Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal

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Jakey and Jimmy have survived their encounter with the Bracken Sea Monster, but their troubles are only mounting as the beast has its sights set on Serenity Cove. The brothers will have to work together, alongside the Daegar Navy, to make sure that the beast is defeated. What follows suit is a climactic ending that is sure to be the biggest fight that the brothers would face.

Why not read and find out this incredible tale of perseverance?

Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Sea Ch. 4 Final

By J.C. Solis

Pokemon is Copyright © of Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokemon Company

I do not intend to infringe on Copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.

Pokémon Story

Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea - Part 4 Final

By J.C. Solis

The port of Serenity Cove was in an uproar at the arrival of the news of the recent attack. The brothers of Jimmy and Jakey returned hope to a crowd of pokémon who were looking at them and their crews with a mix of worry and admiration. They had heard of the horrible thing they went through, happy to see them having returned with their lives. It would only add to the tale of their legend, to have survived an attack done by the Bracken Sea Monster. But the crew and the captains were stoic on having returned to port. They were lucky to have made it back with their lives. And they were especially thankful to the miracle that occurred to have allowed them to escape.

On lowering the gang plank, Kera the Floatzel official ran up the boardwalk and rushed for Jakey, crying in tears at his arrival to port.

"Oh, you big lug, I'm so happy that you're safe," said Kera as she sobbed. "I don't ever want you to head out to sea again with that thing on the prowl. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had lost you. One close call with your life is enough for me."

"Relax, Kera," said the Azumarill captain as he put a hand to her cheek. "I'm fine. Big bro is fine, and so is our crew. We won't be returning out to sea for a long while. In fact, I spoke with the Navy. They plan on bringing an end to the beast, once and for all."

Kera lifted up her head in curiosity. Though she had hoped to not see him go off to sea again, she was happy to hear about the plan.

"I hope that they can defeat that thing, Jake. So many people were killed as result of that beast. But I hope you aren't the one who is killed in having to defeat it."

Jakey looked at her with a solemn face. He had so much that he wanted to tell her. Her endearing face was something that he always cherished whenever he came back to port. There was nothing quite like the company of those who care for one to make one feel right at ease. And Kera was someone near and dear to his heart.

Kera wasn't the only one to come on board, though. Maryann was quick to walk onto the ship to meet her sons, with tears down her cheeks at seeing her boys alive. Jim went up to his mother and hugged her as he assured her that everything was okay. It was hard for a parent to bear with the news of their children being in danger. The memory of her late husband haunted her, wondering if her boys would meet the same fate. But what she didn't expect was for the tale that the boys relayed to her about their rescue, and the ghost ship that appeared and saved their lives.

"Are you sure that it was the SS Farstrider that saved you lot?" wondered Maryann.

"It was. Ask any of the crew about it, mother, and they'll tell you the same story I just did," stated Jim. "It was wicked to see the ghost of Dad and his ship. I had never seen anything like that before in my life. Now we know that the rumors about a ghost ship saving ships from the monster were true."

The brothers continued with their retelling of the appearance of the ghostship. It was clear that if the ghostship didn't appear then they probably wouldn't be around to tell the tale. And the stunned face of Maryann and Kera both noted to their amazement. It would've have been a sight to see; even in death, The Maverick was not one to shy away from his heroics. And though the tale was indeed interesting to hear, Maryann was not surprised to hear the tale of her dead husband coming back from the grave. It was just in his nature to pull of something like this. This followed in line with what Maxwell would have done - for only he could pull off a return from the dead as a spirit that saved the lives of sailors from the beast that had taken his own.

"Well, boys, I hope you'll at least stop by at home so that I can cook you a meal. I have a Pecha berry pie in the over right now, and I'll be returning home to check on it," noted Maryann. "Be sure to stop on by to get a bite to eat once you're finished offloading the cargo from your ship." She then turned to Kera. "Would you care to come home for a meal with your boyfriend, Kera?"

The Floatzel's face blushed, but despite the bashfulness would agree to it.

"I'd love to, Miss Maryann. But I have so much work in documenting the cargo the men here brought. I have a load of paperwork to fill out."

The brothers returned to work, guiding the crew into offloading the return shipments of ore. Many metals, some common and others semi-precious, were in the hull of the ship, and all were off for smelting and fabrication. It would be a while longer before the boys would return back to the sea, but when they did it wouldn't be as a merchant ship. There was a battle looming on the horizon, and one could tell from the ships that surrounded the harbor that the time was coming to make the Bracken Sea Monster pay. There were warships with mighty cannons surrounding the harbor. And it wouldn't be long before the monster would come face to face with a reckoning.

Once the crew had finished offloading the cargo, the captains went off their old tub and went for the nearby pub, The Crusty Krabby. They didn't expect for their fellow captains to give them a round of applause upon setting foot into the canteen.

"Blooming hell, you lot are a cut above all other pokémon, that's for sure," greeted Jean the Grapploct. "Bloody 'Eck, you've got cannon balls of steel to come back 'ere alive."

"Me thinks that the blood o' Maxwell be strong with ye boyos, I says," added Henry the Jellicent captain. "Twould a been a sight fer sore eyes to see you louts deal with the monster. I'd 'ave given me good coin tah have watched the fight ensue."

