Saved from Perdition

Story by dusty779 on SoFurry

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I have been wanting to write something like this since I released Punishment or Paradise? It has actually been building up for a little while and it finally clicked together one night I was unable to sleep. I am hoping to continue this with maybe one or two more chapters, but they may be a while in the making.

Be advised that All persons involved are over the age of 18 and this story may contain subjects that make some uncomfortable. Please read the list of tags before reading this story to make sure it is right for you.

As always Please don't forget to Comment, Fave and Vote as it helps hugely for future chapters! How can I improve without feedback?

I also now have a Ko-fi if you feel like helping me along.

Warning, this is an 18+ story, anyone under that age should leave NOW. Contains Adult themes and language and is not suitable for any under that age.

Twelve years I had suffered in this place, this... dimension of perversion. Judged guilty for something I didn't learn I had supposedly done till the third year. Something I had never done or had any interest in. For the next two years, my protests fell upon death ears, but one day I had managed to convince someone, a guard visiting to drop off a new person, enough for there to be an appeal.

Seven years passed since my appeal had been launched. Seven years stuck down on floor Sixteen of this place, where violence and abuse was a common greeting to the immured. I had not once broken or given up hope; when I was beaten, I carried on; when my bones were broken, I persevered; even when the flesh was torn from my body, I endured.

When finally I was taken before a Judge for the second time, I was stuck in a wheelchair. My legs were broken from a particularly grizzly bout of 'punishment' the night before. My left eye was swollen shut and my body covered in bandages. A muzzle affixed to my face hid my muzzle full of broken or missing teeth.

I was covered in obvious scars, which could be seen through my thick, once fluffy, but now matted and filthy arctic-fox coat. Even my once graceful tail ended two inches shorter than it once had, my left eat missing a wedge that had never healed. All from my time on floor Sixteen, at the hands of those tormentors.

The Judge looked over the documentation that had been presented to him. The large brown bear went over every detail with the attention of a fine toothed comb. Standing close by was the guard whom had escorted me who looked particularly disturbed by my condition.

"Hmmm..." the bear started looking up at me "Why did you not protest the ruling at the time?" his question was one I expected. I would have answered If not for the muzzle holding my maw shut securely. I still tried regardless, however even to my ears, all it sounded like was muffled nonsense.

"Oh yes, the muzzle... I don't think that is required right now," he said simply to the guard who stepped forward "Please remove it, he is no threat."

"I...I'm sorry sir, but the muzzle is for more than just our safety," the rhino replied apologetically "before I retrieved him from level Sixteen, someone had broken his jaw. The... garment... is currently holding the damage in position. I believe he had provided a statement that would answer your question however. In it he stated that he was unaware that he could protest the ruling at the time. He also didn't find out that an appeal could be made till his third year when he overheard a former guard mention it to another staff member on floor Sixteen."

The bear looked back to the paperwork and quickly rummaged through before he pulled a form out and read it over quickly. His eyes occasionally darted between myself and the form before he sighed and rested back in his seat. He appeared troubled, like he was torn between believing what he read, and what I had been sentenced with.

"This... Is all terribly disturbing..." he announced slowly as he mulled It all over in his head "On one hand I can not dispute what I have been presented with. On the other our system is supposed to be flawless to prevent mistakes like this. However, if memory serves, there was a similar case to this roughly five years ago, with someone who was sentenced to a wrong floor."

"That was the stoat who was assigned to level Two instead of Fifteen like he should have been wasn't it?" the rhino asked, getting a nod in return "Sir is it possible their files were accidentally swapped?" there was another nod as the ursine stared at the paperwork that covered his desk, like he was finally piecing pieces of a large puzzle together.

"Regardless, as recompense for this travesty of a case, I am hereby ordering Mr Sam Teumessian, to be relocated to level Two. Have him admitted to their medical wing for immediate treatment." he announced then paused and became lost in though giving a deep humm before he spoke once more "He is to be assigned to Levister, I believe he will be able to care for him appropriately given his background and training."

