The Bleakwood Chronicles: Time and Place

Story by HavenOfImage on SoFurry

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#2 of The Bleakwood Chronicles


So I wrote this for myself and Bleakwood Bishop inspired by the events of our last Pathfinder session. He really pushed me out of my comfort zone on this one, and I decided I liked it and some of you might like it too, so here it is.

This story features our characters. Mine is Triton, the fox-eared Dunmer. His is Vox, the mute Lilmuthiit (kitsune) who I previously drew here! This takes place quite a long way into their relationship, but I was struck by inspiration and just had to get it written. I can't thank Bishop enough for his encouragement on this.

I hope you enjoy reading this half as much as I did writing it. As always, your comments mean the world to me and I love reading them.

Story & Triton(c) Havenofimage

Vox (c) Bleakwood Bishop

The Elder Scrolls (c) Bethesda Softworks

All other characters (c) their respective players.

Triton lounged in an armchair in the sitting room of the chateau, contemplating the last swallow of his Cyrodiilic brandy. Having the house and its amenities available, especially after a long day of travel, was well worth the time and gold he'd put into learning the spell. Then again, constantly playing host to the motley group, whether here or at his home in Cheydinhal was exhausting, but at the same time Trion found an unexplainable satisfaction in the role.

A role he should probably get back to, he thought to himself as he drained the drink and rose to his feet. Triton left the sitting room, handing the empty goblet to one of the cowled servants. He took a tour of the dwelling, making sure everyone was settled. Catherine and Linus had gone straight to their rooms when they arrived, so he didn't worry about them, only twitching his ears curiously outside their doors. Sadie he found running the obstacle course, saying she needed to stretch after a day cooped up on the flying carpet. He would have normally done some sparring himself, but after two days of flitting about Tamriel with only a couple hours sleep, his energy was drained.

He found Saxon and Vox in the great room. Finally convincing Saxon to enter the magic door that led to the chateau was a personal victory for Triton. The pair were looking up at the mural of Vox standing victorious on a field of their slain foes, which hung above the mantel. He forgot that it was the first time either of them had been here, so also the first time they had seen the painting. The combined effort between Triton's vision and Rob's skill had produced an eye-catching piece, though he reluctantly had to admit it was a bit garish. Still, he liked it.

Saxon turned and walked away, shaking his head at Triton without comment. Vox remained, thoughtfully chewing on a chicken leg while she studied her heroic likeness.

"Too much?" Triton asked.

Vox rolled her eyes and grinned, making a gesture saying, "just a little bit".

"I can have it taken down." He suggested, ears drooping ever so slightly.

Vox shook her head and signed, "I like it. It is very you."

"I don't know what you mean by that, but I'm taking it as a compliment," he chuckled smiling. "Are you staying up for a while?"

"No, it has been a long day. I am just waiting for someone to show me where I am sleeping."

"Oh, of course, sorry. Uh, your room is upstairs. First door on the left. I'll uh, probably be in the library if you need anything."

Vox seemed to hesitate before signing, "Oh, thank you. Good night then."

"Good night."

Was it just him or did Vox look a little crestfallen? He stood watching her walk up the stairs, tail waving back and forth slightly with each step. One hand fidgeted with the amulet hanging hidden under his robes. Was now the right time? He probed his emotions, wondering if it was just Alleria's threats that were prompting him to move forward, and even if it were, was that such a bad thing? No, he finally decided, his feelings were sincere, as they had been for a long time now. He loved everything about the Lilmuthiit. Her straight forward outlook on life, her sharp wit and surreal sense of humor, and the rare moments of openness that sometimes came through her guarded facade. Watching her walk away he also couldn't deny the attraction to her lithe, somewhat wild, figure; or her snow white fur; or those unique eyes...

"Trouble in paradise?"

Triton jumped, startled by the voice behind him cutting through his thoughts. He turned to see Sadie standing by the wide arch leading from the hall.

