The Challenge

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A couple friends thought they'd go to an adult shop and act like a couple of brats. The owner decides to assist them with their attitude by giving them a challenge.

The Challenge

By Duffin Caprous

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual, violent, or adult situations. Do not read this if you are under the legal age to see pornography in your country. I won't be held responsible if your fragile little minds get warped. Otherwise...enjoy!


Lurush was bustling as usual, the city always buzzing. Folks from all around were drawn to the city due to its very progressive sexuality laws. Public nudity was quite legal and tourists often visited to experience the taboo nature of the citizens simply walking around without clothing. Even public sex was allowed in designated areas.

Terry "Wattz" Watkins tended his shop, standing behind the counter. The large orange and black-furred tiger male was imposing, but often wore a friendly smile. His shop specialized in selling adult items. You know the type: dildos, vibrators, costumes, furniture, masturbation get the idea. Wattz enjoyed meeting the wide range of folks who came to his business. There were certainly quite a few regulars, some he even knew by name.

"Hahaha, oh my god, this is sooo crazy, Cynth!" came a shrill voice. Wattz looked up to see two young women, a slender cheetah girl in a black knee-length skirt and light pink spaghetti-strap shirt, the speaker, and a slightly more full-figured otteress wearing khaki pants and a long black shirt, both probably twenty or so. He knew the type. Normies, as Lurushians had come to call those from out of town.

"Dee, not so loud!" the otter said with a giggle. Both girls wandered into the shop, looking around at the front. The otter looked a bit embarrassed at all the sex toys and things about.

The tiger chuckled inwardly to himself and stood behind the counter, "Afternoon, ladies. Let me know if I can point you in the direction of anything."

The cheetah girl looked to the large tiger and it her lip slightly, "Oh!" she said, whispering to her friend, "Guess not everyone is a naked fatty here!" This caused her otter friend to laugh, too.

Wattz pursed his lips slightly. Ah, he thought, that's how it is. He looked down to the counter again, checking through inventory when he heard the otter gasp softly. The tiger glanced up and inwardly smirked. They'd seen the challenge.

"Oh my...god, Dee...this...this isn't serious, it is?" the pudgy otter girl asked, looking at the poster that had been hung on one of the support pillars near the front of the store.

It read: "Wattz Ten Minute Challenge! Last Ten Minutes without orgasming and you get a prize of $1000 dellens! Inquire at the front desk!"

The cheetah read it and her eyes lit up, "A thousand bucks! Let's do it, Cynth!"

"Wait--what?! Are you crazy?" the otter replied with a blush on her cheeks. The cheetah ignored her friend and boldly walked toward Wattz. The tiger looked at her from across the counter.

"Anything I can help you with?" the tiger asked with a professional smile.

"Yeah, that challenge thing. We wanna do it," she said with an arrogant look, "What is it, like, you give us a toy and we have to use it or something?"

"I'm not doing it!" Cynthia called out from behind Dee, still blushing.

"Something like that..." the tiger replied with a soft chuckle, "It's simple. You sit over in the challenge chair and just have to last ten minutes without orgasm."

"Pfft, seriously, that's it? What, you just like touching up females?" the cheetah asked, crossing her arms, causing the otteress to gasp and gape at her friend's bluntness.

Wattz just chuckled, "Well, that I do, but there's no touching involved. You don't even need to remove your clothes."

"Holy shit, that's fucking easy!" Dee exclaimed, "Cynthia, we're doing this. A thousand bucks, right? Apiece if we both do it?"

With a nod of his head, the tiger chuckled at the high-and-mighty feline, "Certainly. In fact, if you both last fifteen minutes, then I'll even throw in an extra five hundred apiece. I'll just need you to read this and sign it," he said, producing two pieces of paper with a few paragraphs and then a place to sign.

Quickly grabbing a pen, the cheetah girl began to sign her name. Cynthia dashed up, "Wait a minute, we should read the--" she tried to say to stop her friend, but the cheetah scribbled a signature.

"It's just a standard release. This is easy money. Look, remember, I'm impossible to get off. I've only cum like twice, okay? Sign it. Even if you don't last, you'll get something good."

Looking incredibly bashful and nervous, the otter looked to the slender cheetah. Biting her lip, she swallowed, "I...I dunno, Dee, I'm really not comfortable...."

"Hey, if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to," the larger imposing tiger said, looking to the cheetah. He glanced down and saw her name was Deandra Proothe. Interesting...of Proothe Cosmetics? Well interesting quickly, Wattz thought.

