Still, Still a Virgin

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#2 of Exploration

Kyle really wants to be Evan's boyfriend and is willing to do a lot for that privilege.

Kyle was hyperventilating again. It wasn't nerves this time that was getting to him. It was the agony of having his cock locked up with no end in sight. He was used to getting off no fewer than two times a day as he was a tiger after all, so not being able to even paw at his dick was just making the whole situation harder. Which whenever he got harder the pain got worse as his cock tried to break through the steel cage that it was entrapped in. To no avail of course.

And still Kyle couldn't help replaying yesterday through his head. The way Even had kissed him, so full of passion and lust that just the memory made Kyle's loins throb. Then there was how he had his muzzle stuffed into the groin of the much smaller male deer, no stag. It might have been through thick denim but he remembered just how tight the groin of those pants were... and the smell... oh god the smell...

"Nnnggh!" Kyle trembled yet again as he remembered the smell of that musk and how potent it was. He was just staring at his phone otherwise, waiting for the message that would allow him to go running off to visit his new boyfriend. On some level Kyle knew it was a game that was being played. It was the first day of holidays and he knew that Evan was just playing one of his video games while Kyle grew more and more desperate.

Then his phone 'pinged' and he leapt for it thinking that finally, finally some sort of release was close at paw.

GamerStag: Go to the gym. Work yourself as hard as u can til youre exhausted

Kyle stared at that message. Reread the message five times before it finally sunk in.

Stripers: I cant go out like this

GamerStag: You can and you will cause after ill make you suck my cock

GamerStag: But only if you go to the gym and do the hardest workout of your life

The second message came through as Kyle was deliberating whether or not he could do it. Now however with the promise of being made to suck a dick for the first time hinging on going through with a workout Kyle was sold.

Stripers: I'll be 2 hours then ill b at ur door

GamerStag: make it 3 hours Stripey.

Kyle's bottom lip trembles as he reads that message. Three hours for one workout. That was going to be intense and worst of all today was his legs day. Glancing at the time he winced as it was only 11:00 which meant that he'd be skipping lunch to do this.

Still he was going to do it. If it meant he got to suck his first dick then he was most definitely going to do it.

The doorbell rang at 2:04pm and the moment it did Evan got up and casually walked downstairs to open it. Standing on his front porch with a towel still mopping sweat from between his gorgeous soaking ears was Kyle. While one paw was doing that, the other was holding up a protein shaker to his lips which he quickly dropped back to his side so he could exhaustedly smile at him.

"Sorry that I'm late. I had to sit and rest. My legs gave up on me on the walk over." Smiling, Evan glanced down only for concern to grow as he witnessed those same legs from yesterday trembling with veins popping through the fur.

"Holy crap. How hard did you work out?"

"I made it the hardest workout of my life." Kyle exclaims proudly yet still exhaustedly. "Just like you told me to do."

Evan raises an eyebrow at that, only then realizing just how much control he had over the tiger right then. "Well come on in. All my family has gone out so we have the house to ourselves."

"Did you plan that or did it just happen?" Kyle asks as he takes trembling steps into the entryway.

"I planned for my parents to be out. My brothers and sister not so much." Closing the door, Evan leads Kyle back to his bedroom by hooking his fingers into the tigers pants.

Blushing from being manhandled, Kyle nonetheless goes along with it as right now he barely has the strength to stand up. So when Evan turns around and bends him over a little bit for a kiss Kyle almost falls over. "You really are tuckered out aren't you?" Evan asks after breaking the kiss.

"Mmhmm." Kyle agrees wordlessly, still reeling from the intensity and flavour of the kiss.

"Do you still want to do this?"

The reaction Evan gets from Kyle is immediate as the tiger stands up straight, gulps, blushes again and answers. "Of course. More than anything."

"Well then, let's start where we left off yesterday. On your knees." Evan's commanding voice causes Kyle's knees to tremble more than they already were. Despite being from a prey species, the way he dictates is decidedly predatory. Dropping to his knees, he immediately drops his posture putting him at crotch height for the smaller stag. Grabbing the scruff of Kyle's neck, Evan shoves his muzzle straight into his musky denim crotch. "Breath deep you sweaty pig."

