Pokémon and Trainer, part 1

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Ann is a Pokémon trainer with a Lucario that she has only occasionally fooled around with. But that's one thing. A blowjob to help him relax? Sure, everyone does that. But as time goes by she becomes more and more aware that people around her do a lot more with theirs... and slowly, they start convincing her as well.

An at least three-part tale of gradual "descent" (really, it's not negative, just lewd!) into Pokémon lewds, and perhaps getting pregnant by one, commissioned by TheGrandPuppeteer

Ann stopped by the supermarket on her way back home, deciding to get a rare candy or two for her pet Lucario. He'd been such a good boy recently that he'd certainly earned a few treats. They were easy enough to find, and soon she was waiting at the checkout line. That was when she heard a rather deep, breathy moan from the store's public restrooms.

She froze. A quick glance around her showed that nobody else was as much as reacting to it. She couldn't believe it; someone was in obvious pain, and they were just going to ignore it? At least, it sounded like pain. Maybe it could've been someone, well, pleasuring themselves, but she had to make sure either way.

The young woman paid for the candies and quickly made her way to the restrooms. She ducked inside, and what she saw shocked her. Against the wall, over a sink, another woman about her age was rather unmistakaby being fucked by her Arcanine, his thick red shaft pistoning into her almost possessively. She let out another needy moan, just as her pet paused to glance at Ann.

Blushing fiercely, Ann forced herself to act like she didn't see anything at all, entering one of the bathroom stalls and sitting down, pretending she was just doing her business.

It wasn't like she hadn't heard of trainers doing such things with their pokémon; her mother had told her a few embarrassing stories when she'd been cuddling her Lucario, but she'd never actually seen it. Much less so shamelessly in a public space. Going by the sounds they made - her ecstatic whimpers and moans, his growls and grunts, and the wet slapping of his body against hers - they were certainly enjoying it, at least. That didn't make Ann any more comfortable with it. Pokémon weren't mindless beasts, certainly, but they still weren't human. They couldn't talk.

Sure, she'd played with her Lucario on occasion, too. The poor thing was a male, and like all males, he was overly needy in that way. It was usually just a quick rub, though, something that she viewed as little more than a massage to help him relax. Well, once she'd sucked him until he flooded her mouth with his warm and plentiful load. And sometimes he wanted to touch her too, to rub her pussy until she came all over his fingers. But that was normal, it was what you did if you wanted to be a successful trainer. You didn't decide to just let them mate with you, especially not...

...had they even been using a condom?

Ann knew that she shouldn't have looked to begin with, but a tingly sense of curiosity - all of it centred on her increasingly damp sex - quickly overcame her. Just a quick look, she told herself, carefully climbing onto the toilet seat and peeking over the door. She was on the floor now, on all fours, like a poke-bitch in heat, her pussy wide open around the Arcanine's canine shaft. His uncovered shaft. Didn't she know she might get pregnant with eggs?

Well, regardless of if she knew or not, there was no denying that she wanted it badly, half-incoherently begging the pokémon to fuck her harder, and he was rather eager to obey, snarling as he sped up his thrusts until they were very nearly a blur, pinning his trainer against the floor.

While not forbidden, this kind of act wasn't exactly an everyday occurrence. Maybe that was why Ann couldn't stop watching the erotic show unfold. Or maybe it was because she had to know if the stranger would actually let the Arcanine cum inside her. That it might've been because of how itchy, tingly, and damp she was getting from watching, wondering what it'd feel like if it was her underneath the horny Arcanine, wasn't something that she was ready to admit. Her hand did slip, though, underneath her skirt, before she could catch it, and she let out a gasp feeling just how soaked her panties were.

Would she moan like that if she allowed her own pokémon to mount her?

Before she could answer her own hypothetical question, the Arcanine gave a loud, possessive growl. It locked its jaws around the woman's shoulder, biting down gently but firmly, and Ann could only watch, nearly entranced, as its hindquarters twitched against the stranger's rump. His balls tensed up, drawing tight against his body, and then, his cock visibly twitched, several times in rapid succession. It didn't take a genius to figure it out, and Ann was pretty familiar with her Lucario's male anatomy already. He was cumming inside her, bare, with nothing to get between his undoubtedly strong swimmers and a heavy bellyful of pokémon eggs.

