental attack, Shae managed to chuckle, looking her up and down, "I didn't think she'd send her plaything to do her dirty work. But I will say I didn't expect that plaything to be Cynder of all dragons."

Within only a second her tail whipped around, the blade smacking him on the side of his face, causing him to gasp. She then raised the dagger before his eyes, sneering, "Well, aren't you full of yourself. Don't you dare call me a plaything! I'm here to protect her from spies like you! Now, you better answer my questions or I'll find other ways to make you talk." She turned the knife on the end of her tail, pressing it against the soft under scales of his neck, causing him to feel another spike of fear before calming himself as he had been in situations like this before. "Tell me: Why are you here and what do you want with the Queen?"

He smirked back at her, feeling a little dazed from the hit, "I'm here to get answers, just like you are with me. It doesn't involve you, so I suggest you stay out of it." She gave a laugh of her own, looking down at him with amusement. He had never been this close to her before, but even while all this was going on, he couldn't deny how slender and feminine she looked, her frame bent over on him. Perhaps in another situation, things could be different... 'No, stop it. God, why didn't I just get off before I left?' He'd been trying to focus on work the last few days so much in preparation for the mission that the whole idea of pleasuring himself had slipped his mind. But now, pinned beneath her, his body called out, his masculine aroma starting to fill the air as his rod lengthed higher.

"You little prick..." She snarled, bringing her blade up to his chin to raise it, pressing harder on the base of his tail with her back paw, smiling at his grunt of pain, "Listen, I'm not afraid to kill you, but I think you may be worth more to us alive. So you can either tell me what you've been sent to find or..." She then used the tip of her tail to press up under a chest plate, causing him to sharply inhale as that metal end pressed against the soft flesh beneath ever so softly, "I can force it out of you." To much of his dismay, as he thought about how to respond, the two of them clearly intent on keeping their information to themselves, the prod of something between them caused Cynder's gaze to shift unexpectedly under them. He couldn't look as his head was still forced up, not wanting to push the dagger into himself, but he could instantly realize she was staring at his cock now in full view, cursing in his mind at how humiliating this was.

She chuckled, "Really? Are you fucking serious?" She snorted, feeling a waft of her hot breath against it as she glanced at it, causing him to shiver as he tried shaking his body to get her off. She held him firm though, twisting the dagger in against his neck, "No, stay still. You aren't going anywhere." She seemed to ponder over it for a moment, the black and red dragon pissed at himself as she spoke aloud, "Hmm..." The moment of silence between them seemed to linger even longer, the sound of the Queen's voice down the alleyways continuing her speech nearby reaching them as he waited in silence.

It was then that something seemed to change about her, the once deadly tail blade pulling out, her sharp claws still holding his neck firm against the ground as she allowed him to look back at her. When he looked down, her venom-like eyes bore back into his, a soft glint in them along with a sly smirk she wore, the markings under her pupils accentuating her beauty. She then moved the dagger slowly down his chest, "You know, it's really pathetic that a trained assassin like you was bested so easily by a female, but I guess you're really just that useless. You're even aroused by this?!" Her degrading words seemed to fuel his flame partially, feeling a surge of need between his haunches as he tried to ignore her while at the same time unable to look away from her body as her tail ventured further, "I was planning on peeling off each scale until you talked... But I'll be honest... I think it would be more humiliating to watch you squirm as your own desires give away the information for me."

"Don't you fucking dare..." He glowered at her, watching that tail near his penis as a small glob of pre had already formed on the tip. He then got a whiff of her own excitement, catching her devious glare as her scent filled his senses before trying to shake it away, growling once more in annoyance.