"Come ooooon. It's okay, there isn't even anyone in here. And it's not even going to show anything," Deandra said, pleading with the otteress. She finally relented and bit her lip, writing down her name as Cynthia Mowlance and then signing the paper.

"Wonderful. Ladies? This way," he said, leading them toward the back of the shop. Three chairs were positioned against the wall, "Alright, have a seat."

Both took a seat instructed, the chairs just basic cushioned seats. Deandra had expected there to be some vibrator or something attached. She could handle that. Even those wand things didn't get her off. The tiger grasped at one of the cheetah's wrists and began to buckle it to the arm of the chair.

"Hey, what the hell?" she exclaimed, pulling the paw back from him.

"Part of the challenge is being bound to this chair so you can't squirm away. It was all in the contract," Wattz said, looking to the girls, but taking a step back if they ended up chickening out as some did.

"A...alright, fine, just get this over with," Dee said. Her arms were soon cuffed to the arm of the chair. The tiger knelt down to do the same to her ankles, binding them to the chair, causing the cheetah to get a bit nervous. It was clear Cynthia was really embarrassed at this aspect, but didn't say anything as her arms and legs were cuffed to the chair.

"Okay, anything too tight?" he asked, both females shaking their heads. He grinned a bit and nodded his head, "Alright. Now..." he said, reaching into a box beside the chairs. He held what almost looked like a magic 8 ball. Cynthia looked on, a bit confused as he set the thing between her spread legs, sitting on the chair. He placed a second one down between Deandra's legs.

"What...the heck is that thing?" the otter asked, brows furrowed slightly.

"Oh, this? It will be conducting the challenge for you today," he said a little ominously. The tiger smirked softly, "Alright, ten minutes when I say go. The timer down here will start. Remember, go fifteen and you will get even more. Ready? Set? GO."

Pressing a button on two remotes, but girls both suddenly gasped. A digital timer started counting up. Almost instantly both girls felt an odd pulsing sensation. It wasn't like a vibrator. They'd both independently experimented with those, but Dee got nothing out of them, really. This, though, was completely different. The pulsing grew a bit stronger and sped up some. It was as if waves of force were shooting right into both girl's genitals.

Deandra looked to the tiger with slightly wide eyes, "What...what is...ah!" she tried to ask, but a sudden stronger pulse shot into her, pleasure hitting her sex. The tiger crossed his arms, watching both females. He smirked, looking to Cynthia. The poor otter girl really never stood a chance. The ball sent stronger sonic pulses out directly into both girls, but the otter's toes were already starting to curl. The timer had only reached two minutes by the time the girl was moaning softly and blushing, trying to hide her face.

As the pulses sped up, feeling like waves crashing right into Dee's pussy as if she weren't even wearing clothes, she tried to squeeze her eyes tightly shut, squeeze her thighs to try and stave off the pleasure. No way she was going to give up a thousand bucks! Wattz simply watched the two girls, the pulses increasing quickly for both. In truth, he probably could have gotten them off within minutes, but he liked to give folks a sporting chance.

"C...cuuuhm on, C...cyn, just hold on..." Dee said, trying to encourage her friend, "A thousand dollars! This is...e-easy!" The cheetah said, beginning to pant a bit faster, the pulses speeding up more and growing with intensity.

A mere three and a half minutes in, the tiger heard a sudden cry from Cynthia. He looked over and saw her trying to instinctively lean forward and close her thighs. She squeezed her eyes shut and suddenly wailed out, the pulsing in her pussy too much for her, the sonic waves hitting her deepest pleasure nerves. Orgasm hit hard, her webbed toes splaying out, hips rocking the little they could in the chair. A wet spot quickly grew in the otter's khaki pants. Wattz left the ball on, leaving the otter to be pulsed over and over into an intense climax, her wails filling the store.

"Well well...lasted longer than some, but not most. How about you, sweety?" he asked, smirking to the cheetah as she witnessed her friend orgasming right next to her, even drawing a slight blush from her own cheeks.

"F....fuck off, this...u-uhnnnn, this is eas....easy...." she replied, trying to move her hips to lessen the sensation as the pulses hit her clit and slit all at once, something no vibrator could easily do. Her claws dug into the arm of the chair, shaking her head as she tried to fight off the steadily growing pleasure

"Oh, is it? Well, you've got five more minutes. Think you're going to last?" he asked. Cynthia's pleasure spiked again and he watched her eyes suddenly roll back in her head, jaw dropping. The wet spot grew in her pants, thighs quivering, "Mmm, that's two for your friend now. Pretty pathetic, hmm?"