"Sorry, what?" he asked.

"Well, I noticed you specified your room. I assumed it would have been our room." Sadie replied, then added, "You look like Oblivion by the way"

Sadie approached Triton.

"Hold still." she ordered putting her hands on his back.

He felt energy flow from the cleric, removing much of his physical weariness and helping clear the fog from his mind.

"Thank you," he said rubbing his neck, "now what was it you were saying?"

"Oh, nothing," she replied cheerfully, "just commenting on the fact you two aren't sharing a room. Wondering if there's a rough patch in your relationship."

"Our relationship? Uh, I don't know what you're talking about. Vox and I are just, uh, you know, uh..."

"I think what he's trying to say, is that it's complicated," a third voice interrupted.

Triton turned to see Saxon coming back into the great room form the dining hall.

"Okay, what is this, call out Triton night?" he asked the room indignantly.

"Of course not," Saxon responded, walking over and putting an arm around the Dunmer's shoulders, "we're just trying to help you out man. I simply assumed you two were an item, given the way you act around each other. Didn't you Sadie?"

"Oh absolutely. It's clear the two of them like each other and I don't mean as 'just uh you know friends'," she added in a mocking voice. "Besides, don't you share a room at your home in Cheydinhall?"

"Well sure," Triton replied getting flustered, "but that's just for, uh, convenience. I figured it would be more... respectful to offer her her own room here, you know, since space isn't limited and all."

"Buddy," Saxon interjected shaking his head, "I think she's looking for you to be a little more than just respectful."

"What he's trying to say, is that it's time you got foxy with that Voxy." added Sadie with a wink.

Saxon turned giving the pink Tiefling a deadpan stare, "That is the single most ridiculous thing I've ever heard anyone say, and it's definitely not what I was saying. All I mean," he continued turning back to Trtiton, "is that I think there's more between the two of you than you realize, and I think Sadie is trying to say that maybe it's time you find out what that is."

"Yeah, what he said."

Triton felt heat rising to his face, "Well, I had planned on studying in the library for a while tonight..."

"Suit yourself," Saxon cut in, "but the longer you put it off, the more difficult it will be."

Triton hesitated. He didn't want to keep putting things off with Vox, but could he afford to wait to read the new book? No, who was he kidding? In his current condition he wouldn't get more than three pages in before falling asleep. In the meantime he would have missed another opportunity.

He nodded to the pair saying, "Okay," before turning and walking towards the stairs.

"Yeah, go get 'er tiger!" Sadie encouraged.

"They're foxes, not tigers."

"Well, he's only like half fox. Besides is there really a difference?"

The two continued to banter as Triton unsteadily made his way up the stairs to Vox's door.

"A gold piece says he doesn't go through with it" he overheard Sadie whisper.

"Make it a platinum and you're on."

Shaking his head at the two unlikely supporters, Triton knocked on the door. His heart raced and he felt like someone had tied his entrails in knots. A minute passed and no one answered, or maybe it was an hour. Thinking that she must have gone to sleep, he turned to head to his room. Just then he heard the door opening and glanced to see Vox standing there, looking at him expectantly.

She had clearly been preparing for bed. Unlike the modest nightgown she usual slept in, she had on one of the silk bathrobes from the chateau. Tied around her waist, it flowed along the lines of her body in a way Triton was unused to seeing and he found himself inadvertently gaping her. When he failed to say anything, Vox raised an eyebrow and waggled her fingers at him.

"Sorry, I uh, I came to talk, but if now isn't a good time..." Triton blurted, trailing off questioningly.

Vox's raised eyebrow went higher as she gestured for him to continue, a small smirk creasing her mouth.

"I've been meaning to uh, say something to you for a while now. It just never seemed like the time was right." Triton stammered on, "It's just that, uh, you know, with the way our lives are, we never know, uh, how much time we might have left. I mean to say that, not that I think that's a reason to do anything, just... What I mean is we shouldn't waste the time we have on what-ifs and maybes right?"

