Pathfinder Ch 3

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#5 of Pathfinder

Our group has some new toys to break in. Time for the fun to begin.

Collaboration between myself and OfflineUser

Based on the Therafim setting of Gideon Kalve Jarvis and used with his permission

Setting info can be found here: Therafim

When Baal had returned to remove the Crowns of Morpheus from Beth and Max, the yuan-ti had been almost disappointed to see that at some point during the ordeal the pair had lost consciousness. Still, he had no doubt that the crowns had done their job well before then. Horrors like that were quite effective, even in short doses. After packing the crowns away, he woke them slowly. No need to be even more cruel than he'd already been. Which gave him the perfect idea for how to wake up Max.

Loosening the dog's belt, Baal pulled the other male's pants down to his knees, exposing the dog's white furred sheath to the cool air of his lab. He rather down between the beagle's legs, pressing on a point that would let him stimulate Max's prostate from the outside. It took less than a minute to have the dog's penis sliding from his sheath. Once enough of it was free, Baal extended his long, forked tongue and wrapped it around the dog's dick, slowly stroking him to full erection.

Max slowly began to stir, his hips moving into the pleasure of the snake's tongue. The dog even started to moan when Baal leaned forward to close his mouth around him, starting to properly suck the canine's penis, enjoying the drip of precum over his tongue. Or at least he moaned until he opened his eyes and saw who had their mouth around him, prompting the dog to scream and struggle before Baal took hold of his hips to hold him down.

"Stop struggling," said the yuan-ti. "It would be a shame if my fangs were to damage you."

That threat was enough to make Max hold still, closing his eyes and whimpering as Baal continued sucking him off. He didn't stop until the dog's back arched, this cum filling the serpent's mouth.

Baal pulled away, licking his lips. "Always a nice way to start the day. You canines always taste so good"

He chuckled at the terrified looks on the dogs' faces. They were clearly terrified of what he was going to do next.

"Don't worry," said Baal. "You two will be free to go as soon as you receive your instructions. I'm going to undo your shackles, and then you are going to stand and listen to what I have to say. Understood?"

"Yes," said Beth, her voice shaking.

"Yes, sir," said Max.

Baal released them both, and true to their word they stood before him, not trying to run away, even though it was painfully obvious they wanted to get as far away from the yuan-ti as possible. It wasn't as obvious for Beth due to her dress, but Max's tail was firmly between his legs even as he fumbled to pull his pants back up.

"Here's how things are going to work from now on." He pointed at the beagle. "You will continue to run Penni Road. However, you will stop selling faulty merchandise. Your shop is going to be redesigned into selling everyday goods and gear your craftsmen can actually make properly. You'll turn more of a profit and won't have to worry about killing off customers. Naturally, you will report to us as a branch office, and we will receive a cut of all profits."

Max didn't even try to argue.

"Yes, sir!" he said quickly, nodding his head as he tried not to do anything that might antagonize the serpent.

"And you," Baal continued, turning to Beth. "You will not cause problems in our business again. You are going to be responsible for managing your shop and family affairs as you should, and as we see fit. This can be a very profitable situation for all of us, if you are a good girl and do as you're told. And to make sure of that, you will be sending your brother to enjoy our... hospitality."

Beth started to balk at this, but Baal raised an eyebrow and she went silent.

"His presence will guarantee your cooperation, and is not negotiable."

"How did you know about that!?" exclaimed Beth. "And what exactly am I supposed to tell people when they realize he's disappeared?"

Baal didn't like her tone but decided to let it go, this time.

"Tell them he was sent away to receive treatment for his drug addictions," said Baal. "No one who is familiar with his current state would question that. I will give you until tomorrow to deliver him to us. It would be unwise to force us to come for him ourselves." He straightened himself up. "The enforcers you brought with you will be dealt with as we see fit. Sorry to say, but attacking myself and my friends was not wise. That bulldog you brought with you has already learned that lesson first hand." Baal made a shop of flicking his tongue out and licking his lips. "I suggest you hire better next time."

He turned towards the door.

"Now both of you follow me, and I will show you out." He paused for a moment. "I trust I don't need to tell you what will happen if you even consider telling anyone about any of this?"

Max shook his head furiously, while Beth didn't answer, staring dejectedly at the floor.

"Very good. Follow me."

And without looking back, the yuan-ti slithered from the room, the two dogs close behind.


Once Beth and Max were gone, the rest of the day continued without incident. Baal was looking forward to spending some time with his new rottweiler plaything, and Kilian would be deciding what to do with the doberman that had tried to attack him. Crius had taken a special interest in Claudius, and nobody had seen the german shepherd since Crius had bound and collared him before dragging him off to his private lab. When the lizardman emerged hours later, he seemed much more at ease than he had been before, panting and sipping at water like he'd just run across the city.

"You doing alright?" asked Kilian. The cat was putting the finishing touches and a new outfit for a customer, finishing stitching the family crest into the lapel.

"Much better," sighed Crius, leaning against one of the displays. "Didn't realize how antsy I was getting. Just needed to let off some steam."

There was a tap-tap-tap on the nearby window. Kyoji walked over to it and slid it open as a crow hopped inside, fluttering up to the kitsune's shoulder as he closed the window. Of course, it wasn't actually a crow, but an alchemical construct, a familiar Kyoji had made for himself as his first major creation as an craftsman and alchemist.

"They've entered the city and should be here soon," said the crow. "Connor asked that you open the warehouse for them."

"Thank you, Rin," said Kyoji. The fox grinned. "Anything from Soma?"

The bird nodded, whispering softly to the fox. Whatever he said was enough to make Kyoji shiver, the fur of his tail bushing out for a moment before he relaxed. Rin then flew up perch in the rafters, looking out at the street through the window.

"About time they got back," said Kyoji. "I didn't think dealing with a group of bandits would take this long."

"It's the travel that did it," said Kilian. "For those boys some random bandits are nothing."

"I know, I'm just ready for Soma to be back home!"

Crius laughed. "Don't you mean back in your bed?"

"That too, obviously," said Kyoji shamelessly. "Days without my bunny are torture. I miss his cute butt. The rest of him, too, but my god, the ass on him!" Kyoji growled, clearly getting worked up at the thought of his lover returning.

"Those bedwarmers of yours aren't enough?" asked Crius.

The kitsune shook his head. "Slaves just aren't the same as having my bunny in my arms."

Crius shrugged. "I'll take your word for it. Commitment like that just ain't for me."