"Hey, don't talk that about...a-ahn...uhn, w....wait, what..." the cheetah asked. Wattz could be seen wheeling over an odd-looking contraption. It looked like a pole on wheels. She gasped, her attention quickly diverted as the pleasure began to hit her harder. The pulses were slamming into her cunt over and over rapidly, her thighs beginning to shake. Looking at the timer, she whimpered. Two minutes left! She could make it! Unfortunately, any hope of her lasting disappeared as the balls kicked the pulses up a further notch. As if someone were somehow fucking her entire genital area rapidly, she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, but it didn't help. The crash happened against her will, her eyes shooting open to look at the smug tiger looming over her. With fluttering eyelids, the cheetah came and came harder than ever. Her mouth opened wide to scream out only to have the tiger suddenly pulling a muzzle over her mouth. Her eyes widened, unable to close her mouth. The moans filled the store as she orgasmed, soaking her panties and the chair beneath her. She'd barely came before, let alone squirted!

"Tsk, tsk. Only had thirty seconds left!' Ah well, was a good attempt, babe," the tiger said as Deandra tried to recover. The ball continued blasting her rapidly with sonic pulses, making her squeal out at the overpowering sensation.

Unbuckling the still-recovering otter, the large tiger easily hefted her up, bringing her toward the pole. A foot or so off the floor were two stirrups attached on each side of the pole. He set the otter's knees into them and buckled them down with a strap over her calves. Next, lifting the girl's wrists, he cuffed them into conveniently-placed loops attached further up the pole.

Deandra's moaned continued filling the store, the girl unable to close her mouth with the muzzle buckled on. He heard her suddenly moan, dropping an octave, knowing a second orgasm was hitting her. Wattz smirked a bit. Not so high and mighty now, he thought. Looked back to the otteress, he fitted a muzzle over her mouth as well, carefully prying it open before bringing her head forward to the chin rest attached to the top of the pole.

With her secured and starting to come to, he unbuckled the loopy cheetah from the chair, carrying her toward the pole as well. She ahhhhhned into the muzzle in confusion. Wattz pressed a paw to the back of the girl's head, pushing her toward her friend. Their lips mashed together and he locked both muzzles together while clipping them to the top of the pole as well. Both girl's eyes suddenly widened.

"Mmmm! MMMM!!?!" Dee exclaimed, trying to lift her paws, only to find them locked, her fingers intertwined with her friend's while cuffed to the pole. She struggled and tried to pull back as the tiger finished buckling her calved into the stirrups she was kneeling in.

"There we are. final thing," the tiger said to the bound girls. He produced a pair of scissors and both girls began to cry out, feeling their clothes falling away. Wattz chuckled at the reaction, "They never read the contract...." he said.

Cynthia whimpered out loudly against the cheetah's muzzle as she felt her pants being cut off, her panties soon coming along with them. Her eyes widened, mmmmmmming into Deandra's lips as the tiger's fingers fondled along her exposed slit. She tried, in vain, to close her chubby thighs, the orgasm having left her nethers soaked. Deandra continued to struggle as her strength returned to her, but all it did was cause the girls to roll along the floor some. As both of the girls' tops fell away, their breasts mushed together with the pole in between, making both very straight girls blush intensely.

"You girls should learn there is always a fine print. What kind of challenge would it be if there were no consequences?" he said, holding up a copy of the contract the girls had signed, "The undersigned does, hereby, agree to submit to the owner for the remainder of the day and serve as a free use interactive display."

Both gasped, eyes wide. They looked at each other, unable to speak. Cynthia suddenly squeaked into her friend's mouth, feeling the tiger up behind her. He grasped at the middle of the pole and began to wheel the two naked girls toward the front of the store. Both mmmmmmed into their makeshift gag of joined lips, but could do nothing to stop the tiger. He soon set them right next to the challenge poster and locked the wheels. Both girls faced sideways to the front door.

Once in place, Wattz hung up a sign from a hook built into the pole. It read: Free Use for Customers. He smacked both of those inviting butts, causing the girls to cry out muffled into each other's mouths before making his way back behind the counter, leaving the two unfortunate girls to themselves.

It didn't take long before a customer made his way in, a chubby raccoon who often came in to look at the porn section. Wattz always found it interesting how even with the internet, there was still a market for porn DVDs. Upon seeing the two girls, his eyes lit up.

"What's...this?" he asked, looking the two younger females over rather lecherously.

"Oh, challenge losers," Wattz replied with a wave of a paw.

