(ZOO) Mare Tending - Chapter Five -

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#18 of Commissions

David is given the ultimate in wish-fulfillment, when he's asked to breed a maiden. Little does he realise, but the small pony, Penelope, is going to crash his party - with thoughts of her own, whilst he claims Emma's maidenhood and ushers her new life as a mare...

(ZOO) Mare Tending

Chapter Five

Commission for Neighbelline Horse

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

22ndMarch, 2023

All Rights Reserved.

Some time later, David regained a semblance of self control and with trembling fingers, he redressed and leant against the stall door.

"I've never - " David shivered and gave Penelope a lopsided smile.

Penelope's ears flicked forwards and she blinked, before nickering at him and resuming looking at him inquisitively.

"I don't, I mean, I don't have any treats or..." David held his hands out to her to smell.

Penelope lipped gently at his fingers, then a tremor ran through her from mane to tail and she nuzzled his chest playfully. With a gentle ruffle of her ears and a deep, affectionate scratch along her poll, David gently pushed her backwards and unlatched the stall door.

"You were wonderful Penelope," David told her, tenderly caressing her forehead. "I promise, I'll make it up to you at dinner time, now, I got to go sweety, but I'll be back, I promise!"

Penelope flicked her ears, a slight frown crossing her muzzle, before she turned away and proceeded to lick at the salt block that hung from the stall wall. David clopped his way down the corridor, smiling and nodding at the mares who poked their heads over their stall doors and nickered at him.

"I still can't believe it - " David murmured to himself as he stepped outside the stables and took a moment to lean back against the closest wall of the stables. "Getting paid to do something I'd do for free, given half a chance, seems like a dream come true..."


David's services done with, he puttered about the farmstead doing odd jobs and staying out of others way. He felt more than a little unsettled as realisation slowly set in on him.

"I'm a...I mean..." David murmured to himself, then rested a palm against his muzzle and shook his head slowly. "It doesn't matter, I best be getting on with my work..."


That evening, David pushed the wheelbarrow containing the individually named feed dishes. Placing each one on the stall door, he watched as the eager, and well pleased, mares leant their necks over the stall doors to get at this dinner. Some he noticed ate like true ladies, delicate little bites and chewed it well - whilst others seemed to devour their meal in the shortest possible time.

David fully expected Penelope to be the fastest - and he was quite surprised when she was one of the slowest to eat her dinner.

"Considering what you and I done before," David snickered as he gently scritched her behind her ears as she ate. "I'm not really surprised you're not that hungry!"

Penelope merely looked up, nickered at him then went back to contentedly munching on her dinner. David watched her for a while, then after all the mare's were finished, he collected their feed dishes and carried them back to the shed.

It was well after nine when David slumped down onto his bed, naked as the day he'd been foaled and still damp from his shower. He was bone weary, physically and sexually, yet he was content. He wriggled into a slightly more comfortable position, then even before he could reach out and turn off the light - sleep overcome him and he dropped into a deep, restorative slumber.


Next morning, more asleep than awake, David ran a hand down his long muzzle and groaned. Twisting his head to the side, he gazed blearily at the clock from which come a strident warbling.

"Mmmph...stop - " David murmured, one hand slapping at the clock and knocking it tumbling to the floor. "Urgh, great, wonderful..."

Throwing aside the bed-sheets, David ran both hands from throat to groin and experimentally flexed each furred leg. One ear twitched as he heard the quiet boot steps then a heartbeat later come the knock at the cabin door.

"I'm up, I'm up!" David groaned and heaved himself upright, sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing his eyes.

His nostrils flared as he caught the whiff of finely curated coffee.

"What's...that?" David asked, standing up and stretching, feeling his spine crackle from the base of his neck to the end of his tailbone.

"Breakfast, now hurry up, you got a busy day ahead of you, you didn't think you were done already, did you?" Came Jasmine's infectious laugh from the other side of the cabin door.

David shook his head and stretched again, before opening the drawers and getting some clothes.

"Can I get a moment? Or should I just forgo clothing and breakfast?"

There was a soft chuckle from the other side of the door. "Personally? I'd not mind if you went clothing optional..."

David's ears slicked backwards and he blushed.


That morning, David diligently served four of the Gypsy Cob mare's. Then after a two hour break to regain his virility and strength, he splashed cool water on his muzzle and flicked it away with his fingers.

"Right, on my next list is... oh, oh!" David blinked and re-read the sheet on the clipboard. "Five years old, a..._maiden_mare?"

David frowned and re-read it a third time.

"A_maiden_ mare? I think there's a typo, got to be... how can she be a maiden and a mare..."

David put the clipboard down and scratched behind his left ear, as he clopped his way down the stable passageway. Many of the mare's nickered and nuzzled at him, David chuckling and giving friendly caresses and scratches as he went.

Finally, he made it to the end, then looked in at the young gypsy vanner who stared back at him. She was a beautiful black with white patches, or was it white with black? David smiled at her and rested his fingers on the top of the stall door, then leaned backwards to read the name on the door.

"Emma? What a beautiful name for such a sweet, gorgeous mare like yourself and..."

