Unbearable News

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#2 of Bear's Necessities

Joanne didn't tell her husband. At least not yet. It wasn't really an easy subject to breach with your husband. "Honey, the other day I was raped by our German shepherd, and I may be pregnant with his puppies!" No, she wanted to make sure, so she continued her life as normal. The golden retriever explained her work absence to her boss and family by saying she had been feeling ill and forgot to contact anyone about it.

Not a great excuse, but it was better than telling them the truth. For the next month, she went about her business as usual, though Todd seemed to suspect something. He gave her odd looks during breakfast. And when it was Joanne's turn to walk Bear, he surely noticed her ambivalent expression. She didn't hate the animal. It wasn't really his fault. But it was definitely awkward to take the potential father of her puppies out on a leash.

She was already three days late for her period. Heat wasn't something a woman could hide, and when she didn't start smelling great at the beginning of the month, Todd had asked, "Joanne? Are you...are we...pregnant?"

They hadn't planned on adding another child or two to their small family. Denise was a rare only child, as twins or triplets were the norm for canines, but Todd and Joanne were happy. In the days following her times with Bear, she had made love to her husband frequently, enjoying her heat-induced lust. But they had always used a condom. Todd had no idea what had happened, so he thought a condom had failed.

She replied honestly, "I don't know. I'll get a test from the store."

"Listen, Joanne. I know this wasn't our plan, but I'm all for it. I love you, honey, and I can't think of anything that could bring us closer than another litter." He smiled and hugged her.

She was grateful that he was supportive, but she doubted these particular puppies would bring her closer to her husband. It was Saturday, but Todd worked Saturdays. Denise was at a friend's house, so Joanne had the house all to herself, and the pregnancy kit in her hands. This was the moment of truth. Her hands shook as she removed the white rod from the box.

She took off all her clothes and walked into the bathroom. The cold tile felt good on her footpads. She was already panting, just from nervousness. Fluffing her golden fur, she sat on the toilet. Moments later, the procedure was done, and all she could do was wait for the device to give a reading. She went back to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed, exhausted despite a long night's sleep.

She tried to think of anything else as she waited for the plus sign or negative sign to appear on the pregnancy test. If only, somehow, the test were negative. She couldn't really believe that, considering just how many times she had given herself to the German shepherd.

Just as she started thinking about her current work project, Bear walked into the bedroom and spoiled it. She glanced at him, not sure what to do. Eventually, she said, "C'mere, Bear. Up!"

The dog hesitated, as he was normally forbidden from the bed. But at Joanne's insistence, he jumped up. He lay down alongside her, quietly. Joanne was surprised at his gentleness. Perhaps he had some strange understanding of what was going on. She clutched the test tightly in her hand. Together, the two of them waited quietly, the golden retriever slowly petting the feral dog's head and neck. She didn't have anything to say to him, and he wouldn't have understood anyway.

Finally, she looked at the test. The dark lines of a minus sign were clearly visible, but even as she watched, she could see a faint perpendicular line appearing. She put the test down. It wasn't a minus sign. She exhaled slowly, trying to relax. She knew this beforehand, really. This wasn't a surprise, but now she knew for sure.

"Well, Bear, looks like you're going to be a father," she sighed.

The German shepherd looked up at Joanne, panting. She tussled his head, and leaned forward to lick him slightly on the nose. "It's okay, I don't blame you. It's my fault really. But what am I going to tell Todd?"

Bear wagged his tail, tensing his four legs in case Joanne wanted to play. "I guess I'll have to tell him the truth. But maybe I'll leave out the four times after the first, okay? Promise you won't tell him?"

Joanne grinned, though inside she felt a growing pit in her stomach. She lay down on the bed, her golden fur a stark contrast against the dark red comforter. She clenched her eyes shut so that her tears wouldn't leave streaks on the fur of her face.

Then she felt fur brush up against her sides. Opening her eyes, she watched Bear - normally so ferocious, so powerful - inch forward as he crawled up alongside her. Then he flopped over onto his side, pressing his back up against her rib-cage. Joanne curled up around him, wrapping her arms across his body and nuzzling his neck. He was warm, and Joanne felt relaxed as he breathed. It wasn't long before she fell asleep, taking what small comfort she could from the unexpected father of her litter.

Joanne was lying next to her husband, Todd. She was obviously pregnant, her large belly filled to the brim with feral puppies. The poodle she had married still didn't know that his own dog had impregnated his wife. She had to tell him!

