Don't Look a Witch-Horse in the Mouth - Chapter 1

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#1 of Don't Look a Witch-Horse in the Mouth

Brandi finds the perfect props to finish off her halloween costume! Proudly showing them off to her girlfriend Mona, these props may result in something a bit more dramatic than a mere costume, however

I hope you enjoy this bimbony transformation as much as I enjoyed writing it! Bimbonies are, of course, the creation of ThouArtPhi on twitter, go check him out if you haven't already!

"Hey Mona, I'm back!" a cheerful voice called as its owner stepped into the apartment, closing the door behind her.

"Hey Brandi, any luck?" another voice replied as a second woman stepped into the living room.

"Yep!" The first woman, Brandi, beamed at her girlfriend. When first meeting Brandi, most people were caught off-guard. Reasonably tall with pale skin, long black hair and dark eyes, Brandi's preferred style sat firmly in the gothic. Dark lipstick and eyeshadow, black clothing with a preference for skirts and corsets, few people were prepared for the cheerful, bubbly personality underneath. "Found a great little place tucked into a side street called The Witch's Boutique. Really great place, lots of cool stuff!"

Mona chuckled, shaking her head a little. "Makes sense you'd find the stuff you needed for your costume in a place called that." By contrast, Mona was typically the calmer of the two, though far from introverted. Dressed plainly in shorts and a t-shirt, she nonetheless struck a pleasing figure. Standing nearly six-foot tall, she was long, lean, and athletic, sporting good handful-sized breasts. "So, what exactly did you get?"

"Oh! Two main things," Brandi said, setting her bags down and rifling through them. "First is the book!" she declared, pulling a large, heavy-looking tome out of one bag. True to Brandi's desires, it looked exactly like some occult spellbook, covered in symbols and decorations. "It's empty, so no cool occult stuff inside. But hey, maybe I can design my own?" She then pulled out a hat box and opened it to reveal a witch's hat. A little more subdued than the spellbook, it looked well-made, a dark purple colour with a design like a spell-circle on the underside of the rim. "And I found the perfect hat!"

"Ohh, nice. Glad you found stuff that'll work. That's basically your costume done then, right?" Mona asked, walking over to check out the hat, gently taking it from Brandi.

"Yep! Now we just need to get yours done. The halloween party's in a week," Brandi said with a bit of a pout.

"I know, I know," Mona said, gently placing the hat on Brandi's head, adjusting it to make sure it sat properly. "Maybe we can go check out that boutique place again?"

"Ohh that'd be fun! The owner's a really nice old lady. She actually dug that book out from some sorta backroom storage place for me." Brandi said, beaming again once the hat was on. "She said she kept some 'special' items back there."

"Huh, weird," Mona replied, tilting her head a little. "Maybe she's really good at guessing what people like?"

"Maybe! Though it's not like I keep my goth aesthetic on the down-low," Brandi countered with a smirk, rocking forwards on her feet to kiss Mona on the cheek.

"I guess that's fair," Mona said, smiling and returning the kiss. "Well, you got back a fair bit before dinner. Wanna find something to watch in the meantime?" she asked.

"Sure!" Brandi said, letting Mona lead her over to the sofa, still wearing her new hat. The pair relaxed into it, Brandi tucking herself under Mona's arm and leaning against her, smiling happily as Mona flicked through streaming services. Eventually the pair settled on a sit-com they were already two seasons into, and settled down to watch. About half an hour after sitting down to watch, Brandi started squirming a little.

"You ok babe? Need me to move?" Mona asked, looking at Brandi and raising an eyebrow.

"Just a little warm. Is the heating on?" she asked, fanning herself a little with a hand, face a little flushed, and looking a little paler than normal from the neck down.

"Uhh probably. Want me to turn it down?" At Brandi's nod, Mona disentangled herself from her girlfriend's arms and went to the thermostat, turning the heating down. As she did so, Brandi shed her blouse and corset, leaving her in her white undershirt. "It wasn't up too high. You feeling alright?" Mona asked, walking back over to Brandi.

"Just warm," Brandi replied, continuing to fan herself. Mona frowned a little, bending down and putting a hand on her forehead.