Ann bit her lip as she watched a trickle of thick, pearly white spill from their union. It looked almost beautiful, and her finger teased at her own entrance a little more firmly, almost pressing through the thin fabric of her panties and into herself, before she caught herself doing it. Quickly, before either of the mismatched lovers noticed, she ducked down, sitting on the toilet seat again. They probably didn't even remember she was here, and she intended to keep it that way. After a few more minutes, she heard a wet pop, which she could only imagine was the Arcanine's knot pulling free, and then some quick rustling as the woman got dressed while her pokémon panted with typical canine satisfaction. She stumbled against a stall door which nearly made Ann jump out of her skin, but eventually they both left the bathroom, leaving her sitting there alone.

She didn't sit there for long, opting to leave and head home as quickly as she could, though the sight of them mating lingered in her mind. It wasn't, of course, the first time she'd thought about how letting her Lucario fuck her would feel, but it was more vivid now, like she could almost picture how his cock would swell inside her just like the Arcanine's had. Breeding her like he would a female in the daycare. Her knees felt weak with arousal, and long before she got home, she already knew she'd have to at least play with her pokémon-pet to take the edge off... though whereas it'd felt affectionate before, it seemed a lot naughtier now.

Ann made sure to wipe herself off when she got back home. As excited as she was, she didn't really want to get her Lucario all worked up. Even if the idea was fairly interesting in the most carnal way, she didn't particularly want to get pregnant with eggs.

She returned to her room to find her Lucario sleeping peacefully, as he usually did when she was out and about. Equally as usually, he had a bit of a "sleep boner," as Ann thought of them. She found it charming. Even while sleeping, men - and male pokémon, clearly - didn't stop being horny. She'd felt that often enough when cuddling him at night, and while she was hardly naïve enough to not know what it meant, she'd never really thought about it as a desire, more of an subconscious reflex.

Ann set the candies on the bedside table and sat down on the bed next to her beloved pet. She took a long moment to really look at him in a new light after what she'd seen earlier. It wasn't as if her pet ever tried to hide his arousal, often even making sure that she saw it, as if teasing her.

Lucario's fully erect cock was bright red, tapered at the tip and with a soft swelling that'd grow into a knot near his tawny sheath. She felt that familiar tingle of arousal again, staring at the swollen member. It was rather pretty, really, and the way she could see it throb with every heartbeat made her want to wrap her fingers around it again. More than anything, though, she couldn't help but think about it sliding inside her. That's what it was for, wasn't it? And equally, it was just what any male wanted to use theirs for.

She wanted to feel it throb and watch her pet cum. Slowly, gingerly, Ann wrapped her fingers around Lucario's cock, focusing on just how warm - almost feverish - it felt against her palm. It'd feel just like that buried in her pussy, too.

Lucario's breath hitched as she began to slowly pump his cock with her hand; up and down, as she usually did when giving him one of these little massages, and as always, it didn't take long before clear precum was dribbling from the tip, running over her hand. She'd never actually done this with another human, too busy as she was with trying to become the new master trainer, but in some way, it was more exciting with a pokémon too, wasn't it?

The way they were just different enough from humans, despite many having similar anatomy. It was exotic, just a little naughty and hot enough to make her clench as she stroked him. Once again, she found herself growing wet too, as if her body was telling her to just do it. Some people just didn't approve of it, but was it really wrong when all the reactions were so natural?

Ann promised herself that she'd think about it later. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy the moment; every little throb and twitch of his shaft in her hand, the way his knot slowly swelled under her ministrations, even how his balls seemed to tighten in his sleep. He looked so hot like that, weakly humping into her grip. In his dreams, he was probably atop a female Lucario, getting ready to fill her with eggs.

...then again, maybe he dreamt of her instead. Maybe he fantasized about finally getting to breed his trainer. He was so adorable that Ann decided her pet deserved a little extra treat, and leaned in to give his cock a slow, affectionate lick, all the way from that bulging knot to the leaking tip.

That was enough to stir him out of his slumber. He gazed up at Ann, smiled, and then stretched to sprawl out on her bed, happy to let her continue pleasuring him. A soft, fuzzy hand reached to briefly caress the side of her head, accompanied by a lusty huff. Mm, he did always love it when she did this.

