Focusing On Food

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#38 of Commissions

Hey guys, got another commission to upload :) this time it's more of a safer for work piece than my other stuff. Commissioned by @chonkyaLizard ( If you enjoy the story, leave a fave, vote, or even a comment if you want.

Personal blog/photo gallery (including blog exclusives):

Cookie scratches their belly with a back leg, yawning as their stomach growls. They lick their lips in thought of the leftovers in the fridge. Paw-step after paw-step brings them to the metal goliath, anticipation creeping into their mind. Lifting their tail, they lift their back legs, the star shaped end of their tail wraps around the handle of the fridge. Cookie pulls the fridge open, padding forward before letting the door go.

Walking to the now open insides, they place their paws on one of the shelves, looking over the verity of foods on offer. A plate of cooked sausages from last night catches their eye, covered in clingfilm to keep them from any pesky insects. Unsheathing one of their claws, Cookie cuts into the clear material, soon getting to the juicy meat within. They stick two claws into one of the meat cylinders, pulling it out far enough for them to pull it into their maw.

Munching into the tasty meat, it slides down their gullet, filling their stomach somewhat. Cookie loves this feeling, the feeling of quenching an urge, taking the time to really enjoy it. Plus, if they ate enough, they could feel the pressure or the food pushing out from inside their belly. It's almost pure bliss, barely able to put it into words.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favourite Shinx. Getting some food Cookie?" A mild voice asks from behind the smaller pokémon, making them turn around.

"Sam?!" Cookie exclaims.

A Charmeleon stands on their hind legs, their arms crossed, a smile on their lips. "Poor little thing, if you wanted to eat, you should have let me know."

"Mmph, you're always grouchy when you wake up."

"Only because I'm low on caffeine." Sam chuckles as they walk over, stopping next the Shinx before petting their head. "What do you wanna eat?"

"I was thinking something with sausages, maybe something... meaty." Cookie looks away.

"Oh, one of your hunger ruts? I get it, I'll cook something up, why don't you get ready at the table?"

Cookie nods, taking a few steps before looking back. "Mind... mind if I take the last couple pieces of cake?"

"Which cake?"

"The iced angel food cake... the chocolate fudge one is too chocolate-y for me, and the fudge gets stuck in my fur."

Sam nods. "I'll bring it through now, then get cooking."

Cookie smiles before heading into the living room, jumping up onto a chair, planting their butt down, their head barely coming up to the table's surface. After a few moments Sam comes through too, a large plate of cake, topped with cream and a couple of strawberries to boot. Placing in front of the Shinx, petting them before heading back into the kitchen. Being left with the two slices of cake, Cookie jumps their front paws onto the table, beginning to devour hungrily.

Bite after bite sends icing and cake down their throat, fast and enthusiastic at first, but after a minute or two they slow down, and start to enjoy rhythmic motions. The contractions of their throat as they gulp, the growing fullness of their belly, mixing together with the sweet, almost pure blissful, taste of the desert. With almost every bite, they feel their stomach begin to bulge. At first, it's barely noticeable, but by the end of the cake, Cookie's belly is noticeable swollen.

Their paw roams their stomach, feeling the beginning pressure from inside themself. Pushing the pate away with their free paw, it's quickly replaced by another plate filled with sausages and steak, steaming hot and tempting as always. Cookie looks up to see Sam, a smile on his maw. Sniffing as the smell of juicy food.

"Looking good there, Cookie." They almost purr, sitting down next to the Shinx.

"Th-thanks, cake's filling I guess." Cookie responds, looking away for a second.

"You always get this shy at compliments?"

"Shut... hush..." The Shinx sputters, trying to focus on the food in front of them. With a wide, open maw, Cookie begins to chow down on the meat. This time, they're not as fast, focusing on the act of eating, the fullness that travels down their throat. It honestly feels divine to the small Shinx, enjoying every nibble.

Sam on the other hand, dives right into their meal, devouring it fully by the time Cookie gets halfway through theirs. Getting up, the Charmeleon heads back into the kitchen for a second serving, apparently having cooked more than the Shinx had realised. This time around, the scaled pokemon comes back with a bigger mound of meat, having added some mince sauce and mashed potatoes.

'When the hell did they have time to cook that?' Cookie ponders for a few moments, before shaking their head. 'Probably some fire type thing."

Once the Shinx finishes their meal, they sit back, looking down at their bulging belly, their stomach having taken quite a nice roundness to it. Placing a paw onto the stretched out fur, they could hear the food sloshing around inside them. Somehow it's got a bit of a dryness to it, making the Shinx realise that they're rather thirsty. Getting up, they stumble a little at their newfound weight, padding back into the kitchen. Their belly swings slightly with each paw-step, rhythmically swaying side to side. Cookie could definitely get used to this feeling, the slight pendulum pull that their belly provides.

Luckily, given the Shinx's small statue, they had a fridge with two sets of liquid dispensers, one nearer to either of their heights. For Cookie, there's one for water, Pawpsi Max, Meowtain Dew, and Strawberry Milkshake. They decide quickly, lifting their upper body, and pressing a paw onto the side of the fridge, huffing out as they do this. Locking their lips around the milkshake nozzle, they use their free paw to press the button.