"Heh sorry about that." Kyle apologizes before breathing in far deeper than he did yesterday. The musk hits him immediately, almost causing the poor tiger to collapse in a heap but the hand in his scruff holds him up effectively. That doesn't stop the mewl from leaking out around Evan's thick bulge as Kyle's dick tries to harden up in his shiny metal cage.

"Aww, is the poor pussy cat trying to get hard? I haven't worn one myself but I hear they get awfully uncomfortable when that happens."

"You could say that again." Kyle's words are muffled by the thick denim as he begins sucking on that thick bulge. Far less embarrassed now by the action, he considers this to be his rightful place, under the nerdy teen stag. That thought however causes his dick to swell which makes him mewl again.

Evan chuckles at Kyle's discomfort before teasing the tiger, "Thinking about your friends are you? Just imagine if they could see you like this. Huffing on the musk of a much smaller deer. They'd think of you as a little bitch pussy forever after."

"I am a bitch pussy." Kyle surprises Evan with that declaration even as the tiger keeps huffing and slurping on the stag's denim crotch.

After a brief pause Evan pulls the tiger off his crotch. "Finish your protein shake. This is gonna be the last chance you get for a while."

Kyle is just about to ask why when Evan picks up a pair of handcuffs off the bed. Previously unnoticed with how fixated the tiger was on the stag and his musky crotch, suddenly the tiger is far less sure of how far he'd like to take tonight.

"This is just to keep your paws out of the way so you learn to give a proper blowjob. I'll let you out once I blow a couple of times down that throat of yours. Promise." Lip trembling, Kyle nonetheless nods and puts his paws behind his back, after downing the rest of his protein shake, ready for Evan to cuff him. With a smile of his own Evan leans over and slips the cuffs on the tiger. Tight enough to make the big cat wince. He's just about to protest when Evan cuffs him across those sensitive damp ears, telling him, "No protesting or you go home pussy cat."

Not wanting that Kyle shuts his gob with a sharp sounding snap of teeth making Evan chuckle darkly as he walks back in front of the bound and kneeling tiger. "Fuck you look sexy bound up and on your knees." He growls possessively, enough to make Kyle flinch back with a look of fear on his muzzle. "And the way you whimper is absolutely delicious."

"I'm sorry Evan."

"There's nothing to apologize for kitty. I'm enjoying seeing you like this and having power over you. It's intoxicating." Evan declares sinisterly. "But I have something here that I know you're dying to see that'll make you really cower in fear."

"What's that?" Kyle asks ignorantly making the stag above him grin almost maniacally.

Evan doesn't bother answering him aloud. Instead, he pops the button on his jeans before slowly slipping that zip down over his thick juicy looking bulge. Kyle can't stop his eyes from glueing themselves to the show of Evan revealing his sheath and balls for the first time. So when those furry fat orbs pop out, it's all Kyle can do to gulp as he mentally compares them to his own much smaller set.

Honestly Kyle thought that Evan was hard when he was blowing hot air onto the stag's crotch. Now seeing those orbs and the chunky sheath sitting above it he knows that he couldn't have been more wrong as for the first time the tiger gets a glimpse of the stag's red tip.

There standing over the now wide eyed tiger with his arms crossed is a grinning Evan as his cock rapidly drops from his fuzzy sheath. "Not bad for a nerdy teen right little bitch?"

"Cat got your tongue?" Evan quips when it becomes obvious that Kyle has no chance at speaking.

Eventually when he stops gasping like a fish out of water Kyle manages to ask, "Just how big are you?"

"Roughly 16 inches." Kyle gulps again at hearing Evan proclaim such an outrageous measurement. "I told you, you'd cower in fear pussy cat."

"I'm sorry but that- that's a lot of cock."

"Perfect for a faggot kitten's first slutty time isn't it?" Kyle nods as if there wasn't anything else to do in the world. He had always dreamt of servicing a huge cock like this one but now that it had become reality that his first time was going to be with something that obscene he just didn't know what to do. Then again he didn't really know what to do with a little cock either, other than what he had practised on cucumbers.

"Well then let's get this started." Evan barely has to step forward for his cock to line up with Kyle's muzzle. Only to take one more step forward, grab his thick red dick around the base and slap his bitch right across the face splattering it with his precum.

"What was that for?" Kyle whines even as he eyes off that mammoth cock that's sitting up along his muzzle.