"You guys are no sissies, that's for sure," added the Golduck Bart. "I can only imagine what you guys went through when you went face to face against that beast. But I'm happy you lot came out on top."

Jimmy and Jakey only scratched their heads. There was a lot to talk about, and it was all in good company. Their fellow captains ate up their valiant tales of battle. Everyone in the pub was glued to their recount, and the crowd had gather to listen well. They were hooked to every event, from launching shells to the ship being grabbed by the beast and the end seeming near, only for Maxwell's ghost to save his sons at the last moment and drive the beast away. It was some great storytelling, one which sounded too fantastical to be true. But the captains and sailors were far from contradicting the tale they were told.

With the appearance of the Daegar Navy and the mighty guns aboard its ships, it was clear that the days of terror brought on by the Bracken Sea Monster was nearing its end. There wouldn't be much more to wait for, the navy giving a decree that the Monster was bound to destruction. Many of the captains wished that this were true. The seafaring industry was grinding to a halt, with many captains and crew too afraid to venture back out to sea. The safety of even small fishing boats was no guaranteed with the Monster now coming close to shore. And what was worse was that perhaps the people of the port itself would be in danger if it ever decided to come on shore.

To say that tensions were high would be an understatement. The shipping industry would come to an end, with no one being safe upon venturing into the water. Something needed to be done.

It was at this moment that the door to the Crusty Krabby swung open, a tall and proud Empoleon walking towards the captains with a curt face and cold expression. He had on a captain's hat, and even had his right eye covered with an eyepatch. He looked stern and strong, a sure sign of ruggedness that came as a result of many long and hard years at sea.

This pokémon was a maverick in his own rights, and rightly so, for he was an admiral with both a strong will and a stout heart.

"Jacob and James Farstrider, I'd like a word with you both," asked the Admiral.

Jakey and Jimmy, called on by their full names, walked up to the Admiral and bowed at him.

"What can we do you, Admiral Patton?" asked Jim as he stood upright from his bow. "Is this to so with the navy? How can we be of service?"

Fleet Admiral Chester Patton was the head in charge of the Daegar Navy, with many badges of honor attached to his name. His feats were legendary, and with the entire navy in the palm of his hands he was indeed as powerful as his body looked. He looked at the two lads with a nod.

"No need for fine speech with me, boys. I prefer frank talk, and without the need to bow down. I'm not the goddamn king, after all," stated the Admiral. "I heard about your exploits, from both your time taking on pirates to delivering shipments with speed and ease. But your recent tale of coming face to face with the monster and surviving is what interests me the most. I hope that you can lend a hand with the navy. We could use you to help us defeat this beast."

Jakey and Jimmy looked at each other, wondering what they could possibly do to aid.

"We're open to helping out all we can, Admiral. But our ship is more about speed than firepower. We're not very good in a fight."

"But that's where you're mistaken, Mister Farstrider," contradicted the Admiral. "I heard that your father saved your life out in the waters. I was hoping, since your ship is hated by the monster, that we could use your ship as bait to lure the beast out of hiding. You will be handsomely recompensated if anything were to happen to your ship, but it is vital that you join in our plight."

The brothers were stunned to say the least. They worked so hard to have the SS Everstrider in their possession. They spent many years with this boat, and they were not going to let it go easily.

"Thank you for the offer, Admiral, but we politely decline," said Jimmy. "I'm not about risk my ship, my crew, and my younger brother so that we can defeat this beast. Find some other ship that you can use as your bait."

The Admiral smirked as he looked at the two, not all that pleased with the answer he got.

"I hope, then, that you don't mind not leaving the harbor. I won't allow your ship, or any other ship for that matter, to leave port until we receive word of you agreeing to aid us."

"Go to hell, yah big lug!" cursed out Jean the Grapploct. "We can't leave the harbor anyways on account a that beastie prowling the waters."

"Tis be good not to risk good boys and men for yer ploy, Admiral," added Henry the Jellicent. "I'd a go searchin' somewhere else fer yer sacrificial Wooloo."

The captains of the pub all stood up in solidarity with the Everstrider captains. They were far from allowing good and young captains such as them to risk their lives. The industry may have been close to collapsing, but they were far from wanting the boys to sacrifice themselves the way their father had.

At that moment, the sound of thunder was heard off in the distance. A storm was coming to shore, and it was predicted to be a big one. There was no guarantee that the ships and boats being moored on the docks won't be blown away, but it was something that every captain and crew went to make sure didn't happen. But as they would walk to their boats, the threat that Admiral Patton noted was true. There were large destroyer ships and frigates blocking the exit out of port. It would be impossible for anyone to enter or leave with crashing into them, and the fact remained that the Navy would not let anyone leave unless Jim and Jake cosigned to the Navy in their effort to leave.

But nearly all the captains stood by the co-captains and their refusal. They weren't about to allow for Jim and Jake to be sacrifices to the Monster. Besides, it wasn't as if it was safe enough to go out to sea anyways. There wasn't much that anyone could do in these impossible circumstances.

The rain soon came, followed by the howling of the wind. Jim and Jake left the pub and decided to go for home. The gale was enough to make them unsteady, but they were more than capable of withstand the weather. It would be dangerous for anyone to be out in this storm. Who knew what kinds of wind and thunder the storm could bring? And though the two were sore about being held hostage and grounded at port, there was simply nothing the boys could do for now.