David rocked as Emma whinnied then twisted about, her tail flagging. Almost instantly, her arousal and scent slammed into David's nostrils and nearly drove him wild. He adored the scent of an in season mare - but this young one? Her intoxicating scent was almost physically overwhelming.

Her labial folds glistened and as she winked, the vaginal lips peeled away and compressed again, before a semi-cloudy spurt shot out and spattered on the sawdust.

"Eager, aren't you?" David whispered, as he glanced left and right, before slipping into the stable. "Can we get too know..."

Emma snorted and pushed backwards, pressing David hard against the edge of the stall and nearly crushing the air from his lungs. His arousal strained against his jeans and he moaned in both awe and urge that was almost primal.

He somehow managed to push her enough to get her to step forwards, before he slumped down onto the sawdust and began hurriedly tugging off his jeans. He hadn't bothered with underwear, so now freed, his semi-erect length sprang from its confinement - eager to find itself buried in the honeypot that winked and glistened almost level with his flaring nostrils.

David struggled to his feet, then retrieved the step stool from outside, placing it on the floor. Emma snorted and trembled, her eagerness evident as she lifted her tail up and stepped backwards.

"Woah, easy honey - " David muttered as he placed a hand on her rump. "Just a quick moment and..."

David held his engorged length just behind the penile head, then eased forwards. Emma's vaginal tunnel swallowed him from the head to the medial ring before she squealed and incredible muscles contracted.

"Ooh...." David gasped, then stepped up onto the very tips of his hooves as nature overrode his self control.

He slapped his hands down on Emma's rump, then gave two sharp, almost feral thrusts, his scrotum tightening in seconds.

Emma's ears flicked as she turned her head to look back over her shoulder. Not to be put down by some upstart stallion, Emma snorted and her tail slashed up and over David's right shoulder. Powerful muscles twitching and quivering in her hind quarters as instinct took control.

Each of her contractions felt even stronger than the previous ones, gripping him behind the flaring penile head and rippling like waves down the shaft to the base. David moaned and his nostrils flared, taking in the scent of the mare before him.

Beneath her, the straw was already spattered with a mixture of David's own pre-ejaculate fluids and the natural secretions from Emma's glistening, slick folds. With amazing muscular control, this well experienced mare brought David to the very edge of his orgasm before she would nicker at him and relax the tightening grip, allowing her bipedal stallion chance to catch his breath again.

Each thrust of his hips made Emma's hide twitch and ripple, a sure sign she was enjoying this mating just as much as he was.

David snorted through his nostrils, hooflets sliding backwards down Emma's furred back as he gasped and reared back, before Emma whinnied and contracted, right as David's slick groin slapped firmly against Emma's rump.

"Urgh - " David grunted out, scent, sensation and sound working to overwhelm him.

He was almost oblivious, as the stall door behind him creaked faintly. Emma's ears pricked forwards as she lifted her head up, and David's eyes widened as he ploughed his full length with a wet squelch back into Emma's hot depths.

Penelope flicked an ear at Emma, then looked at David, then back at Emma.

"No...go...'way" David rasped, as he braced himself and waggled his right hand at Penelope.

Ignoring him, she moved alongside Emma, turning to stand side by side with her. David's nostrils flared even wider, as they smelt the conjoined scents of both full grown cob and the Shetland like one who stood touching each other. Penelope's labial folds winked and quivered in time with Emma's, the sight and smell making David moan in helpless desperation.

Emma glanced down and back at Penelope, who looked up and brushed her velvety nose against Emma's. Something unspoken passed between the two mares and Penelope tossed her head and snorted.

David felt the rising urge within him - he could not deny the mind blowing sensations and scents. His self control hanging by a thread, David splayed his fingers out over Emma's back as he whinnied like a feral stallion as he slammed himself back into Emma's depths for the last time.

Penelope nickered and having moved behind David, she lipped at his tail, then Emma squealed right as David began to fill her uterus and cervix with his hot, sticky semen. Spurt after spurt flew from David's testicles and along his engorged penile length - adding to the already quite wet and slippery cervical tunnel within Emma.

Penelope nickered, then her nose slipped under David's flagging tail. Her lips brushed around and against his puckering anus, before she blew through her nostrils and used her tongue to begin rimming him.

David's eyes went wider than ever, as he squealed and slapped his hips against Emma's rump, making her grunt and rock forwards, adding her own loud, piercing squeal as she herself reached orgasm.

Penelope nickered and kept her attentions on David's rump, until at last he slumped forwards and lay trembling on Emma's back. Penelope stepped back and walked over so she could touch noses against with Emma, who whiffled through her nostrils and lipped playfully at Penelope's forelock.

David was exhausted, but Emma's body was flooded with endorphins, her oestrous urges satiated - at least for the moment.


David, washed, brushed and dressed in his finest clothes, stood resolute before the lineup of the mare's and their yearling foals. Penelope stood beside David, the only Gypsy Cob not to conceive - but she had earned her place as an excellent addition to the herd, David made sure of that.

"On the count of three..." Called the Wolf behind the camera. "One, two..."

David smiled broadly, hat held before him, as all the mare's and their foals stood perfectly straight as the flash went off and their image would be immortalised in the stud book for future generations.


David knew one thing was for certain, he'd definitely been gifted the job of a lifetime - one he was never going to willingly give up anytime soon...

END (?)