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#40 of 2022 Stories

Gimmie a T! Gimmie and F!

Also some S-E-X while we're at it.

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Had anyone asked Erakir, Khloe, or any other of his party members about sports, they wouldn't know much about things like basketball, baseball, hockey, or any of that boring stuff. However, there was an important sport to him that he couldn't get enough of.

"Can you believe that white mage just charged in there and used a massive stun? Man, why can't I do things like that!" Erakir the moogle said with a happy sigh. He watched a man dressed in a golden pig outfit perform miracles as a white mage, something he hoped to achieve himself one day.

"He learned it from the tank." Khloe replied. Khloe was far from being a tank, but he was a very good spellcaster! The fox able to cast all sorts of black magic and illusion spells, he was learning fast how to dominate the field. Even if he often wore a french maid outfit. Then again, many competitors often wore silly outfits. "You can ask Chazori to teach you how to charge enemies and do it yourself!" He turned his attention to the silent male up front. "Isn't that right, Chazori?"

Erakir was delighted to have a party with him, and even better was that the college they went to see the 'pvp competition' as the college called it, was willing to offer a tour of the place and even housing to sleep in for the night, as the game did drag on a bit. The sun was already starting to set.

A black anthro horse was driving the party around in a lightweight car. The college they went to was absolutely massive. "I'm glad you enjoyed the matches, and the field it took place in for that matter. Our college prides itself on our sports. Are you sure you don't want to meet our football team? We have teams for every major sporting event."

Erakir scoffed at the idea of meeting such barbarians. He knew this was the type of college that focused on athleticism more than intelligence and he wasn't big in that. Even the black horse looked more like a jock than a teacher. "I'm sure. Would you mind taking is to our sleeping quarters for the night?" Chazori had managed to secure them rooms for the night after the game, though Erakir never inquired as to how he got the rooms. A college wasn't exactly a hotel, but Chazori said it would be free to stay.

The black horse chuckled. "Of course. I have rooms set up for all of you. You know, you're not the only guests to stay here. I swear I should start charging hotel fees." He stopped the car in front of a large brick building that had the resemblance of a large apartment building with multiple units, each of them with a large air conditioner sticking out of each of them. There must have been dozens of units in this building, all spread around a giant circle the building had the shape of, with a recreation center placed in the middle of that circle. "Each of you have your own different rooms." He pulled out a large set of keys, each with a number on them. "Although I haven't assigned you them, by all means grab a number, head on in, and get yourself a good night's rest!"

Erakir and Khloe were the first two to grab rooms, making sure to grab two numbers that were side by side. One by one the rest of their group, a total of 14 people, each grabbed one key. Erakir knew some of them better than others. He'd team up with them to take down evil now and then while others were mostly gatherers or crafters, nothing he paid much attention to. He was a white mage, healing was his specialty.

"So, you want to try practicing some of that mixture of magic, Erakir?" Khloe the fox anthro said as he grabbed his key. He walked with Erakir into the dorm and down the hallways. Based on their key number, they were on the second floor, rooms 24 and 25 respectively. He had several questions to the black horse about how this place operated, but it was a one night stay anyway, no need to get inquisitive. "Black and white magic for some strong unpredictable spells?"

"We'll start it tomorrow." Erakir knew what Khloe was already thinking of, and he had to quickly dismiss the idea of a slumber party. Staying up all night playing games with the fox sounded like a blast, but after a long sporting day, he was tired. Something about this college also felt very off, and he couldn't place it on what. They focused on the tournaments of fighting sure, but football, baseball, basketball, soccer, any and every sporting event one could think of was here, and it was so strange. He never heard of any classes this college taught, it was all about sports! He knew it was nothing, but the sooner he went to bed and woke up to leave, the better. The only reason he didn't leave sooner was because he had no good modes of transportation. It wasn't as if he could summon a mount from nothing!

Erakir, Khloe, and the rest of their party each went into their dorm rooms for the night. While Erakir wasn't in the other dorms, he assumed each one was built the same. There was a bed, a desk, a closet, a bathroom, and that was it. He figured the kitchen was in the cafeteria, and there were spots for microwaves as well. "Pretty empty and basic." He said with a shrug, well besides a large pink cheerleader poster right above the wall. Did that come with the dorm, or was it from a student who left it behind? He chuckled at the thought of the dorm giving out cheerleading posters. With a roll of his eyes, the moogle hopped onto the bed, kicked off his shoes and got comfortable. He wanted to brush his teeth, but his belongings were 'taken care of' by the staff, so the black horse told him. The college didn't seem like the kind of evil place that it would do away with their belongings, but strange enough that he almost sensed a sort of evil. "Ah well... one night, then I'm out tomorrow. I'll make up for it by brushing twice in the morning."

Erakir didn't even remember putting the sheets on, but he had one heck of a dream. He stood in an open field naked with the black horse looming over him with a wicked grin. The horse was also naked and showing off a massive horse cock, which Erakir could not get his eyes off. It wasn't that he was into such men, as big and strong as this horse was, it was more so the shock value of the huge shaft. He was speechless, and then the black horse tossed a ball on top of Erakir, bonking him on the head. He swore he felt that bonk, and as the ball opened up to capture him, it shifted upwards, pulling him up. Erakirs bare paws clung to the ground as best as he was able to do so, which was surprisingly effective for the moogle! His pompom pulled clean off him and his body pulled outwards, stretching wider and wider. His cock shifted upwards and began to leak all of its cum into the pokeball. "N-no!" He cried out.

The moogle grabbed onto his shaft, but it was in vain. His cock vanished in his dream, leaving only a feminine cunt. The pokeball over him had transformed him entirely, though he only had enough time to see a well developed pair of tits, strange pink paw hands, and a grinning horse who was now directly in front of Erakir's face with a huge cock, which Erakir's mouth suddenly wrapped itself around it and began to suck, as if he wanted to do it in this new female body.