"Oh my...two of them?" the raccoon asked, walking a bit closer. The two girls mmmmmmed into each other's lips, squirming in place as the coon laid a paw on each of their behinds, fingers soon trailing downward between their spread legs, feeling over both exposed slits.

Cynthia and Deandra mmmmmed out, gasping as the chubby male casually slid his middle finger into both, feeling their heat.

"Yep, feel free. Haven't even been used yet," the tiger replied with a smirk.

"Oooh...I do so love being the first...." he says. Both girls could hear the unzipping, struggling uselessly in the restraints. He stepped right up behind Deandra, paws roaming over her ass, giving it a firm squeeze and making her squeak out, eyes widening. Suddenly two fingers pushed into her still-soaked pussy, a moan blurting out into her friend's mouth, making Deandra blush more. She'd never had boys actually try to pleasure her before. The cheetah girl felt them sliding in and out, curling downward. She mmmmmed against her friend's lips, eyes widened as she felt the raccoon fingered her so well.

Cynthia could only sort of see the raccoon as he pleasured her friend. She blushed intensely. Just then, she heard the sound of a zipper and then Deandra mmmmmmed into Cynthia's lips. The pudgy raccoon gripped the cheetah's hips, his tip nudging between the girl's folds before simply pushing into her. There was nowhere for her to go as she accepted the first male's cock inside of her. She shuddered and moaned suddenly into her friend's muzzle, eyes meeting Dee's a moment. The raccoon was short, but thick. He rammed into the cheetah's pussy again, causing another sudden moan from the girl as Cynthia's fingers clenched tighter around her friend's.

He wasted little time, drawing back and thrusting firmly into the cheetah, causing a moan from the skinny feline. Wattz watched and walked around behind the otteress with a smirk, leaning in to whisper to her.

"Listen to that...Bet you're wet, aren't you? Hearing your friend getting pounded by a stranger?" the tiger asked her, seeing the blush on the pudgy girl's face. His fingers found her exposed and vulnerable slit, feeling the slickness there before pushing his middle finger into her. The otter moaned into Deandra's muzzle, both girls wide eyed, looking at each other. Cynthia's hips tried to move side-to-side, but the finger kept position with it. Shlicking in and out of her, "Yeah...listen to that. Naughty otter..." he whispered, making the otter girl blush more and moan out into her friend's lips. Their tongues touched inadvertently, but soon pressed more together as a look between the two sparked an actual kiss.

Wattz fingers continued to work the otter girl over, her moans getting a bit faster, breathing in and out through her nose. Deandra, meanwhile, was getting pounded by the thick raccoon shaft, her pussy stretched quite a bit. She whimpered into her friend's lips, finding herself approaching another climax. The raccoon grunted, his fingers squeezing tighter as his hips smacked the cheetah's ass a few more times before slamming forward.

"Ahhhnnn....fuck...." the raccoon groaned into Deandra's ear as he shot his load into her without a shred of protection. He drew back slowly and a few patters of cum began to leak out onto the floor. Deandra whimpered, having no way to stop the male as he finished inside her. The raccoon grinned to Wattz, "Thanks, I needed that!"

After tugging his pants back up, the raccoon went to do some shopping further back in the store. Deandra didn't have a chance to recover as another male stepped up to push into her used hole. She mmmmed out into her friend's muzzle, feeling a fox's shaft slipping up into her. He wasted little time in fucking the feline's cum-slickened pussy. Other customers continued to come in and browse the store. Others would comment at the display. Deandra's moans continued to grow as Wattz's fingers pumped in and out of her, continually building her climax.

"Getting close, girl?" Wattz asked her, to which Cynthia moaned louder and tried to nod her head which caused Deandra's to nod as well. He chuckled, pulling his fingers back, leaving the otter's sex empty and wanting. Cynthia MMMMED into it and yelped into the cheetah's muzzle as Wattz smacked her chubby ass, "No way you're cumming without a cock inside you. Maybe someone will have pity on you."

The tiger walked away, leaving Cynthia to drool down her thighs with arousal. She could vaguely see as the fox fucked her friend, but Cynthia didn't get a good look. Deandra was moaning into her muzzle, their tongues still battling together in a perpetual kiss they couldn't break.

"Oh, yeah, no one's fucked the otter yet, go right ahead," Cynthia heard the tiger say, making her eyes widen. She whimpered and struggled as she heard the fox grunting, likely getting close.

Feeling a presence behind her, the otteress struggled in the restraints. A big warm body pressed against her from behind, "Mmm, how's that one, bro?"

