Cloak and Dagger

Story by Sam_Seafox on SoFurry

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Good morning, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever it is for you lovely folks! I managed to scrape enough braincells together this week to put some more words onto paper and write something I've been considering for a while; a spy/espionage thriller. I grew up watching/reading a ton of spy thrillers and always wanted to try my hand at the genre. And what better way to do that in the form of anthro characters with a healthy dose of smut mixed in?

Admittedly I started this entirely as a one-shot, but if there's enough interest in these characters and/or setting I certainly wouldn't mind writing a few more set in the same world. I really grew to like these two the more I wrote them, and it would be fun to go back and do more if enough people would like that.

As always, feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism!

Sebastian was always surprised at what sprang to mind when he was being shot at.

The mind had a funny way of prioritizing information under stress, he found. On the surface everything was clinical and dispassionate, especially after so many years of training for just such scenarios. He didn't have to think about what to do; his brain simply processed the information it received, related it to previous experience and knowledge, determined the best course of action to keep himself alive, and then acted without him even consciously thinking any of it. Like a computer running a background program. There was little focused effort on his part. When the bullets started flying he slipped into that state, letting instinct and training take over. More often than not he came out on the other end of a gunfight feeling as though he'd just watched the whole thing through someone else's eyes, only taking over again when things had calmed down.

On the flip side, that often led the other half of his mind down some strange rabbit holes.

He'd once spent two weeks racking his brain and searching the internet for some hole-in-the-wall Italian place in Cleveland that he wanted to go back to, but couldn't remember the name. It wasn't until he'd been neck-deep in a firefight, somewhere in the back alleys of Morocco did the name finally come to him. He'd told one of the agency psychologists about the strange dichotomy, worried it might be a sign of some un-diagnosed psychiatric condition. But they'd just told him that everyone responded to stress differently, and it didn't seem to be affecting his mission performance in a negative fashion. And if that meant remembering obscure movie titles or finally deciding what color to paint his living room while facing life-or-death situations, then so be it.

Another hurricane of gunfire nearly obliterated the concrete pillar he crouched behind, the ear-splitting booms deafening the bobcat and echoing through the parking garage. He winced and made his move when the fusillade of bullets paused for just a split second. Without giving himself any time to think he dropped onto his side and peered beneath the Cadillac parked next to his quickly crumbling shelter. Dust and congealed motor oil coated his shirt as his handgun's sights settled on their target no more than ten yards away.

Ugh, gonna be a miracle if I can get this polo clean after this. Might have to just go get a new one, that shop down the street had some good sales going.

Four shots and his target collapsed with a shout, dropping their weapon with a clatter and scrambling for cover. One down, at least three more to go. At least that's how many Sebastian had seen following him into the parking structure before the gunfire erupted. For all he knew there were a dozen more ready to join the fight, and he had no intention of waiting around to find out.

Distracted by their wounded comrade, the remaining shooters only tossed a few more hastily-aimed shots his way when he broke cover and sprinted for the exit door a few feet away. None of them found their mark, and Sebastian was already racing down the stairwell by the time they realized it he was disappearing into the streets below.

Tucking the Glock back into its holster on his hip and zipping up his coat, Sebastian shivered from a biting gust of wind that brought flakes of snow with it. Even with winter giving way to spring, Stockholm could get bitterly cold at night. Still, it wasn't the worst place he'd been stationed. His first rotation, only two years prior at the ripe age of twenty-four and fresh out of the training cycle, had been a godforsaken hovel in downtown Minsk. Thin walls and even thinner windows had made for a brutally cold winter even when his thicker coat came in. Bobcats were not well-suited for Eastern Europe, he had quickly learned.

A trio of police cars screamed past as he made his way down the sidewalk, lights flashing and sirens wailing. No doubt responding to the reports of gunfire somewhere in the hotel's parking garage. Sebastian hoped his attackers were long-gone by the time they arrived; the police were simply doing their job, they didn't need to get involved in a gunfight with trained foreign operatives. But that was out of his control now. He had a job to do.

Making his way towards the center of the city, Sebastian found the Stockholm nightlife in full swing. Bars and clubs pumped out loud music and intoxicated patrons who stumbled into the streets, laughing and yelling and vomiting into the gutter. He couldn't help but smirk at the sight of a burly deer heaving over a trash can, still clutching a bottle of vodka in one hand. While the idea of being surrounded by throngs of drunk party-goers wasn't appealing, the crowds nonetheless afforded him a veil of concealment from any prying eyes that may be watching, searching for the bobcat and intending to finish the job they'd started earlier.

Double-checking the address scrawled on a napkin he'd stuffed into his pocket a few hours prior, Sebastian dipped into an alley lined with dumpsters and flickering lights. He nose wrinkled at the scent of garbage, spilled liquor, and god knew what else. While their olfactory senses may have come in handy at times Sebastian certainly wouldn't want to have a canine's sensitivity to smell at the moment.

