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#17 of Flash Fiction

Alec isn't sure about Maz's new adventurous scheme but maybe there will be something fun to do?

Alec pranced along, almost hopping with all fours as he ran down the dusty trail to find out what Maz wanted him to see.

The smell of spring tickled his nose, causing him to sneeze violently and stir up a raucous. A few birds flew away in contempt as he shook the post-sneeze off and looked around for whichever flower inflicted such damage on him.

He poked a big sunflower, deeming it to be too pretty to destroy and continued along his way. "Maz?" he yelled very loudly, causing more birds to fly off with filthy expressions on their faces.

He was interrupting their songs. Their horny, desperate, songs.

Well, it was spring after all.

Alec lived upon a nice mountain of which he had no idea of what its name was, or even if it had one. It was just 'the mountain' or home or whatever, that didn't really matter.

Covered in thick trees and carpeted in soft grass, and less-soft stone in some of the rougher places, he thought it was a really nice place to run around and enjoy himself.

Maz was a little more driven.

Okay, a lot more driven.

They were both eevee. Covered in soft brown fur with fluffy manes and tails, although Maz didn't take as much care of his fur as Alec did and left it a little coarser in places. Alec, though. He loved to preen and swim while Maz just liked to run and fight and run some more.

It was funny but they were close regardless.

"Maaaaz?" Alec continued calling, ducking into some shade to sniff around. Maz wanted to show him something he found yesterday and then raced off, leaving just an idea of where to go and a few tracks to follow.

It was kinda fun though, tracking after him. He was so fast that Alec had to learn how to follow signs to be able to meet up with him wherever Maz ran off to next.

He was to go to the rocky place with the stony outcrop. If it was anyone else, Alec would have no idea what that even meant.

Maz, at least, had a method to his madness.



Alec brightened up and sped up. "There you are! You ran off too fast, silly. I barely even knew where to go."

He stepped through the brush and frowned as the stones pricked his sensitive pawpads, he walked carefully on the flat parts where he could, wandering out to where the old, but prevalent, smell of smoke and sulphur wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Gross."

Maz sat near an abandoned beast of inert metal, beaten and shaped into crazy unnatural shapes. It had a grand arm tipped with a scooping claw with a small, but massive compared to them, see-through box in the middle.

Alec wouldn't know he was staring at an excavator left by humans, nor why the smell was so strong around here. He only knew it was big and looked interesting.

"What is that?" he asked Maz whose tail was beating the upturned earth into dust.

"Dunno!" Maz said excitedly. "I found it just like that, look at all the holes!"

Alec stepped up on a mound and looked around, noting that Maz was very correct. There were holes all over the place, deep holes dug deep and then left.

Alec looked left and then right. "So many holes," he said softly, impressed.

Maz grinned up from behind him, eyes on Alec's tail as it swished left and right. "Yep," he said with a giggle.

"What is-?" Alec began to glance behind him to see what Maz thought of the place but was cut short as a brown missile slammed into him.

Alec yelped as Maz tackled him and they rolled down the mound into the field of holes. Maz's legs swiftly locked around him and they rolled down barking at each other rolling to a stop before Alec managed to pin him.

"Ha!" he crowed, delighted in his win. "Can't get me so easily!"

Maz huffed as his ploy to gain advantage was foiled by gravity. He wriggled underneath Alec trying to find a weak point to exploit but only succeeded in sinking into the dirt a little.

"Mercy," Maz pleaded. Alec grinned down at him and licked his nose and then jumped off him.

"This place is funky," he said cheerfully, scurrying out of the hole. "It's all soft, I bet it's harder for you to catch me!"

And with that he bolted off, Maz charging out of the hole himself, dirt flying off his fur as he pursued Alec.

Alec was right, however. The softness of the ground gave him no purchase and he couldn't spring as fast as he normally could. Plus, Alec had taken a headstart and was running around holes that Maz tried to jump over.

And fell in.

He had one advantage, however.

Alec began to slow down, panting for breath as Maz continued to dog him unrelentingly, they ran around the big metal beast and climbed up and down before Alec lagged enough for Maz to spring off a rock laying on the ground and tackle him.

"Gotcha!" he said, pinning him victoriously.

Alec mumbled something unheard, still panting hard for breath. Maz was breathing heavily as well, pressed down on top of Alec.

A soft breeze blew, causing Maz to shiver despite feeling awfully hot. The smell of spring was heavy in the air, even with the odd smell this place brought.

"Hey, get off," Alec demanded.

"Hmm," Maz hummed.

Alec tried to buck, bumping his rump into Maz's lower belly, pulling a grunt from him. He grabbed on harder, hooking his paws around Alec to hold on, being shaken down further and further until he was holding onto his hips.

"Are you mounting me?" Alec gasped, realising how this might look to an onlooker.