He looked at her face for any signs of what she was feeling but the expression remained mildly bemused, as if to say, "get on with it."

"Well, I don't know how you feel about me. I think I have a good idea, but that's just a guess. But I know how I feel about you. And I uh, wanted to tell you that I... I don't want to lose you. I mean, you mean a lot to me. I care about you and want to be with you and, uh, Azura I'm doing this all wrong. But, I guess what I'm trying to say is, uh, I uh..."

Triton took a deep breath closing his eyes. He opened them and continued, "I want you to be in my life as long as we live, and if... if you feel the same..."

He trailed off and, fumbling with the chain around his neck, pulled out the amulet of Mara. He looked down at the token and then back up at Vox. His heart felt as though it had lodged itself somewhere in his throat, and the knots in his stomach seemed to have been pulled loose and retied into more complex loops.

Vox smiled up at him warmly and signed "You talk too much." Then, glancing down the stairs, she grabbed the front of his armor and pulled him into her room, shutting the door behind him.

* * *

Sadie and Saxon ducked when they saw Vox looking at them. Sadie nodded appreciatively and pulled a platinum piece out of her coin purse and handed it to Saxon.

* * *

Once in the room, Vox let go of Triton and walked a few paces away, leaving him standing by the door. She glanced around, then sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her hands in her lap. Fidgeting apprehensively, she smoothed the bath robe over her legs several times and toyed whit the end of her tail before looking up at him, an expression of uncertainty now on her face. Her eyes darted back and forth as if thinking several thoughts, making Triton wish he could read her mind.

She finally raised her hand, but hesitated before asking, "are you sure?"

Triton took a half step into the room, finally feeling confident in what he was saying. "Am I sure? I can't remember being more sure about anything else. Obviously, things were a little different when we met, you know, between me being a fox and the, uh, issues you were dealing with, but even then I knew I liked you and trusted you.

I really think things began to become clear to me while we were working together at the college. I began to see you in a new light, but I was still stuck as a fox and more than a little single minded. But after, once I got this body and the animal portion of my mind wasn't controlling, I started to truly understand my feelings towards you. Then, when you... when Alleria..."

Triton had to stop to wipe the tears from his face as he re-lived the experience of seeing his female companion cut down on the docks. Vox patted the bed next to her and beckoned him towards her. Triton sat down and she put a hand gently on his knee.

After a moment, he regained his composure and continued, "Anyway, after that. I wanted to say something, but everything was so confusing. I couldn't tell what you felt about me. Maybe it was just gratitude. And then with what happened in Berg City; the fear, the death, the rage. I couldn't think about anything else for a while. But in Raven Rock, when you agreed to stay with me... I knew you had to feel something for me, and I knew I loved you. Still, there was so much to do and the time never seemed quite right. But since we've been together these past months, I've felt a deeper level of connection with you, and I decided that there were no more excuses for waiting.

I finally got a chance to pop off to Riften yesterday and purchase the amulet. It wasn't quite the smooth transaction I had hoped for. By the time I was done dealing with that priest I wanted to burn the temple down... but I digress.

Anyway, I guess, long story short, to answer your question, yes. I am sure. Completely and irrevocably."

Finishing his proclamation, Triton looked over at Vox. When she remained silent, his shoulders and ears fell.

"I... I understand if you aren't ready or need more time..." he began, "I just wanted to let you know how I felt."

Vox cut him off, again putting a finger on his lips to silence him. Standing up from the bed, she walked to a chest of drawers which her pack was sitting on. She pulled a small pouch out and brought it back to where Triton sat. Inside were several pieces of amber which Vox arranged in a circle. She waved a hand over them, causing them to glow momentarily before, in a flash, a dozen items littered the blanket. Despite the emotionally charged moment, Triton couldn't help but be a little impressed by and curious about the spell.

