The Broken Heart

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So, I wrote this because the relationship I had crashed, and it took this long to write out my feelings finally.

The Broken Heart

Why did you leave me alone? What did I do to deserve this loneliness? I waited nearly two years for you. We seemed happy together. Where did it fall apart? I was going to marry you. You were the only one I cared about in this stupid world. The fucked up part is that I still care for you. So, why did you leave me alone? Why did you break my heart?

I wanted nothing from you except love. It was just the two of us. Side by side, taking on the world together. But now, I know love is a fantasy. It is just a cheap trick that nature plays on us to get us to reproduce. For those who find true love, I envy you. You have indulged in that fantasy until it became real. Perhaps, I am meant to be alone. It would not surprise me. The tragic part is that I have accepted it. The only thing I can do is try to enjoy what life I have left and pray that death will take me in my sleep. No, I am not suicidal. I'm not ready for death yet.

However, knowing true love, it is a concept that will forever be foreign to me. Perhaps in another time and place. For now, it is just me alone, where you left me. I must be strong because I still have a life ahead of me. But true love? It may be real for some, but for me, it only exists in my dreams. My broken heart cannot take the pain anymore. I will be civilized. I may even laugh and joke. But know that you broke my heart. It is in a thousand different pieces, and though I am strong, it is unrepairable.

I am beyond the tears. They stain my face no longer. I would wish for something better, but again it is just a fantasy. To have something real. Something tangible and able to take you into their arms way late at night. Someone who will never let you down. Someone will always be your friend and keep you accountable. I don't think that person exists for me. I wish you nothing but the best in the life you have chosen. I hope you find true happiness. But for me, my chest aches. I am a victim of The Broken Heart.