Cause for Replacement

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A long-after followup to Galarian Pie for Kent Badger to show off his newest pokémon pred, Flint.

Henry's still at the country manor of the band GRRGLE and comes across some of the band watching Hipawball on TV. Not being from Galar, the zigzagoon has no idea what he's watching, but the star striker on one team soon catches his eye...

Contains: Big Round Bellied Pokémorphs, Casual Nudity Setting, Sportsball, Aptophilia, Vore Tattoos, Saggy Foldy Bellies, Accidental Navel Vore, Flustration, Implied Sentient Fat, Casual Predatory Vibes, Voyeuristic Camera Work, Co-ordinated Rescue Attempt, 'Innocent' Teasing, Instant Absorption, Perilous Pudge, Saved by the Bell, Implied Eventual Vore, And Return To The Boys

Pokémon are created by Game Freak and owned by Nintendo

Flint the Cinderace and GRRGLE are FA: Womblesfan 's characters.

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

As Henry had only really gotten a chance to see a couple rooms in the band's manor house the day he arrived, Zaggy insisted on giving him a tour.

If only to keep Tarvis from smugly showing off the gains he'd made of them the night before.

Towards the end of the tour through the house, Zaggy opened the door into a room that contained a few couches along with a wide screen television on the wall. "And here's our lounge. Oh." He paused, looking at the TV.

The other zigzagoon immediately noticed that Kapo and Lanner were on one of the couches, this one forming a semi-barrier separating the room into zones. It was facing the television, and the pair had been watching when the two zigs arrived. When Henry looked up at the TV he realized why Zaggy had paused.

The Galarian 'goon stepped into the lounge, placing his hands on the back of the couch, which required his round belly to squash against it somewhat. "So, who's winning?"

"Uh... what game is this?" Henry asked.

"Hipawball." Tarvis rumbled, suddenly filling the doorway behind the band's guest.

The normal type jumped at the gravelly baritone, stepping aside to let the largest of the pokémon through. "Hyperball?"

Lanner turned his head enough he could peek over his shoulder but was still clearly keeping an eye on the game. "It started out as 'hind paw ball' but you know how pronunciation gets over time..."

Henry perked. "Oh, right... Galar thing." He chuckled, his awkwardness interrupted by an obstagoon belly grazing his shoulder while its owner walked forward to join his bandmates in watching the game. "T-tarvis!"

"Sorry, next time I'll make sure it mooshes against your face." The lead singer winked with a loll of his bright red tongue.

Henry tore his eyes away and moved to stand next to Zaggy while the obstagoon flopped onto one of the couches flat to the wall. "I've never followed it, it's on one of the premium sports channels back in Ronto..."

Zaggy shrugged. "It's one of those things. It's popular in Galar, Kalos, Paldea, but not so much in other regions."

The normal type looked up at the screen again. He wasn't sure what the pokémon were doing, besides kicking a ball around a field with kept grass and chalk lines demarcating the pitch. The stadium seating around told Henry this was a proper league game. On further thought he realized minor league... if that was even the term.... wouldn't get televised... at least not in the middle of the day.

Kapo swallowed what he'd been chewing, digging a handful of little processed shapes out of his bag of snack mix at the same time. "This is a neat match-up, today. Strikers on both teams are cinderaces." He dumped the handful into his mouth and used his tongue to stuff it into his cheek pouch, before continuing. "They practically evolve for this sport."

Henry turned his attention back to the screen. Indeed, there was a shiny cinderace the camera was focusing on. He ran while kicking the ball with his large foot-paws, occasionally sending it to one side for another pokémon on his team to take control of before it was sent back his way.

Then, during one of these passes, a white and red blur barreled in and kicked the ball back. The cameras zoomed out and made what had happened more apparent for a moment. The other cinderace, who was significantly rounder and heftier, had intercepted and sent the ball careening towards the opposite goal. It was too far to make the shot, but certainly changed control to his team, as a pikachu dashed over and kicked it further in that direction.

A fairly short nickit ran to meet the ball on its route. He feinted kicking it one way, but his foot missed it entirely. As the goalie lunged in the direction he had made to kick, the dark type's fat tail grabbed onto the ball. He twirled in place, and the ball soared into the opposite corner of the goal.

"Wait, is that okay?" Henry tilted his head.