He refrained from questioning her about it as he looked over the objects that had been contained by the magic. Among many oddments he didn't recognized, but must have some sentimental meaning for fox, were several mementos from their travels, including a flyer from her clan's circus and a chipped mug from the Arch Mage's quarters. She picked out a small cloth wrapped parcel before transmuting the remaining contents back to a handful of amber chips.

Vox unwrapped the cloth and smiled up at Triton as she revealed an amulet that matched his.

"I bought it while you were at sea last week."

Her hands trembled as she signed.

"I also wanted to burn that place down," she continued with a tooth baring grin.

"I was not sure the time was right. To borrow your words, I knew how I felt but, I was worried, after everything you went through with your wife, that maybe you were not ready. I am glad you finally told me how you were feeling.

I think I may still have known what I felt for you sooner than you were ready. For me, we have been as good as together since Raven Rock, though that was not my main intention when I agreed to stay. Still, the time we spend together, the things we do for one another, the morning coffee, the nights spent side by side, it has all been so much for me. Even before that, when you were still just a weird, cute, little talking fox, I felt like you were someone I could be myself around and have fun with. Even when you barely knew me, you stood by me.

And sometimes, you are so irritating in the most likeable ways. Like how you are incapable of doing things halfway. Could you not have told me how you were feeling earlier? You had to wait until you were ready to be married?" she asked with a silent laugh.

"Sorry," Triton said abashed.

"Do not be." Vox continued, hands steady now. "You are who you are, and I love that person.

It was while we were at the college researching your past that I began to feel a real attachment. I know you were still stuck in the fox body, but as we dug into your history, I felt like I really started to know you. You began to subtly change too. I really saw the commitment you had to me, even if you did not realize it. You say you were single minded, but you devoted hours and hours that could have been spent working on your problems just to learn to communicate with me better.

During that time, we talked, we laughed, we confided. I felt I could truly let my guard down around you. You were someone I could depend on. Maybe someone I could love, you know, if you ever got the whole being trapped in a fox problem worked out."

She grinned, staring off into the distance as she reminisced. Her expression again became more serious.

"Then, after I was brought back, you were right there next to me; the first person I returned to after the void. I could not help but see how much you cared. That is when I was sure. But, like you said, our lives have not been easy since then. I also knew that, even though what you felt for me was real, you still had a lot to work through. Still, the time we have had together, when I could just be with you, when I could let my guard down even for a little while... It has been enough for me until you were ready. Now I feel like I do not have to hide any more, at least not when I am with you; that I can be completely open and truly be happy, like I have not been for so long, and it is all because of you."

Vox lowered her hands, which had begun to shake again, and held them clasped around the amulet in her lap. In contrast, her face was serene and a soft smile reached all the way to her oh so expressive eyes. In this moment Triton felt if no other means of communication was possible between them, he could read her every thought in those eyes. He could tell she had held nothing back and had been open with him in a way she had never allowed herself to be with anyone else.

"Thank you Vox," he said softly, "Thank you for trusting me, and letting me get to know the real you."

He reached forward and delicately grasped her hands in his, feeling her relax with the gesture.

"And what you said about my wife..." he continued, hesitating to find the right words, "Intellectually I know why I did what I did at the time, but that life is so disconnected from the one I have now that, that Triton may as well be a completely different person. I know it's not the same, but what you did for me, helping me return to this body, even with its oddities... for me feels like coming back to life too, and this is the life I want to live, with you."

Vox reached up and scratched behind one of Triton's ears and signed, "I like your oddities."

As Vox put her hand back in her lap, Triton took the amulet from her. Looking straight into her face, he unfastened the clasp on the chain and attached it around her neck. When she didn't stop him, he allowed his fingers to run through the fur on the back of her neck, and with gentle pressure, pulled her towards him and kissed her. Vox, startled at first soon responded passionately. Triton found kissing her vulpine mouth unique, exhilarating, and unquestionably pleasant. It was an experience he had speculated on in the past, but in the moment, he hadn't considered anything other than his desire to kiss her, to hold her, to never be separated from her.