The horse in his dream chuckled with a wicked grin on his face. He patted Erakir's head, reaching a very quick orgasm himself, though once he did, he said only one thing.

"Gotta catch them all. You're mine, forever."

Erakir awoke and rubbed his head right away. He felt as if he had just gotten hit by a train. He kept his eyes closed and groaned, but then paused. His groaning sounded... different. With his hands on his sealed eyelids, he raised his palm up over it and felt... two fuzzy ears. Well, big ears on a moogle was nothing out of the ordinary, but the lack of a pompom was alarming. He opened up his eyes, lowered his hand, and then froze at the sight of a pink paw greeting him, a color that was not a moogle's own! "ACK!" His voice was extremely feminine too. "What the heck!"

"Uhn... do you mind?" A female voice spoke up that sounded oddly familiar, a voice that was actually nearly identical to Khloe. Khloe did sound pretty feminine as a male after all. From the exact same bed Erakir was on, a Sylveon anthro with large tits woke up and stretched. She had a raging tent in the bed, showing she wasn't quite all female. "Uhn..." Strangely, she had blue fur where there should have been pink, a shiny Sylveon which was actually rather common among the world of anthros. "Hey Erakir, I thought you didn't wanna sleep with me? Hehe, glad you changed your mind." She stuck out her tongue teasingly. "Did you want to have some morning sex before we get to our classes? I got a raging erection as hard as a steel type."

Erakir immediately recognized this Pokemon anthro as Khloe. How he, or rather she with her new body type, knew her as Khloe was beyond her. She just knew this pokemon was Khloe. Maybe it was the voice? Either way, she shook her head. "I didn't... I mean... Khloe, look at us!" She pulled off the blankets from both of their bodies.

Erakir was a sylveon anthro from ear to paw. She had long pink ears and long pink hair atop her head. She had ribbons and bows in her hair that, no matter how hard she tugged, would never come out. She also had big blue eyes and white fur on her front. She had C cup tits, not quite as developed as Khloe's, but still large enough to see every time she looked down. Her hands and paw pad feet were pink and, as she looked down at her naked body, she envisioned cocks on her paws, her cunt, her ass. She was a female, and dammit she was a horny one at that! Still, it was easy to control her urges after the shock of seeing her new body. "I'll... p-pass for now."

Khloe giggled at Erakir. She leaned forward and gave the pink sylveon a kiss, not hesitating to go deeper with it, but only lasting for a short period before she stopped. "Aw, okay. Well, hurry up and get ready for class! We have a long day ahead of us!"

"Class... right." Erakir rubbed her head. She turned to the side and put her feet on the ground. Standing so tall was a new sensation to her. She was normally so short, and now here she was standing tall without a pompom or bat wings! She was a Pokemon, a Pokemon anthro sleeping in the same dorm as Khloe! She eyed Khloe walking into the shower, seeing that dangling large human shaped cock swaying with every step until she got in and closed the door behind her, but didn't bother to lock it. Erakir knew what that meant, and while her body was screaming to join her in that shower, her mind was not. She had to figure out just what the fuck was going on! Why was she a Pokemon now? Maybe this was all a dream, but the pokeball and that horse was the dream!

'God, I'd love to have a cock that big. He's head coach isn't he? What do I have to do to fuck him.' She thought absentmindedly before clearing her head. No! She wasn't some perverted college schoolgirl!


Erakir's head ran with so many questions, yet amazingly her brain had an answer for each one. Who was she? Kira. What was she doing? She was in college. What was she studying? How to be the perfect cheerleader for professional sports. How long had she been there? She was fresh in college, her first week. Of course she would barely know anything about the college, she hadn't been there long enough! Khloe was her roommate, and the two loved to have fun together even long before arriving in this college.

Erakir knew she was called Kira, but she'd deny that name up and down. Something happened to her when she was asleep, almost as if she swapped lives with Kira. She was tempted to go out of her dorm and look for her old body, as if someone else were using it, but first she was going to need to find something to wear. Perverted body and mindset or not, she could not go out of her dorm in the nude!

Erakir opened up their shared closet in hopes of finding something modest to wear while she was investigating this oddity. Unfortunately all she found were skimpy cheerleader outfits, short socks and tiny shoes with some sandals, all shorts with not one pair that looked as if they'd go below her knees, and t-shirts that left little to the imagination, looking as if they'd fail to cover her stomach, much of her tits, and in most cases, the outfits simply covered only some of her breast. Erakir was into women. Had it been any other day he met this Sylveon, he'd do whatever the heck he could to flirt with her, but to be this pokemon was too much for him! He looked at the other half of the closet where Khloe kept her things and found much of the same kinds of outfits, only with baggier shirts for very obvious reasons, but Erakir was already picturing Khloe's bulge in those outfits. 'Ahn... why am I so wet from thinking about that?'

Her underwear options weren't much better with very skimpy bras and panties, none of which thrilled her to wear, and yet she had memories of wearing them all.

'It really is like I swapped lives. I have to fix this before I forget who I am!' She settled for white laced bra and panties along with a pink top and a frilly skirt that needed but a light gust of wind to expose her fine ass. She put on a pair of small socks and shoes, grabbed her bag by the door, and raced off to her first class. She had no intention of waiting for Khloe, one reason being she was ready to take a cock in her cunt, and she knew Khloe would love that too. The less she was around to see cocks, the better.

