Demon: The Chase, Part 1

Story by jetdwolf on SoFurry

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"Oh God, I didn't mean for this to happen." Spoke a male rabbit as a wolf pulled him along amidst the flames, the heat burning him as they ran. They had to get out of the town, but the rabbit halfway wanted to stay, to burn down with the town and its people. However, another force was pulling him away from the danger and the shame. It was not long before he left the hard, worn-out dirt of the town, to the plush green grass of the area surrounding the town. It was the most beautiful garden on this side of the continent, but now it stands there, threatened by the looming smoke and fire. They continued to run until they came up a steep hill on the outskirts, where they can see the view of the whole town.

They stopped briefly and looked back at the town.

"...if you want to punish me, go ahead and do so now" the rabbit said suddenly, his brown fur now covered in ash, the only part truly burned was his ear, where a scar showed prominently. He stayed there in silence for a second, the wind blowing across his half-naked body. Along with wind, came the smell of fire, of shame and of a now-destroyed past. The rabbit could feel the weight of the world and choked on the smoke as he waited for a response. Just when he felt that it was too unbearable, his savior spoke.

"No, its ok, you did not know of the dangers it would cause...I shall not punish you now. We shall leave," said a robed wolf, his black robe stained with blood.

The rabbit did not know if it was truly a sign of forgiveness or if the wolf planned to punish him later, but he took it as a sign of forgiveness for now.

"...Thank you so much," the rabbit said, looking much relieved than he did a few seconds ago. "Yeah, it would be bad to stay here any longer. Let's go." The Rabbit stood there as the wolf retreated down the hill. He looked back over the hill and at his destroyed town, before following after the wolf.

That was a month ago but the situation had not improved in that time.


The wolf and the Rabbit were walking down a deserted road. It seemed like there was no wildlife for miles around. The rabbit wondered who exactly would live out here, but according to his "stolen" map, there was a town somewhere ahead of them. The rabbit halfway guessed that the town was deserted. Their presence was becoming well- known. The rabbit guessed how people even heard about them. There were never any survivors to the older events, but still he was getting his statistics based off the damage done to the towns.

After walking around for a while, they finally arrived at the town. By the looks of it, it seems like people had deserted this town as well. The rabbit was right and seemed so happy about it that he even went so far to snicker at the situation.

The wolf spoke up, "we shall rest here, there seems to be no people here, so we won't have to worry."

The wolf and the rabbit walked into the town and walked in front of what seemed to be an abandoned inn. They walked in and set up in different rooms. The rabbit sat down on the edge of the bed, relieved that he did not have to worry about anyone else while in this town. However, something else was troubling this tired rabbit; he had been having feelings for the silent wolf. The wolf always chose to wear just a cloak, so he saw everything when the wolf took it off. He had only seen the wolf without his cloak three times since they left his hometown, but he still remembered his form with great clarity. He had shining gray fur, intense blue eyes; his body was slightly muscular to the point where one could see his muscular tone but had to be close up to see it, he also has a scar on his right arm that went around his arm like a bracelet. He had big sheath for a wolf his size and the rabbit guessed that it was the reason why he walked around wearing only a cloak.

He focused more on the wolf's sheath and how the wolf got a little excited every time he went into battle, him showing a little pink when he brawled; this threw off the opponent twice. The rabbit started to imagine how the wolf would look if his cock slid all the way out. He tried to imagine how big the wolf's cock would look, and what he would be doing with it. He imagined that the wolf had just come out of the final battle without a scar, but the excitement had brought him to a point where there was a little more than a little pink showing.

"Now, isn't this the part where the hero gets the babe, or in my case, the guy," he would say to the rabbit as he would get closer. He would be just up on the rabbit and the rabbit would take in the scent of the male wolf as he was upon him. The rabbit would be sitting down, taking another smell of him, before licking him, savoring the taste of his cock, licking inside his sheath, eliciting the wolf's cock out of its sheath. As more would come out of its sheath, he would take more into his mouth until he could not take anymore, then using his hands to compensate for what he could not take in. He would move his hands up and down as he licked all over his dick, getting him closer to cumming, moving his mouth over his cock, getting him to the brink , where he would---.