When the sound of his gavel landed I felt a weight lift from my shoulders and I began to sob. Tears streaming from my eyes and blurring my vision. My breathing was heavy and muffled by the muzzle affixed to my face, but the bear only seemed to become concerned when I had slumped forward and started to cry.

I was wheeled out of the court room and to the elevator go head down. My sobbing continued and I was starting to feel light headed as the rhino pressed a button labelled 2H to begin the decent. My face guard only had small air holes, and I wasn't able to draw enough air in through them with my crying.

"I am going to loosen off that muzzle," the female guard said stepping over to me, right hand under my chin and holding it up firmly, but not enough to be uncomfortable or interrupt my breathing "I will hold your maw closed, you have suffered enough. I want you to breath between your lips, don't try to open you mouth, understand?"

I responded with an 'mhmm' as I couldn't exactly nod with how she was holding my head. Her left hand moved behind my head and she skilfully undid the buckles that were holding the torture device in place. Carefully she slipped her right hand to the back of the muzzle and slid her hand forward behind it as she removed the garment from my face.

Instantly pain blossomed from my broken jaw, encompassing my entire face. Instinctively I tried to pull away from her hand and yowl loudly at the pain. Her grip was ironclad, however gentle it was, she did not release her grasp or let my maw open.

"Breath, breath, stay calm." she soothed and I found myself obeying her command, taking deep breaths from between clenched teeth. She gave me an apologetic look and pet over the top of my head trying to sooth my distress.

"There we go, much better, good boy..." she soothed and looked up at the elevator "We have a couple of minutes, then I will need to put it back on I'm sorry to say. They will remove it when we get to the hospital wing."

I couldn't exactly answer with anything but the smallest of nods. She gave me a weak smile and rummaged through her pocket to pull out an handkerchief, using it to wipe my face clean. I found it so odd being treated with care and some respect after going so long receiving neither. Soaking it up like a dry sponge absorbed water.

When finally the lift gave a soft ding to indicate it had reached its destination, the muzzle had been re-affixed as tightly as it had before. I was starting to feel sleepy, years of stress and sleepless nights finally catching up with me. She wheeled me off of the lift and into what looked like any standard hospital.

A passing sheep, dressed as a nurse, gasped when she spotted us and rushed over. For the first time in twelve years, someone looked genuinely worried for my well being and that threw me for a loop. I almost reacted as my instincts had taught me over the years, to flee or lash out. A large, warm hand landed on my shoulder and kept me grounded. The ewe leaned in close, a hand on my cheek as she looked me over before looking to my escort.

"Transfer from Sixteen," the rhino announced, answering the question before it could even be asked "The judge has declared he is to be given whatever treatment he requires. I recommend some starting with some x-rays on his jaw and legs. I can guarantee they are broken, the muzzle is currently holding his jaw in place."

"I see..." the ewe replied looking upset and concerned "Does he already have a..."

"Levister." the guard interrupted her and the nurses eyes widened a bit but then turned mirthful and she gave a wide smile "His name is Sam Teumessian."

"Good choice," she said with a nod before straightening up "Thank you, Guard Fenna, we can take Sammy from here." I felt the rhino's hand pet between my ears again gently, as if it was her way of saying good luck and goodbye. The sound of the lift opening and then closing again was the only way I knew she had left me in the hands of the nurse.

"Ok kit, lets get you looked at... if you feel you want to sleep go ahead, it will certainly make the process a little quicker," the ewe informed me as she started pushing me down the hall seeming quite merry "When you wake we will have, hopefully, done your checkups, begun your treatment and you will be in a lot less pain."

I couldn't argue with that, my bodily desire to sleep won out over any desire to stay awake. The prospect of just sleeping away all my pains was too big a temptation to pass up. My eyes slipped closed as the sign for the X-ray room came into view.

