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Ami's been waiting not so patiently for her lover, Brogach, to return home from his work trip. As much as she tries to keep herself busy there's simply no way to keep her mind off of her lovely moo... but what happens when she receives an unexpected surprise while waiting?

So this is an EXTRA special story for a few reasons! This story is something I really enjoyed making because of just how sweet it is, it's something that usually isn't seen from me as it focuses heavily on the romantic aspects of smut. But with all the familiar kinks that we all know and love, including more praise!! ALSO! This story was done as a commission/trade for the amazing, incredibly talented and absolutely wonderful PastelKaola!!

As you can guess, PK is an artist and created the AMAZING piece of art that accompanies this story! She also owns the character Ami, while her partner 13, owns Brogach!

You can find more about these two in the links provided:

PastelKaola- https://pastelkoala.carrd.co/ https://twitter.com/PastelKoala_AU

13- https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xthe13thangelx

Ami hummed to herself as she kept herself busy in the kitchen. She wasn't exactly cooking anything today, she'd already had lunch and it was too soon for dinner. This was more meal prep for later in the week. Or to be exact, for the big meal she had planned in three days' time.

The dwarf highland cow absolutely loved to cook, not just because food was delicious- ok, that was a big reason as well. But there was something special about making a big meal for someone else. Making sure someone was properly fed was simply one of her favorite ways to show affection!

And who didn't feel loved after eating a big, delicious, home cooked meal?

Currently she was finishing up with the dough for some scotch pies, she'd finished kneading it, as well as some pastry dough earlier for strawberry tarts, and was putting it in the fridge to let it rise. Scotch pie was usually a meaty dish, but she found that potatoes were a decent substitute as a filling, since these ones would be vegetarian, same with all the other dishes she was preparing.

And with that, she was properly done! At least for now, until she started working on more prep tomorrow, she smiled to herself in giddy excitement as she thought of how rewarding it would be when every last bite of her hard work was finished and properly savored, and who would be enjoying it.

Her Moo-Boo, Brogach, was currently away on a business trip. It was a rare occurrence, his job usually kept him close to home and he almost never had to leave, which is how they both liked it. But apparently a client needed a team to come out for something or other, she wasn't too sure on the details.

All she did know for sure at the time was that she couldn't get the time off to join him and that her big, cuddly cow was going to be gone for two weeks.

As hard as it had been for her, and good lord had it been hard! She knew it was just as bad for her poor Moo, he was always so laid back and relaxed, always wanting to cuddle up with her and shower her with affection. If there was a spare moment to be had, he'd be spending it kissing her!

Brogach really was such an affectionate lover that even two weeks without him had been absolute torture. It reminded her of just how much he really spoiled her. Every single day would start with them making love, he'd always kiss her awake, light, fluttery kisses along her cheeks and neck until she roused from sleep and he'd capture her lips. A perfect, lazy make out to start the day.

His big, strong arms would wrap around her body, pulling her into his much larger frame with her back pressed into his broad chest. His hands roaming across her body, gently rubbing through the fur of her belly, thighs, rear and her breasts, easily able to rile her up with sweet little caressing. Then he'd slide one of those big hands down her panties, already feeling how slick and aroused he'd made her.

He'd start off slowly, fingers circling Ami's clit before he started gently fingering her, teasing her. Brogach would do it for such a long time that she'd start to squirm in his embrace before he even slipped those deliciously thick digits into her needy little pussy. But the big guy never eased up! Always keeping her right on the edge as she slipped away from her dreams and into torturous, morning bliss.

It never took him long to work her up, to have Ami panting and rosy cheeked before she'd even properly started her day. Sometimes she just closed her eyes and enjoyed it, let him spoil her and start her day off right like she deserved. But she could be bratty too, turn the tables on him if she felt like it.

Maybe she'd reach her hand back and start rubbing him through his boxers, stroking his thick morning wood until he was twitching and bucking into her hand, easing back as pre started to soak through his boxers and onto her hand before he could find any release. Oooh, she loved to tease him back when she could! Sometimes she even woke up before he did, starting his day off right for a change.

She'd kiss him too, beginning at his chest and neck the same way that he did, but before he could start to rouse from sleep she'd work her way further down. She'd kiss her way down his broad chest and stomach, slowly, she had to properly show every inch of him just as much love and appreciation as he showed her.

Then Ami would pull the waistband of his underwear down, freeing his deliciously thick cock for her hungry gaze and greedy mouth. It was too easy for her to get him going or rile him up, almost as easy as it was to do to her. She never had to wait long for him to get fully hard as she planted loving little kisses along his shaft. That's when she'd really start showing him some love!

She'd plant one little kiss on the tip of his cock before slowly sliding past her lips and into her mouth. Taking her time suckling on that meaty cock head and swirling her tongue around it, stroking him with one hand as the other reached into his boxers to gently massage his heavy balls.

He'd grunt and groan in his sleep while she pleasured him, completely unaware of the carnal attention of his loving partner. Sometimes he'd wake up, giving her a sleepy little smile before he gently patted her head, brushing the hair out of her eyes to watch her.

Sometimes... she'd get to be a little more devious, if he still wasn't awake she'd crawl on top of him. Despite being a curvy girl, it was like she weighed next to nothing compared to the ridiculously tall and well built highland cow. It was so easy to straddle him without waking him up, pull her soaked panties to the side and slide her lips along the length of his shaft.

