Love and Pain chapter 19

Story by Koji Haeos on SoFurry

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#20 of Love and Pain

Chapter 19

Sakura and Kiyo sat on the couch watching the news they always watched the news lately. Pyro's body was fond not to long ago and Thorn's body was shortly after. It made the national headlines and the news. The two bodies were being dissected and studied at a government lab for research. There have also been reports of dragon sightings near the abandoned beach forty mile from their location.

"At least those two are gone now." Kiyo said

"But there are still 3 more of those bastards running around. If I get my paws on them I will snap their necks." Sakura growled.

Kiyo understood how she felt. He still remembered all of the times they tried to kill him and Sakura. When she found out what about her father's death she was furious. She said the only reason she was mad was because she didn't get to kill him herself but Kiyo knew that was only partly true. He smiled and rubbed the canine's belly knowing it would make her relax. Sakura leaned back into the couch and turned so he was rubbing just underneath her breasts.

"Are you trying to seduce me lover boy?" she asked playfully.

"Very funny you little horn ball." He said smiling

"I'm not the one with the horn mister." She said pointing to the bulge in his pants.

They looked at each other trying not to laugh and Sakura got up and put her paws on her hips.

"If you haven't noticed I am bigger than you." She said with smirk.

"Yeah, you should really need to cut back on the sweets." he said with a smirk of his own.

Sakura stood there with her muzzle hanging open and then pounced on him giggling.

"You little smartass." she said as they wrestled onto the floor.

They always play fought. And Sakura always won but they both enjoyed it. Over the last few weeks Sakura fully opened up to Kiyo. The hostile wolf mix was gone all that was left was a loving canine. Their play time was interrupted when they heard a knock on the door. Sakura go up and dusted herself off as Kiyo went to the door. When he opened it he saw Julie wearing tight pink halter top and tight pink mini shorts to match. The husky wasted no time pulling Kiyo into a huge embrace which because of the size difference put resulted in the smaller Kiyo to have his head pushed into the husky's large G cup breasts much to her personal delight. Julie couldn't help but get a little aroused at having the one she was crushing on touch her in such an intimate place even if it wasn't intentional on his part. Kiyo had no idea that she had a crush on him and as much as she wanted to have him for herself Julie knew that he was Sakura's male and respected that and she knew she was pushing her luck holding him in such a way. She released Kiyo form her embrace and smiled at him.

"How are you Kiyo?" She asked in a cheerful tone.

"I am doing well and you?" Kiyo replied blushing a little

Kiyo noticed Julie's nipples where erect under her tight shirt but quickly averted his gaze.

"I'm am well thank you Kiyo" She said in the same tone

Sakura saw Julie's little display but didn't think much of it. Julie was always the touchy feely type so her actions came as no surprise but what did catch her by surprise was that Julie would wear such constricting cloths and to top it off no bra. Sakura already knew she didn't like to wear panties in the summer but no bra was a new one for her. She did find it sweet that Julie saw Kiyo the same way she did and didn't blame her for liking him. Normally she would have punched Julie's lights out but she trusted them both and knew Julie would never try to steal Kiyo and that Kiyo would never stray but at the same time she was a little miffed that Julie would pull a stunt like that.

"Kiyo we need to get to Yoshi's. She is having a pool party." Sakura said crossing her arms.

Kiyo remembered the part and face palmed.

"Oh yeah, we better get there soon or Jaden will be complaining all day." He said rolling his eyes.

"Can Julie come too?" Sakura asked

"She can if she wants to. We are spending the week up there though and she will need a change of cloths" He responded.

"She can share mine." Sakura said

"I don't want to intrude on your date..." Julie said with a hint of sadness.

"Julie is there something you're not telling us?" Sakura asked.

"I'll tell you later." She said.

Sakura looked to Kiyo. Kiyo nodded and left the room.

"You tell me NOW." Sakura said crossing her arms.

"Fine, I am thinking about Kiyo's initiation." Julie said.

"And you want to be the one to do it." Sakura said.

"Better it be me than mom. She is NEVER gentle." Julie said.

Until now Sakura never thought about the initiation. For canines when a member takes a mate they are to be mounted by the one of the alphas. It was done purely to show dominance not for pleasure. Once the alpha does this the new member has their scent which tells others canines that they are mated and part of the pack. Marin was the strongest female in the whole pack and wasn't afraid to prove it. Sakura shuddered as she remembered what happened to the last male she initiated. Marin rode him so hard she crushed his pelvis and killed him. And she was just getting warmed up. Sakura banished the thoughts from her and turned her attention back to her sister.

