(ZOO) COMM - Mare Tending - Chapter Four -

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#17 of Commissions

David meets a miniature Gypsy Vanner, small in stature, huge in personality - who also - has a -very- interesting way of making a stallion adore her...

(ZOO) Mare Tending

Chapter Three

Commission for Neighbelline Horse

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

22ndMarch, 2023

All Rights Reserved.

David was asleep even before his exhausted body realised it, he just flopped on the bed, as naked as the day he'd been foaled. He knew nothing, until the bedside alarm clock began its strident warbling early the next morning.

"Urgh - " David moaned, one hand slapping weakly at the bedside table.

His hooflets clicked and clattered, then accidentally knocked the clock onto the floor where it's insistent chiming seemed to take on an indignant tone.

"Urgh," David repeated, as he dragged himself from the depths of sleep and twisted his lithe body until both hooves thumped onto the carpeted floor. "I'm awake - I'm awake..."

Leaning forwards, David wrapped the clock in one hand and silenced the alarm, carefully setting the clock back on the bedside table. Glancing at it, he slicked his ears back and rubbed at his face with his hands as he yawned widely.

"Right, shower, clothes then breakfast..." David groused as he yawned again and stood upright, his long tail brushing against the back of his hocks.


After his shower, David stared at his full body reflection in the mirror, twisting from side to side as he ran his hands over his well muscled chest and stomach. Flexing and tilting himself, he nodded in satisfaction at his physique and then he chuckled.

"A studs job is never easy - but the benefits are definitely something!"

Brushing out his mane, wincing slightly at a few knots that were reluctant to brush out, he flicked an ear and it twisted backwards as he heard the knock on the door to his quarters.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" David chuckled and shook his head.

"Just checking, you don't get to sleep in around here David!" Came the voice of Jamie, her voice filled with humour. "You think those mare's will feed themselves? Or muck out their stalls or..."

David blinked slowly, then pulled a shirt over his furred torso and tucked it into the tight fitting jeans he preferred.

I'm a stud, not a lowly farm hand - David's unspoken thoughts wandered through his head. Then again, maybe Heather would enjoy my company again...

"Anytime now - " Jamie's chuckle come from the outside. "Are you going to preen and primp in front of the mirror all day? I do have responsibilities to take care of - and so do you!"

David chuckled and shook his head as he walked out of the bathroom and then left the small cottage that served as his domicile.

Jamie leant casually against the rail, sipping from a travel mug. David's nostrils flared as he scented the smell that wafted from the mug.

"Mmm - " He grunted. "That smells amazing - "

Jamie grinned and cupped it between her hands as she took another sip. "For the price? It better be - now, you've got time to grab a quick bite - no stealing the mare's breakfast, alright?"

David grinned and snorted at her. "I may be a horse - but I sure am_not_ going to bury my nose in a bucket of chaff and other pastoral condiments! I'd at least use a bowl instead..."

Jamie blinked, then laughed and nodded to David. "Alright, we got a busy day, so we better get onto it - sooner rather than later. Aleisha is due to cycle either today or tomorrow and..."

David shook his head. "Go easy on me, its only my second day..."

Jamie looked over her shoulder and winked at him. "We _are_going easy on you... our last stallion could service six mares a day, easily!"

His ego deflating like a balloon, David stared, his eyes widening and ears slicking backwards. Jamie snickered and headed for the break room, David trailing in her wake.


After breakfast, which left him feeling like he desperately needed a nap, David made his way down to the stables where he reacquainted himself with the mares. Heather whinnied at him and shoved her head over the stable door, her ears pricked forwards and her expression alert and attentive.

"Good morning ladies, you especially Heather!" David chuckled as he stopped at each stable and emptied the feed into the feeders that hung from the doors. Heather squealed and nickered at him, scraping one hoof on the sawdust covered floor in impatience.

"Manners missy, or you will get fed last!" David growled, but the smile on his face and the tone of his voice didn't fool any of them.

Reading each name in turn, David addressed the mares and one filly, who barely reached the bucket David hung on her stall door.

"Aren't you a little small for a Cob? You're...Penelope? What a lovely name for a lovely young girl!" David smiled as he unlatched her stall door and slipped it open, then shut and bolted it behind him. Taking her feed bucket, he sat it down before her and she stared at it, then up at him, then back to her feed dish.

"Go on, its got lucerne, chaff, assorted vitamins and salt - all things a beautiful young filly like you should eat!"