It wasn't long after that before a door opened further back in the shop, and a blur came streaking through the room and nearly tackled Kyoji. The kitsune was used to these kinds of greeting after being apart for longer than a day, and he pulled Soma close, the pair wrapping their arms around each other and sinking into a deep kiss, the fox's hands quickly sinking down to grab the rabbit's ass.

The pair didn't pay anyone else any attention as Kyoji scooped the rabbit up and hurried off to their rooms, eager for some time together. As they disappeared from view, Connor walked in, greeting Kilian and Crius with a grin.

"See those two didn't waste any time," said the wolf. "Evening, Patrick," he added as the stallion walked in.

"Connor, welcome home," said Patrick. "How'd the job go?"

The wolf flashed a smile. "Piece of cake. Those bandits never stood a chance."

"No surprise there," said Kilian.

"It gets better though," said the wolf mischievously. "After we turned them in, the leaders in Channelwood offered us an extra reward for taking care of them so fast. Rowan and Fionn are getting the surprise setup now, but why don't you guys come take a look?"

Connor led Crius, Patrick, and Kilian out of the shop through a door in the back. There was much more to the property than the shop and bathhouse. Thanks to their magic users - and a rather substantial infusion of gold from Kyoji and Baal - the group had been able to use the Resplendent Mansion and permanency spells to craft the perfect home for all of them to share. True, Crius and Filia did have a small house separate from the others as the lizardman enjoyed his privacy, but they were all able to live very comfortably here. The lower floors were underground to avoid making the building too obviously ostentatious, so at least it didn't stand out too much from Merchant Lane. As far as anyone would be able to tell from the outside, they were a group of merchants that had pooled their resources and done very well for themselves.

Head into the underground though, and things became a bit different.

A network of tunnels lay beneath the buildings, leading to secret storehouses for the groups more... questionable goods. A hidden dock connected to the canals and waterways that ran through Avalon City; the entrance so well hidden you could sail right by it and never know it was there. One of the tunnels even connected Crius' home to the main complex so they wouldn't be totally cut off. For now though, the group stuck to the main staging area for shipments and deliveries, a large open space connected to the same warehouse Beth's men had broken into the day before. As the group walked into the space, Connor grinned at the look of surprise on the other men's faces at what they saw waiting for them.

"They let us have the rest of the bandits as a thank you."

Standing before them, flanked on each end by Rowan and Fionn, were the rest of the bandit group they had captured in the forest. They were all bound with their arms behind their backs, and Fionn was keeping an eye on the centaur in case she tried to bolt. The cardinal and hummingbird had additional ropes around their chests to keep their wings pinned down so they couldn't try to fly; not that it would have done much good once they were underground and the doors were sealed.

All of them had been stripped of all their gear and belongings, leaving them standing completely naked before their captors and new masters. Some of them didn't seem all that bothered by their nudity. The elf twins Tarron and Amara, along with the actaeon buck Malon didn't seem to notice they were naked. Not an uncommon reaction to woodelves. In fact, the only one of the beastfolk that seemed put off by it was Casaros. The little twink of a stallion was clearly the youngest of the group, and was trying - and failing - to hide himself from view, struggling to get his hands free to cover himself. The enormous brown bear Croia was also struggling, though in her case it seemed to be more that she wanted to get loose to start throwing punches.

Easily the most vocal about objecting to this enforced nudity was Ilyana. The blonde witch looked positively indignant at being made to stand there in the buff, her legs crossed and shoulders hunched trying to hide herself while she yelled at the gathered beastmen to release her and return her clothes. Obviously without success. To her left, the centaur May was standing quietly, clearly having accepted her situation. Though her rear legs did shuffle some, betraying the nervousness she must have been feeling as the men decided what to do with them.

"It'd be greedy to keep them all for ourselves," said Rowan.

"So we thought we'd give you the chance to lay claim to any of them before we did," said Connor.

"Lay claim to us!?" shouted Ilyana. "The fuck does that mean! Release us this instant!"

"What do you think it means, short stuff," said Croia, giving the elf an annoyed glance. "Spoils of war. Hope you know how to please a man, cause pretty soon you ain't gonna have a choice."

Fionn pointed at the other bear. "What she said."

Crius was the first to step forward, eyeing the line of bandits-turned-slaves eagerly.

"As tempting as it is, I already have a new toy of my own to break in."

Connor arched an eyebrow. "Sounds like someone's been busy while we were gone."

"I'll fill you in later," said Crius.

He stepped up to Ivan, looking the big, buff wolf over. His body was covered in lustrous black fur that was surprisingly well-kept for a bandit that spent most of his time in the forest. The lizardman reached out and cupped the wolf's sac, rolling the large balls around in his palm, getting a pleased, needy whine from the wolf when his hand slid up to squeeze at his sheath.

"You're a big fella, aren't you?" said Crius, giving the lupine another squeeze. "I'll take this one. Will make a good gift for Vic and Ictus as a thank you."

Connor tilted his head in confusion. "Thank you for what?"

"Later," said Crius. He looked the wolf over again. "Yeah, he'll do nicely."

Patrick put a heavy hand on the shoulder of the young stallion, who couldn't hold back a whimper as he looked up at the big man behind him.

"Before you go, Crius, would you mind giving me a hand with something?" said Patrick. Taking hold of the boy's arm, he walked over and looped some rope loosely around May's neck, pulling the centaur along behind him. "I have something in mind for these two."

"Sure thing," said Crius, grabbing Ivan's sheath and using it to guide the wolf along. "Let's go big boy, time to have some fun."

Kilian was purring loudly as he walked up to Blair, then Marcelo, running his fingers over the birds' beautiful feathers. Marcelo had been running his mouth so much Rowan had gotten sick of it and tied his beak shut, but that didn't stop the hummingbird from trying to threaten the cat.

"Haven't had such beautiful birds in my bed for quite a while," said Kilian. "This is going to be fun."

Sorry bud," said Rowan, grabbing Marcelo and pulling the hummingbird over to him. "You can try this one later, but tonight he's mine. Owe him some payback for trying to stab me during our fight."

The birds couldn't help but glance at each other nervously. Marcelo in particular was trying to keep a brave face, but the size difference between him and the dragon was rather alarming.

Nick yelped when Fionn snatched him up, tucking the skinny raccoon under his arm like luggage. The polar bear took hold of Croia as well, licking his lips hungrily as he eyed the other bear.

"Finally get to have some fun with this lot," he said, not trying to hide the way he was already eye-fucking Croia.