When I woke, I was laying on a large, plush hospital bed. It took a few minutes before I was able to move enough to have a self inspection. I had bandages holding my mouth closed, but they weren't as tight as the muzzle I had last remembered wearing. In fact I had bandages over large sections of my body. My left leg was in a cast, keeping it immobile to heal the fractured bones within. An I.V. In my left hand supplied my body with fluids from a bag that hung by the head of my bed.

I felt clean, and a cursory glance under the sheets I could see my fur had been cut in placed to remove any matting. However while looking under the sheets, I noticed I wasn't naked. I wiggled my hips a little, the sound of soft crinkling came to my ears through the sheets and I could that what was secured tightly around my hips was a diaper.

I gave a huff and slumped back in the bed, grimacing a little with a stab of pain that radiated from my face with the rapid movement, starting a dull headache. It gave me a chance to, instead, now look around the room I was in. It resembled a simple, private style hospital room. A television hung from the wall by the foot of the bed, hanging from the ceiling was a rail for the privacy curtain which was open. An arm chair sat by what looked like a window although the curtains were closed.

Beside the bed was a bedside table, a lamp above it illuminated a vase with flowers. A card rested against the side of the vase closest to the bed with 'Get well soon kit' written on it, and a picture of a teddy bear with a thermometer in its mouth. I reached out carefully to it up, being mindful not to move my head too much. Opening it, there was neat writing on the inside.

"Hey Kit, if you are reading this, It means you woke before I could return. I will be back soon, be brave for me just a little longer. Love Levister."

Despite the pain it brought me, I felt myself smile before I gently placed the card back down. I didn't even know who they were yet, but they were already worried about me. It was something I hadn't experienced in so long and a happy warmth started to fill inside my chest as I looked at the flowers.

It took a moment however for me to realise that the warmth wasn't just spreading in my chest. I blushed when I realised that I was peeing my diaper. I hadn't even felt the warning signals that my bladder needed to go before it just let go.

I wasn't able to dwell on it long before I heard voiced and footsteps approaching my room. I pressed into the bed a bit more on reflex, scared of whomever was coming. For the last twelve years I had been forced to be fearful of everyone and anyone. The footsteps stopped outside my door, two people talking but whatever they were saying was scrambled by the door and the blood flowing through my ears.

"I keep telling you to stop bringing him food," a female lizard in a doctors jacket said as she walked in with a clipboard in her arms "He isn't awake yet and it's just going to waste."

"You know as well as I do that it doesn't just get thrown out." another voice replied to her and I blinked as a tall wolf walked in behind her. However while he Looked like a wolf, mostly grey with a white belly, he had no fur, his body looking like it was covered in a layer of plastic. It was also impossible to miss the yellow tapes placed strategically over his body, or the rustling noise he made as he walked.

They both looked to me and blinked, the wolfs face quickly turning into a wide smile as the noticed I was awake. The lizard blinked a few more times before looking at her clipboard then back at me and rolled her eyes.

"Well what do you know... he's awake, earlier than expected, I will need to talk to those anaesthesiologists," she said simply with a soft chuckle before walking over "Hi there hun, how do you feel?"

I groaned out a reply, unable to open my mouth much with the bandaging around it and she chuckled softly before she started to undo the binding. She didn't miss that my eyes were still locked on the strange wolf.

"Low voice, try not to open your mouth too wide," she instructed me as she slowly slipped off the bandage "We had to put a plate in, they really did a number on you, sadly it is going to be permanent... you are going to be quite sore for a while. Now, we will get to him in a minute... you come first. How do you feel?"

She stepped back as I reached up to rub at my face a little, hand delicate over where my face was thickly bandaged. I tried to do a do a mental map of the aches and pains over my body, barely able to feel most of them beside the pain from my face before croaking out "Sore... tired... hungry."

She nodded and checked my I.V., flicking the drip chamber a couple of times to make sure it was flowing. She wrote some stuff down on her clip board before turning to me and began a careful inspection of my face and the other bandages.