"For not calling me 'Sir'." Evan professed. "From now on when you talk to me when I have my dick out you will refer to me as 'Sir'. This is just so you don't forget." Then he cockslaps Kyle again with twice the force of the first slap.

"Sir." Kyle says, testing the word out.

"Was there something you wanted to ask bitch?" Evan lines up another slap warning the tiger into replying, "No Sir."

"Good. Now it's time for your second lesson. How to suck cock like a good bitch assed faggot." The teasing starts to get to Kyle then, in a good way as his cock throbs in its cage. "Open wide and mind the teeth."

Gulping, Kyle can't help but eye off that cock as it is manoeuvred for the tip to press at his lips. Only for him to do as he is told and open wide. Pressing in, Evan rewards his tiger with his very first taste of cock as he purposely drags it along that rough feline tongue. Both stimulated, one moans in pleasure while the other hisses in discomfort as his cock strains at its cage as the tiger gets so turned on at tasting cock for the first time.

"Now like a good fag, close your lips and suck on it. That's it. Look at you sucking on your first dick. I need to get a picture of this." Kyle whines but doesn't pull off as Evan slips out his phone and snaps a quick pic of the tiger's muzzle with his huge dick in it. "Looking good there pussy cat, but lets get some thrusting going on while you learn to use that tongue of yours." Grinning like a Cheshire cat Evan thrusts into the tiger's muzzle. Straight to the back of the poor cat's throat.

To his surprise however the cat doesn't instantly pull off his dick and start gagging. "Oh-ho, someone's done some practising. Been naughty with some bananas have you pussy cat?"

"Cucumbers." Kyle mumbles when his maw is free of cock only for Evan to chuckle before shoving his cock back in saying, "Ah the classics. Well for now we'll just focus on the tip as I doubt any of the cucumbers you've sucked on are as big as my dick."

Truly thankful for the mercy, Kyle goes back to tonguing that thrusting dick as best he can. Only for his ears to then get pulled on as Evan grins down at him before both of the stag's hands clamp down on the sides of his head. What was a sedate paced blowjob turns into a frantic muzzlefuck as Evan takes full control of the situation and starts humping the tiger's inexperienced muzzle. Then the dirty talk begins. "Hump, hump, hump. You're such a little slut that you couldn't even begin with a nice proper blowjob. Oh no, you had to find someone to hump your muzzle right and proper, didn't ya pussy cat?"

"Mmmph!" It almost sounds like a protest but the way the tiger's eyes glaze over tells the truth to Evan. He's out of his mind with lust and that was his cock trying to get hard again in it's tight little cage.

"Fucking bitch of a pussy. You're getting off on having your muzzle fucked. That's good cause I'm getting off on it too." Kyle wants to grin hearing that but his muzzle is a bit preoccupied as he sucks on the dick that's humping it.

"Oh fucckk!" Evan groans as he feels himself drawing close to his release. "It's been a while since I humped a muzzle and yours looks so good with my cock in it. Oh fuck it, first one's going on your face you big bitch tiger. Nnnnngghhh!" Pulling out, one hand pumps and aims his cock while the other holds the bound predator's face right in line of his trajectory.

Confused Kyle whines. Then BAM. Like a geyser going off, cum erupts from Evan's huge cock and with one spray he covers half of the tiger's confused face. Kyle whines again, this time in humiliation and discomfort as cum is plastered over his beautiful face. More and more cum is sprayed all over the tiger's muzzle until he gets the idea to open up his mouth and let some fall on his tongue so he can at least taste it.

"Heh, such a bitch. Say I'm a cumdump faggot." Pulling out his phone, Evan hits record just in time for Kyle to swallow what cum landed in his muzzle and say, "I'm a cumdump faggot pussy cat Sir." Eyes basically plastered shut with cum, it takes a couple of blinks for them to clear up so he can look up at Evan and only then does he notice the phone with a horrified look. "Y-are you recording Sir?" And still he manages to remember to say Sir even as he looks at the camera in absolute horror before turning away blushing as Evan nods.

"Recorded every word." Evan informs the pussy cat before shutting down the recording as Kyle's ears turn an even deeper shade of crimson for the camera.