"Uhhh," Maz said, having not exactly thought of that but he was feeling awfully... hot.

Alec's struggles ceased suddenly, his ears tilted slightly. They fell silent.

Maz's body was reacting to this and something pressed against Alec, drawing a sound from both of them. Maz let go, surprised and Alec glanced at him with an unreadable expression before Maz stepped off him.

"Mmsorry," Maz said, ears tilting down as he apologised. "Dunno what came over me."

Looking down he missed Alec's expression, a flash of surprised disappointment.

"We, uh, let's get this dirt off us," Alec suggested, not wanting to be dirty anyway. Maz looked up surprised and relieved.

"Okay! I know where the stream is closest here, I found it when I came here last. Follow me!" He almost raced off again but the swift motion felt heavier down in his loins and he looked down in surprise, flushing red and staggering to a slower walk.

His tail tilted very specifically to conceal any passing glances from behind.

Alec followed behind him, trailing after him as they didn't speak the whole walk to the river.

Alec did, however, push Maz into the river first. The other eevee popped out spitting in surprise as Alec laughed at him. "That enough to cool you off?" he asked, slipping into the water much smoother.

Maz's outrage turned to fluster as he was teased, sinking down and blowing annoyed bubbles out of his nose. The dirt swiftly washed off them, disappearing into the crystal clear water of the river.

Maz dunked his head into the water, still feeling hot and hotter still as he looked at Alec and his divine fur fluttering hypnotically in the water.

As he came up for air, he yelped as there was eevee in his face.

"Hi," Alec said.

"Yeah?" Maz said, paddling in place to fight the stream.

Alec leaned into his personal space until their wet noses bumped against each other.

Being pushed around in the water led to Alec needing to swim closer, easing Maz back further and further until he bumped into the shore.

"What are you doing?" he asked, voice going up an octave.

Alec pressed his nose into his scuff, drawing a gasp out of him as Alec took in his scent. "Why'd you get off?" he asked softly, feeling Maz swallow in response. "Without, y'know, getting off ?"

"You, uh, for real?" Maz whispered back. "I thought you-"

Alec pushed him up against the shore until they crawled out of the water. They both shook off, dousing each other in the water and giggling before stepping a little farther apart to shake off.

With that, Alec shot a still-confused Maz a heated look and turned around, swishing his tail as if he was trying to dry it in slow motion.

"Oh no, I'm all out of energy," he said dramatically. His tail continued to swish back and forth, throwing a rump shake in as well. He looked behind him, through his legs hopefully to see Maz with his tongue poking out, sitting on his haunches and not pouncing on the booty.

Alec might have been disappointed and discouraged that all the signs had been pointing to the wrong direction, had his eyes not fallen on the spot between Maz's legs.

His soft ballsack sat snugly below his brown-furred sheath, a spear of red beginning to poke out of it, a wetness that had nothing to do with the swim dribbling down his hardening length.

Alec's heart began to race as Maz flopped onto all fours and stood up trembling slightly. He began to wander over with a little swagger, snaking his way to Alec. He stopped in front of Alec's positioning, rump up and heads down and planted a paw on his butt.

They laughed together. "You're hard," Maz said, groping Alec as between Alec's own legs hung his evident arousal.

"So are you," Alec breathed, twitching as he was touched in a way his friend hadn't before. They'd wrestled and played as kids and still liked to bump against each other as adults but this was something else, something different.

The river was not far from the dug up site and there were signs of mining along the river as well, not as intense as the field but still there were holes and stones being unearthed all around them.

"Yeah," Maz said, because he was. He was really hard. The scent of spring hung around them, never so thick but always still there. Neither had eyes for females around, nothing had really occurred to them before. They'd just run and explore around together, bodies pressing against each other.

Alec grunted as he felt weight press down on him. It was a familiar weight, Maz usually won their wrestling competitions. It was familiar but unfamiliar at the same time, a spice of something running through his veins, buzzing him up as something hard and warm pressed against him.

They'd been close before. Paws and limbs had pressed into squishy sheaths and soft balls before, they had laughed it off, the feeling lingering on their body for a while and recurring in their minds as they tried to sleep late at night.

Maz awkwardly tried to find the right spot to hold onto, pressing Alec's front down onto the ground a little firmer before whispering an apology and trying to hook his paws around his haunches again.

Their bodies met each other as Maz pushed forwards, pressing his thickening cock against his friend's fluffy bottom. It slipped up along a cheek, leaving a trail of shiny precum to mix with the drying fur.

He drew back, instincts urging him to press down hard and begin to slam himself home. His eager thrusts bore no fruit, grinding futilely against Alec's body as they both grunted and whimpered.

