Transformation Story: The Demon Blanket

A brilliant thing, really; it converts anything that it is injected to into a fur blanket. whether it's a tiger, or a wolf, or some exotic animal, it becomes a lovely fur blanket version of itself. just imagine the possibilities."

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A Pig in a Blanket

Daffy demands, slapping porky on his bare behind, sticking out of the blanket. porky opens his mouth wide, taking in bugs' cock.

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Pigs in a Blanket

As everyone enters, Herald steps from the safety of the guard room. Everyone stops and watches him cautiously. "Look," Herald says, "I know you're all likely pissed at all of us, and I don't blame you. I'm just going to show you where you want to go....

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Under the Blanket

His own paws were hiding under the blanket all the while, keeping warm...and her backside made for a quick, presentable target.

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Under the Blankets

Thomas found it hard to stay warm despite all the blankets he had both on top and underneath him. he did as best he could, curling into a ball with his tail tucked between his legs underneath the blankets.

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The Blanket — 6

#7 of the blanket the bb gun that ed had gotten for his birthday was a used thing, something that the giftgiver had pulled from the guts of the basement and produced in social offering.

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The Blanket — 5

Annies voice would let little laughs out, and it reminded ed of a blanket on a line, drying in the wind and rustling minutely against itself.

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The Blanket — 4

#5 of the blanket funny how little anachronous thoughts burrow their way into a mind at the strangest opportunities, little out of place happenings to the conscious.


The Blanket — 3

#4 of the blanket "mom?" eds voice said as he peeked into the kitchen, in the quiet calm of the house at night. every one of his friends had left, their parents included, and he and his mother were left to their leftover cake and banners.


The Blanket — 2

#3 of the blanket the room was stained playfully with banners and red solo cups filled with innocent liquids like koolaid and sprite. familiar, joyful faces wheeled about, friends of friends and people ed knew and had known for years.

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The Blanket — 1

And he did the same, feeling her like a blanket.


The Blanket — Introduction

Without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen i present to you: the blanket.

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