The fox replied with a grin, "Nice and tight. Definitely doesn't get enough dick." The other male laughed as he unzipped his pants. Cynthia could hear the groans from her friend, the cheetah blushing brightly at the humiliating comments. Soon enough, the otter's eyes widened as she felt a heavy flop of an equine dick on her chubby upturned ass. The fox whistled, "Oh shit, gonna break her with that, dude!"

The horse chuckled, gripping at those plump hips of the otter, that thick cock already hardening across her butt. He said, "Naw...thick girls are made for taking it," he said, causing Cynthia to blush intensely. She moaned out into Deandra's muzzle as the equine fingers reached down to toy with her soaked pussy. A finger sank in, making the girl's toes splay out. The horse said, "Oh, she's already good to go." The fingers tugged out and almost instantly, the wide tip of the slightly flared head nudged at the girl's exposed pussy. Cynthia MMMMED into the cheetah's muzzle, her pudgy hips moving side-to-side.

"Yeah, get in there, dude," the fox encouraged him as he continued to fuck the cheetah from the other direction, "Getting close..." he warned the cheetah, making Deandra moan out again. The otteress felt the horse pressing more insistently against her wet lips. She whimpered, pulling uselessly at the restraints.

"Go on, do it!"

"No way she's gonna be able to fit that..."

"I gotta get a recording of this. You mind?"

Unbeknownst to the two girls, a crowd had begun to gather around, many fascinated to see if the equine shaft would manage to get inside the otteress. He grunted, pressing more and more against her, that thick head wedging between the otter's labia. Wait, recording? That concern by Cynthia was suddenly obliterated as the sudden sharp sensation of that head popping into her drew her attention. Everyone could see the large head sink inside her, stretching the otter wider than she'd ever been. The girl's eyes rolled back, lids fluttering as she wailed out into her friend's muzzle. The pussy clenched tightly around the horse as she came nearly instantly, her juices trapped within by the tight seal of the horse dick sinking steadily into her.

"Oh fuuuuck, he's doing it!"

"Shit, get a close-up!"

The fox grunted out, hips suddenly slamming against the cheetah, shooting a second load into Deandra while he watched his counterpart split the otteress wide open. The horse's hands gripped the otter's hips tightly, hips thrusting firmly. He bottomed out into her about halfway, the head grinding right against her cervix. He drew back and roughly slammed back into her, making Cynthia shake and squealed muffledly into the cheetah's muzzle Deandra couldn't even check on her friend as Cynthia was fucked hard and firmly while everyone watched. The girl's toes curled up tightly, footpaws shaking as she came a second time around the fat horse member.

"Bitch is cumming again!" the stallion announced, the crowd cheering and laughing at the otteress. She could feel the dull pain of the fat horse head battering the back of her pussy each time. She weakly pulled at the restraints, unable to do anything to stop the powerful male as he fucked her in front of the entire store. No one even bothered to take a turn on the cheetah, everyone just fixated on seeing the otter getting railed. Wattz had also come around to get a good view as the chubby otter felt the dick pounding her, stretching her so widely and a bit painfully. She barely registered as the tiger's fingers reached beneath, rubbing firmly at her clit while the horse huffed above her, his muzzle right against her neck. He rutted her like a mare with sharp, firm thrusts deep inside. Cynthia's moans grew once again, breathing heavily.

"She's gonna cum again!"

"Fuuuuck, look at that. What a slut!"

Hearing the gathered audience say those things about her and the feel of the cock within her while the store owner rubbed her clit rapidly was too much for her. She suddenly stiffened, pulling at the restraints while crying out int Cynthia's muzzle, their tongues slipping and sliding together as yet another climax ripped through the otter.

"" the horse grunted as his dull teeth suddenly clamped around the otter's shoulder. She felt his hips hunching as he pounded her cunt roughly once, twice, three times....and then one of the gathered captured a view of those massivle horse nuts drawing in. Cynthia literally felt the gush of horse spunk shooting into her like a fountain, forced into her womb, filling it up within a few moments. The horse's hips kept thrusting, grinding his cock into her before that jizz backfilled and began running in rivulets down her thighs and dripping onto the floor. The stallion's flare inflated, locking him inside of her as he came hard and deep.

"Holy shit, look at that!"

"Well, she's ruined for good now!"

Slumping against the pole, Cynthia's eyelids fluttered again, consciousness slipping away as the experience became a bit too much for the girl. After a few minutes, the horse grunted and slipped from the stretching otter cunt, letting his cum flow out from her. He chuckled and huffed, smacking the girl's ass again.

"Damn, wouldn't mind her number," the stallion said with a laugh as he slipped back into his pants.

