[Profe_Lambert] An Acquired Taste

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From the very moment David met Teryx, the small otter wanted the dragon. Little he knows his attraction would go beyond physical or even romantic. He wants Teryx in a way no one else could have him and... luckily for him... there is a method for that. (12.1k words)

Commission from @@Profe_Lamberthttps://www.furaffinity.net/view/49579960/

An Acquired Taste

For TeryxC by Profe_Lambert


From the very first moment David laid his eyes on the blue dragon, he became obsessed with him. He entered the store a Sunday morning, dressing in a worn black denim jacket over a white tank top tight enough that flexing just a little could tear it apart. The brown cargo pants looked brand new as if he had bought them that same morning and decided to walk out of the store wearing them. His movements reflected a strange confidence, proper of someone convinced there was no one around him. He looked through the cellphones displayed on the counter with uncertainty, but not out of ignorance--all the contrary, the dragon surely knew more than David about each model, enough to make him doubt which one was the right one.

The background music began to fade as the otter debated what to do. He was at the store waiting for a friend to finish his shift, and the last thing he expected was a stud of that size to make a mess of his brain with nothing else but his presence. Was it safe to approach? The workers were still occupied with other clients, which give him an opening to offer some advice about the newest model--and to look like a complete fool as soon as the dragon informed him he was ok on his own.

Aside from that, he couldn't come up with any other smart idea. A store like that was NOT a good place to flirt with someone without looking like an idiot. And yet he couldn't get rid of the need to approach and talk to him--or at least stand next to him. It was a strange magnetism, caused by his physical appearance, his attitude, or the scent that David just perceived, a faint smell of deodorant mixed with the sweat of the day. He was a stud from head to toes, and David wanted him more than anything else.

By the time his friend came out of the employee's room, David was no longer there. The only explanation he received was a message saying he had an emergency.

All David did that day was follow the blue dragon around the mall. No one, not even the reptile, noticed the otter walking 10 feet away from him. He was just another guy in the background, with no particular quality that would make him shine among the multitude--attired in a white t-shirt and black trousers, the otter couldn't have achieved a more generic appearance even if he tried. He wasn't good-looking or talented in something. He was an office worker trapped in a cubicle among many others like him. He was the average adult, neither good nor bad, doing his part in society without looking to be in the spotlight. And he was happy with it--now more than ever.

The dragon, on the other hand, caught not only David's eyes but everyone's, especially after he took off his jacket. His body displayed mostly two shades of blue: one was a reflection of the sky, covering his chest, cheeks, and--as far as he could see--the middle of his arms; the other was a deep blue that covered the upper half of his head and two horns, his shoulders, hands--where it faded with the clear one--, the sides of his chest, and then went down his tail, fading in the middle to the golden tone of a sunrise. Only his muzzle and the middle of his neck had a touch of white. The final touch was the yellow mohawk over his head that reached down his nape, which partially hid three more white, smaller horns.

The more he admired his appearance, the more he wanted to approach him. But that same magnetism attracting him also managed to repel him. David couldn't dare to even utter a word in the dragon's presence, afraid that, even if it wasn't directed at him, it would attract his attention. So he followed him in silence through the entire mall. Then outside... on his way home... and stopped when he couldn't enter the apartment building where he lived. And from that moment, David knew he wanted him.

What could have been considered by many as sickening was completely sane from David's perspective. The otter made a routine of waiting outside the building for the dragon to appear. If he was going out, he followed him from a safe distance; if he was coming back, David took note of the arrival hour. He never came in or out with company. He mostly wore tank tops. Around 9 PM he ordered food--usually pizza. That's how he learned his name was Teryx, after bribing the delivery guy.

Each day of surveillance also brought some understanding to David's mind. Whenever he followed him around town or pinned a new set of photographs to the wall, David confirmed he felt no actual physical or romantic attraction for Teryx. His admiration for the beautiful dragon went beyond the simple interest of sleeping with him. There was more to those muscles and body, a desire no other male awakened in him before. And that did nothing but fuel his obsession even more.

David entered the same gym he was in. He bought his groceries in the same store. The clothes in his wardrobe changed to match what Teryx wore. Slowly, even his mannerisms obeyed those of Teryx. The otter ignored the subtle changes happening around his life. Through his eyes, he was doing nothing wrong.

It wasn't until one night in August that the answer finally came to him. He followed him and studied him for over six months. His bedroom was nothing but a shrine to whom he considered the most beautiful and perfect dragon that has set paws on this Earth. Each picture on the wall had the date and location written behind it, an irrelevant detail for an otter who remembered perfectly the moment when he took each one of them.

July 12, McDonald's, he was eating with some friends, they stayed there for over an hour before leaving to watch a movie.

April 8, outside his apartment. He was late for work that morning. Almost tripped on the way out.

September 10, gym, he broke his record with more than 20 extra reps. He was on fire that night. David managed to steal his sweatband while he was in the shower.

The otter opened a drawer in front of him and took the red piece of cloth. Even when he squeezed and preserved all the sweat inside an unlabeled bottle, the band still had his scent. Oh, what a strong and virile musk he had. David breathe deeply with the cloth against his nose, and his entire body trembled from the discharge sent by his brain. What would he give to smell like that every day of the rest of his life? Even when he smeared some of the sweat over himself each morning, it wasn't enough.

"Oh, Teryx. My sweet Teryx," the otter said with his nasal voice slightly muffled by the band. He continued rubbing it all over his nose, trying to get as much of his musk on him. "What a wonderful creature you are."

He put the band down and took the main picture of his collection. The gym was, for obvious reasons, the best place to take pics of him. And that's how he got his favorite photography, his pièce de résistance: Teryx standing in the dressing room with one paw over the bench, his sculptural body covered by nothing else but a white jockstrap and the glorious sweat of a good session, in his expression was reflected the exhaustion and proudness of a male who knew how hard he had worked on himself.

"Even the definition of perfection crumbles in your presence," he followed carefully the outlines of the body with a claw, picturing in his mind how his skin would feel in reality. "No one in this world can match your beauty and no one can resist your charm. Wherever you go, everyone looks in awe as they have never seen someone like you."

His heart beat faster the more he admired the picture. Everything around him faded to black as his mind transported him to that moment in time, with the dragon undressing to walk into the shower. The traffic sounds from outside his building turned into chattering and water running. He felt the cold tiles under his paws. A deep breath filled his lungs with the mixed smell of sweat and deodorant. David closed his eyes for a moment, but instead of darkness, he saw the wooden bench and his blue paw over it.