"I think a couple more pictures are in order too. Just so you remember this." Hooking his toes into the waistband of the tiger's pants, Evan pulls them down to expose the tiger's locked up genitals. Stepping back he snaps a full body shot of the blushing tiger and yet he doesn't get a single protest from him. Even when he takes a side on shot of the tiger and the cuffs that are keeping him in position.

"So how'd it feel to be muzzlefucked for the first time kitty?"

After some consideration and more blushing Kyle admits, "Hot as all fuck Sir."

"You going to let me do it again?"

"Now? My jaw is kind of sore after that Sir. Do you think that maybe we could take a break?"

Evan takes his time to think it over. Kyle can't help but admire the stag from down below, especially that giant oversized cock he has. But there's more to admire about his... his what? His boyfriend? Like the beautiful fur that runs up his torso. Or that small adorable tail behind him that twitches as he thinks.

"C-can I ask a question? -Sir?"

"You just did but go ahead."

"Well I was just thinking- what do I call you? I mean- are we- are we boyfriends now?"

"I'm hardly boyfriend material." Evan scoffs at his trussed up tiger.


"Did I disappoint you kitty?" Evan asks of an obviously downcast Kyle.

"A little yeah. I mean with the cage and coming over, I thought, maybe, that we were boyfriends now. I know we only just met really, but I do like you Sir. In fact I like you a lot." Kyle at least stops short of saying he loves him.

Surprised, Evan frowns at the cuffed and cum splattered tiger. "You want to be my boyfriend?"

"Well yeah." Kyle says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "You're really cool and teaching me all about what sex can be like so why wouldn't I want to be your boyfriend?"

That is the first time Evan has ever been called 'cool' in his entire life. Evan has to really think about this now, because whether he'd admit it or not he really likes the tiger too. Only his tastes run into the 'extreme' end of what sex can be and he's not really sure whether or not Kyle could ever run with that.

"How about we play a game? If you hold out to the end of the game I'll call you my boyfriend." Going over to his desk, he quickly rummages through some drawers before pulling out a 20 side dice.

Frowning, Kyle asks. "Are you going to uncuff me to play? -Sir?" He remembers the 'Sir' just in time for Evan not to slap him with his still stiff dick.

Evan shakes his head in the negative. "No the cuffs are part of the game."

"Okay then how do I play the game Sir?"

"You have to endure as you learn to enjoy what happens in the game, because if we do become boyfriends it won't be the last time we play this particular game."

Suddenly very suspicious Kyle can't help but wonder what the stag has planned. "Endure what?"

"I'll explain." Holding up the dice, he quickly shows Kyle the twenty numbered side of the dice. "I'm going to roll this dice a total of five times through the game and whatever number comes up, well, I'm going to slap your balls that many times."

Kyles eyes bug out. That was not what he was expecting to happen. "Yo-you're going to slap my balls?"

"It's called cock and ball torture, or CBT for short and I am a big fan of it. So if you want to be my boyfriend this is something you'll have to learn to love too." Knowing this is too much for the almost hyperventilating tiger, Evan offers him a way out. "Or you back out now and we don't talk about this again."

Evan's honestly surprised when the tiger's breathing slows down as he bends forward to look at his caged crotch. In that look down, Kyle tries to imagine having his balls slapped and how he could possibly enjoy having that done to him. The very concept is insane. He's taken kicks and knees to the groin playing football and in fights so he knows the pain of having his balls beaten. He knows how intense that pain is. So to willingly encourage that to happen seems insane.

And yet part of him is curious. His cock throbs in his cage, only this time he doesn't wince or whine. Instead he shudders.

Decision made, he nods resolutely up at Evan surprising the smaller stag. Then he says something even more shocking. "Film it. If you're going to do this then I want to watch it later with you."

Evan shakes his head in disbelief. "For a first timer you sure are interesting. Let me just set up the camera then." Walking to the side, Evan grabs a book so he can lean his phone up against it so it will capture what he's about to do to the inexperienced yet horny tiger.

Pressing record, Evan grins at the camera as he walks backward over to his still bound victim. Kneeling next to Kyle, one hand grabs the dice while the other takes a firm grip around the tiger's balls to fully expose those orbs for the camera.

