The Loyal Knight

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Gift for Lynxonz

Written by TwistedSnakes

Illustrated by Nurinaki

E-reader link (Mobile-friendly, themes, EPUB and PDF format)

The snake in robes was tending to the herbs in his garden when Ersor found him. His back was turned, leaving him vulnerable to a surprise attack. Ersor stealthily raised his sword and took a silent step towards the snake.

"You wouldn't kill an unarmed man, would you?" the snake said without turning around.

The sergal frowned and gripped his sword harder. His armour clinked as he took a step forward.

"You're an enemy of the King, and as such, you must die."

Two weeks ago

"Knight Ersor, Commander of the Fifth Battalion."

"Yes, your majesty?"

The sergal was kneeling on the floor of the vast throne room with his helmet in his hand. White marble pillars stood around him, covered with golden ornamental patterns. A brightly lit chandelier hung from the tall ceiling, covering everything with shimmering lights as they reflected off the gilded walls. His reflection looked back at him from the polished quartz floor.

"I have many enemies."

A sigh.

"Our alliances with neighbouring kingdoms teeter on a delicate balance. One wrong move, one moment of weakness, and they'll be on our doorsteps with their armies in full gear."

The King paused.

"But that's not what keeps me up every night. Can you imagine, something worse than our once-allies laying siege on us? Cutting off our food supplies. Catapulting brimstone upon our people?"

Ersor thought for a bit. "No, your majesty."

"Our kingdom's most insidious of threats lies within its borders. Scheming, conniving people who undermine my kingly authority. They poison the minds of our citizens and erode the sovereignty of our nation. If not kept in check, this kingdom will crumble before our very eyes."

There was another pause. The air was thick with tension, crackling with undertones of the King's silent fury.

"Knight Ersor. Are you willing to stand up against the blight of our kingdom?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Are you willing to purge the scourge?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Will you do what it takes to annihilate every last fiend on our land?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"In that case, I have a mission for you. Arise, Knight Ersor."

Ersor got to his feet, his shining pauldrons and leather breastplate sliding against each other with a satisfying scrape. He looked upwards at the throne. It was on a raised platform, with 8 steps leading up to it. A dragon with golden scales stood in front of the throne, dressed in white flowing robes and a silver crown on his head.

"There's a malevolent force out in the countryside. An evil sorcerer who wants nothing more than to watch the destruction of my kingdom."

It wasn't a question, so Ersor stayed silent.

"You may speak your mind."

"What makes him so dangerous?"

"I have sent many knights before you to exterminate him. None of them have ever returned.

"He meddles in dark forces beyond this plane of existence, harnessing corrupted magic that no man should ever have access to. A wave of his hand, and a building goes up in flames. A snap of his fingers, and he can enslave a whole village without chains. Even now, I'm sure he's amassing a huge army, ready to storm this very castle any day now."

Ersor frowned. "How... how can I stop this, then? I am but one mere soldier."

"Observe him. Understand his weakness. Then, when he is at his most vulnerable, I want you to cut him down where he stands."


"You are the most loyal knight I have, so from deep within my heart, I know that I can entrust you with this task."

"Where can I find him?"

"Look for a black snake living in the eastern plains. There stands a fortress where he conducts his diabolical experiments."

Ersor made a mental note.

"His name is Sephos."

The journey took more than a week, but he finally made it. The "fortress" the king spoke of was no more than a quaint cottage in the countryside, surrounded by a field of wheat, glistening gold beneath the setting sun. Cows and goats were in separate pens, and chickens roamed the area.

Was this the right place? Yet, it must be. This was the only building for miles; a place of quiet serenity in the vast wilderness.

Just then, the wooden door of the house opened and a snake stepped out. The knight crouched behind a rock, watching from afar. The serpent had black scales, just as the king described. He gazed wistfully into the sunset and took a deep breath. His dark violet robes were tailored to fit his sculpted form. Purple bolts of cloth hung from his sleeves, billowing in the gentle breeze of the countryside. Two more purple strips hung from his belt: one down the front between his legs, and the other over his tail.

The sergal stayed put, watching as the snake strolled to the wooden shed and picked up his tools at a leisurely pace. With his back towards the knight, he then knelt down at a plot of herbs and began tending to it.

This was his opportunity. Ersor got up from behind the rocks, unsheathed his sword, and crept towards the cottage. The gate swung open in the wind, so the sergal took stealthy steps down the gravel path until he was close to the snake. All it would take was a swift charge and the serpent's chest would be impaled on the sharp edge of his sword. Ersor readied himself.

"You wouldn't kill an unarmed man, would you?"

The statement caught the knight off guard. He had been as silent as he possibly could. Still, the snake's back was turned towards him, and the sergal's sword was a split-second away from ending his life. If the snake tried anything funny, he would smite the serpent where he stood.

"You're an enemy of the King, and as such, you must die."

The serpent put down his trowel and dusted off his hands. With one hand on his knee to support himself, he got up and turned to Ersor.

"For what acts am I being held accountable for?"

"Your acts of high treason."

"High treason?" The snake tilted his head with a raised brow. "Pray, tell me what have I done to warrant such a grievous accusation?"

"Do you take me for a fool? Don't feign ignorance. I know you're building an army to overthrow the King. If you come clean, I may be convinced to make your death quick and painless."

"An army?" The snake scoffed. "I have done no such thing."

"Prove your innocence, then."

"Look around you. Do you see a barracks for which to house an army? Do you see a battalion of siege weapons ready for war?"

"You may have it stationed somewhere else, away from here. This cottage could just be an innocent front. A cover story."

Sephos sighed and reached for his side. Ersor's sparring instincts screamed, and he readied his sword in case the serpent was pulling out a weapon. Instead, the snake turned away and walked to a plot filled with flowers in full bloom. They came in all colours, red, blue, orange, purple, and more.

"You come to me with unfounded accusations. Then you draw your sword against me before I've had a chance to speak. Now you expect me to beg for my life unless I can procure proof of something's nonexistence."

He picked up a pair of secateurs and began trimming the fading blooms.

"What are you doing?" Ersor asked.

"It's obvious I have no say in this; you're dead set on killing me. I'm going to take care of my garden one last time. Let my last moments be amongst my flowers."

Ersor searched for a retort, but found none. Sephos' words were true: this cottage was a far cry from the threat that the King had warned him about. The only thing that could possibly be construed as evidence was that the snake's clothes resembled a sorcerer's robes, and even that was a stretch. Ersor felt conflicted. His role as a knight was to keep the peace in the kingdom and do good. In most cases, the King's orders were to do as such, and he obeyed them gladly. This time, though, the King might have made a wrong judgement and indicted an innocent man. If so, it was his duty to make a case for the snake.

But if he was wrong, he'd be going back with a failed mission. The King didn't take lightly to knights who failed their duties, especially intentionally. If Sephos was evil, then Ersor would be found guilty of high treason for siding with the snake. His head would roll faster than he could say "traitor".