The impression hit him like a wrecking ball, and David fell on his ass after tripping with his tail. He was back in his bedroom. He touched the carpet several times, and even pinched himself to reaffirm he wasn't dreaming--and he did it twice as hard after seeing the burning mark in the picture he was holding. Smoke was still coming from the paper when he picked it from the ground. The marks on the paper were nothing but a bunch of childish drawings. What really intrigued him was the sudden thought that popped into his mind and refused to disappear, a reality that he ignored until that night of October.

"No one realizes how perfect you are, not even yourself. Only me..."

David couldn't sleep a lot that night. Or the next one. He even missed a couple of days studying Teryx to stay in his room staring at his collection. That thought was still in his mind and its meaning became clear as he went from picture to picture. His obsession wasn't a meaningless physical attraction or an unconscious desire to imitate his lifestyle. David wanted to be him. He was aware that even Teryx was oblivious to his own beauty and potential, and only David could exploit him properly. He wanted to take over his body.

Such a feat was physically impossible--at least for the weak of mind. But in the same way David learned about his desire, he also discovered new things about the mystical mark that appeared in the picture. His dreams were replaced by fragmented images that he took his time to put in order, giving him a better understanding of what those glyphs truly meant. An unknown language that started to make sense one night at a time. An ancient spell provided to those willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goal. A chance for him to live in the skin of the dragon he admired so much.

David secluded himself in his apartment for days to study what his dreams taught him, and to plan what was coming. He needed time and an opportunity, something easy to find for an otter who knew Teryx's routine to perfection. Of course, that didn't mean it would be easy. But that didn't mean impossible.

Each Wednesday, Teryx arrived directly at the gym, made a one-hour-long routine, then went to a coffee shop not so far from there, where he sat to read in peace for another hour. The place was cozy and didn't have a lot of customers, which made it the ideal spot to relax. The dragon liked some privacy, that's why he opted for the table at the farthest corner, usually free and with no one around.

David hated the place. There was no room inside to study him properly without calling attention. So instead, the otter waited outside until he came out. That night was the exception. The otter arrived right before him and made sure to order exactly what he liked the most: a mocha frappuccino with wiped cream and cinnamon on top.

David was making his order when the dragon entered the store. He didn't need to see him to notice his presence--even with the deodorant blocking it, he knew his musk very well. Strangely it mixed perfectly with the aroma of brewed coffee.

With his order in hand, David left towards his chosen spot: two tables away from the one Teryx picked. Then he waited. It was a simple setup, and one innocent enough for the barista to go along with it. Of course, the bear serving the drinks wasn't aware of David's true intentions, which were already dissolving into the cold beverage he had in hand.

"A white chocolate frappuccino for... Teryx," the bear announced while putting the large cup on the counter.

"Oh, excuse me. I ordered a mocha frappuccino," the dragon mentioned almost immediately.

The bear approached, took a look at the indications checked in the cup, then at the order printed, and ended with a facepalm.

"I'm sorry, sir. I think I mixed up the orders. This one should be for a male named David. I think he went on that way."

David couldn't see them from where he was, but he had a fine ear, and he heard the sharp claws clacking on the floor as he approached. He was giving Teryx his back and pretended he was taking notes on his computer. His cup was far from him and his straw remained in his plastic wrap, enough evidence to prove he hadn't drunk from it.

"Hello," Teryx stood next to him. His voice alone, heard from that close, sent a shiver down David's spine, "excuse me. Are you David by any chance?"

Keep it together, David. You can do it, the otter said to himself. He trained for the moment he would have to face him. And that, of course, wasn't enough. Still, he wouldn't be intimidated by the dragon that was meant to belong to him. Gathering all his courage, David turned and looked straight into his eyes.

"Yes, I am. Is there a problem?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but it looks like they got our orders mixed. That should be a mocha frappuccino," he talked with a shy smile displayed on that cute face of him. His finger pointed at the cup on his table.

David frowned before looking at the indications marked on his cup. He knew Teryx was right because he asked the barista to switch as a way to "find an opening to talk with the dragon". He faked a surprised gasp and the embarrassment on his face when he looked back at the dragon, who was genuinely ashamed of the confusion.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I'm so distracted that I only heard my name. Please don't think I drank from it already," David rushed to explain, picking up the wrapped straw. "See? It's still closed."

"I wouldn't have minded if you take a sip. All I need to change is the straw but, yeah... care if we switch?" Teryx shrugged, offering the correct cup to David.

"Sure, it's ok with me. I hate they don't use transparent cups anymore," David replied during the exchange.

"It's fine. Things happen. We all have things to do. And... yeah, you know, things."

He was acting so awkwardly, not exactly the way David assumed the entire interaction would go. But the otter blamed the situation for it, and just let him move on to his seat. It didn't matter the way he acted. It wouldn't be a problem after that night.

Some minutes later, the bear gave a sad look at David when he left the shop alone. He was excited over the idea that he helped set a date. Well, he did set up something, but not exactly what he imagined. And that's why the otter's grin changed his sadness to confusion, one that was almost immediately pushed by the next order on his list.

If only Teryx had noticed before the otter stalked him. If only someone had warned him. Or maybe if he had questioned himself how safe it was to take someone else's drink. But the otter was no one. Despite how close he had been, that was the first time Teryx saw David's face. And that normal, almost generic face didn't give any clue of the substance dissolving in the bottom of his beverage. It was an innocent mix-up that led him to taste a slightly bitter frappuccino. "Did they change the milk or something?" Was the only thing he asked.

It was also the last thing he remembered saying.

David held a piece of cloth soaked in alcohol against his nose. It took longer than expected to have an effect, but it managed to bring back the dragon from his slumber. His initial response was to move away from the source of that foul smell, still trying to comprehend what exactly was going on. The bed didn't give his head a large range of movement, and the restraints on his wrists and ankles kept him from taking the cloth away.

Convinced that he was conscious, David stood up and removed the small towel. What Teryx found after he came back to his senses was a room illuminated by several candles distributed with no visual order. He pulled his arms a couple of times, then began to struggle fiercely against his bindings, but the tight ropes didn't give him much room to pull either. An attempt to scream was also forbidden by the duct tape keeping his mouth shut.

As soon as the initial burst of energy ended, he looked at the naked otter standing before him. At first, he was confused about his identity and why he was there. But looking at him brought back the memory of an event he considered irrelevant at the moment, one that now caused a chill to went down his spine.

With a flame of hatred in his eyes, Teryx muffled words didn't make any sense, but David knew what he was saying. What he believed was a warm, welcoming smile looked sinister and sickening through Teryx's perspective, who had a second wind and attempted again to break free. The bed jumped briefly in place, but David made sure to tie him well. The dragon wouldn't go anywhere.

"I can't speak if you keep with this rattle," the otter spoke over the sound made by the bed.