Erakir was ready to race out the dorm as fast as she could, but she felt guilty about wanting to leave her friends behind. It wasn't just Khloe, but so many others! Maybe, maybe she could stick around a bit and figure out what was going on. Part of her wanted to meet that horse, though she had a strong feeling that horse was the reason behind their transformations. God, just imagining that big thick cock. No, she wasn't ready for that yet! She had to work her way up. Khloe was helping her out to start with, then she could work on other bigger shafts from the teams playing sports, then maybe the coaches, then finally the horse. 'Wait, why am I thinking so perverted? Uhhnn it's turning me on way too much.' She mentally moaned, hiding a blush from her pink furry face. She went where her instincts told her to go, out of the dorm and to the classrooms. Surely, there was nothing perverted about this school. No, it was just behind the scenes, it had to have been.

Erakir was the first to arrive at the open school, not far from the big round dorms. She immediately noticed poke anthros of all sorts of all college ages, most of them jocks of cheerleaders granted. 'God. I've heard of sports colleges but this is ridiculous.' Moreover, many of them wore outfits as perverted as hers, as if challenging her! She could only imagine the kind of classes they taught at this place. 'Okay, there can't be anything perverted about my first class. It's only...' She looked down at the books she held, very thin books only twice the width of a comic book, and a tablet that she assumed held much more information. The top book was her first class. 'Science and anatomy? Well...fuck.'

For better or worse, the school day became an absolute blur to Erakir. She was normally such a studious student, that was how she became the best cheerleader in high sch- wait, no she wasn't always a cheerleader!

Regardless, her mental state for paying attention in school diminished immensely. The day came and went before she knew it. She had encounters with other eeveelutions that used to be part of her group, and they were part of a group, but far from the one that was once her party. She'd find that out when, after the final bell rang for college, her legs brought her to the sports field where they played football, the American version of football to be more precise.

At that stadium she found her many eeveelution friends, and Khloe was there too, more than happy to see her. Khloe rushed over and gave Erakir a huge hug. "Kira! Girl, you have got to stop attending all those classes! It's not like you're learning anything in them anyway. Spend some more time in the dorm sucking and fucking, you'll become the best damn cheerleader if you do that!" She spoke as if it were a totally normal thing. As she hugged 'Kira', Khloe's cock hid behind a tight pair of shorts, though they did a very bad job at concealing it. Even touching the other Sylveon, her shaft pulsed and throbbed, brushing up against her thigh.

"K-Khloe?" Erakir eeped in surprise. She barely had time to study the field and see all the other eeveelutions, every one of them from Vaporeon to Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, some shiny, others not. She was able to make out from the corner of her eyes that the shiny ones were the ones that also had cocks, and instinctively knew a few of them that would be futa, and others not, such as vaporeon was like her, a pure female.

"K-Khloe, how are you thinking this is all normal?" She stammered. "We're different! Like, we've transformed overnight!"

Khloe giggled at Erakir. "Oh, I know something is super weird Kira, but who the hell cares? This is fun, isn't it?" Khloe turned to the other pokemon. "Hey Trish, get over here!" She called out to a female Leafeon. "Kira's going to need some help with your idea!" She then turned back to Kira. "Trish learned this super awesome move that you absolutely have to try." She spread her legs. "I'd show you myself, but it requires you to be underneath me to perform it correctly." She then turned back to Trish. "Don't do it for her, move her into position, you know how much Kira loves that!"

Erakir glanced over to Trish, Trish, a leafeon female wearing a similar outfit akin to Erakir. In fact, most of the cheerleaders had a similar outfit, likely to look the part as a team. Still, something about the leafeon looked familiar. Perhaps it was something in her eyes, or maybe it was her walk. 'Is that Trevor?' Trevor, a mouse anthro, now a pokemon cheerleader who seemed so happy to do her job and walk over to Erakir. "Um...hi?" Erakir scratched the back of her head, unsure what else to say. Was she really the only one with memories of what it was like outside this college? She used to be something else! She was a... she was a... well, whatever she previously was didn't matter, but she wasn't a sylveon! She was a furry white thing with wings!

Maybe she was a bat anthro? An albino bat anthro? Well, that didn't matter. What mattered was what she knew she wasn't, and that was a cheerleader!

Trish smiled at Erakir. "Right, Khloe." She got behind Erakir and took hold of her. "Just let me position you, okay?" She tilted Erakir down backwards, bending her and showing how surprisingly flexible Erakir's new body was, able to bend fully back and put her hands on the ground as if like a table with her tits and stomach jutting in the air. "You position yourself like this, I call it the cow rider, and you're the cow!"

Erakir was stunned that her body was so flexible. She effortlessly bent to Trish's will as if she were a model figurine. She already knew who the rider was going to be based on Khloe walking up to her with a big smile on her face. Her eyes grew wide and her heart throbbed hard. Sweat began to trickle from her body, though she couldn't stop herself from showing... excitement? She should be absolutely hating this, yet she was looking forward to the inevitable! 'Come on Kira... erm... Erakir, move! Get out of the way! She's going to sit on you!'

Khloe flipped her skirt and did just as Erakir feared. She sat down with her ass firmly placed on Erakir's face and cock right where her lips were with nothing blocking them. Khloe didn't bother wearing underwear underneath her skirt! "Hehe...oh your face always feels so good." She wiggled her ass, plopped down atop Erakir. "What do you think of this pose? Trish was thinking you bob your head up and down while I get reins attached to your pussy, giving the reins a jiggle sending vibrations to a dildo inside of it. The crowd will love it!"

Erakir wished she could respond. For the first time since she awoke in her new form, she was also glad that she didn't have a cock, as her arousal would be slightly better hidden, though the wetness between her legs was hard to ignore. She swore she felt herself dripping down onto the grass below. 'I don't even get time to look around this stadium. It's outside with a roof over the head of the people but not us... ugh... her smell is so good, so familiar. It almost reminds me of... me?' Erakir didn't want to think about that too much. The more she thought about the cheerleading life, the harder it was to think about what she once was, some sort of furry bat anthro she figured, though she swore she had a pom pom atop her head too, but that was silly. What kind of animal had such a crazy thing?