Grinding against him, teasing him with the inviting heat of her dripping pussy as she coated his shaft in her juices. Oooh, those were the best! He'd always wake up, see what she was doing, a lewd grin would spread across his face as he grabbed his cock and lazily slapped it against her clit. Then she'd silently lift her hips as he properly aimed his cock up before she would sink down and-

Ami shook her head vigorously, taking a deep breath as she tried to compose herself, already feeling light headed and fluttery just thinking about it! She brushed the hair out of her eyes and immediately thought back to her lover.

Nothing sexual this time, just reminding herself of a sweet little gesture. He loved brushing the hair out of her eyes, taking a moment to stare into them and smile at her, or kiss her. The little act always made her heart and tummy feel fuzzy. Which then reminded her of the one time she'd gotten a haircut before learning about how much he loved doing it!

God, he'd looked so sad that day when she walked in and saw that her bangs were cut short! He tried to hide it, complimented her hair, but she could tell something was off. It took some prying to get it out of him, he was being stubborn, not wanting to upset her or do anything to make her feel bad about her choice.

But he finally admitted that he liked brushing it out of her eyes himself, liked the feeling of running his fingers across her brow and revealing her pretty eyes for him to stare into.

As she said, it was such a small thing but there was so much love and care in his voice when he said it that it made her heart clench. A simple little thing that made her feel so loved and adored in that moment.

Since then, she'd kept it just long enough so that he could brush it aside to his heart's content.

Thinking about it, she'd been doing it herself a lot without even thinking about it. Probably Since he wasn't here to do it for her. She let out a sigh at that thought, but was determined not to sour her own mood. Which was difficult as she looked over to her phone on the counter, tapping the screen which showed no new notifications.

It was so strange, she hadn't heard anything from Brogach all day! Her Moo-Boo was always so good about sending her a good morning text, and keeping her updated on how he was doing, making sure she was ok and doing good. She couldn't go an hour without him sending her something or calling her just so he could hear her voice, so the fact that he'd gone silent was... unsettling.

She wouldn't lie, she was actually worried and freaking out a little bit. She'd sent him some texts, asking if he was ok, but there was no response of any kind. She'd even tried calling but his phone was either dead or off. It wasn't like him to let it die on its own, and he certainly wouldn't have forgotten to tell her if he'd be unreachable for a stretch of time.

"He's fine, everything's perfectly ok," She told herself, waving her hands in front of her in an attempt to dispel those building negative thoughts.

Instead, she focused on cleaning up the kitchen, which wouldn't take much time. Ami was pretty good at cleaning as she cooked, so really it was just a quick wipe down and throwing some dishes in the washer. After finishing that and thoroughly washing her hands she pulled off her apron, placing it on its hook beside the pantry door.

She was trying not to fret as she went over her post prepping routine. Making sure she hadn't stained her dress at all, especially since she loved this one! It was a two layered dress, the under layer was lighter teal that went to just around her knees, with cute little puff sleeves. The outer, slightly darker teal plaid layer went down to just above her knees and only came up to her chest in a lovely built-in bodice, with silky black laces in the front. The bodice just fit her so snuggly, showing off her curves and bust nicely in the best way possible.

She had other dresses like this in true cottage core fashion, but this had been one of her very first, and it had held up so well over the years. She couldn't even stand the thought of something happening to make it unwearable!

Satisfied that her dress was unsullied she found the next pieces to her outfit on the kitchen table, a matching pair of a teal ribbon and bow. She always took them off before any sort of cooking and didn't put them back on until after she'd finished all of her cleaning up. She would never let these get dirtied, but for different reasons.

These had been Brogach's first gifts to her. On their first date he'd taken her to this cute little outdoors market and picked them out as soon as he saw them. She knew he bought something, but was trying to keep it a surprise until the very end. It was very cute how he kept avoiding the topic and leaving her in suspense until he'd given them to her.

Since then, she wore them any chance she could.

With the bow perfectly fitted on the top of her head and the ribbon smoothly wrapped around her neck she was finally out of 'kitchen mode', which meant that she had some time to relax. There was nothing pressing to do today, no work or anything like that.

Ami had been keeping herself busy, using any chore she could find as a chance to distract herself whenever she wasn't texting or talking with Brogach. But as she made her way into the living room, sat down on the couch and looked around the nearly spotless cabin it was hard to think of anything else she could do.

She found herself staring out the window, the cabin they bought had been so perfect. It was right by the lake and surrounded by a small forest. Everyday they could take a romantic walk along the beach, venture out into the woods, sometimes Brogach would help her with her little garden in the front yard.

But all of that seemed rather dull and unappealing at the moment, Ami didn't hate venturing out by herself, she occasionally enjoyed a little solitude. But everything was just so much better with her lovely Moo around.

Strolling down the beach with his hand intertwined with hers, softly rubbing his thumb against hers. Sometimes they'd have lunch outside when the weather was nice, just pack everything in a straw basket and find a spot to have themselves a cute little picnic.

Or they'd venture out into the woods, wander around and simply enjoy nature. They'd recently found a botany book and one of their new favorite activities was to mark all the local plant life and compare it to what they read about it.

Mostly wholesome little things, romantic outings for the two of them... but not always.

How many times had they found a secluded spot on the beach, out of sight away from everyone else where they'd start making love. The big highland cow bending Ami over a giant rock and just filling her with his impressively thick cock.

Or when they'd walked through the forest, she'd strip down and he'd quickly follow her lead. Clothes discarded and long forgotten as he chased her around, finally catching her and praising her for her efforts before he'd rut into her among the trees and flowers, birds singing all around and leaves crunching underneath them as he fucked her.