"Hmm?" Lanner glanced back at him again.

"He used his tail instead of kicking." The Ronto resident looked unsure.

"Despite the name, it's mostly don't use handpaws, unless you're goalie." Zaggy explained.

Henry, however, had gotten distracted. The camera focused on the three pokémon who had just made that scoring play embracing, and their celebration just accentuated how much larger their striker was than the other two, and his opposite number on the other team. In the short sharp cuts between cameras earlier the normal type hadn't gotten a good look at him.

"That's Flint." Lanner explained. "Best striker in the league if you ask me."

Henry didn't respond, staring at the screen. In addition to his pear-shaped figure making his powerful legs appear soft and cuddly, his belly sagged in such a way that caused a V-shaped crease, angle meeting at his deep looking navel. The nickit on his team's face was the same height as the crevice, and the pikachu made it up to his chest.

"Figured you'd be interested in him." Zaggy chuckled, giving his fellow zig a nudge with his elbow.

Huffing, the Ronto pokémon glanced over at the ravenous guitarist. "What makes you say that?"

The Galarian zigzagoon chuckled and pointed at the screen. "Watch."

Henry returned his attention to the screen. While the camera focused on their celebratory embrace, the normal type also noticed a series of pokémon's faces printed into the light cream fur of that folded belly. A blush rushed up his cheeks as the realized that like the band and that baker in town, this hipawballer was a predator. He wondered just when Flint had indulged, if they were showing up on him during a game...


After the celebration, Flint and his team returned to their ready positions. The referee brought the ball to the center line, setting it on the little circle that made up the pokéball symbol on the grass' button at the middle of the pitch.

The opposing striker walked up to the edge of the larger circle, bouncing on the balls of his large paws. He looked at Flint carefully. While he was a shiny, that didn't give him much edge against the ventripotent powerhouse he was up against.

The ref got out of the way, then blew his whistle.

In a blur, the two fire types lurched forward. The orange and grey figure twisted nimbly on his feet and kicked off to one side sharply. One of his teammates, an alolan rapidash, took control of the ball. His hooves dribbled the ball as he ran towards the opposing team's goal.

The nickit ran past quickly.

The rapidash stumbled as he went to kick a ball that was no longer there. Turning to look, the dark type did a front flip, the grasping parts of his tail releasing the ball in a high arc back towards his own team.

At that moment, the pikachu launched up in the air on a current of lightning. He headbutted the ball back towards the red and white cinderace.

The shiny had watched this whole exchange, having reversed direction to follow the new path each time. He had his opposite number in his sights, bolting so fast that steam rose from the grass in his wake. His eyes were on the prize, nothing could stop him from intercepting that ball.

Except a small divot in the pitch left from a previous lunging play earlier in the game. The cinderace tripped at full speed. Before he could even react to this, the roar of the crowd and the rushing of air was suddenly muffled. Darkness surrounded him, along with a plush, soft furred surface coating his entire body above the knees. His footpaws dangled in the air in his new position, not nearly as restricted as the rest of him.


On the TV, the broadcasters did an instant replay in slow motion. The shiny cinderace tripped. At the same time, Flint turned towards him, seeming to hear him coming. The accidental dive connected with the fatter bunny's belly. Rather than bouncing off or sending the star player sprawling from impact, the opposing striker sank straight in.

Henry estimated that with how little the shiny's body protruded from that gut, his navel must have some special property... he was coming to learn most predators had something, like Zaggy's Lick...

The zigzagoon in question grinned. "Yeah, with that happening pretty often, we all figured you'd like Flint."

"W-well, you're not wrong..." He fidgeted in place, attention drawn back to the pair of shins dangling out of the bunny's gut.


Inside of Flint's navel, the shiny huffed in frustration. What had happened became clear all at once, upon hearing the surprised gasp that came from Flint overhead. It was also something he'd been thinking of maybe trying out with his opponent off the pitch, after the game, honestly. The fat bunny had a reputation of being welcoming and soft, filling up on fans before games as much as opposing players during them.

The buried pokémon wiggled his legs with a blush. His team needed him! He couldn't be eliminated as pudge for the rest of the game...

Flint had made no attempt to tug on his opponent's ankles, and in fact had started playing again, if the wobbling surrounding the buried player was any indication, along with the air rushing across his pawpads.

