Chance Encounters

Story by Segremores on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective creator(s) as indicated by the copyright information following this disclaimer. This story is a commission, as such please do not repost or copy without my permission, or the permission of any other individuals whose characters have been mentioned within the story. Thank you.

Chance Encounter

by Segremores Moon

A commission for Takchawee

Chazori belongs to her player.

I belong to myself.

Her little bronze-scaled body shivered softly in the cool evening air. Chazori looked up with golden eyes, past the tree line to see if she could still get a look at the sun, the only symbol of warmth left in the snow-covered forest. She whimpered a little as the last sliver of that symbol descended past the treelike, over a nearby mountain that was just as covered in the cruel white. The temperature would probably drop even further now.

The little bronze dragoness shivered softly as the cold crept into her normally hot-blooded form. Standing at a mere four feet at the shoulder, she was small for a fully-grown dragoness and often had trouble fending for herself. She sat for a moment in one of the only remaining patches of bare grass, dead leaves crackling under her smooth bronze rump as she thought of what to do next.

Obviously, keeping still was not the answer, she'd only freeze faster. Rubbing one of the two golden horns that jutted largely from her brow and the back of her head, she fluttered her wings and sighed, deciding to see if she could find at least a little shelter. A small cave perhaps.


I wandered around on my own for a while... I don't remember how long it'd been. When you're as old as I am things like time don't matter much in the grand scheme. In fact, life could better be measured in moments of awe, fun, pain, or pleasure, or hunger, and as I thought of that parts of me started to growl knowingly.

Reaching a large, muscled arm down my form, past my ponderous tattooed gut, I rubbed at one of my melon-sized testicles dangling low even in this cold, snowy weather to ease its gurgling. It had been quite a while since anyone had slipped in there, voluntarily or not and I grinned at the last memory of such an encounter.

"Damn it," I breathed a little, my hot breath carrying on the air in a solid cloud-like form. I was glancing down, noticing my enormous erection which had sprouted as a result of thinking about such things. A gentle drool of precum issued from my pouting uncut tip, splashing onto the ground at my big black-clawed feet and steaming as it quickly melted away the snow there.

I closed my dark green eyes and set my bright red wings tighter against my back as I reached down to stroke that erection, rumbling to myself at the pleasure. This would be one of those moments in time. I smirked a little at how awkward a position I was in, hungry, but with not a creature in sight who would not be hibernating in some dark hole somewhere, away from my eyes, and away from any reasonable effort I could employ to find it.

My eyes snapped open in surprise as a breaking twig got my attention, swiveling my large head toward the sound and perking my bright red earfans so fast that it made the little pierced rings in each one jingle against each other just a bit. Standing there at the edge of the little clearing was a short feral bronze dragon, looking up at my comparatively tall seven foot frame with wide golden eyes.

I looked down at my erection and chuckled a little, taking my hands away from self-pleasure for a moment so that I could get a better grasp on the current interruption. Before I said anything though, I noticed her shiver a little, and frowned. For a dragon, she should have been able to tolerate such cold easily. She shivered again and I could feel nothing but sympathy for her, perhaps she was not as warm blooded as the rest of us scalies, which went hand in hand with her diminutive stature.

"Hello there, what's your name?" I asked in my usually pleasant, deep tone, crossing my arms above my belly against my pectorals.

"Chazori..." she replied, uncertainly, eyeing me in a way that suspiciously seemed like she was eyeing more prominent features of my anatomy first. I followed her gaze, realizing that she was actually interested more in the fact that my precum steamed in the air, and she gave another shiver at that.

"You're cold aren't you?" I finally asked, to which she could only nod a little and give another chilled shiver.

"Well, let's go find some place to get warm then, it is a little nippy out here..." I suggested, gesturing for her to follow me. I felt genuine worry for the poor creature. A frozen life was never a good one. It took a bit of searching, but I knew we would find a little cave around the base of the nearby mountain ridge, and I helped her into it alongside me.


He was strange. He stood like a man though he was clearly draconic like herself. He was nice and friendly but he was also obviously aroused as if a female in season were around, as if anyone could go into 'heat' in that kind of weather.