The knight felt absurd. His sword was still pointed at the snake while the snake tended to his flowers.


Snip, snip.

Ersor had a decision to make. He took a deep breath. Then he lowered his sword.

"I will watch you for a week."

"Hmm?" Sephos raised a brow, but continued with the flower trimming.

"If I judge your character to be pure, I will let you go. But if you are as traitorous as the King says, then you will not live to see another day. Do you agree to my terms?"

The serpent stood up and turned to the knight. His gaze fell on the edge of Ersor's sword before looking back at the sergal with a disinterested frown.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

Ersor waited. Sephos sighed.

"Fine. Come in."

The snake put his tools down, opened the cottage door, and stepped in.

"Huh?" Ersor was planning to set up camp nearby to observe the snake, yet the snake was inviting him in.

"It's almost dinnertime. You must be hungry."

Ersor followed him in. The stone cabin was warmly lit by the setting sun, illuminating the furniture. A few wooden stools were arranged around the warm fireplace. On the other side of the room was a kitchen with a metal stove. Firewood burned inside it, heating up a pot of stew in a metal pot. A long dining table stood nearby, with a bench on either side of it. Sephos was slicing up carrots on a wooden chopping board.

"What are you trying to do, poison my meal?"

"No," came the flat reply. "But if you're worried, you can help me prepare dinner."

Sephos unhooked a leg of beef that was hanging to dry and put it on the board. He grabbed a knife, put it on a second chopping board, and slid it to the empty counter.

"You can help chop the meat."

"You expect me to cook for you? I'm a royal knight!"

"Your servants are not here to attend to your every need, and I'm certainly not one of them."

Sephos picked up the chopping board and rolled the carrots into the stew. He picked up a few stalks of lettuce and began chopping them up with swift and clean motions. Ersor grumbled beneath his breath.

The snake chuckled, and Ersor caught sight of his smile for the first time. It was warm and genuine, a stark contrast to his cold demeanour from earlier.

"Come on, dinner will be ready faster if you help."

Ersor examined his meal. Two potatoes and a poorly cut slab of meat sat on a carved wooden plate. A bowl of steaming-hot vegetable stew accompanied the meal, wafting a rich and savoury aroma. The sergal shoved the ingredients around the plate with his fork.

"I'm Sephos."

"I knew that," the knight snapped.

The snake raised an inquisitive brow. "And you are?"

"Knight Ersor, Commander of the Fifth Battalion."

"Ersor, then."

The sergal scowled at the serpent's audacity to strip the title from his name. Then again, it would be unreasonable to expect him to address him by his full title. He continued to stir the food around his plate in a clumsy choreography.

"Not eating?"

The knight remained silent.

"You watched me prepare dinner, yet you still suspect I poisoned your meal?"

Silence, still.

Sephos reached over the dining table and cut a chunk out of Ersor's potato with his fork. He speared the piece and put it into his mouth. The sergal watched as the serpent chewed and swallowed. Then he looked down at his plate and gingerly ate a piece of potato. It tasted smooth and buttery, almost like it was melting in his mouth. It was more delicious than any of the dishes the royal cooks prepared.


"You like it?"

Ersor nodded.

"Hehh, glad to know my cooking skills haven't deteriorated over the years. Thank you."

The knight hastily picked up the bowl and drank from it, hoping to hide his blush. The snake's smooth and deep voice was messing up his mind, and he wanted to hear his word of thanks again.

No. He had to focus. He was here on a mission, and he won't stray from his goal: observe Sephos and strike him down if he was evil.

"Don't think that I'll let you off easy just because you're being obsequious."

Sephos looked offended, and Ersor immediately regretted his words.

They finished the rest of the meal in silence. The sergal tried to make eye contact with Sephos, but the snake merely stared at his meal as he finished the last of it. Once his plate and bowl were empty, he stood up.

"I'm heading to bed," he said coldly. "The guest bedroom is behind that door. I have prepared a change of clothes for you on the bed. Good night."

Sephos retreated to another room and closed the door. Ersor sighed and stared at his food. The scrumptious meal suddenly tasted cold and stale, so he pushed the plate away. He got up from the table and headed for the bedroom.

The sun had already set, but candles on bronze stands were placed on the bedside table and mounted on the walls, lighting up the room with their warm glow. Ersor picked up the neatly-folded tunic that was sitting on the bed. It was made of soft cotton, and the sash was made from finely-woven hemp rope. On the bedside table was a jug of water, a bowl, and a towel.

Ersor set his sword beside the bed. He took off his armour and hung them on wooden hooks on the wall. He took off his shoes and muddied clothes, tossing them in the corner. He poured water over the towel and washed up before changing into the fresh set of clothes. It was comfortable, unlike the scratchy linen that peasants normally wore.

A cool breeze entered through the window and caressed his fur. After days of trudging through rocky mountains, dirt trails, and muddy swamps, he was finally indoors and cleaned up. He laid on the silky bedsheets and sank into the soft pillow. Within moments, he was asleep.


There was no sign of the snake in the main room of the cottage, so Ersor opened the door and stepped outside.


He circled the garden, but the snake wasn't there either. It was almost midday, and he found it hard to believe that the snake would be sleeping in. He returned to the cottage and knocked on Sephos' door. There was no reply. He knocked harder. Still nothing, not even the sound of stirring. In fact, it was too quiet.


Ersor pushed gently against the door. It wasn't locked. He opened it slightly and peered in, expecting to see a bedroom. Instead, he was greeted by a dark stone wall. The sergal opened the door fully, revealing a wide corridor with a ceiling twice his height. Pillars protruded out of the walls at regular intervals, reaching across the ceiling to form archways. At the far end of the corridor was an ominous doorway with glowing runic symbols on it.

"Magic. I knew it," Ersor muttered quietly.

In fact, the only way a corridor of this size could fit in the cottage was if enchantments were involved.

Wait, he needed his sword!

He hastily closed the door and returned to his room, heaving a sigh of relief when he saw his sword still leaning on the wall beside the bed. He grabbed it and returned to the corridor. As he entered, the coldness of the floor crept into his feet. He raised his sword and twitched his ears in high alert.


Ersor jumped and turned around. The door had slammed behind him. There were no threats so far, but he was afraid the sound would have alerted Sephos. He stood still and waited, but nobody entered from either entrance. He was alone in the corridor.

Taking stealthy steps, he crept forward towards the runic door. There were no windows, so the only sources of light were crude flame torches mounted on the pillars with rusty wall braces. They cast harsh shadows on the walls.

Steeling his shaky nerves, he continued down the corridor. Each time he thought he saw something move out of the corner of his eye, he'd turn to it, only to find that it was just another shifting shadow caused the dancing flames. Every little sound seemed to blend in with the echoes of his footsteps, making him pause and listen before advancing again.

