I'm going to...
Sex with underage character and adult character, bla bla bla. I haven't uploaded anything in a while but here is a badly written quick little thing that has nothing to do with the Doberman.
A tall lithe figure stood underneath a lamppost. The warm summer air hitting his fur as he waited impatiently. Turning you saw the face a bear cub swift pass the light. His young boyish face looking worried in the dark night. Around him was nothing much of interest. Another lamppost a while down the unpaved road, loose stone supporting the very few cars that travelled by him. He was waiting by the side of the road across the street from an unpaved parking spot for cars that needed to stop. He wiggled his sore toes in his converse sneakers and looked across the street into the darkness. The parking spot wasn't very big but it was definitely enough. Large stones surround the border of the spot as it hits a field. A single lamppost a good distance away in that field shows the hint of a trail and a picnic table. He sighed and swung back and forth on his tired heels wanting desperatly to sit. The only thing keeping him standing was the greater desperation in his light blue pajama pants. Looking down at his erection he stifled the urge to pull himself out of the pants adorned with pictures of Mario and Bowser and jack off right there. He knew no one would see which is why he chose this spot. Nothing ever happened around here but that in itself could be an advantage. His small paw reached down as he started to rub his member. He closed his eyes and sighed, the tension in his chest cluttering his exhale into an uneasy release. The sound of a car coming jarred him and he let go of his bulge his heart pounding furiously. It drove right past him and down the road the piece of road it lit up always lying ahead of it.
"Damnit!..." The cub hung his head and ran his paws through his headfur. He sighed again and looked down at his Halo T-shirt. It had a ketchup stain on the right side from dinner. Looking up he realized he was slouching and straightened himself up, standing at full attention at a height of five feet four inches. Smiling in confidence at his recent knowledge of his new height he began to go over the emails again in his mind just to make sure that he was supposed to be here.
"Gamer Boi looking for Kinky Daddy
Boi looking for Kinky Daddy I want to meet up somewere and play. Must be into some kink the more the better. Looking for someone older, with a nice big gut who isn't afraid to be dirty. someone who can ignore taking a shower for a while and stay in the same clothes. i want someone BIG who I can play around with. If you want to know more email me with your stats and a picture and ill reply with mine let me know what you want to do and we can set up were we can do it.
~GamerBoiShOrTtAiL "
A large dark umber paw swung a burger to his mouth. With a sloppy chewing noise now filling the inside of the vehicle he contemplated having another one after this since he was getting pretty full. Ketchup and mayonnaise dripped down from the fast food mound and dribbled onto his deeply stained wifebeater. With one hand on the wheel the fat bear put down his burger and lifted up his two liter bottle of pepsi. With a swift chug he drank the last of it and belched, throwing the empty bottle down onto the pile with the two other empty ones. God he had to piss like a monster. He didn't care if he pissed in these clothes but he was supposed to be holding it. Actually pissing in these clothes might do them some good. They were rank. He had been wearing the wifebeater and the underwear for about two and a half weeks now and though they were white at one point, they weren't white now. Reaching down to the passengers seat he scrolled his large finger across the mouse pad of his laptop to get the screen to light back up. He was going to need to keep from thinking about peeing for a while. With a few clicks and a little multitasking he opened up the conversation he had had a couple weeks ago.
MassiveDaddy36: "Hey I saw your ad. I won't send a pic just yet but I think I'm interested, What are you into?"
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "no its easier for you to tell me what your into"
MassiveDaddy36: "Really, I'm into everything you can imagine Boi."
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "what are your statz?"
MassiveDaddy36: " 6' 3" 255 pounds I'm a dark brown bear with black eyes and the rest is a surprise."
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "cool so do you want my statz?"
MassiveDaddy36: "If you want to meet up somewhere where I can piss down your throat and tear apart your ass until I'm satisfied then I don't care."
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "AWESOME! can i ask you a favour?"
MassiveDaddy36: "What's that Boi?"
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "can you wear the same clothes till we meet, like sleep in them, drive in them, jack off in them, do whatever you want but don't take em off."
MassivDaddy36: " Oooh a Grungy boi, I'll do ya one better. How about Daddy doesn't shower until we meet? That way Daddy's clothes will get even more rancid and his little boi can clean him up when he gets there, What do ya say?"
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: " YES!"
MassiveDaddy36: "Yes what?"
