Back To The Roots

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Commission for anonymous client.

Yved, a male dragon returned to his expensive, modern looking apartment after paying the steep rent, exhausted. His roommate, the short bunny teases him, wanting him to play with her feet. But after some time, he demands much more.

In the world of post-modernism, it was incredibly easy to rule the young generation in buying or renting overpriced apartments. The so-called house flippers had a field day, just randomly adding materials like concrete, glass, bamboo, or recently popularized recycled plastic, along with cheap paintings and a plethora of exotic plants. Los Angeles was no exception in having such apartaments.

Yved, the draconic male covered with indigo-colored fur was not an exception. The over six feet tall male let out a dramatic sigh in the hope he would be heard and his misery noticed. He threw the jacket on the couch's arm to emphasize his theatrics, before taking a seat. Seeing he was currently alone, he sighed quietly this time and more genuinely, before turning on a tv set along with a video game console, and grabbing a gamepad. The cacophony of familiar and mind-numbing sounds filled the room, just like the bright colors, lighting up the dragon's mood a little. And just like that, another person entered the living room, walking past plants that almost brushed the ceiling with their gigantic leaves. Miffy, a short bunny with azure-colored fluff over her whole body, always thought it was like living inside of modern art gallery. And she loved every single day of staying here, despite the costs.

"You're finally back..." she said, stating the obvious. The bunny hopped onto the couch, putting her sock-covered big feet on the dragon's lap, pretending to be exhausted after a long day as well. But watering these plants took quite some time, especially for someone her size.

The dragon grunted, but after seeing her paws which he always loved to play with, the male's mood lightened up slightly. He continued playing the loud, fast-paced game, trying to get the best score this time.

"Did you pay our rent? I don't want to look for another place. This one is perfect." She said. It wasn't the first time she started this conversation, basically talking about it every month.

"Yeah. Signed the cheque with my blood. I know you love it, but... any place would fit for me, as long is it with you."

That statement was so blunt, the bunny was taken aback. While words were incredibly romantic, the dragon said that not only without unpausing the darn game, he didn't even look at her while saying that. But it was still cute in her mind and her respect for him grew, just like her heart.

"I'm sharing the same feelings, but still I'm willing to work extra hard to earn my share so we can stay here. Sure, even a cardboard box could fit if it was with you, but let's not be ridiculous. A good apartment where you can wake up with a smile is a double win in my book. Besides, I couldn't put my fluffy feet on your lap in a such box..."

The draconic creature tried to not look in her direction, currently focused on his precious game and high score. But with the side of his eye, he saw those soft, quite big, and inviting paws, with their toes curling back and forth. Yved suddenly exhaled, pausing his entertainment system, for now, averting his gaze onto a dear friend of his.

"Oh? Did you find anything interesting, big guy?" The bunny giggled, seeing him approaching her precious feet. The dragon, still silent, slowly removed the sock from each of her paws, revealing them completely. Despite being a bunny, she had quite broad so-called beans, resembling one of the canines. But still incredibly soft and without claws, ready to be massaged. Yved immediately did so, grasping the toes of the left paw, rubbing them firmly with thick fingers, and enjoying their texture. There was still a lot of velvety fur on the other side, tickling him slightly.

"For a big guy, you're so sweet, like cookie smothered in milk chocolate..." she chuckled again at the sight of a towering, almost brutish male who massaged her like a femboyish servant. While she should be grateful, it didn't stop her from teasing the dragon.

Yved still said nothing, fixated on giving them the pleasure of rubbing the toes, before getting to the rest of her paw, grasping the whole heel, and kneading it rather firmly. The bunny murmured and leaned back more comfortably, before poking him with the other foot.

"I'm not peg-legged, you know? I have two legs. Don't you forget about the second one..." she giggled, treating more as a loyal servant than a friend with various benefits. After all, it wasn't a secret that she often returned the favors in more passionate ways.

The dragon grunted, exhaling just a puff of smoke out of flared nostrils. leaning towards the second paw but grasping it harder this time. While it didn't feel uncomfortable for the bunny, there was something strange about such sudden force.

"Woah there, big guy. You don't want to crush my little feet, don't you?" She asked while the dragon was now more gentle with them, reassuring her it was just a simple mistake. But it didn't make her forget about teasing him.

"Just more like it. Say, maybe I should buy you a maiden outfit? You know, the stereotypical one like in those spicy anime series. You could also use your tongue now and then, like a good servant you are. I mean, friend." Even she realized that it could be a word too far.

The dark-furred dragon showed his long, sharp fangs while panting heavily. His pupils shrunk while exhaling larger clouds of thick smoke out of his nose. The dragon let go of her feet, taking a more feral position, now standing on all four of his limbs, while his long tail swayed from one side to the other. Like a cat, ready to pounce.

"What... what's going on? Yved, you're starting to scare me." Her eyes widened in confusion and a shred of fear. "If is this some kind of play, just tell me. Yved?"

No words could stop the dragon, who had now entered a more primal state. The bunny quickly regretted all the teasing, but not expecting a such strange reaction, where his feral instincts got stronger than his usual, soft nature. The dragon scratched the sofa under his claws but was somewhat careful not to damage the fabric.

"Hey, stop that! We're renting this place, remember?" She quickly looked around for any kind of tool to help her, but didn't want to hurt her friend. The small but heavy lamp on the table was not only too dangerous but also expensive. She chooses a much smaller, probably ineffective item. A king-size chocolate candy.

"Maybe you're just hungry? Surely you're not yourself in such a state. Here, eat." She was now holding the sugary treat in front of the dragon who immediately slapped it out of her hand, letting it fly across the room.

"Or maybe not..." she gulped, now crawling backward. But where she could hide from such a beast? The bunny thought.