Ami groaned as she leaned her head back, taking a deep breath as she tried once again to focus away from those deliciously naughty memories. She was so spectacularly pent up after two weeks that she was already rubbing her thighs together without thinking, feeling herself soaking through her lacy teal panties.

She didn't know why, but she felt less need to play with herself when Brogach was away. Which was both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand she'd be so fucking horny when he got back that they'd be fucking until they were both stupid and numb, she always had her strongest orgasms when she was denied this long. But, on the other... she was stuck in a constant, consistently horny state where even the slightest thoughts about sex led her down 'memory lane'.

Which sure did not help when she was already this needy!

Ami huffed as she stood up and made her way back to the kitchen. If she was going to be restless anyways then she might as well make herself a cup of tea. She'd started the kettle awhile back, but had left it off so it wouldn't be scalding hot.

That... and she'd completely forgotten about it until this exact moment. Which she couldn't be blamed for, she was too distracted!

Regardless of that little hiccup, the tea she poured for herself was still plenty hot as steam rose from the mug. After adding a little bit of cream and sugar, she had a nice, tolerable mug of tea to enjoy. Humming as she took the first sip, it wasn't too hot now and she could taste the herbal mixture just fine past the milk, actually it blended really nicely.

She took another sip as she leaned against the counter, looking out the side window that gave her a nice view of the lake. Ami was still worried, and no matter how she tried to distract herself there wasn't anything she could do to stop thinking about it.

If she'd heard from Brogach it would be one thing, but to hear nothing at all? It was starting to wear on her. He was a big guy, he could easily take care of himself with no issues. But it was that lack of contact that made all of this so difficult.

She'd only lasted this long because she'd been able to talk to him every day. Just hearing his voice and teasing him over a video chat was enough to keep her sated for the time being. But how the hell was she supposed to last three more days without him if she couldn't even hear from him?

Speaking of hearing things, her ears perked as she heard the squeal of tires and gravel outside. Someone had pulled up to the front of the cabin. It didn't weird her out, sometimes people visiting the lake got lost and didn't know where the public parking was, occasionally asking for directions when they realized this was private property.

Sometimes they'd just let them park there if the people were respectful enough or seemed genuinely pleasant. Usually couples or families who wanted to spend a day at the lake swimming and having fun. It was a small kindness that they had no issue giving.

But from the thundering steps making their way up the steps, Ami placed her cup of tea on the counter in preparation as it sounded like they were going to knock and ask for directions.

Or so Ami thought... until she heard the distinct click of the door being unlocked- no, that couldn't be.

She stepped out of the kitchen in the same moment as the front door opened. Crouching down so that his massive frame could step through the door- there was a Rumerian highland cow, with dense and fluffy fur that already gave his massive form even more heft, wearing nothing but his green, tartan robe that looped over his left shoulder, fastened with a large silver ring.

There stood her Brogach.

He smiled at her broadly and said. "Mo bhan-righ gráidh tha mi air a bhith ag iarraidh do sholas air ais nam bheatha."

My darling queen

I have yearned for your light back in my life.

Ami stared slack jawed- for all of three seconds before letting out a delightfully high-pitched squeal, hoofs stomping against the floor as she started jumping up and down like an overly excited child before she was charging towards the other moo.

Brogach was already prepared, kneeling in time for the excited dwarf highland cow to jump into his arms, wrapping herself around him as she planted quick, successive kisses all over his face which he quickly returned. Both of his big hands firmly cupped her rear to keep her steady.

Ami hugged her arms and legs around him tightly as she squealed in delight, giggling and laughing as he stood up and spun her around in their shared excitement. He was here! Her Moo-Boo was actually in front of her! He was home!

She was kissing him with everything she had, his face, his nose, his cheeks, his eyes, his lips, anywhere she could plant her lips on him! Soon the bigger moo was kissing her on the lips, quick, sweet little kisses, each of them conveying the depth of how much he truly missed her.

She tried breaking through the kisses to try speaking but he quickly silenced her with another. "How-why-when- you-" Finally, she playfully shoved his face away, laughing as she did. "Down boy! Down! Why are you home so early? You weren't supposed to be back till Friday night!"

Brogach grinned at her before nuzzling against her cheek. "Wrapped up everything early. Wanted to surprise you." And that was all he had to say on the matter as he started kissing her again. Not the same quick little kisses, this one was a proper, deep, passionate kiss.

It was a kiss that properly conveyed his hunger, his need, his desperation. It conveyed just how much he'd truly missed her and how much their time apart had affected him, made him all the happier to be home and with her once again.

Ami's laughter and giggles quickly turned into pleasant moans and huffing. She grabbed him by his densely furred cheeks and returned the kiss with just as much passion and vigor. Silently conveying to her beloved moo just how much she'd missed him in return. Telling him just how much she'd been thinking of him, yearning for him, simply needing him to be with her like this with the intense kiss.

Ami had missed him dearly, missed the feeling of his big, strong body pressed against hers, the feeling of his massive hands as they gripped and squeezed her, the taste of his lips on hers, the lashing of his tongue against hers when he deepened a kiss. How he seemed to convey every emotion of love and tenderness and devotion with his actions more clearly than any love song or poem ever possibly could.

She let out a muffled squeak of surprise as her giant moo marched them into the living room, never once loosening his grip on her or breaking the kiss until he was laying her down on the couch. She groaned as he broke the kiss but was soon smiling again as he started kissing her cheeks, moving down to her neck. Giggling as his giant fingers fumbled to undo the bodice of her dress.