Ann pursed her lips and took his tip into her mouth, catching the next watery squirt of precum over her tongue. It didn't taste of much, but it still always drove her wild. Her hand dove under her skirt to rub at her stiff, aching clit as she engulfed more of his cock, tongue lashing eagerly over the underside. She _needed_to feel him cum, to have that sexy cock fill her mouth, or she'd never stop thinking about bending over for him.

It didn't take long before she could feel his knot swelling against her fingers, just like it would inside her soaked pussy. She squeezed it lovingly, massaging the forming bulb, and was immediately rewarded by another lusty growl from him. Ann's fingers plunged into her sopping wet pussy, pumping deeply into herself, but in her mind it her Lucario's cock finally claiming her, twitching and throbbing just like he was in her mouth.

She came before he did, moaning out around his engorged cock, clenching wildly around her own fingers, juices coating her hand and soaking her panties. Only a moment later, she suddenly felt the heat of Lucario's cum fill her mouth as his cock jerked against her tongue. The first warm rope hit the back of her throat, and she swallowed eagerly; in the throes of orgasm the taste of cum was amazing, like pure raw sex, and feeling it thickly ooze down her throat only made her climax harder. She kept bobbing her head, lips forming a tight seal around his cock, unwilling to waste a single drop of his sticky gift.

Slowly, his orgasm ebbed, a while after hers had already faded. The spurts slowed down to dribbles, but Ann's tongue still scooped up every glob of her Lucario's seed. She kept her mouth there until he was totally spent, her face flushed in the tingly, warm afterglow. She'd need another change of clothes, that much she was sure of given how hard she'd just cum.

The whole experience had been a lot hotter than usual. Normally, she didn't get nearly that turned on, rubbing or sucking him. Leaving her Lucario to enjoy his own afterglow, she dashed off to the bathroom for a quick shower and a change of clothes. There was still plenty of day to get through, after all, and walking around with soaked panties wasn't exactly acceptable. She was still horny, too, but at least it'd taken the edge off.

She headed downstairs, after that, only to find her mother smiling at her. Ann knew _exactly_what she was going to say before she as much as opened her mouth.

"So, when am I going to see you with a big clutch of pokémon eggs? That poor Lucario must be bursting at the seams at this point!" her mother teased, spotting her coming downstairs again with that familiar, wobbly, post-orgasmic gait.

"Mooom! No, we're not going to do that," she complained, blushing fiercely at her mother's words, even if she sometimes wished she could've inherited her shamelessly lusty nature. Then again, she could still taste her Lucario's cum on her tongue, so she was only slightly more modest.

"Aw, he totally wants to, though. You should let him, haven't I told you about how some teams use it for motivation? It's a great reward for the males. Getting to breed their trainer if they do well really motivates them, if you know what I mean," her mother smiled. "Besides, when I was your age, I had a ton of fun with my Lopunny. Mh, he was so energetic in bed..."

Ann wanted to sink through the floor and disappear. While having an open-minded mother was certainly not bad, having one that was also an open poképhile was a little more embarrassing.

"Too. Much. Information," Ann intoned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You really don't need to tell me everything, I'm not going to-"

"Oh, come now, dear. It's not like I don't hear you two moaning when you're going for it. You sound adorable," she replied. "You should just let him do it, it'll keep him satisfied for longer. Sure, you'll get pregnant, but once you're full of eggs you can just let him do it casually, so there's no need to worry about it anymore. And oh, you get so horny..."

"Okay. No. Enough!" Ann exclaimed, trying her hardest to not imagine her mother on her back, getting pounded by a Lopunny. "You REALLY don't need to tell me."

"Well, suit yourself. Just saying, you'd look really cute full of pokémon eggs," her mother sighed, though it was with a warm smile. "At least think about it."

"Fine. I'll_think_ about it," Ann replied.

She could hear them masturbating together. She'd certainly teased her about what she did with Lucario before, but she'd never mentioned that she heard them moaning. Nor had she asked about eggs. Thinking about that would only lead to more awkwardness, so Ann forced herself to not dwell on it, or if her mother actually did something while listening. She especially annihilated that thought from her mind.