Cynthia was squirming against her friend as Watts came back over, smacking the otter's cheek a little firmly to wake her back up.

"There....there we go, wake up," the tiger said with a smile, "Enjoying your day so far?" Deandra growled and squirmed in response. Looking down behind the otteress, the tiger chuckled, "Bet I could get my paw in there now."

Both girls blushed at the lewd comments. Watts walked back to the store counter, leaving the friends tog themselves. Over the next few hours, both of the girls would be used by a variety of males, all of them cumming in their unprotected pussies. As the day began to wind down, the tiger walked back over to them, both looking like total messes.

"Alright, girls...I've got a proposition for you. I am going to bind you together sixty-nine style and whoever cums first is going to become my new pet while the other will get five thousand dellens," he said, paws rubbing down both of the girl's exposed asses. Their eyes both widened. That was a lot of money for the two of them! Cynthia's cheeks blushed brightly at the 'losing' penalty. He reached up and unclipped the muzzles from the pole, carefully removing Deandra's before removing Cynthia's. Both girls whimpered out at the pain of moving their jaws after having them held open all day. The tiger rumbled softly, "Now...either way, you're both done for today, but I figured you might like to try for some extra cash.

The girls blushed, looking at each other, not really sure what to say to each other. Neither had expected the day to go like it had and neither had ever even considered doing anything with another female before.

"I...I, uh..." Deandra said first.

"Got 30 seconds to decide. I need to close up," the tiger said firmly.

"Okay!" Cynthia blurted out, causing the tiger to smirk.

"Cynthia! But..." the cheetah said, her blush even worse. She _could_use the money.... "W-well, uhm, okay, but...what's a...a pet do?"

Crossing his arms, the large feline replied, "Can mean many things. To me? You'll be mine. You'll work here in addition to whatever other job you already have. You'll obey me. I'll train you to please males and females alike. You will fuck who I tell you to fuck. You will only cum when I tell you to cum. It's all pretty simple. You will maintain your home. I will not take total control of your life or decide who your friends are or anything of tat nature."

"I...I don't...I don't know, Cyn...." The cheetah whimpered nervously.

"That's a lot of money, probably won't can't even get off," Cynthia replied, her blush growing quickly. The cheetah gasped softly as the male looked increasingly amused.

" want to lose!" the cheetah said, which only made the otter blush brighter.

", it...I want the money!" she said in denial, that blush getting worse and worse.

"No, no you...want to be this brute's pet!" The cheetah said, only making the tiger smirk a bit more. This was going better than he expected

"Alright, let's get this settled right now," he said, turning to look to the otteress, his gaze locked to hers, "How about I just give her the money right now and you can simply say 'Master, please claim me.'"

Deandra gasped at that, looking to Cynthia. They both were still very much bound to that pole. Swallowing, the otter blushed brightly, her eyes glued to the dominant tiger's gaze. She whimpered quietly, "Master, pl...please claim me..."

"Cynthia!" the cheetah exclaimed. Watts grinned, pulling back as he began to walk around behind the cheetah. She felt him beginning to unclip her from the pole.

"Shush, she's made her decision. You're free to take some clothes that are over there if you wish," he said, indicating the pile off to the side of discarded clothing. He walked to the back room, to the safe.

The cheetah quickly rushed over to her friend, dried cum stuck all over their fur, "Cyn...come on, you don't really want this, right? We could have sad no!"

Squirming in the restraints, the chubby otter blushed brightly, "I do, it...I've never felt like this before. I...I loved today and...sharing it with you made it even better. It's not I'm a prisoner or anything. I will be exciting."

Still looking concerned, the feline stroked her friend's face, "If he ever hurts you..."

"Oh, I will hurt her. This pet is mine to do with however I see fit. What I will not do, however, is harm her. I take care of my property," Watts said, returning from the back with a rather sizeable stack of bills, "And she will have a safeword she can use. I will push her limits, but I will still respect when she thinks it is too much."

The naked cheetah looked at the bills in the tiger's outstretched paw and took them. She swallowed, " better. And....and no more fine print bullshit!"

Chuckling at the feisty cheetah, "To be fair, it was clear what the penalty for losing was, but indeed, she will have full awareness of any consequences for disobedience of failure on her part."

"Alright...." Deandra said, quickly getting her clothes back on. She slipped the cash into her purse and bit her lip, looking expectantly, "Well? Aren't you going to...let her down?"

Looking to the still bound otter, Watts chuckled, "Sure, eventually. Oh, she's not coming home with you tonight."

Looking quite surprised, Deandra blinked, "What? How did you--"

"How did I know you two are roommates? Obviously I went through your things while you were occupied," he said simply, to which the cheetah looked quite upset.