"Todd...Todd, we need to talk."

"What, dear?" he said, so chipper that Joanne was confused.

"These puppies...they aren't yours."

Todd's face froze, staring at Joanne accusingly, "What do you mean? You've been fucking other men!? It's Bill, isn't it!?"

Joanne almost started crying. She hadn't expected this reaction! "No, no, you don't understand. It was Bear...!"

Her husband was silent for a few moments. "Bear, our dog?"

Joanne nodded, tears forming in her eyes.

"...Do you love him?" Todd asked seriously.

Joanne nodded emphatically. "I do."

"Then I won't stand in your way, Joanne. I just want you to be happy." Suddenly, her husband disappeared, and when Joanne looked back, all she saw was Bear, standing in the doorway, his black and tan fur standing out, almost glowing against the dark wall. He approached her, and she knelt for him. Then they began kissing, Joanne tilting her head and opening her mouth. She rubbed her wide belly, filled with Bear's puppies.

Through frenzied licks and moans, Joanne managed to pant, "I love you, Bear...please fuck me!"

With a muffled moan, Joanne's eyes popped open. Where was she? Looking around, she remembered. She was in her bedroom, cuddling with Bear. Her heart was racing. In her arms, Bear had swiveled onto his back, his four little paws tucked up in the air. He was asleep.

How much time had passed? She couldn't quite make out the alarm clock from here - it must have been nudged out of position when Todd turned off the alarm. She was panting. The dream had seemed so real. Her head swirled, trying to sort out what was real and what wasn't. She hadn't spoken to Todd, she knew that. But she could feel his disdain, and then his disappointment. He would react like that, wouldn't he? But beyond that, she felt her arousal as she kissed the figment of a German shepherd.

She looked down at Bear. Was her love for him real? He was just an animal, she couldn't love him, could she? But the feeling she had in the dream was still very strong. She couldn't help but think back to a month ago, when she had slept with Bear, repeatedly. She wished she could deny it, but she had felt great. Sex with the dog was so different than with Todd.

She gasped, feeling more aroused as she looked down at the sleeping dog, thinking back to her repeated submissions to his will. Her husband wouldn't get back from work for hours. What did that matter? What was she thinking? Still, it was too late to do anything about it. She was already pregnant.

She rubbed Bear's belly, waking him. He looked up at her, almost curious, and she knelt to lick his face. He licked back, sniffing. There, leaning over the feral animal, Joanne willingly opened her mouth. Instantly, Bear leaned up and thrust his tongue inside.

What was she doing? Suddenly, she didn't care. Her wide tongue greeted his, and they pushed against each other, sliding their slick tongues against each other. Absentmindedly, Joanne's hand crept down between her legs. She was wet.

Joanne leaned up on one arm, holding herself up above Bear as they kissed. Again and again he thrust his tongue into her mouth, and she met him with equal fervor. She was fully awake now. "Oh god, Bear," she moaned through their kisses. She began to grind her hips against his side.

She was so turned on now that no measure of reasoned thought would sway her. She gasped, "I need you inside me, Bear!"

But he didn't understand. He was just a dog, after all. Looking down, Joanne noticed that he was still fully sheathed. She'd have to do something about that! She moved her hand out from between her legs, placing her fingers gently around his sheath. Even as they passionately kissed, she began to press her palm against his shaft, running it down to cup his balls. She pleaded with the animal, "C'mon Bear. I know I'm not in heat this time, but I need you!"

She broke their sloppy kisses to see if she had made any progress. She grinned as she saw the first sign of glistening red emerging from his lightly-furred crotch. "Good dog!" Bear's tail wagged.

Joanne was becoming impatient. "C'mon, Bear!" She pulled away from his lick, scratching his belly. He lay there, wagging his tail, while Joanne scaled down his body until her cold, wet nose lined up with the very tip of Bear's growing erection, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, inches from his tip. "Let's speed things along, okay?"

The golden retriever didn't spare a passing thought as she wrapped her flexible tongue around the dog's cock. She didn't pause to debate whether what she was doing was wrong, or foolish, or a crime against God. All that mattered was feeling that dog cock between her legs. Bear lay back and closed his eyes, whimpering and thrusting his hips as best he could. All Joanne knew was that she was horny, naked, and alone in the bedroom with the father of her puppies. Her body knew what to do.