It was then that a loud groaning could be hear coming out of the sea. It was a familiar groan, one of a beast that they felt was very familiar. There was a bulge on the water out to sea, and soon the noise of frightened sailors filled the harbor. The booming of cannons were then heard, with the navy ships launching volleys of high impact shells right for the monster in the water. But try as they might, they just couldn't seem to deter the beast from coming any closer. Soon, one of the frigates was grabbed and was pulled into the water by massive tentacles. It was rocked side to side, trying to get the large ship to capsize. And capsize it did as the ship rolled to its sides. The other ships aimed their guns right at the monster, but though the shots destroyed the tentacles they also caused collateral damage to the other ship.

It was a great battle, one in which the war ships fought desperately to keep in check. Soon another ship was grabbed, though it tentacles were thankfully blown away by cannon blasts and allowed the ship to be set free. The crew of the remaining ships did their best to fire volley after volley at the monster, and it seemed that their efforts were paying off as the beast let go of the capsized vessel and went off back to the sea. The day was won, and the monster was put in its place. But the cost in achieving this victory was immense, with a navy ship now sinking into the water. To make matters worse, though the monster was on retreat the storm was getting worse. Wicked lightning crashed down on the decks of the boardwalk, and splintering wood flew all over the place. Some of them even hit the navy ships.

Jake and Jim were astonished by what they had witnessed, though the most pressing matter was getting back home before they'd be struck by lightning. Being water types, it was clear that if they stood around they'd more than liked get KO'd by a stray bolt. The two rushed back to the residential area of Serenity Cove, hoping to meet their mother for dinner while relaying the incredible yet horrific thing that they just saw. At the very least a good pie would keep their minds at ease.

The following morning was calm and quiet. The storm had now passed, though thunder still roared in the distance. The docks were once again a mess of boats that have been tossed around and perhaps even sunk. But the captains were not shocked by their own boats taken damage, but rather at the frigate that found itself sunk just off the exit of the harbor. The mighty ship had been capsized with little effort; the thing tossed around by the monster like a toy in the water. And even more horrific was the implication behind the attack.

The monster was coming to port. It attacked the port and even managed to sink large ships. It was incredible to think that something like this would happen. But it was becoming clear that even the harbor was in the crosshairs of the massive Tentacruel. It had its sights on the port, and now nobody was safe from its wrath.

Jakey and Jimmy walked back to the port to check on the damage. To their relief the SS Everstrider was virtually untouched by the storm, having been tied tight to the moorings. The ship was far from swinging or even swaying, though the deck was full of refuse and trash that blew in the storm. But the co-captains knew how uncertain the future was. The navy ship that had sunk was proof of that, with pokémon already doing their best to salvage the ship and clear it out of the way of the harbor. The ships at port could still leave, but the tub also proved as a grim premonition. Nothing was now safe from the monster, and it now had its sight set on Serenity Cove.

The brothers looked at each other, agreeing on what they had to do. It was clear that the monster needed to be destroyed for safety to return. The people of the port were in danger. And with the Navy proving that they were little match against the beast, everyone would have to pull through and pitch in killing the monster once and for all.

The Crusty Krabby was once again filled with captains and sailors who were terrified at the prospects of the future. There was no telling if when they next set out to sea that they too wouldn't be attacked. It was an impossible situation, and people's tensions ran high.

All the while Admiral Patton sat in front of the liquor bar, taking a swig at a shot of scotch whiskey. He turned to the brothers with a grim face. He didn't belittle them for slinking back, but he was a little amused by their return.

"I take it you've seen the destruction, no?" asked the Empoleon. "My offer still stands. Do this for the safety of everyone at port, and for all the seafaring pokémon who head out to sea. The danger will only mount as time goes by, and who knows if the port can be kept safe over time." He then gave a stoic look at the two. "We need you boys to help us. We can't do this without you lot."

Jimmy and Jakey nodded their heads in agreement.

"We'll help now, Admiral Patton," relented Jim. "We can't allow for the monster to return and attack the harbor. If that happens, then we'll be at fault for not doing anything."

"You can count on us to help, Admiral," added Jake, his face stern. "I want revenge on that beast for taking away my dad from me. I don't want others to suffer the same fate."

The Admiral let out a slight smile. "So be it. I will devise a plan with my crew for the attack. I want you two to get involved as we discuss how to defeat the beast. It's best that we head to the main battleship so we can talk things out and plan."

The brothers and the Admiral left the pub, finding Kera outside of the pub as she was on her way to find Jake. She looked at her boyfriend and his brother walk with the Admiral, wondering where the two were heading off for.

"Where are you lot going?" asked Kera curiously.

"We're going to kill ourselves a sea monster, Kera," said Jake. "We're going with the admiral to plan things out. I can't wait to make that beast pay."

Kera could only watch as her boyfriend walked away. They boarded the patrol boats and went for the main battleship, a massive steel hull ship with just as big cannons. The three climbed up the side ladder and onto the deck. It was only a matter of time before they'd achieve their revenge, and as they climbed on board and walked down the many halls of the ship the air began to grow tense. It wouldn't be long before they'd plan out the downfall of the monster.