Alec pressed himself onto the ground, pushing his hips up a little more, his tail continuing to wag in excitement and batting Maz in the face. Maz eventually bit down on it, holding it in place with a gentle nom and drawing a surprised moan out of Alec.

His body was buzzing with so much need that every touch felt like electricity dancing along his nerves. He whimpered in need, cock drooling on the ground as his sheath pulled further back.

Maz finally pointed himself right, the tip of his cock pressing against something that began to give. He pressed down eagerly, heavily, spearing his cock a few inches into Alec, drawing a yelp and a clench out of him.

Maz groaned, eyes fluttering shut as his cock sunk into tight flesh, getting squeezed by Alec as he groaned back against him.

"O-ow," Alec gasped. "You're big."

That felt good to hear, the sounds of pain did not.

Despite his body urging him to slam in and fuck with all he could fuck with, Maz actually pulled himself out. Alec whimpered again, twitching in arousal and pain before gasping as Maz licked him straight on his pucker.

The tongue felt much better much quicker and he moaned, sinking down even further as Maz devoured his hole, tongue pressing into his pucker with desperate need and sinking in until his teeth were scraping against his sensitive skin.

He drew a paw up, rubbing Alec's cock as well with the pawpads as he pulled his tongue back before pressing it in, stretching him out. Alec's moans encouraged him, softer sounds of pleasure that had nothing to do with their earlier run.

He licked until Alec was whimpering again, pressing eagerly against his muzzle for more. He dragged his tongue down over his balls, drawing them into his mouth as well giving a slow, gentle suck.

Two paws on Alec's cock now, stroking up and down as he rolled his balls with his tongue until he pulled back, sucking as he went.

Alec's balls popped out of his mouth and hung heavily as Alec panted in breathless need.

"M-Maz," he said in a way that Maz had never heard before. It went straight to his cock. "Please."

Maz landed on Alec's back again, drawing a grunt out of him and buckling his legs. His paws hooked around his hips again and he pressed his aching cock against his taint. He slid his cock against Alec's balls, humping up further and further.

Alec spread his legs wider, pressing up eagerly as the tip of Maz's cock pressed against his stretched pucker. He began to slide in slowly, carefully, until Alec pressed himself back.

That sudden movement sheathed Maz's cock to the sheath in one motion and they gave a cry of mixed pleasure.

Maz moaned Alec's name as Alec's walls gripped his cock so warmly, so snugly squeezing and massaging his need. He was growing even harder as he drew back, hips slow from Alec's grip on him.

He sunk back into the other eevee, cock thickening with every heartbeat. Alec's mouth had dropped open, silent cries escaping him as Maz split him open. His head pressed against the ground, staring at his own cock hardening itself against nothing.

Drops of precum spurted from his cock as Maz thrust into him, pulling gasps and breathless moans out of him as the eevee-on-top pressed his weight into him.

Maz's cock continued to get harder, pressing further into Alec and drawing back over his developing knot. It began to kiss Alec's pucker, threatening entry as the thrusts grew faster.

Maz pulled up and back, dragging Alec's hips up as he rutted into him. Humping with sloppy force, fucking with all the eagerness of someone tasting pleasure for the first time. He raised his head and gave a sharp bark of domination before bearing down on Alec.

Alec was reduced to a whimpering mess as Maz took him roughly. Barely able to hold his hips up against the onslaught of horny eevee humping, the knot building and bashing at his pucker, sinking a little in before being pulled back for another slam forwards.

The speed that Maz built to began to shake them both around, dragging Alec forwards with the force of his thrusts. They had to step in place as they did so until Alec was able to anchor himself against a set of rocks.

He began to push back against Maz, puffs of pleasure escaping his mouth as Maz railed him with all his body could give. Maz cried out, sharp and sleep before curling over and biting Alec's scruff.

Alec staggered, almost feeling like lightning had jolted his body before his muscles tensed and relaxed, right as Maz slammed into him again.

Maz shifted his stance, just a few inches. His foot tapped something.

"Ah!?" he gasped as what felt like lightning shot through his body. He looked down, thrusts actually stalling for a moment and he realised.

The unearthing of so much dirt and rocks had knocked stones all around. Including, what his excited heartbeat was telling him, a thunder stone.

"Maz?" Alec asked, concerned.

Maz grinned. "Alec," he breathed, as power began to surge through him. He didn't release his foot but instead pressed down on it harder. "Might want to close your eyes."

"Wha? AH!" Alec shouted as suddenly everything went white. Or, rather, his vision did. A shining blast from behind, and above him, blinded him for just a moment.

And while he couldn't quite see it, it didn't mean it wasn't happening.

Maz's body was growing. Brown fur was lightening into a golden yellow, his fluffy scruff poked out suddenly, jutting like spikes of coarser fur. His ears lengthened. His tail shrunk and disappeared beneath a fan of spiky yellow fur.