The little bronze dragoness followed nonetheless, helping her strange, big friend find shelter that she so desperately needed by the time darkness truly fell.

Chazori gave a little cry of joy when the small alcove was discovered, and after the bigger dragon slipped into it and sat down against the opposite wall, she immediately dived against him, gasping at just how warm his body was.

The bigger tattooed dragon gasped as the smaller one pressed up against his form. She was so cold, but he was a good host, he stayed perfectly still to let her arrange herself, finding the best and most warm places on his body.

She settled under his loins, between those meaty thighs. Those large testicles resting on her form, the soft flesh like a blanket of sorts, the large prominent erection that had not left since she first met him acted like a heating element, waves of musk and heat rolling off of it onto her smaller body. This, of course, made the bigger dragon groan, especially when some of the precum began to drool onto her from the added stimulation.

Chazori loved the stuff that drooled from the bigger dragon's shaft. It smelled warm, and it felt warm trickling against her smooth scales... Throwing caution to the wind, she leaned up to his tip and flicked her tongue across the slit to get a taste. It was musky and a little spicy, a play of salty and sweet dancing on her tastebuds as an afterthought, but even that taste began to warm her from the insides as well, like a trickle of hot lead pouring into her and giving her fresh vitality.

Chazori looked up to see those green eyes watching her curiously, lust clearly written into his broad muzzle's features. He nodded to continue, giving his permission to drink more if she so desired it. She did, lips gently latching onto the tip of his firm cock, and tongue trailing over the slit over and over again to coax more of the warm, revitalizing drool from within its depths.

He hissed and squirmed a little, the little bronze dragon's temperature starting to finally heat up the more she drank of his fertile fluids. The solid length of veiny dragon cock swelled a little bigger, straining against the bronze girl's paws and lips as she continued to nurse from it like a hungry whelp.

That bronze muzzle pressed too firmly time and time again, suddenly slipping a little right into that wide cumslit, making the big dragon groan in pleasure as a familiar gurgle from his balls reminded him about one of his many hungers. He grinned, hoping to catch her off guard, a large paw descending toward his loins, to the back of the dragoness' head. To his surprise, the dragoness needed no encouragement, suddenly shoving more of her face right inside his tip.

It was warmer in there than it was outside the massive dragon's body. Little Chazori pushed again, oblivious to the obvious danger that she was in as the darker-colored drake squirmed a little in pleasure.

"Ohhhh!" He managed to growl loudly into the dark air of the cave as the little bronze head slid all the way inside, those ribbed horns grinding against the inside of his urethral bulge in the most delightful way. So delightfully that his member spurted wave after wave of hot precum against the intruding dragoness, lubricating her for a quicker descent, which was fine with her.

It wasn't often that the big dragon managed to find a meal so willing or eager to please. He didn't even need to flex those internal muscles to draw his prey within, simply relaxing his length and letting the little dragon do all the work. He groaned occasionally whenever she moved, pleasure spiking through the roof when her smooth form slithered into his dark python of dragon meat more and more.


I watched her form wriggling half within my big hungry cock, making me growl softly with each motion that her squirming body had to offer me. She started to have a little trouble when her form finally pressed in all the way up to her hips and hindlegs. The hot space of my urethra was definitely roomy enough to devour sizable meals whole, but it would still require her to tuck her legs in straight for them to glide downward as well.

My hands came to the rescue, and she stopped squirming when she felt my warm digits envelope her thighs, starting to press them inward as well. I felt a little bad for the dragoness while watching her lower legs practically slither into my loins, following the rest of her form that was buried deeper. She had just been wanting some warmth, and instead she was going to be made my meal. I'd make it up to her. I didn't get to be where I was today by being cruel to those who didn't deserve it.

The thought left my mind when I felt her head slip deeper into my groin, those ribbed horns of hers feeling incredible against the insides of my sensitive ducts, and especially as she started to push into my big ole prostate.

I let my bulging member rest on the ground between my legs as my prostate filled with her form. She was probably as warm as she'd get, all cozy inside my flesh, curling up in that larger-than-natural gland that one gets when they do this sort of thing often. The lower part of my paunch bulged into a firm rounded form, and I rubbed over it gently, feeling her form curl up tight as could be within, perhaps she was even dozing off, it was hard to tell.