"You do feel pretty warm actually. I'll get you something to drink, hang on." With that, Mona quickly crossed over to the kitchen area, filling a glass with water. Brandi took the opportunity to get rid of her skirt as well, panting a little at the unnatural warmth building in her body, it somehow not occurring to her to remove her new hat.

"Thanks," she said, taking the offered glass of water and drinking deeply, sighing after swallowing. "Hope I didn't catch anything out there."

"I hope so too, I need your help to finish up my costume," Mona joked, sitting back down and gently moving Brandi so she was lying down, head in Mona's lap. Moving her hand under the brim of the hat, she started gently stroking Brandi's hair, their show paused and forgotten.

"Mmph, we'll still get it done," Brandi promised, stretching her arms above her head and arching her back. There was a loud pop as she did so, something in her back shifting a little, drawing a grunt from her. Mona started a little at the pop, lifting her hand reflexively and pausing for a moment. After satisfying herself that Brandi had not, in fact, just broken something, she put her hand back down on her head and resumed stroking her hair. That is, until her hand ran over Brandi's forehead again and felt a lump.

"Did you hit your head on something earlier?" Mona asked, pausing again.

"No, why?" Brandi asked in return, peering up at Mona.

"You've got a bump on your forehead," Mona replied, poking at it. Square in the middle of her forehead, small and hard and raised by a few millimetres.

"Do I?" she asked, lifting a hand to feel for herself. "Huh... I don't remember hitting my head... Guess that might be a bit more concerning, huh?" she joked, allowing Mona to continue inspecting her forehead.

"You're starting to look really pale... Maybe we should call an ambulance." Mona started to gently move Brandi to sit up, before stopping, eyes locked on one of her ears. The ear was definitely more pointed than she remembered, and as she watched the shape continued to change, becoming steadily more elongated. "Babe... Don't freak out but your ears are changing shape?" she ventured, eyes wide as she met Brandi's gaze.

"My ears- What?!" she squealed, eyes widening as well as she suddenly bolted upright, the building warmth in her body forgotten as she raced over a mirror mounted on the wall . Tilting her head and lifting the brim of her new hat, she watched in the mirror as her ear became more and more pointed, lengthening and shifting away from a normal human shape. As she leant in to get a closer look, she felt something shift on her chest, drawing her eyes down. She yelped, starting back away from the mirror. Her normally rather petite chest was starting to grow, slowly gaining cup sizes as more and more mass piled within each breast. "My tits are growing!" she exclaimed, looking back over at Mona.

"Wait, what?" Mona asked, quickly crossing over to look for herself. Brandi grabbed Mona's wrists and planted her girlfriend's hands on her growing chest so she could feel for herself. "Holy shit they are growing," she said, gently squeezing before looking back up to Brandi's face. "... Hey babe?"

"... Yeah?" Brandi asked, swallowing a little at Mona's tone.

"That lump on your forehead? I-it's growing as well." Brandi slowly turned to look back in the mirror, gasping. The lump was indeed growing, completely white and pushing out into a cone-shape, appearing to twist slightly judging by the spiral design starting to develop along its length.

"It looks like a horn," Brandi observed quietly, eyes wide as she watched it grow longer. Her ears and breasts continued to change as well. Her ears completely lost their previous human shape and began to climb higher on her head whilst her breasts started to press against the material of her shirt. She lifted a hand to feel the growing horn, gasping at the lightning-like sensation that shot down its length at the touch.

"I think something's happening to your hands," Mona said, continuing to stare. Brandi lowered the hand by her new horn to watch as all the colour in her skin seemed to fade away, save for around her fingertips where the purple colour of her nail polish was spreading up to the last knuckle on each digit. Brandi seemed transfixed by this change, but Mona was able to see a similar change happening elsewhere on her body. Her black hair was lightening to a purple colour, some streaks faster than others, whilst even her flushed face turned sheet-white. Her dark brown eyes shifted to match her nails in shade. Brandi blinked, flexing her fingers and then pressing all the fingers on one hand together. Her transfixion turned back to panic as she realised she couldn't separate her fingers again.

"Babe my fingers are stuck!" she said in a panic, flapping her hand, not noticing that the same had happened to her other hand. Mona gently grabbed the hand she was flapping and attempted to squeeze them apart, but they remained firmly stuck. More than simply stuck, they began to fuse together, the joined fingers becoming a solid cylindrical shape, the purple tip becoming hard like fingernails.

