Tigerlily's First Day

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#1 of Free Use Tiger

Friendly tiger Lily is a determined young woman hoping to one day travel the world she's born into. It's a shame then she must attend a questionable school with degenerate people that look for any excuse to get off. From strangers to classmates to even her own brother, others seek to rape, mate, or in some way violate her fertile body. Will Lily graduate and find her one true soul mate? Will her attitude on casual sex soften or will she end up being nothing more than holes to be filled? Will she avoid becoming the titular free use tiger? Her troubles start now.

Lily's First Day

In a dimly lit room a shapely tigress removed the tight white bindings she used to suppress her breasts that flopped down against her tight and toned body as she observed her body in the mirror. Lily Tigre was coming off of the high of celebrating her coming of age ceremony last night. The party had left bags under her eyes and she struggled to remain lucid as she sized up herself.

Her breasts would fill a C-cup if she wasn't accustomed to binding them to keep her body primed for combat classes. Lily's large thighs and long legs gave her advantages in dashing and sprinting for the track team and her three-foot long tail was powerful enough to strike people hard enough to send them flying.

Despite her high breedability as her detractors would often tease her, Lily never indulged in pleasures of the flesh. She was a certifiable good girl and had intended to stay that way.

With her claws retracted to protect her clothes from being shredded, Lily pulled a pair of fresh red panties up to cover her unmolested slit and tight anus. Though she dearly desired to stick to her own dress style, she reluctantly raised the skirt that was customary school uniform up over her large buttocks and left it clutching her hips. The matching top was a small white shirt that one could easily see through if it rained and that covered her bare body down to the belly button. Since bindings were banned by the dress code and she owned no good bras, Lily huffed in exhaustion and prepared for the coming struggles.

Her black stockings reached her thighs and had little cat ears on the sides. She didn't wear shoes, letting her paws clack against the hardwood floor as she stretched out and bent her spine to crack the joints.

Her nervousness came from one source. Lily and her two friends were of age now and could no longer attend their old education grounds. In their home country of Furron, there were four schools for adults of their ilk.

The first was the military academy. Lily wasn't one to murder so that was a pass. The second was the academy that would take her out to Seifara, but unfortunately for her, she didn't qualify just yet.

Furron National was the third school operated by the country but that one disavowed leaving the nation under any reason. The trade school pumped out officials, politicians, celebrities, and more. That was also a choice she refused to take.

The last opening was Furron Open, which was where she, Colm, and Vixen would soon attend.

Lily opened her bedroom door to see her brother Venu exit the bathroom while running a towel through his short blond hair that lay between his pristine orange and black striped ears. Her eyes traced the sturdy outline of his toned body. Venu was a track athlete and trained daily to achieve a peak aerodynamic form.

Her attention was naturally drawn to his furry abs, his thick thighs, and the obvious elephant in the room. His feline cock was exposed to the air as he rubbed his hair down and held the towel over his shoulders. Venu traced her line of sight and grinned devilishly at his virginal sister. "One day into your new school and you're already leering at me, huh?"

"N-n-n-n-no!" Lily blushed furiously and thanked Sara, God of the Beastfolk, for gifting her with fur to cover her petty emotional outbursts of embarrassment. "You're the one walking around naked! Like a... like a whore!"

Venu lifted his feline length with one paw and pressed the tip of his clawed digit against some of the small fleshy protrusions that denoted the feline way to mate. "Most people get naked at home, sis."

Lily stumbled for a moment as she became lightheaded from his audaciousness. "Not around family, idiot!" She rushed down the hallway to walk past him and hoped she was strong-willed enough to persevere through whatever teasing he had in store.

"Come on, that's not true. We're both of age now." Venu placed his hand on her back and she shivered from the intent. "You remember when we were kids who didn't know better? You fondled me until I came the first time."

"I hate you." Lily replied in a huffy tone as her fur stood on end. "I loathe you."

Venu pressed his member against her sizeable butt and ground against it. His nubs pressed through the fur against the skin underneath and Lily's entire body heated up from the contact. "I jerked off thinking of you doing it again for years, sis. Want to repeat it for me?"