It was obvious Teryx wouldn't listen, which gave David no other choice but to wait until he got exhausted. The stamina he gained after training for so long meant nothing when his actions were moved by panic. While it lasted longer than the first time, his energies began to fade after a minute, and that time it was for good.

"Are you gonna stop now?" He asked, holding both hands behind his back.

His pointless struggle extinguished the flame, and a powerless dragon stopped fighting and looked at his captor now with fear and impotence instead of hatred.

"Good. You're probably wondering why you're here," David began to explain, throwing the towel away with a sigh. "I wish I could explain without looking like a maniac. I find it almost impossible. Maybe I'm actually crazy. But it's too late to do something about it. We are here, and nothing can change that."

David began to walk around him. His claws barely grazed Teryx's skin, and that's how the dragon noticed he was naked too.

"I couldn't move my eyes away from you the first time I saw you. I thought for a long time that was either love or lust what encouraged me to follow you that day. I believed it would be temporary. That it wouldn't last. That I would move on. I couldn't. The day after I wanted to see you again. And the day after that. And the day after. And each day after that. I was too afraid to approach you. I'm no one compared to you. You don't even notice me. No one did. And I was ok with it. Because I really thought that a distant admiration was the only thing my burning heart needed. I convinced myself of that until the day I realized it was not enough. Admiring your beauty was no longer enough for me. How could I worship you the way you deserve it if I don't know you completely? So I investigated more about your life while keeping the distance between us. There was no need to bother you with my presence."

Each word David uttered was charged with the obsession that fueled his actions for months, and it felt like a weight over Teryx's chest, who began to see the otter as an actual psychopath. His mind began to work at full speed, forcing him to imagine all the possible outcomes from that encounter, each one worse than the last one.

When the otter appeared from behind the bed, he jumped over and sat on Teryx's crotch. The claw of his index finger was dripping red paint--or at least he wanted to believe it was paint. While his expression was disturbing, Teryx found sincere admiration in his eyes. In a twisted way, there was some truth in what David was saying.

"I eventually realized that what I really want is you. Not physically or sexually. I want you," he repeated with more emphasis. With his claw, he began to paint a circle on Teryx's chest while he continued speaking. "I don't expect you to understand. I don't think anyone in this world could--hell, even I don't. My dreams are invaded by images of a life seen through your eyes. And that's why I have you here. To take over your body."

His words made no sense and yet he froze under the otter as he continued drawing his sigil.

"It's not that I'm unsatisfied with my life. I'm ok with it. I'm happy with who I am. I could continue living as David for the rest of my days. But I also want to be you. I want to live as Teryx and see the world through your perspective. There is so much you could do that even you ignore. And I wanna do it for you. All those things you're not capable of. Fantasies, desires, dreams. I'm gonna do them all for you."

When he finished, David leaned down and took a deep breath at Teryx's neck, then moved down to his pit.

"I can't wait to wake up every morning smelling like this. This masculine scent. So powerful."

With the moment of truth coming closer, his body finally showed a reaction. Teryx felt the erection poking against his belly. When he sat back, his cock rested completely hard over the blue abdomen. After everything he said, watching his excitement at that moment made the entire situation more bizarre. Was that otter a lunatic or was he telling the truth about taking over his body? And how would that be possible in the first place?

Teryx didn't have to wait for the answer. The flames on the candles intensified. A burning sensation began in his chest after David placed his hand over the circle he drew. Teryx looked around and saw the walls shaking as if an earthquake was happening at that moment. He panicked and tried to push the otter way with his hips, but the small creature remained over him like an experienced rider taming a wild feral horse.

David closed his eyes. The same sigil he drew on Teryx began to appear in his chest, drawn in a green glowing light. What the dragon was seeing went beyond his understanding, and his body had no other choice but to stop his struggle while his mind tried to explain what he was witnessing. An illusion? A vivid dream? An effect of the drugs given?

No answer could tranquilize his troubled heart--he felt it pumping against his chest, threatening to jump out. His quick breathing had him close to passing out, and his fear kept him awake. All thoughts abandoned his mind except for one that echoed louder and louder, an answer that he refused to admit despite being the only one left that could explain everything, and the one that would destroy his sanity.

When the sigil was complete, David opened his eyes and a strong green light came from them. It blinded Teryx for a moment and brought it closer to that answer he tried to ignore. The intense light had him squinting to look at the otter, whose body slowly began to glow too.

When the otter spoke, the voice he heard didn't come from David's mouth--Teryx heard it inside his head.

"Pitiful soul trapped in a cage of flesh and skin. Sink!" An invisible weight fell over his chest. The dragon stopped breathing for a moment as it pushed him into the mattress. "Your place will be no more. Your vessel shall no longer belong to you. Inside you shall remain. Trapped. Secluded. Nothing but a witness of a life that you will not control anymore. Sink!" Another weight and he sank deeper. He couldn't move anymore. And the light coming from David's body started to blind him again. "For as long as I live, I will see through your eyes, and I will speak through your voice, and I will live through yourself. For as long as I live this body shall be mine. Sink!"

And he sank deeper... no, he was still on top of the bed. What was really going down was his mind. His body was still there, and he still felt everything. But he couldn't control it. And what he felt was the worst thing he could have ever imagined.

He was absorbing David. Or was the otter fusing with him? It didn't change the pressure Teryx felt as the otter continued disappearing into him. He felt himself being pushed away by the small otter. No, the otter was squeezing inside him. Teryx tried to scream as new and multiple sensations began to pop out of nowhere. He felt fear, love, panic, admiration, hatred, lust. And on top of that the happiness of achieving your biggest dream.

A tear rolled down the dragon's cheek. Was it sadness? No, the one crying was David. He was feeling himself sinking into Teryx's body and mind. The sensation of his old body faded as he gained control over Teryx's. The otter couldn't stop himself from moaning with joy and pleasure from how perfectly he fitted inside the dragon's body, as if it had been made just for him. And he forced that same sensation on Teryx.

The overflow of power that invaded the dragon gave him the extra strength needed to tear off the ropes holding his arms, but it was too late. Instead of breaking free and pushing David away, the already possessed dragon sat on the bed and embraced the glowing otter, pushing the rest of him in to squash down any resistance offered by Teryx. And just like wearing a suit made to size, David experience his climax at the very moment he took total control over his new body.

The dragon tore apart the duct tape and roared fiercely. The light in his chest vanished and he passed out immediately.

The piercing sound of a siren made it through the darkness that was his dream, and slowly pulled him back to reality as the ambulance drove away from his block. The light began to flood the void and the details of a ruined room took shape as he recovered his senses. The memories of the night before were all scrambled and fragmented, mixed up with events that didn't happen--or more precisely, that he didn't experience.