Still, between her teasing and what she'd seen earlier today, the thought had taken root in her head. The vague, seductive notion that she might actually enjoy letting her Lucario mount her. After all, if so many trainers did it, it couldn't be that bad, could it?

Ah, it was silly. She shouldn't even have been thinking about it. She needed to focus, there was a whole lot of paperwork she had to fill out for the next gym she wanted to train her Lucario at, and so Ann sat down by her desk to work.

It was boring work; the documents were all in dense legalese, detailing who was responsible for what, what services she could expect and when. If her pokémon happened to faint, she'd have to take care of them, though the service was free as always, and so on. All stuff she already knew intimately, but each gym still needed her signature on a dozen different documents. What made it worse was that it was the Rock gym, and despite the documents' serious nature, the current leader had apparently thought it appropriate to sprinkle each page with puns. "Rock-solid understanding" this and "sedimental value" that. Somehow, that only made the rest of the text worse.

Her mind quickly began to wander even though she tried to keep focusing. She couldn't find that balanced state of mind that was needed, and her whole body still felt so wonderfully relaxed after what she'd done earlier. Pondering on that, thoughts of sex quickly slipped to the forefront of her frustrated mind again.

Well, I guess I inherited her sex drive, at least, Ann lamented. She'd read about pokémon going into heat, which left them insatiably horny, and that was just about how she felt too. Once again, she was thinking about her Lucario. His firm, toned body pressed warmly against her, kissing her in that sloppy canine way.

Though Ann tried to force herself to keep going, she found herself squirming in her chair. Was it going to be like this every day now that Pandora's box had been opened? She rubbed her temples in frustration. Maybe - just maybe - it'd be better to just do what she clearly wanted, or needed, so she could focus again. It'd be hard to continue her career if she couldn't even fill out a bunch of documents despite having done so dozens of times before. Her mind just kept wandering.

One thought in particular came to mind. Ann did have a friend who was also into training pokémon, someone who'd once been her classmate back in school; Jessica, who she had long suspected to get a little more intimate with her team. Maybe she'd ask her about it, if only for research purposes. In particular, she wanted to know how it felt, how it changed their dynamic as a pokémon and trainer, and... well, how being pregnant with eggs felt, if she had done it.

She could still remember that one day back in high school when Jessica had come out of the gym locker room with her Houndoom in tow. Initially Ann hadn't thought anything about her heavy breathing, or the satisfied grin the dog's face, but she'd figured it out in retrospect, once she'd experienced a few orgasms of her own with her then-boyfriend. That had been a while ago, and at some point after that, Ann did remember Jessica getting pregnant and congratulating her.

It was only now that the thought of it possibly having been eggs rather than a baby had come to mind, now that the idea was firmly implanted into her thoughts and fantasies. She had never actually asked.

Sure, she could probably ask her mother, but that'd be ten times as awkward. Instead, she called Jessica. After a little bit of small talk, she sprung the question on her unsuspecting friend.

"So... since we're pretty good friends, I had a thing I wanted to ask you," she began.

"Sure, whatever you need!" Jessica chirped. She always had that happy-go-lucky cheerful attitude, even when things didn't go her way.

"...have you ever, you know, err, played with your pokémon?" Ann asked, blushing and stuttering all of a sudden. God, she felt like an awkward teenager asking her parents about the birds and the bees.

"Hm? Ooh, you mean like, played with them? As in sex?" Jessica giggled on the other end of the phone. "I mean yeah, you kind of have to if you're going to keep any males and want them to do good."

"I just give mine handjobs," Ann mumbled, blushing as she spoke. It wasn't a well-kept secret that trainers did that kind of thing. Men and women both, but nobody ever talked about it, which made it a little more awkward_._ "I mean, do you let them, you know, fuck you?"

"Oh! Yeah. My Houndoom loves doing that, it really motivates him. And his cock feels a-m-a-z-i-n-g," Jessica exclaimed, spelling out the last word for emphasis. "You don't?"

"Well, no... I was thinking about it, I guess, but I don't know. What if you get pregnant? You wouldn't let them do it without a condom, right?" she asked, fishing for the sensible reply she was hoping to hear, only to have her hopes crushed the moment after.