"That''s private!" she said angrily.

"Indeed," he said, not really bothering to debate the topic, "Regardless, you can run along home. I'll make sure she gets back tomorrow."

"C...cynth?" the cheetah replied, looking to her friend. The chubby otter blushed deeply, just nodding her head.

"She's...home by 10 or...or I call the cops," Deandra threatened, pointing at the tiger male. He grinned a bit and nodded his head.

"I'm glad you care for her as much as you do," he replied. The cheetah lingered a few moments before finally leaving the store. She was still pretty reluctant to leave her best friend with a total stranger, but...It was what Cynthia wanted.

The tiger walked over to the front door, locked it, and flipped the sign to Closed before walking back toward the still bound otteress. Rumbling softly, he said, "Now...let's get you freed for a few moments," he said, unbuckling the girl from the pole. She shakily stood back on her feet and Watts caught her as she stumbled slightly, "Take a few moments. I must say, I didn't expect you to so eagerly accept. Have you wanted to be a pet for awhile?"

The girl leaned against the tiger and blushed, shaking her head, ", uhm...I never even thought about it--AH!" she said, yelping at a firm smack to her bare ass.

"Lesson one. You will always refer to me as Master when you speak to me. Try again," he said, his voice a bit sharp and dominant.

"Sorry! I never...thought about it, uhm...Master," she said, those cute cheeks just pinkening up even more.

He lead her down one of the aisles, her paw resting on her ass all the while, "I see, so you come in...get fucked by a bunch of guys and now you want to be a permanent slut, is that it?"

"Y-yes, Master..." she replied with a deep blush at the admission as he lead her toward an aisle lined with collars.

"I see. You realize you will get no choice in the matter, yes? If I want you to suck some withered 80 year old dick, you will do it," the tiger told her, leading her down the aisle, "If I want you to eat out a random girl on the street, you'll do it," he said, giving that ass a firm squeeze.

"A-ah, ye...yes, Master!" she replied.

"You say that now. We'll see how much of a good pet you are when the time comes, won't we?" Ah, here we are," he said, lifting a metal collar from the wall, leading her back toward the front of the store, "The only limits I have are scat and edgeplay. Anything else is on the table, pet. If I want to wrap my fingers around your throat while I fuck your cunt from behind, I will do it. Understand?"

As the followed, the girl's blushed remained deep on her face, "Ye-yes, Master."

"Good. Kneel down," he said, pointing to a spot in the middle of the floor. She quickly did so, wincing as her bare knees hit the tiled floor. Walking around behind her, she heard a click as Watts opened the collar. She felt it going around her neck and heard the click as he closed it shut. Rumbling, he said, "This collar has a GPS tracker and will only come off with the key. It also contains a tamper protection function. If you try to get it off, it will shock you until you stop."

While he explained it, the girl's eyes were wide. A GPS tracker? He'd always know where she was! The girl's thighs clenched together as she blushed brighter. Why was that thought making her horny? She squirmed on the floor, resisting the urge to rub herself off right there.

"Do you have any questions?" he asked her, walking back around to face the kneeling otter.

"Uhm, a few, M...master. What...about my family? My, uhm...parents and my brother..."

"They need not be involved in anything. You are my property, but family is more important. They will always take precedence for anything," he replied to which the otter smiled a little.

"O-okay, that's...that's good. What if, um...I get a boyfriend?" she asked softly.

"It would depend on factors such as whether he was fine with me owning you or if he wants to take ownership of you. You no longer make that determination, understand? You are property and while I won't prevent you from seeking romantic relationships, I own this cunt," he said, tapping his booth against her spread pussy, making the girl gasp, blurting out a moan.

"Ye-yes, Master," she replied, her thighs trembling at the reply.

"Anything else?" he asked her.

"J-just one...more, Master, said I had work here?" she asked softly.

Nodding his head, the tiger reached a paw down, tugging at the zipper of his fly. Cynthia's eyes widened, seeing the tiger fish out his stiffening member just like that, "You will work here for no pay. Your job will include sales and satisfying customers. Your uniform is what you're wearing now. There's no need to cover up the holes to be used. Get your muzzle on this cock, pet," With an intense blush, the otter quickly leaned forward without even thinking, her lips parting to take the fat tip into her mouth. Quickly sliding down, Watts groaning quietly, resting a paw on her head as he continued, "You'll definitely be deployed to use like you were today and be available for use by any customers who wish to use you."