"Mppphmmph!" She wanted to reach up and push Khloe off, but she feared she bend over backwards farther and find out just how flexible her body was the hard way, with her face deeper in the ass of Khloe.

After one more butt wiggle, Khloe got off Erakir and giggled at her reaction. "You know, the crowd's going to want you to actually look like you enjoyed that! You have to make me moan so loud in pleasure for when we cheer that our football team will HAVE to get the goal! Every goal they get, the more sexual we get. That's how we win the most games after all!" Khloe jumped up with both arms in the air, her skirt flipped up briefly and revealed her erect cock underneath before she landed on the ground.

Erakir couldn't be- well actually she could believe how open Khloe was to this. Khloe was a very sexualized fox, though she imagined the now sylveon should have been at least a little concerned, or even Trish for that matter, once a brown mouse now a leafeon. All the eons there, most she recognized as her former friends, well they were still her friends, now with more benefits than before. "I... but you know I..." She couldn't think of a good reason not to pleasure Khloe. God, that cock in her mouth sounded like such a fucking good idea now. "I can't find myself getting in the mood today." A bad excuse, but what else was there?

"What, do you want some help from your twin cheerleader?" Khloe giggled. She gave Erakir a hug. She didn't hesitate to reach down and gave Erakir's big rear, the rear the size of two basketballs, a big firm squeeze before kissing her lovingly. She then pressed her shaft up against her thigh with only their skirts in the way, and from the feeling of their fabric, there may as well have been nothing between them at all!

Erakir's eyes shot open at the kiss. Her heart pounded hard and fast, as if her body knew where this was going to lead to, but they couldn't have sex right out in the open, could they? This wasn't that kind of college. Yet, every thought she brought up had the two of them doing it everywhere, regardless if there were people or not. Hell, when there were more people, it made the sex all the better! They did it for their team, and the more open and creative sexual methods, the better! Her nipples perked up and, unable to help herself, she moaned softly. "F-fuck..."

"If that's what you want to do, we can arrange that." Khloe kissed Erakir's neck before she pulled back with a lust-filled smile. "We can have all sorts of fun on the field. I'm sure the cheerleading squad could use it as a pick-me-up with how strangely you've been behaving lately."

'Arrange what? Fucking? Oh god...' Erakir mentally thought, taking a very long time to process her thoughts. Her mind screamed yes, her body desired it, but Kira, er, Erakir didn't. No, she was better than that! The horse's cock maybe, but that was because... no, not even him! She had to refrain, but she wanted Khloe so bad, and on the damn field too! "M-maybe we can try another cheerleader pose!" She shouted. She quickly did a cartwheel, but paused halfway. She spread her legs and revealed her pussy to the world as she flipped on her head. She wasn't even sure what she was doing besides what her body told her to do, what her mind told her to do. There she was with her hands on the soft grass, her head upside down, and her glistening wet feminine cunt exposed for all to see. Yes, this was a kind of cheer the crowd and sports teams would love, but her head faced towards the eon's who appeared to be unimpressed.

"You already came up with that pose like months ago!" Khloe scoffed. "You don't remember that? Man, you really are slow. Look, it went like this... you got in position like that, then it went like this..." Trish picked up Khloe by her rear as if she knew exactly how it went and brought her over to Erakir. Cherry, a flareon with a hard-on, also came over, leaned down, and put her back on Erakir's legs, as if to support her. Trish set Khloe on top of Erakir perfectly, Khloe's flaccid cock brushed against Erakir's vaginal walls. Trish then went to the other side of Erakir, holding up her other side for support, creating a sort of stance for the four cheerleaders.

"The only difference is you were on top so an erect cock would go right into your pussy and you'd cheer super loudly as I came in you." Khloe then finished as the cheerleaders took their poses.

Erakir couldn't believe it. The group took the pose so effortlessly like a well oiled machine, and worse she remembered making the pose! They bent Khloe's erect cock just enough to penetrate her, and when a non-futa had to be used, they substituted the shaft for a strap-on instead! She knew she shouldn't be remembering this, she wasn't in college for that long, right? She rubbed her head in confusion, not even guessing how she kept her legs spread so well or her strength kept her in that position with only a little support on the sides. The shaft rubbing against her made her shiver in pleasure, not erect, but god... the memories of taking that shaft were plentiful, even though she knew they shouldn't be. "R-right, sorry. We can stop this pose now." Her mind filled with other ideas on how to take poses, including one in her mind they hadn't done yet where she bobbed Khloe up and down on top of her while she cheered, going even louder when she orgasmed, but Erakir feared bringing it up.

Khloe hopped off Erakir effortlessly and the other girls got off her just as well. "You haven't been yourself at all, Kira. I know things feel weird at this college, but you're doing a great job as a cheerleader. Still, you're going to have to meet up with Mark if you keep this up, and you know your vagina isn't ready for that!"

'That black horse. Oh hell no I'm not ready for that. I'm barely ready for you!' Erakir shuddered. God, the thought of taking that cock at games, overnight, almost all the damn time excited her more than it should. She was already forgetting more of her past life, her other 'eon' friends seemed to already have, and who knew where the rest of her party members were. Sure she had all the eons here, but there were more than that! She'd have to start looking around the college and find them, but before she had a chance to do that, Khloe gave her another hug and put her mouth to her ear.

"I didn't get to have kinky sex with you yesterday. Is that what is bothering you? I'll make up for it tonight." Khloe whispered.

Erakir's heart skipped a beat. She wasn't sure if she should be fearful...


Or looking forward to it.

Before Erakir knew what hit her, the cheerleading session ended and the girls went about their business, all of them leaving except for Khloe who hung around and put an arm around her. Erakir's heart fluttered. Her eyes fixated on the 'eon' pokemon, unsure about what to say. Khloe clearly wasn't going to believe her, that or she was really getting into the role of a cheerleader.