Ami playfully swatted at him as his hands gave up on the bodice and instead worked their way lower until he was flipping the hems of her dress, ruffling the dark fur of her thighs, his arms pushing the dress up to bunch around her waist as his hands quickly cupped her rear again. "No! Bedroom! Bedroom!" She laughed.

Brogach ignored her as he captured her lips again, silencing her protests. He was making it clear that he couldn't wait another second longer. He was going to take her right here, no matter what.

He planted light, feathery kisses all over her face, topping them off with a kiss on her nose before taking her hands in his. Brogach took his time kissing the tips of her fingers, slowly working his way down each digit until he was kissing the palm and back of one hand before switching his loving attention to the other.

Ami let out a content sigh as she felt her moo's lips work their way up her arms. She missed this, the attention, the affection, the absolute need that radiated off the highland cow with his every adoration of her body. She smiled and nuzzled against his head, mindful of his horns, as he made his way back up to her shoulders.

Then he started kissing down again, placing kisses across Ami's collar bone and chest. He was working his way down, kissing her tummy and hips through the dress, it didn't matter to either of them that the offending fabric was in the way, Brogach was still able to convey all of his feelings and love to her regardless.

She giggled as he made it to her exposed thighs as he started taking his time. Brogach was making sure that every exposed inch of her thighs received his loving affection. She spread her legs to make it easier for him, something that he took advantage of as he planted his lips along her inner thighs.

Ami let out a quiet gasp as Brogach nipped her, his blunt teeth didn't really hurt, he was always gentle with her, but it was still a shocking sensation all the same. Following every love bite came a tender kiss to the same spot.

As he continued to nibble and kiss along her thighs he started going higher until his head was nearly under her dress. Ami shuddered and let out a soft moan as she felt his hot breath washing over her soaking panties. She'd gotten so worked up without even realizing it!

She waited in barely concealed anticipation for the moment he'd press his mouth against her covered sex, knowing that he'd do much more then give some cute little kisses to her dripping pussy. His lips reached higher and higher, getting closer and closer...

Until he was pulling back, making his way back down her thighs.

Ami let out a desperate whine as she tried to wrap her legs around his head. Come back, you're so close! She wanted to shout, but the bigger moo simply grabbed her legs and kept her from trapping his head. He looked up at her with a devious grin as he simply turned to run his muzzle and lips along her legs.

Ami writhed and struggled in his grasp, whining as she became desperate for Brogach to bring his mouth and head back under her dress. But he kept a firm grip around her ankle. Taking his time in a slow, sensual display of caressing her leg with his lips and free hand.

"Stop teasing!" Ami huffed, a low growl escaping her as the bigger moo chuckled.

"Beist bheag ghrinn... Tha mo chridhe ga d' ionndrainn gu mor." Brogach rumbled as he nuzzled himself affectionately against her leg.

Delicate wee beastie... My heart has missed you dearly.

Ami couldn't help it as she brought her hands up to her face, peeking at him through her fingers. Giggling as she felt herself going red beneath her fur. She loved it when he spoke to her in Gaelic, always saying such sweet and lovely things to her. Especially when he was touching her like this.

It seemed for all his teasing that Brogach was reaching his own breaking point, he always made a point to tease her for as long as he could but eventually it would be too much for him. He got hungry and desperate, needing even more from her.

That was the case now as he spread her legs and dove down between her thighs, pressing his muzzle insistently against her soaking panties, letting out a rough, rumbling snort that sent a shiver up Ami's spine and made her gasp at the sudden contact that she'd been craving this whole time.

Brogach wasted no time as he nuzzled against her covered sex, breathing in the scent of her arousal before he was pulling the fabric aside with his teeth. Ami heard the quiet tell-tale sign of her underwear being torn, but rather than stop and apologize, Brogach simply bit down harder and pulled his head back until he was ripping them right off of her.

"Hey! Those are-"

"I'll buy you a new pair." He growled out, his voice was strained, thick and heavy with his barely contained lust, before he wrapped his lips around her clit.

Ami squealed and arched her back as Brogach started licking and sucking on her clit, having the smaller moo writhing above him in a matter of seconds as he skillfully pleasured her with only his lips and thick tongue. Already she was grabbing at his horns, trying to hold on through the torturous assault.

Whatever restraint he'd been trying to hold back had quickly vanished as his hands kept her legs spread, allowing him to bath her soaking pussy with his hot breath, his thick tongue swirling against the little nub. She shrieked when she felt his blunt teeth starting to nibble on her clit but even that quickly died off into low, breathy moans.

The bigger moo wasn't content with just using his tongue and lips, Ami could already feel one of his hands leaving her thigh and pressing against her dripping sex, thick fingers teased and traced little lines through her slit, but that wasn't going to last long as she felt him starting to push them inside of her.

Her folds immediately clamped down around his invading digits, convulsing and squeezing around his thick fingers. Normally she was used to taking his fingers without issue, they had more than enough practice to make sure of it. But it had been weeks since she'd last been touched and her body was making it clear that even his simple fingering was going to drive her to the edge quickly.

Already Ami was huffing and groaning above him, squirming and shaking as Brogach nibbled and sucked on her clit while his fingers sawed in and out of her folds. It was too much all at once! Especially when he quickly found her sweet spot, her ragged gasp giving it away, making the bigger moo chuckle as he felt her immediate reaction.