The journey felt like it was taking hours. He looked towards the door and his heart dropped. It wasn't any closer than it was before. In fact, it felt like it had moved further from him. The torches seemed to be darker too, as if retreating towards their source, afraid of the potent darkness. He turned around. The corridor stretched on for miles and the door at the end was merely a speck in the void.

Ersor froze. His instincts were screaming at him.





The sergal desperately wanted to run, but he was loyal to the King. He was here on a mission. He needed to find Sephos. And given what he had seen so far, he knew the snake was a sorcerer. With magic like this, he could easily have an army hidden away. He needed to kill Sephos.




He turned back to the runic door. In the dark, the runes felt like they were glowing and pulsing with malevolent energy. He could hear a multitude of sharp voices, whispering unintelligible words in his ear and piercing into his brain. A chilling grip crept up his legs, his chest, his neck. Ersor wanted to scream, but he couldn't find his voice.


His survival instincts kicked in. He needed to run. Ersor turned around, only to meet a serpentine face mere inches away from his.

"Looking for me?" hissed Sephos.

Ersor screamed and fell to the ground. His sword clattered away. Sephos pounced on him before he could react. The snake grabbed his wrists, pinning them on either side of him. Up close, the snake felt much bigger. His hood was flared up and his razor-sharp fangs accentuated his vicious expression.

"Get away!" the sergal yelled.

"I showed you nothing but kindness, and yet you've come to kill me a second time."

"I'm here to slay you, fiend! The King is right, you're nothing but pure evil. You may have fooled me once, but I'm not falling for it again. Now let me go!"

"Let you go? What, so you can try to kill--ugh!"

Ersor gave the snake a powerful kick in the chest, pushing the serpent off him and buying enough time for him to scramble towards his sword. He grabbed the handle and pointed it at Sephos' chest. Then he charged. The tip of his sword struck the serpent squarely in his chest, piercing him through.

"Now, die."

Sephos looked at the sword in his chest, then back at Ersor. Then he laughed.

"Fool. Your mortal weapons are no match for me."

With a wave of his hand, the sword dissolved into silver dust, leaving no sign of injuries on his chest.

"What the--"

Sephos charged at Ersor, pushing him back against the wall. The impact knocked the wind out of the sergal's lungs.


The snake shoved his forearm against the sergal's chest and arms, and used his long tail to press against his legs, keeping the sergal pinned against the stony wall.

"You're feisty. You'll be so fun to break."

"Hands off, you beast. I'm not your plaything!"

Sephos pressed harder against Ersor.

"Ghnrr!" The sergal winced as the snake compressed his chest.

"Not my plaything, eh? We'll see about that."

The snake put his free hand on the sergal's abs and began stroking.

"Hands off!"

"Stop me." Sephos smirked.

He groped and squeezed, feeling the supple hills and valleys of the knight's torso.


The snake had gradually slid his hand down to the sergal's crotch and cupped it with a firm clench. Ersor gasped. A burst of pleasure flooded his mind for just a second, before fading away into emotional aftertastes of feeling violated.

"No! Don't you dare."

"Why not? What will you do to me if I don't stop?"

"I'll... I'll--"

"What will you do if I keep doing this?"

Sephos squeezed. Ersor gasped. But before the sergal had a chance to recover from the touch of ecstasy, the snake groped him again, injecting him with another burst of bliss. And again. And again. His gasps and grunts turned into huffs and moans. Against his will, his manhood emerged from his cock slit, pressing against Sephos's palm. The snake noticed.

"Someone's enjoying himself," the snake purred.


The sergal could barely speak as his mind was assaulted by the carnal pleasure that Sephos was inflicting on him. His vision was swimming with intoxicating colours, swirling around his view of the snake's face. Ersor's member was at full length, pressed against his torso by Sephos' hand. The snake was rubbing all over his crotch, stroking the underside of his cock.

"You want to know what's behind the door, don't you? Then you should be my slave."


Sephos squeezed his hardness. Ersor moaned.

"Good slaves follow Master around."

"I'm not--"

Another grope, and his own moans interrupted him. Sephos was leaning in with an eager expression. Ersor tried to push him away, but his strength was no match for Sephos' grip that kept him pinned to the wall. His instincts were screaming once more, except now they were drowned out by surges of euphoria.






Sephos' face was right in front of him. Just an inch more and their muzzles would touch. The snake's sapphire-blue eyes were glowing, piercing through the swirling colours in his perception. The eyes grew larger and larger until they swallowed up his entire vision.

Ersor screamed.

Ersor screamed.

Then he stopped as he realised he was still in the cool comfort of his bed. He hastily sat up and looked around. The first rays of sunlight were filtering through the thin curtains, lighting up the room. His sword was still beside his bed. Nothing was out of place.

He rubbed his head. Why was he screaming? He must've had a nightmare. He could remember fragments of it. A dark corridor. Vile magic. Evil Sephos.


Right, he still needed to observe Sephos for signs of treason. He got off the bed, strapped his sword and scabbard around his waist, and opened the door. Sephos was at the dining table, where a loaf of fresh bread sat on a wooden slab. Two jars of jam, one red and one orange, sat beside it with their caps open.

"Had a nightmare?" Sephos asked.

"Huh?" Ersor paused. How did the snake know?

"You were screaming."

"Right." the knight blushed and scratched the back of his head. "Just a nightmare."

"It happens." Sephos grinned.

Ersor smiled back.

"Come, have a seat. Rye bread, apricot jam, raspberry jam. Help yourself."

The sergal sat at the dining table and was greeted with the smell of the freshly baked bread: a firm, earthly scent, mixed in with the sweet, fruity hints of the two jams. He hastily picked up the bread knife, cut himself a slice, then spread each jam on either half of the slice. It tasted heavenly. The jams were not too sweet, so he could taste the natural flavours of the apricot and raspberries.

"It's good," he mumbled through a mouthful of bread.


As he continued eating, he recalled the events of the day before. His heart sank and he swallowed.

"Also, uh, sorry about yesterday."


"I said you were being obsequious. That you were trying to get off easy."

"Ah." Sephos' face darkened with a sad expression. "I mean, it's understandable why you'd think that way."

"But from what I've seen so far, you're a nice person. You've given me a place to stay when you could've easily left me to keep watch outside. You've fed me when you could've left me to eat wild plants. And there's a bed, clean clothes, and a fresh breakfast."

The snake was blushing.

"Well, I'm glad you think so. I want you to enjoy your stay here."

"You don't have to."

"I am a gracious host to my guests, so don't you worry about it."

Sephos got up and brought his plate to the sink and began washing. As Ersor ate, he looked around the room. His eyes fell on the other door. It was half-open, revealing a small bedroom. The bedsheets were neatly folded and a fresh towel was already by the bedside. There were no signs of a dark corridor or evil magic.

"Anyway, are you done with breakfast?"

Ersor looked down. He had finished the loaf bread and his hands were empty, save for crumbs and flecks of jam.

"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go feed the animals."