His body felt heavier than he remembered--no, it was the actual weight. His bed was also smaller--no, it was his size. He rolled to the edge and the wooden base finally snapped under his weight, leaning the mattress to one side. He rolled down from the bed and onto the ground. The impact rekindled the pain in his muscles, sending an overwhelming signal throughout his body.

The grunt of complaint lasted just a moment after he noticed the vibration in his throat. Stronger than usual. Deeper, too. What was wrong with his voice? It was the same.

His train of thought was interrupted by an intense headache that felt almost as if someone had just hit him with a sledgehammer. From his mouth came a shriek in that strange, deep voice--that was his normal voice. Both hands went to his head, holding and pressing down two horns that weren't there before--in the same way he always did. The pain continued getting stronger in a way he could only define as inflating his head like a balloon. Any attempt to stand up failed because he kept on dragging his knee over the floor as if his leg had become larger during the night.

He fell to one side and curled up while his mind was invaded by things that never happened. Smells, surfaces, tastes, voices, faces, places, sensations, thoughts--he saw clothes he never wore, lips he never kissed, moments of joy and sadness that never occurred. Years of a life he never lived happened before his eyes and got engraved in his brain.

And right when it ended, the pain disappeared, leaving just the soreness of his body after the extra effort he put in the gym last night although... he didn't visit the gym, did he? Yes, he went. That night he lifted more weight than usual. But he couldn't know that because at that hour he was grinding the pills to put him to sleep.

Like a magic trick, the repressed memories unveiled and Teryx jumped back to his paws. He saw the two shades of blue and the white stripes painting his body. He measured the long maw and all four horns. And when he looked behind him, the yellow tip of his tail greeted him with a wag. His body was completely fine. He was Teryx.

The dragon rushed to the bathroom just to be sure and was glad to find the draconic features when he looked in the mirror. So it wasn't an illusion. He was really Teryx. He was the dragon he admired and worshipped for so long. Both hands moved all over his body, touching muscles and skin he knew very well but that also felt completely new. Each one of his movements felt completely natural and also different from what he remembered. There was absolutely nothing wrong. Teryx was a miracle.

Still naked, he went back to his ruined bedroom. The potency of the spell threw everything in the air. A gust of wind came through the broken window, waving the blue curtains. When he approached and looked through the first thing that Teryx noticed was a bunch of smells that he didn't perceive before. Sounds too. His eyesight had improved considerably. Overwhelmed and excited, his giggle quickly turned into a sickening and crazy laugh that brought tears to his eyes.

It worked. It actually worked and he still had trouble believing it. But he was finally Teryx. He didn't feel like an otter wearing a disguise. He WAS Teryx. He knew he was. Going back to the bed, he sat at the edge and took a good, deep breath from his pit. The fear from the night before gave his musk that extra touch. He continued smelling over and over and over again until his body--that never expressed excitement over strong odors--finally reacted with a throbbing erection.

Oh lord, the size of that thing could break anyone's ass. And the girth, dear god. Teryx didn't dare to touch it at first, afraid of the sensation that he knew very well. When his hand closed around it and he began to pull the skin, that same action that he had done hundreds of times felt like the first time again. He laid down and moved his left hand all over his chest while the right one took speed.

It was heaven. A common pleasure turned into heaven. Teryx curled his toes and pressed his knees together as he continued jerking off faster and faster. There was no way he could stop or take his time at that moment, not with the pleasure flooding his mind and drowning any logical thought he could have. The skin that should feel rough and hard became incredibly sensitive under his claws. It sent him back to the night he discovered that same pleasure while taking a shower.

And one fantasy led to another. Teryx imagined the faces of the males with whom he slept before and all the things he did with them. As the top and as bottom, he fantasized with dozens of small details to make that moment even better. The smells, the positions, all the things they said, and how loud their moans were. One male after another. One climax after another. The most intense pleasure he could have ever imagined.

He arched his back when the shocking orgasm ran through his entire body. His cock shot a fat load in the air, that quickly fell all over his chest and face, and some of it even in his mouth while he moaned with pleasure, moans that easily made it through the concrete walls and reached the ears of his now embarrassed neighbors.

The intensity faded, and Teryx was left with the post-orgasm bliss, a tingling sensation on his crotch. Breathing heavily, he fell back on the bed and his mind tried to make sense of what just happened. How could a climax be so strong yet familiar? A part of his brain was telling him to stop and just relax, but the other had been caught by the curiosity towards the strange feeling. It was hard to think with his mind still processing the climax and his lungs fighting to regain some air, but the idea began to take shape as he recovered.

Were the images he saw... were those actual fantasies? Imagine the details of a fictional scenario wasn't impossible, but a massive amount of them in such a short time couldn't be a simple product of his imagination. Not only that, but thinking about them again brought back other feelings and sensations he wasn't aware of, like love or desire, and the surface they were on--in some of them he could even remember the taste of the beer that brought them to that moment. With that mind, they looked less like a fantasy and more like a memory...

Teryx looked at his hand covered in cum. The dragon didn't have time to taste it when it fell into his mouth, and all that was left was the saltiness. He took his hand to lick his fingers clean, savoring the delicious seed of a real dragon. And the taste played back more memories of similar moments of his life... those were his memories. Teryx's memories. He wasn't just controlling his body but had also gained access to every event recorded in his mind.

"I guess that might explain the headache," he said. "I wonder what else can I do. There are so many things I want to do right now."

The dragon stood from the bed and stretched. The soreness had stopped, and now he felt extremely hungry. Judging by his still erect cock, jerking off once wasn't enough to satisfy his lust, which only gave him an idea for later use. Right now, he wanted something to eat.

Walking as Teryx felt... strange. His assumption was right: the dragon attracted the looks of males and females alike. It was impossible not to admire the stud walking in that tight t-shirt that showed off a body sculpted by a God. He was expecting that, of course. And he was mentally ready to face it--while he wouldn't define himself as the introverted kind who avoided attention, he assumed it would be hard at first to handle all the looks on him.

Instead--and that's what made it strange--he found a huge confidence within him. Even some pride over all that attention, he dared to say. He felt so used to it, despite being the first time that it happened. Teryx tried not to think too much about it and instead enjoy the moment, but as he continued his stroll, it became more and more of a hassle not having an explanation for it.

While keeping his smile and the confident pace, his mind began to wonder if that was part of the spell. Maybe he gained access not only to his memories but his personality too. It was only natural to take over that, which would explain why he felt so good inside him--as if he had been there all his life. "I'm Teryx", he said to himself, reassuring that the spell didn't limit itself to controlling his body.