"Well, it looks like you are well on your way to recovery," she said simply as she wrote on her clipboard "while your face heals, you're going to be restricted to a soft diet. Soups, broths, stews, nothing that will require you to do a lot of chewing. Secondly, as much as we would love to hear you speak more, try to just let your face rest. We will bring you your medication before we discharge you, but that probably wont be till tomorrow."

I nodded along as she spoke, taking in all the instructions she gave me. However my eyes returned to the wolf who was waiting close by, a food tray in his hands and a content, patient smile on his face. I still couldn't quite contemplate just what he was, yet before I could ask, my belly gave a hungry grumble.

"Well, looks like part of you is awake," the doctor said with a chuckle and gestured to the wolf, who stepped forward and placed the tray he carried on a bed table that was hidden behind the curtain for the privacy screen "Lets talk about him shall we? This, is Levister, he is to be your caretaker and guardian here on floor two."

"Wh...what.." I croaked out, unable to get out any more words before I had pain lance from my face.

"I, little kit, am a denizen of this floor," he instructed me simply as he wheeled the table round while the doctor raised my bed to a seated position "I'm a rather unique creature, how I originally came to be the way I am even I cant remember. However, the simplest way to explain it is I am not too much different to the garment wrapped around your hips, most label my species as 'Diaper Creature'. For the moment we won't get into that too much right now, you need to eat, and need to heal. And by heal, I mean more than just your body, but I believe that is why I was hand picked to be your carer."

he reached out to gently rub a hand over my uninjured cheek, a concerned and sad look on his oddly very emotive face. His words hadn't fully sunk in till he did that. It would take me years to get past the trauma I had experienced, I probably would never get over it fully. However he was showing that he would be there for me through every step of the process.

"Lets put a stopper in that for the moment, we need to get some yummy food in that tummy!" he announced mirthfully and grabbed a bib from the tray beside the food under a plastic cloche. It was childishly patterned, with a baby lion in the middle, surrounded by cartoonish hunks of meat and spaghetti. He tied it around my neck carefully and smiled joyfully seeing it in place.

"There we go! Looking adorable." he praised before he lifted the cloche. I instantly felt myself beginning to drool as the rich, heavy scent of perfectly cooked meat and vegetables, combined expertly with herbs and spices came to my nose.

"I know you need to rest your jaw, so I had them whip up a nice, rich meaty broth," he informed me, gesturing to the bowl before me "we will try with a spoon first, if you struggle with that then..." he pulled a tape on the side of his belly and reached Inside himself which made my eyes bulge. He pulled out a large sippy cup. It was way too big to be for any child, clearly intended for adults.

He placed it down on the tray table, re-taping himself in one quick, skilled move. He grabbed an asian style spoon from next to the bowl and collected up some of the broth then looked to me. As I watched, I fully expected him to just, throw it in my face and then consume the meal himself. It was what I was used to after all, on floor Sixteen, food was earned, not given, and even when earned, we were lucky if we got to eat it without some level of torment involved.

He seemed to be able to sense my fear, his free hand coming out to brush over my ears and I flinched away from him with a barely restrained whine. He hesitated, all of his motions stopping in an instant. A look of worry and confusion filled his face as his eyes looked between his outstretched hand and then to me.

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok hun." he cooed softly, hand finally landing on my ear to gently cup it and stroke over it lovingly "It's ok, hun, I won't hurt you, nor will I deprive you of any food. You're safe here, I'd sooner rip my arm off before I hurt you. You can turn to me any time, for any thing ok?"

I nodded and gave a light whimper, a few tears forming which he wiped off gently, his finger sucking away the liquid into his absorbent interior. He returned the spoon to the bowl and just continued to try to console me and chase away my fears for a few minutes. Eventually he picked up the spoon again, making sure to scrape off the drops on the bottom before slowly bringing it towards my face once more.

"I would say 'Train in the tunnel' but don't open your maw that wide just yet," he instructed softly "Just enough to sip it off ok? Don't worry, I won't get mad if you can't."