Eventually Vox tenderly pushed Triton back, and grinning, licked him on the nose. As he laughed, she pulled him into a tight embrace which he reciprocated, delighting in the feel of her body pressed against his as he held her in his arms. When he felt her hold loosening, Triton let go and leaned away.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," he confided.

"Me too," Vox signed, then mouthed, "I love you."

"I love you," Triton signed.

Vox smiled warmly and butted her head against his chest. Triton was about to run a hand through her hair when she pulled back wrinkling her nose.

"When was the last time you had that armor cleaned?" she asked.

He looked skywards trying to remember, then shrugged.

"You should have the servants do it while we are here."

"Good thinking." he responded and stood up. "Here, can you help me with these buckles?"

Triton unbelted his robes while Vox helped unfasten the light armor. He bundled it all together and summoned one of the servants, handing it off with instructions to be cleaned and the leather conditioned by morning. Now in just his shirt and trousers Triton stretched.

"Ugh, that feels better," he groaned, "Shouldn't have left it on all day. And what a day it's been," he added, smiling down at Vox and kissing her on the forehead.

She nodded enthusiastically with a broad smile, pulling his head down for a quick kiss on the lips, followed by a not so quick one.

"You should get ready for bed," she told him.

"Good thinking. I'll uh, be back in a bit," Triton agreed, turning towards the bathroom.

He only managed half a stride before a yank around his neck jerked him to a halt. Vox had hooked a finger through the magical collar he still wore and pulled him back towards her. Caught off balance, it didn't take much effort from the shorter Lilmuthiit to maneuver the Elf. Using the momentum from his arrested movement, she swung him around until he was between her and the bed.

"I can help you with that too," she signed with a playful smirk.

Vox ran her hands under Triton's shirt, lifting the fabric over his head. His heart raced and goosebumps formed on his arms from the thrilling feel of the coarse pads on her fingers and palms gently running over the bare skin of his back. She leaned into him, pressing the back of his knees into the mattress until he lost balance and fell onto the bed. Vox followed him, straddling his torso.

"I don't like doing things halfway either," she signed down to him, then cocked her head to one side and continued, "Are you okay with this?"

Triton nodded, swallowing as the blood pounded in his ears.

Vox barely took the time to sign "good" before bending down for a long, deep kiss. One of her hands ran through the hair on the back of his head, sending shivers down his spine. The other he felt reach between their bodies and pull the knot loose on her bathrobe. He slid his fingers through the fur on her legs, starting at her knees and continuing upwards until they were wrapped around her waist at the base of her tail. As he did so, he realized with exhilaration that she had nothing on beneath the loosened garment.

Triton allowed his hands to continue wandering upwards along her back until he held her tight around the shoulders. He circled them to the front, resting them on her collar bones and pushed upwards, shifting her back to a sitting position. Following through with the motion, he moved his hands back along Vox's shoulders and down her arms, lifting the robe apart and away.

With a delighted grin at his initiative, she worked the sleeves the rest of the way off and dropped it on the floor. Sitting back with arms to either side, Vox sensuously moved her body, looking down inquisitively as if to ask, "like what you see?"

Triton did like what he saw. The long hair, expressive eyes, gently curving mouth, sloping shoulders, shapely breasts, firm stomach and well-defined hips, all clad in that soft fur, the sensation of which against his body was beyond anything he could have imagined; and he definitely like that is was all sitting over him.

"So what now?" Vox signed.

She reached behind her and felt the tightly stretched fabric of Triton's pants. She smirked and pulled the laces loose. The hand moved beneath the waistline and explored tantalizingly close before she retracted it, silently laughing at the longing expression that briefly crossed his face.

She made a gesture indicating he should take them off. Triton obediently moved his hands between his body and her legs so he could reach his pants and work them down. With his arms now pinned Vox pulled herself forward so she now sat on his upper chest.

