IMProved Procedure

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"Loona, answer the phones! Loona, be nice to the clients. Loonie sweetie, since you're our best tracker, how 'bout we try having you find the target and just portaging us in to grease him?" the seemingly human girl mumbled to herself, almost seeing Blitzo's irrationally paternal face as he laid out his latest brilliant idea.

Well I suppose it's better than having them walking around here without human disguises... the hellhound thought to herself, flicking her mane away from her flat human face as she made her way down a dirt road, the grimoire safely tucked away in her backpack. The teenage bitch had almost told Blitzo that she could just take the mortal out herself, but figured that the three of them might as well earn their pay. Besides, Millie got weird if she didn't eviscerate someone every now and again...

Every once in a while the disguised hellhound's nose twitched as she sought the scent of her prey, her infernal heritage granting her tracking abilities that no mortal canine could have matched. Such was her sense of smell that not even the reek of rusting steel, rotting rubber and soot-black grease could throw her off. And the closer she got to the junkyard the stronger the miasma got. Throw some sulfur in and it would almost smell like home... the young bitch thought with a wry grin, even though there was really no confusing the mortal world with the infernal city she'd grown up in. The sky was still dark but she knew it would be dawn soon and it would turn that weird pale-blue shade that made it even harder to confuse the mortal realm with home. Her sniffing soon led her to a tall mesh-link fence and the auto-wreckage visible behind it. No barb wire or anything like that, but Loona supposed that it made sense since it was nothing but big bulky junk behind it. She easily climbed over the fence but didn't take more than a dozen steps before a low growl told her there was security here after all.

"Whoa there boy, calm down! I'm on your side..." she whispered, trying to calm the huge dog stalking towards her with his heckles raised. "Fuck, why don't you just believe..." she muttered, taking a look around her to see if there might be mortals around before dropping her disguise. The big dog quieted down instantly, his floppy ears perked and his nostrils twitching as his eyes and nose agreed on what was in front of them. "See? I told you - team canine, all the way. Now you just run along and let me do my job..." she said, walking past the big mongrel who no longer seemed hostile. She was sure the admittedly large guard-dog had been cowed by what was no doubt the baddest bitch he'd ever seen, but realized that he was still dogging her when a large, blocky snout pushed under her tail.

"What the... look, I know I just said I'm a dog but that doesn't make me your bitch!" she growled softly, turning around only to have the now happy canine push that big muzzle into her crotch. "Get out of there idiot, I'm not even due to go into heat for... uhh..." the hellhound said, pushing the big head away from her as she fished out her phone. "Aww, fuck!" she said as the screen lit up. Her heat was due on Saturday, but she'd been sure it was Wednesday today. Instead her phone insisted it was Friday and her calendar showed a lot of flame and heart emojis for tomorrow. "Fuck, I need to get a social life..." she muttered as the dog tried to push his head back in under her skirt, the bony tail behind him wagging enough to make his behind swing gently from side to side. Loona had no knowledge about this world's breeds, but this was probably the kind of dog that would scare the shit out of mortals - sleek fur, muscular neck and shoulders and tall enough that he had to lower his neck to sniff at her crotch.

"Look boy, I'm flattered but you aren't really my type. So why not just go away and lick yourself down there until your urges go away? You can even pretend it's my muzzle down there, I don't give a shi..." she said but was interrupted when the guard dog gave a frustrated but more to the point loud-as-fuck bark, whining and giving her a puppy-dog look as red flashed under him.

"For the love of Satan, will you just shut..." the hellhound hissed but the exited dog let out another woof that rang out in the labyrinthine junkyard. "Ughhhh, fine!" she growled, walking up to the big male and bending over enough so that she could reach his sheath. The dog whimpered again when her paw gripped the thick furry tube and began panting and humping into the annoyed hellhound's fist.

"All right fucker, a quick handjob and then you STFU and let me do my job, you got- nghaahhh!" Loona gasped as the big mutt turned his head around and stuck his muzzle under her skirt. She felt the cold nosepad jam against the thin fabric covering her slit, then the warm breath of the big dog as he sniffed around her privates. "I swear to Satan, if you don't get your head out of there I'm gonna mark you like you were my territory!"

Her growled threat didn't seem to upset the junkyard dog who went from huffing and sniffing to licking the thin fabric cupping the hellhound's sex. "Ughhh, for fuck's sake, fine! Just let me..." she muttered, using her free paw to pull her panties down and expose her slit to the amorous canine. "Don't want you slobbering all over my undies..." the young bitch said before the dog gave a few testing licks, and seeing that the barrier was gone pushed his tongue into the hellhound's honeypot.