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "yes daddy, please don't shower daddy"
MassiveDaddy36: "Why not, tell Daddy why he shouldn't shower."
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "i wanna clean you up daddy i wanna be your shower i wanna lap up that unclean gut of yours and suck you clean"
MassiveDaddy36: "Dirty boi, maybe Daddy will give you a nice golden shower to clean you up when he gets there."
Looking up he saw a sign warning about a couple country roads that split off the highway. Sighing he scrolled down and looked at the end of the conversation.
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "yes CR-65 it should be a little road off the highway there are signs warning you about it so its easy to find if your looking for it, you sure you dont want my statz?"
MassiveDaddy36: "Okay got it I'll be there on the 15th, probably around nine or ten pm and I'm pulling into a parking lot?"
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "sorta you'll see it just get on the road ill be waiting across the street under a lampost K?"
MassiveDaddy36: "Okay, you could just give me your phone number."
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "no i told you i cant do that you sure you wont bail out on me?"
MassiveDaddy36: "If I'm driving that far I'm having sex, I don't care what you look like. Got it?"
GamerBoiShOrTtAiL: "K see you then"
Sitting cross legged under the lampost the cub heard something. The sound of a large truck. Quickly he swung around grabbing the base of the post and looked down the road. Intermittently between flashes of street lights he saw a massive sixteen wheel truck with a red front. Dropping his head in disappointment he turned around again and looked the other way. However the truck did not pass him in an aggresive breeze like he thought it would, turning around he saw it was slowing down. His heart stopped for a moment as the truck stopped in the road. Bewildered and terrified he stood up and walked into the street a little. From there he pointed into the parking lot to make sure the trucker knew where it was.
The big bear raised an eyebrow and shrugged, this guy was really short. It didn't matter, he was more focused on trying to make this turn. With a wide movement the truck slowly turned into the parking lot taking up about half of it. His large eyes checked the rear view to see if he was going to be able to park here. With another few minutes of turning he parked, just fitting in the space his grill almost touching the large boulder in front of him. He sighed and chuckled and opened another two liter and began to drink anticipating his bathroom break almost more than the sex.
The cub gulped and walked forward. Maybe this was a bad idea? No. He had done this before, just never in the open and never with a trucker. The idea alone making his bad judgment grow tenting his pants once again. With a deep sporadic breath the cub walked forward across the street. Placing his paw on the side of the truck he dragged it along the side of it, the cool metal roughly caressing his soft paw. Reaching the front he took another breath and knocked on the door. After some shuffling he heard the sound of a locking mechanism moving.
The massive ursine opened the door and looked out, his car light the only reliable source on the dark night. He sat as if he was driving, facing forward, pepsi bottle in his hand until he saw a cub in orange brown fur walk into the light. For a moment they just looked at each other. Each looking at what they had gotten themselves into. The bear stayed with the same blank glare. A fucking kid, great. If there were cops nearby he was going to just kill himself then and there, when did kids start using the internet like this. Aggravated air escaped his nose and he took another swig of his soda, the undying pressure in his groin and stomach increasing with the stress. Pulling the bottle away some soda poured onto his chin and chest, once again staining the wifebeater that was between his red overshirt. Looking back he saw the boy but this time instead of a scared kid he saw a boy biting his lower lip with upper teeth showing and a bulge in his pajamas. Breathing through his nose again he turned a little bit towards the boy.
"You sure you wanna do this boy?" The cub nodded furiously never breaking eye contact. "Fine." With a creak and considerable amount of force the large bear stood up and turned down. Slowly plomping down the stairs to the ground. The cub watched as the truckers large fat ass bounced in his stained jeans. The cub's eyes fluttered a bit as he got a whiff of the bear's developed musk. The bear turned around to face the boy and they looked each other down.
"Now you're going to call me Daddy and do as I say. I'm going to call you Pepsi because that's what I've been drinking for the last few hours in abundance and you're going to be drinking my version of pepsi straight from the tap, got it?" Pepsi nodded his head and started to breath heavily. Daddy then grabbed his tiny face in his large paw and reached down enforcing his large sticky tongue into the cub's mouth. Pulling away a glob of spit stretched between them and landed on the cub's chin. Daddy then undid his leather belt and unzipped his pants, leaving them buttoned. Slipping his paw in he wriggled his balls and cock free of his underwear. Smells of musk, piss and cum permeated the air intoxicating Pepsi as he watched the massive amount of meat that was freed from the jeans. Daddy grabbed his mostly flaccid penis with his paw, gripping as much of his massive member as he could.