Destabilized by the tugging on his nuts, it's all Kyle can do to not fall flat on his face as he whines in discomfort. He hisses as Evan delivers a tight squeeze to his sack which he does his best to ignore. Only to be corrected by the stag moments later. "Don't try and ignore it slut. You've gotta embrace the pain or this is never going to be any fun for you. Turn your suffering into pleasure. Pleasure at servicing my desires if nothing else, because make no mistake I want to see you suffer." Squeezing again, he makes the tiger hiss once more to emphasis his point. "I want you to be in pain for me. I want to watch you cry and scream as your body tries to get away all the while you submit to me."

Grinning as he looks at his victim's pleading face, he wonders if the camera will catch the intensity of that look. "Now let's roll and see what you're in for." Shaking his fist, he then let's the dice fly. "Well shit. Looks like you have shit luck. Eighteen slaps for the beginner, now let's count them out shall we?"

"Hssss!" "Heh, one!"

"Two!" Remorseless in his approach, Evan doesn't give the big tiger any time to recover, resulting in a deeper hiss from the cuffed cat.

"Three! Four! Five! Six!" Four hits in quick succession take the tiger's breath away before he throws his head back and groans in pain.

"Seven! Eight!" The slaps keep coming and with it Kyle's body tenses up. His arms strain at the cuffs even as he wiggles and tries, without success, to pull away from Evan's iron grip on his balls.

"Nine! Ten! Eleven! Twelve!" "Nnnngghhh!" Kyle shudders as he leans forward but doesn't once say 'stop' or even 'slow down'. He just grits his teeth and grunts through the pain.

"Thirteen! Fourteen! Fifteen! Sixteen! Seventeen! And finally... Eighteen!"


Rubbing the tigers balls and giving them some firm squeezes Evan comforts his kitty. "Easy, easy now. The first round is over."

Still breathing harshly, Kyle is nonetheless pleased with himself for making it through the first round. While it was painful, now that it's over however he's surprised by the pride he has for himself and how his cock wants to get hard in it's cage, to the point that he thrashes his head to stretch himself out.

Evan is unaware of this however. Having given the tiger a break he grins at the still pained expression on the tiger's face as he picks up the dice once again. "Oh my god, your luck is shit. A twenty."

Looking down Kyle can't believe his eyes. He whimpers as he glances back up searching for some kind of mercy from Evan. Evan unfortunately for the tiger is merciless.

"Better prepare yourself. I'm going to do these real fast." Rubbing over those taut furry balls with his slapping hand, Evan licks his lips in anticipation before drawing his hand back and 'Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!'

"Hnnggh! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Ffffuucckk!" Kyle whimpers and cries as his balls are harshly beaten to the point that the tiger thinks he's going to throw up. Thankfully the beating stops before that happens.

"Aw, is the poor kitten okay? Is the pain too much for him? Does he want to give up?"

Eyes screwed up, teeth clenched and nose flaring with every breath Kyle spits out, "Never!"

Then surprising both of them he says, "Roll again Sir."

Completely taken aback, a few seconds pass before Evan picks up the dice and rolls. "Twelve. Well at least your luck is getting a little better." Then without warning 'SLAP!' "One!"

"K-keep going!" Kyle manages to breath after that much harder slap to his nuts past his clenched jaw.

"Wow, are you actually getting into this? No matter. Here's two!" 'SLAP!'

"And three!" 'SLAP!'

"And four!" 'SLAP!'

"And five!" 'SLAP!' "And six!" 'SLAP!' "And seven!" 'SLAP!' "Eight!" 'SLAP!' "Nine!" 'SLAP!' "Ten!" 'SLAP!' "Ele-ven!" 'SLAP!'

"And finally number twelve!"


Tears spill down the tiger's cheeks after that last slap and his breathing has gotten even more ragged. "Shi- I'm gonna- I'm gonna- More. Please Sir roll again."

The shock for Evan is so great as Kyle begs for more that he goes on autopilot and rolls the dice coming up with, "Eighteen again. Think you can handle it bitch?"

Nodding, Kyle's whole body tenses in anticipation of having his balls slapped.

Then the slapping begins and he goes stiff as a board except for his trembling bottom lip. He stops breathing until on the sixteenth slap...

"Roooaarrr!" It's so breathless that Evan doesn't know what to make of the surprise roar, but he doesn't stop his beating of the tiger's balls. As he finishes however he notices a wet spot on his hand. His initial thought is that the tiger wet himself from the pain but after a couple of seconds of confused studying he notices the milky whiteness of what's on his hand.