And his dick.

Alec felt it growing inside him far more rapidly than even the initial start to his thrusting, growing longer, thicker, almost jolting him with the sudden change before he realised it might have been a literal jolt.

Alec's ears tilted down as he looked up, eying a golden muzzle before Maz tilted his head down to meet his eyes. His eyes were still the same electric blue and he smiled, playfulness dancing in his eyes.

"You evolved?" Alec breathed, stunned. Maz had always said he wanted to be a jolteon, but now of all possible times?

"What does it feel like?" Maz asked, rolling his hips. He was so much stronger now, so much heavier too. The gentle motion had Alec barely holding onto his footing and he groaned as the thick cock moved about inside him.

"Feels big," Alec said breathlessly.

Maz grinned at him, leaning down to lap at his mouth, a charged tongue sending shivers along his body. "Maybe you're just tight," he said in between licks.

Alec moaned, his body being moved around so easily now. "Th-then how 'bout you chaaaange that?"

Maz took the challenge as Alec began to say it, grinding his hips forwards until his balls slapped off Alec's, drawing a strangled moan out of the eevee. Those balls rested heavily on his own, pulsing with cum and ready to seed him.

His knot, engorged even bigger and yet not close to locking tapped threateningly on Alec's pucker, the jolteon giving a firm thrust that felt to be rearranging some things in Alec.

The pressure of his cock was intense, Alec's prostate being permanently pressed with each thrust, and they didn't have to be long thrusts either. He fucked him slowly, surprisingly, the jolteon taking things slow for the moment.

He didn't want to harm Alec. The previous rutting had stretched him out but he knew he was bigger now and was being gentle until Alec began to press back against him again.

Which he began to, soft needy whimpers escaping his mouth every second now, wordlessly begging for more, for more of his cock, for more of this pleasure, for more of him.

There was still much to give and Maz's thrusts began to speed up again, pressing into him faster, thrusting into him harder, his knot beginning to test the water of his straining pucker, seeing what could be done.

Alec's claws were out against the rocks, legs stretched far as he braced with his legs spread as wide as they could. He could barely press back against Maz's thrusts, he could barely hold himself in place to start with.

Maz's legs hooked around his whole lower body, almost pulling him into a quadrupeds hug as he thrust harder into him, fucking his knot into him slowly, forcefully, stretching the eevee wide, each flex of his hips coming faster until he was a blur.

He pulled him against him, lifting him off the ground until he was on his own two legs as well, thrusting frantically as he felt himself getting agonisingly close, his knot pressing eagerly against the eevee trying to get in, trying so hard to get inside....

Alec was jolted back and forth, cock flopping up and down as he was rutted mercilessly and lifted like a plaything, thick jets of cum began to spurt out of his cock as he howled suddenly, clenching down and sucking Maz in as far as he could go, the knot straining to enter him.

His body suddenly relaxed, a snap of a moment between jets of cum, and that was the moment Maz took to ram him down.

The knot popped in and locked in place, thickening inside him as he was fully sheathed. Alec and Maz both cried out to the spring winds as Maz began to unload into Alec.

They fell forward, pinning Alec underneath Maz as he bit on his scruff again.

The bite on his scruff drew blood as he grunted, bucking hard against him and shifting his cock just that little bit more, being milked by Alec's walls as his prostate was battered.

Creamy eevee cum splashed on the stones as Alec whimpered, shivering back against Maz as they rutted against each other.

Maz's bite began to loosen, he released Alec's scruff and gave him some apologetic licks as where he'd drawn blood, their bodies still jerking in pleasure as their cocks released another load.

Alec's knot pulsed angrily, trapped in his sheath as he tried to catch his breath, the stir of heated arousal finally beginning to pass. "W-woah," he managed, wincing as Maz released his haunches and awkwardly turned around, dragging Alec with him. "Are we... stuck?"

"I think so, oh fuck you can see it through my belly." He had his head in between his legs again, staring in wonder at the dick-formed bulge.

Maz chuckled in surprise, cock flexing inside Alec and he stepped around, over, a little confusion of where to place paws and limbs. He eventually flopped onto his back, pulling Alec up until he was on his belly.

The movement drew a moan out of Alec, clenching down on Maz and causing him to hiss through his teeth in pleasure. "W-watch it, unless you want this to keep going."

Alec moaned softly, kneading his paws into Maz's softer belly fur. The soft touches drawing softer sounds out of Maz until Alec let himself slump onto the jolteon.

"You're cleaning this," Alec said sleepily, tail drooping down over Maz's balls.


"I mean it!"

"I know."

"Then maybe I'll clean you too," Alec said, sweeping his tail against Maz's heavy balls. "Good thing we're by the river, huh?"

Maz swallowed nervously, eagerly awaiting what was coming next.

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