Pleasure on the Pelago - Part Three

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Pleasure on the Pelago

Luke the lucario makes his way to the caves of Isle Aphun, where he meets a very big, very friendly charizard named Cyrus. :3

This story was written for Shakal as part of my Patreon request days for December 2020. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and size-difference related fun involving pokemon. :3

Pleasure on the Pelago - Part Three

Luke blushed as he watched the previous tour group exit the cave, and hoped that standing, leaning up against one rocky wall of the cavern's exterior no-one would be able to see the slight bowed quality of his legs or the cum clinging to his ass and the backs of his thighs, continuing to leak out of his obscenely stretched and well-fucked rump. He'd arrived just in time to see that group heading in, but at that point he quite frankly hadn't been in any state to walk any further than he already had. After what he'd experienced over on Isle Abeens, he felt as though it was a miracle that even a restful night later, he could walk at all. But, the cave excursions available on this island seemed too exciting and intriguing a prospect to miss out on, so he was hoping that now it was a little later on in the day, he'd be able to find another tour with fewer visitors that he could attend without drawing too much embarrassing attention to himself.

The lucario waited as the various attendees thanked their tour leader, a colossal charizard with a messenger bag slung over his shoulder whose brightly burning tail no doubt made him a perfect guide for the depths of the caves. Soon though the small crowd dispersed, heading back towards the dock to continue their own adventure across the Pokepelago. That left the charizard and lucario alone, and it wasn't long before the fire type pokemon turned his smouldering gaze towards the only other figure present.

"Looks like it's just you for the next tour, unless you'd prefer to wait for some other folks to show up?"

Luke swallowed thickly, but shook his head as he stumbled forward, pulling himself away from the wall and realising just how unsteady he still was on his feet after yesterday's hours-long session slung underneath the massive mudsdale. His cheeks burned hot as he saw the charizard regarding him with curiosity and amusement while he teetered forward, but it was only once he arrived directly in front of the larger pokemon, his eyes level with the fire-type's firm, athletic chest, that the cavern guide addressed him once again.

"So, visited Abeens recently, huh?"

The lucario's eyes bulged, and his cheeks felt like they were going to cause him to spontaneously combust if they glowed any brighter. The other, larger male grinned a toothy grin.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. You aren't the first person to come waddling over from Abeens after spending some quality time with Mason. Besides, you had fun, right?"

Luke swallowed, but nodded with complete sincerity. The charizard licked his lips.

"Yeah, I thought so."

For a moment there was a twinkle, playful and passionate in equal measure, in the fire pokemon's eyes. It passed an instant later though, and the charizard extended a hand towards Luke with a warm smile.

"I'm Cyrus, by the way. And welcome to the mysterious caves of Isle Aphun!"

Just like that, the tour began. Luke barely had time to introduce himself in return before Cyrus put an arm around his shoulders and led him into the darkness of the cave from which he had only just emerged mere minutes before. Immediately he began a clearly well practised spiel about the history of the caves and the pokemon who had once lived in them. It was interesting enough, but what was truly the draw of the tour itself was the interior of the cavern. Gems glittered upon the cavern walls, and the deeper they ventured as they strolled along side by side with the charizard never removing his hand from his sole guest's much smaller body, the bigger, the brighter and the more dazzling the cave's interior became. After about ten minutes of walking though, the two men reached an intersection, and Cyrus paused with another grin lingering upon his muzzle.

"So... technically the route I'm meant to take tourist groups is down the left path. But, since there's only one of you... wanna see what's down the right side? It's a more complex cave system, not great for big numbers of folks. But, I can trust you to be cool about it, right?"

Luke's eyes widened, and he nodded honestly to the much larger pokemon. Cyrus grinned back at him, and a minute later they were walking through a series of much smaller chambers and twisting passages barely big enough for the charizard to manoeuvre through. Not only were the rock walls much closer together here though, the space was further compacted by the fact that the gemstones erupting from the walls were even larger and more brilliant than before. In fact, there came a point where Luke finally slipped out of Cyrus' gentle embrace as his eyes fell upon a particularly large and beautifully smooth, shining amethyst, and his forward momentum faltered long enough that the charizard continued to step forward without him until he realised that his guest had stopped for a reason.

"Beautiful, huh?"

Cyrus chuckled as he turned his tail to better illuminate the violet gem, the intensity of the crackling flame making the gemstone's interior dance with even more captivating beauty than before. Luke nodded, and turned his eyes towards the charizard with a hopeful smile.

