A Comforting Confession

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#127 of Incest Stories (Others)

Sometimes, we develop feelings for people that we either think we shouldn't, or in the case of Ira, people that we know we shouldn't. In this story commission for Makoto. we get a look at what happens when the emotional baggage becomes a bit too much for the young fox.

His sister, Katy, can't help taking an interest in his depression, but even when Ira doesn't want to talk to her about his issues, she has a hunch that she knows what's wrong with him. Clearing out the house so he can talk about his feelings with his uncle, Timo, Ira can't help letting the truth slip out.

When it does, he's not all that shocked to discover that his uncle has some similar feelings about him; it seems to run in the family, but it's still a load off of Ira's chest to make his confession.

The only hard part left is deciding how he wants to try and handle the well-endowed husky...


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There was no perfect way to deal with feeling like a failure.

Ira wasn't a failure, of course, but in his own mind, he'd completely let down his entire family, thanks to his issues at private school. Coming home should have been just what he needed to feel better, and he did appreciate that his family members were all trying to hard to cheer him up, but there was such desolation about him that no one felt like their words were reaching him.

As much as everyone was worried about his mental health, it was Katy who took the greatest initiative of looking after her brother and making sure that he was getting up, eating and taking care of himself each day...but she didn't want to keep on helping with the symptoms.

She wanted to actually get to the root of the problem and solve it; there was no other way to give her brother his life back.

"Sorry, Mom...I know it's last minute, but can we please go for a run right now? Like...right now, now?"

Katy wasn't the best at being subtle with her intentions, but she wanted to make sure that her mother would pick up on the importance of the matter; subtlety wouldn't get the job done.

"...Guess you take after me more than I thought," Kyra replied, looking a bit frustrated at the idea...but she could recall her more youthful days, when her body would demand a little extra activity.

It was in the nature of a husky to need to be worked out, and if she was being honest with herself, Kyra didn't have anything else going on that was more important. She didn't understand why she had to go with Katy on the trail, but on the flip side of that, she didn't mind spending some quality time alone with her daughter.

"Yeah...that's my bad," Katy suggested. "I just haven't been going for as many during the day. Been kinda busy with other things."

Everyone in the pack house was aware of Ira's situation, and further, they knew that Katy was doing as much as she could to bring her brother out of his slump.

What they didn't know was that Katy had spoken with Ira about one of the unexpected sources of his sour mood, and it was something that only one other person could help with; she just needed to get them alone for a minute, and that meant coming up with any excuse she could to get everyone else out of the house.

She was already dressed for the occasion of a run, and Kyra wandered down the hallway to get changed, but Ira wasn't paying attention to what they were up to.

The young fox was staring out the window, lost in his thoughts as he'd ever been. He didn't mean to be rude, but he utterly ignored the sound of the front door closing as Katy and Kyra took off for the jogging path; Ira was blissfully unaware of the fact that Gavin was already out helping Ian with his car, and Trish was working a weekend shift.

That meant, when the front door closed, that it was just Ira sitting on the couch...and Timo coming out of the bedroom, yawning, stretching, and letting the hip of his pajama pants slack just a little bit further than he should have.

"...Huh. Everyone must have rushed off already," he thought aloud, but seeing Ira on the couch, he smiled and plopped right down next to the young fox.

The weight of his backside hitting the cushion was enough to stir Ira out of his trance, and an adorable squeak left his lips as he turned, seeing the imposing figure of his uncle by his side.

"Everything okay, Ira? I know you're the quiet type to begin with, but lately, you feel more like a statue than a member of the family."

Timo wasn't always the best with words, but he was trying as well as he could not to say anything crude or offensive; he didn't think his usual brand of humor would do Ira any good, right then.

"I...y-yeah. Everything's going okay," Ira answered, feeling guilty about lying to his uncle, but then...he wasn't sure how anyone would be able to tell that he wasn't in a good mood.

He knew that Timo was just trying to be polite, but given everything that had happened, the question almost felt pointless.

"Come on, Ira...you're not fooling anyone," Timo pressed. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but you've had a storm cloud following you around since you got home from boarding school. Is it anything I can help with?"

Ira turned to look up at Timo, but his eyes landed first on the broad, full shoulders of the older husky and the impressive, toned arms that he took such great care of: Timo was a physical specimen, and a _handsome_one, at that.

Every time Ira had the good fortune to see Timo in a state of undress, he'd been too bashful to say anything about it, even when nudity and open connections were encouraged in the pack house; he simply didn't have the confidence or drive to tell his uncle how he really felt...to tell him what he was upset about, even more than his issues at school.

"Promise you won't judge me for it?"

"Trust me, Ira...there's nothing you can tell me that's gonna make me love you any less," Timo assured him. "But if there's something I can do to help my nephew, I wanna know what it is...and if there's something bugging him, I wanna do whatever I can to take care of it."