Ignoring her food, Penelope walked over and stretched her head out towards David. He crouched down and held his hands out, letting her smell him. Her ears twitched and nostrils flared as she inhaled his scent, before she lifted her head up and stared into his eyes.

"Easy little one - " David chuckled, as he gently cupped her cheeks with his hands.

Curious, Penelope's nostrils flared as David gently touched his velvety nose to hers and breathed out. As their breath co-mingled and joined, Penelope's ears flicked forwards and she reciprocated the breath, David willingly taking her scent into his own nostrils.

"David...are you - " Come Jamie's voice from the far end of the stables.

"Bad timing - " David winked at Penelope, as he stood up and turned about. "I'm down here with Penelope!"

"Careful, she's a..." Jamie began, then laughed.

David squealed as Penelope gently nipped him on the left buttock - not hard, but not exactly a lovers caress either.

"Penelope loves to get a sly nip in when she isn't the centre of attention - " Jamie giggled, more at poor David's discomfort than anything. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you about here. She's a - strange one, pure blood cob, just like the others, yet she never grew past this pony size. It's really quite perplexing...we were going to sell her, but she is...well, special and..."

David blinked as he felt his tail being lifted, before he turned his head about and watched Penelope look up at him. His tail lay between her ears and she pressed her nose against the tight fitting jeans, her ears pricked forwards.

"Uh...darling?" David murmured. "No biting, and my tail is attached you know!"

Jamie grinned and stroked Heather's velvety nose as she watched David and Penelope.

"You're not the first one she's taken a rather...special...liking too, if you take my meaning!"

David's ears flattened in embarrassment as he sensed Jamie's real intent behind her careful words.

"She is beautiful, such odd colours for a cob..." David wined and turned about, then gently ruffled Penelope's ears. "I said no biting!"

Jamie chuckled again. "I warned you, and yes. Whilst most of our girls are the classic piebald, aka the black and white - Penelope here is a skewbald, hence the brown and white. I'll leave you two to get acquainted, don't be too long, I've checked on Aleisha and yes, she is definitely cycling. Of course, I imagine your own instincts and sense of smell could tell you more than my own observations..."

"One advantage - " David snickered as he brushed Penelope's mane with his fingers. "Can also be our curse. Our sense of smell is so much more powerful than humans - or so I've been told. Add to that, well, the scents I can smell from these beautiful mares...it can be quite a challenge to try and remain calm, I assure you!"

Jamie leaned on the stall door, her elbows there and cupping her chin with her hands as she sighed wistfully.

"A part of me wonders..." Jamie began, her eyes growing distant as she thought out loud. "What my life may have been like, had I been born as you were - "

"Believe me, " David laughed nervously and gently pushed away Penelope's head again. "It's not all its cut out to be! We need to get clothes specifically tailored for our appearance, can't just buy an off the rack pair of jeans and so on..."

"I imagine that's quite a problem - " Jamie nodded.

David rolled his eyes and flicked his ears. "Oh, don't get me started. Further? I can not even begin to try and describe the ancestral instincts that are hardwired into we Equid's! I can not speak on behalf of the fillies and mare's, but from my experience as a young foal, then growing into a colt and eventually a stallion? I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I can only imagine fillies and mares have it even worse. Just because we are sentient and intelligent - does not mean we still don't possess our ancient ancestors instincts and urges."

Jamie winced and looked at Penelope, then back at David.

"I know it all too well - an in season mare can be bomb proof, sweeter than sugar one moment, a heartbeat later? There's a pair of hooves coming at your chest - especially when they come into season. It must be so..."

Jamie waved a hand.

"Frustrating, I imagine, wouldn't even come close to it..." David helpfully filled in for her.

"I imagine not!" Jamie nodded, then shook her head. "I'll leave you with it, you've obviously got this covered - in more ways than one..."

"I - " David's eyes widened and his ears slicked backwards.

Jamie winked at him again. "It doesn't take much to read you like a book David. I've noticed your - discomfiture for a while now. I'll give you two a little privacy, shall I?"

"Uh...I mean..." David began, then glanced sideways at Penelope, then back at Jamie.

"She's of appropriate age for breeding, so there's no issue there - she's actually six - even though to look at her she looks more like she's about two..."

Jamie walked off, humming a few bars of a popular song she'd heard earlier, and David shuddered and leaned against the stall door. Indeed, the scent of the adjacent mare who was _definitely_in season, coupled with Penelope's nipping and nuzzling, well, David certainly had a problem - one he was hoping this cheeky young mare, whom he'd mistaken for a yearling, could help him with....