"I mean yeah, it's a little annoying, but it feels great!" she replied. "Being full of eggs. Did you know pokémon eggs make humans really horny?"

Sometimes, Ann felt like she was the only person she knew who wasn't completely shameless about her lusts and desires. "You just let them cum inside you, just like that?"

"Yep! They love doing it, and we just put the eggs for adoption afterwards," Jessica answered, and Ann could practically hear her smile. "Wait, you mean you've not tried it?"

"I mean, I-" Ann stuttered, but Jessica cut her off immediately.

"Your poor Lucario," she intoned, with exaggerated sadness. "You really have to let him, they have like this urge to cum inside someone without anything, and it feels great. Or at least let him mate with you! You could just use a condom at first, but you have to try it, you're going to love it. Mmh..."

Gods, she sounded just like Ann's mother. Did all pokémon trainers end up doing it?

"Come on, girl. Just get a pack of the canine condoms today and spread those legs for him," Jessica giggled, when Ann didn't reply. "Sounds like you need it more than him, though he's definitely going to enjoy it too..."

The way Jessica was getting a little breathier and, for lack of a better term, worked up on the other end of the line made Ann strongly suspect that she might be rubbing herself just talking about it. Not that she could blame her too much; her friend did have a vivid imagination, and a way with words that was having an effect on Ann, too.

"W-well, how does it feel, being full of eggs?" Ann asked.

"Mm, well. It makes you really horny, with all those hormones going through you, and at least my Houndoom gets going seeing me like that... I bet your Lucario would too," Jessica mused. "Basically, he'd probably want to fuck you all the time, and they get really insistent about it too once you first let them..."

Maybe that was why the stranger that Ann had found herself spying on earlier had chosen such a bad spot for it. Something to keep in mind, at least. If she actually let him do it the first time, her Lucario would probably end up wanting it more and more often. Insistently trying to mount her even in public. The thought made her shiver. She'd be walking around with a warm load of pokémon-seed inside her all the time if she let it happen the first time.

Wait, why was she thinking of doing it bare? Ann shook her head, even though her body was certainly nodding in approval. They had pokémon condoms, just like Jessica had told her. It was still a line she'd cross, though... once Lucario knew that that she was a receptive mate rather than strictly a trainer he'd just keep pushing.

"But you can start with a condom, just so you get used to the feeling. I bet even that would make him really happy!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Um. I'll think about it, alright?" she managed to reply, before hanging up. It felt like the world was conspiring against her.

She was dripping wet again, because of course her traitorous pussy would do that. Well, at least nobody she knew seemed to mind the idea. Maybe it would be worth trying. Gods, Jessica had let her Houndoom breed her, and probably several times too! The mental image knowing that conjured in her head _really_got her going.

It made Ann wonder how many of the other pregnant women walking around with their pokémon had a naughty secret like that. She'd always assumed that they were merely carrying a normal, human baby, but now that she'd glanced past the figurative veil, she couldn't stop imagining that a lot of trainers happily mated with their pokémon.

At that point, though, she just had to try it. The next day, she stopped at the same store again, picking up a pack of canine condoms. The kind that were extra spacious around the knot and secured behind it. Even looking at them on the shelf was a little awkward, but Ann decided she'd play it cool. If anyone asked, she was simply taking her pets to the daycare and didn't need any eggs at the moment. That couldn't be unheard of, right?

Nobody would know they were for her own use as long as she just acted like it was business as usual. In the end, the world didn't look down on poképhilia - it just wasn't talked about - though as she waited in line, she did feel more than a little self-conscious, thinking up a few excuses in case the cashier asked her about it.

The cashier didn't give her as much as a second glance, of course. She scanned the condoms, and that was that. People probably buy these every day, Ann reasoned. Maybe poképhilia was a lot more common than she thought, or some trainers _really_didn't want their pokémon getting pregnant. Either way, she had them now, which meant it was finally time to put them to use.

Her Lucario seemed to have read her mind. He was awake this time when she arrived, and greeted her with a cocky, knowing grin and an affectionate hug.