Lily about-faced and pushed Venu away from her. "If you get your nasty cum on my outfit before I get to school, I'll kill you."

"Oh, you want to save your first stains for your first new mate? I getcha." Venu's endless sexual harassment left Lily exhausted beyond all belief.

The urge to beat him was rising. "I don't have a new mate. I'm just attending it so I can bide my time to go to Seifara's Academy."

Her brother snickered at her and wiped tears off of the sides of his furry face and he followed it by breathing in deeply to take in the morning air. "Furron Open is for training cocksleeves and living dildos, sis. You're not learning to be a pilot like I am."

"It's a general education school, Venu." Lily's amusement was in the negatives and she fought the urge to harm him every second. Her tail flipped back and forth and her predator instincts told her to go for the throat.

Venu approached Lily and displayed his manhood to her as he ran a hand down his ripped body. "You have Advanced Magical Theorems, Introduction to Sex, History of Furron, Sexual Theory, Human Psychology, and Interspecies Intercourse as your first year of college. Explain to me how that sounds like general ed."

"That's just required!" Lily knew what she was technically signing up for. "I didn't want to be stuck in this country my whole life! I want to see the world!"

"You'll see a world of dick before you're done." Venu dropped the pretenses. "I want you." He was right in front of her and she could feel his heavy breathing as she gazed at his bold offer. His paw was gripping his member and he was stroking it firmly and resolutely.

Lily glared up into his green eyes that reflected her angry visage in them. "You don't want a mate. You just want to use me as your personal sex toy."

Venu moaned as he pleasured himself in her presence. "Isn't that a win-win? I relieve myself with my beautiful sister and she gets extra credit for her classes?"

"You're a despicable brother, you know that?" Lily remained steadfast in his pressure. "Absolutely incorrigible."

"I could be worse." Venu threatened with a smile on his face. "Besides, wouldn't you rather lose your virginity to a guy you know?"

"Not. My. Brother." Lily annunciated each word as she pressed a claw to his chest and pushed until he winced.

Venu gave her the horniest look she's seen before and Vixen was a hard one to beat. "Would you rather Father do it?"

That was the end of that conversation. Lily turned to leave but Venu gripped her hair and held her tightly. He held her to his body and she absentmindedly moved to push him off. He correctly assumed she would and moved so her hand would accidentally touch his length instead. Before she could remove it, his hand grabbed hers and he held it to his sticky pre-cum covered barbed cock and gazed longingly into her eyes.

Lily froze still and Venu went on the attack. He pressed his mouth to hers for a kiss like they did when they were young but this time it meant something to him. In a moment she was against the yellow hall wall with her lips firmly crushed against Venu's while he forced her thick paw to grip and stroke his leaking lusting length.

He broke the kiss off and smiled dopily into her eyes as his penis was pleasured by his frantic movements and the usage of her hand. "Can I mate you, Lily?"

"Isn't this enough?" Lily was filled with disgust and shock at his egregious actions. "My paw is soaked."

"Are you?" Venu reached for her skirt but Lily slapped his hand away. He retracted his attack and instead reopened a dialogue with her. "I'm a simple man, Lily. I see a beautiful young woman, and I just have to..." He thrusted into her paws and deftly removed most of his pressure on her wet paw. Her motions didn't slow down at all and his plan to trick her was working.

"Knock them up with your teeny tiny kitty cock?" Lily mocked him and felt her blood pressure rise as he continued leaking onto her hand.

Venu kissed her roughly again and forced his coarse tongue into her mouth. The small barbs on his tongue met with hers and locked it in place for a total oral assault. His breathing was hot and heavy as he fought the need to breed her. He wanted her but he needed her consent to fill her with his kits more.

His throbbing reached an ending as he completely let go of her extended arm. She didn't realize she was giving him a handjob of her own volition until he burst at the seams. A powerful shot of cum slammed into her palm as her brother blasted out a few more smaller loads to coat her fingers in his smelly seed.

