The Big Sister Part Twelve: Adriana's Wrath!

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#11 of The Big Sister Story

Herman is in a bit of trouble, or is he?

"If you care not for my feelings or my love, then die, little man!" Adriana would threaten as she would lift up her massive leg while sobbing.

Adriana couldn't believe she was doing this. She wanted things to be different between Herman and her, but it seemed that he was hell bent on taking her down. No, if Herman wanted a fight. She'd give him one. She would bring up her massive ruby red slipper over as her body would eclipse the sun over him.

"Verdammt!" Herman yelled out.

Herman knew if he didn't move fast, it would be curtains for him. The cybernetic fox did something unorthodox for once in his life, he pushed himself up off the ground and started to make a run for it. Never in the entirety of his military career would Herman flee from the enemy, yet Adriana was no normal foe. He had no choice, if he stayed still he would be a dead man and thus no use to the Order. It pained him to do so, but Adriana couldn't be fought one on one any more than a bug could fight a wolf. He had to make a tactical retreat.

"You're running?!? Herman! You coward!" she let out as she stomped down behind him in anger.


Herman had to leap with his bionic legs before he was tossed over by the seismic force of her massive footwear coming crashing down right behind him. The seismic force Adriana would unleash with but a single step was tremendous. Herman's bionic leg stabilizers were able to project him half a meter into the air, thus allowing him to evade the tremor below him and allow him to land about two meters away from the shock radius of her stomp.

While he had to quickly regain his footing, Herman would begin to fall back deeper into the Financial District of Siag. This wasn't what he was ordered to do, but Herman had to swallow his pride as he had no choice. There were several options opened to him.

First, would simply be to hide and perhaps call for backup. This one seemed the most logical, however it would mean he had to not get crushed under the mess Adriana would make. It also meant that Adriana could presume he either fled or fallback to save himself. This would mean that the district would be at her mercy, or lack thereof until reinforcements could arrive.

The second, was to set up an ambush with Adriana. Perhaps toss a stun grenade from a high rooftop at her eyes? This would be a rather risky maneuver, as she could easily topple a building he's hiding in and it would mean she would have to get close at an elevated position.

Finally, Herman could in theory hoof it back to the C.A.B. This option was foolish. Not only would be directly disobeying Grief's orders by basically turning tail and fleeing the hot zone. It would also be very unlikely he could make it that far in time and not have Adriana cause even more havoc in his absence.

"Nein!" Herman said as he shook his head.

What Herman would do, is go for the first two options. He would first try to dash into a nearby alleyway. While he felt this was a very bad idea. He knew that Adriana couldn't at least follow him into the alleyway without reverting back to normal size to give chase. As the bionic fox man entered the casual brick colored alleyway, he could hear the loud stomping of her gigantic red slippers stomp down the adjacent road behind him.


As she would slowly approach the alleyway. Herman would have but no choice but the crouch behind a nearby dumpster of all things. While this was a shameful display in his mind, he had to maintain his calm and wait out Adriana's search as he would stay secluded behind cover. The smell was atrocious, but Herman had properly been trained to time his breathing during poison gas attacks by Egg Empire forces in the past.

"Ooooh Herman, are you in there?" Adriana said as her massive blue eyes would peek into the alleyway and blink as she stared.

"Come out, little Herman. Surely a soldier as decorated and filled with bravado such as yourself wouldn't try to hide from your enemy, would you? What would my brother think of you playing hide and seek?" Adriana would taunt by speaking softly into the alleyway with her massive mouth blabbering on and on.

Adriana tried to draw him out first using his own pride. However, after several moments of this she noticed that Herman was still secluded. So she tried to look around where he'd be. She wasn't sure if he would have tried to enter the comparably tiny sized sewer grate. While it could be possible Herman was able to go down the sewers, it's not likely that he'd have time to and perhaps he'd lead a trail.