"Hey, I... I read that every pokemon visitor to the caves gets to take something they spotted home with them. A gem. A fossil. Something like that. Right?"

Cyrus nodded with a knowing smirk, in no doubts as to where this line of questioning was going. Sure enough, Luke make it abundantly clear just seconds later.

"I'd love to take that amethyst home. For my trainer, as a gift. A thank you for sending me on this vacation. Is that okay? Or, do I have to pick something from the tourist path for it to be available?"

The charizard grinned and shook his head, though as he stepped back alongside Luke and put an arm around the smaller lucario once more, his fingertips ended up caressing the side of Luke's neck rather than just fondly embracing him around the shoulders.

"No, no. That's perfectly fine. A wonderful choice. But..."

He licked his lips as Luke glanced up at him curiously.

"...but, it's a very large gem, and it'll be even bigger once you see how deep it goes into the rock. It'll take some time to chip out. Time I could be spending taking another whole group round the caves."

Luke gasped and nodded in understanding.

"O-oh! Right. I can pay, don't worry. My trainer gave me a budget for my vacation, so I can go and get it and pay you for the extra work as soon as we're done here."

Cyrus smiled, but shook his head.

"Oh, I'm afraid that won't work. I'm gonna need payment up front, and if you go get the money now... by the time you get back I'll have already been able to make that extra just by taking another group round the regular cave path."

Luke sagged slightly.

"Oh. Well... then, uh, don't worry about it, I guess. I'm sorry, I just don't have any cash on me at the moment."

He gestured to his bare body, not a pouch or bag where he could store anything to be seen. To his surprise though, the charizard chuckled once again.

"I never said I wanted the payment in money."

Luke opened his muzzle to ask what, if not money. But before he could even get half way through the first word, he saw something new catching the light flickering from the charizard's tail. A new tone. A rich, vibrant red illuminated and almost glowing in the firelight. His eyes bulged, and he moaned softly in realisation. He watched as before his eyes the charizard's cock began to swell, and even before Cyrus had confirmed what he wanted from the lucario, Luke could feel his own erection beginning to stiffen in response even as his ass ached in a mixture of discomfort and longing at the mere idea of having to take yet another giant pokemon cock.


Luke moaned as without thinking he turned immediately on the spot, planted his hands against the cave wall, and spread his legs to present his already well worked, loosened ass to the latest huge pokemon to desire him.

" gentle."

To his surprise though, Cyrus laughed. Not cruelly. Not mockingly. He laughed warmly, and before Luke knew it he was being spun round on the spot by the charizard, and lifted off the ground into the bigger pokemon's arms.

"Hey, I'm not gonna wreck your ass a second time. You could barely walk when you got here, I'm not gonna make you crawl to the next island. Besides... I'm not a huge fan of sloppy seconds, truth be told. I like 'em tight."

The charizard winked, and leaned his smiling face forward atop his long neck to nuzzle against Luke.

"I want your muzzle. I want you to take every inch of me, and suckle like your life depends on a good, hot dose of my cum."

He growled playfully, and chuckled when once again he saw a slight look of nervousness on Luke's face, the lucario having seen how big, how long the charizard's cock was getting while still in the process of getting hard and imagining that by now it had to be even bigger.

"And, if you think that's still more than you can handle..."

Cyrus cupped one hand around the lucario's ass to hold him up, while the other reached down and delved into the bag hanging down one side of the fire pokemon's body. It emerged a few seconds later, and held up in front of Luke's face an object that the smaller pokemon immediately recognised. He moaned loudly, and the charizard grinned.

"I take it you've had one of these little guys before, huh?"

He turned the rainbow coloured bean over in his fingers, before sliding it towards Luke's mouth. The lucario nodded, opened his maw obediently, and a second later he found himself swallowing the bean while two of Cyrus' thick fingers entered his mouth in the libido enhancing morsel's wake. Instinctively his lips tightened around them, and he began to bob and lick at the fingertips playfully, proving his devotion to the charizard even before the bean had a chance to take effect.

Growling happily, Cyrus lowered Luke to the ground and watched as the lucario immediately fell to his knees upon the rocky floor. A moment later Luke's hands were cupping the base of the charizard's ridged cock where it had extended from the slit in his groin, and he was grunting, gurgling in awe and lust as he felt the first waves of the bean's gradually building effects while he took the very tip of that huge, thick red cock between the lips of his panting maw. It was hot. Not just exciting, but physically hotter than any cock Luke had ever had in any part of him before. In the cool air of the cave it was a rather pleasant feeling, like someone had taken a warm cup of coffee and solidified it into thick, throbbing, living... well, okay, maybe that wasn't the perfect comparison, but the fact remained that Luke eagerly took more of the charizard's hot, twitching erection into his mouth. And more, and more, and more.