The motion was jostling him, but every wobble and bounce caused the soft warmth to creep towards his ankles, even more so when the shiny moved to try to struggle! Part of him thought it was a matter of time before he ended up on Flint's belly as a smiling face, given the other striker's reputation.


"Everyone pulled into Flint's navel like that," Kapo explained casually between munches on his cheek-full of mix. "Normally they wake up at his burrow, all ready to go for another game."

"That's good." Henry blushed, his eyes still focused on the screen. Picture-in-picture kept showing repeat footage of a close-up on the striker's wiggly feet visibly sinking a couple inches into that soft navel while the action continued on the main frame. He wondered how, in his particular interests, he hadn't heard anyone talk about Flint...? Was it just because Ronto pokémon don't follow Hipawball?

"But after this trick became well known enough, they built a new wing at their home stadium." Kapo continued. "So that his rivals don't have to make an extra trip from Flint's home, they just wake up there."


A boltund paused between plays. Another goal past their team since the striker fell into Flint's belly. He watched the legs limply sticking out, just the ankles exposed now, and the footpaws beyond.

The team's coach was sending out the second-string Striker. This was common in games against Flint. Easier to send out a replacement than try to retrieve a player not yet fully processed. But the backup striker was backup for a reason. The canine frowned, then gestured to the rapidash, flagging him over.

"What's up?" The equine bounced on his hooves a bit as he got into easy talking range.

"We gotta get him out of there before he's 'benched' the rest of the match." The boltund growled.

The fairy type looked over to Flint where he was standing ready for the next kick. The shiny cinderace's feet were forming a divot beneath the navel in the soft, folded belly as the legs they were attached to noticeably sank deeper. The equine stared openly, a blush starting to raise to his cheeks.

"Focus." The canid barked.

Meanwhile, while the refs were still in discussion on the sidelines, the pikachu huddled up beside Flint. "Hey big guy, did you even feel that one fall in?"

Giggling, the chubby bunny groped his softness on either side of the protruding feet. "Well, he's so skinny I didn't notice until he got to wriggling! And he's not slowing me down at all." He winked.

The nickit joined from the other side, bouncing a little in place. "It's a miracle none of us are stamping your tummy yet, with such a large target to fall into~"

Flint grinned down at the dark type. "Well, if anyone wants to get tucked away, I'd be more than happy to stow them~" He teased back.

The vulpine blushed deeply, clearing his throat and retreating back towards his starting position.

At the same time, the electric type snickered squeakily, bounding back to his own position.

Back at the other team, the rapidash sighed and rubbed his blunt fingers through his mane near his horn. "All I can think of is grabbing his ankles and yanking him free."

"To do that," The boltund replied, "We'd need the rest of the team running interference to get Flint where we want him."

"Got nothing to lose on that." The equine pokémon chuckled nervously. "I'll go tell the others."

"Wait." The electric type held a paw out. "There sure is something to lose: Both of us."

"What?" The rapidash turned back to his teammate on one hoof.

"Last time I tried tugging someone out of Flint I got dragged in with them." The canine crossed his arms with a sour expression.

Blush roaring to the surface of the fairy type's face, the rapidash nearly blurted out. "What was it like?"

Seeming either to not notice or ignore his teammate's fluster, the boltund leaned his head back with a low sigh. "Once I was stamped, it was like riding a roller coaster made of jelly. No matter how many 'mons he adds to his gut, nothing slows him down." A blush was adorning his own face when he looked back to the rapidash.

The equine swallowed nervously, blush still in place. "So... I'm gonna go tell the team about the plan..."

Blushing a little deeper, the canine nodded. "Can't just let Flint take our best player without a fight. We'll never win the match if he gets stamped." Both could tell, however, that this was approaching justification for putting themselves in pudgy peril, no matter how true the statement was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By the time the refs had finished deliberations and the second-string striker was in position, the whole team was on board. A sharp whistle from one official signaled play resuming. As expected, Flint kicked the ball past the rapidash, sending the pikachu dashing forward with sparks in his wake to catch up and keep it going towards the goal.

Unlike what was expected, however, was that the opposing team wasn't going for the ball. They were keeping Flint from following it. Careful positioning corralled the chubby cinderace to the boundary line of the pitch.

As the swift bunny paused, looking past the opposing team, the conspiratorial duo struck.