Sephos poured a bucket of grain-mix and hay into the trough. Ersor stood outside the pen, watching as the goats swarmed the trough, ravenously devouring their meal. He was getting used to the stench of the animals, although his nose was still scrunched up in disgust.

"And we're done." Sephos exited through the gate and closed it behind him.

"So what's next?"

"You're going to be shovelling their manure out of the pen."

Sephos laughed as he saw the sergal's shocked reaction.

"I jest, I jest."

Ersor quietly heaved a sigh of relief.

"I already cleaned the pens out before sunrise, so we're done here."

The snake slipped off his muddy boots. A barrel had been left out nearby to collect rainwater, so Sephos used a wooden scoop to splash water on the boots, giving them a good clean. He then left them in the sun to dry.

"The chickens are next. I need to mix their feed and collect their eggs."

"Aren't you tired? You've been running around all morning tending to the animals."

Sephos emptied a sack of seed into a steel bucket, followed by another sack of grain.

"All in a day's work. It can be therapeutic too, going through the motions, cultivating a farm with your own two hands."

Ersor furrowed his brow. His idea of a good day's work was getting up to hone his sword-fighting skills with a few hours of sparring in the morning. After that, strength and stamina training took up the afternoon until it was time for dinner. Of course, that was only if he didn't have his knightly duties to attend to. Otherwise, he'd be patrolling the streets or venturing outside the village for missions.

The snake mixed the bucket with a long stick before pouring it into the chicken pen. The chickens gathered and pecked eagerly.

"It's not exactly... glamourous, is it?"

"You'll get used to it. It's honest work." Sephos was smiling as he spoke. "Think about breakfast today. Imagine growing the wheat, harvesting them, grinding the grains, kneading the dough, baking the bread, all with your own hands. I don't know if it tasted good to you, but putting all the work into it made it the most delectable bread in the world."

"It was the most delicious bread I have ever eaten."

"Oh, you flatter me." Sephos looked away bashfully. "But yeah, I'm happy here."

"But don't you want to do anything else in your life?"

"Like what?"


Ersor could think of a million things he wanted to do. He wanted to rise through the ranks of knighthood until he was the King's Esteemed Knight. He wanted to be rich beyond his wildest dreams. He wanted to travel the world and take in its sights and sounds. He wanted to find a partner and settle down.

"I'm happy here," Sephos repeated.

"Nothing else that you want?"

"Not even overthrowing the King and ascending the throne?" he almost added.


"Just... living here for the rest of your life?"

"I want nothing more."

With his sword drawn, Ersor made his way down the space between two racks made of stone. The racks towered over him, reaching for a ceiling hidden by shadows. Some of their shelves were filled with dusty tomes written in runic scripts, while others held colourful bottles of glowing potions and jars of specimens floating in viscous liquids. Beside him, a strange creature with two heads and a shrivelled body stared at him through its jar with lifeless eyes. If not for his sword and armour, he would have felt utterly defenseless.

He reached the end of the shelves, only to be greeted with more shelves. It was a labyrinth, and he needed to find the centre. Peering through the gaps between the racks, he could make out a clearing. He quickened his pace, passing a rack of potion bottles containing dancing clouds of blackness, followed by yet another rack of books that hissed at him as he passed by.

He came to the clearing in the middle of the room. Weathered wooden tables were strewn around haphazardly, each one completely covered in strange alchemical devices made of metal plates bolted together and glass vials hooked up to tubes. Strange liquids boiled in some of them, releasing fumes of blue, gold, and green into the air. More unintelligible tomes were stacked on the tables and on the floor. A metal cylinder hissed, making Ersor jump.

The knight looked around, but there was no sign of anyone. Everywhere he turned, he only saw more shelves. Towering over them was a gigantic stone door reinforced with a metal frame. A crimson ritual circle floated in front of it, with concentric circles of runic symbols rotating in opposite directions. More purple symbols floated around the circle, pulsing with a malevolent life-force.

"This must be the room behind the door at the end of the corridor," Ersor thought.

This place gave him the creeps. The air was cold, but it felt far from stale. A thick aura of magic was fogging up the room, pressing against him with its stifling energy. The knight gripped his sword tighter.

"Look who decided to show up."

Ersor turned around, swinging his sword without hesitation. His blade sliced cleanly through Sephos' shoulders down to his opposite waist, but the snake's expression didn't change. His sinister smirk remained on his face as his form dissolved into a gush of purple smoke.

"Wrong one?" the serpent's voice purred in his ear as cold hands wrapped around his waist.

The sergal broke free of the snake's grasp, turned, and slashed. Sephos' head rolled to the ground, still staring at him with a grin plastered across his face until it disintegrated, too.

"Hiding behind your tricks? Show yourself, fiend!"

He spotted a movement out of the corner of his eye and he turned around. Sephos was at the edge of the workshop, next to the stone racks. Something else moved. Ersor turned his head and saw Sephos--or a copy of him--next to a table with a flask of green boiling liquid. Two tables down stood another Sephos. One more moved behind him. They were everywhere. All of them watched the sergal with hungry eyes and vicious grins.

"Fine, then I'll have to kill you all!"

Ersor charged the nearest Sephos and sliced through him, making the figure disappear in another puff of smoke. Another copy of Sephos lunged at him from behind, but Ersor ducked in time for the snake to crash into the table behind him. Glassware fell to the ground and smashed into shards. Tomes followed, stirring up clouds of dust from the dirty stone floor. The knight plunged his sword into the snake's back and pulled out. It was just in time, for two more serpents were already leaping at him.

He raised his sword in the air and swung it down at the first snake. The snake sidestepped, and the sergal's sword crashed through another table in a flurry of pages and glass. The other one lunged at him from behind. Ersor dodged. With a powerful slash, he eliminated the two snakes.

"Gahh!" he yelled, killing a Sephos mirage.

"Hrahh!" he sliced through another one.



Ersor thinned their numbers until he couldn't see any more snakes. The lab equipment laid around him, spilling their toxic contents over the magical tomes and notes. His ear twitched. Someone was behind him. He pulled back his sword, turned, and stabbed.

There was a gasp.

Ersor gasped too as he looked at the horrified eyes of a familiar dragon.

"Your Majesty!"

His sword pierced the dragon's chest.

"What have you done?"

Ersor pulled back his sword and flung it away.

"No, sire, I didn't--"

The King grinned evilly. Then he guffawed. His sinister laughter boomed through the darkness and he disappeared into a puff of purple smoke.

"My Lord?"

Two strong hands grabbed his shoulders and flung him to the ground. He crashed through a table, landing in a pile of wooden fragments and soft parchments. Sephos was on top of him before he could recover.

"You called for me?"

"Sephos! I'll never call you lord!"

"No?" The serpent smirked.

The serpent's tail shoved itself below Ersor's ankles before twisting over them. It snaked around the sergal's legs and tail before coiling around his waist and chest. The knight struggled, but it felt like his strength had been sapped. The snake's muscular tail wrapped around him with the weight of a boulder.

