Trading Races: The introduction

Story by joenarianBlessed on SoFurry

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#1 of Trading Races

Once again the time is ticking! The race is long before started, but the characters are already feeling the pressure!

Everyone is getting ready for "The Big Race", the first intergalactic anthropomorph vs. human vs. alien race. This race goes from the Andromeda galaxy to the Centauros Sector and back to the Milky Way, crossing the center of the galaxy and ending on planet Earth. It is a risky race since the humans have barely discovered light-speed movement. A single toe out of line and the systems can crash, not to mention all the meteorites and planets that can be bothersome for even the most expert alien pilots. Entering the race: representing the humans are three teams:

  1. Team Skybound

  2. The Pros. Team, and

  3. Grjykktknn. (Pronounced: Guorjyaktin ==> Goo - or - jack - tin)

That last one composed of three members: 1 human, 1furry anthropomorph and 1 alien. Representing the aliens are another three teams:

1.Team Jywrknyshr (Pronounced: Jyawrkinishire ==> York - knee - shire)

  1. Team Jyrgr (Pronounced Jiargar ==> Jar - guard [without the last d])

  2. Team Rgrshnyy (Orgirishnyie ==> Oger - irish - knee)

The second one composed of 2 furry anthropomorphs and an alien and the last one of one two aliens and a human. Finally, last but not least, the representing the anthropomorphs are the following three teams: separated by region:

  1. The team of Jake Shire [1 fox, 1 eagle, 1 killer whale]

  2. The team of York Shire [1 hound, 1 vixen, 1 cat] and a multi-composed team

  3. Gallows Team [1 human, 1 eagle, 1 alien]

This last one a team of high-speed newbies that are new to driving outside of their respective planets. Will all teams survive?

Plot of Mission Earth

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Tropical Paradise Or Is It: Lapsus Mentalli

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Torpical Paradise Or Not: New Beginnings and New Findings

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