"Okay Pepsi get down on your knees, put your hands behind your back and open your mouth."
"But there are pebbles he-" "I don't care! Do as I say get down and open wide!" Placing a lumbering paw on Pepsi's should Daddy guided him down. Down on his knees Pepsi took a big whiff of the trucker his manly odor filling the cub's nose. "Hands behind your back!" Like lightning Pepsi shot his hands behind himself and clasped them together. A paw moved the boy's face so he was looking up at the bear and Daddy looked down. "You're going to drink as I tell you to for as long as I tell you to, understood?" Pepsi shook his head slowly and Daddy grabbed his headfur. Then he widened his stance a little bit and moved closer in aiming the tip of his uncut penis inbetween the cub's eyes. "Close your eyes boi." Pepsi closed his eyes as tightly as possible and Daddy tilted his head back and began to piss like he had never pissed in his life. Hot, rancid, yellow piss covered the cub's face with enough pressure in the stream to clean someone's wooden porch. The foul smelling liquid soaked into Pepsi's fur and quickly ran down to soak his T-shirt and once light blue pajama pants. Tightening his grip on the cub's headfur Daddy pulled Pepsi's head closer and up a little bit so that his foreskin was brushing against Pepsi's soft lips. "Open Boi." Pepsi opened his mouth and it was flooded with warm salty liquid. It wasn't like drinking his own clear pee at all, this was so rancid. As Pepsi's pants grew tighter and wetter he felt the bear above him move closer in placing the tip and first inch of his large heavy piss tap into the cub's mouth. "Now close your lips and start drinking." Pepsi closed his lips and tried to keep up. The relentless force not allowing him time to think about what he was doing. "If any slips outta that mouth Pepsi you're going to be lapping it off the stones." Glaring down with a smile Daddy put both paws on the cub's head and thrusted in a little bit. He could feel that he was starting to get hard the small warm mouth only fitting in about four inches and he could already tell his stream was washing the back of the boy's throat. Pepsi was frantically drinking, gulp after gulp, trying to keep up. He could feel the stream dying down but he needed to breath. He tried to pull his head away but the hands behind him forced him down. Quickly he put his hands on the bear's round knees and pushed. Daddy knew that he was at the end anyway, this kid was good. Still just for fun he gripped the boy's head and thrusted as far as he could while still pissing. Then he let go and Pepsi gagged on the intrusion and the liquid and gasped for air. With his head down and breathing heavily Pepsi's ass and back were coated in the last bit of ursine piss that the trucker had in him.
"Good boi Pepsi. Now wait right there." Daddy went back into his truck and grabbed a gym bag. Hopping back down he looked at Pepsi. "You okay?" Pepsi shook his head yes and stood up to look at the fat bear. With one paw holding the bag and another gesturing towards the cub Daddy said, "lead the way." Pepsi rubbed his soaked face with his paw and turned towards the trail. Walking down Pepsi belched a couple times and rubbed his stomach making the larger ursine chuckle. Soon they reached a little pavilion with a picnic bench and table. Daddy threw his bag down on the table and sat on the bench. He took off his red overshirt to reveal his massive hairy arms and a pale yellow and red, crusted wifebeater.
"Okay Pepsi I gave you a shower, time for mine." Daddy lifted his arm to reveal a sweat soaked arm pit, a few shades darker than his other fur. Pepsi slunked towards him and breathed the smell in, the pure maleness pulling his face into the bear's armpit. Pepsi began to frantically lick, slothering his tongue across the area, suckling the salty sweat out of Daddy's fur. "Oh good boy!" Daddy put a paw on the back of the boy's head then moved it down his shoulder. With a wet slide down the cub's back he barely reached the top of his butt and smacked it gripping it tightly. "How about the other one?" Daddy lifted his other arm to reveal another sweat drenched pit that the cub immediately attacked, once again slurping as much out of the fur as he was putting in. Whilst the cub sucked on Daddy's other pit he used his other paw to open the gym bag. Unbeknownst to the cub he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and laid them on his round knee. "Put your hands behind your back for me." Pepsi did so without a second thought and the trucker opened one side of the handcuffs and slapped it closed on one of the tiny paws. Pepsi stopped but just in time for the other to close down binding his paws behind his back. The cub looked at Daddy confused.