Light from the cellphone's display illuminated his face for a moment as he fished it out of a pocket and scrolled through the contacts, putting it to his ear and tapping his foot impatiently. It rang, and rang, and rang, until the line went completely dead. No voicemail, no message, nothing. Sebastian scowled. His contact had been calling him all night, desperate for updates and instructions, and now wasn't picking up. That was strange for Aleksi. He couldn't blame the ferret for wanting to stay in the loop, of course. Aleksi was little more than a government office clerk, not a trained intelligence operative. He was a small fish swimming in a very large and very dangerous ocean. It made sense that he didn't want to be left in the dark.

But what didn't make sense was the sudden radio silence. He'd answered at two in the morning when Sebastian called the night before. Something wasn't right.

Turning the phone off and staring into the blank screen, Sebastian sighed. He'd give it five more minutes. If Aleksi didn't show by then he'd have no choice but to leave. Being out in the open like this could be a death sentence.

Still looking at the display, Sebastian froze in place. Two little flickers of green appeared, but they weren't coming from the phone. They stayed the same no matter which way he tilted the screen. They were coming from directly overhead. He reached for his gun.

His fingertips only just managed to brush the grip when he was driven to the ground with a thump, a firm knee in his back expelling the air from his lungs violently. Head ringing as it bounced off the asphalt, Sebastian reached out just in time to stop the blade sweeping towards his neck and grabbing his attacker's wrist, twisting sharply. He was rewarded with a grunt of pain and a split second of distraction,. Just long enough to roll onto his side, plant a foot into the assailant's stomach, and push with all his might. The knife clattered to the ground as they rolled away from his next strike, sinking into a low crouch.

Sebastian scrambled, finally gaining purchase on his handgun and starting to draw. But instead of a target he was greeted only by a flurry of motion as the figure advanced again, faster than he could have thought possible, pain rippling through his hand as they knocked the gun away. The next strike came just as quickly. A shot to his ribs that nearly doubled him over and left the bobcat wheezing for breath. He just managed to block the next one, knocking away the attacker's arm and trying to maneuver for better position. He caught only a fleeting glimpse of his opponent in the dim light, clad from head to toe in black and moving like liquid steel. They easily slipped under his punch, tugging his arm to send the bobcat tumbling forward and scrambling for balance. Sebastian grunted as their fist landed in the small of his back. The stranger's scent caught him by surprise, a hint of ginger and earth beneath the stench of sweat and garbage lining the alley. If they weren't trying to kill him he might have found it pleasant.

He fought through the pain as best he could, forcing his mind into the little bubble of consciousness that would keep him alive for a few seconds longer. The six-foot world, as his instructors had called it. Forget about everything else. The pain didn't matter. His aching lungs didn't matter. The ache in his head and back and arms didn't matter. All of that was secondary to simply staying alive long enough to win or escape. Jumping back from a sweeping kick that threatened to crush his ribs Sebastian gained a few precious feet of distance and a second to get his bearings. It also gave him a chance to size up his opponent. Lithe, lean, and deadly if the last ten seconds were any indication. Two more knives hung from sheaths on their belt. Nearly every inch of their figure was concealed beneath their attire of black fabric and Kevlar, save for a small strip in the mask covering their face to reveal two shining, piercing green eyes.

They began to circle, sizing each other up, waiting to see who would make the next move. Sebastian didn't like his odds; he was no slouch in the hand-to-hand combat department, but this operative was on another level. They'd nearly gotten the drop on him once, and he had the sinking realization that their little sparring match had only been a test up to this point. They'd been feeling him out, finding out the bobcat's strengths and weaknesses, and now they were coming in for the kill.

A flurry of blows erupted as they finally closed the gap in a blur, like an angry hornet's nest. All he could do was parry the most dangerous strikes, taking more than a few to his abdomen that left him panting and heaving for breath. Already he knew how the fight was likely to end. This opponent could keep this up for hours; all they had to do was wait for him to tire, and that would be it.

He saw the next strike coming a millisecond before it reached him; a sharp kick that would probably break his ribs and send him flying. Once again his mind reverted to its adrenaline-fueled state of strange clarity. One side putting the pieces together in microsecond-long flashes, moving his body to make the necessary adjustments, estimating how long he'd have to act, preparing for what was coming next.

And then the other side decided to pipe up. Did I remember to put the cover on my car before I left?

The kick sent him flying. The few neurons not focused on transmitting the stunning pain throughout his body had just enough time to realize how much it would hurt in the morning. Assuming he lived that long. An eternity passed as he was flung through the air, head spinning as stars danced in his eyes. The ground rushed up to meet Sebastian and he landed on his back, rolling a few times before coming to a stop between a dumpster and the alley wall, curled up into a ball. His attacker crouched, reaching for one of the blades at their waist, only to stop dead in their tracks.

Sebastian tasted blood, sitting up with the Glock leveled at their face. Slumped against the dumpster he fought for every breath, though the weapon's sights never wavered. The black-clad figure paused, gaze flickering between him and the pistol aimed squarely at their muzzle. "You can try it," He panted, finger already applying pressure to the trigger. "But we both know how that's going to end."

The operative seemed to weigh their options. Sebastian could see the contemplation in those deep emerald pools as their eyes met. In theory they might be able to close the gap and make the fatal strike, but that would be a dangerous gamble. Sebastian was already on the verge of pulling the trigger. It would only take another few pounds of pressure, and the attacker would be dead before they could even reach him. Ever so slowly, an inch at a time, they slipped the knife back into its sheath and took one step back, then another, and he was stunned to hear a soft chuckle from beneath their mask. Without a word they turned and disappeared into the shadows leaving nothing but the pain radiating through Sebastian's body.