"Release me!"

He struggled and squirmed, but the serpent's tail only tightened around him more. It was hard to breathe. Sephos' eyes swirled with glowing colours, stabbing through his vision and eating away at his soul.

"Look at you. Your resistance is waning."

Sephos swooped in, pressing his lips against Ersor's. He caught the sergal by surprise. The sergal pressed his hands against the snake's body, pushing with all his might. The serpent's body was unyielding steel against his feeble strength.

Why was he feeling so incapacitated?

The snake kissed him, forcing his prehensile tongue down the sergal's mouth. Ersor tried to pull away, but the cold stone floor against the back of his head didn't give him much room to move. His eyes were wide in shock as he shifted and squirmed, and all he could see was the swirling serpentine gaze. He could feel the snake exploring his mouth, twisting around his tongue, and poking the back of his throat. Ersor let out a muffled whimper. He was being invaded. Violated. Defiled. His eyes rolled to the back of his head while his fists beat weakly against Sephos' chest.

The serpent finally let go and pulled back, leaving the knight to gasp and pant for air.

"What... did you do to me?" he huffed. "Why am I so weak?"

Sephos leaned in, rubbing his snout against the side of Ersor's neck. The snake's scales were cold against his skin. The sergal shivered from the pangs of lightning that shot from his sensitive neck. He was powerless to fight back as the snake's tail wrapped around his arms, pinning them to his sides.

"Your resolve is cracking under my power. My influence."

"No... no! I won't give in to the likes of you, sorcerer scum!"

"You can try to fight, brave knight, but you won't win."

Ersor screamed as Sephos sank his sharp fangs into his shoulder. He clenched his fists and ground his teeth. The snake let go and he could feel warm blood seep from the bite wound. Before he could respond, the snake had him locked in a kiss again.

This time, the knight tried to pull away, but the snake's tail was wrapped around his neck, locking his head in place. He was helpless to stop the snake from ravishing his mouth like a tasty dessert. His head was spinning as he fell into the serpent's deep, hypnotic gaze.

Still holding the sergal in an inescapable kiss, Sephos' hands reached for the knight's armour. His claws dug into the leather straps and tore through them. Ersor's metal breastplate clattered to the floor, followed by his pauldrons.

"Hands off!" Ersor wanted to scream, but the tongue in his throat was choking him.

Sephos' plunged his claws into Ersor's chest. The sergal whimpered, gasping violently into the snake's mouth. The serpent yanked, tearing his tunic down the middle until his loincloth was exposed.


His loincloth soon joined his tunic on the floor in tatters. Sephos released him from his kiss and admired Ersor's exposed form. The knight's body was slender and athletic, and the curves of his tense muscles were well-defined as he strained against the grip of the snake's tail. Sephos' eyes fell on the sergal's crotch.

"You have a nice slit."

A torrent of emotions flooded the knight. He was furious, that much he knew. But overpowering that was a bitter surge of vulnerability, helplessness; and the sour taste of humiliation.

"W-what are you doing?"

Sephos sat upright, resting his weight on the sergal's thighs. His member formed a sizable tent beneath the crotch of his robes as he licked his lips in anticipation.

"No! Don't you dare."

"Oh, I dare."

The serpent pulled his lower robes aside, releasing his manly sceptre so it could stand at full attention. His serpentine shaft was covered in ridged plates, converging at a tapered tip, which he aimed at Ersor's vulnerable cock slit.

"By the King's will, I--gahh!"

Sephos thrust his hips forward, plunging his dick past the lips of Ersor's slit and into his warm chamber. The knight gasped as his intimate insides were spread open by the snake's girth. There was a moment of pinching pain, only to subside into a pleasant sensation of being filled. He clenched his teeth.

The snake slowly pulled out of him and Ersor could feel each ridge rub against his tight opening. Soft gasps escaped his mouth, filled with a mixture of pain and pleasure. He clenched his muscles, trying to expel Sephos' flesh. The snake didn't care as he sank his shaft back into the sergal. Ersor whimpered as the serpent's dick rubbed against the sensitive tip of his cock. Trapped in the serpent's coils, the knight had nowhere to run as Sephos used him.

Each thrust of the snake's hips got faster and faster. Ersor could feel Sephos' manhood grinding against his, stirring the warmth in his loins.

"Grrahh!" he yelled in frustration.

With the snake repeatedly penetrating his inner erogenous zones, it was hard to keep his erection from stirring.

Not like this!

Not with Sephos using him!

He couldn't hold back the inevitable. His cock was rock hard, pinned down in his genital slit by Sephos' generous member. Each time the snake sank his rod into Ersor's hole, his cock rubbed against the underside of the sergal's male pride. Precum from both their dicks filled the slit, lubricating the serpent's repetitive motion. The stimulation sent the knight reeling.

"Look at you. I'm using you like a harlot, and all you can do is to succumb to your carnal desires."

The knight whimpered in protest as words failed him.

"Yet you enjoy this, don't you?"

Sephos hilted Ersor with the full length of his dick.

"You want to be treated like my personal concubine."

He pulled out and plunged his maleness back into the sergal.

"King be damned, you want to be mine."

He thrust again.


And again.


And again.


Ersor gasped. He was so close to climaxing. It was impossible to hold back the inevitable result that Sephos was pushing him towards. But the snake didn't indulge his desires. Instead, he stopped and pulled out his dick. Pre coated his throbbing length, making it shiny beneath the glow of the magical artefacts around them.


"Please? Please what, stop?"

Sephos leaned in and whispered into Ersor's ear.

"Or please continue?"

The knight couldn't answer, not without exposing his shameful, sensuous yearnings. Sephos stroked his finger up the lips of Ersor's genital slit. The sergal moaned.

"Your body betrays you."

Sephos fingered the knight's slit, gently coaxing out the tapered flesh within. Ersor shifted his hips, powerless to reign in his surging maleness. The two men's cocks stood at attention; one a conqueror's pride, and the other a shameful defeat. Sephos leaned in and held them together. Ersor could feel the serpent's presence. The snake's warm breath washed over his face. His scaly hips pressed against his crotch. His sceptre held against the underside of the sergal's cock.

"You know you want this."

"I... I don't..." the knight trailed off doubtfully.

"You're a terrible liar."

The snake squeezed the bases of their shafts together. Ersor gasped. Still gripping their rods, Sephos gently pushed upwards, kneading their tense muscles towards the tip. His palm slid over their moist masts, lubricated by the serpent's copious spew of pre-cum. His thumb pressed on the sergal's cock head, rubbing it in a firm, circular motion. The stimulation left the knight squirming in pleasure. His movements and moans were an uncontrollable mess.

"Give in."

Sephos frotted their cocks together. He jerked his hand down to the base of their manhoods, then squeezed them towards their tips.

"Oh... oh fuck..." Ersor gasped.

He wanted to resist, but try as he might to muster his strength, it wouldn't come.