"I um... I should go see... the principal?" Erakir asked, unsure who was in charge on a college campus. Were they still principals? She swore she knew before. "So if you'll excuse me."

"You really want to fuck that black horse that badly?" Khloe said with a laugh. She kept her arm wrapped firmly around Erakir. Khloe's strength alone was enough to keep hold of her. That, or Erakir's nerves kept the Sylveon in place.

"Look, I can't stop you from wanting to wreck your vagina that badly, unless you just want to give him a titjob or a blowjob or something." She shrugged. "You did that when you first came to college, didn't you?" Khloe gave Erakir a light poke.

Erakir's memories flashed back to the entrance to the college. She recalled seeing that big black horse cock, taking it in her tits and rubbing it up and down. She could almost feel it between her breasts now. She reached up and pressed her tits together, moaning as the memories flooded back. Why the hell did she remember this so... thoroughly? She didn't recall what species she was before this!

Then, that hit her too. Of course, she wasn't some white furry creature before this, she was an eevee. All eons started off as eevees and then evolve generally in high school, though sometimes they might remain eevees even as they went to college, and they were great with the older men. "Y-yeah." Erakir stammered. "I do, but I shouldn't, and you shouldn't either... Khloe, weren't you like... a red creature before?"

Khloe let out a laugh. "Oh heck no. I was an eevee like you! Come on, we grew up together, we had our first sexual experience together, I know you want to go out and have other men, futa, whatever sex have their way with you, but I hope I'm not too dull. Come on, let's get to the bedroom and I'll show you a real good time." She said playfully. "I'll get you back to your old self! The Kira I once knew and loved, not this weird shy one you are now."

Erakir put her hand to her head. Her nethers dripped eagerly. God, she couldn't believe how much she wanted this, how much she wanted to have that cock of Khloe's in her cunt again. Wait, again? She never had it in her... wait, she did, but she swore she shouldn't have. Her memories were conflicting with her again. Why were her friends so accepting of this? Surely, someone else had to have thoughts like her, right? Maybe none of the eons, but perhaps another student? Maybe someone with more intelligence. She lacked the smarts, but there had to be more than just cheerleaders and jocks in this college!

"Um... I'll play with you in a bit, okay?" Erakir bashfully smiled. "I just want to go for a quick walk, you know? Try to clear my head and stuff."

Khloe gave Erakir a light kiss and a smile. "Okay, but don't take too long! I'm aching to see you again." She stepped back and stretched her arms above her head before she walked away from Erakir, leaving the pokemon alone.

Erakir sighed of relief, free from Khloe's grasp and her scent. Truth be told, her body craved Khloe and she wasn't sure she'd make it the night without sex, especially if the two of them were roommates. She turned her head away from Khloe to stay away from her and saw a blue Salandit watching them from the stands. Huh, another pokemon? A pokemon that wasn't an eon, but one clearly enjoying themselves watching the group. Erakir walked over to the side of the stadium and hopped on top of a bench. She then jumped up over the railings to get onto the stands with an amazing amount of agility. She had to admit this body was very athletic! Once in the stands, she marched over to the salandit. "What are you doing here?" She had to ask the pokemon.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm watching the cheerleaders. You look like you could be the best one if you were a bit more open." The Salandit held her chest as she spoke with a sly smile on her face. She didn't bother wearing anything, showing off her tits and vagina.

Erakir figured this place had a policy where wearing no clothes was perfectly allowed. Sometimes clothing was overrated for creatures, especially when their body shape didn't allow for it easily. That voice though... "Dez?" She had to ask, another victim of transforming, yet also still so oblivious to the change her body succumbed to. "Wait, you don't remember what happened yesterday?"

"Of course I do. You had a threesome with a few guys and let me watch. Very generous by the way." Dez pulled out her cell phone from... somewhere in her body. It was best not to ask how she had pockets when she lacked clothes. She revealed a video she taped of Erakir, a sparklefox, and a strange cat-fox like creature with purple horns along with blonde hair, but also brown hair and light brown fur. Erakir was in the center with her mouth around the purple and blue sparklefox anthro with the other strange creature behind her, ramming her from behind with a strapon. "I knew you were a slut, but damn you were having the time of your life with these two."

Erakir blushed deeply at the sight of the video of her fucking two others. Worse yet, she remembered that! "Oh... I mean..." Wait, how did Dez even get permission to record it? She recalled that too, Dez asked for permission and she remembered saying that it was okay!

Erakir stared at the phone, even as the video ended, it ended with Erakir's naked body, tensed up between the two fucking her. She knew she had orgasmed at the very end of the video, and she was getting so wet and eager for more and more sex. So there were more than just pokemon here, well at least she assumed. The creature in front of her was a Salandit, but the ones in the video weren't pokemon at all, nor could they have been jocks or cheerleaders. "Mmph." Unable to help herself, she reached down and rubbed her nethers between her legs with barely a thing in the way of her fingers and that cunt.

Dez giggled at Erakir's reaction. "You look like you want more of that action. I wouldn't mind getting some more video of you and Khloe together. You two are fantastic as two Sylveons, almost made for each other!"

Erakir was quick to shake her head. "Erm... I'll... I'll pass." She rushed to the exit and took advantage of the adrenaline her body was giving her. She rushed down the stairs and to the college campus, avoiding the dorms entirely as she knew Khloe was going to be waiting for her. The thought of having sex, having some fun with her all while thinking up some more cheers was very strong, but she had to refrain. She had to find a way out before she forgot herself entirely, something that she already knew was happening. She lost track of where she was as she ran. She was in the stadium, then outside briefly, and now inside the college campus once more, somewhere in one of the seemingly countless hallways before she bumped into Cherry, the futa flareon from before. She bumped into her squarely from behind and plopped down on her rear with an oof.