She gently tickled the German shepherds balls as his erection grew to fill more and more of her muzzle. Slurp! Her saliva coated his dick. All Bear could do was whine and wag his tail. This time, it was Joanne in control. More and more of Bear's massive cock emerged, shining in the dim light of the bedroom. Joanne could taste the beginnings of his life-giving seed, the very same seed that had taken root in her womb no more than a month before.

It took the young mother a minute to realize that Bear was completely erect. Even his knot stood out, the two glands swollen almost to the size of a softball. Looking at it now, she wondered how she had ever contained the whole thing. Together, he was at least eight inches long, and she had taken his full knot several times! She planned to do so again, her long tail wagging in anticipation.

Carefully, she picked her way over the canine until she was on all fours above him. He looked up at her, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. His tail beat back and forth between the golden retriever's legs, and Joanne hesitated. She was a married women! She loved Todd, and they had a beautiful daughter together. Yet here she was, inches away from cheating on her husband with an animal!

Drip! Moisture fell from her wet pussy. She could smell Bear's cock, inhaling his scent deeply. Like it or not, this animal was the father of her puppies. She had fucked Bear five times, and he had already knocked her up. What could one more time hurt? She would tell Todd about the first time, and the first time only. He'd never know...

Joanne could sense lingering doubts in her mind, but she cast them away. She reached back with one hand, caressing the big dog's lightly-furred balls before gripping his slick cock with her fingers. She pulled until his rod was standing straight up, pointing right between her legs. Bear whimpered as she handled him, the animal not used to this position. He tried to wiggle away, but Joanne pressed down on his chest, pinning him there. She wasn't going to waste any more time!

Gritting her teeth, the unfaithful golden retriever lowered her hips, her tail wagging. Bear whined as his sensitive tip pressed up against Joanne's triangular folds. She moaned, taking him slowly, trembling as she slid down around his cock. Inch after inch of his wide shaft spread her wet passageway apart. When she finally reached his engorged knot, she stopped, the swollen orbs forced to hold her weight. She struggled to gasp, "Gooooood dog!"

Was she a woman? A person? She wasn't sure anymore. She was willingly riding a feral animal. She had no excuse this time - she wasn't in heat. Squelch! Squelch! Squelch! She lifted herself up and down, the wet sound of their conjoined genitals ringing out through the bedroom. She had thought she was a strong working mother, juggling a job and a family responsibly. Now, she was just a bitch...Bear's bitch, bearing his puppies.

It didn't matter anymore. She tilted her head back and moaned deeply, desperate. Her hands tightened around Bear's chest fur, keeping the squirming dog in place. He whimpered, Joanne in control, but his tail was wagging. "Oh god, Bear! Deeper! I need you all..." Joanne began to grind her hips down against his softball-sized knot, trying to hammer it inside of her through sheer force.

She could feel it spreading her further apart, making small progress with each thrust. Bear helped by rocking his hips upward when she pushed downward, though on his back he could use nowhere near the force he had generated mounting her like an animal. Joanne clenched her eyes shut as the pleasure and pain wracked her brain, moaning. She took her left hand to her breasts, fondling herself as she pounded against him, bouncing rapidly up and down on his cock.

Pop! She was in, and the feeling of his massive rod fully buried inside of her drove all rational thought from her mind. The golden retriever yelped, and gyrated her hips in fast, short circles, unable to move very far because of the huge knot. She looked down at herself, her tongue lolling from her mouth as she saw her vulva bulging out. Normally almost flat against her abdomen, her vulva now stood out several inches. If only Todd's knot were comparable in size...

Bear whimpered, now completely trapped in place. Joanne leaned down to embrace her lover, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her breasts into his tan-furred chest. She kept thrusting her hips against him, reveling as his massive knot rubbed forcefully against her clitoris. She could feel him deep inside, his tip poised right against her cervical walls. She whined in ecstasy.

It all proved too much for her. Barking suddenly, she threw her head back and howled, her tail wagging full force as her insides clenched violently around Bear's cock. Fluids rushed out of her, greasing his rod and forming a wet suction where her vaginal lips encircled his knot. His cum was going nowhere but in, which was good because she didn't really want to explain why she had to clean the bedsheets. She had just done that two days ago.

She tightened her grip around her lover, her entire body shuddering as she surrendered to the unimaginable pleasure. Squelch! Bear flung his hips upward. His howl suddenly joined hers. Splurt! "Ohhhhhhhh," she cried, warm fluid gushing out of Bear and filling her vagina. Her internal muscles worked over time, trying to suck everything in, milking the canine for everything he was worth. Splurt! But his cock filled her so completely, by the second powerful ejaculation, she could feel the pressure building. His cum was stretching her passageway, unable to breach her closed cervix, nor able to escape the perfectly sealed knot. The bulge inside her grew. But this had happened a month ago, and she knew what would happen.