"You're powerless against me."

Sephos pumped faster and faster, pulling Ersor along for the metaphorical ride. The sergal was lost to ecstasy as he was fervently milked. It felt like the room was sweltering as his body exerted his energy. Sephos' warm breaths washed over his face, and he could feel the heat build up on his cheeks.

"A--ah! Please!"

"Please what?"

Stop? Continue? Harder?

Ersor wanted to tell Sephos to stop. It was his imperative to tell Sephos to stop. Yet the words left his mouth before he could rein it in.


"I can't hear you." Sephos smirked.

Ersor grunted through his breathless moans. The snake had heard him, but he was making him repeat himself as a form of teasing. A form of dominance.


"Continue, please."


The snake jerked him off harder.

"Continue, please!"

"Say it like you mean it."

Sephos was furiously milking him for all his worth.

"Jack me off, please!" he begged, utterly humiliated and defeated.

"Good boy."

The snake kissed the knight on his sensitive neck, still working both their dicks with his muscular arm. Ersor moaned. He was close. Oh, so close. His hips were thrusting involuntarily and his pelvic muscles tensed in anticipation. He was tipping over the edge of his climax, getting ready to spill his load.

"I order you not to cum."

Sephos' order took total control of his body. Ersor's hips thrusted and his penile muscles spasmed, but he didn't cum. He was stuck in his orgasmic state with no release. The sensitivity of his cock was driven to his limits. Every pump of his cock was agonisingly euphoric, flooding him with a fervour that he couldn't release.

"Oh, fuck. L--let me--oh god," Ersor spluttered incomprehensibly.

The snake chuckled, indulging in the sight of the suffering sergal.

"As my subject, my slave, you play by my rules."

The knight moaned and struggled. His vision was blanking out from the complete pleasure that was overwhelming every recess of his mind.

"My orgasms are to be your priority."

Every second felt like an eternity in this twisted fusion of heaven and hell.

"Your orgasms are a privilege I can give or take. Do you understand?"


Ersor was screaming internally.

"Yes, who?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy."

Sephos leaned back as his hips bucked forward. Ersor felt the snake's unyielding length spasm against his denied tool. The snake was about to savour an orgasm that he was forbidden. Sure enough, Sephos shot his seed with a violent force. Jet after jet of thick cream spewed over the sergal's body and face, turning him into a slimy, sticky mess.

Ersor groaned. He wanted, no, NEEDED an orgasm. But his thoughts turned to the snake's cum. Their scent was strong, filling his nostrils with a serpentine musk. It was intoxicating enough to send him reeling. The snake squeezed their dicks together, milking the last drops of his cum over the knight's throbbing rod. Sephos uncoiled his tail, letting the cum-coated knight fall to the ground. His own tail hadn't been spared the mess; his scales gleamed with globs of fresh load.

"Clean it up."


"With your tongue."

Ersor was repulsed. As an honoured knight, he would not stoop so low as to lick the snake's cum off his body! He needed to stand up for himself and refuse--

"Yes, Master."

The remaining strength to resist was gone. His body, mind, and soul gave in to Sephos' commands. He pushed himself off the ground and got to his knees. A splash of seed dripped down Ersor's forehead and onto his muzzle. Ignoring it, he pressed his snout against a patch of sticky seed and began licking.

The taste was rousing. Sephos' cream was sweet with undertones of salty and bitter. The flavour was rich, yet it came with an overwhelming tang of sour humiliation. The knight was filled with conflicting emotions. There was a primal relish that was stirring within him, accompanied by the feeling of being utterly broken and defeated. Yet his humiliation did nothing to stifle the zealous hunger for more of Sephos' piquant essence. His denied cock throbbed against the snake's body.

He lapped and lapped until his mouth was awash with the snake's natural broth. The scent in his nose was heavy and overpowering. The more he licked, the more his body sank into Sephos' aura. It was thick. Too thick. He couldn't breathe.

Ersor choked.

"I didn't tell you to stop."

The snake pressed the knight's spunk-soaked face against his body, forcing him to take in more of the taste, the texture, the aroma. Ersor's survival instincts kicked in. He gasped for air and tried to push the serpent away, only to buckle to the snake's greater strength. He was suffocating.

The snake's strong scent was strangling him. He needed air. His mouth was open, trying to draw in breath after breath. But there was no oxygen, only more and more of Sephos' olfactory flavour. Sephos scooped up more cum and smeared it across his tongue, forcing him to swallow. Ersor gagged.

Ersor bolted upright in bed and gasped for air. He was back in his room. Moonlight streamed in through the open window. All was calm. He checked his shoulder. There was no wound, but his flesh was tender where Sephos had bitten him in the dream.


It seems he had been dreaming again. Ersor laid back in bed and closed his eyes. He tossed. He turned. But sleep didn't come for him, so he got up. Perhaps a walk would be good. Putting on his sandals, he stepped into the living room. The lights were off and nobody was there, but the moonlight made sure everything was visible beneath its gentle glow. Ersor looked around. Sephos' door was open, so he quietly made his way there and peered into the bedroom. The bed was empty.


The knight left the house. The moon shone overhead, casting its beauty over the plains. Ersor had never seen it so big, so close before. A refreshing breeze rippled through the countryside, caressing his fur. Around him, the plants in the garden danced in the wind and the grassy fields joined in. The sergal drew in a deep breath, taking in the cool atmosphere.

He spotted Sephos on the nearby hill. His serpentine figure stood out as a silhouette beneath the radiant moonlight. It wouldn't hurt to check up on him. Maybe he could join the snake and clear his mind. The nightmare had left a lingering stain that he wanted to scrub clean.

He trudged up the hill; the grass tickled his feet with each step. Sephos was sitting straight on the stump of a tree that had been cut down years ago. His back was turned towards the knight, and his trailing robes floated in the wind. He didn't appear to notice Ersor, even as the sergal stood behind him.


The knight reached for the snake's shoulder. Just before making contact, the snake's head swivelled violently to face him.

"LoOkiNg fOr mE?"

Ersor fell back in shock from the unearthly voice. It was as if twenty voices were speaking over each other in warped tones and distorted hisses. Sephos' body was still facing forward, yet his head was staring at him with empty eye sockets twisted into a menacing grin.


The sergal scrambled to his feet. He turned to run, only to find the rest of the countryside missing. There was no moon, no cottage, no fields. Just an endless void that stretched on and on and on. He turned back. The stump was empty. Sephos was gone.

He blinked. Sephos was back, except this time he was standing on the stump. His body was still turned the other way, but his face was still locked onto him with the same eerie grin.

He blinked again. The snake had suddenly halved the gap between them. His arms were contorted and bent the wrong way, reaching for the sergal. Ersor stared in horror, not daring to blink. But his eyes were tired. He couldn't stare forever. It was only a matter of time before he had to blink again.