He felt it push against the back of his throat. He felt it probing deeper still down his gullet, throbbing, stretching him with its girth. But, he had to take it. He had to take all of it. If Cyrus wouldn't let him get his ass stuffed, he'd just have to get himself filled another way instead. By the time Luke's nose bumped against the charizard's crotch, the bean he'd swallowed had teased aside every inhibition and every thought of overwhelmed and overstimulated weariness from the previous day's fun on Isle Abeens. As far as Luke's body was concerned in that moment he might as well have never had sex in his life. He was so fucking horny, and as one hand continued to rub at Cyrus' loins beneath his slit, hopefully somewhere close to where his internalised testicles would be located, the lucario's other hand fell to his own crotch and wrapped itself around his now rigid, pre-cum oozing erection.

Luke slurped and bobbed eagerly upon the cock stuffing his face, but when he felt Cyrus' powerful clawed hands encircle his head and felt the charizard start to more actively and forcefully hump against his muzzle, his eyes rolled back and he gurgled in ecstasy. Before yesterday, before Mason, Lucario had never really gone in for giant cocks. It wasn't that he disliked them, but more that he just hadn't really cared about the size of a lover so long as he was attracted to them and they were equally eager to please one another. Now though, as he removed his hand from his own shaft so he could reach up and feel the outline of the huge, hot erection pushing back and forth within his throat, his eyes rolled back in ecstasy at the mere idea of being able to tame and satisfy such a huge erection.

"Ohh, shit!"

He heard Cyrus gasp in surprise and pleasure as without warning, his head began to jerk back and forth even faster than the charizard's grip was insisting. The lucario felt his lover's hips picking up their pace, seeking to match his own urgency, and he gurgled giddily around the cock utterly stuffing his muzzle to capacity. His hands encircled Cyrus' hips, grasping at the charizard's ass and tugging, pulling him forward, urging him to muzzlefuck him harder and harder still. Saliva dribbled down his chin as hot pre-cum flooded his belly in spurt after abundant spurt, but it wasn't enough. Only one thing could ever be enough to truly satisfy Luke's newfound needs, and with the rainbow bean ensuring that he held nothing back from seeking to achieve his claim, Luke suckled harder, bobbed faster, and gave everything he had to Cyrus to ensure that the charizard wouldn't be able to hold back his cum for a second longer than was absolutely necessary.

"_Aaaahhhhhfuck yessssssss! _"

Sure enough, the charizard erupted barely a minute later. Luke's belly gurgled and his eyes bulged at the feeling of so much cum at such a relatively high temperature pouring into his stomach like the thickest, creamiest and most warming winter soup. The heat only proved a distraction for a second or two though, and soon he too was writhing, albeit in a much more limited fashion, and grunting around the cock stuffing his maw as with his hands still wrapped around Cyrus' ass his own cock let loose hands free, and painted the charizard's footpaws with glistening strings of his own cum.

For more than thirty seconds Luke slurped and sucked and drank down every drop that Cyrus had to offer, but as the far larger pokemon found himself spent and his cock began to ache with oversensitivity, he groaned and snarled in wonder as he glanced down and realised that the lucario still wasn't stopping. He was suckling him, and bouncing his muzzle back and forth upon the charizard's huge cock, as brutally hard and near impossibly fast as ever, and a split-second later a pair of desperate, cum-hungry eyes stared up with glassy euphoria and pleading urgently at Cyrus.


Luke gurgled, a wordless moan that Cyrus knew the meaning of in an instant.


"Ohh, fuck..."

Cyrus grinned, reaching one shaky hand down to his bag once again, plucking forth another rainbow bean, and swallowing it himself.

"You want more, my slutty size-queen?"

The charizard licked his lips, and though the bean had yet to take effect, he began to thrust back against Cyrus' suckling in spite of the oversensitivity of his recently drained cock.

"Keep sucking. Keep draining me. And... ahhyess..., and I promise you, for every load you swallow without spilling a drop? I'll either mine you another gem... or... yes! Or, I'll owe you the ass-fucking of a lifetime when you've had a few days to tighten up again."

By Jeeves

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