I just nodded and opened my mouth as best I could, just enough for the end of the spoon to enter my mouth and he carefully tipped out its contents. It flowed over my tongue, filling my maw with its delicious flavours, but I gave a whine when none of it reached the back of my throat, flowing out the sides of my mouth. It soaked into the bandaging on my face and the bib that he had placed on me.

I whimpered loudly looking up at him, tears starting to form again but he hushed me and wiped my face clean with his hand again. His patience seemed to have no limit, and he wasn't worried about it in the slightest.

"Shh, it's ok Kit, nothing to worry about, we will just need to use the sippy cup," he said simply as he worked, turning to the tray and started to carefully pour its content into the cup. He secured the lid to the cup and sat it down, his attention turning to my bandages. He looked for a moment before reaching beside the bed to press the call nurse button.

"Ok hun, lets try it this way," he said and picked up the sippy cup and held it to my mouth "Small sips, the nurse will come soon to change those bandages. I should have been more careful, I'm sorry kit."

I sucked carefully on the piece of plastic in my maw, drinking in small amounts of the tasty liquid. All the while he was attentive, holding the cup for me as I drank, a smile on his face. Knowing when to angle it down so I could take some breaths and when to return it so I could consume more.

We were just finishing when a nurse arrived, curious why the button had been pressed. She didn't even bat an eye when Levister told her what had happened. She just calmly, and gently changed my sodden bandages before instructing that I should get some rest.

"Sleep kit, tomorrow will be another day," Levister lowered my bed down, back to laying position and tucked the sheets snugly around me "I will be here, keeping watch over you all night, I don't need sleep like everyone else does. I'll keep you safe."

I nodded a little, closing my eyes as he dimmed the lights. My ear flicked when he started to hum softly. It was oddly soothing, relaxing, the melody seeming familiar yet I couldn't place it. Finally I dozed off, comforted by the sounds he was making, belly full of delicious food, and fell quickly into a deep sleep.

My eyes opened to a scene I knew all too well. I was naked, and strapped to a Catherine-wheel. I whimpered as my eyes darted around, the room all too familiar. Dark, hot and steamy, a brazier burned to one side of the room with branding irons in it heating. On the other side was a wide arrangement of whips, chains, floggers, hooks and knives.

" please..." I whimpered out before I heard a dark rumbled chuckle from behind me.

"I like you begging, do it more!" the voice commanded. I knew who it belonged to, my long time tormentor Hector. He was a black lion, with a mean streak a mile wide and had a particular love for tormenting me in particular.

There was a whoosh which preceded a metal rod impacting with my back making me scream out. His laugh filled the air as it was quickly followed by two more. Each impact easily breaking any bones in the way, my skin tearing open and oozing blood readily.

"Pathetic! You're just so pathetic!" he insulted me as I cried openly. I had to be dreaming, it had to be a nightmare, or was Levister and the hospital bed the dream? I couldn't tell anymore, the pain was blotting out my rational thought processes.

I started begging in my head for someone, anyone, to wake me up and hoped that THIS was the dream. There was a clang as the metal rod was tossed to the ground and I barely managed to turn my head to see him make his way to the wall, pulling out his favourite implement from the rack. It looked like a horse crop, but had blades on the end instead of a leather strap.

"Let's see if we can make you Sing." he announced and I couldn't stop the panic that rapidly rose in my body and I started to struggle.

"No, no, nononononono! Wake me up! Anyone! Please! Levister? Nurse? Doctor!? ANYONE! WAKE ME UP!" I screamed out, begging desperately for it to end.

"You stupid fox, as if you could ever escape ME!" the lion boomed loudly, arm making a wide arc, bringing those blades closer and closer to my back.

I awoke screaming and struggling to get away from the hands that held me down with a gentle firmness. I reacted on blind instinct, fist lashing out and sending them sprawling away from me as I made a mad scramble to get off of the bed I was on.