But he refused to let up, no, it just made his attention more intense, pushing her to the edge already as he suckled harder and rubbed more insistently while her soaking folds clamped down around his deliciously evil fingers.

"That's it princess, cum for me. Be a good girl and cum for me." Brogach rumbled.

It was too much for her, and as if on command Ami was braying out, a high pitched, ear shattering moo was ripped from her throat as she came around his fingers. She could feel her tight pussy clenching and spasming around his fingers until she was sure it had to be painful for him. Her whole body went tense and her hooves curled before she was locking them around the bigger moo's head. She was gripping and pulling on his horns so tightly that she was sure she'd tear them right off.

Her orgasm was intense, after weeks of denying herself any sort of touch or pleasure her body was paying her back in spades for the terrible denial it had been forced to endure. Her mind went completely blank as white-hot ecstasy rushed through her body from the tips of her ears to her hoofs.

She couldn't stop herself as she ground her hips against Brogach's muzzle and fingers, her body desperate to wring out as much pleasure as it possibly could in the irrational fear that it'd have to endure more torturous waiting once again.

Finally, after what seemed like a small eternity Ami started to come down from her orgasmic high, her body was singing in relief and praise and joy at finally having had such an intense release after so long. She was nearly hyperventilating, tears gathered in the corners of her eyes from just how sudden and intense it had been. Her whole body relaxed all at once, nearly going limp.

Brogach lifted his head up from underneath her dress, the front of his muzzle was completely soaked and dripping her juices. He licked the excess off as best he could before he was slowly crawling up her smaller body, gently cupping her face in his hands as he gently kissed her face.

The bigger moo took his time, gently bringing her back down calmly and carefully, whispering his praises to her for being such a good girl for him. For letting out all that pent up need for him. He continued to praise and hold her as he gently kissed away the tears from the corners of her eyes and playfully licked across her face until she finally started giggling again.

She finally recovered enough to look up at him with a wide, giddy smile before she leaned up and kissed the tip of his nose. "I missed my big cuddly Moo,"

"And I you." He said before he was planting soft kisses against her lips.

Ami took the moment to fully regain her wits, that really had been one of the most intense orgasms of her life and she needed longer to recover than usual. But that just meant she could enjoy the soft, gentle, loving attention of her Moo-Boo in the meantime.

As she felt him press himself on top of her she could feel something else pressing firmly against her thigh, with a mischievous grin she reached down and started stroking the bulge tenting his robe. It got the desired effect as the bigger moo snorted, growling as he bucked his hips forward.

"Aww brought me a present did you?" Ami asked, her voice low and sultry as she continued to tease his massive length with her dainty little hand.

"Love..." He growled warningly, but didn't make any attempts to stop her.

Before she could tease him any further, she kissed his cheek and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Be a dear and stand up for me?"

He looked reluctant to do as asked, no doubt all he wanted was to be as close to her as he possibly could and this would be detrimental to that goal. "I promise it'll be worth it handsome," She said with a devious lick of her lips.

Knowing that she had something special in mind for him, he finally did as asked and stood up. Ami took Brogach's hands in hers, making him mimic her as she turned them around until their positions were reversed.

She looked up at him with a sweet little smile before she was playfully shoving him back against the couch where she'd just been sitting. The bigger moo chuckled as he went down. There was no way she could've pushed him down on her own but it was nice that he was willing to play along for her sake.

Now that he was in the perfect position, Ami took her time as she hummed to herself, lightly swaying her hips to a little tune that only she really knew. Caressing her own body as slowly and as sensually as her moo had only moments ago. Her hands ran along her hips, circling over her cute belly and cupping her breasts until they threatened to pop out of her shirt.

The whole time her love stared up at her with genuine reverence and open hunger. Brogach loved her little teasings, but she also knew that what he really wanted was to be inside of her fucking her until they were putting her birth control to the test.

Knowing that he wanted it just as badly herself, Ami started the real show. Slowly, carefully, she undid the laces of her bodice, loosening the dress properly. She used the sway of her hips to turn around until she was facing away from him, making a show of it as she lifted her hair and undid the clasp on the back of her neck.

She looked over her shoulder and gave the bigger moo a sultry little look as she took her time peeling the puffy sleeves of her dress down, drawing it out for an agonizingly long time as she pushed the bodice and layers of dress down to her hips.

It was only when she unclipped her bra did she turn around again, still slowly dancing to her own tune as she pulled the cute underwear off and flicked it to catch on his horns in one fluid movement, baring her plump breasts to him.

The highland moo snorted and rumbled as his hoof clapped against the hardwood, a purely instinctual act. She grinned as she raised her hands above her head and brushed her fingers through her hair before bringing them back down to cup her breasts, running her fingers across her erect nipples, shivering from the combined sensation of playing with herself and the knowledge that if she kept this up for much longer her Moo was bound to pounce her before she even finished her little dance.

Keeping that in mind she slowly ran her hands down her belly, hooking her fingers into the bunched up fabric around her waist before she bent forward, nearly nose to nose with him as she started to gently shuffle the dress down. She'd even managed to catch her torn underwear along the way, leaving her completely naked in front of her rumbling, antsy lover.

"Good boy, being all patient for me," Ami praised, scratching his cheeks affectionately. He was usually the one who praised her, but she could pull one over on him occasionally. "Such a good, big moo deserves a special reward." She whispered before kneeling before him.

Brogach brushed the hair out of her eyes, watching her lovingly as she brushed her hand across the bulge in his robe. It took less effort to lift the thick wooly fabric then it did with her own dress, and soon enough her delightful reward was slapping across the front of her nose.