Splorch! The pressure grew so intense that it forced her cervix open, and once that wall had crumbled, his semen poured out, flooding her womb. She quivered as his seed invaded her already occupied womb. Too late, Bear, you've already conquered me! For what seemed like hours, but was actually only a minute or two, Joanne moaned and shuddered, feeling each load pulsing out of Bear's hefty balls. Right then, she didn't regret that Todd had forgotten to neuter Bear in a timely fashion. Not when those lightly-furred orbs were the source of so much bliss.

Finally, Joanne collapsed on top of him, whimpering weakly. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted, trying to recover her breath. He panted too. She met his eyes and smiled, "Oh, Bear..." basking in the afterglow. She leaned up and kissed him, and he eagerly kissed back, tangling tongue with her.

It took twenty minutes for his knot to subside, but Joanne spent none of that time thinking about the consequences of her actions. She could have noted that since she wasn't in heat, it was Joanne alone who had decided to cheat on her husband with his dog. She could have wondered if her excuse - that Todd wouldn't know - was really a compelling excuse at all. Instead, she fell asleep, moaning softly under her breath.

Splorch! She woke as Bear began to squirm out from under her, pulling his deflating knot free. She suddenly felt so empty, but still satisfied. She watched Bear flip around and stand on the bed, his half-erect cock dripping semen onto the bed. "No! Bear! No. Get down," she commanded. "Look at you, you've made such a mess."

Bear jumped to the floor, looking confused. She had requested he jump up on the bed. Then Joanne realized she was causing the same problem. Looking down between her legs, she saw the fur around her tail and vulva matted in thick cum. There was a thin line of fluid connecting the tip of her mound to a growing pool on the bed. "Oh, damn it. I did too. I'm going to have to wash these sheets again."

She flipped onto her back so that no more of the mess would seep onto the bed. She watched as Bear suddenly plopped his front two legs onto the foot of the bed, and was about to yell "Bad dog!" when she saw him lower his nose to the fluids on the bed and lick them up. He eagerly lapped at his and her combined fluids. Instead of yelling, she said, "Good dog. I wish Todd had the sense to clean up after himself."

She grinned. In moments, the entire problem had been reduced to a small wet patch of saliva on the bed. She said, "Thank you, Bear. I really...needed that. But that's the last time, okay? Just to celebrate the bad news. I've already got way too much to confess, I don't need Todd to find out you're a better fuck than he is."

But as she was about to stand to take a shower, Bear's helpful snout followed the scent to her pussy. She was lying on her back with her legs dangling over the end of the bed, and she yelped in shock at the sudden intrusion. Bear thrust his tongue against her sopping mound, gulping up his semen with abandon. "Bear! Hey!" she exclaimed, but her complaints quickly changed into pathetic whimpers. Slurp! His forced his tongue between her lips, probing her for more of his cum. He drank deeply. Slurp! Joanne spread her legs, holding her tail aside. This was certainly more enjoyable than a shower! Slurp! Joanne put her hands on his head, guiding him deeper as she bucked her hips against him. She shouldn't be doing this! Slurp! Why didn't Todd ever do this to her!? Maybe she should ask... Slurp! Todd...Todd. What was she doing? She was losing all willpower. It was as if she were in heat all over again. But it just felt...so...damn...good!

"Up, Bear, up!" she encouraged, patting herself on the stomach. He knew that command. Without hesitating, he pulled his tongue out of her cunny and leapt onto stomach, his hind legs still firmly planting on the ground. His front legs were sturdy pillars on either side of her abdomen. She kept her legs spread apart, wrapping them around his back legs to pull him closer. Then she leaned forward and opened her mouth.

Instantly she felt his tongue inside her muzzle. She tilted her head, kissing him passionately, the faint taste of his cum still pervading his mouth. Looking down between their furred bodies, she could see that Bear was becoming aroused, too. That's odd. She didn't think he would associate licking her pussy and kissing her with mating. Perhaps he was learning. She wasn't going to complain!

She squeezed her legs tighter, forcing Bear further along her body. With her lying on the bed, her vulva was almost at exactly the right height for Bear's instincts. His cock lined up with her sore entrance, rubbing against her pussy lips. She moaned, barking, "Do it, Bear! Fuck me!"

