Cornered while in heat

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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#11 of Quickies

This is a short story Christmas gift I've written for Teufel

Description: Mauve, a wolf blessed with both genders, finds himself entrapped by a devious gold-colored drake who takes a mighty keen interest in the feminine scent wafting from behind that bushy tail.

Mauve(c) belongs to

Galdran(c) is my character

***Cornered while in heat***

No, no, no, how did he get himself into this? Cornered like some helpless beast inside a peaceful thicket that bore no marks, no scent, no clue of another predator's presence?

"For how long does this game of yours last?" Galdran, a golden-scaled drake with piercing emerald gaze flared his cheek frills in mounting excitement. "Foreplay is so much different for my kind."

For a creature at least a head taller than Mauve, the drake sure moved fast, sleek and graceful like a feline. Even his paws resembled that, dotted with small slits peering through tiny scales to house his retractable claws. More than once had Mauve been batted by his soft, pink pads, the hits light and playful in nature, not intending harm at all.

"This isn't foreplay!" Mauve attempted to leap through a narrow gap between two boulders, only to be denied by Galdran at the last moment. "This is entrapment!"

"Mrrr, I wonder what traps you. Me? Or the scent of need creeping from under your tail?"

Damned heat. Mauve knew it was only a matter of time until it would attract trouble. Worst was that he couldn't properly call upon his druidic magic to sprout his wings and fly away from this predicament.

"Yawwr!" Mauve yelped when Galdran's snout poked under his tail to plant a lick across his rump, forcing him to skip forward in pleasured surprise at how intense that felt. Shudders crept through his spade, drawing more of the flowing nectar down the crevice of his plump, aroused spade.

His panicked sounds had no effect on Galdran; on the contrary, they stoked his delight, turning his croon into a richer, almost alluring tone as the drake closed in on Mauve. The wolf swerved out of Galdran's reach at the last moment, the turn too sharp, his paws too unsteady from that sharp pang of arousal to maintain his footing.

Mauve crashed on the ground in a pile of ruffled fur and noisy yelps. Not a moment too soon, Galdran towered above him, his snout hovering above Mauve's hardening tip.

"Curious, how a lick on your spade swells the knot in your sheath and pumps blood into your throbbing member." The drake sneered, satisfied with a revelation both of them expected, given Mauve's huffs and Galdran's hungry gaze. "What other secrets are you hiding, little wolf?"

"No!" Mauve said, kicking his snout with a hind paw. "Don't even think about it! I'm not your plaything, to poke and prod as you wish!"

"Hrr, but you are," the drake didn't even snarl from the blow, his wide nostrils sucking in the scent of ripeness hovering around Mauve's female parts. "You smell of neglect down there. Of dire need. Perhaps you've been waiting on me all along, to show you how it feels to be female."

Mauve hit him again, bringing both of his hindpaws to bear. The distraction was enough to recover his footing and engage Galdran in another ungainly dance. All the while, Mauve's heart threatened to burst in his chest from the flood of emotions whirling through his head, but Galdran seemed to relish this foreplay a great deal. He only approached Mauve when the wolf slowed down; only licked at his female parts when Mauve presented him with undesired openings. Each brush of his tongue upon Mauve's vulva ignited soft, unexpected moans within the wolf's throat, the spikes of pleasure undeniable in their intensity.

He eventually stopped, his panting muzzle spread wide open to draw deep, panting breaths as he shuffled away from Galdran.

"I don't want this. Let go of me. Find a female of your kind to breed."

The drake licked his golden lips slowly, tantalizingly. "Even when you prove so willing?"

To get his point across, Galdran thrust his snout under Mauve's tail, his tongue sliding across his spade so hard and fast the wolf paralyzed for a moment. He hated the brushes of that warm, slick appendage upon his vulva, yet at the same time, it felt so good, so soothing to his heat drenched folds.

"Don't...don't lick me...stop...please..." Mauve stammered, turning this way and that, swatting his tail against Galdran's neck, twisting his head around to ineffectively snap at the scaled mass of the golden drake. But for his frills, he had no vulnerabilities. None, aside from his growing erection.

The sight of it tightened Mauve's stomach into unpleasant knots, so simple in aspect yet so daunting considering where he wanted to put it.

Or what would ejaculate out of it, should he succeed.

Galdran still didn't stop. His snout followed Mauve's rump everywhere, the drake's neck lowered to give his tongue complete access over Mauve's spade.

He lapped at Mauve's sex with ravenous hunger, slurping away his juices with audible sounds, the squelches making Mauve's gut twist and his frame to tense up from the waves of pleasure crushing against him. His vulva began to shiver for more, and his legs parted ever so slightly to grant more room to Galdran, enough to poke his tongue through those tight folds and into the wolf's virgin depths.