Hooves and paws grasping onto the exposed feet, the two pokémon pulled, putting their weight into it.

Flint perked. "Ohhhh. I was wondering why no one was going for the ball..."

The rapidash and boltund blushed at how casually the hefty striker regarded their attempts, especially with how neither of them made any headway in pulling their own striker free. Both pokémon needed to adjust their grip, releasing tension from the pull to do so.

It was at that moment that the fat cinderace's navel mirrored their force inward. Both grey and orange paws vanished into the depths of the tummy's fold.

The two 'mons gasped, their hands suddenly buried in the soft fuzzy embrace of the belly button. They tugged, thinking that the powerful grip was due to how much of the shiny cinderace was being held. There was no change in how impossible it was to resist that hold.

"Huh... I've never taken two at once, just subsequently. Remember that?" Flint casually eyed the boltund. Despite the teasing tone, his expression was one of mere curiosity. "I'm sure I can handle you two though... Gosh, then you'll be more players down... I don't see anyone else on the bench, either!"

As he spoke, the grey and orange face of the shiny bunny appeared beside the other faces stamped onto his off-white tummy, above the fold.

While the two players were stunned by this sight and the words associated, the navel gave another greedy yank. The rapidash and the boltund had to bend over at the hips, their faces getting pressed against the upper curve of that soft belly as their arms sank inward.

Spreading his arms at the elbow as best he could, the fairy type tried to stretch the powerful navel to make some slack. His wrists remained pinned together, however. All he accomplished was shoving the roll of fat his face had been against up.

The pudge plopped down atop his snout, forcing his head between his arms, making the rapidash more streamlined... His eyes were focused ahead. Light didn't seem to escape that pit. Nothing could... the only way out was through... He trembled.

The boltund was treated to the same sight, tugging one hand then the other to try to shimmy them past one another. And still they sank deeper.

The stadium's klaxon announced a score had been made.

Abruptly, both pokémon were released, falling back onto the grass hard.

Flint giggled. "Awww... so close." He winked and started back towards starting position.

The pikachu giggled as he ran back towards their team's side of the field. "We were just watching you go for a bit. Only the goalie was there to stop us from making the goal."

A quick look about told Flint that the entire opposite team had been watching as well, before his gaze fell to the two defeated players on the grass, both blushing deeply. He grinned and cupped a paw to his mouth. "If you'd like, you two can try your luck again after the match!"

This seemed to snap both of them to attention, scrambling to get back to their feet. And it didn't go unnoticed to the star striker that they were both nodding, seemingly uncontrollably.

"Good on ya." He giggled and took up his position for the next kickoff.


"How often does he pull off that trick?" Henry was blushing as well. The cameras had hardly focused on the ball at all that last play, preferring to show the audience at home the tummy drama that was unfolding.

"Practically common knowledge in the league." Tarvis commented from the other couch. "Some teams, when they lose, ask Flint to take all of them as a reward. Show off his defeated foes on his belly." The obstagoon chuckled, patting over his own round belly as he spoke.

The linoone seated in front of Zaggy and Henry turned his head to look back at the pair of zigs. "Plus, you got the fans begging to be a pre-game 'fuel boost' at certain stadiums."

Kapo snickered. "A whole new way to experience the game."

Henry was too flustered to respond to any of these statements, turning his attention back to the game.

It was unsurprising that Flint's team was already making another goal. The chubby bunny received a pass from his nickit teammate and did a perfect backflip to send it flying past the goalie. He landed with a hefty wobble and stood upright. The dark type and the rest of his team crowded him and lifted him up, their grips pushing his soft belly up and forward.

And, as one might expect considering how the camera behaved the rest of the game, the television screen was filled with a close-up of that tummy. "You know, it really is rare to see Flint's belly this bare this far into a match. Nearly to the end and there's a lot of free real estate." The commentator was saying over the footage.

Kapo snapped his chubby fingers in front of Henry's face.

The normal type jumped, blushing deeply.

The morpeko grinned, cheeks still stuffed full. "Would you like to see Flint in action? Live and at the stadium instead of through a TV?"

Henry stammered. "Oh I... I ah... that would be very nice, I think, yeah..."

Kapo giggled. "We know most of the organizers at the stadiums from playing them. I'd be happy to take you and Zaggy to a game."

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