The sailors all saluted the Admiral as he walked down the hall. Admiral Patton was a decorated soldier who commanded the respect of everyone in his fleet, and it was this cunning mind that would come up with a way to defeat the Bracken Sea Monster. He entered into the situation room with Jim and Jake in tow, the room filled with other high-ranking officials and navy members. The room was abuzz with activity as they all tossed around ideas that would hopefully stick. There was a lot deliberation as all the captains and lesser admirals did their best to discuss tactics.

"Gentlemen," began Fleet Admiral Patton. "I have brought with me the Farstrider Brothers, the sons of the legendary Maxwell Farstrider. I hope that we can discuss a good enough tactic with their help and input."

"Good, Admiral, cause we'll be needing all the help we can get," said Admiral Lancelot, a Samurott with a rugged face, the second in command to Fleet Admiral Patton. "I kid ye not, but we've been wracking our noggins out at coming up with a plan."

"What plan can we come up with? Let's just blast the thing to kingdom come," said Rear Admiral Walters the Feraligatr. "We just have to blast it with all we got."

"We did that and lost a ship, Walters!" yelled out Rear Admiral Hemmingway the Seismitoad. "We need to think of something other than just blasting it."

It was then that Fleet Admiral Patton stepped in.

"Gentlemen, get it together!" he shouted. "We can come up with a plan, just stop bickering amongst yourself so we can come up with one!"

It was then that Jim had a lightbulb appear above his head.

"My ship is hated by the monster. We can use it lure the monster into attacking us, and then we can use a ship that you guys don't need and fill it to the brim with explosives. Ram that boat into the monster and blow it up with enough explosives to send it back to where it came from. It's a simple enough plan, one which we hope will work."

"If it needs to happen, we're willing to sacrifice our own ship, the SS Everstrider," added Jake. "We just want to keep this oversized jellyfish from coming to town and attacking it."

The admirals all looked at each other. Some of them even commended the temerity of the brothers and what they brought to the table. It was this kind of thinking that their father was known for. Some in the room had even met Maxwell, and they could tell that the boys had their father's fighting spirit. They were not about to turn tail and run when so many lives were at stake.

For one, Admiral Patton liked the idea.

"I think that's the best plan we have. We'll use the SS Everstrider to lure the beast out of hiding. We'll fire at it with the cannons to hopefully weaken it. Next we'll have a boat loaded to the brim with explosives go into the monster and destroy it. It's the best plan that I've heard so far, and I believe it as one that is cost effective in terms of risk. I don't want to risk our sailors, both enlisted and civilian, to this monster than we need to."

Fleet Admiral Patton was displaying his keen affiliation for caution. He didn't become the highest ranked officer in the navy by just throwing ships and crew at whatever problem got in the way. And it sounded like he agreed full heartedly with the ideas given by Jake and Jim. He even promised to the captain that if push comes to shove and if their ship was lost that the navy would buy them a new ship of equal value or better - that is, if the captains are able to survive.

With the deliberation on what plan the admirals could come up with over, the high-ranking officers and the two sailing captains all got around to the organization. They'd have dozen of tons of high explosives to make the ship they plan on using as powerful as can be when it exploded. They wanted to blow the Bracken Sea Monster up into so many chunks and pieces, and it would all be taking place out in the heart of the Bracken Sea. It was here where the monster seemed to make its home, and it would be far enough away so as to keep other pokémon from harm.

The date was soon set as everyone got to work with the planning of this mission. Jim and Jakey would need to prepare their own ship with as much firepower as they could muster. And with that, they worked a deal with Admiral Patton to see about acquiring some larger, breech loader cannons. The admiral was more than happy to give the Everstrider bigger guns for protection so long as the captains and crew went through a crash course in how to use them.

The plan was now being set in motion. The days of the Bracken Sea Monster were soon to come to an end. And with its destruction, peace would at last arrive.

The day had finally arrived, and the crew of the SS Everstrider were preparing to set sail. There was a whole checklist of things to have ready, as usual, and not having one of them ready would mean something that the crew would have to do without. Kera was on board the ship with Jakey, hugging him hard as she found it too hard to see him sail off to do battle. All the while, the crew were carefully loading barrels full of high explosives into the belly of the Everstrider, as well as crates filled with explosive rounds for the two types of cannons on board the ship.

"Oh, I can't believe you're heading out," said Kera so worriedly. "I don't know what to do with myself if something were to happen to you. Promise me you'll come home in one way or another."

"I can't make that promise, Kera," said Jake solemnly. He lifted up his eyes and looked at the tears that were coming off of hers. "The only thing I can promise is that the monster will be dead once we're done. Whether or Jim and will be as well will remain to be seen."

Kera cried into Jake's white trench coat. She couldn't bear to be without her boyfriend. She didn't want him to sail out into danger, with his safety not being guaranteed. But she could only morosely turn around and walk down the gangplank and onto the docks of the harbor. Maryann was also there, looking solemnly at her boys as they were preparing to set sail. She too had a heavy heart and prayed to Arceus for their safe return. She didn't want to have to say a final farewell to the prides and joys of her life, but it seemed that there was nothing that could be done.