"Yaw...yawwwhhh!" Mauve's claws dug into the ground as he stopped his maladroit shuffle to enjoy the drake's tongue. His head thrust upward into the sky, eyes scrunched to fight back the perverted pleasure and the disgust rising within his churning stomach. Galdran drank it all. The entirety of that pungent arousal that had been coating the wolf's vulva for days. And he still wanted more, enough to swirl his tongue within Mauve and make him jump from the too intense sensation.

"Ghhhhrrrr!" Mauve whirled to face Galdran, putting an end to his feast. "You had enough. You satisfied your curiosity."

"But you haven't." Galdran closed in the distance between them, his snout touching Mauve's pink nose. "You want this."

Mauve's shoulders stiffened with a mixture of dread and excitement. How he wished he could concentrate for but a moment to draw from his druidic magic and summon his wings. But he couldn't. Not in his frazzled state.

"I want leave me alone!" Mauve snapped, putting all of his ferocity into his bristled nape and gnashing fangs.

Galdran cared not for such ostentatious displays. He stepped to Mauve's side, poked his snout under his belly, and wrapped that slimy, pink tongue around Mauve's erect and throbbing member.

Mauve's haunches buckled from the onrush of pleasure, his spade leaking renewed arousal. He always licked his member, yet never squeezed it as hard as Galdran did. Once he secured Mauve within his maw, the drake began to suckle on his twitching meat, each brush of tongue more satisfying than the previous. Mauve squeezed his eyes shut, a sharp yowl piercing through as spurts of his seed wet Galdran's tongue, making him warble in appreciation before drawing back.

"What about now?" Galdran licked the gooey strings of seed slipping past the sides of his chin. "Still not convinced that I'm the best thing that could have happened to you?"

"You're...a disgusting creature..." Mauve said through his hefty panting, barely able to recover his breath.

Galdran didn't give Mauve any pause. His tongue returned upon his folds, thrusting deeper, faster, then fleeing just as Mauve prepared to clamp down upon it and hold it within him. What a tease. What an effective tease. By the time he finished eating Mauve out a second time, Galdran's snout dribbled with female juices.

Mauve shivered from every corner of his body, his body a quivering mess, his eyes half closed with unreasonable desire. He didn't want this. It was so gross, the way Galdran's tongue rolled across his snout to slurp away his juices.

And yet, Mauve's haunches shivered with want, his tail swishing slightly, enticingly, urging the drake to close in on Mauve.

"Let it happen," the drake's forelimbs hooked around his body before Mauve even had the acumen to react. "No offspring will come from our union. Just flooding relief."

Mauve's eyes widened in an instant as his strong chest kissed the silken fur of Mauve's back.

"Arrrrrrk!" Mauve protested, wriggling within Galdran's embrace and lumbering forward as much as his strength allowed. The drake's bulk could put a stop to it at any time, but he enjoyed the struggle. The game. The time it took for Mauve to finally admit he wanted a male to ejaculate into him. "Get off me. Leave me alone!"

Galdran didn't bother with words over the steady warble vibrating within his throat. He simply let more of his weight flow into the frontal side of his body, the added strain causing Mauve to stumble and trip, his rump thrust towards the skies, exposed and vulnerable.

Galdran used that opportunity to press his haunches tight against Mauve's, making the smaller wolf howl in panic as the drake's snout waded through the thick fluff of his neck.

"Lie still. Stop struggling. You will love this, my little wolf. You just don't know it yet."

"I won't," Mauve retorted by twisting his neck around and biting into Galdran's throat scales, futile as it was. "You will hurt me. Your's just too big!"

It wasn't that big, with the tapered tip helping greatly in easing Mauve into his girth. Besides, it had ridges. Soft, fleshy, perfect for scratching away the itch swelling within Mauve's heated insides.

Mauve shook his head to dispel this errant thought, mortified that his need clouded his mind enough to justify Galdran's perversions.

"It will feel just right, my lovely female, and you are so wet you will moan my name when I stick it inside."

"No, I...I...awwwrh..." Mauve's voice faded into low whines as Galdran's tongue slid across his neck, the licks slow, broad, tantalizing almost.

"Yes. Relax. Nothing good comes from being uptight during such a special moment of your life." Galdran's words mirrored the intimate caress of his tongue upon Mauve's nape. They flowed like honey, so smooth and warm that Mauve fluffed up instinctively from the reassuring tingles racing through his frame.

For a moment, Mauve basked in that slick warmth running across his fur. It felt so good, to be groomed by another, that he only remembered the reason behind Galdran's affection when his hips thrust forward to drive his length straight into Mauve's quivering spade.

"Hawwwwwh!" Mauve howled, his voice shuddering in unison with his body. He squirmed at first, wriggling from side to side, shaking his head, but the deeper Galdran speared through his tight depths, the more Mauve's struggles lessened.

"Rawh, so tight, so slick. You feel so good, little wolf. I can feel my seed already clawing for release."

Mauve wanted to howl in anger, to fight back the great pleasure surging through his body. Only, he couldn't. His limbs turned stiff, rigid, and breath left Mauve's throat as he scrunched his eyes shut, his lips trembling in unison with his charcoal-colored vulva.