At the same time, he still had his personality. His old memories and habits. He still preferred spicy over sweetness, but he wouldn't mind--and hell, he knew he'd enjoy--eating one or two slices of cake. David was still there. And he wouldn't disappear. But instead of switching between both personalities, Teryx felt he could put them together like two matching pieces to fit into whatever holes the other had and make them whole. It was a strange concept, but everything about that was strange.

Then it occurred to him. The old Teryx was dumb and oblivious to his full potential. While the old one made an excellent job of hiding how much he enjoyed the attention, the new Teryx wanted to exploit it to its fullness. Not for vanity or pride, but so everyone could admire him as he deserved. And the best place to start was his wardrobe.

Too many sleeves. That body was not meant to be hidden under sleeves of leather or denim. It was such a waste. For a male so confident in his look, he made an awful work of showing it off. Teryx couldn't care less about fashion or style, so he found in a long tank top and short pants the perfect way to share his beauty with the rest of the world. The upper cloth barely covered the skin, and that's what he wanted. He walked out of the mall with his confidence renewed thanks to a new management.

There were still so many things to do he couldn't pick the next one. After wandering around for a while, Teryx reached a park that he loved to visit. It had a lot of secluded and silent areas, which made it ideal for anyone looking to relax. The sun was right above him while he made his way to the southern corner of the park. Teryx remembered it had some picnic tables frequented by families during the weekends but abandoned the rest of the week. He walked across the same path the old Teryx used, still amazed by how easy it was to follow memories that weren't there before.

It was then, when he was getting closer to the tables, that he heard his voice.

"... care about what you want, I'm giving you anything as long as you release me!"

He knew that voice. It was his. It came to his head like a thought, but as one he couldn't control. And he was angry. Teryx quickly deduced it belonged to the previous owner.

"I thought you... you vanished," he spoke loudly.

"You can listen to me now? Great! Look, I don't know what happened, but just let me go and I promise to forget about it," his rushed speech had a certain pinch of hope in it.

"How does that work? Are you... living inside me? Are you somewhere else?" Teryx took a look at himself, expecting to find some kind of lump with a draconic face on it.

"What? Did you listen to what I just said? Dude, just let me go!" He was yelling now, his voice getting back the desperate tone.

"I wish I could, but even I don't know how the spell works. Maybe it's temporal, who knows?"

"Well then do it again!"

"Oh, I doubt that would work. And even if it does, I'm not ready to end it," Teryx cleaned the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. For an Autumn day, it was really hot outside. "I'm having too much fun! Being you it's fantastic."

"Not for me. I'm watching and feeling everything you do, but I can't move anything!"

"Everything you say? Even this morning when...?"

"Yes! E-even that, "first a yell, then he lowered his voice in what Teryx perceived was embarrassment. "I told you to stop and you didn't listen."

"I'm just listening to you until now. I wonder if I was too excited earlier that I couldn't hear beyond that," he finally reached the picnic area and went to the closest table.

"Stop changing the subject and get me out of here!" Back to yelling. It was fun because Teryx knew the voice in his head was angry. He felt it. After all, it was Teryx.

"Sorry, can't do," he fell over the bench, resting his back against the table's edge. The wood creaked briefly under his weight. "Your body is fantastic. I feel so powerful. Sexy too. I can't believe you don't show these muscles more often."

Teryx made a pause to flex a couple of times, getting excited over the way his muscles were swollen after each pose. His fur had absorbed a lot of sweat by then, and the dragon couldn't resist smelling his pit. Not only he enjoyed the powerful musk, but he also felt embarrassed.

"S-stop that! I stink!" The Teryx in his head said.

"You mean I? But yeah, all this walk left me all sweaty and stinky," another pause to smell it again, finding the same result. "It's weird. I can feel your disgust. And I still enjoy it. It makes no sense."

"You're living inside my body but that's what amazes you?"

"Of course! I wanted to be you. These results, however...," Teryx looked down at his crotch, "were beyond everything I expected. I can do even more than what I wanted at first."

"What do you mean...?"

"I know you. Now I can say I fully know you. Most of my assumptions were right, and now I have discovered even more. Like how you love getting some attention but decided not to take advantage of that. Why? This body is meant to be praised. You could do so many things. I can even see the males with whom you wanted to fuck--I bet they wanted you too. And how did you respond? With shame hidden as indifference."

"You're crazy," the voice said.

Teryx didn't listen and instead continued his speech. "What's the point of being this confident if you're so embarrassed to live your life to the fullest? A life without taking risks is worthless! You live under some stupid social norms that do nothing but limit what you're capable of!"

"What are you talking about?!" The voice exclaimed and got ignored once again.

"Oh, I know exactly what to do."


"I'm here to fix you, after all."

A long time ago, a small otter found himself with a boner after a white tiger passed by showing off a bulge that no underwear could conceal. He was at the beach surrounded by people more focused on their activities to notice the generic otter running to a changing stall. He refused to go back like that, but the tiger's image was still in his mind fueling his lust. There was only one way to put an end to it. What the otter didn't expect was to find more enjoyment in thinking of the people around him than the tiger who caused his erection. That day he discovered something new.

One could excuse a male for scratching his balls in public, no matter how vulgar that might look. However, more than two seconds was not acceptable and implied something else. Teryx felt his embarrassment after he began to rub his bulge for more than two seconds. It was clear what the dragon was now doing so shamelessly in the open, especially after he spread both legs.

"S-stop that!" The voice claimed.

"But why? No one's watching," Teryx replied. He was so confident in that that he closed his eyes and let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

While his right hand began to wake up his cock, the left one went up to rub his pecs, which he discovered were particularly sensitive. The effect was immediate and the dragon huffed when the pleasure started as a weak tingle. The voice in his head didn't reply to it, but Teryx perceived how embarrassed it was for what he was doing. A look into his memories revealed he never did something like that before--even his clothes were picked to conceal any possible incidental boner.

"Don't be ridiculous and enjoy it," Teryx said.

"How am I supposed to enjoy this? What kind of freak touches in public?"

"The one that has your body."

The rubbing. The place. His memories. But most important, HIS shame. His heart raced as it pumped blood into the thick draconic cock to get it harder with each passing second. Teryx opened his eyes and found a delicious bulge growing in his pants. Yeah, anyone would be embarrassed from showing that in public, even Teryx--that was the entire point of it. The risk of being caught, of having someone looking at your cock in a place you shouldn't show it. Teryx loved that.

He heard the voice in his mind begging him to stop over and over again. He hated that. He saw multiple memories of Teryx hiding his boner in public. There was no way he could do that on its own. But that's why he was there. To help him do all the things he wouldn't dare. And there was no better way to start.

It took a minute for his cock to get completely hard. He felt the entire length under the cloth, trying to push its way out. Teryx held it from the base with both hands to shake it--it looked bigger that way. The dragon was already huffing loudly by that point, now more excited over the idea of pulling out that fat monster. But he wanted to savor the moment and continued rubbing it up and down, getting it ready for the big reveal.