"We really did luck out with such a good catch," said Rowan, grabbing Ilyana, tossing the witch over his shoulder and holding her legs down while she screamed at him to let her go. "This is gonna be a nice night."

"No kidding," growled Connor, stroking a finger from the bottom of Malon's muzzle to the top of his sheath, making the buck tremble as he looked up at the big wolfen. "I've always enjoyed bucks." His gaze shifted to the two remaining elves. "And twins."

Tarron and Amara gulped, trying to resist as the wolf guided them and the whimpering buck out of the room, trailed by the other beastfolk, each of whom was very much looking forward to some quality time with their newest playthings.


"It really is amazing the kinds of things Crius just has sitting around in storage," said Patrick to himself as he returned to his room, pushing the door shut behind him with one hoof. His arms were loaded down with gear he'd gotten from the lizardman, and he was happy to see that both the centaur and the young horse were right where he'd left them, bound in the corner of his room.

Like every private suite in the mansion, the room was a reflection of its owner. Patrick's armor stood in the corner, polished and gleaming in perfect repair, along with his weapons. A simple - albeit very large - four poster bed with red curtains stood against one wall. A fire was blazing in the heart, the wood floor thudding in a satisfying way under his hooves before the simple rugs spread over the space muffled them. He'd made each of them himself.

"What are your names?" asked Patrick, laying most of the gear down on his bed.

"C-Casaros," said the young stallion.

"But we call him Cas," said the centaur. "My name is May."

"Name's Patrick. Pleasure to meet you."

May inclined her head. No sense in angering this man when she was at his mercy. Grabbing a length of rope, Patrinck bound Cas' legs together before pushing him down on the bed.

"If I may ask, what exactly do you plan to do with us?" she asked.

"I would have thought that was obvious," said Patrick in his usual calm, matter-of-fact way. "I'm going to fuck you."

At that, Cas started to really struggle, trying to get free. May went still, but it was clear that even though she had expected that answer, she wasn't completely happy with it. Especially with the next words out of Patrick's mouth.

"Ladies first I suppose."

Patrick guided May over to what looked like a high padded bench off to one side of the room. Clearly she was not the first person the horse had brought in here, and he was ready for even someone her shape and size.

"Hey now, why don't we try and work something else out?" said May, pulling against Patrick as the stallion led her forward, her hooves skittering on the floor. "There's got to be something I could give you, right?"

"There is," said Patrick, slapping her equine rump. "It's this right here."

May tried to rear back and pull away from him, but the moment she did Patrick was able to grab her front legs and pull her over the bench, quickly hobbling her legs in place. The position also meant she couldn't try and kick him without losing her balance as Patrick pushed her hind legs apart and shackled them to the legs of the bench. As a final touch, he lifted her arms up with some more rope run through a loop on the ceiling, keeping her human torso upright, thrusting her ample breasts out as her breath started to quicken.

Then Patrick took off his clothes.

Neither May nor Cas could look away as the stallion stripped bare, exposing his golden coat for them both to see. His mane may have been trimmed short, but it was still a striking mix of black and white, just like his tail. The first few inches may have been wrapped to keep it in order, but the rest of it flowed beautifully behind his thick legs. His golden coat darkened around his mouth and at his hands and hooves, but that only made him look more striking. Patrick was powerfully built, but the fjord horse still had a gentleness to him.

Though when his hand sank down and started rubbing his sheath, that sense of ease was lessened slightly by the sight of the impressive dick rising between his legs. Unlike the rest of him, the coat around his crotch was much darker, as was his dick. Even once fully erect it sagged under its own weight, a full foot of thick dick ready for action.

May was pulling at the ropes holding her hands, the tugging getting harder as the stallion approached her, his hands resting on her rump. The young centaur was filled with conflicting emotions. Her rational mind knew that she shouldn't want this; that for all his gentleness Patrick was forcing himself on her. But at the same time, her instincts were screaming at her that his man was a true stud, and she could feel her equine pussy getting so wet she was practically dripping as Patrick brushed her tail aside, exposing her to his gaze.

May gasped when she felt Patrick's strong fingers stroking over the lips of her pussy before pushing two of them into her, sliding back and forth, nickering as she reflexively squeezed down on them, almost like her body didn't want his touch to stop. When it finally did and he pulled his fingers free, her head snapped back to look at him. She had to quickly stop herself from begging him to keep going, but the stallion clearly knew what she'd been about to say, a warm chuckle shaking his chest.

"Don't worry, I'm not stopping," said Patrick, taking hold of his dick. "Just switching to something you'll really be able to feel."

Patrick pressed the large head of his cock against her leaking quim, and just as she started to look back again he thrust forward, slowly sinking his thick dick into her pussy, moaning right along with May as he spread her wide around his cock. He didn't stop until he was hilted inside her, the centaur mare's once-virgin pussy spasming around his cock.

"Already trying to milk me, huh?" said Patrick, stroking over her haunches. "Guess you want me more than you'd like to admit."

The stallion slowly pulled back, holding himself with just the head of his dick stretching her lower lips wide, knowing what would happen. It only took a few moments before May tried to push back against him, her face blushing madly as her body demanded the pleasure she could only get from the stallion's penis inside her. At that moment Patrick thrust forward again, setting into a steady rhythm, grunting and moaning as he humped the gorgeous centaur girl senseless.

Glancing over at the bed, Patrick could see Cas watching them, the young stallion's dick quickly starting to grow erect from the sight of the stud fucking the moaning mare. Smiling to himself, he made a show of pulling the length of his cock in and out of May, letting Cas get a good look before turning to him and grinning.

"Get a good look boy," he said. "You'll be taking it next."

Cas' eyes went wide, and the youngster's struggles renewed. Although Patrick could't fail to notice the way the boy's cock throbbed at the big stallion's words. His attention was pulled back to May when the girl's head snapped back, a scream of pleasure filling the room as her orgasm hit, her hot, slick pussy clamping down on Patrick, her body practically begging him for his load. Whinnying loudly, he let himself go, his flare growing as he hilted himself inside her, flooding her cunt with a heavy load of stallion spunk.

As May sagged in her bonds, Patrick slowly pulled out, watching proudly as his cum spilled out of her. Normally he would have fucked her a few more times, but right now he had someone else that needed his attention.