Lily held her sticky paw up to eye level and killed Venu with her murderous gaze.

"That was better the second time..." Lily moved to beat him down but their mother Reyla faked a cough from the staircase's top.

Venu's cock twitched again as the excitement of being caught coursed through him. Lily, unable to wipe her hand, awkwardly waved at her mom while her brother's semen dripped down to the floor.

"Breakfast is ready, you two..." She said nothing more and descended the stairs, leaving the two siblings bothered and quite hot.


The wooden dining room table housed their bacon, eggs, sausage, and the tension as Lily seated herself across from her father while Reyla and Venu were sitting on the chairs in between. The father of the household, Calven, picked at his food while running a hand through his mane. The lion father observed his tiger daughter, his tiger wife, and his liger son with not a word to be shared.

Lily worked up the courage to overcome the tension and ask a pertinent question. Her reluctance to speak was amplified by her brother staring at her predatorily, her father leaning back in his chair and stretching his bare torso against the hardened wooden furniture, and her mother's startlingly perky chest pressing against the table whenever she bent down to eat. "Why are you ALL naked?"

"You're of age now, silly." Venu said it first. "We don't have to dress in our own home."

Reyla explained it better. "Furron has rules and laws to keep families from being excessively lecherous." As she leaned back and her breasts flopped as she moved, Venu fucked her in his mind as he stared at her ample breasts.

Calven spoke with a serious tone and a deep booming voice. "They want the kids to be protected. Plus, it's less creepy to them this way in case families do what you two did upstairs."

"Calven!" Reyla playfully hit his shoulder. "They're just exploring!"

"If making me a grandfather is just exploring, I need a day drink." Calven reached for a glass of wine and popped the top off as he chugged the glass in a manner of seconds.

Reyla shook her head at his exasperation. "Oh, calm down. Foreplay is normal for kids their age."

"That wasn't foreplay! I was just being accosted by this idiot! We weren't going to m... to mate!" Lily vehemently defended herself from her mother's lewd assumptions.

The deadpan stare the mother gave to her daughter said every word necessary. "You were stroking him off while you frenched him." Reyla half-regretted stopping them so soon.

Lily's entire body reddened enough to be visible despite the fur. "He tricked me!"

"So if he tricked you into putting his dick in your mouth, you'd shrug and suck him off?" Reyla combatted her assertions.

Lily imagined the scenario despite her own wishes. "I'd be so impressed I might not stop him at first... But no! Never!"

Venu's dick thickened at the thought and he just started playing with himself at the table while musing on what he would do to his mother's rack while she ate.

Reyla loved her children unconditionally but she also had a very strong opinion of the kind of people they were. She knew who she and Calven were. "What would you do if you caught them in the act?"

Calven sipped his coffee to the grounds inside his cup and set it down. "I'd ask my son to share." His attempt at a joke left Venu and Lily speechless.


"If you forget to lock that shower door and I see you naked as your mom on my wedding night, I doubt I could control myself." Calven spoke so casually that he seemed deadly serious about it. "Unless you want a little sibling you best protect yourself."

Lily stood up and sprinted for the front door without looking back. "Going to meet Vixen and Colm for school! Bye, mom! Bye, perverts!"

Out the door she went as she sprinted low to the ground toward the bus that would take her to Furron Open.

"Would you really plow your daughter?" Venu's curiosity peered out into the world.

Calven remained resolute and replied with another query. "Aren't you the freak jerking off to his mother?"

Venu stood up and let out a second load of cum from his kitty knob and sprayed his mother in the tits from the sheer power of his ejaculation. "Oh... I was..." He sighed and asked a single question. "I was just... imagining..."

"I think he was fantasizing about putting his cock between my breasts, honey..." Reyla rubbed her tits together and smeared the semen on them onto her fur. "Our son has tastes just like his father."

The young liger watched his mother, the woman who raised him and who resembled an older Lily, run her paw down her chest. She gathered a small bit of cum with jelly consistency and wiggled it with her finger before licking it off of her dexterous digit.