The fridge whirs into life, the cool, thick liquid beginning to pour down their throat. They begin gulping happily, their ears folding back at this. The pleasure of consuming builds up inside the Shinx, the way the thick liquid pours down 5heir throat, bubbles a weird form of bliss from deep within their gullet. Each gulp is loud, an almost spherical liquid mass bulges the feline's neck, pushing down and disappearing down between Cookie's collarbones. A trail of pink liquid trickles down from the corner of Cookie's mouth, only stopping when the Shinx pulls from the nozzle. Licking their lips with a gleeful joy in their eye.

(Two weeks later)

"Getting big there, small kit." Sam smirks, patting the Shinx's protruding belly.

"Mmmph, yeah, I'm getting heavy now." Cookie responds, laying onto their back on their coach, loving how much their bulging belly pushes them down. Their belly has a nice roundness to it, just as the Charmeleon has, weighing the scaled pokemon down slightly. Lifting their head, Cookie looks over to the kitchen, before their gaze moves to Sam's belly. "Hey... could you bring me some food? I'll admire your belly if you do. I know you like that sort of thing."

"As much as I love your paws roaming my bulge," Sam moves closer to the Shinx, waddling slightly with each step. "What do I get out of it?"

"I'll..." Cookie looks around for a moment, taking a moment to think things over. "I'll do that thing you like, with the angel delight."

"Fine, but you gotta get up to put the TV on, I'm not doing it without some entertainment."

"Aren't I the entertainment? And here I thought I still had my Shinx-y charm."

"Oh, you still do, it's just spread out with your stomach, rather than actually grow."

"That is rather unbecoming of you," Cookie half smirks, slowly getting up from the couch, turning the TV on.

Sam plods into the kitchen to prepare the food. With a smile, Cookie slumps back down on their belly, stretching to grab the remote with a paw, barely able to get it close to their side. With a small huff, they start switching through channels, until finding the food channel. It only takes a few seconds before the Shinx's stomach begins to growl loudly, making them move into their side, a paw rubbing the spherical mound of their belly.

"How can I be this hungry, with a belly this big?" Cookie ponders, biting their lower lip. "I wonder if I'll be this hungry when I get bigger. I... I-I mean, if.. Certainly if I get bigger."

Looking up to the TV, scenes of deserts and large feasts filling the screen. With every scene, Cookie becomes more and more desperate, looking over to the kitchen door. Their stomach growls even louder, turning every thought to consuming more food. Cookie's mouth waters, salivating with desire and need. Just before they call into the kitchen, Sam comes out, a plate in either clawed paw, and one on either bicep.

"I could hear you from the kitchen, must be starving." Sam says, placing the four plates in front of the Shinx, grumbles slightly. "The things I do for you, I swear."

"Oh Sam," Cookie stretches onto their side, showing off their belly. "You know you love me."

"I know I only do it cause of your lazy butt. Seriously, have you done anything today?"

"I've... done stuff."

"What stuff?"

"You know... stuff, stuff."

"Uh-huh." Sam turns and plods back into the kitchen, the bulge of their belly barely able to be seen between their thighs.

"Hey, I do a lot for you, you know!" Cookie exclaims, their ears folding back.

Their nose begins to twitch as the scent of the food brings the Shinx's attention back to the plates. One plate is filled with cooked chicken breasts, while two others have a few cooked strips of fish. The last plate holds a small, Charmander mould of orange jelly. Cookie smiles a little at the sight of that last one, specifically leaving it to the end, starting on the fish. Chowing down on the food, their belly is filled quickly before beginning to push out a little.

Although, by the last bite of orangey goodness, their stomach hasn't expanded far from its new normal. This makes the Shinx flop down on the ground, grumbling softly as the kitchen door opens, and Sam comes back into the living room, more plates in their grasp. These next ones are even bigger than the ones that came before, making the Shinx wonder if they could finish this next serving.

"You finished that quickly," they say, placing the extra plates on top of the dirty ones. "Thought you'd still be hungry. You've been a lot more hungry recently."

"It... takes a lot more energy to carry myself recently."

"I know," the Charmeleon pats their own belly. "Gotta admit, you do look cute with that belly."

"Trying to butter me up?" Cookie asks, rolling onto their front.

"Nah, I got the bread rolls for that."

Cookie looks to the plates, eyes going wide. "Bread rolls?"

There are indeed bread rolls on one of the plates, with some left overs from last night's pizza night on the other three. Cookie normally wouldn't be pleased with how many leftovers they had been having recently. But hey, a belly as big as theirs needs all the stuffing it can get.

"Thought that'd get your attention, I'm going to make myself food. Better keep your side of the deal." Sam smiles softly, scratching their cheek.

"I will, I will. I'll 'drown' you in angel delight." The Shinx smiles up at the Charmeleon.

"Good, my grand cooking skills really do get wasted on you."

"Awww, but I enjoy your food so much!"

"Exactly, for free." Sam half groans, ending in a small chuckle.