"So," She asked again, "What now?"

Triton found his partner's assertive nature very arousing. It was clear she knew exactly what she wanted, and exactly how to get it. Still, he wasn't going to completely submit. Realizing how Vox had intentionally lured him into this position, he decided to make her wait, looking up at her silently while he finished freeing his legs. Triton had no doubt she recognized what he was doing and could press her position at any time, but the fact that she also allowed herself to be toyed with was equally arousing.

As the trousers joined the bathrobe on the floor he finally responded.

"Now?" Triton asked with considerably more bravado than he felt. To answer her question, he reached up to grip her hindquarters and pulled her the rest of the way up, so she was now astride his face.

Vox played with Triton's hair and fondled his ears as he alternately used his tongue and lips on her. She squeezed her feet under his back and used the leverage to press herself tighter against him. Triton continued moving his fingers through the thick fur along the length of her tail, looking up at Vox from the gap between her legs. He took satisfaction from her alternate giggles and sharp breaths.

The pressure from her body steadily increased, until with a sudden strong inhalation, she grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed herself off. Vox smirked down at Triton who looked back with a self-satisfied grin. She rolled her eyes, amused, before moving back so she could once again bend down for a kiss.

Soon though, Vox pushed his arms from around her so they were resting on her legs and she sat up over him. She again looked at him questioningly.

"This is still okay right?" she asked, fingers moving deliberately, "Do you want to keep going?"

"I love you Vox, and I want all of you that you are ready to give." Triton replied.

"I give you all of me," she continued, smiling warmly, "and I want all of you."

"I give you all of me," he silently affirmed, mirroring her sign language.

Vox soundlessly giggled in pleasure, licking his face playfully, before positioning herself over his pelvis. She gripped his erection and aligned it between her legs. He could feel the heat of her as she remained poised on the precipice. Once more she looked down with an "are you sure?" expression.

Triton nodded decisively, then caught his breath as she lowered herself over him all at once. His fingers dug into to Vox's legs as she rolled her hips rhythmically, working him inside her. She looked into his face, eyes half closed in pleasure and he couldn't suppress a small groan at the feeling of her sliding over him.

Vox controlled the sensations. Now fast now slow. Changing the movement of her body, taking what she wanted and giving Triton the same. At a point where he would have much preferred her to keep going, she halted the motion and ever so slowly lifted herself away from him indulging in the expressions that played across his face as she did.

"Your turn." she signed with a grin as she swung her leg over his body and lay on her back.

Triton hoisted himself up and moved across the mattress on all fours. He began planting kisses on her, starting at her toes and working his way up, lingering between her legs then continued up her stomach until he reached the fur covered breasts.

Firmly grasping them, he alternately licked, squeezed, and twisted her nipples while Vox soundlessly giggled with enjoyment, hands once again rubbing his ears.

Sensing growing impatience in her, Triton continued up her chest and neck until their mouths found each other again. As they did, Vox wrapped her ankles behind his knees, and once again reached down to take hold and move him into the proper arrangement.

Triton considered teasing her a little more but thought better of it. He could tell that she had found his play sensual, but any further delay would not be appreciated. Furthermore, he didn't know if he could hold back his own desire.

With that he pushed forward vigorously, delighting in the way Vox tensed around him as he did. She had given him control now, and he worked to not betray the responsibility and trust. Triton stayed attentive the responses of his partner. He learned what was stimulating and what was simply endured.

After a time, he paused his movement to look straight into her eyes.

"Is this, okay?" he asked, wanting to be sure Vox was still on the same level as him.

"More than okay," she signed, smiling up lovingly.

Triton ginned back down. Maintaining pressure against her, he bent his head down and put one nipple lightly between his teeth. His eyes rolled up to observe her expression. She met his gaze with a look that clearly said, "I dare you." Not wanting to back down from the challenge, he steadily increased the force applied on the soft flesh within his jaws.