Cas started squirming and struggling even harder as the big stallion approached him, whimpering when Patrick grabbed his ankles and pulled him closer until his legs were hanging off the edge of the bed, putting the stallion twink's cock on full display. The boy's flowing tail and mane were a lustrous black, a perfect complement to his short brown coat. It made his cock stand out even more as the dark shaft shifted to an enticing shade of pink just after the medial ring. Despite his obvious nervousness, the young man's cock was throbbing hard in time with his racing heart.

Making sure the other horse wouldn't be able to move, Patrick licked his lips and lowered his head. Holding Cas down with one large hand, the other grabbed the boy's dick and angled it straight up.

"Just relax," said Patrick. "I've broken in plenty of boys like you before, so I know just what they need to get in the mood. Ever had your cock sucked before?"

Cas shook his head.

Patrick grinned. "Good. Nothing beats the taste of a virgin boy's penis. Just lay back and enjoy. I know I will."

Cas cried out as Patrick sank his mouth down every last inch of the young horse's penis, taking him into his throat with an ease that showed the stallion was every bit as experienced as he claimed. He swallowed hard around Cas' length, letting the boy feel his throat milking his cock. The boy's head started thrashing as Patrick began to bob his head up and down, working the shaft with his tongue and lips, repeatedly pulling back to gently gnaw and suck on Cas' quickly flaring head, teasing the rim with his tongue and driving the boy crazy.

It didn't take long for Patrick to have Cas thrusting up into his mouth as much as his position would let him, his head falling back as he came. Patrick happily drank down the lad's first load, reveling in the knowledge that he was the first to get to taste him. He kept nursing on Cas' cock until the boy's body went slack, slowly pulling his mouth back and using his lips to milk every last drop of spunk from Cas' dick. When his dick finally slipped free, it slapped wetly against Cas' belly, the young stallion panting for breath.

Patrick licked his lips, making sure he didn't miss any of the younger male's delicious cum. "How did you like your first bowjob?"

Cas tried to answer, but his words turned to a squealing moan when Patrick ran his broad flat tongue up the length of his cock.

"I'll take that as a sign you enjoyed yourself. Now it's my turn."

Untying the boy's legs, Patrick grabbed the last bit of gear he'd brought with him, and pulled Cas closer so he could reach the boy's head. Slipping the bit bridle into his mouth, Cas was too overwhelmed by his first afterglow to stop the large horse from fitting the reins around his head and pulling him to his hooves. After thoroughly lubing up his own erection, Patrick marched Cas over to stand behind May, grabbing the boy's dick and pressing the flared head against the lips of her pussy. He also lined himself up with Cas' tailhole, getting a surprised gasp from the horse as he realized what was about to happen.

"Get ready, boy," said Patrick. "Time to break you in like a proper colt."

Patrick pushed forward, forcing Cas' cock deep into May before the boy's pucker finally gave way and the stallion's thick dick sank into him. All three of them moaned loudly at the feeling, especially Cas at the dual sensations of a massive cock up his tail and a warm pussy milking his dick. It was too much for him to take and he collapsed over May's lower half, the pair rocking as Patrick started thrusting in and out of Cas, pulling on the boy's reins to force his head back and really get to hear him moaning and whining as he was quickly forced to another orgasm.

"We won't be stopping any time soon," said Patrick, giving Cas' rump a playful slap, before doing the same to May's. "Let's see which one of you gives out first."


In his own rooms, Connor was moaning happily, his tail wagging hard as he sucked and slurped on the buck's cock.

"Oh, Oooohh! No! No more, please! It's too much! Aah, gaah!"

Malon's head thrashed against the cushions beneath as the wolf ignored him, stroking the actaeon's thighs while he continued with his snack, the buck's legs kicking in the air, his legs hooks over the wolf's shoulders. When the deer came, Connor gulped his load down eagerly, letting the herbivore's flavor wash over his tongue and cleaning every last drop from Malon's cock before letting it slide from his mouth.

"Fuck, I just love the taste of deer dick," said Connor, licking slowly up the shaft of the squirming male's candy pink penis, popping the head in his mouth and sucking it for a moment. "We're going to have a lot of fun together from now on," he added, giving the deer a predatory look that made him whimper.

"P-Please, let me go," said Malon, his heart thudding inside his chest when Connor moved over him, the lupine's hungry gaze filling him with both trepidation and arousal that he didn't want to admit to.

"Oh, I don't think so," said Connor, wagging a finger playfully. "You're a spoil of war now, my tasty friend, and I have no intention of giving up such a wonderful reward. But don't worry, you'll learn to love it soon."

Malon started to beg some more, but his words were silenced when Connor stuffed a leather ballgag into his mouth, securing it around the buck's head before getting to his feet, leaving the actaeon sprawled out on the pile of cushions while he turned his attention to the other people in the room.

"You'll all learn to love it here soon enough. I guarantee it."

Tarron was tied to a chair in the corner of the room, a slight sheen of sweat covering his body as he struggled against the ropes binding him. The woodelf stared daggers at the wolfen, the wad of cloth stuffed in his mouth keeping him quiet. Connor would have fun breaking him in later, but for the moment he turned his attention to the woman squirming on his bed.

"Release me this instant you beast!" yelled Amara.

"Why would I do that?" asked Connor sweetly, picking up a small basin from a nearby table and climbing up on the bed to kneel between the elf girl's spread legs. "We're just getting to the good part."

Dipping his fingers into the basin, Connor began to draw runes and sigils over Amara's belly and breasts and thighs, the blue paint standing out against her tan skin. Spread eagle on the bed as she was, there was nothing the woodelf could do to stop him, and Connor took the opportunity to get a good look at her naked form. She had a generous bust, well proportioned to the rest of her, and a tight, smooth stomach. Like all elves, save for her head her body was completely smooth, making the application of the paint even smoother, especially when Connor's fingers slid down to stroke just above the lips of her pussy.

"Stop it, don't touch me!" snapped Amara. "What the hell is that stuff!?"

Connor grinned, wiping his fingers off and setting the basin aside.

"It's wolfen fertility paint," said Connor, grinning at the look on amara's face when she realized what that would mean. "That's right! Before tonight is over, we're gonna make you a mommy."

"I don't fucking think so!" said Amara, pulling against her bonds as the paint began to fade, absorbing into her body as its magic began to take effect. The elf girl gasped, her breathing starting to quicken. "Wh-What did you do to me?"

"Oh, I might have forgotten to mention that the paint also increases the libido of whoever it is applied to," said Connor, stroking her sides. "If you don't get a load in you, soon, you could easily go mad."

"You... bastard...gaahh!"