She blinked in surprise but continued to smile regardless as she saw the thick, hefty slab of bovine meat that was now leaking across the bridge of her muzzle. She inhaled deeply, breathing in the strong masculine scent. Drowning herself in it, intoxicating herself on the wonderfully powerful scent of her big strong moo.

Ami pulled back to give the tip of his cock a sweet little kiss, a thin trail of pre connecting them before breaking off. She licked it off her lips and hummed as she savored the familiar taste that she'd longed for over these past few weeks.

But it wasn't enough. She wasted no time gripping his cock in both hands, it was the only way she could even possibly hope to stroke him with how big he was. Without warning she started planting loving little kisses along his tip, tasting more of his pre on her lips as her hands started to slowly pump up and down.

Brogach groaned above her, his whole body had gone tense. It was obvious that he was trying to hold himself back from simply thrusting past her loving lips. Not that she would have minded if he did, but she'd enjoy this rare display of submissiveness from him until she'd really riled him up.

With that in mind she slowly wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, flicking her tongue across the sensitive glands. A loud snort and rumbling moo accompanied the thick shot of pre that suddenly filled her mouth. Her eyes fluttered and she groaned as she rolled the clear fluid over her tongue, shivering in delight at tasting so much of him already, knowing that he was seriously pent up.

Ami looked up as she felt Brogach's hands on her head, brushing his fingers through her pink hair as he looked down at her with lidded eyes. Huffing and tense, gritting his teeth at the pleasurable assault of her tongue, but keeping still as she worked, simply encouraging her with the throbbing of his cock between her lips.

She lowered her head down further, bobbing her head up and down as she continued her loving, affectionate and torturous attentions. His fingers were gripping her hair now, not enough to be painful but clear enough that she knew he could take control anytime he wanted to. A little thing, but he knew just how much she loved it.

The dwarf highland had no problem at all surrendering control to him, even when she was the one in charge at the moment. His control felt comfortable, safe, warm, pleasant and filled with enough love that she'd always give it to him without the slightest hint of resistance. She knew that he'd always take care of her and keep her safe, even when they started to get rough with each other. She was his baby moo, his princess, his queen, his heart and his love

The warm fuzziness and giddiness that filled her with invigorated her, made her desperate and needier then before. She conveyed that to him as she pushed her head further down until the tip of his cock was pressing against the back of her throat. She held herself there, staying in place as she felt him throbbing and bulging her throat.

When Ami tried to pull up she found that she couldn't, Brogach's hands were keeping her firmly in place. She looked up at him, her eyes slightly bulging and watery, while he simply smiled down at her. "It's alright pet, you can handle it. Just a few more seconds for me, yeah? Be a good girl for me and just hold on for a little while longer, you're doing so good," He said softly and encouragingly.

A shudder ran through Ami's entire body, her heart fluttered and her pussy clenched as she heard him encourage and praise her all at once. A little whine escaped her from the effort of keeping him down without gagging, but she did as she was told, not only keeping in place but pushing her head down further of her own accord.

"That's it, that's my baby girl. Looking so cute with my cock down her throat. Keep it up, you're doing so good for me right now," Brogach continued, his voice taking a strained, but still dominant, edge.

Ami hummed and moaned in delight, drool dripping out from around her lips to soak into the fur surrounding his cock, no doubt droplets were coating his balls as well. She wanted to keep going, to be good for him. But it was getting harder to breath, harder to resist the urge to choke around his impressive length crammed into her throat.

She tried to hold on for just a few more seconds, just a few more, but it was a losing battle. Any second now she was going to gag and choke, simply having him stretching her throat out like this was too much. But at the first sign of her starting to choke, Brogach quickly pulled her off his cock, forcing the choke to turn into a gasp as she inhaled a desperately needed lungful of air.

The bigger moo cupped her face as she breathed deeply, recovering from having her throat temporarily turned into his personal cocksleeve, having loved every second of it. He tilted her head to look up at him as he gently kissed her lips, her cheeks and the tears in her eyes.

"That's it, good girl. You're such a good girl holding on for daddy like that. I'm so proud of you." Brogach whispered to her softly.

Ami hummed and nuzzled into the kisses, excited and pleased with herself that she'd been a good girl for him. Earning the praise that he knew she loved to hear so much, that he continued whispering to her as he helped her recover and come back down from the submissive high.

Brogach helped her stand up, guiding Ami into his lap to straddle him. She could feel his trapped cock throbbing against her belly, looking down and seeing the impressive girth that was about to stretch her out filled her with a giddy excitement.

His hands rest on her hips, running soothing circles through her fur. "Tell me what you want, tell me what you want me to give you,"

Ami took a moment before she was lifting herself up to cup his cheeks and kiss him, lazily lashing her tongue against his before pulling back, but not before biting down on his lower lip. "I want you to fuck me... I want you to break this couch and fill me up with everything you have."

Brogach was more than happy to oblige her, wrapping one arm around her waist to lift her tiny body up until his length was pressed against her lips. His other hand gripped his cock, lining up and sliding his tip through her slit a few times until he found the entrance to her pussy.

Ami relaxed herself, knowing that she'd need to be relaxed to make the attempt at taking so much of him. But even with their two week break of love making she still had years of experience, made evident as he smoothly slid the first two or three inches in her with almost no resistance before he bottomed out.