Next was off in the distance past the alleyway. However, she wasn't so sure he could walk that far after she was tailing him. Finally, Herman could have made it inside one of the two apartment buildings adjacent to her. Oh, and there was that dumpster but she was sure he wouldn't be that desperate, would he?

She would begin to tap her massive hands on the nearby rooftops of the apartment buildings. Perhaps, if she could tune into a response from inside the two buildings to see if he were hiding in them she would figure out just which one Herman was hiding in? As Adriana would begin to tap on both of these two buildings her massive golden bracelets would also slam down onto the rooftops making the interior's shake.


Still, even now after several moments of tapping on the roof of both buildings Adriana heard nothing. Either Herman was able to keep his calm while an entire apartment would rumble and shake, or perhaps he just wasn't in one of them? She had a slight hunch? No, it couldn't be. Could he?

Adriana would lift herself up as she would then try to stand upright and loom over the entire alleyway while resting atop the left apartment. As she did so her massive shadow would be cast over the entire alleyway and onto Herman as he could only look up and grit his teeth to see her face and body eclipsing the sun.

"You hid behind a dumpster? Pfft! HA HA HA!" Adriana let out in a booming laugh.

As much as Adriana didn't want to smell Herman or get scum on her hands, she knew that she couldn't let the tiny and now smelly fox escape. Adriana would smirk as she reached down and try to pinch onto his tiny cape with her massive red nails. However, as she did so Herman would ignite his weird glowing energy sword once more. This time he would swing it to try to slice at and potentially try to cut her fingers off!

"Back Adriana, back!" Herman would threaten as he would swing his green glowing sword like construct at her giant finger nails!

Herman knew that his energy reserves for his hard-light sword were running low as his left red glowing bionic eye would display a warning icon on his optical-neural HUD. Still, he had to fend Adriana off somehow. She would move her hand back momentarily to ponder on her next move.

While Adriana would hate to break a nail this way, she thought of a nice little trick she'd try. Instead of trying to grab Herman, she'd simply cuff her massive hand into a huge fist. He expected her to try to punch him, but instead she simply would lift up and send it hurdling right down about two meters within the alleyway! Herman could only watch in horror at her gigantic hand come crashing down causing a seismic fissure!


This would cause the ground to tremor and quake so much that he was sent flying off his feet as he was launched and his back would slam up against the wall of the alleyway. Herman would roll over as he was slightly disoriented. He hadn't expected Adriana to play this dirty!

Now was the time for Adriana to close in for the proverbial, or perhaps even literal kill. She would reach down her massive nails as she would simply pinch Herman's tiny Grey Party Officer's cape and within moments lift him slowly up like a doll being dragged by their hair. With her ginormous strength, Herman was almost effortlessly ascended right up towards her.

It was now or never, Adriana would move to disable Herman's prosthetic claw. She'd move her massive other hand up to him and with another pinch of her two massive fingernails she'd proceed to crush it. At this pain sensation Herman would snap too out of his daze. However, it was too late. Within moments his bionic claw was crushed into tiny metal pieces.

"Ach! Nein!" Herman yelled out in pain.

"Sorry Herman, but you forced me to do this. If you were not so damn stubborn then maybe we wouldn't have to play this little game, si?" Adriana said as she narrowed her eyes.

"Just think what you're doing Adriana! You're trying to destroy all of Siag!" Herman said in a last ditch attempt to try to reason with the towering vixen.

"Oh sweetie, I've been thinking of what I'm doing. I've been thinking about this ever since you left me trapped in that cage in the C.A.B! But don't worry dear, I'm not going to kill you" Adriana said.

"No, a stubborn little fool like you would want death! No-no, we can't have that" Adriana reiterated after that.

She would continue to teasingly poke at his chest. While she was still very upset with the way Herman treated her, killing him would be too easy. No, that isn't what she wanted. While she wanted Herman to suffer of course, perhaps. Within due time she could simply keep him in captivity enough to where he'd start to see things her way? Herman's stubbornness was agitating, but it was also alluring to her. She wanted to change Herman, not destroy him.