"You've never pulled your cock out in public, have you?"

The voice didn't reply. Of course he hadn't. Teryx knew it. But he couldn't deny it was exciting to experience his shame. He could even feel it trying to look away from the fat bulge Teryx was holding. However, as mean as it might look, Teryx wasn't simply teasing him. The dragon felt something else under that shame, something that the voice inside him was trying so hard to conceal from him. All he needed was to push him in the right direction.

"Boy, you've missed a lot of fun," Teryx continued. A stain of pre appeared in his pants and it continued growing the more he rubbed the bulge. "It's a matter of time before someone passed by. Can you imagine what they're gonna say if you see this?" Just the sight of his own bulge had him drooling. The sheer girth of it. And the musk that was now emanating. "Fuck, I doubt anyone would bother by the sight of this thing. You don't see something like this too often."

He couldn't contain himself anymore. Pulling his pants down, his cock jumped like a spring as soon as it got free from its prison. The huge mast waved a couple of times before going completely still. What an impressive sight that was, with its tip covered in pre and the sweaty balls hanging at the end. Teryx let his pants fall all the way down, then kick them away from him.

All that was left was his tank top, which Teryx decided to keep. Just one beefy dragon with his cock hanging out in public for anyone to see. Who would be the lucky one? He wished for a male as big and strong as him. Maybe they could compare sizes by holding both cocks together. He could fuck him right there, over the table. Hell, that would be an excellent scenario.

The other dragon, however, wasn't that excited about the situation. He never visited a bathhouse because of how embarrassing was of being naked in front of others, and that usurper had HIS cock hanging out in the open just like that! How shameful that was! He didn't want to look, but what other choice he had? He was forced to watch. The usurper had him looking at his cock... his long, hard, throbbing cock wagging from side to side, sending pre in all directions.

"I don't know why I'm feeling so pumped up," Teryx said while he pulled slowly the skin from the tip--the sensation was so intense. "It's not just the fact that I'm you now but... oh fuck, you have so much energy repressed here."

"What do you...? Of course I don't!" He felt exposed and tried to move some invisible hands to cover whatever the usurper had discovered.

"You like this, don't you?" Teryx shook his cock a little before going back to jack it off.

"No, I don't!"

"Nah, I know you do. But you can't get over your shame. You don't wanna face what others might think or say about you."

"F-fuck you...!"

"Fuck me yourself, you coward. My old body could have been a cocksleeve for you," he made a pause to whistle, picturing the otter riding his new cock. "You could've held me like a fleshlight and fuck the shit out of me. I bet your cum might have come out through my mouth."

"You're disgusting..."

"But you like it. I feel it. You just don't want to admit it. Maybe that's why I'm so excited. I'm feeling your excitement too."

Teryx felt his conflict. The other dragon was disgusted by what he was doing, but he couldn't stop looking at it--well, Teryx didn't leave him a choice, but he could at least try, right?

And he did. Teryx felt a kick on his back and, for a moment, he stopped feeling his body. It was incredible the other dragon had managed to gather the strength to fight back and expel the usurper. Teryx perceived his hatred coming back, like a burning flame growing in his chest. By the time he recovered control, his body was completely rigid.

"Fuck you! And get out of MY body!" He yelled from the top of his lungs.

"You. Are. Incredible!" Putting all his energy into one move, Teryx stomped the ground hard enough to feel the vibration. The impact seemed enough to crush the resistance put by the other dragon, giving him back full control of his body. "I can't believe you're willing to fight back instead of accepting this."

The other dragon fell back into his coffin, but Teryx knew it wouldn't last. At any given moment, he would try it again, and he wasn't sure how many times he could resist it. Teryx needed to deal with him immediately.

"Why are you worrying so much about this? You're afraid of what other people might say? That they're gonna call you a faggot for having a sex life? Fuck them!"

As a divine sign, a handsome white tiger wearing similar clothes to Teryx appeared from a curve behind them. He was doing his morning jogging, unaware of the spectacle waiting for him some feet ahead. Judging by the size of his muscles he made as much exercise as the dragon. His precious fur was covered in sweat. The blue headband around his forehead stopped the locks of long hair from covering his eyes.

"Please don't do this. Don't let him see you," the other dragon begged.

"See me? Oh dear, he's gonna do more than that."

Focused as he was on his rhythm, he didn't put attention to the dragon at first. Instead, he saw the short pants in the middle of his path, and from there his curiosity made him look to his left. There, he found the huge stud with his cock out and a string of pre hanging from the tip. He couldn't give credit to his eyes. He almost tripped for the surprise. Looking back to the road, he continued jogging forward, but his head turned back to see the stud, who gave him back an inviting look before standing up to walk away from the path.

"W-w-what are you doing?" The other dragon exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm gonna show you how it feels to be free," Teryx replied.

While there weren't a lot of trees around, it gave a certain level of privacy without fully hiding anyone walking through. Anyone who looked well would find the dragon resting against a tree. That's how the tiger found him. Teryx recognized the look in his eyes and knew the feline wouldn't resist an invitation. That was clearly not what he expected from the day, but an opportunity like that one was meant to be taken.

"Please, don't tell me you're gonna do it here," the other dragon said.

Teryx didn't answer. Instead, he talked to the feline, who couldn't move his eyes away from the fat dick before him.

"I knew you would like it."

The tiger looked at him briefly with his blue eyes full of fear and excitement, then looked back at his shaft.

"Go ahead, touch it," Teryx invited.

"Please, don't do this. It's embarrassing," the other dragon begged.

Teryx felt another attempt of fighting back, but now that he was desperate to escape from that situation, his effort couldn't stop Teryx from allowing what was coming.

The tiger approached his trembling hand until it reached the tip. His fat fingers closed around it and squeezed it briefly to get a better idea of how thick it was, as if his mind were playing a trick on him. A gasp of surprise later, he held it with his other hand only to confirm it.

Teryx let out a sigh of satisfaction and closed his eyes, letting the tiger do whatever he wanted for the moment. His hands were soft and warm, and his experience was notorious in the way his fingers moved all over his manhood. He started rubbing the tip, then went down to the base, where he used one hand to play with his balls and the other one to jack him off slowly. The dry leaves crunched under his paws when he moved closer until they were face to face and breathing each other's breath.

Teryx opened his eyes and found a scared tiger trying to offer his best smile. Despite his experience, it was safe for him to assume that he never did anything in public before. He made pauses to look over his shoulder several times, and his breathing increased along with his boner, although Teryx couldn't say if that was true excitement or fear.