"Who said you could stop, that's it." Daddy then grabbed Pepsi by the shoulders and bent the cub over his lap. "Sit there." Then he reached in his bag and pulled out a ball gag. Pepsi was hard as stone as he waited patiently when Daddy figured out that the ball gag was to big for a cub. "Get up" Daddy helped up Pepsi, "On the table." Pepsi slithered onto the table unable to fully lift himself. Daddy helped him up and Pepsi adjusted himself so that he was laying on his stomach, trying not to press his erection into the hard table, with his butt facing the bear. The bear stripped off his shoes, pants and underwear and grabbed his tighty (not very) whities that he had been wearing. They were yellow and encrusted with track stains in the back. Hacking as much spit as he could he tried to soak the crust a little bit. Daddy grabbed a little bit of rope from his bag and went around to Pepsi's face. "Open your mouth." Pepsi did so and a clumsy paw filled the cub's small mouth with the raunchy underwear. From there Daddy rapped the rope around the cub's head a few times and tied it behind his head so that the cub could get a real taste of him. Pepsi whined a bit through the fabric as Daddy walked around the table. "Quiet you!" Thwap! A hard smack on wet pants as Daddy spanked Pepsi's ass. Pepsi moaned a little bit and Daddy got around the table completely. He reached out for Pepsi's waist and pulled down the soaked green-ish pajama pants maneuvering over the cub's erection and knees in turn. Reaching under Daddy grabbed the little cubhood, balls and all, and gripped pulling them back making the boy lift his butt. "Look what we have here, someone's gotten hard without permission." Smack! Pepsi's eyes teared as his little balls were swatted by the large ursine dominating him. "I heard a moan." Smack! "Unnnggh!" Daddy kept his paw were it was this time in its post swatting state. "I heard a moan again." Crick! "UUUNnngh!" The back of the bear's claws smacked against the tender balls causing tears to roll down the cub's face. Daddy sighed and grabbed another piece of rope, this time encircling the cub's penis and balls as tightly as he could. This caused Pepsi's erection to harden and as Daddy tied up his balls he got them into tightly wound separate little bundles almost ready to burst from the taught skin. "unnnnnnnnngggghhh" Daddy pulled his paw back and smacked the boy's ass as hard as he could. "UUUnnnngh!" He pulled back and smacked again this time gripping the ass meat in his hands. "UUUUUUUngh!" Letting go of the cub's package Daddy reached for his bag and dumped it on the table. Pepsi heard some commotion but was mostly just glad that the spanking was over.
Soon he felt something slick on his backside. Then a small tube was inserted into his rectum. He could feel it slowly travel in him and he cooed a bit at it. Soon his delight turned into confusion as a warm liquid filled his rear end. Pepsi tried to turn his head but couldn't see anything behind him. "Gooooooooood Boi, Pepsi, hehehe" His stomach started to feel full and he wasn't sure he could take much more. "There all done, just wanted to finish that." A bottle was thrown over him and Pepsi heard the sound of empty plastic hit the ground. Soon the tube was drawn out of him and he once again felt a slick glumpy fluid on his tailhole. With an alarming speed something was shoved in his ass all at once. "Uuiinghh." The small butt plug fit in nicely and kept Pepsi from pushing out the soda in his ass. "Now about that moaning, I don't know how old you are but I'm going to guess about twelve or thirteen, plus six moans equals about twenty more, sounds good."
"Huunngh?" Daddy pulled back and smacked Pepsi with a wooden paddle, pushing the buttplug in a little bit. "UUUnnnnGH!"
"There we go only nineteen more." Daddy pulled back again and swung harder, the hard wood slapping the cub's wet ass. "UUUnnnGH!" Two. "UUUNnnnggh!" Three. "UUNNNgH!" Four. Pepsi couldn't keep track anymore, tears rolled down his face each time another smack came down on his now tender ass. Again and again Daddy smacked Pepsi harder and harder. Until finally he was using all his strength. Nineteen! "UNNNNNGH!" Daddy swung back and gripped the paddle with both hands and brought it down on the tender rump. "Twenty!" "UUUUNNNNNNNGGGHH!! unnngh unnngh!" Daddy realized with what force he had just done that and looked down to see the boy not only still hard but his cock was dribbling a little. Kinky bastard. Reaching down Daddy flipped Pepsi over onto his back.