Amara gasped as Connor spread the lips of her pussy, slipping a finger inside her and teasing her clit with his thumb.

"It's already working. Just look how wet you are." The wolf made Amara groan in unwanted pleasure as he teased a sensitive spot inside her, the elf girl's hips rolling into his touch despite herself. When he pulled his hand away, she whimpered in need. "Seems someone's enjoying herself more than she is willing to admit. Guess I'll just have to give you what you want then."

Connor moved over her, his fur brushing against her inner thighs as the wolf got himself into position. Amara couldn't stop herself from looking down at the male's penis as it moved closer. The wolfen's sheath and sac were covered with the same lighter shade of grey that covered his chest and belly, but rather than the canine cock she had expected, the elf was surprised to see that his penis looked just like that of a human or elf. The only difference from her brother's own circumcised cock was Connor's size and the pink color of his dick.

Connor and Amara moaned together as he sank down, his cock pushing inside her until the lips of her pussy were wrapped snugly around the base of his cock. The wolf laid himself over the squirming elf girl, making sure to raise his tail so her brother could get a good look as he started thrusting. Seeing no point in holding himself back, Connor's hands moved to Amara's chest, fondling and groping her while teasing her neck with his teeth, growling at the pleasure of the elf's tight pussy squeezing on his dick like she never wanted to let him go. Beastial grunts filled the room as he fucked her harder, practically bouncing the elf's hips on the bed with the force of his humping.

Amara was gasping and moaning, wailing as the bliss of a good, hard fuck flooded her body. She'd been with a couple of elves before, but they had nothing on the wolf, no matter how much she wanted to deny that she was enjoying what was being done to her. Whether it was an effect of the paint or not, it felt incredible. The wolfen was bigger and thicker than either of the men she'd taken before, and Connor certainly knew how to use what he had, fucking her hard and deep, hitting every secret pleasure spot inside her as he did. To say nothing of the feeling of his hands massaging her breasts, which only added to her pleasure.

"Don't try to fight it," growled Connor, sucking on the side of the girl's neck. "You know you want to give in. Just let yourself enjoy it and let go. Be a good little bitch and cum for me."

Amara's head fell back, her body arching as her orgasm hit, a scream of pleasure bursting from her throat. It was quickly silenced when Connor kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth and hammering his hips as the elf girl's pussy turned into a slick, velvet vice around his penis. Breaking the kiss, Connor threw his head back and howled, slamming his hips home and burying his cock fully inside her as he came. Under his raised tail, Tarron had a perfect view of the wolf's balls jumping as they were emptied into the elf boy's twin sister and, thanks to the fertility paint, the future mother of Connor's pup.

Connor slowly pulled out of her, grinning at the sight of his cum leaking from her slightly gaping pussy. Under normal circumstances he'd have put a few more rounds in her, but with such powerful fertility magic at work it wasn't really necessary. Besides, he had other new toys to play with. Leaving Amara sprawled out on the bed in a pleasure filled daze, Connor strolled over to Malon, grabbing the buck before flopping back on the cushions. Removing the gag from his mouth, the wolf took hold of the deer's antlers and slowly pulled his head down.

"Please... no mmph!"

Malon's whimpered plea was cut off when Connor pushed his dick past the other male's lips, sighing when the deer's tongue brushed against the bottom of his shaft. Despite the actaeon's protests, he did a very good job of sucking his dick when Connor started using his antlers to guide his movements. Kneeling before the wolfen with his hands bound behind him, there was little Malon could do to stop the wolf from having his way with him.

The buck wished that didn't make his dick so hard. Being manhandled by a powerful predator like Connor was something the deer had always dreamed about, ever since he was a boy. He'd never had much interest in the doe's in his village, but he'd never been able to keep his eyes off the bucks, whether that was the older warriors or the boys his own age when they went swimming in the river. He'd even seen one of their hunters get pinned and fucked by a pack of lusty wolfen, and ever since that day being taken by such a beast hadd been a secret fantasy that was finally coming true.

And the wolf just tasted so good! It didn't take long before Connor needn't have bothered keeping his hands wrapped around the buck's antlers, because Malon had no intention of stopping. Not until he got to taste what the wolf had to offer. The moans and praise he was getting from the wolfen only made him work harder on sucking his cock.

"Fuck, you've got one hell of a mouth on you," said Connor. "Can't wait to see if your ass is as good." Malon's eyes snapped up to the wolfen's face, and Connor couldn't hold back a chuckle at that look combined with the deer's bulging cheeks. "Oh yeah, I'm absolutely going to fuck you. You want it as much as I do, don't you?"

Malon's face burned bright with a blush, but he couldn't answer with his mouth stuffed with the wolf's cock. Gazing up at Connor with a look of humiliation, lust, and total submission, the buck whimpered around his cock and nodded before returning to bobbing and slurping over the lupine's dick.

"Well in that case," Connor tightened his grip on Malon's antlers. "Let's get to the main event."

The wolf started thrusting up into Malon's mouth, fucking the actaeon's face hard and fast, growling in pleasure at the hot tongue working his cock. Gritting his teeth, Connor pushed him down and held him there, flooding the buck's mouth with his spunk, watching happily as the other male gulped it down; though not with a bit dribbling down his chin, his eyes heavily lidded at the wolf's flavor.

Pulling out of the buck's mouth, Connor made sure to paint his face with several shots of cum, marking the deer with his scent.

"What would you like me to do with you now, Malon?" asked Connor, smearing his cum around the actaeon's lips. "Tell me what you want."

Malon couldn't keep his desires in anymore. He gave the head of the wolf's cock a parting lick and turned away from him, raising his tail to present the tight curves of his ass.

"F-Fuck me," whined Malon, his voice dripping with need. "Gag me, pin me down and make me your bitch. Fuck me until I cum, then keep going no matter what I do. Show me why a wolfen's cock is better than anything else in the world. Please... m-master."

Connor was rather surprised at the buck's words, but he certainly wasn't disappointed. Looked like his newest slave was going to be a lot of fun. Yes, he'd be keeping the buck, and he'd never let him go. Picking up the gag, he slipped it back into the deer's mouth before grabbing his head and pushing it down, forcing the buck's beautiful butt into the air, the deer whimpering in need when the wolf's dick slapped down between his cheeks and slid into place against his tailhole.

"Head down and ass up, my sweet little bitch," growled Connor, laying himself over the deer's back. He couldn't hold back a smile at the way the buck gasped and pushed back against him at those words. "Time to show your master what a good cocksleeve you can be."