The rabbit snapped out of his dream and opened his eyes as he looked ahead at the wolf that stood before him. "Huh, what did you say?" The rabbit responded to the wolf.

"I found some food downstairs." The wolf said, as he leaned on the side of the door.

That was his usual self, getting right down to the point. Sometimes he wished that the wolf would say something more, something more meaningful, but in the month that they have been travelling together; the rabbit has only seen his cold attitude.

"Oh, that's cool, here I come."


The rabbit eyed the wolf...Maybe he might say something meaningful, the rabbit hoped.

"Get rid of that hard-on you have. I don't want to see it while I'm eating." He said as he turned and headed down the stairs, him shattering the rabbit's dreams as he left.

The rabbit was now blushing with embarrassment and shame. He had an erection the whole time he was talking to him and he didn't say anything to him until the end. Wait maybe that was a sign; Maybe he had waited until he had a good look at me to state that, the rabbit hoped. Again, the wolf shattered his hopes when the rabbit came downstairs. "No." That was all he had to say and the rabbit guessed what he meant.

Well, that was the end of that.


The next day, the rabbit woke up to walk around the city to see if anyone had left anything worthy that could be useful in the future. He only had 3 days to explore, he based his estimate off how long it usually took with the other towns. He was walking when out of the corner of his eye he noticed a bar. "Hmmm, maybe they would have some liquor left over that I could drink" the rabbit thought assumingly. He walked over to the bar, but before he walked inside, he heard talking. "Wait, if this town was deserted, then who could be talking?" The rabbit thought as he slowly opened the door.

"Come in Ixy," said the familiar voice of the wolf.

The rabbit jumped slightly but quickly regained himself and opened the door, walking in. "Ixy, this is Jet," The wolf stated to the rabbit as he pointed over the counter at the Green and black thing, which had features of a wolf, a dragon, and what looked like a demon.

"Your friend here doesn't talk much, does he?" he said to Ixy, "He came in, didn't even order anything, he just sat there. Those words he said to you were the only words I heard from him."

"Yeah, he's pretty quiet" Ixy replied. The bartender just looked back and forth between the wolf and rabbit. It was an uncomfortable silence before he finally spoke.

"You guys must be the people that everyone was talking about. Some say that you guys are running from a giant monster with giant claws, sharp teeth, and fire for breath. It seems a little skeptical, but is it true?"

"Well, we are running from something, but I assure you that it doesn't have claws, sharp teeth and doesn't breathe fire."

"Well, then what is it?"

The wolf spoke this time, cutting off the poor rabbit, "it's a monster, a killing machine, you should leave and save yourself."

"Why? What does he do that is so horrible?" the bartender replied, "I can defend myself from many things, I'm no pushover."

The wolf was quiet and seemed to be deep in thought now. Ixy now spoke to the bartender, "you should just leave, because if it sees you then it WILL kill you. Some of the best warriors died instantly because of him. We are going to leave tomorrow afternoon, if you want to come with us-."

The wolf interjected again, cutting off Ixy, "No, he cannot come with us."

The rabbit interjected, "Why no-," he started to say but this time, he was interrupted by the bartender, "Don't worry, its okay, I have another place I can go. This is your destiny and I can see that he doesn't want me involved in it, so if this thing is as dangerous as you say...then I will leave first thing tomorrow... But in the meantime, want something to drink?"

An extra life saved.


Next day, the sun came up through the window and along with it came the sound of a door closing. Ixy quickly got up from the bed and went over to the window. There was the bartender. Ixy ran outside his room and down the stairs. He came outside right when the bartender had grabbed his things.

"Take Care!" Ixy shouted to the bartender.

"You too, hope that you can solve all of your problems!" He yelled back as he started to walk away.

Ixy watched him walk for a little bit before he came chasing after him. "Hey wait, where are you heading?!"

"Ekelt Soref"

"Wait, doesn't the Demon circle that area."

"Yeah, he's past his prime now, so he is not much of a threat. Plus, he is my father so I have some protection from him. Don't worry, I will be all right."