The Azumarill mother and Floatzel girlfriend could only wave goodbye, as did many more people from the port. This was an extremely dangerous mission, one which could see everyone on board dead. Jake and Jim only turned on the engine to their ship and allow it to lurch forwards toward the exit.

The plan was a simple one. The SS Everstrider would sail out in front of the navy's armada, coaxing the monster out of hiding. A second, much smaller, suicide boat would be putted along by a motor; this ship would have no crew and rely solely on the motor to guide it forward. When the boat would hit the monster it will detonate, causing it and the monster to be blown to smithereens. If that plan failed, then it was decided that the SS Everstrider would be launched at the beast. This was the reason why it too was also filled with high explosives - a backup ship to destroy in case the first one failed.

There was a lot on the line, with Jake and Jim not being able to guarantee their own safety, let alone that of their crew. But everyone on board, including Commander Davey, would be sure to jump ship as soon as their captains told them to do so. The monster needed to be put down, and everyone was going to work to make sure that it was carried through. As the ship lurched forward towards the exit of the harbor, everyone lay on edge as to what was to come. Nobody would be certain as to what events will take fold until the moment arrives.

The co-captains steered their ship towards the exit of the port. Outside were the awaiting armada and their big guns. They moved around the sunk frigate from a week before, still within the process of being salvaged. The ship then set sail for open waters, meeting whatever fate would come its way.

Jim steered the ship while Jake got his men ready. They brought out crates of shells for their cannons, their stand 20mm gun as well as their new acquired and much bigger 32mm gun. These were their main weapons for defense, the guns packing plenty of punch whenever they fired. The crew were instructed by the navy on how to use the 32mm, but since it worked in a similar fashion to the twenty-two, it was a no brainer as to how both of them worked. And for sure the crew of the Everstrider were grateful for this new gift. Only two were given to them, but for sure they'd get a load of use out of them.

By the afternoon, the brothers and the armada were now well off into open waters. The land was no longer visible, and they would soon approach the waters of the Bracken Sea. But just their luck, the clouds were looking rather grim. A storm was once again brewing, one which was sure to put the armada through the wringer as they would be tossed around like toys in a bathtub. But towards the evening the ships arrived at their destination besides the rolling thunder that reverberated in the air.

"Where are yah, yah beastie," said Commander Davey as he looked out with his spyglass telescope. "Come on out so we can make yah into sushi."

"I don't think this beast will taste good as sushi," noted Jake. "Though, to be honest, I'd gladly tuck into Tentacruel sushi if it means beating this thing once and for all."

"This be for yer father, Jakey. Won't be long fer we arrive at the Bracken. I'm a bit surprised we've yet to come upon the beast."

"It won't be much further. Another few leagues, and we'll see."

The Bracken Sea was a place that was as mysterious as it was dangerous. The water there is known as being brackish, with a far lower salt content than the rest of the sea - so much so that it's safe to drink for a short period of time. On top of that, the waters were much murkier despite the lower salinity, which gives the sea a feeling of dreadfulness. The waters could hide all sort of secrets, one of those secrets being how it can be so saltless and clouded at the same time. Nobody could explain this phenomenon, and nobody has wanted to try with this being the lair of the sea monster that has terrorized the high seas for the better part of two decades.

The clouds in the sky were turning even more ominous, with lightning streaking across the sky as the rumble of thunder followed. It couldn't be any more sinister a moment than if anyone tried. The wind was starting to pick up, as did the downpour of rain. The seas were starting to get choppy, with the waves throwing around the smaller ships like toys. The battleships glided across the waters smoothly, their immense size and weight allowing for the macho ships to not be tossed around as much. The SS Everstrider was no small ship either, it's three-hundred-foot length making it much longer than a typical yacht. It was a ship meant for speed, and - if the engines were turned to full or if the winds were strong - would carry the ship over at breakneck speeds. It wasn't that farfetched to believe that a ship like the Everstrider could move faster than any other ship in the area.

The ships were arriving at the heart of the Bracken Sea, wondering where on earth the Monster would show itself. The skies were getting darker, and the air was filled with foreboding. There wasn't much that anyone else could do except wait.

"Where are you," said Jim in the control room. "Come on out, you oversized fish."

It was then that a loud roar was heard further along. A bulge in the water began to form, with the Bracken Sea Monster poking its head above the water. The monster appeared in all of its horrific glory, appearing before the ships with malice and intent with it glowing red eyes. It was a monster of immense proportions, so much so that it rivaled the battleships. But the monster was more centered on the ship at the front of the armada. The Everstrider sailed to the side. The crew didn't want to ram the ship directly at the creature - at least not yet anyways.

The battleships, with the monster in their sights, fired volley after volley at the beast, creating loads of damage. The monster looked as though it could be bested with cannons alone. But soon, the monster did something that it had not done in a long while.

A maelstrom formed around the monster, swirling the ships all over to follow the current of the enormous whirlpool. All of the ships continued firing, however, hoping to land a few decisive hits despite the difficulty of aiming while swirling around the whirlpool. With volley after volley of cannon fire continuing on, with most of the shots missing their mark, the battle was getting fierce and dangerous. It was then that the main battleship released the explosives laden boat from its side and guided it towards the monster. The boat was overtaken by the current bringing itself further into the gyre.