Cookie shakes their head softly, a small smirk on their lips before they begin to devour the contents of the plates. Bread, meat, and sweet snacks are gobbled down easily by the Shinx, feeling their belly bulge even further. Smaller bulges begin to form in the feline's stomach, giving their once round gullet a more bumpy and uneven physic. By the eighth plate, Cookie struggles with each bite, their belly almost at its limits. Struggling to their paws, the Shinx looks over the remaining pieces of the apple pie with temptation.

It just had to look so damned inviting!

Taking a few tentative paw-steps closer to the desert, Cookie places themselves at an angle, so they could manage to eat what they could. Which, with some struggle, the Shinx manages to do, gulping down the last bite of crust and sweet apple pieces, licking their lips contently. Their mind is a fog from the amount of food now gurgling inside their belly. Looking over at their main table, the Shinx finds Sam sitting at it, eagerly devouring their own food. A few plates of food, a couple bowls of presumably soup, and a jug of angel delight.

"Where... when did you get there?" Cookie asks.

"You're oblivious when you're eating." Sam says while eating, either speaking through food, or between bites. "It's been half an hour, at least."

"Seriously?" The Shinx questions as they look over to the clock, just remembering to turn off the forgotten TV via the remote. "Mmm, time flies when you're having food."

Sam doesn't even bother to look up, as their attention is taken by the food once more. "Sure, food."

"Hey, I think I'm going to have to skip that angel delight thing. Unless you're willing to do it yourself."

"Already... ahead of ya." Sam murmurs, picking up the jug of angel delight, pressing the lip of the container to their own

The Charmeleon begins pouring the contents into their maw, slowly at first, allowing them to breath in between gulps of the sweet semi-liquid. They quickly gain speed, soon almost overpowering themselves, their belly visibly growing as more of the pink desert is poured. There's no need to gulp it seems, the angel delight almost making a river down the reptile's throat. Cookie can only watch as the entire jug is emptied into Sam's belly, whom savours every last drop before slamming the jug down.

Looking over to the Shinx, Sam grins widely, a small amount of pink liquid running down the edge of their lip. "See, told you I got it."

"Then why get me to do it before?" Cookie asks, slumping back down onto their belly.

"Because someone's gotta get you off your fat belly. Anyway, come over here. I don't think I can finish this all by myself."

Hefting themselves onto their paws, the Shinx slowly moves themselves over to Sam, plopping themselves next to the Charmeleon. "I don't think I'm going to be much help."

"Nonsense," Sam says cheerily, picking up one of the bowls, putting it to Cookie's lips. "Open up!"

"Mmmph..." The Shinx struggles a little before finally opening their maw, letting the warm liquid into their mouth.

It's a meat-y, herb filled soup, most of which is spicy for the feline's taste buds. But they gulp it down all the same, feeling their throat tingle as the liquid is poured into their gullet. A small moan escapes their maw, feeling their belly push out even further. They really are at their limit, but more soup is poured down into their stomach. The pressure builds and builds, making the Shinx's small body tremble as it tries to hold the massive amount of food inside it.

Once finished, the Charmeleon finally pulls the bowl away. "There you go, that wasn't too hard, now was it?"

"I think... I think I'm being split in two..." Cookie groans, the weight pulling them down, not that it made much difference. The mass of the Shinx's stomach surpasses the length of their legs, leaving them unable to move. Looking up to the Charmeleon, gritting their teeth with a grin. "Not... the first time I've heard that."

"Well, you gave it your all. Both times, I mean."

Cookie winks at the scaled pokemon. "You don't... know the half of it."

"And I think I'd like to keep it that way." Sam chuckles, returning to his food.

"You're missing out, I swear that a couple of lucarios I know could tempt you into a... fluffier experience."

"I'll stick to scales if you don't mind." Sam half scoffs, returning to their meal.

Cookie rests as best they could onto their overgrown belly, still feeling the pressure inside them, threatening to push forth. Being so big, that they couldn't even touch the ground with their paws, is something new to the Shinx. Only being able to roll slightly in any direction, wiggling slightly in their attempts to move, huffing as they stop.

"Mmmph!" Cookie stifles a moan, as something inside them shifts, pushing another part out a little.

"Mmm?" Sam questions wordlessly, still gobbling down what remains of their food.

"It's nothing." Cookie responds.

"Come on, you can tell me."

"You'll think it's weird, or something it's not."

"Hey," Sam looks over to them. "You're not the only one with a big belly here."

"Well, something moves inside me. It felt good, like how eating feels. Like my weight equalised, relieving pressure, you know?"

"Sure, sure. Don't need to explain it to me, bud."

"I just didn't want it to come across as something... you know, different." Cookie says, looking away.

"It's ok, I understand." Sam replies, smiling down to them.

"Actually... could you do something for me?"

"Sure thing."

"Could you roll me back to the TV? I wanna watch the food channel again."

"Seriously? You're actually stuck?"

"Yes! I'm not that lazy... I think."

The Charmeleon sighs, before trying to get up, only succeeding in falling to the ground, the weight of their belly keeping them held down. Cookie giggles at the sight, covering their maw with a paw.

"Oh shut up..." Sam grumbles.

Jake on Stream

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Claiming Desire

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