"Jesus," He coughed, only lowering the gun when he was certain they'd gone. "I need a drink."

Contrary to what the movies would have one believe, there was no secret medical center for intelligence agents tucked away in a dark warehouse or shady doctor's office. Sebastian went to the emergency room like anyone else, explaining in broken Swedish that he was a foreigner who'd gotten mixed up in a nasty bar fight. Technically speaking he wasn't lying. The alleyway had been behind a night club, after all. Once the doctors were certain his ribs hadn't been shattered and that he hadn't suffered a debilitating head injury they sent him on his way with some bandages, ice packs, and pain medication.

Aleksi never showed. Sebastian spent the next three days trying in vain to track down the ferret without success. In the end all he could do was inform his superiors. Their orders were the same as always; sit tight and await further instruction.

Snow had given way to rain as Sebastian climbed out of the taxi in front of his hotel, wincing just slightly from the pain still lingering in his abdomen. Tipping the driver a few extra Krona and collecting his bags of groceries he jogged up the stairs into the lobby, trying to shake as much of the water from his fur as possible. The front desk clerk, an elderly dormouse, waved with a disarming smile as he passed. Her English was even more broken than his Swedish, so most days they settled for a friendly wave.

Sebastian had his key halfway in the lock before he realized something was wrong. A fresh scratch in the bronze face of the lock cylinder, nearly invisible to the casual observer. But it hadn't been there when he'd left an hour previous, and that was enough for him to set the bags of groceries down while reaching for his gun.

The door opened silently with a turn of the knob, and he kept the handgun tucked close against his chest while peering inside. Another piece of trade-craft he'd picked up from more experienced agents; not giving an adversary a chance to seize the weapon at arm's length. And in the close confines of his room aiming wouldn't be of much use regardless. It was more of an apartment than hotel room, with its own small kitchen and separate bedroom, but still small enough that he likely wouldn't even have time to get a proper sight picture in the event of a gunfight.

Pausing in the short hallway Sebastian simply listened for a time, slowing his breathing and letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. He always turned the lights off before leaving. Which made the beam of light coming from the partly-open bedroom door that much more concerning. He raised his handgun a fraction, shoes sinking into the lush carpet with each carefully measured step. It would have been an easy enough thing to simply empty his magazine through the door to flush out whoever was inside. But without knowing what was waiting beyond the threshold, he didn't want to risk hitting someone who might not have any ill intent. Who knows, maybe Aleksi had finally showed. And punching over a dozen nine-millimeter sized holes into the drywall certainly wouldn't earn him any favors with the housekeeping staff.

And so he crept forward instead, pausing after each step to stop and listen. Taking one more breath to steady himself for whatever lay on the other side Sebastian shoved the door open, rushing inside with his finger on the trigger.

Two emerald-green eyes met his gaze from across the room, sparkling playfully with a look he knew all too well. Sebastian stopped with his pistol leveled at the figure lounging in an overly-stuffed armchair, their tail flicking back and forth slowly. "You here to kill me this time, Sakura?"

"Now where would the fun be in that?" The spotted leopard's muzzle twitched into a grin, not seeming to care that he had a pistol aimed squarely between her twinkling eyes. "Besides, if I really wanted you dead, you'd already be floating down the river."

"You could've fooled me, especially after our little sparring match the other night in the alley." He huffed, slowly lowering the pistol but keeping it ready regardless. Sakura just laughed, a surprisingly gentle sound for a feline who he knew could likely snuff out his life without breaking a sweat.

"Oh come on, I had to at least make it look good. My bosses were watching, if I just let you go without a fight they'd never forgive me."

Grunting, Sebastian eventually slid the pistol back into his holster before crossing his arms. "Did you kill my contact?"

Fully expecting the usual cryptic riddle or leading question, he was surprised when the leopard shook her head firmly. "No. I was searching just like you, but not to kill him. Your superiors aren't the only ones willing to pay a pretty penny for what he knows." She shrugged. "But someone else got to him first. No idea who. Unless you feel like telling me?" Her ears perked as she smiled, showing just a hint of teeth.

Sebastian sighed. "You're assuming I know. Aleksi just disappeared off the face of the earth. We're chasing a ghost." This time he couldn't help but chuckle softly, slipping off his coat and hanging it from a peg on the wall. "Wouldn't be the first time we've both been running after someone who doesn't seem to exist."

"I suppose we'll just have to wait and see who catches up first." She smirked, climbing out of the chair. Sebastian's already sore back twinged as he recognized the black turtle-neck she wore, though the slim-fitting jeans were far more fashionable than the black fatigues he'd seen her wearing the other night.

"So what are you doing here, if you didn't show up to kill me?" Sebastian stripped off his gun and set it down on the bedside table before retrieving a waiting bottle of whiskey and two glasses from the same cupboard. She accepted one of them with a nod of thanks after he'd poured a healthy shot of the amber liquor into each glass, taking a small sip and licking her lips.