Without warning Vox shot him a sadistic grin and dug her claws into his back. He released his bite and reflexively gasped in delight at the sharp pain. She looked up at him with an innocent expression and shrugged coyly.

Vox then took the opportunity to reposition herself beneath him. Her hips shifted forwards and she now wrapped her legs around his back. Taking this as a sign to continue, Triton resumed, now rolling himself against her. As he did so he pressed his pubic bone into more sensitive areas. The grip of her arms and legs increased, telling him he had hit the spot.

Their lovemaking was more insistent now as they both felt each other coming to the edge. Triton supported himself on his elbows, feeling Vox hold tighter, pressing her body into his. His breath came in short hisses between his teeth, in rhythm with the movement. Similar sounds came from Vox as she buried her face in his neck.

One of her arms let go and she grabbed his wrist, pulling the support out from under him. Triton lurched to one side and felt her use the momentum to roll them over so she was once again on top.

This time though Vox did not take back control, holding herself up so he still had room. Her limbs remained wrapped around him, squeezing insistently. Claws pressed into Triton's flesh again, not intentionally this time, bus simply from the tension that gripped Vox's body. He responded to her need, thrusting upwards with strong even movements.

Just as Triton felt he couldn't hold back any longer, Vox dropped her pelvis down on him pressing them both into the mattress. She shuttered violently, arms and legs pulling tight and biting his shoulder just above the collar bone. Feeling her clench down on him pushed Triton over the edge too as he let go, arms around her back matching her pressure, both bodies pulling inseparably into each other.

After what could have been an eternity, he felt the shaking in Vox's body subside, as his own throbbing eased. They continued to lay there, interlocked, panting, entwined tightly in each other's limbs.

Finally, Vox let go with her arms, but not her legs. She slowly pushed herself up so she once again straddle Triton, just like they had begun. She smiled down at him.

"How was it?" she signed; hands still slightly trembling.

"Incredible," he responded, still trying to catch his breath. "And for you?"


Vox leaned down to lick his face again before pulling them into another tight kiss. After both of their breathing returned to a normal pace, she finally extricated her legs and climbed off of Triton, folding them back under herself to sit next to him. He rolled to his side to look at her.

"Now that you've had me, do you still want me?" she signed, looking a little unsure.

"More than anything else. Forever and ever." Then, hesitantly, "Do you still want me."


Vox curled into Triton's receptive body, pressing her back into his chest, wrapping her tail around his waist. He embraced her, pulling his legs up to lay against the length of hers. He nuzzled her ears and they both sighed contentedly. Soon the only thing to be heard in the room was the sound of slow deep breathing as pair fell asleep.


Sunlight crept across the room through the tall windows, which incongruously showed a brightly lit snowscape in the morning light. It brushed the bottoms of hanging tapestries, before falling on the four-poster bed, illuminating the two prostrate figures within.

The fox eared Dunmer lay sleeping on his back. Curled laying on his chest was the snow white Lilmuthiit. One of Triton's legs twitched in his sleep. He yawned, stretching his arms before his eyes fluttered opened. Feeling completely rested for the first time in days, he looked down to see Vox, just beginning to wake herself.

"Good morning," Triton said, running a hand over one of her ears.

She swatted it away playfully, then grimaced, and prodded his shoulder. Pain lanced down Triton's arm as she did, causing him to wince away.

"What the?" he exclaimed, trying and failing to look at the spot she had touched.

There was dried blood on his arm and the sheets had a few blotches of crimson. He looked up at Vox, confused, and saw her looking contrite.

"Sorry," she signed, "I love you?"

Then Triton remembered. She had bitten him in the throes of their passion. Strange, he didn't recall it being that bad at the time. He took her hand and kissed it.

"It's okay," he reassured.

Vox sat up and wrapped the sheet around herself causing Triton to chuckle at her modesty.