I didn't get far, stopped by the I.V. which tore itself from my arm. Next the cast on my leg reminded me of its presence. It slipped out from under me sending me tumbling to the floor with a yowl of pain as my face impacted with the floor. However it didn't stop me from scurrying to a corner and curling up into a tight ball, face matted and eyes blinded with tears. Blood trickled from my lips as I sobbed, body shaking while i begged for all of the pain to stop.

"Sam, Sam! Sammy! Calm down, you're ok, you're safe here!" a voice informed me urgently and I felt soft hands land on my knees "It's me, Levister, please calm down."

I whimpered loudly and slowly peeked me eyed over my arms to see the familiar face of the wolf diaper critter. He on his knees in front of me, one cheek caved in from where I had punched him. His hands resting on my knees and his face filled with deep concern and some worry.

I gave a whimper as one of his hands came up to wipe my face clean before he pulled me forward gently, urging me, silently, out of the corner and into his arms. His own face was quickly puffing back out, as if the punch had never happened. Yet I was terrified he would punish me for it.

I took in deep shaky breaths as he pulled me in close against his chest. He gave me soft hushes and just gently stroked his hand gently down my back while he nuzzled between my ears. I whimpered loudly as the pain I was feeling started to climb up as the adrenaline rush from the nightmare wore off. My hand hurt where the I.V. had been torn from my skin, my heart hurt from racing so fast and so hard, and my face hurt from landing on it.

"Shh, shhh, it's ok Sammy, I've got you... Daddy's here..." he cooed softly before picking me up like I weighed nothing at all. He returned me to the bed, gently laying me down and pet me between the ears before pressing the call nurse button then moved to the door.

"Nurse! I need a Nurse here quick!" he called out of it before looking back to me. It was only then I could see the blood that had dripped onto and soaked into his front and hand. I gave a light whimper and he just shook his head at me and walked back over to try to console me.

"You're not in trouble, I'm not angry, I'm worried for you more than anything" he cooed.

"B...But I...i p...punched and you d...dirty." I managed to get out, voice shaky as I fought through the stabbing pains coming from my face as I spoke.

"It will take more than a punch to hurt me sweetie," he replied with a smile "And eh, being dirty is nothing new. I'm self cleaning, takes an hour or two, but eventually it all just, fades away leaving me nice and clean again." I gave him a confuse look, still struggling with the terror that had filled me from the dream. I was shaken a bit as a nurse rushed in a second later. She took one look at me and rushed out again making Levister chuckle softly.

"She clearly needs to get some things." he said with a smile.

"Y...y... you're really self cleaning?" I managed to ask with a sniff. He blinked then chuckled softly and nodded.

"Hehe, yep, it's a bit more complicated than that I will admit." he said and gave a shrug, looking to the door as the nurse returned with supplies in her hands. He ignored her however and held my attention. He probably decided to try to distract me by telling me a bit about himself, regardless of what his thought process was, it worked.

"My body absorbs everything put in it," he explained as the nurse paid attention to my face first and foremost. She was delicate with her touch, trying not to cause me more pain than I was already suffering. "It is difficult to explain it without using the word 'magic'. Like the way your body converts food to energy, my body converts anything it absorbs into energy to keep me going. The more I take in, the more energy I get.

"Some things grant me more energy than other things. For example a cup of water will grant me energy for a few hours, but not much more. If I was to pour a cup of that broth I gave you earlier into myself, it would be enough for half a day or so. Of course the more I take in, the longer the effect too."

" does that," I flinched and whimpered as the nurse inspected the stitches on my face carefully and whispered a soft apology "Wh...what about..." he looked at me curiously then it seemed to click and he chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, my body is able to process that too, I AM a diaper after all," he confirmed "the process doesn't distinguish what is in me unless it's something that wouldn't break down naturally. Plastics, living people, so on."

"The git can take in dirty diapers and after a few hours, pull them out perfectly clean. It's one of his favourite party tricks." The nurse informed me as she applied a new gauze covering to the stitches on my face.