Stunned, he stares up at the panting, exhausted kitten as he sinks down lower to the ground who still has tears in his eyes.

"You came from just having your balls beaten?" A shocked, stunned, amazed Evan asks of his supposed victim.

"Too much... it was too much sir. I couldn't... I mean I didn't want to stop it."

This was something that Evan had never seen in person before. Sure he had done some CBT with some friends but never had they gotten off, especially with their dick still caged. Turned on himself by the sight, his slapping paw strokes at his engorged cock absentmindedly. "Still one more roll though kitty cat and after that display I'm not stopping even if you say stop."

"I'll go to the end. Anything I can to be your boyfriend Sir." The sappiness of the line surprisingly warms Evan's heart. So, picking up the dice and rolling it he stares down at the number completely stunned.

"One?" Both tiger and stag say together.

"Seems your luck has changed. But I'm not going to go easy on you. Prepare yourself because this is going to hurt." Holding up his closed fist, he makes the tiger before him gulp in fear. Still, Kyle isn't going to back down now. Not after coming this far so he nods and tries to mentally and physically prepare himself for what's about to happen.

Lining the tiger's balls up with his closed fist, Evan takes two practice swings at the tiger's balls not quite touching them, before...


Kyle's eyes pop, his jaw falls open and he lets out the most pathetic mewl of them all before doubling over in pain as he topples to the floor in the foetal position.

"Told you it was going to hurt."

True tears fall from Kyle's eyes now, soaking through the dried cum that is plastered all over his face and the worst of it is that he can't hold his balls to comfort them since his paws are still cuffed behind his back.

Stroking his cock at having reduced his new boyfriend to tears, Evan's pleasure soars. Walking on his knees, Evan reaches the head of the tiger, where he strokes until he's right on the verge of orgasm before ordering, "Open wide faggot." Despite the pain, Kyle opens wide and welcomes the cock into his maw. "Now swallow like a good bitch." Then for the first time Kyle experiences having his throat flooded with semen as Evan's cock explosively shoots in his maw.

It's too much for Kyle and his inexperienced throat to handle however. Cum gushes back past the spurting cock and soaks into the floor of the bedroom. Evan doesn't care though, too lost in the euphoria of his insanely powerful orgasm. He doesn't even react when the tiger below him gasps for breath only to choke on the stag's cum and as he coughs it up some runs down and out through his nose.

"Now that's a good look on you."

"Thank you Sir." Kyle says once the cock is removed from his muzzle.

"You made a mess though. I think you better clean that up." Looking pointedly down at the cum spattered carpet Evan makes sure the tiger notices it.

"Okay." Kyle waits, obviously expecting Evan to go get the keys for the cuffs.

Evan just raises his eyebrow while Kyle frowns in confusion when the stag doesn't move. "Hh, no imagination." Evan sighs. Grabbing the tiger's head in his hands Evan mashes Kyle's muzzle into the cum-stained floor. "With your tongue bitch."

Humiliated and embarrassed that it took him so long to figure out, Kyle presses his feline tongue to the carpet. Like he was cleaning himself he gets to work until the carpet is completely clean.

Finished with filming, Evan grins at the camera before shutting the recording off. Picking the phone up he snaps one last quick picture of his boyfriends face as he licks the carpet clean of his cum before pulling out the key to the handcuffs. "Well then. Now that we've had our fun let's play another game." Pulling out the case Evan grins. "NRL 2022."

Kyle almost cries from relief.

Still a Virgin

I was convinced this year, perhaps during the school holidays, that I was going to lose my virginity. Ever since I was 13 I've had girls throwing themselves left, right and every other which way to get my attention. For a tiger, I know I'm good looking...

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Chapter 9 - Role Reversal

9 Turns out my mother overcompensated on what we'd need for moving sending 6 movers and a truck large enough to fit the entire house in it with room to spare. With all the extra hands and a cleaning service attached we've handed over the keys...

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Master Stripes

I had certain expectations when I subbed for a master on a more permanent basis. I didn't think they were unreasonable expectations either but apparently some guys did. For 1; I don't top. Being a large rhino with an equally large cock I had been asked...

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