He blinked. Sephos was gone. He was seated on the trunk with his hands on his thighs and his back straight in a stiff pose. His body was frozen in place; he couldn't move. The snake's palms were pressed against his cheeks, holding his head in place like a clamp.

"yOu WaNt tO cLeAr yOuR MiNd? tHeN LeT mE HeLp yOu gEt yOuR hEaD iN tHe RiGhT pLaCe, jUsT LiKe mE."

Sephos' muscles tensed, preparing to jerk the knight's head the whole way around.

"No, no, no!"

Ersor braced himself. The snake twisted the sergal's neck. He screamed.

Ersor woke up with a sweat. He was seated at the dining table, bent over with his cheek pressed against its wooden surface. There was a loud creak and the sergal jumped.

"Everything okay?" Sephos was at the front door with the afternoon sun streaming in behind him.

"Huh? What happened?"

"I should be asking you that." The snake chuckled. "You were screaming. Another nightmare?"

"Oh, sorry for the alarm." Ersor bit his lip. "Yeah, another nightmare."

Sephos joined him at the table, sitting opposite him.

"You're still hyperventilating."

Ersor nodded. His heart was beating rapidly too.

"Close your eyes," the snake instructed.


"Trust me."

The sergal complied.

"I want you to breathe in for ten counts. Inhale."

Ersor filled his lungs with air.

"And hold for ten more."

It felt like his lungs were straining as he held his breath, but that tension slowly subsided as the fresh oxygen spread through his body.

"Now breathe out slowly."

Sephos repeated the process a few more times. The anxiousness left Ersor with each exhale until the sergal's pulse was no longer racing.

"You've been having a lot of bad dreams. Is this normal?"

"No, actually."

"Hmm, okay. I thought maybe you were feeling stressed. Responsibilities as the King's knight and all."

"Nah, it's not that. The nightmares only started when I came here."

"Maybe you just need time to adjust to a new environment."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

They sat in silence for a while. The air hung over them like a warm blanket, stirring particles in the air like dancing snowflakes. There was a calming sense of serenity. With his eyes closed, he could feel the snake's presence in front of him. Ersor took a deep breath and held it, letting the oxygen spread through his lungs and to the rest of his body. He exhaled.

"Well, let's go to the garden." Sephos said. "The peaches are ripe, so I want to harvest and store them. What do you think of fermented peaches? It takes about 3 to 5 days to make, but it goes so well with steak and--"

"Actually, I'm leaving tomorrow."


"Well, I've been here for almost a week now, and you're not doing anything wrong. I think the King must be mistaken with his accusations, so I apologise on His behalf. But I must return to my post for further missions. I'll leave at the break of day. It's going to be a long journey back."


Sephos was at a loss for words.

"Well, let's go get the peaches. We can still make a fruit salad."

They prepared an amazing dinner. With the knight's assistance, Sephos prepared a dinner of grilled steak with caramelised onions, baked potatoes with a rich goat's milk cream, and roasted vegetables drizzled with a light, salty sauce. The fruit salad marked the end of the meal with sweet apples and peaches, complimenting the roasted almonds and dried ginger slices.

On any other day, they'd be having deep conversations about life. Sephos would ask Ersor about his life as a knight and the issues he faced. The snake would ponder the problem before sharing his thoughts. These thoughts would be accompanied by words of wisdom. Sephos' solitude gave him time to contemplate life from a different perspective, and Ersor greatly appreciated it.

However, tonight was different. Sephos didn't initiate a conversation, leaving them to eat dinner in silence. As Ersor tried to come up with a conversation topic, he realised how much he relied on the snake to lead the conversation.

"What's life as a farmer?"

But he had already seen Sephos' day-to-day life. It was mundane.

"Do you have any goals in life?"

Sephos was already happy here. This was his dream life.

"Seeing anyone special?"

Ersor kicked himself for even thinking of that one. He got asked this question a lot at work and family gatherings, but it was far from applicable here. He sighed and resigned to a quiet dinner. Even though the food was delicious, it tasted like cardboard in his mouth. He was glad when it was finally over.

Sephos stood up.

"I hope you enjoyed your last dinner here." He forced a smile.

"Are we cleaning the dishes?"

"I'll handle that tomorrow."

"After sending you off," Ersor could imagine the serpent saying.


"Go, get some rest. You'll need your strength for the journey ahead."

The sergal nodded.


The stars were bright tonight. Sleep wasn't coming for Ersor, so he paced around the living room with regrets crowding his mind. Surely he could've said something over dinner to make Sephos feel better. Or perhaps he could've offered to stay for another week. But what if that week turned into a month, then a few months, then years? The King would be worried sick about him, not to mention his knightly duties that needed to be fulfilled. No, leaving tomorrow was for the best. Still, logical reasoning did nothing to quell the emotional turmoil in his heart.


He let out an exasperated sigh and looked around the room. His eyes fell on a rusty metal ring bolted to the wooden ceiling. Ersor took a closer look. The ring was actually a handle for the trapdoor that was mounted there.

Was this for roof access?

Surely not. Sephos had used a ladder outside when he was repairing the thatched roof. There was no need for a trapdoor like this. Ersor dragged a stool over, climbed on it, and tugged on the handle. The wood groaned and sawdust rained over him. Ersor held his breath, trying to stifle a sneeze. He was half-expecting the snake to burst through his door and ask him what this was about, but nothing happened.

Ersor tugged again and the trapdoor swung open violently. The sergal managed to catch it before it crashed against its steel hinges. Peering into its opening, he could see the inside of a round tower. A wooden ladder was mounted on one side, leading all the way up.

"Sephos was hiding something from him," he thought.

If this tower was there, then it must've been hidden from the outside by concealment magic. He had no doubts he'd find evidence of Sephos' schemes at the top of the tower, but first he had to investigate stealthily.

He got off the stool and returned it to its original location. After that, he stood under the open trapdoor and jumped. He grabbed the first rung of the ladder and used his powerful muscles to climb up a few more rungs. Crunching his abs, he pulled his legs through the trapdoor until his feet could rest on the lower rung. He reached down and closed the trapdoor beneath him, leaving no trace of his trespassing.

Ersor climbed. Up and up he went until his arms ached and his fur was soaked in sweat. Still, he pressed on. He was here on a crucial task, and it called for his complete focus and dedication. What was a bit of pain compared to the importance of his mission?

His determination paid off, and he soon reached the top of the ladder, where a stony roof marked the end of his ascent. A door was built into one side of the tower just beside the ladder. Ersor pushed it and it swung right open. The sergal stepped out into the open and the door slammed shut behind him.

Fatigue washed over him and he collapsed to the ground. As he recovered, he looked around. He was on the roof, surrounded by a waist-high stone parapet. In the middle of the roof was a stone pillar with a towering flag that bore the emblem of a snake with bared fangs. Above him, the sky was a crimson red. Colossal chains spanned across it, criss-crossing over each other like a vast net over him. A fiery sun peered through the gaps between the chains.

Wait. That's not the sun.