Cherry was holding a bunch of books when she was bumped into. She quickly turned around, her big fluffy tail lashed out behind her before she saw who it was that bumped into her. "Oh, well. Kira. Heh. Fancy meeting you here. What are you doing?"

Kira, er... Erakir, Erakir had to get that name out of her head, rubbed the side of her face before she stood up and brushed herself off. She was surprised to see Cherry here already. Didn't cheerleading just end? She rushed off in a hurry! No way Cherry could... questions for later. Her eyes kept away from Cherry's fiery red and looked down, but that did little as they went right to her crotch. "Um..." God, the thoughts of sex came up in Erakir's head again. The thought of getting pounded by that cock in her ass was so strong she could almost feel it in her rear. She clenched her anus and bit the bottom of her lip. She was finding it harder and harder to control herself. No, she wasn't a slut! She had to... she couldn't give in! "I..." She couldn't keep running though. She was already sweating and felt so tired. All she wanted to do was lay down and have a shaft pounded into her repeatedly. Maybe a fire type pokemon could help her cool off.

Cherry giggled at Erakir's reaction. "God, you're such a bimbo." She grabbed Erakir and pulled her into the girl's bathroom, conveniently located right next to the duo. She gave Erakir a rough kiss, pressed her roughly against the cold walls, and put her hands on Erakir's tits, giving them a firm grope as she made out with the sylveon.

Erakir opened her mouth to speak up, but was swiftly met with the lips of the flareon. Her eyes grew wide at the kiss, and in shock how weak her body was compared to the pokemon as she was pushed into the bathroom and made out with. The cold tiles behind her were nothing compared to the heat of the pokemon in front of her and the throbbing erection between the flareon's legs. Yes, it was clear what this pokemon wanted, and deep down Erakir wanted it to. She wanted to try to deny her body, but it was getting harder and harder to do so. Yesterday she was... she could barely remember. She was new to the college, she knew that much ,but that was it. "Mmpph." She kissed the pokemon back, unable to contain herself. She closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around the fire pokemon. God, this felt so wrong, but so right.

Cherry broke the kiss with a wicked grin to Erakir. "Oh, you are a bad sylveon, aren't you? God, I can feel how wet you are." Her shaft, hidden only by her skirt, slid on Erakir's furry thigh. She reached out and grabbed Erakir's wrists, keeping her held firmly against the wall, but not so tight that Erakir couldn't escape if she tried. "I know what you want. You bumped into me because you want a quickie, something to last before you get back to the dorms, is that right?" She released her grasp from Erakir, only to reach down and pull off her skirt enough to reveal a human shaped shaft, eagerly throbbing and pointing right in Erakir's direction. "I'll give the little pokemon what she wants. Come on."

Erakir couldn't help herself. Her body had to have this pokemon. Khloe was hitting on her a lot, but Cherry was flat out pinning her to the wall! She pushed her crotch up against Cherry, unable to control her emotions, or her body for what came next...

With only the slightest bit of adjustment, Cherry moved their skirts aside and thrust her shaft eagerly into Erakir's awaiting wet cunt, kissing her roughly once more as she reached around and grabbed her ass. "Mph!" She was not being easy on the pokemon at all.

Erakir moaned like a slut in heat. God, she was already so hot from the exercise, and this cock was making her feel even hotter in so many other ways, but ways that made her feel so damn good. Her eyes rolled back, her ears perked up, and she could do nothing but kiss back and enjoy the ride, the sensation of that cock in her cunt felt both new, yet also so familiar. Of course, Kira took cocks all the damn time. She was the best cheerleader on her squad, coming up with all different kinds of poses! The moogle inside of her suppressed more while the cheerleader whore pokemon grew bigger. Moogle, hah. Moogle was such a funny name for a species. She was a pokemon! Moogles weren't pokemon! Moogles were... well, like she knew, or cared for that matter. She spread her legs and raised them, wrapping them around Cherry as she took that cock like a champ. She squealed with joy as she hugged the futa flareon. A quick round of sex, yes that was exactly what she needed.

Cherry laughed at Erakir's sudden change of heart. She went from avoiding sex to flat out desiring it just like that! She broke the kiss and gave the sylveon's neck a nuzzle. "Glad to have you back, Kira. You were acting so weird." She said with another thrust. There the two were, in a public girl's bathroom fucking, not even so much as using a stall. The mirrors against the side of the wall showed the two of them going at it, two cheerleader college girls, fucking away happily and proudly. With a few more thrusts, the flareon came deep inside Erakir. Condoms? Those things were damn props. Strangely, despite how much unprotected sex they all had, none of them ever got pregnant, almost as if there were a magic in the air preventing that, but that was really just one less thing to worry about when it came to fun!

Erakir took that seed happily in her. Her mind slowly shifting, growing to become more accustomed to this. Yes, sex was so fun. She had to have more of it! If she didn't have enough of it, then no way she'd be able to graduate! She had to have her cunt stretched enough to take the biggest of cocks and to be the best cheerleader around! That was why she came to this college! She squeezed that cock with her cunt as it came deep within her, experiencing an orgasm herself that also felt so new to her, but her memory recalled doing it several, several times.

She had four years to work on her vagina, her sex form, and her cheerleading form, and she was going to make the most of it! Fuck the other classes. Well, biology was probably important to learn how to stretch those vaginal muscles, and she also had to learn how to stretch and flex her body. She could stretch her legs impressively well all over her body, but with her tight vaginal lips, she had a long way to go.

Cherry gave Erakir one more lengthy kiss before she slowly moved her head back. She delicately pulled her cock, dripping and covered with cum, out from Erakir's cock. The sex was short, but she had worked up a sweat. "Pre and post exercise sex... is all part of cheerleading, wouldn't you agree?" She panted with a huge smile.