Color rose to Loona's cheeks as she stroked the dog off, spreading her hindpaws a little further appart and letting that big blunt muzzle really get in there. Letting a feral do this to her felt kinda messed up, but in another more practical way it felt pretty good. And if she was doing him a favor to shut him up, it was only fair that she get some as well. Fuck, I need to start dating again. Maybe if Blitzo didn't creep out every guy I met I wouldn't be letting a dog go to town on my pussy... she mused, pushing the sheath back and letting the entire knotted shaft slip out.

This dog was pretty hung and she couldn't help but admire the hard, slick length as the animal pumped her fist. And judging by the way his tip was squirting, the four-legged perv was loving either the taste of her or her hand. The young bitch was not new to stroking canine shafts, but this was a new and uncomfortable angle for her... This is taking forever... the hellhound thought just before she got down on all fours and face to face with the guard-dog's erection.

"Don' think a bitch ever did this for you..." she murmured, catching a few squirts of canine pre across the bridge of her nose before opening her muzzle and letting the red rod slide in.

She felt the big mutt murr into her muff even as her senses took in the smell and taste of an aroused male after quite a bad dry spell. She had some pretty neat toys that she used to take care of her needs, but nothing could really beat a hot, throbbing length of doggy-dick. Not to mention a mutt going to town between her legs. She could hear the canine tongue gently rasping over her bared pussy, occasionally pushing between the plump pink folds and giving the horny hound a taste of a bitch the likes of which he'd never seen before. With one hand on the ground and the other gripping the mutt behind his knot, Loona had been confident that the bulge would soon swell up and she'd get a taste of the big lug before leaving him to squirt his puppy-batter on the ground while she found her mark in peace. The dog apparently had other plans, which she only realized when he squirmed out of her grip and hopped onto her back...

"What the... oh you gotta be shitting me! No way you fucker..." she said, getting to her feet and disentangling herself from the lusty canine still trying to stab his bouncing erection into something nice and tight. Peeling the horny mutt was easy enough, but the moment she tried to shoo him away he started barking again. It wasn't the aggressive bark of a guard-dog but the eager and plaintive noise of a dog being teased with a tennis ball his owner refused to throw. But it was still way too fucking loud.

"Will you just shut the fuck... gaahhh, all right!" she growled, throwing her backpack down and slipping her panties off before getting back on all fours. "You happy now?" she asked the dog who immediately quieted down and stuck his nose back under her tail. A few licks were all he wanted after which Loona felt him jump back on, this time with a firmer grip as he slid his big head along her back.

"Fuck me, you're heavy... You eat every trespasser who doesn't give you pussy? Now lemme just..." she muttered reaching back for the cock flailing wildly and only occasionally stabbing the backs of her thighs as the weight of the glistening doggy-dick and the enthusiasm of its owner made aiming impossible. "There we go..." she said, reaching a hand between her legs and gripping the red rocket. Not knowing any better, the big mutt immediately started humping as Loona did her best to keep her balance with one hand braced against the ground.

"Just make it quick you fucker, I've got actual work do do..." she murmured, folding her hand around the junkyard dog's shaft as he humped wildly on top of her.

The feral wasn't her idea of a Friday night hookup but her impending heat was making her a little hornier than usual and the sensation of the hard and quite hefty rod sliding against the folds of her sex were getting her worked up. She figured she'd let the dumb mutt spray his puppy-juice, find the mark and bring the crew in, and after the job was done she'd get one of her big, stiff silicone hunks and ride it until her legs gave out. Not her ideal Friday night date either, but if she were honest it was a typical one. The thought made her press the shaft a little tighter against her, her ears folding back as the dog's swelling knot slid across her pink-skinned folds. The mutt on her back seemed to be experienced enough to know the difference between a hand and a pussy, and kept fidgeting and growling in frustration on top of her, drawing his hips a little further back with each hump.

On one hand she was glad no one who could possibly know her was here. She'd be a hit on Sinstagram in all the worst ways if a pic got out of her under some feral mutt. But she had to admit it was kinda hot having the dog panting in her perked ears, to feel the jackhammer slapping of his hips as he leaked like a rusty pipe all over her paw. The fucker had energy, she had to give him that, even though both his thrusting and his squirting was making it hard to keep a grip on his bone

"Aughhh, will you just calm down and finish you mother... FUCKER!" she cried out, way too loud for comfort when the dog on her back pulled out too far and the fingers trying to grab his tip wound up angling it up, lifting the tapered shaft just high enough to ensure that the junkyard mutt's next thrust buried more than five inches of him in a very surprised bitch.