"I think it should be Kiyo's choice whether he does it at all. Some humans don't like that kind of thing." Sakura said.

"Fair enough and I guess I could come with you." Julie said.

With that said the trio went off to Yoshi's pool party. They were amazed at the size of the house. It was a mansion. It wasn't long until they pulled into the drive way Where Yoshi was waiting.

"Sakura, it's been too long." Yoshi said smiling.

"Yes it has Yoshi and this in my sister Julie." Sakura said.

Once all the greetings were out of the way they went into to they went to go change into there swim wear. Kiyo wore black swimming trunks, and Sakura wore a blue one piece and Julie wore a hot pink string bikini that was a little bit on the tight side. As she walked by Kiyo she swayed her hip and bent over in front of him constantly and wagged her tail as she did. Sakura was no expert on dating and such but she knew flirting when she saw it. And Julie was doing just that. She made a mental note to talk to Julie later. She new this would be and interesting week for sure.

The trio went outside. Once outside they saw Jasmine in a black two piece bikini and Lucy wearing a red one piece. Lucy was giving Jasmine a nice thigh massage which everyone could tell the collie enjoyed it a lot by the smile on her muzzle and the her waging tail. Mira was wearing a black bikini and lying on her back sun bathing on a lounge chair while Jaden was doing cannon balls into the pool.

"It's about time you showed up." Jaden teased.

Kiyo then saw a huge bite mark on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Kiyo asked already knowing the answer.

"Mira got a little carried away last night." Jaden said laughing.

"Hey, I warned you about touching me between the shoulder blades. You know that's one of the vixen's "special" spots and what happens when it is touched. Besides YOU wanted it rough and wild." she said as she turned on the lounge chair.

"I hope you didn't mess up your bed too much. Anymore "playing rough" and it will break." Jasmine said.

"I know that's why we used YOUR bed while you spent slept on the couch last night. Water beds are so much fun" Mira said with a smirk.

"Damn it Mira I just changed those sheets last night!!!" Jasmine growled.

The vixen just closed her eyes and flipped off the annoyed collie. Kiyo made his way to the pool to test the water. When he stuck his foot in Sakura pushed him in and laughed hysterically. She offered her paw but when Kiyo grabbed it he gave her and evil smirk. Sakura's eyes went wide as she realized what he was planning.

"Kiyo, don't you dare." She said but it was too late.

Kiyo pulled her into the water with a loud splash. She surfaced quickly and dunked him. Everybody there couldn't help but laugh. Then he resurfaced smiling. Julie near fell over because she was laughing so hard. Sakura crept out of the water and pushed Julie in the pool. The startled husky jumped out of the water.

"I guess I had that coming." She said.

Julie hadn't noticed yet but her bikini top came of in the pool and now her breasts we exposed for all to see. The cold water had its effect making her black nipples erect.

"Julie your top came off." Sakura said trying not to laugh.

Julie just shrugged started to play with her nipples teasingly. She started to breath heavily and her personal scent began to fill the air. She then stopped before she got too hot and went to the pool and fished out her top. Jasmine just sat there drooling while Lucy blushed heavily. Kiyo and Jaden just stood there speechless. Yoshi and Mira just rolled their since they have seen Jasmine do the same thing on a regular basis.

"Oh relax Sakura. Everyone here has seen a female topless before and it's just us here." she said rolling her eyes.

"Yes but you didn't need to put on a show too." Sakura shot back.

"Could you do it again?" Lucy asked teasingly.

Kiyo and Sakura just face palmed knowing full well that Julie may take her up on that request.

"Maybe we should do some skinny dipping too." Jasmine suggested.

Kiyo and Jaden just looked at each other. While Sakura and Julie blushed and Mira and Yoshi shot Jasmine death glares while Lucy just rolled her eyes.

"Are you drunk Jasmine, what if Toshiro sees? And this is a regular pool party not a nude pool party." Yoshi said in a cross tone.

The rest just laughed but their laughter was cut short when they saw Yoshi's son Toshiro walk by. He was about 5 feet tall with a gold yellow fur and white on his hand and foot paws. His right eye was Lime green eye and the left was normal blue. Sakura's eyes went wide as she noticed he had a shiner on his right eye.