"I can't taste it, which is probably a blessing," Levister added with a smirk to the nurse "Things like food and drink I can taste, but the rest I can't. I also have a few other tricks. My insides produce different kinds of powders. It can help you sleep, sooth and cure rashes, make you incontinent in various different ways. The longer you are exposed to certain powders, the longer it has an effect on you after you are out of me."

I nodded a little, holding up my hand for the nurse to place a bandage over where the I.V. had been ripped from my skin. She wasn't impressed the method I had used to remove it, but didn't voice any of her complaints. She then inspected the rest of me carefully before giving me a smile.

"I will speak to the doctor, see if we can get you discharged a little sooner," she said simply and looked to Levister "I think being here isn't going to be conducive to his healing processes. My recommendation is to take him home... and give him a change, that is about to leak."

I felt a blush heat up my face as she gestured to my crotch, the diaper something I had long forgotten about. Levister chuckled and nodded, reaching out to gently pet over my chest to comfort me. She walked out, mentioning she was going to find my prescription, closing the door as she went.

"Well.. no time like the present I guess." Levister said with a smile and his hand lowered down to my soggy diapered crotch. I gave a meep in reply but he held his smile "Best get used to it sweetie, this is what floor Two is all about, you are going to be seeing a lot more of it once you are able to be up and about."

"B...But I..." I started only for his hand to move to my face to hush me.

"Nup, none of that, you are here to be pampered, in more ways than just one," he informed me before opening one of the tapes on his belly again and reached inside himself. He pulled out out a fresh diaper "now be a good kit and just lay there while I do my job as your Daddy."

I whimpered a little but this time he ignored me, undoing the tapes of my diaper with ease before letting it flop open. He looked like he wanted to comment on how full it was but didn't. He simply smiled sweetly as he pulled it out from under me, rolled it up, and set it aside.

"Now this... is a part you will enjoy." he said simply before he lent in and dragged his warm, soft tongue over my sheath and balls. I certainly was used to a tongue on my sheath, but this felt so much different. Despite it being dry, it felt as slick as if he had saliva as his tongue cleaned my fur.

He raised my legs with ease and continued to lick me clean. He was able to get everywhere with amazing dexterity. His eyes locked to mine and he gave my balls a soft nuzzle before he pulled back. There was a smile on his face and he pet my belly gently, fingers managing to rake through my fur.

"As much as I would like my new kit to give stickies, getting your blood pumping like that right now would not help your physical recovery," he said simply "For now, let's get you all changed up so we can get you cleared to go home."

He then started to blow over my crotch making me shiver as he did. The scent of fresh talcum powder filled the air which was oddly comforting to smell. When I looked I could see he was blowing the substance out of his mouth, dusting my groin with the powder. He then wasted no time in putting the new diaper on me, taping it up with practised speed and skill.

"There we go, good boy," he announced and pet the un-bandaged side of my chest gently "I can't wait to get you home and show you your new room. I hope you will love it!"

I just nodded and shifted a bit as he pulled the sheets out from under me and tucked them snugly around me once more. When I made the appeal to be released from floor Sixteen, this was not exactly what I had been expecting. However as I tried to get comfortable with my new 'Daddy' watching me with a loving smile on his face, I couldn't find a reason to complain.

I may not have had a choice to be assigned to floor Two, but compared to where I had come from, I could learn to love it.

Battery Dragon

As I picked my way carefully through the dilapidated, crumbling structure I could remember clearly the events which caused the whole planet to end up so devastated. My colony had once been one of the most wealthy in both resources and finances....

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Punishment or Paradise?

I awoke with a jolt, looking around confused in a small padded cell hands cuffed behind my back and the last clothes I had had on. My long tail curled a bit between my legs and I tried to recall what had brought me to this place. The last thing I could...

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Littlest Were-Kitten, Ch 3

Sitting on a lounge next to Galvin, his parents sitting opposite us, his uncle, the Alpha, Pacing behind them was discomforting. I had shifted to my mid form and removed my blindfold, yet because it was like looking through a frosted window, I mainly...

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