"What, I can't just drop by to visit an old friend?" Sakura cocked her head, trying to feign a look of innocence.

"Oh, god, not the puppy-dog face." Sebastian winced, taking a drink from his own glass. The whiskey rippled through him with a delightful warmth. "You're terrible at it, and not because you're a cat."

Her laugh was refreshingly genuine, a soft sound that leeched some of the tension from his weary frame. Their respective lines of work demanded they live life behind a mask, never allowing anyone to catch a glimpse of what lay behind the masquerade. But for the first time in nearly five months, since the last time they'd met, Sebastian could drop the act. At least for a time. Their perpetual game of cat-and-mouse could wait.

"Fine, fine." Sakura chuckled and swirled the drink in her cup. "My bosses sent me. They still think you're some fumbling bureaucratic agent who will spill his guts the moment things get a bit dangerous. And you have me to thank for that charade, by the way. They've been eating it up since day one."

"Well I appreciate that." He nodded. "Though you're aware I'm not some fumbling bureaucratic agent who will spill his guts, correct?"

"Oh, I'm very aware. You proved that in Taiwan last year. All of my best tricks and you still wouldn't crack." She smirked at the sight of his ears turning red, lifting an eyebrow. "But I came here with my own ideas in mind."

A twinge of worry shot through Sebastian's gut. He resisted the urge to drain the rest of his whiskey in one gulp as she stepped a bit closer. "And what sort of ideas might those be? The last time I agreed to one of your little schemes we nearly ended up in a Siberian prison."

"Please, that was just a fluke." She protested with a wave of her hand. "Besides, this time I've had more than ten minutes to come up with a plan."

The bed creaked as Sebastian sat with a groan, still nursing his aching ribs. "Alright, alright," He rubbed his brow, sighing. "What did you come up with?"

"The way I see things," Sakura paced slowly back and forth, tail swaying in time with each step. "We both want the same thing: To find Aleksi. Both of us are stymied until that happens. You've got the resources and intelligence to get us on the right track, I have the connections."

He interrupted with a scowl. "You're making it sound like I don't know anybody."

"Not the people I do." The leopard's eyes flashed as she looked over her shoulder. "Your agency has to at least pretend to keep its hands clean, I don't have that problem. If you spend long enough in hell you start to make friends with demons, Seb."

His fingers drummed against the glass in his hand slowly. "Alright, so let's assume your connections pay off. I can't just go off the reservation without orders."

"You wouldn't have to. I know how the system works. If you provide some actionable intelligence, as your people call it, they'll jump at the chance to make some headway. How long has your investigation been stalling now?"

Sebastian opened his mouth to argue only for nothing to come out, eventually just letting out a disgruntled snort. "Two weeks. Aleksi was our last concrete lead."

Winking, Sakura took another sip of whiskey. "Precisely. I can get you that information. It won't be legal, and it'll definitely be dangerous, but who's to say we both can't be victorious?"

"And if your bosses find out you're working with an American intelligence operative?" He looked up at her, the concern in his eyes obvious.

Her ears flicked back. "They won't." She waved the question away, but didn't seem as sure of herself as he stood, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"Sakura, we're playing a very dangerous game here." He murmured softly, squeezing her arm. "It's one thing to just meet on neutral ground and offer a little help now and again. What you're proposing could go wrong in a hundred different ways. And I'd never be able to live with myself if something happened to you because of something I did."

For a time she didn't move so much as a whisker. Finally though, the leopard reached up to take his hand in hers. "It's always been a dangerous game, Seb." She smiled. "At least this way we're not playing it by ourselves."

Touching his forehead to hers gently Sebastian purred, letting his shoulders sag. "Alright, you win." He stepped back a little, keeping their fingers intertwined. "We'll give it a shot at least. But if things get hairy we pull the plug and reevaluate. Deal?"

"Deal." She nodded, setting her jaw. "But that wasn't the only plan I had in mind."

"Oh god," Anxiety rushed through his veins like ice. "What else?"


Her lips practically crashed into his with a fervent passion that nearly drove the air from Sebastian's lungs, Sakura's hand gripping him by the shirt to pull him in all the way. For a split second that felt like hours he was frozen to the spot, brain short-circuiting with a flash of heat that spread through him from ears to tail. The leopard clearly wasn't having such momentary stumbles. Sakura held him firmly in place as a throaty purr rumbled from her muzzle, pushing him back against the wall with a firm yet playful shove. She didn't waste a single second, pressing up against him with such ferocity that he worried they might break through the drywall. Retaining just enough common sense to put his glass down on the table as to not spill his drink.

What remained of his sensibilities dissolved in a flash as her hands pressed against his chest, their kiss deepening and growing to a crescendo that drew a soft groan from his otherwise occupied muzzle. Her scent soon took over his world as Sebastian shut his eyes; the warmth of ginger, a subtle hint of ocean spray, and a lingering note of pine forests after a rainstorm. It was familiar yet undeniably exhilarating, a memory that he could never forget but had gone far too long without. His hands soon found their way down to her waist, following the curves along her ribs and lower back, reacquainting himself with a touch that felt like discovering a long-lost treasure. Pulling her closer Sebastian quickly caught up with the tempo of their exchange, and it wasn't long before their tongues met with a thrilling warmth that sent a shiver up his spine.