"Have another football accident son?" Yoshi asked.

Toshiro just nodded and walked into the house. Mira stood up and gave Yoshi a stern look.

"Come on Yoshi, you know he doesn't play football." Mira said crossing her arms

"I know he doesn't but if I get involved it will get worse for him. Every time I told my parents they would get involved and the bullies were punished. But then the bullies would beat me up worse because I told on them. And he never tells me. I can't do anything if he doesn't tell me who is messing with him." Yoshi said.

Toshiro then walked back outside.

"Hello everyone, Mom I am going to the park" he said as he bowed and left.

Once he was at the park he sat under tree to rest. But his peace didn't last long as 2 human males and 2 male black wolf furs walked up to him. Each of them was well muscled.

"Looks like the dog came back for another beating." One of the wolves said.

"I guess this time we have to do more than just give him a black eye." One of the humans said cracking his knuckles.

Toshiro got up and tried to run but the 2 humans grabbed him and held him as one of the wolves side kicked him in the chest and sent him into the ground. The Akita groaned in pure agony but the humans picked him up again and the wolf punched him in the gut knocking the wind out the helpless Toshiro. The Akita fell to the ground in a heap.

"Pick him up again." the wolf said.

"I don't know bro, I think he's had enough" the other wolf said.

"I said pick him up." the wolf said with a growl.

The humans looked at each other and picked him up again. The wolf ran a Toshiro this time with his claws fully extended. Toshiro closed his eyes and waited for the hit but then he heard a loud yelp. When he opened his eyes he saw his attacker was being held by the paw in a painful grip by a large tigress. She pushed as she let go of the wolf's paw.

"That's enough" she growled.

"This is none of your business. Come guys there is only one of her and four of us we can take her. Normally I don't hit females but in your case I will make an exception." the wolf said taking a stance.

"That's good. Just a fair warning, I am not one to hold back against kids, but I will try not to kill you." the tigress said calmly.

The wolf charged at her but she simply grabbed him by the wrist and threw him over her shoulder sending the wolf into the tree. The other wolf tried to slash her with his claws but she sends him into the dirt as she punched him in the stomach knocking him out. The two humans only watched as the tigress made short work of the two wolves. She then turned her attention to them. The humans charged at her but her make quick work out of them. She grabbed on human by the leg when he tried to kick her and slammed him into his accomplice. The group stood up and ran off as Toshiro stood up but his legs still wobbly.

"Are you alright kid?" The tigress asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine." he said.

The tigress nodded and walked away but Toshiro followed her.

"Where did you learn to fight?" He asked.

"From my mother." she said.

"Can you teach me?" He asked

"No, I won't teach you." She said.

"Why, won't you teach me?" he asked

"Why do you want to learn?" She countered.

"Because I am sick of getting my tail kicked." he said.

"There is more to martial arts than just fighting. The martial arts are not just a sport or hobby. It's a way of life." She said.

"I know it's about being in touch with everything around you both in body mind, and soul. I want to learn I promise I will work hard. I swear I will never abuse it. I'm just tired of being attacked and beaten. I'm tired of being scared." He said.

The tigress sighed.

"I'm just too nice sometimes..." she said shaking her head.

"May I ask your name?" Toshiro asked.

"My name is Miyu." She said.

"You're the rock fist of the east. You're an F.A.S captain!!" Toshiro exclaimed.

"I'm surprised a pup like you would know me by my nickname. I haven't been called that in a long time." She said

"How could I not. Your brother is the wind blade of the east. My mom told me about the fang and claw. It is a legend. The rock fist is a master at paw to paw and close quarters combat while the wind blade is a weapons master." Toshiro said.

"That brother of mine is a stubborn, reckless, knuckle headed mutt." She hissed.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"I don't know but when I get my paws on him I am going to beat his tail for making me worry." She growled.

Toshiro made a mental note not to bring up her brother again.

"The only way to make them stop is to face them... Do you know basic paw to paw?' She asked.

Toshiro nodded.

"Okay, that will save me some time. Show me what you can do." she said calmly.

Toshiro was more than just nervous. The rock fist's ferocity in combat was legendary. And he just saw that ferocity first hand. He took a stance before he charges at her. He jumped and threw a punch at her face but she simply side stepped the attack. He then swung at her again but she blocked every hit.