David backed Penelope up against the wall, placing a hand gently on her forehead and telling her to stand. Penelope snorted and flicked her ears too and fro, but obediently stood, her tail swishing from side to side. David walked back to the stall door, then leaned awkwardly backwards and checked it was clear. Hurriedly, he unbuckled his belt and feeling the tightening constraint of his growing arousal, David unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them off. With a little difficulty, he stepped out of them and took his semi-erect penis in both hands.

Looking down at it, he smiled to himself and gave it a slow, sensual stroke. He trembled and felt the firming under his cold, blunt hooflets before he blinked as Penelope walked over unbidden. Down on his knees, David's well muscled chest touched her nose and Penelope's ears pricked forwards.

"Uh..." David began, as he was in a somewhat compromised position, his erection quickly firming to slap Penelope under the chin.

Penelope blinked and stepped backwards, lowering her head then tilting it to the right as she gazed at David's fully engorged member. Curious, her tail swished and she stepped closer, stretching her head out to ever so softly sniff at it.

David shuddered and bit his lower lip, his ears swishing backwards nervously as he held his nerve - just- and watched Penelope.

"Uh...Penelope, this isn't a toy, you know tha..."

David's eyes suddenly went wide, exposing the white schelera as Penelope's mouth opened and she stepped a half step forwards. With barely a touch of her blunt teeth against his sensitive penile skin, Penelope took it inside her muzzle.

With a startled gasp, David froze like a icicle. His mind reeled, never_ever_having experienced something like this before! Penelope swished her tail and lowered her head a little more, her lips contracting about an inch or two above David's medial ring. Her breath ruffled the sensitive skin and fine fur of his groin as she flattened her ears and to his surprise, she began suckling.

Her tongue, broad, yet soft and quickly growing coated with her saliva, spread out underneath his swiftly flaring penile head - making David gasp and squirm helplessly. Penelope's eyes squinted, as she flicked her ears forwards and did something with her tongue, that caused it to swirl and encircle David's length - almost like fingers.

"Oh my..." David wheezed, head thrown back and body quivering. "No, Penelope, this is...is..."

She gave an ever so gentle nibble with her teeth, silencing him as she resumed her talented suckling and throat manipulation. David gritted his teeth, his fingers curling into fists, as he desperately struggled to maintain his self discipline and control.

As his scrotum began to tighten and a few short bursts of his pre-ejaculate squirted into Penelope's muzzle, David fully expected her to snap her head back and away...

If anything, Penelope blinked, then looked up at him and pushed her head downwards, sliding his penis further into the back of her muzzle and tightening her mouth contractions.

"No, stop..." David wheezed, his whole body shaking in time with the ripples from Penelope's strong throat muscles.

Penelope obviously knew exactly what she was doing, as she titled her head ever so slightly and David felt his flare fully engorge - seconds before a dozen spurts of his hot, salty semen was shot down Penelope's throat.

She never even paused, her lips forming a tight seal around the lower third of his length she held within her muzzle, as her tail slashed from side to side and she swallowed the salty gift this strange stallion had bestowed upon her.

David's whole body felt like it'd turned to jelly - his penis quickly subsiding from the almost painful erection he had, back to a semi-flaccid state. Penelope relaxed and stepped two paces backwards, letting David's penis slip from her mouth and slap wetly down onto the straw.

With a gasp, David slumped backwards against the stall door, his body quivering and sweat dampening his fur. His mind couldn't believe what he'd just experienced - sure - being sexually pleasured like that wasn't unfamiliar to him...but from a feral mare? Her talent and experience showed him - as disbelieving as he wanted to imagine it to be, this was definitely _not_her first time at not only arousing a stallion - but finding a _most_pleasurable way of expressing herself.

Breathing hard, David trembled in post-coital exstacy as his mind reeled and his body trembled.

"I..." David wheezed, as he weakly raised a hand and let it flop back onto the sawdust again. "I never...I mean - "

Penelope's ears pricked forwards and she stared at him. Her body language showed she was interested, but he knew she was responding more to the tone, rather than the words itself, he used with her.

"I do not...I promise Penelope," David stammered, as he fought to bring his breathing and heart rate back to a semblance of normality. "I will make this up to you..."

Penelope's ears twitched and she merely flicked her head before she turned away and began drinking from the watering trough.

To Be Continued...