The other dragon felt the same. He couldn't believe that was actually happening and that he was being forced not only to watch but to feel everything. He tried to ignore it by bringing his hatred back, but his lust betrayed him quickly when he realized no other male touched his cock like that before.

"You like it?" Teryx asked.

"Yeah... fuck, you're huge," the tiger replied with a voice that reflected his youth.

But the other dragon knew the question wasn't for the tiger, but for him. "Of course I don't. This is stupid!"

It was... was it? He looked at the tiger playing like that with his cock, so eagerly despite being in the open. How could he act as if that wasn't bad? Why they were so comfortable doing it in public? He repeated to himself--despite knowing Teryx would listen--that he wasn't enjoying it. He repeated it while the tiger knelt, drooling.

"C-can I taste it?" He asked, giving Teryx an innocent, almost naive look.

"What's the point of asking if you're already there?" He replied, then put his hand over the tiger's head to lead him.

His lips were warm and soft, and his maw took the girth of his cock with no trouble, closing and squeezing the shaft as it went inside. One inch at a time, Teryx pushed his manhood into the tiger's mouth, trying not to moan despite how good it felt. His other hand moved back to his pecs to increase the stimulation.

It was fucking heaven. Teryx had already tasted the dragon's cock on its own, but having someone else give it some attention was much better. He couldn't believe a bigger cock could be more sensitive than the one from his previous body. The tiger was doing an excellent job too, squeezing his cock while licking it like a lollipop, rolling his tongue around it to drink up to the last drip of pre that came out of it.

The tiger was already taking off his clothes, revealing a fat bulge under the jockstrap he liked to use to jog. When he tried to take that off too, Teryx stopped him using his tail.

"No, no, no. Keep it. I'll take care of it in my own way," the dragon growled. That kinky feline purred in response, which finally managed to get a moan out of Teryx, whose cock was being tortured by the vibrations.

Before he could notice it, Teryx began to fuck the tiger's face, reaching deep into his throat with each thrust. Going balls deep in someone's ass was common; the mouth was a completely different story. And he was surprised to see how easy the tiger took it without asking him to stop. That only encouraged him to go even faster and faster. Soon enough, he was holding his head in place with both hands, while the creature drooled uncontrollably by the way his mouth was being fucked.

And the dragon inside felt it all. Each thrust. Each squeeze. Each vibration from the tiger's throat.

"P-please... this is..."

"This is amazing," Teryx interrupted.

Yes. He wanted to say yes. But no, those were the usurper's words. The other dragon--the real Teryx wasn't enjoying it. He was forced to watch and enjoy, yes, but he would NEVER enjoy doing something like that. It was demeaning, shameful, dangerous, and... and it felt so good--

He shook his imaginary head to get rid of that idea, but it lingered in the edges of what was left of his mind, and it began to crawl back up as he continued experiencing the fantastic blowjob given by the tiger. And the usurper shared the pleasure with him, pushing him closer and closer into an invisible hole that had been for the real Teryx. One cavity in the darkness for him to live forever. He felt it. He couldn't see it, but he felt himself drawn to the same hole from which everything was coming through.

A couple jogged across the road. They had a perfect vision of the show from where they were standing. All they needed was to turn to their left. Teryx saw them, and the dragon inside him listened to him repeating over and over again "turn, turn, turn". But he didn't want to be seen. Except he wanted... or at least the usurper wanted, and that's what he was feeling... right?

They didn't turn, even after Teryx sped up his thrusts to make more noise. Slightly disappointed, the dragon pulled his cock out of an already sore maw, then slapped both cheeks with it.

"Guess we're gonna need to make more noise," Teryx suggested while drooling over his chest.

The tiger understood immediately what he wanted, but he wasn't sure what to do next. His expression expressed the conflict between his excitement and the fear of being caught. Clearly a new experience to him, Teryx gave him some reassurance by taking him from the chin. Despite his muscular build, he acted like a well-behaved kitten and followed Teryx's commands, as if a single look at those beautiful green glowing eyes had hypnotized him.

He lay against a tree, pressing his face against the bark while both hands moved down to show and offer his tasty and tight hole. For a moment, Teryx felt tempted to shove his maw between both cheeks to taste that sweaty hole and fill his lungs with his powerful musk. It could be a good little "punishment" to the dragon within him who was still trying to break free, despite how useless those attempts were. His lust, however, proved to be stronger than anything else. And all that sexual energy accumulated after years of puritanism was finally coming out under his new management.

All that saliva still covering his cock worked as an excellent lubricant. Teryx pushed his cock carefully, holding his own instinct to shove it all in. He told him to relax through a couple of pats on his hips. The little kitten couldn't move his eyes away from the road some feet away, afraid that someone might find them. Those fears began to fade after his ass finally gave in and allowed the fat cock to go in. The tip was the hardest part, and it wasn't even the thickest section of it. Even Teryx, who had experience dealing with troublesome bottoms, found himself in a small predicament, still not fully used to the dragon's girth.

But after a brief moment of pain, the tip went in with a quiet pop, and both males received a shot of pleasure as a reward. The tiger rolled his eyes upwards while the dragon started drooling and pushing the rest of his shaft with the same delicacy as before. The ridges at the bottom of his cock gave it some extra thickness in the middle; luckily, the tiger no longer put any resistance, and Teryx had his chance to push a little harder after feeling his enthusiasm in the way his hole squeezed. Just as he suspected, all everyone needs is a good guide, and he was happy to guide them both.

The other dragon didn't share his enthusiasm. He felt trapped under a hydraulic press, with the usurper using the pleasure to push him into that same hole he couldn't see. The dragon--who could no longer remember his name--tried to fight back in one futile attempt after the other. The sensations were getting stronger. Even his own cock, while not visible, was throbbing.

"Just take it all," Teryx said. Those words weren't for the tiger, he knew it. "You're gonna love it."

That didn't stop the tiger from pushing himself into what was left of Teryx's cock, getting it balls deep after one deep breath--words alone couldn't describe how magnificent was that mixture of pain and pleasure.

All Teryx gave him was a brief moment of relief, during which he took his sweet time to enjoy the tightness of a hole that hadn't been fucked in a long time--at least not for someone as big as him, he was sure of it. After that, he showed no mercy to the feline.

Each thrust. Each moan. Each drop of sweat falling from his muscular body. The dragon within him felt it all. Over and over and over again. He saw the usurper fucking that tiger in the open, using a bunch of dispersed trees as cover, begging that no one... no, wait, that someone found them.

"No!" He screamed. His voice couldn't get over the moans he was listening to. Moans of pleasure from the usurper who took his body and was enjoying this more than he should.

