The Journal of Ryan Raven ch 2 the pain starts

Story by sads on SoFurry

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#2 of The journal of Ryan Raven


NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies....... enjoy

Ch 2

The pain starts

Many of us, and when I say us I mean us hybrids, don't really understand why we change from something that looks like a Crossbreed to something that looks like a human. For some of us it is harder to change back and forth. And as always I am the one, in my family at least, that has that problem. And man does it hurt. Ehh... at least I have a brother that cares enough to help. But the thing is this would be the first time that it had happened to me.

"Hey freak what are you doing?" one of my annoying sister's asked. Her name is Max. She's a tiger like my father and so is her sister. (Their twins)

"What does it look like?" I said in a quick and snippy way.

"Watch your mouth brat!"

"Only if you do, know piss off I'm busy!"

As my sisters left, I turn back to my computer and got back to typing what was going to be an English paper that I was suppose to type. I then decided that I had lost interest in the paper. But when I turned to get up, at the door was my brother standing to the side of the door frame where I couldn't see him. So when I turned the corner to head down stairs he, well scared me to say the least.

"What's up little bro?" Nigel said in a low tone.

"W-what the hell?" I said in a jumpy way.

"Nothing just standing here, oh now I remember dinners ready if you want to eat." Nigel said with a cheerful look.

I look down at the ground and held my arm from behind with one hand as the other dangled. When I looked back up I saw that he was staring at me with his glass like tiger eyes. To me he was the only one that understands what I am going through at this time in my life, to a point that is. Mainly because he is a hybrid like I am, but I don't know that if I'm a hybrid yet.

"No I am going out on a walk in a minute."

"Oh ok then. Do want some company?"

"No I will manage. Besides isn't it steak night or something?"

"Yea what is your point?"

"My point is that you love steak night"

"Yea, but it's ok if I miss it one night, besides we're going to have it next Sunday too, so it is no bother."

As I looked at him, I thought that he is the nicest person that I know, besides my parents, well kind of my parents. But tonight I was going for a walk so that I could think for a minute or two to myself. But I knew that after two blocks from the house that I would be teased and some other things as well.

"Nigel, I just need some time alone to get my head straight that's all."

"Fine, have a good walk. And please be careful, ok."

"Ok I will, bye."

As I walked down the steps and in to the living room I saw that my sisters were sitting on the sofa. As I walked past the two girls, I thought I would get a sarcastic comment or something, but I didn't.

"I'm going for a walk; I will be back in a minute or two." I yelled to my parents even though I knew they didn't care.

As I walk out and down the steps to the side walk I saw that the light was fading in to twilight. The air became cool and the street lights turned on one by one. I started walking down the street as I listened to some music on my IPod. When I got two blocks away from the house I started to hear some people talking behind me. I turned to look and saw a gang of kids that lived on my block; they were following me down the street. I had no clue what they wanted and I had no intention of finding out. I turned the corner to an ally so that I could take the back way home. But as luck would have it more of the same gang was waiting. I stuck my hands on to my pockets to look for the emergency button to call for some help from Nigel. When I found it I pressed the button and soon after Nigel showed up but he was to late, the gang had caught up to me. Blood slowly came out my nose and I was coughing it up as well. When Nigel got to me I was in a fettle position coughing up more and more blood.

"Holy crap what happened?!" Nigel said in a panicked tone.

I had coughed a couple of times before answering "it was the gang of kids that live here, as always." As I coughed again, spraying more blood on to the sidewalk.

"Don't worry about them for right know we need to get you to a hospital right away."

As he lifted my immobilized body in to his lap to keep me warm, He called 911 so that I could get some help. As we could hear sirens coming closer, Nigel held me close just like when we were little and he would keep me safe from our parents yelling when they would fight. Soon the ambulance got to us, I was breathing but unconscious.

"Hang in there Ryan!" Nigel said in a scared tone.

When the ambulance got to the hospital the doctors were waiting and they started treating the wounds that I had gotten from the gang of kids. Once stable and asleep they went to get Nigel in the waiting room, but that was it, my parents didn't care and my sisters would be glad that I was out of their hair, to put it bluntly.

"Nigel Raven?" the doctor called for my brother

"Yes, how is he?!" Nigel said urgently

"He is fine don't worry he is stable and you can go see him if you want too."

"Yes I would like to see him!"

As the doctor took Nigel to the room I was in, Nigel looked at his cloths and thought that he should go see how I was and then go to the bathroom and throw some water on his face so that he could get a hold of the situation. He opened the door to the room where I lay asleep and sat for a few minutes on the bed. Once he knew that I would be fine alone for a few more minute he headed to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom there was no one in it so he had sometime alone. He walked over to the sink and look in the mirror. When he looked in the mirror he saw that his orange and white striped fur had blood in it.