Connor hilted himself inside the deer in one go, moaning right along with Malon as he started fucking the buck hard and deep and fast, his tongue lolling out in pleasure. Tempting as it was to give the actaeon a reach around to make him squirm, Connor wanted to fuck him to a hands-free orgasm. Partly because teasing the deer would be fun, but also to prove to him just how much pleasure he could get from the wolf's penis.

And to show the struggling elf boy watching them what he'd be getting too in the very near future.


"Get your hands off me!"

Ilyana had been trying to kick Rowan all the way back to his rooms, but thrown over the dragon's shoulder with his arm around her legs, she could achieve little more than wriggling against him, which was only getting the dragon more riled up. Marcelo was in the same situation, and the elven witch had no doubt he would have been shouting obscenities at the red-scaled bastard right along with her if his beak hadn't been tied shut.

Once they reached his rooms, Rowan tossed Ilyana down on his bed, laughing as the girl bounced and yelped in surprise. She tried to crawl away, but all it took was his tail wrapping around an ankle to keep her from getting away. Deciding to have some fun, The dragon tore all the ropes off of Marcelo, keeping the hummingbird pinned to his chest while he reached into the component pouch on his belt. Pulling out a piece of dried octopus tentacle, he smiled mischievously at the furious bird.

"When I get free I'm going to fucking gut you!" exclaimed Marcelo. "I'm not some fucking toy, I'm a warrior! Release me now or I swear on the gods I'll fucking-"

"You really like to run your mouth, don't you?" said Rowan. "Let's see if we can calm you down."

The piece of tentacle in his hand glowed for a moment before burning away, and Rowan raised his hand towards a section of empty floor nearby.

"[Penetrating Tentacles]."

A magic circle appeared on the floor, stretching about ten feet wide before a dark, ink-like substance started to bubble up until it filled the entire circle.

"I'm gonna enjoy watching this," said Rowan, and he tossed Marcelo into the air above the circle.

The surface began to rise, forming numerous waving tentacles. The hummingbird had just enough time to right himself before a thick tentacle wrapped around him, pinning his arms and wings firmly in place.

"Fucking magic! Get these damn things off me!" yelled Marcelo.

He was kicking and thrashing furiously, but that quickly came to a stop when tentacles lashed around each of his ankles, pulling his legs out straight, keeping him from doing little more than wriggling in their grip.

Wriggling that only got worse when the dragon produced a sprig of mistletoe and cast his next spell.


Marcelo glowed with a pink aura for a moment as the spell took effect. He could do nothing but watch as his cock quickly slid from his slit, standing hard in the air. Though small, the hummingbird was very well proportioned for his size, especially for a bird, since they tended to run a bit thin.

As the dragon watched, one of the tentacles began to tease along the bird's length until Marcelo's precum was dripping down his dick. That appeared to be what the tentacle was waiting for, because it moved up to the tip of his cock, opening up and surrounding the hummingbird's penis, molding to his shape perfectly and starting to work up and down his dick.

"No! No...stop it! Nngh!"

Marcelo was clearly trying not to enjoy the spell's touch, but thanks to Rowan's arousal spell that was a battle he could never win. Another tentacle started poking at the bird's beak, but Marcelo kept it tightly closed... at least until the unseen tentacle below him lunged forward and pushed into the bird's ass, making him yelp and giving the tentacle the perfect chance to stuff his mouth to the brim, silencing Marcelo except for the occasional grunt or moan that slipped out whenever the tentacle pulled back.

"Much better," said Rowan, shrugging off his vest and looking hungrily at ilyana. "Now for the main course."

Undoing the cloth belt that held up his pants, Rowan let them fall and stepped out of them, laughing at the look on Ilyana's face when she saw what he was packing. In his excitement, the dragon had already slid fully from his slit, and his erection had the woodelf girl's full attention. It was a paler red than the rest of his scales, and its length made Ilyana gasp.

Rowan chuckled, stroking a hand along his shaft while the girl watched.

"Naturally ribbed for your pleasure," he said, referring to the ridges that circled his cock and ran down all eight inches from the pointed tip to the opening of his slit.

Rowan moved up onto the bed, and as soon as his tail let go Ilyana tried kicking at him, attempting to knock the dragon back or push herself away as he came closer. But all this did was give him the chance to grab her ankles and drag her closer. Grabbing her thighs, he spread the elf girl's legs and pinned them down, revealing her wonderfully smooth body. Thanks to the position her legs were in, it also spread the lips of her pussy, revealing the tender pink places inside to the dragon's eager gaze.

"Before that though, I think I'll have a taste."

Rowan buried his snout between the girl's legs, stuffing his tongue into Ilyana's pussy and listening to her wail as he ate the girl out, watching her struggle adorably at the feelings of being touched for the first time. But as much as he would have enjoyed using his mouth to bring her to her first orgasm, a sweet little virgin like her needed to be handled right. And that meant if the girl was going to cum, there was only one way it was going to happen.

Giving a parting lick to the full length of her cunny - his strong tongue flicking teasingly against her clit - Rowan knelt over the panting elf.

"Damn you taste good. Nothing like feasting on a virgin to get the blood pumping. It's a dragon thing, you understand." Moving to sit against the headboard, Rowan pulled Ilyana into his lap. "And if you thought my tongue felt good, just wait until I get between your thighs properly."

Ilyana pressed her legs tightly together and tried to curl up on herself, but Rowan just wrapped an arm around her and held her back against his chest, his other hand pushing between her thighs before slipping a couple fingers into her pussy. There was no way the woodelf could overcome the dragon's strength. Ilyana could do little more than wriggle in his grip while Rowan pressed the tip of one claw gently against her hymen, using his magic to remove that final barrier. He kept working his fingers around inside her until the magic had fully done its job, leaving the girl primed and ready.

Moving his hands to her thighs, Rowan lifted Ilyana, positioning the girl so she was hovering over his pointed cock. Across the room, Marcelo came into the tentacle working his cock as Rowan began to lower Ilyana down, the woodelf's cries joining the birds as she slid down the dragon's penis, each ridge spreading the lips of her cunny making her squeal. He didn't stop until every inch was inside her, grunting happily while her head fell back against his chest, the elf's chest heaving at having a man inside her for the first time. Marcelo was whining as well, though in his case it was because the merciless tentacles were continuing to work his cock, now even more sensitive after his orgasm, and a second tentacle had just stuffed itself into his ass.