"Good boy, Good boy. You ready to continue Daddy's shower?" With tear and piss soaked cheeks Pepsi nodded in affirmation. "Good." Daddy reached behind Pepsi's head and untied the rope, and took out the slothered underwear. Pepsi breathed in heavily catching his breath from the experience. Daddy walked down and grabbed some things that were on the table. Then he reached down and devoured Pepsi's penis in his mouth. Suckling on the tiny stick he heard the undying moans of affirmation from the lad. He could feel the boy tense, he was already close. Daddy pulled away at the last minute. "Not yet." Pepsi laid his head back and went back to breathing. "Now stay still." Pepsi closed his eyes as Daddy climbed onto the table and put his knees on each side of Pepsi's head. "Now clean Daddy's balls." Daddy sat down a bit and Pepsi reached up and began to slober the filled globes with lust. Daddy then took one of the clothespins he had and pinched it on one of the cub's nipples. "Ehh!" Pepsi winced a bit and tried to look down getting a nose full of bear sac. "Keep going!" Daddy twisted one of Pepsi's nipples hard and Pepsi stifled his cry into the sac above him. Daddy continued to put another clothespin on the other nipple. Then he reached down with both paws and clamped two more clothespins on the clothepins making Pepsi cry again. "Ow Ow, take them off!" Daddy pinched down on the clothespins and squeezed hard. "AAAArRgH!" With a swift experienced motion Daddy took off the clothespins but left the original two on.
"There now you're going to clean something else." Daddy then moved his huge ass over the cub's face and pushed his sweaty hole into the cub's snout. "Start Licking!" Pepsi started lapping at the hole which sent Daddy to heaven. That small smooth tongue caressing his sweat drenched hole was divine. Pepsi darted his tongue up and down and side to side even slightly penetrating the heavy bear on top of him. Pepsi stuck his tongue in a little bit further and felt something he didn't like. A bitter taste on his tongue made him retract it and close his mouth. Daddy lifted some weight off the cub and rubbed his chest.
"I know we talked about it and that was the one thing you didn't want to do, but not only was I avoiding truck stops but they were closed for a good while down here. I have been eating all day today and yesterday and thought I could empty out before hand but it didn't happen. Besides this is going to make it perfect for me, so, I'm going to shit in your open mouth, I'm going to fuck you, and I'm going to get what I came here for." Pepsi squirmed a bit but was quickly crushed by two hundred and fifty five pounds of ursine. His mouth firmly pressed and closed against the hole. "Come on I REALLY have to go, open up." Pepsi shook his head a bit in refusal. Daddy took off the two clothespins and lifted his ass a little, then with a bit to much force twisted the cub's nipples as hard as he thought he could. "AAAAAHHHH!!!!" Before Pepsi could close his mouth the full weight of the bear pressed down on him again. He couldn't close his mouth or move much at all except his tongue, which he tried to use to push the hole away but only made the bear enjoy it more. Daddy relaxed and rubbed his stomach. "Ugh two days of fast food." With a slight push he farted into Pepsi's mouth making the cub's eyes water again. "Here it comes." Daddy continued on and the tip of a mound started to enter Pepsi's mouth. Pepsi pulled his tongue back but it kept coming further into his mouth. Smushing his tongue up he tried to push the mound back into the bear who moaned at the attempt. "Uuuurrrrggh." With greater force now Daddy pushed his log down into Pepsi's mouth. With no where else to go it filled him and entered the back of his throat. The bitter taste filled his mouth to the brim. Making him swallow some of it as he flailed around for air. Daddy in the throws of passion, so to speak, lifted his ass and bent himself over the cub. From there he pushed the rest out and covered Pepsi's face in his filth. Pepsi pushed everything out of his mouth with his tongue and gasped for air as more continued to layer on his face. Then with one final push the last chunk and a gust of air splattered onto Pepsi's face. Daddy sighed and smiled looking down at the cub's still hard member. He looked behind himself to try and see the cub but only saw brown. With a smile Daddy sat back again once he thought that Pepsi had some air and smushed the filth in with his butt. Rocking his hips back and forth Daddy massaged the cub's face forcing his defecation into Pepsi's fur and nose.