"Go ahead and try to stop me then. I dare you." She challenged him, tightening those talons on his neck, waiting for a moment as she relished in how he lay there helplessly, giving a soft purr, "I can't believe they chose you to be an assassin. I can't imagine knowing how they'll react when they hear that you failed your mission because a dragoness pinned and bred you." Before he could say anything, he let out a soft groan at the tail curling around his long and slender prehensile member, thankful she kept her tail blade away from the sensitive skin as she teased him, a swirling passion starting below him as he growled in anger. She returned the noises, keeping him steady as she tested his reactions, giving a tough squeeze and a long stroke. He winced, trying not to give anything away, but seeing the black dragoness above him, Cynder herself, holding his shaft... It made it hard to think.

Just as she did this, he began to feel something else shifting in his mind, at first trying to latch on to the thought, but when she turned her gaze to his, focusing on something, he realized what she was doing. "Fuck, stop it!" He cussed, detecting that she was entering his mind. Still, even with someone trained like him, it was hard to focus on her. Her presence felt out of place, like a stray thought lingering among the others, and despite how much he could focus on defending the second wall inside, he couldn't stop her from wandering around the first layer she was already in, left to close his eyes and fight off the bliss he received from each occasional stroke.

"Ha, you really are pent up, huh?" She teased, listening to his inward feelings before uncurling her tail and giving a soft rub on the underside of his dick, that tapered member pulsing, sending a splash of color into his thoughts. "Ah, you like that do you? You like feeling helpless?" He bit back his words but even then he could feel the markings on his snout begin to glow pink, signaling his arousal and heat as he found himself unable to hide anything from her. She seemed to sift through his mind, not caring to spare him any privacy as he looked down at her tail, his body tensing with another rush of pleasure as she gave another rub. He could feel her pressing against the barrier in his mind after a moment though, noticing how she attempted to slowly ease her way inside. Luckily for him though, his mentor had taught him well, hardening the wall to prevent her from pressing through, feeling her tighten the grip around his neck as she let out a frustrated huff.

"Alright. So you're not as useless as I thought. Fine then..." She seemed to pause, hesitating as she looked between her legs, Shae noticing how she seemed to angle his cock with her tail, confused at what she was doing for a moment before moaning softly as she brought her pussy closer, clearly wet with arousal as well as she seemed to enjoy degrading him. She spoke up as her hips lowered, bringing her snout against his ear, the hot breath wafting against it as she taunted him, "If you're so aroused by me, then why don't we try and use your little fetish against you, hmm?"

He tried to deny himself any sort of enjoyment, but when he felt those soft, velvety lips pressing over his tapered tip, the markings on his face lit up brighter, closing his eyes in humiliation as he relished in the softness of her cunt, feeling her rub over it. She then lowered herself, pressing his member against his belly scales, rubbing over the underside as she grinded, causing him to lose focus on her inside his brain for a moment. He blinked, trying to keep that inner wall from letting her through, feeling her slowly massaging him to ease him into a state of security and bliss as her vagina kept his lower side pinned down to the ground. He could feel the warmth and wetness coating his crotch, her scent mingling with his own as the two assassins fought for dominance.

After a moment though, even focusing as he was with what little training he got on how to defend himself against mind reader, he eventually faltered, not even realizing he'd done so as he moaned out in need before trying to focus once more on the wall only to feel her presence gone at that point, a new thought lingering deeper within. It felt wrong to notice something in his deeper and personal thoughts, the intruder feeling even more unwelcome as he felt an almost fearful and primal urge rising within him as the out-of-place thread in his strings of memories began weaving through the others.

Cynder then spoke up, whispering in his ear as her once-dominant hold began to lessen, her tail angling his shaft up once more towards her pussy as she spoke, "Oh really... You've had fantasies of me before? Aww, and with me dominating you as well? Isn't that just cute of you? Such a strong and dominant drake secretly wanting to be put in his place by me?" She then leaned in closer, feeling her tongue flick over his ear as she descended over his tip, those folds encapsulating him, holding him tightly as they coated him with her juices, "Let's see what you've been hiding in that mind of yours.~"

It was then that she finally pressed down over his length, her wet and soft canal hugging his tip and shaft as she descended, enveloping his member in warmth as she let out a soft moan of her own. She then leaned down, moving her claws out of the way to replace them with her jaws on his neck, giving another loud growl to assert her dominance. Shae let out a whimper at the bite, trying to hold on and focus on what she was doing to his brain, but as the bliss between his haunches grew higher and she hilted fully onto his entire length, the two crotches touching, he shivered hotly, feeling himself losing control. He could feel himself pressing at her cervix, letting out a hot huff as she began slowly thrusting up and down on top of him.