But the bomb was not planned right. The boat exploded in a massive fireball, sending shrapnel all over the place, doing only superficial damage to the beast.

"Damn it!" cried out Jake. "We were so close!"

"Only cannons and bombs err the way to go from here," lamented Davey.

The monster, enraged at almost being taken out, swung it tentacles around, smashing onto the ships and dragging pokémon off of their decks. It was a frenzy of flailing tentacles as the ships continued firing shot after shot at the beast. Only the main battleship suffered no casualties or damage, the ship being simply too large for the beast to overpower. But the other, smaller vessels were fair game. One cruiser was smashed to pieces by a massive tentacles, its men screaming as they were flung into the air and fell into the maelstrom. The fight was becoming a lost cause, and the other ships were not to survive. And low and behold, a tentacle clutched on the Everstrider, pulling it closer to the center.

"Damn it," whispered Jim as he manned the helm. He tried his best to steer the ship away from the whirlpool as the tentacle pulled the ship closer, not wanting to sink and explode his ship just yet. "We need a bloody miracle for this."

But it was at that moment that a familiar noise was heard. The sound of a bell was heard, followed by the yelling of a man. A Maverick was coming to the rescue.

The ghostship of the SS Farstrider appeared, crashing above the waves as it went right for the beast. The monster roared as it saw its longtime adversary. The ship captain looked at the beast with ferocity, having waited for many years to reach this point. He let out his demands in his bellow:

"YOU SHALL NOT TAKE MY SONS, YOU WRETCHED BEAST!!!" was the phrase that roared into the air, letting everyone know of the spirit of the Maverick.

Every sailor who bore witness to this miracle looked on in awe. The crew of the Everstrider were especially grateful for his timely arrival, and soon the tentacle was released. The monster looked at the ship that had been haunting it for so long. The Farstrider turned and charged right for the monster, the ship heading right for it. The ship screamed down the gyre as it then collided with the monster, causing the beast to roar in pain. The ghost appeared on the other side of the monster, going up the maelstrom in it momentum before turning around and charging for it again. The ghost did little to no damage to the beast, but it was clearly having an effect.

Jake and Jim knew that if they were to defeat the monster, then they'd need to do what their Dad was doing. With their hulls packed to the brim with explosives and ammunition, it was time to enact Plan B and rid themselves of the monster once and for all.

"Commander David, get the other crew on the life rafts while my brother and I steer the ship towards the beast. I'll lite the fuses under the decks and get my brother before jumping ship," said Jake.

"Son, I can't just leave you! I did that for your father, for goodness sakes," cried out Davey. "I can't bear to lose you and Jim as well."

"I said get the crew and escape, Commander David!!! My brother and I will take it from here!" yelled out Jake. "Use Hydro Pump and blast yourself from here as fast as you can! And if my brother and I don't make it back, then tell our story for us. Take care of my mother and my girlfriend." He then gave a solemn look at the commander; one the old man had seen once before.

The captain then gave a salute. "It has been a pleasure, Commander Davey."

The commander could only give the captain a solemn salute before he turned around to gather everyone with him to the rafts. Some of the crew members protested against leaving their captains all alone but were forced to oblige. With the men now on the raft they lowered themselves to the side of the boat, once on the water they used Hydro Pump to launched themselves towards the main battleship, where they would find safety.

Jake did as he promised as he went below deck to lite the fuse. He saw the massive amount of explosives in barrels, waiting to be detonated. Jake lit the fuse with a lighter before going up the deck and into the control room.

"Bro, I lit the fuse! Let's get the hell out of here!" cried out Jake.

"Don't need to tell me twice little brother," noted Jim. He then turned the wheel around violently, lurching the ship towards the monster. He then uttered the words: "This is for you, Dad."

The Everstrider turned rapidly down towards the gyre. At the same time, the ghost of the Farstrider turned around and went down the maelstrom as well. The two ships were headed for a final collision. Jake and Jim got out of the decks and used Aqua Jet to jump into the ocean. They tried their best to hold each other's hand to avoid being separated, the two being tossed around in the whirlpool as their ship collided with the creature. The bowsprit of the Everstrider pieced the front of the monster while the Farstrider pierced the back. Both ships pierced deeply into the body of the monster, their heavy hulls causing enormous damage and causing the monster to roar one last time.

The area was filled with the final reverberation of a terrible explosion. The air was shaken by the shockwave while the waters trembled. The monster was blown completely to pieces, with viscera and bits of flesh flying all over the place as the metal hull of the Everstrider served as further shrapnel to tear the monster to pieces. And the area was bathed in a flash of light, one which shone over the battlefield briefly before dissipating. When it was all over, the remains of the monster sank down into the depths, what remained of its head sinking beneath the waves.

The crew aboard the surviving ships cheered and roared in victory cries, having successfully defeated the monster. But though Fleet Admiral Patton was elated to see the monster now done for, he wondered what had happened to Jim and Jake. Not only was the Everstrider gone, but so was the ghost of the SS Farstrider. It was a mystery to see the two men not on the waters, and with the maelstrom stopping it would only be a matter of time before they'd pick up the remains of the dead. But whether or not the brothers were amongst those who perished remained to be seen.