Sakura's tongue pushed its way into his mouth without hesitation as she slipped her hands beneath his shirt with one fluid movement. Only stopping when her palms caressed his ribs, eliciting a slight gasp from the bobcat, she broke the kiss for a moment with a soft chuckle. "Aww, still a little sore?"

Grunting, Sebastian gave her rear a playful squeeze. It was just the right size to fit in his hands, wonderfully firm to his touch. "You nearly beat me to death, y'know."

"Well, how about I make it up to you then?"

Her hands gripped his shoulders before tossing him onto the bed, leaving the bobcat splayed out on his back and looking up at Sakura as she slithered out of the nearly skin-tight shirt. Eyes widening, he tried not to stare for too long and failed miserably. "No bra, huh?"

"Oh please," She snorted, already starting to undo her pants. Two soft nubs of pink peaked out from beneath the fur on her breasts. His eyes wandered over the intricate patterns of slightly subdued blue and orange running through her fur, islands of tattooed color against her natural pelt of black and tan. "You know they're not big enough for me to need one of those."

"Maybe, but I still love them." Sebastian sat up enough to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling the leopard down onto the bed with a surprised chirp. Despite her smaller breasts he wasn't lying. The bobcat always appreciated how they seemed to match the rest of her form so wonderfully, only compounding her sensual curves and lean figure. And as their lips met once more he set about exploring every inch he could reach, fingertips combing through the dyed fur along her hips and waist, just barely above the waistband of her thin black panties and along the front of her chest. So lost in the moment he didn't notice her shifting position until she was straddling him, letting out a muffled gasp when she rolled and rocked her hips. Not wanting her to be the only one putting in some effort Sebastian slid his hands north until they were cupping her modest breasts, working his thumbs in little circles around her nipples.

Rewarded with a small shudder running through Sakura, he just grinned as she pulled back and bit her lip. "You're such a tease, you know that?" She practically ripped his shirt off, tossing the garment aside with a few extra claw-marks in the fabric.

"And you know you love it." His pants came off next, the pair clad only in their underwear. And it quickly became apparent just how worked up they'd both become. Sebastian's arousal strained against the confines of his boxers, twitching with anticipation as she pressed against him. The thin fabric did little to hide the warmth and damp spot between her thighs, and Sakura let out a playful growl before pulling him into another fierce, almost desperate kiss. Though this time she didn't bother with any teasing, tugging his underwear down and wrapping a warm, shockingly gentle hand around his manhood. Sebastian gasped and bucked his hips at the touch, very aware of how long it had been since he'd felt anything like that. Global intelligence operations didn't afford him much time to take care of personal business, so to speak.

But he wasn't one to simply lay back and let someone else do all the work. Distracting her proved easier than expected, reaching back to give the leopard's rear a firm squeeze with one hand as his tongue pushed into her muzzle easily. As such she didn't notice his other hand moving down until it slipped beneath the lace of her panties, fingers brushing against the soft, warm slickness of Sakura's sex. It was her turn to tense and moan into their embrace, screwing her eyes shut and trying to push back onto his fingers with an eager flick of her tail. Their bodies moved together in a symphony of desire, holding each other right on the edge, waiting to see who would make the next move. Just another flourish in a dance that never seemed to end no matter how long they had been apart.

Sakura was the first to ramp up the tempo, pulling back from the kiss with a gasp. "If you're not going to share all your juicy secrets, you can put that muzzle to other uses." Her eyes flashed with a grin. Even in her haste to strip off her panties the leopard flowed with a fluidity and grace that he'd never seen before meeting her. It was nearly intoxicating. Almost as enthralling as the scent of her arousal that only grew stronger as she climbed up onto him, straddling his face and resting a hand between his ears.

Sebastian couldn't imagine a better view. As she settled into position above him with her slit already grinding against his muzzle he gripped her waist in both hands. He watched the tremble that ran through her at the first touch of his tongue with satisfaction. Part of him was tempted to tease her just a little more, to her her panting and moaning, desperate for more, but even he couldn't resist the temptation. So instead he pressed his tongue eagerly between her folds and rubbed up against her clit with a fervent desire, holding the leopard in place as her teeth gritted in pleasure. Sakura gripped the headboard tightly enough to leave claw marks in the varnished wood. It became quickly apparent that he wasn't the only one who'd gone without attention for some time. She'd never been one to hold back, and the hand gripping his head tightly and arousal dripping over his face served to remind Sebastian of how long they'd been apart.

And they had a lot of time to make up for. Sakura's thighs clenched as a fresh wave of tingling pleasure shot through her core, practically thrusting against his face with reckless abandon. Half-growls, half-moans escaped her muzzle, joined by his own muffled groans of delight. He knew just where to focus his efforts and set about hitting all those little spots that would drive the leopard wild. His efforts were soon rewarded with a sharp gasp from above him as Sakura tensed with pleasure, arching her back. She bucked and writhed, squeezing her eyes shut tightly and panting. "G-god, yes! Right...right there..."