"I am about to stop being sorry if you keep that up. Now make yourself useful and get us some coffee. From the kitchen. The stuff your magic makes is just not the same."

"Your wish is my command."

"Do not forget it. Now if you are quick I'll see about a bath for you so we can get that cleaned up."

The pain in his shoulder still throbbed, but he rolled out of bed all the same, feeling Vox's tail get squeezed beneath him as he did.

"Sorry, it was an accident," he quickly blurted, not wanting her to think he had done it in retribution for his arm.

"What was an accident?" She signed, turning towards him questioningly.

"When I... Vox? What's wrong with you?"

Her expression had transformed to one of absolute amusement. Still half in the bed, he had no idea what had caused this abrupt change in her.

"What... is... that?" She asked, barely able to control her hands, and pointed at something behind him.

Triton twisted round to see what it was but there was nothing there. Twisting the other way, he still didn't see anything to explain her reaction, but he did feel an odd tug at the small of his back. Turning back to ask Vox to explain herself, he just caught it in his peripheral vision as it slid out of view behind him.

Suspecting what he would find there, he reached behind his back. Vox's eyes danced with delight as he did so. Sure enough, there it was. Triton grabbed it and, completely bewildered by this new development, looked down at the mass of black fur in his hands.

"You have a tail."

She somehow managed to form the words with her hands before falling backwards in a fit of mirth, legs kicking in the air as soundless laughter shook her body. Sure enough he observed, pulling on it and feeling it firmly attached at the base of his back, he had somehow grown a tail. This was going to warrant another visit to the dryad Elifey at the very least.

Vox held her hands in the air, unable or unwilling to sit up. "What are you going to tell the others? The sex was so good you turned back into a fox?"

Glowering, Triton picked her robe up from the carpet and tossed it at her.

"I thought you were getting a bath ready?"

She sat up and replied, "I thought you were getting coffee." Then, if possible, her face became even more gleefully as she saw him still fiddling with it and making it waive back and forth, "By the Eight, you like it."

"No, I, just, maybe, so!?" He stammered, then hung his head, "The others are never going to let me live this down, are they?"

Silently giggling and once again unable to control her hands well enough to sign, Vox gestured downstairs, shook her head, then pointed at herself.

"Yeah, I was afraid of that too."

Glumly Triton grabbed a second bathrobe and headed for the door, trying and failing to not let the tail wag as he did so. Vox skipped up to him and, standing as tall as she could on her digitigrade feet, reached up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey," she signed, "I think it's cute."

In considerably better spirits after that, Triton made it downstairs, got a carafe of the "good" coffee from the kitchen, and headed back to the room, thankfully seeing no one but the household servants on the way.

Despite her earlier attitude, Vox treated him kindly. She carefully washed and dressed the bite, and even helped him buckle on his, much nicer smelling, armor when he was unable to do so without pain. Yes, it was definitely moments like these, the special times and little things, that made this relationship wonderful.

When the pair were dressed, matching amulets hanging over their clothes, they went to the door. Vox fidgeted with hers distractedly, but then she noticed Triton's new addition protruding between the split back of his robe.

"Alright, are you ready to go out there and let them see you, tail held high?" Vox asked, fingers flashing spiritedly, a nervous smile breaking across her face.

Triton pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I couldn't care less about them. What about us? Are we going out there... tails held high?"

Vox looked away from him without answering.

Putting a hand under her chin, he gently turned her face back towards his.

"Do you want to keep it a secret? It's oaky if you do."

She shook her head emphatically.

"You just don't want to advertise it?"

She nodded.

Triton hugged her again. "It'll be okay. Tell you what, why don't we leave the amulets out, but we won't say anything? We'll just see who figures it out?"

Smiling warmly at his understanding, Vox gave him an affirming nod.

Triton stole one long last kiss, knowing he'd never take these moments for granted. Then, grinning down at her, he opened the door.

The End