There was nothing left to do but simply lay back and enjoy it. I enjoyed the occasional twitch of her movement inside my full gland, the constant feeling of heavy weight there as her form remained solid for the time being. I enjoyed watching my dick throb against the bulge she made, constantly erect from the sheer pleasure of it all.

Then there was the conversion process, breaking her down into seed like so many victims and pleasurable sacrifices before her. Each stage of the process was just as unique and pleasurable as the next, and I settled back to feel them all, closing my eyes to relish the sensations better.

It began with a gentle pulsating sensation deep within my groin, as if my gland were squeezing around her tightly, being sure that every scalie inch of her body was tucked in tightly enough. The pulsation was met with a warming, as if my veins were gently feeding fire to the flesh surrounding her, heating her up slowly.

My member throbbed even more firmly as the pleasurable fire mounted and I could feel my prostate beginning to melt her down, secreting the special precum and other fluids that would coax the genetics right out of her in the form of individual sperm, billions of them, trillions of them, collecting into a hot viscous pool around what was left of her form.

Minutes passed, and I could feel her former body expire gently inside my prostate, the rest of her form dissolving in a liquid gurgle until she was nothing more than a huge load.

I hissed softly as I let her out of that temporary place of change and holding and down into my balls. My other paw groped over them both in turn as they swelled with new seed, filled with potency that I stole from her poor warmth-seeking body and soul. My other hand started to pump my aching erection in earnest, begging for release in its own throbbing manner until I could do nothing but give into its towering lust.

Groans filled the cave around me, my erection making wet noises as both hands slapped around its length and my loins, precum gushing from the cumslit which had recently devoured a member of my own kind.

My balls lay almost grossly swollen with seed, filling the space between my legs. They did not escape my attention, my paw squeezing over their rounded spheres, feeling how much Chazori had filled me up. I groaned a little louder, feeling ready to blow at any moment, ready to unload all of that sweet fertility on myself and the ground.

Finally my peak roared over me, a wave crashing on rocky shore. I arched my huge back and growled into the cold night air, my shaft arching with me in that big paw of mine, and suddenly spasming with a white, hot blast of seed. The stuff was especially thick, freshly made and quite potent, splashing against the dark scales of my belly and rolling off of it in waves. The drooling waves of cum splattered onto the ground, soon to be joined by another volley, and another, and another, until I was practically laying in a pool of my own semen.

My orgasmic event must have lasted for minutes upon minutes, time losing all meaning in the continuous stream of seed and pleasure that flowed in equal quantity. Coming to was a slow process, one eye opening, then the other to look around at the mess I had made, the powerful smell of cum permeating the air around me and more than likely wafting out of the cave entrance itself.

I chuckled a little and sat up slowly, the floor actually sloshing a little as cum smeared around under my bulk.

"It doesn't seem fair does it, Chazori?" I asked to the cum, trailing a paw through the white layer that covered my gut, bringing it to my lips to taste it with a slow flick of my tongue. She would probably agree, she had only been searching for a warm place to stay...

"Then I'll offer you the warmest place of all," I said, as if having a full conversation with her. My hands busied themselves, gently scooping up a handful of the Chazori-cum, lifting my balls, and then gently slipping as much as I could into the pouting slit between my thighs, groaning as I full-on fingered myself a little to get the potent seed deep.

"There you go," my rumble filled the cave as I stood, and headed out into the cold, it was time to wash up.


Nearly a year had passed since the little dragoness Chazori had disappeared into that wintery forest. The snow had begun to fall again, the cold had definitely settled in, and the big dark dragon had returned to the forest to be alone and contemplate this and that.

Of course, this time he was not alone, and he smiled as he felt a little kick from within his gut, looking rounder these days, and moving on occasion with fresh life. The little Chazori would be warm again that winter, her new birthday wasn't set for another three months.

Victory Explosions

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s)...

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Down Under

Disclaimer: This story contains subjects of an explicit and implied nature. Please read the tags carefully before reading. I am not responsible for you reading this, especially if you happen to be underaged. All character(s) belong to their respective...

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