Day One

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#16 of Only Crystal

The plague spread across Sinnoh and wiped out a majority of its population in less than a year. A teenager who has yet to contract the virus, along with his espeon, must survive in an increasingly dangerous region. With only his pokémon to keep him company, he soon can't help but feel differently about her.


Existing; complete stories: 'Midnight.' (Male umbreon x fem trainer.) 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)

^ Excluding 'Midnight,' all three existing works take place in the same universe.

Crystal opened her eyes to sunlight hitting the curtains. She woke up under the blanket and saw Ray nowhere in sight upon lifting her head, yawning.

This was the first time she didn't have to worry about whether he was okay. Still, she was curious. Crystal hopped down and stretched while walking to the living room, figuring Ray was out in the base upon looking around the house and seeing no sign of him.

While she was checking the restroom, she heard the front door open and looked in the direction with erect ears, trotting over.

"Hey, I didn't want to wake you. Seemed like you needed sleep." Ray pushed the door closed with his boot since a box was in his hands. "Cafeteria gave me waters and stuff we can put in the fridge. I got two new outfits too. They're generic, but I'm not complaining. I'll shower and put one on." He found out from an employee he talked to that the base gets their water from rain and lakes around the region and filtered it, ensuring to test multiple times to ensure no traces of the virus were present.

Crystal sat and watched him set the box on the kitchen counter, the items in their refrigerator, then walk toward the restroom. "Espeh!" But she didn't want to sit inside all day. It's what half their current life had been, and civilization was right outside the door.

"What?" Ray turned and saw Crystal sitting by the front door. He wasn't sure how he felt about her exploring on her own, but it could be his protectiveness from when they were out in the open. If there was a time to loosen up and let her experience a sense of normalcy, now would be perfect. Ray walked and opened the door. "Just... don't go too far, alright? I'll be with you after I shower."

Crystal nodded and stepped onto the porch. It felt so refreshing to see people and scattered pokémon traverse the sidewalks. However, she didn't have much urge to interact with them. She'd have difficulty after months spent without any and wouldn't be given enough time to get over it.

Crystal walked down the steps and onto the pavement. All she had to do was not wander far as Ray told her, which she'd keep in mind. She looked from left to right multiple times and decided to go west, beginning her short journey through the base. Crystal caught whiffs of food, saw many stands selling drinks and other items, and not a single infected to disturb the peace.

The sight made her grin. This brought her back to a functioning society. As long as she didn't think of what it was like everywhere else in Sinnoh, Crystal could adequately enjoy this. Her journey took her south as she blindly followed what caught her eyes and nose.

After several minutes of walking, she noticed something in her peripheral vision and looked to her far left. Crystal saw a familiar face leaving a building with a luxray and two others. She recalled Ray walking with that person to that very structure when they were done being tested. Could that be Jenna? She was in a white tee and pants.

Crystal walked closer out of curiosity but stopped after the luxray noticed her. Its gaze was intimidating, and she didn't want to get into an avoidable situation Ray would have to deal with anyway, so she turned around and sniffed the air, smelling more food. That had to be meat, something she hadn't had for as long as she could remember. Crystal swayed her tail, following the scent within the base.

It didn't take long to reach the source. She stopped after almost a minute of trotting and wore a smug expression. Crystal took pride in her sense of smell.

Now for the hard part.

It was coming from inside the building ahead of her, which was likely a restaurant. She approached the open front door and saw a young brunette woman in a formal blue and white outfit talking to a couple behind a stanchion belt, seeing the woman glance at her before taking the couple to seat them.

Crystal may as well leave. She couldn't order for herself-- well, she could in theory, but it'd be weird and challenging even so. It wasn't like she could pay either. As Crystal began turning around, she heard a voice.

"Hey, you."

Crystal looked up at the hostess she'd just seen as she knelt in front of her. Oh no. She'd just avoided a situation that could involve Ray and now threw herself into another.

"Are you lost?" she asked. The woman hadn't seen an espeon on these grounds. Did it sneak into the base by chance?

She stared at her. Not as far as she knew, but Crystal may have wandered a bit farther than she was supposed to. Maybe her excitement carried her away.


"Pi..." Crystal flattened her ears and looked back to see Ray walking toward her. She noticed that he was in new jeans and a gray shirt at a glance. Crystal hoped she wasn't in trouble.

"Oh, is this your pokémon?" The hostess stood.

"Yeah, I'm guessing she sniffed this out. What is this?" Ray asked while eyeing the building.

"Oh, it's the base's restaurant, our only one."

It wouldn't hurt to relive that experience with Crystal. They'd gone to plenty of diners when they visited cities. "How much would it cost to eat here?"

She smiled. "I could tell you two were new. We still use pokédollars on the base for certain things, but to dine here is free of charge. The catch is that we aren't open that often. We have enough uncontaminated resources to stay open for almost a week straight, surprisingly. Usually, you wouldn't be able to get a seat. There's only an hour wait as of now."

Their luck hadn't run out yet, it seemed. The money Ray had carried was in his backpack. "We'll wait."

He gave her his name to put down and walked away with Crystal for now. She'd grab him when it was time. "Eager to explore, huh?"

She nodded sheepishly. Crystal didn't notice until now and didn't intend to disobey.

"I get it, and you found a nice spot." Ray had assumed Crystal would lose herself here, which is why he'd taken the quickest shower he ever had. It warmed him that he could give her a taste of what she knew, as it may be the last time he could.

Crystal perked and swayed her tail. Ray rarely chewed her out and hadn't since last year when she knocked over and broke the TV on his dresser. She'd heard something outside and wanted to get a closer look out the window, but she deserved that scolding and never went near the dresser again afterward.

"We'll be out here for a while, so why don't we see what else is around to pass the time?" Ray would make sure they stayed in the general area so they didn't miss their call.

"Pi!" Crystal was on board. That'd be wonderful. Today was the best she'd had in a long time already, and she couldn't wait for it to improve further.