"Umph! Nein! Stop these games Adriana!" Herman would say as he tried to swing away from her massive fingernail playfully impacting his chest.

"But why Captain? I have so many games we can play. In fact, how about this? You take me on a date now and we can call it even? I wasn't lying when I said I could make you my little king. After all, behind every strong woman, is weak yet brazen man such as yourself" Adriana said as she would smile.

"You are insane Adriana! Whatever happened with Herr Trauer und you has warped your mind!" Herman responded with.

"I'll take that as a 'si'. Va bene! Now, let's get you all washed up so we can go on a date you'll never forget!" Adriana said as she looked down at him and smiled fiendishly.

Herman could only growl in anger and try to struggle, yet it simply was no use. Adriana was just way to strong and without his main armaments he was essentially powerless to stop the titaness vixen. Herman could only hold on for dear life from his cape as she would begin to rise upright before slowly turning around and leaning down an taking a booming knee in the middle of the road!


The first thing Adriana had to do was get Herman all cleaned up. After all, he did so humorously hide behind a dumpster for a good while. If she were going to have her date she's waited forever for, no she couldn't have Herman all smelly.

Adriana would reach down to a nearby fire hydrant with her other free hand and with a simple flick of her fingers she'd send the hydrant flying off it's rivets and into the air as water would soon come gushing out from the ground. Her massive head would then turn to face Herman as her muzzle would begin to blush and she gave a rather, unnerving stare.

"Nein! Woman, don't you dare!" Herman replied as he pointed with his normal hand.

"Oh si, I dare.." Adriana simply replied as she would slowly begin to pull off his clothes.

She would start by taking off his tiny purple beret. Next she would drop him into the clutches of her hand and take off his tiny grey cape. While Herman would try to struggle, eventually she would be easily able to pull it right off. Then the fun part came, Adriana would slowly take off his tiny Kevlar vest and under dark green Order uniform.

While this would arouse her as she wanted to play with him some, Herman was still too stinky to do this just yet. After this, Herman would protest and try to shove her massive fingers away as she would reach down and begin to pull off his little brown boots and finally his dark green trousers.

"How dare you Adriana! Cease this instant!" Herman yelled out.

"Oh come down dear, you're just getting a little bath is all" Adriana simply replied with.

Her massive nailed fingers would reach down and slowly tug and pull at his trousers as they would come off. This would cause Herman to become embarrassed, but Adriana would only just smile in an oddly warm and playful manner. Of course he'd notices her massive blue eyes scanning around him and checking out his body. However, she would soon begin to gently pinch his body with her two massive nails to get a good grip as Adriana would lower him down towards the excess water still flowing downwards from the hydrant.

Herman could only just brace in horror as suddenly water would splash all over his bionics and him. The good news is his prosthetics were designed to be insulated from water to allow him to be fully submerged. The bad news was this water was rather cold and his body was overflowing with it as he was drenched. All the while Adriana was giggling as Herman would squirm around in the water.

"There there, got to get all cleaned up for our date!" Adriana said.

Adriana deduced that while a little dirty, Herman probably would have taken a bath before their encounter. So she would simply rinse him over in the water for a few moments before slowly lifting him up. At this she could see that he was livid with his fur all wet. However, this didn't deter him one second from bring him up to the bottom of her massive pink dress.

"Now, to get you all dried up!" Adriana said as she would smile before reaching down with her other hand and slowly lifting up her dress.

She would play a slight tease with Herman however, as Adriana would lift up her dress a bit too much to where he could see the lower end of her massive white panties. Adriana was hoping that she could arouse Herman, even if for a bit. If she could somehow get Herman to yearn for her then it would be easier to control him. Alas, even now Herman would maintain his stoic personality and simply give her a maddened look.