She then spread her wings, holding him firmly as she used him as a toy for her own enjoyment, humping back and forth as her juices coated his cock, keeping him lubricated with her own arousal. She then gave a chuckle, marveling at the sight of the very assassin who just a moment ago acted so tough and prideful, now giving soft grunts of his own as he fell into his lustful desires. It was impossible to ignore the strokes her sleeve gave him, rubbing against the underside of his member up to the tip, drawing a glob of pre as he felt the much-needed orgasm he'd been secretly craving the last few days to rise up within him. "Fuck..." He breathed, eyes rolling in the back of his head for a moment as he tried to regain focus, feeling the prods within his head as she attempted to break through the third wall, twirling memories through her claws to use them as a key. He could almost picture each blissful rush of ecstasy through him softening the once impenetrable wall, turning more into a liquid than a solid as she slowly began slipping through his defenses.

She huffed onto his neck, her teeth pressing into his scales enough to make a mark but not quite as hard to puncture the armor, leaving a warning bite as she had her way. He could hear the soft plaps of their bodies smacking wetly against one another, filling the alleyway with lewd noises as he lay on the cold stone below them, left to gaze at the stars above. He felt his body slowly giving in to his primal urges, tail tip flicking back and forth as each surge inside him made him try to fuck back at her, paying little attention to the feelings in his mind as the lustful drake within took hold. Still, not wanting to anger her, he laid there and let her set the pace, the scales on his snout still glowing pink at knowing this was really Cynder, the one he'd heard stories of, riding him with no remorse. He could feel how experienced she was, clenching just right as she pushed down onto his, kissing her womb before pulling to the tip with a deep suction.

He took in a big whiff of her feminine aroma, finding himself growing drunk on it as every pulse through his cock began to grow higher and more intense, his orgasm growing closer. He numbly noticed the barrier in his mind allowing entry for the black dragoness, feeling a small movement in his thoughts as she searched through some of his deepest memories. He couldn't focus on it though, now telling himself to just cum as quickly as possible so he could go back to fighting her off. He closed his eyes, relishing in every swirl in his draconic slit, clenching his thighs around her waist as she made love to him. He could feel some of her saliva dripping down his neck as she held the bite, clit rubbing against his belly as she pressed down.

Just as those lips began clenching tighter, hearing Cynder give a soft moan of her own as he suspected she was drawing closer, she suddenly paused, hilting him once more, his arousal so high as he found himself teetering on the edge. He let out a moan, "Hnnfff...~" Not putting himself down so much to beg her despite how much he needed it. To his dismay, she seemed to lose interest in it at this point, lifting her maw to replace it with her claws once more. In a flash she then suddenly whipped her tail back around, holding it dangerously close to his neck as she hissed at him.

"I appreciate the pleasure, but I got what I want and now-" Just as she was finishing her sentence she seemed to break off, her attention shifting to something else. He could feel her pressing into a sensitive zone in his memories, caught up in whatever she was seeing, finding himself unable to understand what she was looking at as if his own mind was blocking off something to him. He could feel the grip on his neck loosening for a moment as she discovered the thought, seemingly dazed before quickly holding him tight once more. She then shook her head, withdrawing from his mind quickly before he could set up any defenses in his still heated state. He gave a growl, trying to block her, but at that point she had already pulled out, feeling a cold sensation pass over his form as she then gave a pant before speaking, "Really? That's peculiar..."