If a sacrifice was indeed done, then it was one to be remembered forever. Commander Davey and his crew looked on stoically at their victory, a bittersweet event that had just taken fold. Though the monster was now dead, he hoped that the two brother would not be among those lost. He could only hope that the brothers had somehow survived the explosion and being tossed around by the whirlpool.

He didn't want to lose the boys the same way he lost his good old friend.

Jake and Jim were on the ground in a sort of limbo. Their bodies ached, but their hearts were content. They had done it. They defeated the Bracken Sea Monster and its might. Though they had to sacrifice the SS Everstrider, this was none the less a resounding victory. But as the two brothers stood up from the ground, they wondered where exactly they were. It was a dark grey area, a place where they had no idea about its location.

"Are we dead?" wondered Jake as he turned to his brother.

"I have no idea, Jake," stated Jim. "I just hope that the others are okay."

It was then that a voice was heard next to them.

"Yer mates be fine, boyos. I applaud you hiring such brave men for yer crew. I'd have wanted to travel with sailors with stones as big as theirs in my day."

The brother turned to face their father, Maxwell Farstrider, in the flesh.

"Dad!!!" cried out the two brothers as they rushed him, embracing their old man together as the old man laughed into the hug.

The two Azumarill brothers turned into a Marill and Azurill, being clutched up in their father's arms once again.

"Dad, I missed you so much!" cried out Jake.

"Me too, Dad. We all missed you," added Jim.

The Maverick smiled as he let his boys go. He looked at them, happy to see his lads once again.

"You've grown to be such fine young lads, I say. I had a feeling you'd get into the shipping industry the way I did. And to defeat a sea monster, a feat that I never could manage, is sure to add to yer legend in time. You two are chips of the old block, I says."

"Dad... are we dead?" asked Jim.

"Yeah... will we be going up to heaven with you?" asked Jake.

The Floatzel only nodded his head.

"Father Arceus gave me this time to be with yah, but none of you is sleeping with the fishes. That is my fate, and mine alone. But Arceus wanted me to warn you that this monster is a result a something foul, something dark and dangerous. The very fabric o' the world is coming apart, creating monsters like the one yah bested. Be sure to warn the others about this. Talk to the nearest sage and seek 'is counsel. I cannot for the life of me think of what this tragedy may be - only that it's coming."

The boys looked at each other in wonderment. What foul event could be coming along the horizon for them to be in danger? It wasn't clear to anyone other than Arceus and the other Great Ones, but whatever was happening would come soon in time.

"I'm afraid, though, that I'm going to have to leave you two behind once again. My time in this world is over. I'm just so grateful to seen you lot again. It fills me heart with joy to see you become Mavericks in yer own rights. You have your own crew, your own ship, and your freedom. Be sure to take good care of it, for ye never know when it will be taken away from, just like how mine was."

Jake and Jim reverted to their Azumarill forms, a mournful look on their faces at realizing that their time together was coming to an end.

"Will we ever see you again, Dad?" asked Jake solemnly.

"Only in your hearts. Besides, I at the very least left yah something once yah wake up. Be sure to treasure it and look after it the way I did back in my days. For now, it is time for you both to waken."

The brothers were sorry to have to let go of their old man, and as a column of light surrounded him and brought him up to the sky, the brothers looked on at the Maverick as he moved on to the next life at last. At the very least, they had achieved vengeance. They sought for revenge after what the monster did to him, and they succeeded. It would only be a matter of time before both of them would wake up and return to their own lives. And as Maxwell disappeared into the clouds up above, they knew that they had successfully carried on the legacy of their father.

But the air of foreboding was present. Their father's warning of something big coming up didn't leave them at ease. Perhaps another sea monster, one perhaps bigger than the Bracken Sea Monster, would appear. But if such a thing were to arrive, Jake and Jim were assured with having the spirit of their father guide them towards defeating another one of them should they show up.

The gray was starting to turn into white, and the brothers closed their eyes as they got ready to enter into their own world again.

The mist was heavy over at Serenity Cove. A heavy fog has rolled into all over the surrounding area. The people had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the armada, thankful to see the navy show up. But the ship that wasn't among them was the SS Everstrider. The ship had failed to turn up, it being clear that the ship had indeed been sacrificed. But there was hope that the crew of the Everstrider were among those who were on the ships. Perhaps the captains were also on the ships, hoping to come back home after such a miraculous victory.

But the crew of the SS Everstrider walked onto the deck of port, with mournful looks on their eyes. They approached Kera and Maryann, with Commander Davey giving the grim news. It was news that brought both women to tears. It was what they had always feared. It seemed that the seas had once again claimed another victim. Though there was celebration all around at the defeat of the Bracken Sea Monster, the cheers soon quieted down as Maryann and Kera sobbed. The victory was bittersweet, with people wondering if the sacrifice was well worth the success. Perhaps there'd be another funeral, with the town ringing the bells and honoring the lives of the Maverick brothers and their sacrifice.

It was at that moment that a bell could be heard within the fog. A bell tolled as a light could be seen coming from the fog. It was a familiar bell, something that the port hadn't heard in over twenty years. The fog grew even denser, with pokémon barely able to see in front of them. All that let them know of what was coming was the sound of the bell. The bell toll then stopped, stopping around the beachhead next to the port. It was a strange phenomenon, and the crowd wondered what it was.