"Damn I didn't know I looked this bad. Well I guess that is what happens when a little brother coughs up blood on you."

When he washed out his fur he decided to change to his human form for a while. The fur slowly retreated in to his skin leaving behind white pale skin, his height change from 6' 3'' to 5' 6'' and the bulk of muscle that he had when he was in his crossbreed form went from 250 lb the norm for crossbreeds and crossbreed hybrids to 150 lb the human and human hybrid standard. His cloths loosened from form fitting to a little baggy, but with the new tech for hybrids the cloths reformed back to a form fitting witch in any form he could pull off. He wore a black tank top with a green hooded jean jacket, jean cargo pants and flip-flops. His eyes turned from cats' eye yellow to a pale blue. His hair still had an orange hint to it with white highlights; then his face changed from having a snout to a well rounded nose down to a well defined face.

"Well that is a lot better, hopefully he remembers what I look like in my human form... hmm well that is different too, it has been awhile, I forgot that I had a slight English accent."

As Nigel walked back to the room, the hospital seemed busier than ever. The hallway was filled with patients. When he made it to the room he knew that something was wrong, the look on my face said that I was in pain and at the time I was asleep and the heart monitor was normal. He knew that I had reached the point in my life I was changing from a human hybrid to a crossbreed hybrid. He then noticed that the first transformation is painful but not as much as the looks represented on my face would depicted. He quickly called for the doctor. When she came in and looked over me and then asked

"Is your brother a hybrid like you are?"

"How did you know? Wait, stupid question. And yes I think he is."

"Well for one I saw your wristband. And secondly I think your brother has a rare case of trance-genesis, which means that he has a hard time transforming between races. But in some cases it may diminish over time."

"Oh, I have heard of that, I think. But doesn't that mean that he has to transform every day?"

"Yes but that shouldn't hurt anything that he is doing... at least I hope."

"Well it is a problem were we live. There is a group of kids that live near us that pick on him because I am a hybrid but they think that I am a normal crossbreed. And that is why we are here now."

"Oh I see that is a problem then. Do you suffer from the same problems your brother has?"

"Kind of but it is a mild case nothing like what he is going though right know."

"Well there is good news and bad news. The good news is he can't feel the effects right now because he is asleep, but the bad news is that he will be shocked when he wakes up and then changes from now on will be painful when he is awake. I think that you should be with him when that happens because he could kill himself. I have seen that happen here."

"Thanks doc."

"No problem. And he will need to wear a wristband like yours."

"Ok then. Thanks again."

Once the doctor had left, Nigel sat on the bed and looked at my lifeless body.

"He is going to freak." Nigel said in a low hushed tone.

The next morning I was starting to wake. Nigel was still there in the room but he was asleep in a chair near the bed. Once I had awakened Nigel awoke with delight.

"N-Nigel is that you?" I said in a sleepy tone

"Yea I am here how are you feeling?"

"Good I guess. Why do you look like that?"

"Well this is my human form remember?"

"Oh yea I remember I haven't seen you like that in a while."

Nigel looked at the ground in dismay tapping his thumbs together.

"What is the matter?"

"Well, for one thing, look at yourself."

I looked down at my arms. They were covered with fur.

"Holy crap w-what?"

"You're a hybrid."


"Now there a couple of things that I have to tell you, ok?"

"Yea, go ahead."

"Well do you like the color of your fur?"

"Yea, its white with orange stripes. Like yours but in reverse."

"Yes it is I didn't see that. And when you change back your hair will be white with orange highlights. And the second thing is hard to tell you. There is a genetic mutation that is called trance-genesis what it does is that when you change it hurts to put it bluntly."

"But I feel fine?!"

"Well that is because you were asleep at the time. Anyway, the mutation is not good, it could kill you but I'm not going to let that happen, ok?"

"O- Ok."

"Now the doctor is getting you a wristband like mine so that it can help you change ok?"

"Yea that's fine, I don't care, this is so cool!"

"Yea it can be."


well there is chapter 2 for ya i hope you liked it ch3 is underway to enjoy the what lol

The Journal of Ryan Raven CH 3 when everything changes

Note: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies....... enjoy Ch 3 When everything changes...

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The Journal of Ryan Raven

NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies....... enjoy! **_The Journal of Ryan Raven_** By sads Ch 1 **Greetings** Hi I am Ryan Raven and I am 16 years old. I live in a world...

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