The girl's muzzle slid further down, trying to get at the tiger's seven inches completely, but about halfway down, the inexperience otter gagged, trying to pull back. With a grunt, that heavy paw prevented her from pulling back.

"Don't you pull off a dick ever, girl. Gagging is not an acceptable excuse. Get back down," he growled, that tip hitting the back of her throat again, making Cynthia gag more. Her paws came up to the tiger's hips as his paws pressed to her head. A firm thrust forced that dick down her throat and soon her nose mashed against his crotch fur. She looked up, eyes watery as drool began to leak from her bottom lip. She shuddered on the floor as he drew back to give her a slight breathe before forcing it all back into her throat, "Swallow, slut. I'm not pulling out until you make me cum."

Unable to do anything, she gagged against, trying not to vomit as she swallowed around the cock blocking off her air supply. She felt it throb and heard her new Master groaning a bit. Both of those paws gripped the back of her head, grinding her nose into her crotch. She suddenly felt the tiger's boot right between her legs, her moans held in by the cock plugging her throat as he said, "Grind my boot, but don't you dare cum until I tell you."

Instantly, that pussy was humping desperately at the tiger's booth. She gripped at his belt loops, trying to swallow as best she could while feeling her lungs already beginning to burn. Watts began to fuck her throat, not pulling out enough for her to breathe, but enough to help her to get him off a little bit faster. All the while, those pudgy hips rocks and writhed on the top of the boot between her legs. He watched as her body started to tremble, wondering if she'd obey his command or not. He was getting close, very horny all day from watching the girl getting pounded.

Getting closer by the minute, Cynthia tried to redouble her efforts, working through the gags which had allowed drool to coat her front while he fucked her throat. She tried to whimper, tried to warn him that she was close. The girl even tried to pull her hips away, but that boot just ground up against her cunt again. She curled her toes tightly, trying to hold off as the tiger snarled suddenly. Both paws gripped the otter's head tightly as thick loads of tiger spunk shot right into her stomach.

"Rrrrrrr, cum, slut, cum," he growled out at her as he orgasmed down her throat. Not needing to be told twice, the chubby otter suddenly bucked against that boot, pleasure spiking within her as she came for yet another time that day, the girl seeing stars as she came harder than ever. She'd never done breathplay, but her oxygen-starved brain sent shocks of pleasure through her, making her splatter her juices all over the tiger' footwear. He held her on his dick for a few more moments before tugging back and finally letting her gasp desperately for air. She whimpered, tears streamed down her face, mixing with her drool.

"You will thank anyone who deigns to give you their cum, girl and certainly when they lower themselves to making you cum," he said simply, letting his cock rest on the face.

" you, Master...." The girl panted, replying as best she could.

"No, specific. I am going to expect some very grateful appreciation from you," he said, looking down at the embarrassment on her face.

" you, Master, for...for cumming me and...making me...cum?" she replied, her face bright red, but suddenly yelping at the tiger slapped her bare breasts firmly.

"Try again, pet," he said, his word, "You think anyone who I let fuck you is going to think you're well trained with a thank you such that that?"

Biting her lip, the chubby otter whimpered and replied, "No, Master, sorry, I..." she said, taking a breath before saying, "Master, th...thank you so much for...for using my throat for your...your pleasure. I only hope you will...l-let me taste your cum as well next time. And, um, I...I d-didn't deserve to o-orgasm, but thank you so much f...for letting me."

She winced slightly, waiting for a rebuke, but instead felt the tiger lightly stroking her cheeks, "Very good, girl, that's more like it. I don't expect to need to bring that out of you from now on. I don't care if you're embarrassed or humiliated. You obey as I tell you, understand?"

Nodding her head quickly, the otter blushed, "Yes, Master!" she said.

"Good. Now, stand up. We're going back to my place. You're going to need a lot of training," he said, "And leave the clothes. You won't be needing them."

Gasping softly, the girl stood up as she was told he'd be making her walk around outside naked. The thought alone made her pussy tingle again as he lead her out of the store and into her new life.

Under the Blanket Chapter 2

**Under the Blanket Chapter 2** By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: This story involves sexual, violent, or adult situations. Do not read this if you are under the legal age to see pornography in your country. I won't be held responsible if your fragile...

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Yes, Daddy

**Yes, Daddy** By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: This story involves sexual, violent, or adult situations. Do not read this if you are under the legal age to see pornography in your country. I won't be held responsible if your fragile little minds get...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

**Be Careful What You Wish For** By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: This story involves sexual, violent, or adult situations. Do not read this if you are under the legal age to see pornography in your country. I won't be held responsible if your fragile...

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