"It's... Like a hoof?" Mona said, staring with Brandi as her hands lost definition, simplifying to a wrist, a cylinder, another joint where her fingers once began, and then another cylinder terminating in a small, dainty purple hoof. The skin where Mona was holding Brandi's wrists began to feel a little prickly, and then fuzzy, as snow-white fur began growing, starting from the hooves and moving up her arms. Brandi continued to panic as the fur raced along each limb, quickly reaching her torso. It also began growing from the base of her horn, covering her face and ears in velvety, white fur, light purple and especially dense on the inside edge of her new ears.

Now covered in fur, the changes to her face began, lips starting to swell whilst her nose and jaw pushed forwards into a short snout. Her breasts continued to grow with no sign of slowing, apparently weightless judging by the near-perfect spheres they were growing into. Brandi suddenly yelped as she felt something in her feet start to shift, staggering into Mona's arms before sinking to the floor to sit. "M-my feet..." she said, looking down her legs. As she feared, her toes had begun to merge together, gaining the same colouration as her hands-turned-hooves as her feet lengthened and rounded out in shape. Soon enough, her feet had changed into equally-dainty hooves, fur growing from where hoof met skin and racing up her legs.

As the fur grew up each leg, their shape and structure shifted, changing away from the human form to something more suitable for a hooved creature. The foot lengthened dramatically whilst the lower leg shortened. Her thighs and hips thickened dramatically once the fur reached them, whilst her waist narrowed to an equal degree, going far beyond simply wasp-like. Brandi squirmed on the ground as she felt pressure building in her tailbone, her panties snapping off her body as a brand new tail swiftly grew in, quickly gaining long, fluffy, purple hair to match that on her head, which had settled into a new tri-tone purple colouration. As the fur that started on her arms met the fur that started on her legs, the rest of her torso began changing shape. Her shoulders narrowed whilst her spine gained a new arch, rotating her upper torso and neck back.

At length, her breasts finally slowed and then stopped their growth, leaving her with a shirt-straining pair of tits each slightly larger than her head. Her lips had grown to a permanent purple pout, whilst her dark eyeshadow appeared to have become natural colouration of her new fur. As the transformed Brandi lay on the floor panting, another change began, this time between her legs. Above her lips, something began pushing out. Cylindrical in shape, it quickly gained inch after inch in length, Brandi letting out a surprised moan at the sensation. The furry skin parted and then rolled back, revealing a flared shaft the same colour as her lips and hooves which continued to surge forwards.

"I-I think you're growing a dick," Mona stammered out, mute until this point as she stared. Skin gathered under the base of the new shaft, forming a pouch which grew outward. Brandi groaned, squirming as she felt something shift inside her as one, and then two weighty orbs dropped into the new sack. The new growth stopped as the shaft hit a foot in length, blunt-tipped with a wide flare to the tip, pulsing with Brandi's heartbeat.

"W-what the fuck..." Brandi eventually croaked out, shaking a little as she started to stand. First rising to stand on all four hooves, she noted with concern that her arms had changed in length to match her legs, enabling a true quadrupedal stance. She then made to stand upright, making it about half the way up before yelping as she lost her balance, landing on all fours again. She looked up at Mona, wide eyes meeting wide eyes.

"Y-you're some kind of... pony?" Mona hazarded, carefully plucking the hat from Brandi's head as she took in her new form. The top of her head was around four and a half feet from the floor, with her new ears adding another six inches to that. Her new breasts jutted out ahead of her front legs, and her upper torso narrowed into a wasp-thin waist before widening at almost a right-angle into her hips and incredibly plush thighs and backside. Each flank now featured a design of a witch's hat with a horn poking out from under it. Her new tail hung to the floor where the excess piled up, her new mane tumbling to the bottom swells of her breasts. "Some kind of... goth, bimbo, pony?" she said, crouching down to Brandi's new height.

The transformed woman shuddered a little as Mona gently reached a hand forward to cup Brandi's new face, her thumb poking softly at her inflated lips. Brandi gasped a little at the touch, a shiver going through her body. "S-sensitive..." she said by way of explanation, softly biting her lip and groaning at the pressure. Mona nodded dumbly, both hands going up to feel her ears. Each one was luxuriously soft and fluffy, Mona's touch soothing to Brandi and causing her to relax a little from the ear rub. One hand remained rubbing her ear whilst the other moved to stroke through her mane, and then brushed against her horn. The contact drew a louder gasp from Brandi as another lightning sensation sparked down it.