While Adriana was slightly disappointed by this, she never the less wouldn't show it as she would proceed to cuff her massive hand into her pink dress fabric like a rag as she would bring it up to Herman before she would begin to wipe him off of the water. While this would get her dress slightly wet, it would be a small price to play for a date with the man she loved.

Herman on the other hand would be groaning and muffling between being slammed and smothered in her gigantic pink dress. He would squirm and struggle as all he saw in front of him was a huge wall of pink fabric. As he would squirm around however she would simply begin to wipe around him and wrap it all around him. He was stuck in a sea of warm and soft fabric, as she would wipe all around him.

Eventually, Adriana would finish as she would take him out of her dress and slowly lift him up to her massive face. Herman would be panting heavily while he grasped onto her massive fingers and yet Adriana would still inspect him like a cleaned glass to see if he was dry enough. Eventually she concluded that he was dry enough and to her satisfactory as she grinned.

"There now! You look and smell much better, Captain!" Adriana would said as she tried to give a warm smile to him.

"Go to hell, Adriana" Herman replied.

"Now now Herman. Let's not be rude before our big date together!" she would then slowly use her other hand to grab onto the bodice of her dress.

"W-was are you doing Adriana?!?" Herman would ask as she was slowly opening up the top of her dress and grinning.

"You're going to ride first class with me, my little Captain!" She would then slowly bring him over the opening of her bodice.

Herman would look down to see her huge gigantic bra covering her ginormous chest. At this he'd shiver as he'd shake his head rapidly. Much to his horror, Adriana was smiling as she was nodding her head up and down in a rather eager glee. That wild look in her eye, he could tell there was changing her mind. He took a few deep breaths.

Her massive heart was pounding inside, she couldn't wait any longer as she would lower down her hand holding him to where he could fall a safe distance before simply letting him go. Herman would fall while yelling out as he would descend right into the middle of her bra. His instincts would kick in as he would take out his claws from his good hand and grapple onto her strap to break his fall. After this he'd wrap his un-power-clawed hand to try to hang on. Herman would take a few breaths and pant as he'd gaze upwards with his normal and bionic eyes to see Adriana smiling from above.

"Enjoy the first class accommodations Captain. If you want you can snuggle right up next to me. I'm nice and warm for you" Adriana would say as she looked at him hanging onto her braw from outside of her dress.

"I reiterate, Frau" Herman said rather coldly.

"As feisty as ever, Captain. But just relax and enjoy our little ride together" Adriana said as she grinned and let go of our bodice as it would snap back into place with a loud snap.


Now, everything would suddenly go dark for Herman. All he could see was the light outside piercing through her pink dress leaving a light pinkish illumination cast upon her massive white bra and her dark grey fur. While his red bionic eye would emit sensor readings, his physical eye was only given the radiance from the pink dress to rely upon. However, soon he would feel Adriana being to stand upright as she would shake and he'd feel the rush of elevation.

Herman would hold tight onto the center gore of her bra. Suddenly, Adriana would begin to stomp forwards as she would move up and down and sway side to side as she would casually stomp through the street. As she did this her massive breasts would sway with her causing Herman to try to balance on her bra.


The Big Sister Part Ten: Destructive Tendencies

Adriana would continue to sulk and cry as she sat there gigantically upon the now ruined multi-story parking lot. It would get to the point her tears would splash down on the pavement below while paramedics would frantically try to recover the body of...

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The Big Sister Part Nine: Adriana's Big Day.

Adriana had gone home to her apartment that night. She had commanded Aurelia who now resided within Alicia's body to take Sabrina far away near the cities' limits for safe keeping while Adriana would work her magic. Of course, Aurelia would still...

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The Big Sister Part Eight: Adriana Unleashed!

The Raven 310 VTOL aircraft would fly swiftly out of the hanger from the Central Administration Building, even if it was damaged. The pilot was able to adjust the their Y-axis and maintain stability, even if the Raven would eventually have to make an...

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