"The key to paw to paw is to find your opponents weakness and make them suffer for it until they give up." she said as she continued blocks his strikes.

She then kicked out his legs and when he hit the ground she extended a claw and pressed it to his throat.

"Or until they die. Now let's start training." she said calmly as she withdrew her claw and let him up.

She had Toshiro start with 200 push ups with a large rock strapped to his back. Needless to say he could even do one. She then threw small rocks at him in order to improve his paw eye coordination. He managed to block one out of the 20 or so she threw. She also spared with him on a regular basis. Her goal was to improve all of his physical attributes she noticed that he had the same determination as her brother. He never quit and he was easily 10 times tougher than her brother was when he was that age. As the day went on Toshiro's skill improved dramatically.

She began to teach him more advanced techniques including the double palms, spinning back fist, hammer fist, round house reverse and middle and high as well and even the spinning back heel kick. She was amazed at how quickly he learned them. Day after day he would come and train with her. And when he got home he was always tired. Yoshi was beginning to wonder what her son was up to. She also began to notice that Toshiro was becoming very muscular and physically stronger as well. Sakura also noticed the change. One day when Toshiro went out to the park she decided to follow him. She kept her distance so he wouldn't detect her. She tailed him all they way to the park where she saw him sparing against Miyu.

She could tell it was just a sparing match and because neither of them were really trying to hit each other. She noticed that Toshiro was block more than attacking and she couldn't help but watch with fascination. She snuck around them and climbed a tree to get a better view. By now Toshiro was able to block dodge, and counter all of the attacks the tigress send his way. And he pretty much mastered the techniques she taught him too. Once the training was done Miyu gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"You have done well. I taught you all I can. Now it's up to you to keep training on your own." she said.

"Thanks for everything Miyu." He said bowing.

The young pup ran home and Miyu grinned evilly.

"It's rude to spy on others wolf but I am in a good mood so I won't kill you." Miyu said without even turning around.

Sakura was shocked that she had been detected and then heard the sound out metal hitting wood and her cheek suddenly stung. The shocked canine touched her cheek and started to smell blood. She had been cut. She then turned around and saw a kunai in the tree.

"Consider that a warning..." Miyu said walking away.

Sakura couldn't help but tremble slightly. Miyu could have killed her right then and there if she wanted to. The only reason she was still alive was because the tigress decide to spare her. She slowly regained her composer and climbed down from the tree still shocked.

As Miyu walked she couldn't help but smile. She pulled out a picture of a tiger wolf carrying two katana.

"Bro when I find you I am going to beat your tail you stubborn knuckles head." she thought to herself as she continued her search.

Back on the beach Ace and the rest continued their journey when Ace suddenly stopped and looked at the sky.

"Ace what is it?" Sora asked.

"I just can't shake the feeling that somebody is talking about me. And I think it is somebody I know too." Ace said calmly.

"You will know when you see them." Venus said as they kept walking.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said as he caught up with the rest.

Not far off from Ace and the group Mira and Jaden were driving to the store. Jasmine finished off the milk so she needed to get more and Jaden wanted to tag a long. What they didn't know was that they were being hunted. The car suddenly got by a dark energy ball and it exploded on impact. Luckily Mira sensed the energy blast and was fast enough to bail out just before it hit caring Jaden with her. She didn't get out unharmed though. She was slightly injured and Jaden was knocked out cold. When she looked up she saw a black dragon staring at her with an ice cold glare. She noted the metal plate fused to his chest. She could also sense another dragon close by.

"The furs shall be wiped out along with this planet. You see we have been at war for a while and we are tired of It." the dragon said.

"So where is Kira then? You are way too old to be him." Mira said with a slight growl as she set Jaden next to the wreckage and slowly led the dragon away from him.

Her question was answered when Kira landed behind her. He was still in bad shape but Mira knew that only made him more dangerous. From what she knew about shadow dragons they could kill just by touch. Mira also knew about Kira from Jaden and Kiyo.

"I have been able to keep Hades alive by machine. His brain has been kept in stasis and erased all the memories form his past. I repaired his body but should the plate be destroyed he will die..." Kira said calmly.

"I'm guessing the only reason you are telling me all this is because you have no intention on letting me live. Unfortunately I made a promise to my mate. So I can't die yet." Mira said taking a stance.

"You should never make a promise you can't keep kitsune. You won't be leaving in one piece." Kira said.

To be continued....

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