Over the years, Timo had worked on being more personable and developing emotional connections with the new members of his family. He'd softened up a little bit, showing a greater inkling of sensitivity and genuine concern for the stresses of others.

Seeing his poor nephew so distraught was tugging on his heartstrings, as well, but he didn't want to admit that he felt hopeless to do anything about it.

"Have...h-have you ever had feelings for someone, but you were worried about losing them as a person if you acted on those feelings?"

After being so reserved, Ira just blurted out the words, catching Timo off guard.

The subject, on the other hand, was one of many topics that Timo would have expected to come from a young adult.

"I've been in those shoes more times than I can count," Timo confessed. "It's never a fun place to be, but...between you and I, Ira...the best thing you can do is just be honest with people; it really is the best policy."

"...It's that simple?"

"Well, n-no, it's not that simple. I can't promise that it'll go well for you right then, but at the very least, you'll have that confession off your chest, and if they're a nice person, they'll respect your honesty and courage, even if they don't feel the same way about you."

"But if they don't feel the same, will...will I lose them?"

"I guess that's the part that's as exciting as it is nerve wracking," Timo sighed. "You never know, Ira. Again, if they're nice, they'll at least respect you for telling the truth, but if you were already friends, it might change things a little...it might not. It's hard to say, but if you never try, you have to spend the rest of your life wondering, and...I spent far too much of my life doing exactly that, Ira. I'd say you should go for it."

Ira was still young enough that Timo didn't want to see him wasting his late teens and early twenties pining after someone and never taking the chance to confess his feelings for them. The difference in their age was such that Timo had already lived such an experience more than once, and he didn't want his nephew to bear such a burden when he had so much young, fresh life ahead of him.

"You...y-you really mean that, Timo?"

The husky was so much larger that, even as an adult, he could easily lift Ira into his lap...and he'd always known how much the fox enjoyed sitting there as a child.

As an adult, it might have seemed a little awkward, at first...but Timo hadn't at all considered the weight of his bulge against the front of his pajama pants, or the way that same flesh was pressing against Ira's backside as he settled in.

For being so in tune with his nephew, Timo hadn't picked up on the fact that the whole conversation was about him.

"Absolutely, kiddo. You've got the rest of your life to keep living, if it doesn't go well."

Looking up at the husky with the first signs of hope in his smile, Ira leaned in close and rested his cheek against Timo's chest, scooting further into the warm, comforting seat of his uncle's lap.

He hadn't even considered the way that his length would press right into Timo's stomach, but even the comforting words of the husky were enough to get a rise out of his cock: to feel that extra warmth and embrace around the small of his back was enough to send a full, proper throb right through it, and in an instant, Timo connected the dots and tried to hide the shock in his expression.



"How...h-how long have you felt this way about me?"

He didn't mean to put the young fox on the spot, but the way his words came out, there was little he could do to prevent his curious tone.

"I guess...y-you figured me out, didn't you?"

"Sorry that it took me this long, but...your favorite uncle can be a little bit dense," Timo admitted. "Now that I've had a minute to think about it, this isn't anywhere near the first clue you've given me, Ira."

"I didn't feel comfortable giving you any stronger hints," Ira confessed. "I was...w-well...I was afraid of what you might say if I said I...w-wanted you to...fuck me."

Something about the shy, but entirely desperate tone of Ira's voice reached out to Timo, telling the husky all he needed to know about what was to come next.

The fox would be giving it his all, but he still needed his uncle to guide him through the process, little by little...and his feelings, delicate as they were right then, would need to be taken into consideration the whole way.

"I won't pretend I haven't thought about it before, but you've always been such a quiet soul, well...I just didn't think I was your type," Timo explained, and as he did, he started to chuckle. "Kinda makes me wish you and I would have just sat down and talked about this sooner."

Ira joined in the laughter, wondering just how many passionate nights they'd missed out on because of their mutual hesitance...but now that he knew that they'd shared the same issue, he couldn't help the silly smile that tugged at his lips.

"Figures that you'd be just as interested in me...I'm...n-not that great at picking up on hints, either," Ira commiserated. "I guess I'm glad that you were so respectful of my boundaries, though..."

"It was the least I could do for you, Ira."

"Well...don't worry about those boundaries anymore, Uncle Timo."

The husky felt like he'd been given an early holiday present, just hearing those words; he'd yet to act on them, but he had to remember the difference in their level of experience.

It took genuine effort to fight back his instinct to push the small, slender fox over the arm of the couch. As much fun as he would have had with that, he didn't want to rush right into treating Ira like a number of other men that he'd been with in his life.

This was going to require greater care, and that started with a soft, comforting paw slipping between them and feeling out the shape of a long, vulpine cock.

"Are you sure about that, Ira?"

