The Bleakwood Chronicles: Time and Place

Triton lounged in an armchair in the sitting room of the chateau, contemplating the last swallow of his Cyrodiilic brandy. Having the house and its amenities available, especially after a long day of travel, was well worth the time and gold he'd...

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A New Season - Chapter 2

Jen lay in bed awake that night. Sam was curled up in her usual position with her head resting against Jen's shoulder and her left arm across Jen's body, on top of the fleece blanket. ...

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Fallout - An Illusion to Follow

-NEW MESSAGE -FROM: HQ -TO: BRAVO -SUBJECT: #1 Was there any indication of his intentions? The chief needs to know if he or any of his people are at risk. END...

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Fallout - Leads from Legends

C/PFC Kirian Harper 2114 - 2133 "Service before self" "Is this who I am?" I wondered, gazing at the headstone before me. But, if that were...

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Fallout - Where Now?

This was mental. I was simply over reacting. Why was I throwing together a suitcase of essentials and planning to flee Fairchild just because some idiot JIA agent was...

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Task Force - Epilogue

"This meeting is called to order to review the incidents which lead up to and followed the termination of the Special Assignments Team. There are some questions this committee has for you...

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Task Force - Prologue

This is the sequel to my story [b][url=]The Academy[/url][/b]. Though it is not necessary, I strongly recommend reading The Academy before reading Task Force...

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The Academy - Remembrance

We weren't allowed to go back to campus. The story that was being put out was that we had died in a helicopter accident during the training mission and it would raise suspicion if we were seen around...

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Fallout - Cyclics and Surprises

I set my mind to the physical therapy as if my life depended on it. I couldn't remember being this focused on something before now. It was as if a new drive and...

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Fallout - What's in a Name?

"Xavier, I'm home." I was in the living room, getting a little work done on my...

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Fallout - Life and Limb(s)

I passed the bus ride back to Fairchild in silent contemplation watching the familiar scenery pass by the window. Out the corner of my eye I noticed a hare in black sunglasses...

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The Warriors

I've been trying to work on my other stories and such, but every time I sit down to write, the words for this story come into my head rather than for Rocky Mountain Times or...

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