He didn't need to be asked twice, thrusting with animalistic ferocity. He wasn't fully erect, but the thin bone that spanned his dick was more than enough to penetrate her well-greased cunt. Now he was the one pinning her to the bed, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She was helpless in his powerful grasp, as the dog began to pound her rapidly, three times a second. She had thought riding him was good, but it paled compared to the sensation of his hardening cock rubbing so quickly, so insistently, against her over-stimulated clitoris.

He was fully penetrated as his knot swelled, quickly pinning herself to him. She watched with wide eyes as the bulge inside her grew, and though she knew it would stop at some point, it was hard not to envision it growing until it trembled within her, near bursting! She yelped with each thrust until her voice was raw. She wrapped her legs around Bear's back, her upward thrusts meeting his with a wet Splorch! Todd had nowhere near the stamina of his dog. On a good night, after a couple hours, Joanne and Todd might mate again. Bear's lust seemed insatiable.

She grabbed his head, pulling it close, until his nose lined up with her breasts. She howled as he complied, lapping at her lightly-furred breasts and the perky nipples that graced them. "Oh...Bear!" was all should could say, before mindlessly howling. That was all she could take of his furious jack-hammering thrusts. She shuddered again, her entire body convulsing from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. Then, with a loud, impersonal grunt, Bear claimed her again. Joanne feared her willing submission as the dog's bitch was irreversible. She was also afraid that she wouldn't care if it was.

Squirt! Her cervix hadn't fully contracted after Bear's last copulation, so his fluids poured out directly into her womb. She shivered, milking him eagerly. "I'm yours, Bear! Oh god, take me! Give it to me!" she yelped. Splurt! Bear wasn't about to stop, rocking his hips forward and releasing another wave of semen into her well-used cunt. Together, the two lovers trembled, whimpering in ecstasy.

Soon they were locked in a warm, sleepy embrace, shivering as they remained stuck together at the hip. Joanne didn't fall asleep this time. She kept running her hands through the fur on Bear's back, stroking her furious lover. Her mind felt a little woozy, but it was a good sensation. She kissed him gently on the nose. She couldn't think about anything but the massive knot still forcing apart her vulva. Every time Bear squirmed, it tickled her clitoris, and by the time Bear could pull out, Joanne was ready for another go.

"Oh god, Bear...what have you done to me? I...I can't stop!"

She climbed onto the bed on all fours, lifting her tail for him. He knew what that meant! Joanne's eyes widened. She hadn't fully expected him to be ready so soon, but he wasted no time, leaping upon her back. His dick had gone partially soft, but now it was hardening again, and with one, skillful thrust, he pounded himself home. She yelped, and as Bear began to thrust frantically, she gasped, "Foreplay is overrated..."

Now this was what Bear was made for. He wrapped his front paws around Joanne's thighs and drilled himself upward into her. His weight and strength pinned her to the bed, but she was making no effort to escape his attentions. Her tail wagged lazily as he pounded her pussy. Squelch! Squelch! Squelch! He thrust without end, never slowing. His pace actually increased! She lacked the energy to meet his thrusts with her own. Each push made Joanne wince as his growing knot pressed against her sore clitoris, but she moaned, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. She was an obedient bitch, waiting patiently for the big dog's seed.

She could feel his knot swelling. In seconds, it would tie them together, and no matter what Joanne wanted, Bear would have his way. Luckily for her, she wanted the same thing he did. Until a second had passed. Knock! Knock! Knock!

What was that? Was that the front door? She obviously couldn't answer it. She tensed her body, but she knew she was afraid for nothing. The door was locked, and who would be visiting anyway? Click! That was the door...being opened!

Someone was inside the house! She had to get out from under Bear and make it to the shower! Who could it be at this hour? She tried to pull away from Bear, but the German shepherd growled threateningly. Worse, she could feel the knot. She looked between her legs. There was no way she was going to pull free now!

Bear kept at it, oblivious to Joanne's distress. She tried to think, despite the constant pressure against her pussy. The only people with keys were Denise and Todd. Would they knock? Neither should be back yet...unless... She glanced over at the clock. She still couldn't see it. What if her first nap had been longer than she thought? Denise was spending the night at a friends house, but if hours had passed, it could be Todd!

Her heart sank, and she felt nauseated. She heard footsteps. Were they on the stairs? The bedroom opened right to the top of the stairs...he would see them immediately. She had no time to move; Todd would find her on all fours, submissively being fucked by his own dog! She was hopeless. Todd could surely hear the two of them copulating. Bear was making no effort to hide his whimpers and moans.