Sebastian considered drawing things out just a bit longer. After all, he was being treated to a wonderful show with Sakura's body rocking to and fro above him, hovering right on the edge of climax, losing herself to the moment. But even with her desperate gasps and moans caressing his ears he knew all too well that she wouldn't put up with any unnecessary teasing when she was so close. Fighting down the mischievous urge to string her along for a few moments longer the bobcat instead focused his attention on the little pink nub that his tongue had been dancing around in circles, dragging it along the surface of her clit over and over. Legs tightening around his head, Sakura let out a primal growl of pure bliss. But he wasn't quite done yet even as she surrendered to the first throes of orgasm. His hand slipped around until his fingertips began to press against her tailhole gently. Not pushing in, just massaging and kneading in little circles. It was a little naughty, a bit kinky, and just what Sakura needed for a thunderous orgasm to finally come crashing down over her.

The leopard abandoned any hope of keeping quiet, letting out a nearly feral shout of pure bliss and grinding her hips firmly against Sebastian's muzzle pinned between them. They'd have to find a good excuse for the deep gouges her claws left in the bed's headboard, but that was the furthest thing from her mind as she shook and twitched with each cresting wave of pleasure that slammed into her. With every lick of Sebastian's determined tongue she let out a feeble gasp that dissolved to little more than a whimpering, ecstatic moan. And for his part Sebastian never let up, licking and working his tongue until Sakura practically pushed his head away with a weak hand. She nearly collapsed atop him, muzzle resting between his ears and trying to regain what was left of her composure.

Allowing himself a little grin and licking his lips, Sebastian kissed up and down her neck while wrapping his arms securely about the leopard's waist. "Mmm, seems like you needed that."

"Shut up." She panted, nibbling at his ear and letting him feel the sharpness of her teeth. He just chuckled and rubbed her back, drawing his fingers through her silk-like fur.

Sakura took a few more moments to recover before sitting up, planting a gentle kiss on his lips and stroking his ears with a purr. Sebastian was more than content to simply hold her, breathing in the leopard's scent and feeling the warmth of her body against his. Though the moment's languid peace evaporated in a heartbeat as her fingers found his throbbing shaft, still concealed beneath the fabric prison of his underwear. He gasped into the kiss and bucked, ears flushing as she grinned down at him.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been missing out on some attention lately." She whispered into his ear while tugging the boxers down, helping him slip out of them with practiced ease. His breath caught at the sensation of her fingers squeezing and stroking gently, all the way from base to tip, swirling her thumb around the head.

"Y-you could say that." He winced in pleasure and gripped at the sheets as she moved down his body, like a snake slithering across the sands.

"Such a shame," She murmured with a sing-song voice, eyes glittering in the dim light as she ended up kneeling between his legs on all fours. "Guess we'll have to make up for lost time." Head dipping down to plant a few kisses along the underside of his shaft, just enough to force a gasp from the bobcat's open muzzle, Sakura grinned up at him with a wink. "Though with how pent up you are, we'll have to see just how long you can last."

Managing a smirk that belied the delicious anticipation building inside him, Sebastian sat up a little. "Bold of you to assume I won't be up for round two after you've had your fun."

"Oh, is that a challenge?" The sight of Sakura's tongue gliding across her lips was nearly enough to send his heart fluttering. "Because I know how long it can take for some guys to recover."

He winked. "Bring it on."

Had Sebastian known just how intense the ensuing onslaught of pleasure would be, he might not have been so eager to agree to their impromptu wager. But it was already too late to back out as Sakura's muzzle dipped and took him all the way to the hilt with one easy push, wrapping his shaft in slick warmth. Even if he'd wanted to protest it would be no use, the tidal wave of stimulation practically driving the air from his lungs with a trembling moan. Not one to waste any time Sakura began bobbing her head rhythmically, all the way down until her nose was pressed into the fur on his crotch, then coming back up so that only the very tip was still wrapped in her soft embrace. Her gaze never left his; hungry, playful, nearly predatory in its desire. Sebastian only just managed to keep himself upright as she eagerly returned the favor for his ministrations just a few minutes before.

Her tongue soon joined in and hugged the underside of his length, dragging along the surface or swirling around the tip with a series of practiced, determined licks. Even as he squirmed and twitched Sakura never let up. She had a single goal in mind and had every intention of following through, if her slithering tongue and accomplished muzzle were any indication. The leopard let out a happy purr as a few spurts of precum coated her tongue, swallowing without trepidation and doing everything in her power to coax out even more.

Sebastian made a valiant effort, but deep down knew that he wouldn't last long at this pace. Maybe a few months apart had dulled his memory, but Sakura was quickly reminding him of one of the many reasons he'd fallen for her. All of his willpower was focused solely on not finishing too quickly, but that already feeble wall was beginning to crumble. Sheets balled up tightly in both hands, toes curling and ears pinned back, he gasped and bucked at her touch. "O-oh fuck, I'm...g-getting close..."

The look in Sakura's eyes alone was nearly enough to push him over the edge; a lustful determination that coincided with her intensified efforts. She pumped her muzzle up and down, over and over, not giving him a moment's respite even as her tongue was coated with spurt after spurt of slightly salty precum. Cupping his balls gently in one hand, the leopard's eyes finally closed as he leaned back and let out one final, desperate groan.