Making sure he had a good grip on Ilyana, Rowan licked the girl's neck and growled lustily into her pointed ear.

"Better hold on tight, honey. I'm not stopping until you've got a baby in you."

Lifting her up, Rowan began bouncing the squealing, squirming girl on his cock, the elf too overwhelmed to even try and fight back anymore, her body trembling as an orgasm hit. It might have been the first, but it would be far from the last as Rowan continued fucking her, happily watching the hummingbird getting molested while claiming the once-virgin woodelf for his own.


"You really are a feisty one, aren't ya?" growled Fionn, his cock throbbing eagerly.. Croia's punch had been enough to leave his jaw a bit sore, but so much fight in a female just made Fionn want her all the more.

"I'm gonna break you in half!" growled Croia.

The brown bear didn't seem to care at all about her nudity, or that of the other bear. She was a warrior first, and it was hardly the first time she'd seen a naked male. Though admittedly Fionn was bigger than any of the men from her tribe, in every possible respect. Having had time to watch him on their way to the city, and having already been bested in battle once, she actually found the white-furred male quite appealing. But this was the way of tribes like theirs; if he wanted to bed her, he'd have to prove he was worthy.

And so far, he was doing a pretty damn good job.

Nick was much less pleased with the situation. The raccoon had been leashed to one of the thick, ornately carved wooden pillars in Fionn's room, and no matter how hard the rogue tried he couldn't get free of the manacles around his wrists. The bear had replaced the ropes holding him early in their trip; apparently he was smarter than he seemed and had recognized that a trained rogue probably wouldn't have had much trouble getting untied given time. Now all the raccoon could do was watch the bears tussling with each other, using his fluffy ringed tail to cover himself as best he could.

Croia tried to charge at Fion, but just like in their earlier fight, it didn't go the way the female had hoped. Fionn managed to grab her a flip her over, throwing her onto the floor before the blazing hearth and diving on top of her, grabbing her arms and pinning them down while working his legs between her's, pushing them apart with his own powerful thighs. Croia struggled for a few more moments, but realizing she wouldn't be able to break the big bear's grip, she laid back, the pair panting heavily. They both growled in anticipation when his thick black dick pressed against the lips of her cunt, sliding the length up and down, feeling the heat from each other that there was only one way to quench.

Now that they were both ready, Croia pressed her cunt up against Fionn's dick, smiling up at the big bear.

"Looks like you win," she said. "Now take your reward."

Fionn grinned hungrily before thrusting his hips down, hilting all nine inches of cut black bear cock inside the eagerly squirming female beneath him. He didn't waste any time with going slow; neither of them wanted that. This wasn't some tender lovemaking with a delicate virgin. The bears didn't want something gentle and sweet. They wanted to fuck.

And that's exactly what they did. Fionn kept Croia pinned down, both of them enjoying his show of strength as he slammed his hips against hers, working the full length of his penis in and out of the brown bear with every thrust. She was clearly enjoying herself - his cock was quickly slick with her fluids, and she was moaning and growling right along with him. Fionn pressed down against her, as much of their bodies touching as possible before he plunged his tongue into her mouth, the bears kissing with plenty of tongue and teasing teeth. To an outside observer it would look more like a battle than sex - it certinly looked that way to Nick - but for the two barbarian bears it was the height of pleasure.

With a grunt and a roar, Fionn bit Croia's shoulder, emptying his balls into the loudly moaning bear beneath him, her body writhing right along with his as they rode the waves of their orgasms together. He kept himself hilted inside her, even as his cum spilled out around him, easily visible against her brown fur. Fionn wanted to make damn sure Croia had a cub or two in her before they were done.

Pulling out of her, Fionn stood over Croia proudly, cum dripping from his cock just as it was leaking from the brown bear's well-fucked cunt. His erection bobbing with each step, the polar bear walked over to Nick, positively leering at the raccoon as he did. The bound male backed up against the column he was leashed to, unable to get any further away from the big bear.

"I like my ladies big so they can really take a pounding, but I like my boys smaller, so I get a nice tight fit." Fionn grabbed Nick and undid his collar, his grip on the raccoon's arm making sure he wasn't going anywhere. "Time to see if your ass is as good as it looks."

"Bring him over here," growled Croia, turning to put her head towards the pair, licking her lips. "I want a taste of him while I watch."

Nick tried to scramble away from the two big predators, but that wasn't going to happen. He could do little more than whimper as he was force-marched over to his former comrade, the brown bear reaching out and grabbing his hips as soon as he was close enough. Nick yelped when Croia pushed his tail out of the way, revealing his erection to the bears. She pulled the raccoon down to lay over her, her large hands sliding to his ass while popping his cock into her mouth and starting to eagerly suck him.

Nick's moans turned to a yelp when Fionn grabbed his tail and yanked it up while Croia spread his cheeks, presenting his tight pink tailhole to the polar bear. It was only when he felt Fionn's thick cock pressed against his entrance that the raccoon fully understood just how big the other man was.

"W-We don't have to do-oooohhh... do this, right?" he asked as Fionn started pushing forward, his plea broken by a pleased moan caused by Croia gulping down his dick. "There must be something I can give you?"

Fionn laughed. "Of course there is." The raccoon's face lit up, but quickly fell again at the bear's next words. "You can give me this tight little ass to use as a cock warmer."

Nick's whine turned to a loud moan as Fionn pushed into him, spreading the raccoon's rear wide around his cock until his pucker was pulled completely smooth around him. The polar bear didn't waste any time, starting to fuck the squirming raccoon, keeping a firm grip on his tail to stop the small squirming male from blocking his few. He looked forward to the day he'd have his new slave begging him for a chance to ride his cock.

But for now he'd happily enjoy watching his legs tremble and twitch every time that big bear cock rammed into his prostate, Croia gulping heavily as Nick was pushed to the first of many orgasms under the attention of the two big, horny bears.


After helping the big stallion get the gear he needed to break his new slaves in, Crius left Patrick to his fun and headed off to have some of his own. Ivan was surprisingly obedient already, following the lizardman with a minimum of fuss. Of course, the powerful clawed hand holding his sheath and using it to guide him along might have had something to do with that.

Rather than back to his house, he took the wolf instead down below the main building and into a side corridor branching away from the structure that ran below ground. He didn't want to disturb Filia, so instead he led the black wolf into his personal workshop. Guiding Ivan over to a nearby workbench, Crius pushed the wolf down on his back and quickly bound him in place, his ankles shackled to the legs and his neck collared and cuffed to the padded body of the bench. He was even able to unbind the wolf's hands and slip them into the sturdy cuffs on the sides, Ivan proving either unable or unwilling to fight back against the reptile.