Now Joanne's own body was betraying her. Despite her fear and hopelessness, she couldn't deny the pleasure wracking her body. She knew it was too late to save herself; she might as well enjoy it. Thrusting back against Bear, she dropped her jaw and moaned.


Joanne blinked, cutting off her moan. That wasn't Todd!

The voice echoed up from the base of the stairs. Her heart stopped. She'd never heard that voice before.

"Package delivery. I need a signature?"

It was a young, male voice. FedEx maybe? That must be why Todd had left the door unlocked. Joanne held her breath. He'd go away, wouldn't he?

Bear didn't care. He grunted and thrust, faster and faster, whimpering as he neared his peak. The stranger could surely hear that. A sudden, particularly savage thrust caused Joanne to yelp loudly. She clapped her hand over her mouth. Shit!

"Ma'am?" he asked, his voice nervous. Clunk! Clunk! He was climbing the stairs. Should she say something? Yell at him to go away? She opened her mouth to speak, but that was the precise moment that Bear rammed himself deep, squirting exultantly into her womb. Suddenly she couldn't form words. She began to shake, oblivious to everything but that warm fluid spreading out within her. She howled, her voice low and ragged. Bear's howl joined hers.

In the back of her mind, Joanne knew that the delivery man would climb the few remaining stairs and find the two of them together, locked in the throes of climax on the bed. What could she do about it? She moaned and thrust her hips. She couldn't hear anything but her own screams, and Bear's triumphant howl in her ear. Joanne pondered the view from the door. Would the young man be able to see the massive bulge of her vulva? Bear's balls, swinging back and forth? The man must be speechless.

No, she was being ridiculous. He would clearly identify what was going on, and mind his own business. FedEx guys don't enter the house more than a few feet. Yet she had heard his foot-steps on the stairs. What if he thought she was in danger. Nervously, carefully, she opened her eyes, and looked over her shoulder at the bedroom door.

Her heart stopped. There stood a young corgi, maybe twenty years old. His eyes were wide open and his jaw was dropped as he stood, entranced on the scene in front of him. There was no doubting his eyes. This woman was eagerly being fucked by a feral animal. Bear's balls pulsed as he delivered load after load of seed into her cunt. The corgi was frozen in place. Her eyes met his. What could she say?

Looking down, she saw a bulge in the corgi's pants. He better not try anything! Joanne was incredibly embarrassed, but she also had to do something. With as straight a face as she could muster, she looked the corgi in the eye and said, "You need a signature?"

The corgi swallowed, completely taken aback. With a gasp, he turned around and ran down the stairs. Joanne closed her eyes, trying to relax. What would he do? Would he tell anyone? Aside from his co-workers obviously. Would he name the house? Would he pretend it never happened? She heard the door slam shut a few moments later. Joanne could do nothing but hope.

When she finally pulled away from Bear, she made sure to check the time. There was still an hour before Todd was scheduled to get home. The first thing she did was put Bear in his kennel downstairs. She didn't need any more temptation for the time being! She found a note near the front door that said, "Package undelivered - no one home".

Well enough. She could explain that to Todd. The golden retriever returned to the bedroom to make sure everything was clean. She didn't need any distractions when Todd got home. She was going to tell him...everything.

She grabbed the pregnancy test. She couldn't bear to see Todd's face when she told him that she was pregnant, but it wasn't his. But she had to come clean. Things were getting out of hand!

She glanced down. That's strange. The crossbar was still very faint. It should have come in by now. The test looked like a cross, more than a plus sign. What did that mean? She scrambled over to the dresser, grabbing the instructions. "Directions", "Applications", "Safety Information"...There it was: "Reading your test"!

Joanne read aloud, "A bold, dark plus sign means you are pregnant with one or more puppies. If a full plus sign has not developed after one hour, you are not pregnant."

She dropped the test. Her jaw dropped. She wasn't pregnant. She yelped in excitement! But if she wasn't pregnant, why was she late? She should be in heat by now.

She froze in place, smelling the air. This settled something that had been nagging her for hours. That strange smell, in the background. She must not have noticed at first because her nose had adjusted...but...at some point today she had gone into heat. She could smell it now. That was proof. Her tail wagged. She wasn't pregnant!

Then she stopped, feeling nauseated again. She hadn't been pregnant. But she had just spent two hours fucking Bear senselessly! She could still feel his fluids shifting around inside her womb. What had she done!?