Sebastian's world exploded in a series of white-hot flashes, each one accompanying his pulsing, throbbing manhood. Any composure he might have left vanished in a whirlwind of elation. With every spurt of his seed into Sakura's eager muzzle, now buried all the way down onto his cock, his body shuddered and sang with a sensual chorus. The leopard between his legs purred happily and milked him practically dry with a skilled ease, swallowing every drop of cum that he had to give without hesitation. Massaging his sac gently to coax the moment out for as long as she could manage, Sakura closed her eyes and inhaled the bobcat's scent, relishing the hints of sage and flowers mixed with his arousal.

A soft shiver ran up Sebastian's spine at the feeling of Sakura pulling off his shaft bit by bit, until it slipped free of her muzzle to rest against his stomach. Swallowing once more and sitting up, she grinned and rested both hands on her hips. "Mmm...yeah, definitely pent up."

"J-Jesus, how do you manage that?" Sebastian's head swam and he only just managed to lean up on his elbows, chest heaving slightly with each haggard breath. Even speaking was a monumental effort as he fought to regain his senses.

Purring, Sakura's muzzle twitched up into a smug grin. "Practice. It helps that I have a willing participant who doesn't mind giving me a hand."

"You can practice on me whenever you like." Sebastian chuckled and finally managed to sit up without falling over, cupping the leopard's face gently in both hands and kissing her softly. Wrapping her arms around his neck in turn Sakura shut her eyes and leaned into the embrace, a happy rumble building in her chest. They both sunk down onto the mattress lying on their sides with Sebastian's paw resting on the small of her back, Sakura's caressing his cheek.

Minutes passed. Sebastian wasn't quite sure how long, but the warm tingles of afterglow intensified into something else entirely as her hand slid between his legs. Gasping softly, the temptation of rest evaporating in a flash, he returned her sly grin. "Well aren't you just ravenous?" Leaning in to give her neck a soft love-bite and eager to return the favor, his fingertips soon found the slick warmth between her legs.

"That may be part of it. But we made a bet, and it's time for you to make good on your end of the bargain." Fingers traced up and down his already hardening shaft, teasing at the sensitive tip for a moment until Sebastian was practically squirming. With a grace born from years of experience Sakura hooked her leg around his waist and rolled over so he was lying atop her, the leopard's legs spread wide apart and leaving no doubts about what she wanted next. And if he needed any more encouragement, Sakura quickly remedied that by wrapping her hand around his shaft and guiding it down until the tip was pressed against the raw heat between her thighs.

Head almost spinning, Sebastian took a moment to gain his bearings before grinning down at her. "Not one for subtlety, are you?"

"You would know." The leopard smirked and reached down to grab his butt in both hands, squeezing it tightly. "Now shut up and fuck me."

Growling softly into her ear, Sebastian braced his legs and reached down to position his shaft, rubbing the head across her almost drenched folds. "Gladly."

No matter how many times they did this, no matter how much they might imagine and fantasize about the experience, there was nothing quite like the moment the pair became one. With one smooth, measured, yet eager push Sebastian slid every inch of himself into Sakura. The leopard didn't bother containing her reaction, letting out a sharp gasp of delight as his length stretched and filled her bit by bit, a comfortable yet electrifying fullness. Pure bliss. A feeling she'd gone so long without and hadn't realized she'd been so desperate for. Sebastian tried fruitlessly to maintain his composure, finally giving himself over to the sensations flooding through him with a breathless groan. Silken heat spread around his shaft and clenched down tightly until he was buried into the leopard with one last buck of his hips.

"F-fuck!" The word escaped him with a passionate growl. Part of him whispered to take things slow, to not rush, but Sakura had other plans. She hooked her legs around his waist tightly and began to roll her hips, grunting and panting hard as she slid back and forth along his length. And he wasn't one to deny his lover what she wanted. Planting his hands on either side of the leopard he began to thrust, albeit slowly at first, pulling back until nearly slipping free before pushing back in to the hilt. It didn't take long to find his rhythm. Hips clapping together, bodies moving as one, the pair of felines writhed and moaned together as months of frantic desire caught up to them. But even with their frenzied love-making Sebastian had just enough awareness to focus his efforts. He angled his thrusts upwards just slightly to grind against her clit to draw out a series of high-pitched gasps from the leopard clinging to him tightly.

Her hands gripped the fur on his chest. He paused for a second, about to ask what was wrong, when she rolled him over onto his back with one fluid motion that left him reeling in surprise. Not that he was complaining, however. Somehow she'd managed to flip the script without him even slipping out of her, and was now riding him at a frantic pace that left him moaning and panting for breath. She was like a leopard possessed, pinning his shoulders down while her hips did all the work. Any hopes he had of maybe controlling the pace, to give himself just a few moments longer, disappeared as Sakura slid up and down along his length relentlessly. Already he could feel a second climax building within him with each pump of the leopard's hips. He groaned, gripping her ass tightly in both hands.