Daddy rocked a little bit more than got up and moved off the table. Reaching down he embraced Pepsi in a kiss enforcing his tongue once again into the boy's mouth. "Now for the second part of my promise." Daddy walked around the table to the cub's rear end. Pepsi sat there breathing and spitting the foulness from his mouth. Daddy pulled the butt plug out and soda and little bits of cub filth fell to the ground. With a smile Daddy lubed up his massive bear cock. Looking down he noticed that he was as thick as the boy's wrist, so he might need a lot of lube. Grabbing the lube again he stuck the tip in the cub's hole and squeezed, filling him with the fluid. "Oooh." Pepsi sighed. Daddy put down the bottle and slipped his head inside. "Errn." The boy was tight, really tight, even after an enema and a butt plug. With a little force he got in about two inches making the boy tighten significantly. "ARRgh!" Daddy rubbed Pepsi's belly, "Don't worry just relax." Daddy grabbed the cub's penis and began to stroke it which relaxed the cub enough to continue. Another inch, two more, three. "UUrrggh." Daddy fiddled his thumb over the boy's piss slit, "Don't worry almost half way there." Pepsi began to pant as he felt himself being filled with the bear meat. Daddy stopped, he had hit a second tightness, like a second wall. The pressure in the cub's insides grew, "OOOoooRggh!." Grabbing Pepsi's hips Daddy pushed through pulling the cub all the way onto his massive cock. "There now how does that feel?" Daddy looked down at the cub and noticed a bulge under his shirt. Pulling the shirt up a bit he saw that there was a bulge in the cub's stomach. He pulled back a little and the bulge moved as well. "That is so hot." Daddy rubbed the bulge in the boy's stomach and began to pump a little. "OOOh, OOOh!" Pepsi was in heaven, Daddy was playing with his cock and he felt like he was going to explode. In and out, it was driving Pepsi crazy. "Faster!" Daddy perked his ears up, "What was that?"
"Faster Daddy! Fuck me faster!" Daddy smiled and bit his lip, " How fast do you want me to go baby boy?"
"As fast as you can!" Daddy's smile widened, "As fast as I can...?"
"Daddy please fuck me as fast as you possibly can!!"
With a forceful grab Daddy gripped Pepsi's hips and pushed in farther, grinding his hips and stomach against the cub's ass, "OOOOHHH!!!"
Schlunk! "HUU-" Daddy pulled out as far as he could, "AAAHH!" and slammed back in all the way to the hilt. From there he pulled back a little more than half way and pushed back in all in one motion. In and out, in and out as far and as fast as he could. "UHH UHH UUHH UU UUNNGH UHH UHHH UHH!!!" Pepsi's penis started jumping sporadically from the force of the fucking and in the cub's dry orgasm. Daddy just continued picking up speed. As fast as he could, but for as experienced as he was and as long as he usually lasted, this particular session was making him cum fast. Daddy grabbed little Pepsi and realized that the boy had been cumming all along. Smiling he jacked the cub off anyway as fast as he could while fucking. "Aaah AAHH OH MY!" Pepsi was screaming his tender tender member being jacked off was driving him crazy but he felt that he could almost, almost... "hoo hooo hooo hooo, " Daddy was breathing heavily when he felt the cub tighten again. With a smile he jacked off the cub even faster while driving himself home inside the boy. "OH MY UUURRRRGGGHHH!!!!" Pepsi was racked in his second dry orgasm in a matter of minutes and clenched down on Daddy. "UUURRGGH!" With one final thrust Daddy pounded inside Pepsi and refilled him with his ursine cub juice. Pepsi could feel the volume of seed in him as he panted lost in a daze of afterglow and endorphins. Pepsi felt another stream and looked down at Daddy who just smiled between breaths as he filled Pepsi with his urine. The warm slurry of fluids filling his belly. "uuuurrggh!" Daddy pushed in a little farther and bent down over Pepsi. He pulled Pepsi up into a kiss this time with less force. Pepsi tilted his head and pushed towards the kiss, their tongues swirling together in the afterglow, Daddy still inside him his hands still shackled together.
Pepsi pulled back and both of them met at each others' eyes. Daddy smiled and so did Pepsi, until Pepsi asked what they both wanted to know.
"Can I come with you?"