A hug that made sure she could feel his firmness pressing against her. It wasn't the first time he'd done that, but he was a little more insistent this time, _grinding_against her, his hands roaming over her body hungrily. He was close to finally getting to mate with his trainer, and he wasn't about to let her have any second thoughts. Ann gasped as his hands slid under her shirt, cupping her perky breasts and squeezing them firmly, fingers tracing over her nipples and sending little electrifying shocks of pleasure through her whole form. The problem with having an aura-reading lover like Lucario was, perhaps, that he knew exactly what her weak spots were.

Together, they stumbled into her room, where Lucario suddenly let go of her and sat down on the edge of the bed, proudly displaying his swollen, tapered cock. It bobbed eagerly, almost angrily in the air, rock hard and quite clearly ready and willing to plunge into her, finally crossing that line.

Sometimes, Ann wished that pokémon could speak. Hers would've probably teased her. Told her something about how happy he was that she'd finally realized her desires. Told her to climb onto his lap and sink down on his cock. In a way, he was saying all of that, only with body language rather than words. Ann couldn't take her eyes off him. That feeling of need had returned, only stronger than ever before. She admired his cock, and the plump, hefty balls beneath it. So full of seed that'd only be kept from her womb by a thin latex barrier. Or nothing at all, maybe you should take him bare, the naughtier side of Ann's mind goaded her. Just let him seed you. Become his fucking eggslut, just like Jessica.

She wasn't that far gone, yet. But before she knew it, Ann was in her Lucario's lap, feeling his hard cock press against her slickening groin again, right into the groove where the thin fabric hugged her lips. With trembling hands, she reached for the condoms, quickly unwrapping one and clumsily rolling it over his length. It was incredible how warm he felt, and how stiff he was. For her. Ann's head swam with the almost intoxicating eroticism of it all, and her pussy clenched with anticipation over finally being filled. She pulled her panties aside. There was no time to get fully undressed, though her Lucario was already unbuttoning her shirt, and she didn't hesitate to let him, even as her shapely breasts bounced free, her nipples stiff with excitement as if begging to be touched.

And touch them, he did. Her Lucario's rough fingers traced over her bumpy areolas, flicking over the stiff nubs - Ann couldn't help but imagine how they'd be milky, too, if she got filled with eggs in the future - and made her moan out loud before she could clamp a hand over her mouth. The last thing she needed was her mother commenting on this. Still, her free hand grasped that canine cock firmly and guided it towards her sopping wet entrance. She felt it, almost scalding hot, against her folds, and that was the last coherent thought she had before succumbing to that vaguely taboo sexual rapture.

She sank down, gasping. Lucario's cock slid deep into her effortlessly, filling her needy body in one smooth motion. It felt amazing, letting herself clench around it just as eagerly, relishing in the sensation of being stretched and filled. It was as if her pussy was made for him with how snugly he fit inside her. She could feel every contour of his breeding rod, every pulse_and _throb, even through the thin latex. He was bigger than any of her ex-boyfriends had been, too, and harder somehow.

Ann hadn't really known how much she needed to feel this, but it was obvious enough now, with the sensations cascading through her, but what she did know was that she hadn't just crossed a line in the sense of her Lucario now having permission to fuck her. She'd also crossed a line in that she knew she would want this a lot more often, now. Maybe it was the kinky naughtiness of doing it, or maybe it was just how his tapered cockhead jabbed at all her sensitive spots with each twitch of his hips, but she was clamping down around him like a vice already.

Lucario was all too happy to let her remain in control, at least this first time. Beyond those instinctive and unavoidable twitches, he wasn't thrusting, content to let Ann do all the work, to let her enjoy him at her own pace the first time. At least until she said otherwise. For a few more minutes, she simply enjoyed the feeling of fullness, the glowing pleasure of his length lodged deep inside of her drenched pussy, until she felt relaxed enough to keep going.

Well, that, and succumbing to those loud, primal urges telling her to move her hips, to breed herself on her Lucario's cock. She obeyed her body, beginning to slowly move - just barely raising her hips, but swaying them side to side in sensual motions - and trying to not moan out loud again. Then again, the worry about being heard or discovered was rapidly taking a back seat in her mind, far behind the more urgent needs of her sopping wet sex.