"Ah, fuck..." Ami groaned as she rested her head against Brogach's chest. She was already shaking, it was almost always a struggle to take him at first, but it always felt so good feeling that thick, girthy length start to stretch her out, making promises of just how sore and full she'd be feeling by the time they were done.

The bigger moo was in no rush either, despite the rumbling moo that was building up in his throat from feeling that slick tightness wrapping around the first few inches of his shaft. He was a patient lover, even when he was needy and desperate, Ami's comfort took priority over anything else, something that he never failed to remind her of.

But she wanted to please him too, wanted to speed up the process however she could to make sure that they both got exactly what they wanted. Just like now as she slowly ground herself into his lap, slowly working inch after inch inside of her soaking pussy.

Brogach gently stroked her cheek and ran his thumb across her lower lip, the smaller moo couldn't help herself as she opened her mouth, nibbling and sucking on the thick digit he'd given her. "Easy, my love. We have time, no need to rush. I want you to enjoy this,"

Brogach's words were soothing, comforting, full of the love and patience of someone who knew how to tend to his lover's needs. She nuzzled into his hand, locking eyes with him while she swirled her tongue around his thumb as she started rocking herself in his lap.

She needed to feel him, every single inch of him inside of her, stretching her out until he was buried to her womb, Ami wouldn't be satisfied otherwise. She needed to know that when he came it would be when he was deep enough to flood her womb and leave her floaty and dripping after a proper breeding.

There was no question that this was conveyed to the bigger moo as he leaned forward, grunting and huffing so that his warm breath tickled her muzzle. Already Brogach was picking up the pace, his arm around Ami's waist gripping her tightly as he started pumping up into her.

Ami wanted to curl against him, just to enjoy the promise of a proper pounding that those light thrusts were teasing her with, but the hand cupping her cheek kept her head tilted up, leaving her no choice but to stare into his eyes as she sunk lower and lower onto his shaft.

It was only when she gasped and her entire body shuddered that Brogach moved his hand to the back of her head, finally allowing her to curl against the bigger moo's fluffy chest and to tremble as she felt the full, long, thick girth of his cock finally stretch her out completely.

"That's it, good girl. You're taking my cock so good now," He whispered into her ear, kissing the top of her head while he let her adjust to his full length filling her.

Ami trembled and huffed against his chest, shaking with the pleasure and the strain of taking her lover's cock after so long. Two weeks without fucking her Moo was proving to make this a challenge. She was barely able to take him and to keep herself from cumming, and that was just with him simply resting inside of her!

He soothed and comforted her, continuing to praise her for doing so well. Tracing lines through her pelt as both his hands worked their way up and down her back. The comfort of his hands and words along with the throbbing of his cock, buried up to her womb, was working to put the little dwarf moo into a comforting, almost trance like space.

Just as she was starting to properly relax the bigger moo's hands found her waist, gripping her tightly. Ami was so out of it that she almost didn't feel her hips being lifted, only aware of what Brogach was doing when he brought her hips back down and bucked his full length back into her soaking sex.

Ami moaned loudly and threw her head back as she was shocked back into consciousness, feeling his cock head suddenly crammed against her womb had nearly shattered her mind with pleasure alone. Everything felt fuzzy, blank, completely white from the intensity of it alone.

So much so that she barely registered as he lifted her up and dropped her once again until the shrieking moo left her lips. She struggled to keep herself from shaking, eyes wildly searching, trying to focus through the pleasure. Trying to find something to hang on and anchor herself to through the maelstrom of sensations.

It was only when she felt something pressing against her nose that she was suddenly able to focus, it was hard to make out, at first, but then she saw the rich teal blue of his eyes, the individual strands of fur that covered his face and muzzle, the slight pinkish, fleshy tone of his nose against her. Everything around her was chaotic, except for Brogach.

He was the only thing that was crystal clear to her, bringing her senses into hyper clarity as she locked eyes with him. The feel of his warmth against her body, those strong hands locked around her waist to keep her steady, his breath mingling with her own between them. She could feel all of it.

He was the only thing that kept her anchored as he started to steadily pump into her, lifting her with ease and dropping her back down, grinding up into her so that she could feel the completeness of his claim on her body.

"Easy, my love. Easy. I'm right here with you," He spoke tenderly. "Just focus on me and breathe. That's it, good girl. You're doing so well love,"

Ami wasn't sure if she nodded or not, she must have because whatever she did Brogach took it as confirmation to keep going. Now that she was anchored it was less chaotic, but still no less intense as she felt him rocking her in his lap, feeling that thick length pulling out of her to bury itself back in over and over and over and over again. Feeling those deliciously warm and generous shots of pre shooting out of his cock to soak her folds.

Ami was starting to feel more centered, enough that she was able to grip his chest and start moving her hips to match the bigger moo's pace. Lifting herself up as he pulled out and dropping back down as he dove back in. Quickly finding a matching rhythm with the big highland cow.

But this wasn't enough, for either of them. After being separated for so long they both needed more, the mutual need and hunger shared between them was too ravenous to be sated with only this level of love making.

Ami wasn't sure who picked it up, or if that either of them was consciously aware of it. But soon they were increasing the pace with a feverous intensity. She'd lifted her legs up at some point and was fucking herself into Brogach's lap with all the strength her powerful legs could muster.

The highland cow's hands were gripping her waist so tightly that she could feel his fingers drawing painful little lines as he bucked up into her hard enough to feel his balls slapping against her rear.

Already the echoing squelching of their mingling juices and the creaking protests of the couch filled the air, almost drowning out the grunts and moans shared between the two as they earnestly started to fuck each other.