To his surprise Sakura beat him to the punch. With little more than a sudden cry of bliss for warning she pushed all the way down onto his shaft, claws digging into his shoulders. The pulsating rhythm of her walls clenching down around his malehood was soon joined by a few breathless, trembling moans as she tipped over the edge of orgasm. But even in the throes of passion she didn't give Sebastian much of a break, riding him intensely, their hips clapping softly together with each thrust. He tried his best to hold off, not wanting things to end. But the silken heat around his shaft and the sight of Sakura taking him eagerly was just too much to bear.

Letting out one final grunt and pushing up into her deeply, until every inch of his feline length was hilted in the leopard, Sebastian finally relented and gave in to the coiled spring of pleasure that had been waiting impatiently for release inside him. Sakura couldn't hold back her own gasps of delight as he pumped jets of warm cum into her depths, grinding up against her with his shaft throbbing and pulsing with each release. For the second time that night his entire world devolved into nothing more than the sensation of holding Sakura and the tingling warmth of climax spreading through him. Nothing else mattered. All he could do was hold on and ride it out, eyes screwed shut and ears flicking back against his head as the bobcat bucked up into Sakura.

It wasn't until he felt the leopard collapsing atop him did Sebastian start to come back to the present. Still breathing hard and shaking with the aftershocks of climax, he managed to wrap his arms around Sakura's waist and kiss along her neck slowly, nose tingling with the scents of ginger and pine. Neither spoke, there was nothing to say that they hadn't already told in their frantic passion moments before. Instead their lips met in a gentle kiss, Sakura's hands caressing his face as he let his slide up and down her waist.

The last sparks of climax faded and left them both in the hazy, ethereal warmth of afterglow. After a few more moments of kissing and gentle caresses Sakura lifted herself off of him with a soft huff, not seeming to mind the mess between her thighs as she curled up against him. Figuring there'd be plenty of time for a shower and fresh change of sheets later Sebastian didn't mention it either, just pulling her into his arms and nuzzling the top of her head. She smiled, running a fingertip through the fur on his chest. But that soon slowed to a crawl as sleep overtook them both, sinking into a rest neither had known for months.

Sebastian wasn't certain what time it was when he woke, but the skies outside his bedroom window had grown dark. That left only the lights of the city stretching across the river to illuminate Sakura's form as she stood before the window facing away from the bed, completely naked and holding a steaming mug of coffee. The light caught the more subtle shades of red and green that blended in with her natural fur more easily than the rest of her tattoos, following the curves of her waist and back. Smiling, Sebastian took a moment to just drink in the visage of her beauty. He knew those markings just as much as she did.

Climbing out of the bed, Sakura didn't move until he'd wrapped his arms about her waist, just tilting her head to look up at him with a smile. "Look who finally decided to get up."

"What can I say, you wore me out." His teeth grazed against the leopard's ear, earning him a happy purr and a little wiggle of her tail. "And I'm not the one drinking coffee at..." A quick glance to the clock. "Almost one in the morning."

"Some caffeine always helps me think a little more clearly when I'm coming up with a plan. And I'm going to need plenty of it." She took another sip to emphasize the point.

Resting his chin on her shoulder, Sebastian hugged the leopard close. "Oh no, what wild schemes are you planning on getting me into this time?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out, Seb. At least for now, until I've got something concrete. Let's just say we're going to have to meet with some very unpleasant people if we want to make any progress." Sakura's gaze darkened a shade as their eyes met. "If you want to back out now, I wouldn't blame you. Things might get a bit...dicey. Even if it all goes to plan."

The thought crossed his mind, Sebastian couldn't deny that. But it was nothing more than a fleeting consideration, vanishing into the ether just as quickly as it appeared. He'd made up his mind already. "No. If you're in, then I am too. Besides," His lips found hers again for a few moments. "Who's going to watch your back if I let you go alone?"

She smirked, reaching up to tweak his ear. "Watch my back, huh? Sure you just aren't looking for an excuse to stare at my ass?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny."

Laughing, Sakura turned around to kiss him again more deeply than before, keeping their noses pressed together even after pulling back. "Figures."

"So, what do you need from me? Provided I give them a good enough reason, the agency can get me almost anything I need." He let Sakura pull him towards the bathroom, silently thankful for the prospect of a shower. Especially if she was going to share it with him.

"Money, guns, and a car." The shower hissed to life and quickly filled the small room with clouds of steam, hot water pouring through Sebastian's fur as they stepped in together. "But that can wait for at least a day or two. You and I still have some catching up to do, mister." A playful grin flashed across her lips, and Sebastian had to stop himself from swallowing nervously as she shut the shower door.

He just hoped he'd have enough energy to even make that phone call by the time Sakura was done with him.

Any Port in a Storm - Shore Leave

Hello again everyone! Well I'm back again, this time with another piece involving Sam and Tikka. I've been writing this one on and off for the past week or so, and in all honesty is mostly just a way for me to get my creativity...

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A Long Time Coming

So this little one-off was actually born from another story I wrote a couple years ago but never got around to finishing. I wanted to explore some of the elements of BDSM/kink that aren't often touched upon in most stories such as...

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Any Port in a Storm

Well here it is, the first story I'm publishing here! Admittedly I'm a bit rusty, especially when it comes to writing spicier content, but hopefully some out there might enjoy this. I've been kicking around this idea for a little while and finally got...

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