That modest slowness only lasted for a few moments. She needed more, and soon Ann was bouncing_on his cock, moaning and squealing with pleasure as she impaled herself on that stiff, latex-covered cock over and over, forcing it deep into herself. Each motion brought her closer to a shuddering, glorious climax, to the sweet, climactic surrender to what it seemed everyone else around her did. She wasn't going to get knocked up, not with the latex barrier between the two, but it was still all that Ann's mind could focus on. She imagined him inside her bare, his tip nudged just against her cervix, maybe even pushing through it so that the first thick spurt of cum would erupt directly into her innermost places, straight into her _womb.

Why the thought excited her so much, she didn't know, but it was a potent fantasy, one emphasized perfectly by every rise and fall of her body. Lucario grasped her hips, fingers digging into her soft body, and she could feel the breeding-bulb at his base beginning to swell. Each time she sunk down, pulling back off was a little harder, require her to use every ounce of strength she had left. No wonder so many people apparently ended up full of eggs. They'd be riding their pets, just like she was, maybe forgetting to put a condom on them or thinking they'd dismount at the last second, only to discover that they couldn't, and taking a warm, potent load of pokémon cum directly into themselves.

By now, the smell of sex lingered in the air, mingling with the slippery wet slaps of their hips meeting again and again. More than riding, she was grinding and wriggling now, unable to keep much of a rhythm going as their rutting felt better and better. Her Lucario took over, thrusting upwards and into her, even deeper than before. Effortlessly, the strong pokémon bounced her on his lap effortlessly, and she whimpered with slutty, sexual bliss in turn, spurring him on.

Just a little longer, she thought, only to suddenly gasp as something big popped into her. His knot, far too swollen to have any chance of pulling out now. Though protected, in her feverish, lusty fantasies they were tied bare. She could feel him swelling inside her, and then, throbbing. It sent her into spasming, orgasmic bliss. Her hips shook and quivered, and her inner walls clenched eagerly around her Lucario's cock, milking him. She knew he was cumming from how he groaned, filling the condom with copious amounts of his seed. Cum that would've filled you with eggs. The sensation blasted through her, leaving Ann crying out at the top of her lungs as she milked him in the throes of orgasm, squeezing out every last moment of their mutual climax.

It was heavenly. Far better than anything she and her ex-boyfriend had done. Molten-hot pleasure surged through her with each contraction of her pussy around him. She soaked him with her juices, their groins a matted, sticky mess despite all of his seed being stuck in the condom.

Ann slumped down on top of him, the both of them breathing heavily, exhausted and yet so utterly satisfied. She could feel his heated seed inside her, safely trapped by the condom as it was, and couldn't help but wonder how much more intense the feeling would be without it. One thing Ann knew for certain, though, was that she was hooked, even if she wasn't sure if it was the naughtiness of it or if her Lucario's cock actually felt that good. Her whole body felt limp, tingly, shivering still from just how hard she's cum.

He was even more affectionate than usual, showering his trainer with little licks and kisses, possessive and lusty squeezes all over her body. Something in their dynamic had changed, of course, but Ann realized that she didn't mind. If they could feel this good together, certainly she'd be doing this again. No wonder that stranger with her Arcanine had been moaning so loudly, or so _shamelessly._Gods, Ann's cheeks burned as she realized her mother must've heard her. Probably her neighbours, too.

And next time, maybe you'll do it without the condom, her inner voice reminded her. The riskiness of that internal proposition was thrilling. The thought of showing up at the next match with a big, swollen belly even more so. How many would figure out that it had been her Lucario who bred her, rather than a boyfriend? It was a dangerous, slippery slope of perversion and desire that'd drive her to take more and more risks, but equally wanting to experience more of the glorious pleasure of getting fucked with the kind of energy that no human could muster.

It was late, though. She'd probably fall asleep like this, with her pet's knot inside her, she realized. The cum-filled condom resting inside her dangerously. Maybe if he ended up fucking her again as they slept, it'd burst. Maybe she'd cum hard enough to make it happen. It was a risk she wanted to take, already quivering - despite just having orgasmed - at the thought of waking up with his sperm warmly oozing out of her.

At the very least, their bond was stronger than ever as they fell asleep, cuddling each other warmly as not only pokémon and trainer, but as lovers. Those documents could wait until tomorrow. Or maybe the day after tomorrow. She had the distinct feeling that she'd spend most of the next day on her back, or maybe on all fours.