Venu had a new dream. He would mate them both. Sucked for dad, but sacrifices have to be made for the good of his raging erection.

Venu sprinted upstairs to either fondle himself or call a friend to plow while Calven stood up and moved to the living room. Reyla prayed for her daughter's safe return from school. The tiger Lily would bloom amongst adversity, or so she hoped.

Outside the sun shined down on Lily and reflected off of her orange fur as she strode down the road. The sidewalk was nice and clean thanks to Furron's sufficient caretakers cleaning the streets regularly.

Lily watched equine sprinters run down the empty sidewalks in the heat and canine anthros walking their pets in the nearby pet park. The flowers smelled great as they lined roads down the pristine main street she lived on.

She was nearing the town's smallest sector colloquially known as 'Yiff Town'. The word came from Earth slang but it was effective in saying what it needed to. Yiff Town was a mystery to her but Vixen told stories of her sneaking in.

A text message from her friend alerted her to her intricately designed cell phone and she pulled it out of her shirt pocket and stared blankly at Vixen's message. "Happy to finally be an adult?"

Lily rolled her eyes and reluctantly texted back. "I'm near the edge of Furron Open's sector gate."

"I'll meet you there, girlfriend!" Vixen's text was sent with smiling faces attached at the end. Nothing weird from her.

Another text left her jaw agape. "Thanks for the memories." Venu sent her that written crudely in an editing program layered on top of a photo of him lying down in bed aiming the camera at his cock.

Lily nearly blocked him but an idea came to mind. Instead she saved the file as blackmail and saved it to the last folder she had used. She ignores the message and instead focuses on using it to force him to stop. His friends wouldn't be thinking too highly of him if they knew he sent his sister dick pics.

Venu's next text was less concerning. "Seriously be careful in that part of town, Lily. Never wander away. I don't want people abusing my little sis..." Lily almost smiled at the genuinely thoughtful remark until he replied. "...unless it's me."

A second photo came in and she opened it right as a stranger passed by. Lily panicked and stumbled, dropping her phone and grabbing the screen.

Once the bunny man was far away, she glanced at her screen.

This photo also contained Venu's length as his paw gripped it tightly. A message came after. "Want the last pic I took too?"

Lily saved the second photo as further evidence of his siscon perversions and she messaged him. "Send it my way."

"No comments? Why don't you compliment it before asking for more?"

"I like how it felt in my hands. You have a very photogenic tool." Lily shuddered in disgust as she sent that message.

The last image was Venu's cum-soaked cock as his hand had worked it over quite well. She could see strings of cum between his fingers as his palm was held just above where the sea of white had corrupted his orange and black fur covering his groin. Despite herself she admitted this was a very good camera quality porn shot and saved it to a file labeled 'Personal' instead of the 'Blackmail' one.

Venu's winking emoji was accompanied by one last text. "Be careful when you finger yourself to this later, sis. I want you as pristine as I can get you."

"Yeah, right. I'd fuck my whole school before I let you touch me." Lily's snarky comeback goes unheard or so she thought.

"I like that idea." Lily jumps in terror at the unseen voice and turned to face Vixen in the flesh.

Vixen the eponymous fox girl, straddled the line between whore and slut on a good day as she appeared in her own school outfit. The vulpine girl wore underwear so black it was partially visible through her white uniform and that was on purpose. Vixen didn't have Lily's wide hips or growing bust but she was confident about her tightness as she was wont to brag.

Lily too had reason to fear. Gender didn't matter; all were targets in her conquest-seeking eyes. "I was making a metaphorical comparison, Vixen. I'm not you."

Her bushy tail coiled around Lily as Vixen brought her in for a hug. Vixen absentmindedly pressed her chest against Lily's and let out a sweet little moan as she grabbed Lily's plump rump with extra force. "If I had a dick you'd be having my kits right now!"

"I hope you never learn spells to try that!" Lily sprinted away leaving Vixen to chase her friend through the streets and towards their future school.

Why couldn't she have more friends like Colm?