The fog began to give way, and through the fog one could see the outline of a ship that had been beached. The figure was slowly coming into view, and it was a shape that the pokémon hadn't seen in such a long time. And as their hearts grew weary, everyone realized what kind of ship it was as they rushed over to look at it with their own eyes.

The beached ship was none other than the SS Farstrider. The ship looked worn and ragged, as though it had been through the wringer for the time it had been gone. But it was the Farstrider nonetheless and a sight that left everyone in awe. They climbed aboard the ship to find two pokémon there that perhaps shouldn't have been there. It was impossible. This feat was never made before, but they couldn't deny what their own eyes were seeing.

Jake and Jim were next to the wheel on the deck. The brothers groaned as they opened their eyes to see where they were. They were surprised to see themselves on a wooden deck, and even more so to be surrounded by pokémon with worried looks on their faces. It was something that seemed straight out of a fantasy, and yet nobody on the deck of the ship could deny it. The Farstrider had appeared on the beach, with the sons of the Maverick on board.

"Where are we?" asked Jimmy. "Are we back on shore?"

"It looks like it, Jim," noted Jake. "I just can't believe we were rescued. All I remember was the explosion, and then we blacked out."

Commander Davey pushed and shoved his way past the astonished crowd, looking at the two young men in sheer amazement.

"Yer father brought you back to land," said David. "Boy, how'd I envy the chance to see him again. The Farstrider brought you both 'ere, in the flesh."

Jake and Jim got up off the floor and looked at everyone around them. Maryann and Kera soon walked up to them, blubbering tears of joy at their return. Kera, for one, lunged at Jake and kissed him on the lips, feeling so happy to be back after thinking that she had lost them.

"Don't you ever leave my side again, you lug!" cried out the Floatzel as tears dripped down.

"I won't Kera," promised Jake. "I promise to make sure I come back to port next time."

Maryann, on the other hand was more composed.

"It seems another miracle has occurred. Your father brought you back, didn't he?"

"That he did, mother," admitted Jim. "I think Dad has been looking out for us all this time."

Then the brothers and everyone else turned to look at the wheel of the SS Farstrider. On it was a black and white trench coat and a captain's hat. These were the very garments worn by the Maverick, and it was the final thing he left behind after rescuing his boys

Jim and Jake could only smile at their accomplishment. The Bracken Sea Monster was now dead, and the waters out to sea were once again safe to navigate. It was a momentous affair. And as the brothers climbed off of the SS Farstrider and onto the beach they were greeted by the cheers of those who welcomed them back from the dead. Their efforts saved the sailing industry as a whole, and not only that but they came back from the dead, with people having thought them to be lost at sea.

There were just so many emotions after what happened. But Jimmy and Jakey were glad to have done their task. They saved lives from falling foul of the beast, and their legend would grow in size after defeating the Bracken Sea Monster and coming back as men off courage and valiance. It was a tremendous feat, one which would be sure to catapult them into legend.

Fleet Admiral Patton looked at the two brave Azumarill brothers with a nod of approval. These were indeed the sons of the legendary Captain Maxwell Farstrider. And it was Max who saved his sons after they killed the beast. He could only sigh as he looked back at his own memories, remembering the times he and Maxwell had met. The Floatzel contained a certain aura about him, a feeling of sheer tremendousness and majesty just being in his vicinity. And Admiral Patton felt the same feel with the brothers, who were no doubt chips off the old block.

The brothers wearily walked back to town with their mother and girlfriend in tow. Peace had at long last been achieved. Though they wondered if they should contact a sage, as per their father's request, they knew that so long as they were together the brothers had nothing to fear. They would conquer every beast and monster that came their way. They would never surrender and never yield. They had their entire lives before them, and they were willing to make the most of it.

And so continued on the tale of their legend. These were the sons of the Maverick. And, by all accounts, they were mavericks in their own right as well. They were proud of everything they had accomplished. They were proud to be sailors. And they were proud to keep sailing. The only thing needed was a new boat. They'd be sure to hit up Admiral Patton about getting them a new ship after blowing up their old one. And the navy would be more than happy to foot the bill for a new vessel.

In the meanwhile, the SS Farstrider would be put on display as the ship that survived the monster's attack. It was now a national treasure, and for sure the people would do whatever necessary to preserve this treasure, this relic of accomplishment and valor.

So the people, the sailors, and the brothers could hope...

The two sages walked down the road towards Serenity Cove, feeling the sea air wash over them. It hadn't been long since they were called to give a detailed description of why the Bracken Sea Monster became what it was. But the two were more than happy to help enlighten those who were in need of answers. It was clear to them of the disturbance of the forces at play. The fact remained that the monster came out of nowhere and caused terrible havoc and loss of life. And the authorities wanted to get to the bottom of how such a creature could come and cause so much destruction and death.

The sages, one an Alakazam and the other a young Mienshao, walked down he roads towards the cliffside town. They would be sure to answer everyone's questions, should Arceus allow. And it will take quite a while to understand fully the gravity of this situation. So they could hope.

There was a great turmoil on the horizon, though. A great amount of chaos was to come, and the world would need to be prepared to face it. And with that, the sages kept walking down the road to town. There was a lot to discuss and deliberate...

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