Kira...no, Kira? What did she used to call herself? Ah well, as if it mattered. Kira smiled at Cherry and nodded without hesitation. Yes, pre and post sex workouts were a must before cheerleading. She couldn't believe she forgot to do that today! No wonder she was feeling so off. "Yup yup! Thanks Cherry." She kissed the flareon before she rushed out of the bathroom, feeling as if she had been born anew, and eager to... apologize to Khloe the only way she knew how.

Kira raced back to her dorm room with a new outlook on life. That one creature named... ah who cared, pushed way into the back of her mind. She regretted not showing Khloe the new cheer she thought of before and just had to show it to her now! With her cheerleader body and a seemingly unlimited amount of energy, she raced back to her room and soon arrived, spotting Khloe doing some stretches at the window, not having changed her clothing ever since she left cheerleading practice. Kira sweat heavily and smelled lightly of sex, but she didn't care. With a grin on her face, she hugged Khloe from behind. "Hey there! I'm sorry I've been behaving so strangely."

Khloe's ears flickered when the door opened. Yes, she knew exactly who it was. With a grin on her face, she let Kira hug her. "Glad you came to your old senses. Man, you were behaving so strangely ever since you woke up. You know, I had some weird thoughts too that I used to be something else, but damn a quick orgasm snapped me right out of it! I sometimes get thoughts about that creature again, but I either masturbate or have sex and I'm back to my old self in no time. You probably need the same thing, more sex to think like you!"

Kira nodded eagerly to Khloe. "Well, let's waste no time at it then!" With a grin, she put her feet on the ground and fell back with Khloe to the bed to proceed a night of one of their favorite activities, love making with Khloe's cock in Kira's cunt, ass, and even a pawjob from the happy cheerleader known as Kira!

Over the next few days, Kira thought she was returning to her old self. She'd go to classes, go to cheerleading and have some very interesting sexual routines, and then go home. Sex was very often with her. She woke up and had a quickie with Khloe, went to school and often spent lunch period with another person at college. Sometimes a pokemon, other times an anthro, and genders of all sorts. She recalled having sex with Kerry, a red cardinal boy, and Dell, a deer anthro, as well as all of the 'eons' at one point or another, and she loved every single moment of it. She'd happily take her sexual pounding, more often than not being on the receiving end, even when it was another female they used a strap on and pounded her cunt happily. Day by day, this routine went on and Kira got used to it. She got more and more into cheerleading, and one day Kira came up with a new cheer.

Kira was held up by Khloe and Trish. She held above her a Jolteon futa named Janice. Janice raised her electrical pompoms up while Kira supported her by her inner thighs, Kira's head right underneath the skirt of Janice. She tilted back and took the cock of Janice happily in her lips, suckling it underneath the skirt while the rest of the crowd knew what was going on, but with the skirt in the way it hid things just enough. With that new cheer, they managed to not only win several cheerleading tournaments over the months, but help their teams win several games as well.

As time passed, Kira learned more about college and stretched her vagina more and more, little by little, though not so much that it was overused, essentially 'training' her body. She didn't learn too much besides more sexual techniques, but that was okay as that was all she needed to know. During her stay, she had sex with every cheerleader, and almost everyone in that college for that matter, including several of the sports teams to help 'celebrate' their wins, but only if they won of course! Khloe, Cherry, Trish, all of the cheerleaders got their fair share of being laid too, and it wasn't too long before they would soon be graduating this college and moving on to a new life!

Graduation day was a bit strange. Rather than be in front of a crowd where her friends and family might watch her, she was in a line in front of an office, right along with the rest of her cheerleading friends. Anyone that entered the office left with a smile on their face, and papers in hand. Kira couldn't wait to get her papers and take cheerleading professionally! Her and all of her 'eon' friends going around the world, fucking and competing, oh it will be fantastic! Khloe was right in front of her, and also next in line.

The doorway opened and Cherry left with a grin on her face. "I can't wait for my first day! She said with a laugh. The scent of sex on her was clear, and the door remained open for Khloe.

Khloe turned back to Kira and gave her a hug. "I'll see you on the other side, girlfriend." She said before she walked into the office. The door slammed before Kira could even think about coming in with her.

Kira stood back and wondered what took place behind those closed doors. She knew she was going to find out for herself. She had a strong feeling what it was. After all, graduation day was a big deal. She was... well she was in her 20s by now! She had sex with so many students here, but there was one person she hadn't mated with yet, one that she had desired, and felt as if she had been training herself for all day...

Before Kira could finish that thought, the door opened up and Khloe stepped outside with new paperwork and a beaming smile. "I got accepted!" She turned and gave Kira a hug. "Oh, I got accepted into college! Cheerleading here is going to be so fun! Go on Kira, go get your approval! That horse is FANTASTIC!" She shouted happily as she raced off.

'She got accepted? I thought this was graduation?' Moreover, Khloe looked different. She was a shiny sylveon, wasn't she? How did she come out as a shiny vaporeon? Oh, there Kira went thinking again! Sex always solved the problem of thinking too much as she learned in college, she had to resolve that! With a smile on her face, she stepped beyond the now open doors to see what lied on the other side...

The door closed quickly once Kira entered. She noticed the male horse from before, from so many comes she met in college but was never allowed to fuck, Mark, sitting behind the desk. The room smelled so strongly of sex that it made her grow wet very quickly. Deep down in her mind, she wanted to ask what Khloe was talking about and why she looked so different, but the blue eyes of that black horse and the scent of sex quickly got rid of any questionable thoughts she had. The room looked like a standard office, though she noticed the desk was much wider than normal and that it was empty except for a pillow on one end. "So, I'm um... I'm ready to graduate!" Kira spoke with a smile on her face.