The dragon raised his arm, showing off the sharp, long set of claws, ready to attack. Bunny's eyes widen in sheer horror, not understanding the situation she was in.

Then, the dragon attacked.

Its razor-sharp talons sank smoothly into the fabric of her shirt, damaging the shorts as well. Not even a peck of her flesh was touched, leaving her relatively unharmed.

"Are you crazy? It was my favorite shirt! And my pants, come on..." the materialistic girl whined, forgetting about the danger, and not thinking about her pelt for the moment.

Her tiny breasts with rather hard nipples were completely exposed to the warm air of their apartment, just like a soft tuft of light fur, just above her pink, small clitoral hood. The dragon stood up, removing his garments, still panting heavily.

"Oh, now you're taking your sweet time with your clothes? Fuck you!" The bunny had enough of this, covering her chest with thin arms, trying to stand up and leave. But she immediately was stopped by one of his long, strong paws, holding her in place, feeling heavy against her stomach.

"What do you want, huh?" She asked, before sighing. "Okay, I'm sorry about all the teasing, I shouldn't be such an ass and treat you like a servant. There, happy now?"

But after seeing him completely naked and incredibly excited, she started having second thoughts. The massive, thick pole of flesh sprung out, now standing proudly and looking for its prey, swiftly finding it. If his cock had a tongue, it would act like a real snake.

But before Ekhy used such large and throbbing monstrosity, spreading her legs and lowering his head, pulling out broad, fleshy tongue. The bunny rolled her eyes.

"If you did all of this just to eat me out, I'll be disappointed. You're just a..." but she didn't finish, letting out a long, vibrating moan.

The dragon while looking feral and savage, was still somewhat gentle, softly licking on her petals, occasionally prodding against tiny bud under the hood. The bunny placed her hands on his red horns, protruding from the top of his soft, furred head.

Still pinning her against the couch, Ekhy shoved almost the entirety of the tasting organ into the tight tunnel, enjoying her scent made of excitement and fear. Two things fueled him up.

"Ah, just like that..." Miffy bit her lower lip afterward, admitting that she still enjoyed that, despite his roughness. But before she could be even close to climax, the dragon stood up from the couch, gazing into her eyes.

"Why did you stop? What's going on?" But instead of words, Ekhy used his muscular, strong hands to grasp the back of her head, pushing it towards his bobbing, already wet shaft. Big, heavy droplets of precum trailed down the dragon's dick, before splMiffying on the wooden floor.

Miffy barely let out a gasp, while the dragon shoved his dear friend onto him, forcing the naked and fluffy girl to taste the draconic shlong, just before feeling it spreading her jaws. The primal dragon focused on his pleasure, pushing the cock back and forth, adding more force every single time. The bunny patted his hair as hard she could, trying to make him go easy on her, but he ignored those pleas.

Miffy thought it will be over when he eventually would spray his seed inside her tiny stomach, but apparently, it wasn't his intention. While it felt like an eternity for her, the dragon kept shoving his shaft back and forth only for a few minutes, before removing it, letting bunny gasp for air, as if her life depended on it.

"You fiend. You never fucked me so hard before. What got into you?" While deep down she enjoyed that, safety was first. And she feared it would end up badly for her.

Still silent, the dragon wrapped his arms around the tiny friend, placing the bunny on her back, exposing the small pink orifice. While Yved had a choice, the primal instinct commanded him to breed her, instead of taking a smaller, obviously tighter hole. The bunny tried to push him off, kicking his chest with soft feet, using remaining, weakening strength. He lifted both of her legs upwards with little to no effort, preparing himself for the more comfortable position.

After pinning the smaller girl to the soft cushions, the draconic alpha male guided his fleshy spear, in desire of penetrating such a petite and inviting body. The bunny couldn't do much else but brace for impact, although her body was more than ready, especially the already moist and warm entrance.

The dragon shrieked protractedly, causing the nearby glasses to vibrate dangerously, close to shattering. Miffy silently begged her friend to just take her, instead of trying to destroy the place she loved. He immediately stopped, feeling deep inside what he was doing to the place. Even in his primal form, he still deeply cared for this apartment. Yved, like he was reading her mind, eventually shoved the wet, exposed head inside, making them both moan.

While stretching her inner walls, the dragon didn't have enough of the bunny, nibbling lightly on her soft, long ears. He lowered his maw, grazing his fangs along his exposed and vulnerable neck, making the girl squirm under his immense weight. Yved kept slamming against her furred thighs, their bodies hitting each other audibly.

He started grazing the base of his massive shaft against her tiny pearl, sending jolts of pleasure down her spine, getting closer to a rather forced climax. But before the bunny could feel any satisfaction, her roommate suddenly sank his fangs into her neck, but not hard enough to draw any blood. While holding her with his jaw, he spurted copious amounts of thick fluid, with each throb of the shaft, letting muffled moans out of his maw.

After a few, long minutes he eventually let go of the bunny who didn't even have a chance to reach orgasm.

"You know what, I think I'm good. It was... amazing. Really..." she said, trying to act nice. "You can let me go now, okay?"

The dragon ignored her words. While still in his primal rage, he took the now flailing, still struggling bunny from the couch, taking her to a better place to have more fun. The bedroom was the perfect place for it and once the door closed behind them, a further moaning could be heard. As well as thumps and loud pounding.

"Please, just give me a break, you fiend! I'll do anything, even clean your room!" Only her voice could be heard, along with the audible creaking of the bed, along with the sounds of two, wet bodies slapping against each other.

"Yved! Yved!" The scream continued, slowly changing into indistinct whimpering. Eventually, there was another, deep and harsh voice.

"This will cover the rent..."