The sensation of having his female parts filled for the first time made Mauve light headed. So intense it was, that his member flared to full mast, jets of cup spurting out of his tip to wet the ground while his female parts clenched around Galdran. His girth felt so tight, so demanding to Mauve's virgin depths, but perfect at the same time.

Mauve leaned forward against his will, his claws digging into the ground when Galdran pushed his entire shaft inside him, the ridges lined along his base scratching his lips in the most delightful of ways.

"Yes. That's it, little Mauve. Your body knows what it wants, what it needs."

Did Mauve?

His stomach churned with nerves, and a rumbling, drawn-out growl left his half-opened jaws as Galdran began to pull out and arch his back for a second thrust. Mauve's yowl became a low whine when that pink shaft plunged inside him once again, spreading his dainty folds and forcing his walls to clench around him in repeated strokes, each more pleasurable than the last.

Mauve's fangs grinded in irritation, glaring at one of those ancient trees, so useless and impassive to his predicament. He wanted to cry out his frustration, but there was nobody around to hear it. Nobody but Galdran, whose hips acquired smooth, flowing thrusts, driving his member in and out of Mauve with fluid grace.

If only he was stronger! He would have hurled Galdran off him, press his fangs against his throat, threaten him to never put his cock into his female parts again.

Instead, Mauve found himself shuddering every time those ridges sank through his entrance. Soft, needy whimpers began highlighting Galdran's thrusts while his member throbbed and jerked uselessly in the air, the knot somehow out and impossibly tight. It smeared Mauve's cum all over his belly, making the wolf shiver in disgust for a fleeting moment before another thrust took his breath away.

Galdran's chest pressed tighter against Mauve. His haunches squeezed him harder as the drake surrendered himself to the thrill of mating. His licks upon Mauve's neck became sluggish, erratic, unfocused, Galdran's efforts entirely focused on breeding his wolf to the best of his abilities.

Mauve would have objected in quite the audible way at being pinned so tight in Galdran's embrace if he didn't howl so loud already. Those blissful ridges rubbed the insides of his sex in all the right ways, while Galdran's tapered tip touched the deepest parts of his tunnel, making Mauve's walls ripple with renewed shudders and leak more of those milky juices.

"Rawh, so wet, so tight. Can't hold back. Can't graaaaaaaarhhhhh!" Galdran roared towards the skies as he lodged himself deep inside Mauve, his sheer girth forcing the wolf's walls to clamp down upon him and hold him in place. Throbs wracked Galdran's member, his ridges flared to their fullest, trembling with ecstasy as Mauve felt Galdran's essence pump through his member.

A split second later, it burst inside Mauve so hard that the wolf's hindquarters rocked, stumbling for purchase as a most foreign sensation took hold of Mauve's senses. It burned; a gentle, mystifying fire that slithered through Mauve's privates, urging him to let go of all the terrible pressure welling within him. Mauve tried to hold on at first, to steel his jaws and shut his eyes tight, yet Galdran's seed felt so good inside him, and the drake's feeble thrusts only served to stoke Mauve's lust.

He couldn't contain it. Had to let go. Had to release.

Mauve tucked his head against his chest, trying his hardest to contain his trembling moan, yet failing to do so. The thin sound broke loose from his muzzle, just like the hearty gushes of female cum that he couldn't keep in. They splattered upon Galdran's shaft, coated his light colored belly scales with a cloudy film, before dribbling onto the ground. So gross, so disgusting, but so amazing at the same time.

Every strand of fur on Mauve's body quivered from the waves of pure bliss rushing through his frame. They stole away his anger, guilt, shame, leaving behind a feeling of ecstasy so potent Mauve's seed gushed in full force, no longer worried of what Galdran might make of his throbbing shaft that emptied its lust through splattering, hearty jets.

And then, it ended, as suddenly as it began. Galdran knew it as well, his licks acquiring their customary smoothness along Mauve's nape.

"You wanted this bad enough to keep milking me."

Mauve kept his head low, ashamed of how his insides milked Galdran's length with such passion. The drake had long tapered off inside Mauve, yet his walls still craved for his tightness, still begged for his seed.

"Leave me be," Mauve said through panting breaths. "You claimed me. Shot your seed inside me. what you were after."

Galdran licked Mauve one more time before he pulled out of his clamping vulva, a rush of combined juices following in his wake. The wolf's stomach turned at the sight, and Mauve wasted no time in stepping away from the mess, flopping onto his side, and shielding his messy privates under his tail. He would lick them later, when Galdran's towering form became distant speckle, soon to be claimed by the dark of night.

A thump from the side snapped Mauve's glazed eyes to awareness. There, Galdran rolled on his back, tongue lolled to the side as he salaciously licked at the pink pads of his forepaw, suggesting to Mauve in the lewdest way possible that he could do the same to his privates.

***The End***

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