"S-sorry, did I hurt you?" Mona asked, concern in her voice as she watched her girlfriend's reaction.

"N-no, didn't hurt, just..." Brandi swallowed as she looked into Mona's eyes again. There was shock and surprise, but beyond that, Brandi could easily tell that her girlfriend was becoming increasingly more aroused. As was Brandi herself. "Very sensitive. I-in a good way," she clarified, a blush starting to show through her fur.

"Yeah? Want... Want me to do it again?" Mona asked, swallowing as well. At Brandi's nod, she ever so gently rubbed the back of her hand down the horn, feeling the slight bump of the spiralling ridges. The light contact drew another gasp out of Brandi, which emboldened Mona to wrap her fingers around the horn and start stroking.

"F-fuck..." Brandi groaned, shuddering and beginning to pant as Mona's fingers sent bolts of pleasure through her. As she stroked, Mona's eyes remained locked on Brandi's huge, plush lips, staring for a few seconds before leaning in to kiss her as she tightened her grip on the horn. Brandi's squeal was muffled by the kiss, but Mona felt the way her body trembled and how she pressed harder against her lips, the pony's inflated pair pressing out across Mona's face. She eventually broke the kiss so the pair could breath, but kept stroking Brandi's horn tenderly. "S-so, I don't need to worry about you not being attracted to me now..?" she joked with a nervous grin.

"I... Fuck, I don't know why I find this so hot, but... I do. Fuck you're sexy," Mona replied, before, getting adventurous, she planted her lips on the tip of Brandi's horn, kissing it before sliding the whole thing into her mouth. Brandi's jaw went slack, eyes crossing as Mona sucked, licked, and nibbled on the horn, no sound escaping her mouth save for a choked-off squeal. Further down her body, her new cock throbbed, a glob of pre leaking from the tip and landing with a quiet splat on the floor. At length, Mona eventually released Brandi's horn from her mouth, and giggled at her girlfriend's fuck-drunk expression. "That was good, then?"

"F-fuck yes," Brandi moaned, lifting a foreleg to awkwardly rub against her still-covered chest. Mona grinned, reaching a hand down to grope at one of her breasts, hooking her fingers under the shirt and pulling it up. With a bit of difficulty, she eventually fished the shirt off of Brandi, leaving her stark naked. Her new breasts sat round and proud despite their size, white-furred and capped with a dark purple nipple that Mona wasted no time in gently pinching, drawing another groan from Brandi.

"Here babe, lay down," Mona coaxed her, helping her to lie down on her side, and then roll onto her back. Mona then knelt next to her, continuing to stroke her horn as she rubbed her stomach with the other hand. "God you're really turned on, huh?" she asked, looking at the leaking shaft bobbing in the air. Brandi nodded, squishing her breasts together with her forelegs as she looked up at Mona. Mona returned her look with a grin, shuffling further down and releasing her horn. With one hand, she gently rubbed her fingers across the pre-slick flare, drawing a high-pitched moan from Brandi, before she slowly started stroking her new shaft. Her other hand moved down to first cup the new sack, before slipping under to find her lips.

"F-fuck... O-ok, ready," Brandi said with a nod, squeezing against her breasts again and biting her lip. Mona returned the nod, and gently slipped two fingers inside her, curling them against her wall as her thumb found and toyed with her clit. Brandi squealed at that, head rolling back as her girlfriend proceeded to stroke her cock and finger her at the same time. Emboldened by Brandi's response, Mona steadily increased the pace of both, wet noises filling the apartment as she gained speed. Brandi's juices soon covered the fingers of both hands, aiding the task of pleasuring the new pony. With how primed and teased Brandi had been up to this point, it wasn't long before her moans hit a new pitch. With an arch of her back and a thrust of her hips, Brandi finally came, an arc of white spraying from her cock and hitting Mona square in the face.

When she came down from the high of her orgasm, Brandi was panting heavily, vision clearing to reveal the white-splattered face of her girlfriend looking down at her in surprise. As she watched, a grin crawled across Mona's face before she licked her lips clean. "So, uh... What do we do now?"