"Y...yeah..." the fox whispered, bashful at what he'd confessed and shuddering at the pleasure he felt from a single touch. "Never thought someone would be uncomfortable in pajama pants, but...yours feel like they're getting pretty tight, Timo."

The pressure against his backside was such that Ira couldn't have missed what his uncle was after, but knowing that they had the same end goal was doing wonders for his comfort level.

He was all too happy to feel the husky fishing his member from the loose confines of his shorts, but even as precum dribbled over Timo's fingertips from that subtle touch, it didn't feel like it was enough.

This was a moment long overdue; one that they'd both been waiting such a long time for that Timo didn't think a brief handjob lived up to the gravity of the situation.

"They're a little snug...that's for sure," Timo agreed. "But I don't have to slide them off until you think you're ready, Ira."

"I've been ready for so long that I was starting to think this would never happen, honestly...if you're ready for them to come off, p-please...take them off."

Ira wasn't a virgin, but he was far less experienced than Timo...and his body didn't have nearly the kind of practice that his uncle's body was used to.

They'd need to take things slow, but Ira happily stood up from Timo's lap, unwittingly pressing the end of his own member into his uncle's lips.

"...Never thought you'd be so bold as to just shove it in my face like that, but...I dunno if I could be happier with that."

Ira hadn't intended anything of the sort, but he was happy to live with the consequences of his actions.

His stiffened cock slipped easily into Timo's maw, but the husky was working double time: as he lowered himself all the way to the base of the vulpine's shaft, he made sure that a plentiful, healthy trickle of his own saliva would leak from the end of his chin and down to the tip of his own cock, prepping his body for the most important part of their afternoon.

"Y-you don't...h-have to do that..." Ira was bashful in his protest, and his wincing expression continued to give way to a pleasured smile; it widened with each playful bob of Timo's head against his member, and for the moment, the fox was simply bewildered to see that his uncle could handle the whole thing so easily. "Fuck, Uncle...you...I had no idea you were s-so good at this kind of thing!"

Looking right up at his nephew and smiling around his mouthful, Timo offered a wink and finally pulled back from the base. "You never had a reason to ask before," he mentioned, licking the last of that delightful, vulpine flavor from his own lips. "But now that you know...feel free to bother me anytime for a repeat performance."

Ira giggled. "Start to finish, next time?"

"Unless you want me to finish you right now...?"

There was plenty of opportunity for Timo to ease his pajama bottoms down, and in that gap, he'd shrugged them away from himself, presenting a much more inviting sight: the impressive flesh of his cock was glistening with the spilled spit and twitching with anticipation of that first, teasing touch...and Ira, feeling his mood so dramatically improved from before, was the one who started the descent, even when the option was there to simply pump into his uncle's maw.

"I do, b-but...not like that," Ira whispered, still a bit too bashful to be the proper aggressor. "That felt amazing...b-better than anyone else has ever done that for me, but...it wouldn't be right if this was only about me."

"And why's that?"

"Because you admitted that you've been waiting a long time for this moment, too," Ira reminded him. "I don't want you to have to wait anymore, either..."

His tail was already lifted up and out of the way of his rump, and as those soft, curved cheeks fell into Timo's grip, the husky helped him control the pace, knowing as an honest point that his cock was larger than most could handle without a proper warmup.

Concerned for his nephew's safety as he was, it was a struggle not to thrust his hips right up into Ira's body when he felt the sudden warmth and resilient pressure of a pucker against him.

The very tip of his cock was still quivering as it settled in place there, and with a nod, Ira locked eyes with his uncle and bent at the knees, easing the first inch or two of Timo's lubricated flesh into his asshole.

"Ah...a-ahn..._fuck..._h-how is it even bigger than it looks?"

"You only saw it from a distance," Timo joked, trying to keep a certain air of levity to their first, impassioned connection. "Next time, I'll let you see it up close..."

"Thanks, Timo..."

Another couple inches sunk their way in as Ira did everything he could to reach the very base of his uncle's length, but he wasn't even halfway down Timo's manhood when the pressure became a bit too much for him to handle.

His legs were turning to jelly, and thankfully, Timo caught his backside and kept him from being stretched too far, too fast...but the delicious, heated pressure was causing another reaction in his body, prompting the very tip of his cock to spring a different kind of length.

"...I see you've got a penchant for the family pastime," Timo noticed, seeing a soft, golden trickle spill from the very tip of Ira's cock, cutting a path through his glistening precum. "Feels like I'm being spoiled right now, honestly."

Ira was flushed, his cheeks burning and his eyes winced...but hearing those words, he found a hint of a smile once more. "You d-don't mind it?"

"Mind it?"

Bucking up gently against his nephew and forcing the stream to spill a little further, Timo aided the golden blessing and started a delicate rhythm, eager to feel every drop of Ira's piss spilling across his chest.

"I couldn't be happier with it, Ira..."

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