Even as Crius slipped a sturdy leather muzzle over his snout, Ivan barely moved, at least until it was firmly secured. That seemed to finally snap the wolf to his senses, and he pulled against the cuffs, shaking his head to try in vain to shake the muzzle off. Meanwhile Crius was getting very handsy indeed, tracing the lupine's muscles through his dark fur until his hands once again reached the wolfen's sheath, squeezing and stroking it eagerly. He even reached down to tease over the big male's tailhole, Ivan's position on the bench leaving him wonderfully exposed.

"It's been far too long since I had such a big, handsome toy to play with," crooned the lizard. "This is going to be fun."

As the wolf's member started to slide from his sheath, Crius gave the tip a teasing flick with his thumb, laughing at how his touch made the wolf jump. Stepping away for a moment, Crius returned with a bottle of oil in one hand and a ring of silver in the other. He set the bottle down and took hold of Ivan's cock, pushing his sheath back to reveal the rest of his length.

"Now hold still," said Crius. "Time to give my newest project a field test."

Ivan watched nervously as the lizardman slipped the ring over his cock and slid it down to sit firmly against the base. As soon as it was in place, Ivan whined into his muzzle as his penis quickly grew to full erection, his knot swelling up to full size just above the ring, ensuring that it wasn't coming off until his knot went back down. And what's more, a feeling of incredible pleasure started spreading out from his cock, enough to make the wolf's toe's curl and push another whine from his throat.

"Oh goodie, it's working," said Crius, a sly grin on his face as he poured some oil into his palm and grabbed the wolf's penis, spreading it around until the red length was slick and shining. "Now we can really have some fun."

Crius quickly undressed, producing a small bottle from a compartment on his belt. Popping the cork out, he downed the potion inside, a shudder shaking his form. Ictus' potion would make sure his backside had plenty of stretch for the wolf and his knot. Crius was no stranger to taking it up the tail, but it had been a while and he wanted to make sure there wouldn't be anything keeping him from enjoying himself. As he felt it taking effect, his cock quickly slid from his slit, the proud length a pink spear standing between his legs as he clambered atop the bound and squirming wolf.

Angling the wolf's erection up, Crius pressed it against his tailhole, leering down at Ivan as he sat down, pushing the wolf's thick, hard dick inside him until the lupine's knot was pressed against his entrance.

"Oh fuck, that's nice," moaned Crius, squeezing his ass on the thick length of wolf meat spreading him open, grinning at the helpless wolf's whimpering whine when his ass got even tighter around him. He ran his fingers through the lush fur on the wolf's chest, teasing his skin with his claws. "Now be a good boy and give me what I want."

Crius started bouncing on the bound wolf, his own cock leaking heavily at the feelling of hot lupine penis ramming into his prostate. Every time he dropped down onto Ivan's length, his own slapped against the wolf's belly, matting Ivan's fur with his copiously flowing precum.

If the pleasure the wolf had been feeling before was intense, the tight warmth of the lizardman's ass riding his cock felt like it was going to break his mind. Ivan struggled and squirmed against his bonds, but every tight squeeze from Crius made his limbs go weak. Muffled moans and whines were the only noises he could make, despite trying to beg the reptile for some small measure of mercy. But for good or bad, no such mercy was coming for him that night. Crius would have what he wanted, one way or another.

And what he wanted more than anything else in that moment was to feel the wolf's knot stretching his ass wide.

That was exactly what he got a few minutes later when he slammed his hips down, forcing the wolf's knot inside him. Crius continued to grind and squeeze the wolf's cock even as Ivan came, filling his captor's backside with a heavy load of lupine spunk. As the warmth of it filled him, Crius rapidly stroked his cock, crying out when his orgasm hit and he painted Ivan's belly and chest with his cum, the white streaks standing out so brightly against the panting wolf's dark fur.

"Fuuuuck," sighed Crius. "I needed that. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me," he added, stroking the wolf's sides gently. "Now lets see about the other side."

Ivan whined loudly through his muzzle as Crius spun around, the wolf feeling like his cock was twisting inside the lizardman. As Ivan watched, Crius produced a long, thick dildo - he had no idea where the other man had been hiding it - and covered it with oil before lining it up with the wolf's exposed tailhole. Ivan tried to tightened himself enough to stop what was coming, but it was no use. All it took was another squeeze from Crius' ass to make his body go limb, and at that moment his captor shoved the toy inside him, starting to work it back and forth at a steady pace.

"You'll thank me for stretching you out," said Crius. "One of your new masters, Victus, is a very big boy that enjoys fucking his toys. If you're a good little bitch and do as you're told, you may even start to like your new life with us."

A dark look crossed Crius' face as he glanced back over his shoulder at Ivan. There was something deeply unsettling about the way the lizardman was smiling.

"Disobey us, though, and I'm afraid more drastic steps will have to be taken to teach you how a proper slave behaves. You wouldn't want to end up like my own new toy, now would you?"

Crius gestured to the side of the workshop with his tail, and it was only then that Ivan realized they weren't alone. There, sprawled out on a cot was another canine. He looked to be a german shepherd, though Ivan supposed he could have been another breed. It was hard to tell because the only part of his body that was visible was his head. From the neck down the dog was encased on a tight leather bitchsuit that left him unable to move. A blindfold covered his eyes and a ballgag had been stuffed in his mouth, leaving him unable to communicate beyond whimpers and muffled pleas for mercy or aid.

A gap in the suit left the dog's erection, sac, and rear accessible, and it was clear Crius had been putting that access to good use. A ring similar to the one now locked around the base of Ivan's cock was around the dog's as well, and the wolf watched as what had to be some form of magically energy sparked over the dog's penis, making it throb and leak heavily. Like Ivan, he also had a dildo shoved under his tail, though that one was buzzing and shaking; that combination would certainly explain the way the dog was writhing as much as his suit would allow, desperate to reach an orgasm that showed no signs of happening.

In that moment, even as he was made to cum again inside the lizardman grinding on his hips, Ivan made a decision. If he was condemned to a life as a slave, he was going to make sure he was the best slave his new masters had ever had.

Whatever it took to keep from ending up like the unfortunate dog laying across from him. Pride be damned! There was no way he was letting himself get put through something like that.