Even with Teryx muffling the tiger with one hand, the tiger was particularly noisy. His thrust too, something he couldn't control. Teryx was amazed at how tight and warm the tiger was. He wanted to fuck him all day. Breed him until his hole leak cum and a puddle appear under them. Using a dragon's cock for the first time was... fucking fantastic. It was heaven--no, it was beyond that. His ridges scratched the already sensitive flesh with each pounce. The wet sounds of his balls slapping his ass made him go faster. The fat cock inside the tiger throbbed and filled his insides with so much pre that it began to leak after each thrust.

Teryx wasn't aware of how strong the dragon really was. When he left his hips to hold himself from the tree, the sharp claws pierced the bark. Even the dragon within him never experienced pleasure like that... a rage and lust almost primitive... an urge that not even feral animals expressed. With smoke coming through his nostrils, he went all in and began to ram the already broken tiger, who reached his climax without the dragon's knowledge.

They would listen to him. It was inevitable. The dragon within him tried to stop him, begging him to take a moment. But he was out of his mind, controlled by an unstoppable lust. And he was feeling it too. Resistance was useless. He fought a lost battle from the very beginning. After the first runner witnessed the act--a cheetah who couldn't give credit to his eyes--the dragon knew there was nothing left to do, and walked on its own into that invisible hole.

The first thing he noticed was his arms. He felt them. His fingers reacted momentarily when he thought about moving them. He couldn't control the rest of his body, but his hands were something. And the first thing he did... was slap the tiger's ass. One loud, strong slap that stopped another runner, a crocodile already intrigued in whatever had caught the cheetah's attention.

"You feel it, right?" Teryx told him.

Yes, he felt it. Their eyes. Their lust. They matched his. They weren't judging him.

The crocodile whistled and shared a look with the cheetah, who was still uncertain about what to do, despite the boner in his short pants answering for him. The reptile didn't wait for him to decide and jogged his way to where the couple was, taking off his sweaty tank top in the way. Alone on the road, the cheetah looked at both directions, afraid that someone would find them there. But at the end, his lust couldn't resist the strong smell of sex and sweat and he ran to join the crocodile. Both newcomers stood in the right angle to protect them from prying eyes--unless one knew what was happening there. And all they asked in return was some service from the tiger, who didn't doubt to put his mouth back to work.

"You like it, right?" Teryx asked.

It wasn't so bad. Being watched. He could get used to it. In fact... it was good... it was great... it was fantastic. The more he advanced inside that hole, the more control he had. Teryx was allowing him to control HIS body. First his hips. Then his legs. And his chest. Soon enough, the dragon within him was the one fucking his hole.

And it felt wonderful. For the first time, he experienced true freedom. No more shame. No more fear. It was no longer a fantasy. He was fucking someone in the open. Teryx knew what was good for him. He knew him better than anyone. And he knew he was safe in his arms.

"Good boy. You did an excellent job," Teryx said, taking back the control and forcing the dragon within him to do nothing but watch and enjoy the public gangbang to a tiger who couldn't believe his luck.

The tiger moved from cock to cock, trying to satisfy both the cheetah and the crocodile equally. He didn't count such an easy task would complicate with how hard Teryx was fucking him, but none of them seemed bothered by it. The cheetah was more worried in not being caught, looking constantly over his shoulder. The crocodile didn't seem to care about it, and held the tiger's head when it was his turn. He made a bulge in the tiger's throat each time he shoved it all the way in, yet he took it like a champ.

Teryx lost his concentration for a moment when a set of hands reached for his chest. Two big, furry hands belonging to a black bear closed around his pecs. The strength with which it squeezed them got a high-pitched moan out of Teryx, and when he added the claws, it forced him to stop momentarily. Without his knowledge, the black bear and a wolf joined the party, with the first one showing a particular interest in the dragon.

His fat fingers continued the massage, doing a drumming movement. Teryx raised his head and drooled, pushing himself briefly against the fat bulge the bear had to offer. Feeling his breath in his nape, Teryx gnashed his fangs and returned to his thrusts, going even faster than before the bear stopped him. The dragon wanted to last a little longer, but the overstimulation pushed him to the limit--and the bear was hoping for that.

While the tiger was still being facefucked by the crocodile, and without giving a warning tap, Teryx gave one last thrust and inflated the tiger's belly with a good dose of dragon cum, until his insides couldn't hold anymore and it began to leak out of his ass despite the fat cock sealing it. Moments later, the same happened in his mouth, although there was no way to tell if it was Teryx's or the crocodile's cum. He didn't put too much thought into it, not with the pleasure running through his body in consecutive waves. His legs weakened. He felt light-headed. The moans came out of his mouth until he was out of breath. And when it was over, Teryx pulled his cock out and got splattered with a good dose of his own seed.

The cheetah didn't waste a second and took Teryx's place right after he stepped away, sliding his cock inside the open and leaky hole. Teryx was dragged away from there by the bear, who was clearly eager to do more than just touch him.

Inside his mind, the other dragon tried to recover his breath alongside Teryx. He couldn't believe what just happened. He fucked a guy in a public park. He wouldn't have ever dared to do such things before; but now, with Teryx controlling him, he felt safe to do that and more. He was happy and excited and eager for a second round.

"Guess you'll have your wish granted," Teryx said before the bear silenced him with a slobbery kiss.

The wolf knelt behind Teryx, his sensitive nose captivated by the musky ass that hadn't been ignored all this time. The dragon almost jumped when he felt the long tongue moving between his cheeks, but the bear held him between his arms, not looking to stop the kiss anytime soon--at least not until he was satisfied. And Teryx went on with it. It was so dirty and noisy and delicious, and he couldn't move his hands away from the bear, trying to imagine that weight on top of his back. He wanted both of them to fuck and ruin him the same way he did with the tiger, knowing it would be an excellent lesson for the dragon within him. Feeling the tip of the bear's cock pushing against his slit was all he needed to know--maybe they could move to the picnic tables to be more comfortable.

Yes. The dragon within him wanted that. There were so many things he wanted to try. And Teryx was someone he could trust for that. He didn't want anyone else but the dragon to control his body and his life--even if it meant being a mere spectator for the rest of his days. The dragon within him gasped when the bear broke the kiss and pushed slightly his cock into Teryx's slit. The sensation was strange... different... maybe a little awkward... he never considered putting something there before. But he also never considered fucking someone in public until that day. After all, it was all an acquired taste.

[DolphinSanity] Gift Swap (Yes, Commodore)

Gift Swap Yes, Commodore: Volume 3, Chapter 2 For TeryxC by DolphinSanity ### Teryx scrubbed and tapped his way through the holiday light control app, managing to dim and recolor the LEDs until his flat had just the right array of...

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[g472y] A Change in Parameters

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[Profe_Lambert] Goo and Resistance

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