"Graduate?" The black horse stood up and chuckled. While he wore a shirt, the moment he stood up it was clear he didn't bother to put on pants. His large equine shaft on full display for Kira to see, still wet from the last time he had sex which was likely moments ago with the last one to come into the office. "No, no. You don't understand. See, you have been earning this college a lot of money from your tournament winnings. It would be a darn shame to get rid of you. I'm thinking instead that we do some..." He put his hands on Kira's shoulders from behind. "Reconditioning, if that's okay with you."

Reconditioning? That was too big a word for Kira to understand. She very much understood that cock though and knew where things were going the moment that shaft brushed against her thigh. Fuck yes, this was what she was training for. This was what all of her college years led to, sex with a massive shaft and a huge horse. Yes, she helped win the college a lot of tournament money, but she... ah, there was no need to think. That's what she learned in college! "Okies." She turned and put her hands on Mark with a smile. She looked up at him and rubbed his chest. "I'd love to!" She wore her normal cheerleader outfit, but didn't wear panties. Underwear just got in the way. "Do you um... recon-whatevering or whatever away!"

"Glad to hear it." The horse gave Kira a gentle kiss. "Let's get started then." He raised up the cheerleader and set her on top of the desk with her head placed directly on the pillow. The equine then got above her and put his flared cock between her thighs. "You'll feel a tingling in your head. Just accept what you feel and you will be fine." He kissed Kira roughly before sliding his shaft deep inside of her.

Kira felt almost as if a lightning bolt in her went off the moment the cock spread her vaginal walls. Yes, she had so much sex before, but this was magical in ways she could never explain!" She moaned happily and arched her back. God, nothing else mattered! Her mind went to this, to sex. She was oblivious to her last many years in college as they began to slip from her head. In fact, her entire life was slowly being altered, all around the horse's cock, but she cared not for that. This was the most intense feeling she ever had and it was amazing! She had to have more of it! Her legs quickly wrapped around Mark, and she grinned up at him. "Ahhnn f-fuck yes!" So this was what it was like for sex with him. All that waiting really made it worthwhile!

Mark smiled down at her and continued to kiss her. His hands pressed against her chest as magic flowed from his body into her own, and as the magic flowed and his shaft pounded away at her cunt, hidden by that cheerleader skirt, much of Kira's memories altered, slowly shifting her personality. Her fur gave way to scales and her ribbons vanished as she was transforming underneath the horse. Her body glowed brightly as she changed more and more with every thrust of that cock.

Much of Kira's memories remained the same. That was to say her altered memories of her being a cheerleader remained the same, none of that species of... well, whatever species she thought of, some white furry thing she didn't give a damn about now.

Heck, even her species as an eevee remained the same. The only difference was when she evolved, or hit puberty essentially, she became a vaporeon instead of a sylveon. Moreover, her name changed. No longer was she Kira, but Aria, a new name further from the first one she had, whatever that name used to be. Thoughts were impossible when it came to having sex with this horse. Her life was easy to alter and manipulate when most of it was the same, with the exception of a few events that would alter her personality slightly, she'd be a peppy cheerleader, just as she always thought she was. With a moan, she orgasmed happily, locking in those new memories.

With one more thrust, Mark came deep within her nether folds. He gave her one more kiss just as it looked as if Kira, or Aria as her new name was, blanked out briefly. With a grin on his face, he went to work. He positioned her on a chair in front of the desk and sat down on the other. He set down a stack of paperwork, 'new' papers stating that she had been approved to come to this college as a new cheerleader. Thanks to the desk's height, his cock was hidden again. He looked like an ordinary faculty staff member and, with the exception of cum dripping from Aria's cunt which tightened back up as she became a few years younger, 18, along with the scent of sex, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The once moogle that was once a sylveon and now a vaporeon anthro blinked rapidly as she came to. "Oh... oh I'm sorry. I must have spaced out." She spoke with a blush on her face. She wasn't sure why but she felt much shyer around Mark. Well, this was the first time meeting him and he looked so hot. God, how she wanted her to fuck him and hoped by the end of her college stay, she'd get just that. Her shyness, the new behavior Mark set in her new personality and new cheerleading body.

Aria looked at the stack of papers in front of her, and her eyes lit up. "O-oh. I-I'm approved?" God, what was with this hotness in her nether lips? This horse was turning her on more than she thought, she could almost feel his cum dripping down her thighs!

Mark nodded. "Yes, you are. You'll be sharing a roommate with Kylie, a shiny vaporeon. I'm sure you two will get along just fine." He said happily. "Here is your paperwork, and you'll find your room keys right on top of them."

The door opened up and Aria stepped out with a beaming smile on her face. She was so happy to have been accepted into this college as a new freshman cheerleader! She'd go to all the sporting events and all the cheerleading tournaments and for sure she'd win all of them with the help of Kylie and the other eons!

Speaking of which, she was beginning to feel very hot and needy. She checked her paperwork and found her dorm number. She was eager to go meet up with Kylie and celebrate their first day of college. She couldn't wait for the first after school cheerleading practice. She even had a few new cheers in mind!

Myu Little Pony

The yellow unicorn smiled widely as she stood in front of the chair she had long been told to 'take a seat' in, but her excitement wouldn't let her plop her butt down. The equine before her made her too happy to want to sit down! However, the two of...

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The Asian market in Zootopia. Well, of course Zootopia had to have every kind of market imaginable! This market was located slightly north of downtown, but not quite in the rainforest district. Eastern animals of all sorts selling trinkets and plenty...

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Necrotes was a three headed hydra, with four legs, two tails, and three brains to get through any situation, now on their latest adventure to conquer their one stomach which was dying of hunger. Necrotes hadn't eaten in quite some time, leaving all...

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