Loona grit her teeth to keep quiet as the dog fastened his grip and brought his humping hips flush with her ass. It was just a few inches closer but enough to ensure that she was now taking the feral dog's knot every time he pushed his shaft in. The pain and discomfort of the violent and unexpected penetration lasted for only a few thrusts, and if she were being honest she wouldn't have minded if it had lasted a little longer. Most of the time she liked a male to really give it to her, but she was also pretty picky about who she raised her tail for, and normally a male who so much as tried to get a casual grope would risk having a hellhound's jaws snap closed on his wrist. And no one so far had had the _balls_to try and just mount her by surprise.

She considered showing this horny fucker who the bigger dog was in a way even he could understand, but calmed herself by reminding he was just a dumb dog who figured a bitch in heat that just let him have a good taste was DTF. Besides, a dogfight would be seriously noisy, and she doubted anything short of snarling and snapping would get the mutt on her back to give up. And it wasn't like anyone she knew could possibly come up and see her getting her pussy pummeled by a junkyard dog who - as it happened - did have a pretty decent dick.

It wasn't quite the smart thing to do, at least not this close to her heat. She wasn't sure she could conceive if the fucker in her back tied and filled her up, but if she could getting knotted this close to her heat would definitely do the trick. The shaft rutting her would have to come out but... it wasn't like it had to come out right now. She had time until the knot got too big and by then this son of a bitch might even get her off. Then she'd just grab behind his bulge and let him spray his load on the ground and get back to work. She might have been tempted to move the mutt under her tail, but she normally expected a guy to spend a good long time eating her ass out before she'd let him stick anything harder than a tongue in it.

"All-nghhh!-right fucker, show me what you got..." she growled, lowering herself to her elbows and arching her back. She could feel her nipples stiffen against her top, the tight fabric keeping the perky canine tits from bouncing while the dog rutted her. She doubted the mutt knew anything beyond doggy-style but she had to admit the horny bastard was good - now that he was where he wanted to be he wasn't spazzing out, maintaining a firm grip and stretching himself out across her back as he humped her rear with jack-hammer thrusts. He was panting lustily which as far as Loona was concerned was all she needed in terms of conversation at a time like this. Looking down she could see a growing but still manageable knot slipping in and out of her glistening pussy, the smash and tug of her lips making her toes curl as her body reacted with approval to the bestial breeding. Not that he was going to get a chance. His hold on her was nice and firm but she was still the bigger dog here. All she had to do was to quit holding her rear up, or just to push her rump back and make the mutt fall flat on his ass. At that point a good hard squeeze on the knot would be enough to get the mutt off and hopefully get him off her back while she went back to work.

In the meantime, there was no harm in Loona trying to get something for her trouble. She slid a paw under her, letting it slide across her exposed abs until the fingers reached her mound. She pushed her hood back and kept her fingers firmly against it, wuffing softly as the subtle maneuver pushed her clit out against the hard length sawing in and out of her. She had to admit, the dog on her back was doing a better job of giving her what she needed than many of her dates. The mutt wasn't very inventive, had neither sweet words or dirty talk to offer but he did have a hefty, hard length of meat and an instinctive urge to viciously pump anything soft and wet wrapped around it. The knot wasn't a must for Loona but it was a big plus and getting bigger with every second, big enough that it wasn't slipping out or popping in on every tug. The reasonable thing to do at this point would be to slip the horny sonnuvabitch out and get him off nice and quiet, but it had been a while since Loona had a really good orgasm around an actual living cock and she was sure that a little while longer wouldn't do any harm.

"Aughhh, c'mon you bastard, don't wuss out now... harder boy, harder!" she growled lustily, savoring the way pain and pleasure were starting to blur.

The fucker mounting her really did have a choice piece of dick, the hard mass now fully swollen and throbbing inside her as it made a mess out of an already messy puppy-pussy. The knot was the only part she could see, but it was quite an eyeful - the hard red mass battering away at her soaked folds or tugging on them when the dog mounting her tried to rip his way free. She knew it would feel amazing if she let it swell up inside her but that was a gamble she wasn't willing to take this close to her heat. Besides, gripping the knot while the junkyard dog sprayed and maybe getting a few licks in would make for a nice little clip for her OnlyFiends channel. The hellhound bit her lip as he imagined how much the obviously pent-up dog had stored up in those heavy nuts she could see swinging wildly, her own orgasm close enough to make her ears fold and her toes curl. It was the worst possible moment for her phone to blare and Loona found herself answering it on reflex.

"H-hey Tavia... wh-ahh!-what's up girl?"

"Oh, I was just... sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?" came the polite chirp of the bird on the other end.

"Nah, just... in the middle of some work ... ungh, shit!" the hellhound groaned, trying to sound casual while a guard dog lustily pumped her like she was the last bitch on Earth.