"Ok...I hope that we meet again."

"I highly doubt that we will, but it would be great if we met again. Good luck on your journey."

"Good luck on your journey as well."

This time the rabbit watched him go until the earth hid him from sight. He immediately rushed back to the inn and looked at his map. According to his map, Ekelt Soref was towards the middle of the continent, which means that they can totally avoid it. They were heading up north for some reason the wolf would not explain. Whatever was up there, it was the key for solving their problem.

Ixy rolled the map back up and put it safely in his bag. While the rabbit was getting the map in the bag, the door to his room opened slowly, showing the wolf standing there. "You ready?" he said to Ixy.

"Just about, just getting the map into my bag; if you don't mind me asking, where are we going?"


"I know that, but where?"

He was silent.

The rabbit hated the wolf's secrecy on where they were going. "Why won't you tell me anything?"

The wolf was still silent.

The rabbit sighed; it was no use arguing with him. As usual, the wolf would pretend that he does not care but the rabbit knew that was not entirely true. On more than one occasion, the wolf saved his life. "If he didn't care then why would he save him" the rabbit thought. The wolf left as Ixy pondered that thought.

The rabbit grabbed his stuff and followed behind the wolf. As they were leaving the town, they heard something they were not supposed to hear yet. They both faintly heard a shrill screech on the horizon. The rabbit turned and saw exactly what he did not want to see. Off into the horizon, barely a speck on the road, it was approaching the town. No one must have been in the other town, because he was a day early.

The rabbit looked back at the wolf that never stopped walking and was now a few yards ahead. The rabbit rushed to catch up with the wolf, knowing that the town would not last long and soon it will follow in the path of all the other towns.

As they walked, he could smell that same distinct smell that he did when he left his village. The rabbit was just as useless at preventing this town from burning down. As they kept walking, the familiar black cloud of smoke steadily rose in the sky.

He wished that the dark cloud would stop following him.


The next town, Ixy heard before he even saw it. The music was extremely loud and it seemed to lighten up Ixy's mood a little.

The wolf was still serious and even managed to get Ixy's mood back down by stating, "Don't they know what will happen if they stay?"

The Rabbit thought, "oh no, this is a disaster." Ixy wanted to warn them, he ran as fast as he could to the town.

"Wait!" the wolf yelled, but Ixy was too determined in his goal to stop.

The rabbit ran until he was right outside the town. He could not believe his eyes. This place would be a massacre in a few days. There was so many people that the streets were crowded and people were on top of roofs, partying. He wanted to know why no one at all had left. Then he got his answer.

Stretched over the street, a sign stated, "THE FESTIVAL OF GANE". The rabbit stared at the sign for a while until a tiger came up beside him.

"Hey little one"

"I'm not little"

"Well, anyway, I see that you are not from around here. Welcome to our town. We are currently in the biggest festival of the year, the festival of Gane."

"What is this festival about?"

"It's about the mighty warrior Gane, who destroyed the demon who plagued our land for almost a year."

"I never heard about it. How long ago did this happen?"

"Don't worry, you will. Attend the storytelling tonight; we will be telling the whole story to everyone who had not heard it already," the tiger said cheerfully, "Well, I have other people to meet, have fun little one." The tiger then dashed off to talk to someone else.

Ixy thought about this festival and considered that by the looks of it, the festival will be over by tomorrow. Therefore, most of the people would be gone the town and the rest he could properly warn of the danger. Until then, he might as well relax. Ixy made his way through the crowd to try to get a room at an inn for the night. Finally, he found an inn, but it only had one room and the price was insanely high.

"Wait, how much was it, again?"

"If you want the only room that's left you will need 1,000 for tonight."

"Hmmmm...well, I was going to save this for an emergency," Ixy said as he started digging in his backpack, "but I guess this counts as one." He then pulled out a bunch of cash and put it on the desk. "That should be enough for one room. You're sure that there is no other room, right?"

The man behind the desk was still in shock that a kid had that much money on him.

"Um, hello, are you there?" Ixy stated to the stunned cashier.