Ami groaned as she buried her muzzle into Brogach's neck, inhaling the strong, virile, masculine scent of her love, letting it soak into her brain until it was almost intoxicating. She could feel the familiar build up deep in her belly, only growing stronger with the quickening pace between them.

Her Moo was close himself, she could feel that familiar twitching of his cock and his hefty balls drawing up tight as his own body prepared for its release.

"Ami, I'm going to-"

"Do it!" She groaned out as she ground against him, getting closer and closer to the edge. "C-cum with me! Please!"

Brogach rumbled as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly and close as his powerful thrusts became uneven and jagged. Ami squealed and her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, but still found it in herself to wrap her arms and legs around her love as they both came closer and closer to-

Ami brayed out and buried her head into the bigger moo's fluffy chest as she finally reached her peak. Feeling her folds clenching tightly and needily around Brogach's thickening, throbbing cock as she came, only able to focus on this for a moment before the bigger moo joined her in release, hilting himself completely as his cock flexed and spurted out it's generous load.

Ami gasped and squealed in time with the thick, virile seed being pumped into her. Shivering and wrapped up in giddy release as those first ropes of cum completely flooded her womb. Her love was a very generous lover when it came to his own orgasms, never failing to fill her completely with the first few ropes of seed.

But this was different, the first spurt of seed shooting into her was already enough to leave her feeling completely full. Her Moo had been as pent up as she had, denying himself any sort of pleasure the whole time they were separated, the proof was more than evident as he started to overflow her clenching cunt, his load spilling out of her to soak their laps with the continuous backsplash.

Knowing that he'd been waiting to be with her again to find relief was enough to set Ami off again. Her own juices joining the highland cows cum in soaking their laps and the couch beneath them. Her folds clenching and spasming around his still throbbing cock, her body trying to milk out as much of her lover's seed until not a single, virile drop was left in those hefty balls of his.

It took some time before either of them came down, the mutual release from being denied the other for so long was simply too much for the two moo's it seemed.

Ami was floaty and fuzzy, as she knew she'd be. Nuzzling her head against the bigger moo, against his chest, his neck, his face, anywhere that she could. It was all instinct, wanting to show her love just how much she'd missed him, that she'd received all of his affection and was relishing in it.

Her mind, on the other hand, was focusing on the heated feeling settling in her belly. Leaving her feeling full and content, bringing thoughts of what a proper breeding it was. How his seed was soaking into her womb at this very moment, how such a virile and excessive load was sure to leave her pregnant.

How a beautiful new life would grow inside of her, making her belly swell with the proof of their love for one another. How Brogach would treat her like even more of a princess, worshiping her and the gorgeous, swollen belly that they'd worked to create together. She could imagine him whispering to their unborn calf, telling them all the loving and wonderful things they deserved to hear, to know that they were going to come into this world without a single doubt that they were unquestionably loved.

Those thoughts always made her smile, made her feel even more content and safe after their love making. It was sad that she was still on the pill, meaning that those happy thoughts were simply that, happy thoughts... for the time being, at least. She was sure they'd get to the point where those happy thoughts became a happy reality soon enough.

Brogach had recovered enough as Ami felt him tilting her head up, locking his lips with hers in a slow, gentle but still passionate kiss. When he pulled back he brushed the hair out of her eyes, staring at her with all the love and devotion that she knew he had to give.

He kissed the tip of her nose and cupped her cheeks as he smiled at her. "O Ami, mo fhlùr milis lil. Tha mi ag iarraidh do làthaireachd anns a h-uile càil nam bheatha. Na fàg mo thaobh a-rithist,"

Ami's heart leapt as she felt herself swelling with love and pride and joy all at once as she melted against her Moo. It was difficult to translate, although Brogach had tried. To put it simply it was his vox of love and devotion to her, how he would always love and cherish her, and that he'd never leave her, always to be with her.

Even if she couldn't completely understand the words, just knowing their meaning, hearing them come from his lips in such a caring and loving voice, it was enough to make her melt. Somehow going limp and tightening her hold on the bigger moo all at once, letting out a content hum as she simply enjoyed his presence.

They stayed like that for a long time, embracing one another, enjoying the quiet company and warmth of the other. Not moving, save for the affectionate stroking of fingers or the lazy post breeding kiss. This was what they needed and nothing else, to be with one another, to know that the other was with them. That the two moo's were together and that it would be a long damn time before either of them was separated again.

Ami was the first to break the silence as she started up at her love with an impish grin. "You know, you could've told me you'd be home sooner,"

Brogach simply chuckled and kissed her nose. "Didn't want to spoil the surprise,"

She couldn't help but giggle, it had certainly been a wonderful surprise! "I know... but I have all this food just sitting in the fridge. I could've made sure you had a nice hot meal,"

The bigger moo let out a snort and shook his head. "Ah, but would it really be nice and hot? I mean, if you had it would have gotten cold by now,"

They both laughed together, considering how he'd been when he walked in until this moment, he made a convincing point!

"Hmm, then I guess I'll just have to start cooking in a little bit." Ami mused, a teasing lilt to her voice.

"Yeah... in a bit," Brogach said before he flipped Ami over onto her back. Towering over her, making sure she felt the half softening length getting hard again. "But not until I've had seconds of a truly delectable and tasty treat,"

Ami grinned and cupped her lovers cheek, the feeling of giddy anticipation once again filling her. She brought his head back down and nuzzled his nose with her own.

"Welcome home, my love."