"Right, won't be long then... I just saw that 'Fuck You Dad' is playing this little downtown club next week and tickets are going fast. You... interested in going t-"

"Augghhhh, fuck yeah!" Loona barked as the growing knot banged against her clit before sloppily punching its way into her.

"Oh, love the enthusiasm! Didn't know you were a fan too. It's a date then! I mean... not like a _date_date, just... I... oh, you're probably busy, I'll call you later, okaybye!" Octavia stammered, her voice rising in pitch until he finally hung up.

Feeling herself spiral out of control, Loona considered trying to tug herself off the mutt grinding his hips against her, but placing her hand against her mound made it clear there was no way. Her snug little slit was now a bulge, the labia stretched across a fully engorged mass designed to keep her right where she was until her stud finished pumping her full. So instead of trying to dig the canine cock out she pressed her hand against her stuffed slit, pushing the tapered tip against her cervix with enough force to make her whine as the mutt mounting her let out a rumbling murr of approval. The feral canine raised his muzzle and howled as he came, and even though Loona knew that she was here on a job and that the whole reason she'd lifted her tail was to keep the dumb mutt quiet she wound up throwing her head back and howling along with him, her sex clenching and drawing every drop of hot doggy-spunk as if she was a milking machine.

Her hand worked between her legs, rubbing furiously across the folds stretched taut across a knot pulsing hard enough to feel it even through her own dripping flesh. She found herself panting along with what might be the future father of her litter as her body savored the wet heat blossoming within her. Condoms were the only form of contraception that worked on hellhounds but Loona wasn't a fan of those, hence that brief bout of syphilis a little while back. She didn't like the feel of a wrapped cock but more to the point she loved the sensation of a guy letting loose inside her, so she'd only let a male cum inside when she knew she was safe.

Being in heat made that craving twice as intense, and the hellhound was folding her ears back as she felt the force of the squirts against her cervix as well as the slow seep of warm doggy-milk deeper into her shuddering body. She'd been happily floating on cloud nine when the weight was lifted form her back and the canine cock still trapped in her quivering cunny began to shift. The dog who'd just flooded her womb was now butt-to-butt with her, happily panting as the heavy canine sack now resting against her pucker continued to pulse.

"Awww, fuck me... can't believe you made me go 'Awooo!'... I swear Octavia, if I wind up having this mutt's puppies because of you I'mma make you adopt them all..." she murmured, still too high on her climax to feel really upset about the subtle bloating she could feel as her womb was pumped full by the panting guard dog. It was only when her ears picked up something other than happy canine panting that she come to her senses. Someone was coming her way at what was without a doubt the worst possible time for an interruption!

"Oh shitshitshitshit... fuck!" Loona muttered as the human voice got closer and the knot stuck in her showed no sign of popping out anytime soon. There were a million places to hide, but only for people not stuck ass-to-ass with a happy panting mutt and looking like something that had no business being in the mortal world. She supposed she could turn into a human but it wouldn't change her predicament. She was reasonably sure human girls didn't put out for feral dogs, or at least not in public, and she wasn't sure if a human pussy could even handle what was stuck in her right now.

"Okay you... uhh Fucker, roll over!" she said, an idea forming in her brain as she optimistically commanded what apparently wasn't a very well trained dog. "Fine, have it your way then!" she growled quietly, bracing herself as she threw herself to the side. The jolt of hitting the ground was nothing compared to the tug of the swollen bulge stuck firmly enough that she brought the startled dog down along with her. Before the male could get antsy Loona crawled over until she was face to face with the big mutt and managed to wrap her arms around him.

"Okay here we -ungghhppfff!- go!" she said, managing to get on her knees with the dog held against her, her perky tits pressed against his barrel chest and his muzzle resting on her left shoulder. "Okay, now up we gnnnnhooo... fuck, you really are a fatass! I'm calling you 'Moxxie' from now on!" she said, struggling but managing to get on her feet holding the surprised but thankfully calm dog in more ways than one. The big mutt obviously wasn't used to being carried by his bitches, but he seemed to be happy that after huffing and puffing her way behind a stack of wrecked cars this one calmed down and let him finish breeding her.

"God damn it you sunnuva bitch, I told you I'd whup your ass if you pulled that howling crap again..." growled an unwashed human male as he walked right past their hiding place brandishing a leather belt.

"So he whups your ass just for making noise?" Loona asked the dog's squirts tapered off and the big mutt gave a low, grumpy growl at the sight of his irate owner.

"Well then boy I think I have some good news for you..." Loona said with a wolfish grin as she reached over for her backpack, and the Grimoire hidden safely within...

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