"Oh, I'm sorry; you just caught me off guard there for a second. What were you saying?"

"I said, are you sure there is no other room available?"

"Oh...I am quite sure that there is no other room available."

"Okay, then only one room." Ixy thought about how he would have to share the room with his silent companion. Just then, Ixy realized that the wolf was not around. Now that Ixy was thinking about it, he had not seen him since entering this town.

The man behind the counter handed Ixy the room key and then attended to the money on the counter.

Ixy walked out of the inn, with the key in hand and walked out of the town, looking for the wolf. Ixy kept looking for a few hours but did not see him anywhere. He turned back around and headed back to the inn through the crowd. He wanted to get back before the storytelling began.

Finally, the rabbit made it to the inn and to his room. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, just to see the wolf in there on the bed.

"There you are, I had been looking for you," Ixy stated as he took off his coat.

The wolf responded, "I did not want to be spotted in this town, especially at this time."

Ixy looked at the wolf and noticed that his apparel had changed. He now had a shirt on that was too small for him while he carried a mask in his hands. In the corner of the room, a pair of folded pants neatly laid there.

Ixy struck up conversation again, "How come you do not want to be seen in this town?"

"They are celebrating my Dad's failure. He was the one who managed to seal the monster that is following us now." The wolf stated as he looked out the window at everyone celebrating. Ixy was surprised the wolf was actually talking to him, but he continued to interrogate him in order to get him to talk some more.

"It's not a failure if he locked it away...Wait, so is that why we are headed up north? Is he located up north?"

"No, but that is where he learned how to seal the monster long ago. He went to this town, sealed the demon in some kind of stone, brought it with him, and hid it in that cave near your village. He ended up settling not far from your town too. He met my mother who died not long after giving birth to me. I trained with my dad just in case someone did manage to release it again. A year before the demon escaped he died and he never told me how to seal it away if it did come back."

Ixy was surprised. This was the most he ever said to him. "So, no wonder you were never in the town, you were training."

"No, that was not the reason why I didn't come into the town..."

"Then what was it?"

"Well, because I could not fall in love."

"Huh? How come you could not fall in love?"

"...It's getting late and we should get some sleep." He said as he took off his shirt, folded it, placed it neatly on top of the pants and lay down on the bed nude, looking up at the plain ceiling.

Ixy looked at the wolf, now having even more feelings for him. He looked at the wolf for a while before reaching into his bag to get his sleeping bag. The wolf turned to look at the rabbit. "Come up here and sleep in bed with me. You should not be sleeping on the floor if we have a bed here."

Ixy looked at the wolf, wondering if he was okay. "Are you sure?"


Ixy got up and walked over to the bed, taking off his pants and laying down beside the wolf. He slept on the edge on his side, so that the wolf had plenty of room, but suddenly he felt some arms on him as it pulled him more towards the center and against the wolf's body. For some reason, Ixy felt slightly uncomfortable at the sudden comfort, but he accepted it, as he stayed warm in the wolf's arms. The wolf spoke softly and quietly into the rabbit's ear. "For more than a month we have been travelling and I have not even told you my's Hale."

The wolf then fell asleep, still holding the rabbit against him.

The rabbit thought he smelled some alcohol but excused it as he felt the wolf's body behind him, his heart beat in time with his, lulling him to sleep.

He wished it could be like this forever.


End of The Chase, part 1

Sleep (extended)

_If you read the old version, then just skip down to the next section_ He was drifting, in a weightless void. He opened his eyes; he had been here before. This place was nothing new to him, but his mind is complex. He never knew what was going...

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Stranger In the Rain Pt. 2

On here the story is on part 2, but on FA it is part 3, errors, lol Anyway, this is a version that was salvaged when my computer failed on me. It isnt the version i wanted but it is close enough. Enjoy!! ^.=.^ Stranger in the Rain By Jet D....

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_This is still a continuing story, i just hate to not post anything for a while, so im posting only the beginning to this story._ He was drifting, in a weightless void. He opened his eyes; he had been here before. This place was nothing new to him,...

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