Shae gave a shake of his head, holding back a moan as the strokes from her vagina continued teasing him, keeping him close to that edge. "What... What do you mean? What did you do?"

She didn't directly answer him, giving a purposeful clench over his rod before slowly and agonizingly pulling off, the cold air greeting his wet member, her pussy pulling off with a trail of her own juices connecting them before splitting as his dick flopped down over his own tail still pinned by her back paw. Instead, she looked him over, her eyes sizing him up. Then, after a few more seconds she finally spoke, a softer growl coming from her throat, seemingly more timid than before, "Go. I'll take this pleasure you gave me as your payment, but if you try to spy on the Queen again I won't hesitate to kill you." She then pressed her blade into his neck scales, just enough to let him feel the pressure, holding his breath as he realized how easily she could slice his throat.

"What?" He blinked, frightened yes, but confused by why her temper had changed all of a sudden.

"Did you understand me? Or do I need to make myself more clear?" She growled, eyes flaring red as she threatened to use her fear once more, his body tensing up just at the horrifying display.

"Yes, yes I understand."

She glared, checking his facial expressions and glancing below them at their sexes wet with fluids before releasing him and climbing off quickly. In a flash, like a rush of wind, she propelled herself upwards towards the sky, Shae left to watch as she landed on the roof above, perching herself on the edge to peer down at him. Gathering himself despite how horny he still was, he slowly got to his feet, feeling rather exposed from the whole ordeal, the beautiful dragoness cloaking herself in her own shadows, red eyes staring back at him like a predator in the bushes eyeing its prey.

She finished, calling down to him, "You might think you're all that and more, but you better realize there are bigger fish in the sea. You could amount to something greater, so please don't make me regret sparing you." She then glanced away, looking back to the announcement going on as the steps and raised voices of the crowd seemed to signal the gathering was ending. Then, with a raise of her wings, she looked down once more, finishing, "You have ten minutes to get out of the city before I come back and kill you. I'd hate to have to end your life with my own talons."

With a large whoosh of air, she then took off, her wind element seeming to further increase her speed as she disappeared from view above. He blinked, spending the next few moments to recover as he looked over himself and brushed off his scales. He then paused, thinking about her words as he found himself unable to identify what she had seen in him that made her change her mind about killing him. Surely killing a random spy would have been the more tactful move, not that he was complaining, but that made it only the more convoluted the more he thought about it. He then sat down and cleaned his member of her liquids, humming at her surprisingly delicious arousal before thankfully seeing his cock retreat into its slit, worrying he may have to fly around with his boner out. He gave a soft chuckle before his tone turned more serious, knowing he would have no time to waste if he was to leave.

He glanced back at the alley he'd come through, considering going back, but he knew the dragoness wasn't lying when she said she'd kill him if he stayed. So, taking a deep breath to clear his mind and to push back his arousal for the moment, he lifted off into the air, cresting over the rooftops after a moment before the smoke poured out from his scales and snout, covering him in the thick cloud as he made his way back to his homeland. He did get a glance of the meeting dispersing as he flew over it from high above, thankful for the night sky helping to hide him from onlookers. The Queen had left at this point, the stage empty as people chatted back and forth as they returned to their homes.

Just as he looked away, he gazed over to the castle nearby, catching the glint of two eerie scarlet eyes staring back at him from far away, giving a nod to himself as he looked at her once more before turning his eyes to the west, proceeding back towards the mountains as he thought about it all. 'Damn... I got nothing from the Queen... they aren't gonna like that... But I guess I know Cynder works for her.' He found himself unable to decide if that made him happier that they'd likely be glad to know this, or if he was more terrified if they told him to return again. Still, he couldn't deny how good sex had felt with her... 'If only it were under other circumstances...' Still, all he had to focus on now was flying and how he'd tell them about the dragoness, enjoying the breeze caressing the underside of his wings as he rode the wind home.

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