Ersor recognised the moon's distinctive spots and textures on the celestial body as it shone its blazing orange light. The sergal scrambled to his feet and drew his sword. This was not right.

What was going on?

He cautiously made his way over to the edge of the roof and looked down. He was on the tallest tower of a fortress made of a dark stone that seemed to consume the light around it. Around it was a vast army. They covered the hills like a cancerous plague, each battalion forming a rectangular patch of land like a pulsating tumour.

As he looked closer, he noticed the soldiers' armour were all different. Some were wearing leather guards that were crudely dyed green, while others were equipped with chain mail and armour plates. Troops were holding up torn military banners everywhere.

Ersor gasped. He just saw a banner bearing the emblem of the Hepher kingdom. Nearby it was a Zirian flag, waving in the strong winds. And there was an Aerason banner. His heart dropped as he noticed a flag belonging to his nation. So that's where the other knights had disappeared to. The serpent had captured them and turned them into soldiers for his own army.

"Sephos..." he muttered. "You sly, conniving--"

"You called for me?"

Ersor spun around. Sephos was standing there, dressed in a battle outfit that resembled his sorcerer robes. His purple sash formed a cape, capped by silver shoulder pauldrons on each side. He wore a black chestplate, gauntlets, and greaves as additional protection. Bolts of purple cloth hung from his arms, billowing in the strong winds around them.

"You've been planning this all along! You want to overthrow the King and take control of His empire!"

Sephos smirked.

"Your king's empire? No, I want to take control of the world."

"Not if I stop you here and now."

"And do you think you can kill me, after all your attempts in the past?"

The snake's words triggered vague memories, like faded images from a forgotten dream. He had confronted Sephos before, hadn't he? The serpent had been a powerful sorcerer all along, using dark, twisted magic to deceive him with apparitions of a harmless farmer living in a tiny house.

"I know the truth now, and I see you for who you are."

"Is that right?" Sephos stepped towards the knight.

With his back against the precarious ledge, there was nowhere else for Ersor to go. He took a step to his right. The snake took another step closer, and the sergal took another step to the right.

"You. You're the epitome of wickedness. A scheming snake, a master of deception, and a malevolent sorcerer."

They circled each other with deliberate movements. Sephos kept out of reach of the knight's sword, and Ersor gave himself enough leeway to react to a potential attack.

"It seems like you missed out some details. You didn't mention how I have powers of hypnosis."

"Nothing but magic tricks."

"How you're already ensnared in my trance."

"Lies. You have no power over me!"

"How I am your Master."

"I serve only the King!" Ersor screamed.

"If that is the case, then I shouldn't see you kneeling when I tell you to kneel."

"I will never kneel before--"


Ersor's right leg gave way beneath him and he fell. His sword clattered on the stony floor as he used his hands to prevent him from crashing to the ground. The knight gasped. What was he doing? Or, more precisely, what had Sephos done to him?

He didn't want to do this.

Or did he?

"Kneel," the snake repeated.

The knight shifted his weight and lowered his other knee to the floor.

His priorities were different now.

It's okay to have a change of heart, a shift in loyalties.

The desire to obey swirled around in his chest, anticipating each command.

He had to fight!

No, he didn't.

Sephos was his Master now. All he needed to do now was--


Bowing his head, Ersor bent forward until his forearms were pressed against the stone floor.

"Who is your Master?"

"You are, Master Sephos."

There was no fight left in him, only obedience.

"Who do you obey?"

"I obey only you, Master."

"And what is your purpose?"

"To serve you, Master."

"Good boy."

The snake's words filled his mind with a blissful fog.





Good boy good boy good boy good boy.

He was a good boy.

"Slave. Gaze into my eyes."

The knight complied. Sephos' blue eyes were pulsing. Glowing. Swirling. Piercing. Overwhelming. Engulfing. Ersor was reeling, falling, tumbling, all while kneeling on the unmoving roof of the tower.

"Fall deeper into my gaze."


"And deeper."

And deeper.

"And deeper."

And deeper.

Black goo seeped from Sephos' scales, leaving his robes dry as they streamed to the floor and formed pools of thick, pulsing liquid around Ersor's prostrated form. In swift motions, they rose in tendril-like shapes and coiled around the knight. Some of them wrapped around his arms and legs, restraining him in his pose. Another one tightened around his neck, keeping the sergal's focus on the snake. He wasn't even struggling anymore, leaving his fate up to the snake's desires.

More tendrils came to life, groping Ersor's body in various places. They grabbed his chest, squeezed his crotch bulge, and rubbed against his nipples. Some of them started tugging at his clothes. There was the sound of ripping fabric as his tunic was torn away. His leather armour fell to the floor with a thump, accompanied by the clatter of his steel armour plates. The pool of goo swallowed it all up, leaving the naked knight without his attire. The sergal shuddered.

With his body exposed, the tentacles were free to stroke his bare fur and skin. They teased his erogenous zones, groping and massaging. The knight gasped as a goo-coated tendril thrust into his rear entrance. The sticky liquid coated his muscular tunnel as it gently slid in and out.

Oh fuck.

Despite his mind telling him not to enjoy it, the sensations felt good. The tendril was pulsing and throbbing with great vigour as it stretched his passage. In and out, in and out, in and out. His red rod emerged from his genital slit, erecting to its full length. Another tentacle coiled around it and began jacking him off. Held in his kneeling pose, all the knight could do was moan and squirm. His body rocked forward and back with each thrust of the tentacle in his rear.

Sephos stepped behind Ersor. The sergal wanted to see what the serpent was doing, but the tentacle around his neck locked him in place. He could hear robes and armour falling to the ground as the sorcerer undressed.

"Remember, your body is mine."

The sergal felt Sephos' scaly chest press against his back. Sephos' sculpted arms flanked his own as the snake knelt over the knight. The tendril in the knight's rear retracted, leaving a starving void in its place. Ersor gasped.


"Please, what?"

"Please fill me."

"Is that how you address your Master?"

"Please fill me, Master."

"With conviction."

"Please fill me, Master!" Ersor screamed in desperation.

"Good boy."

The knight moaned as the words filled him with pleasure. The tip of the serpent's cock pressed against his loosened and lubricated hole. Ersor tensed his pucker, squeezing the tapered flesh. Sephos thrusted. Ersor gasped.

"Oh fuck," he groaned.

He shifted his hips. Sephos entered him again, before gently withdrawing. Ersor's cock throbbed against the tendril that was milking him. Sephos plunged in. Out. In. Out. The snake's breaths were like a warm balm on the sergal's neck. His contracting muscles pressed in against the sergal from all sides like a comforting blanket. And the girthy maleness that ploughed through the sergal's tunnel filled him with a throbbing pleasure, a vehement need.

Black goo started seeping over his body. Sephos was secreting more of the dark fluid from his body, soaking the knight's fur with the dark taint. The liquid clung to his body, tightening to form a rubbery suit around him. It hugged his chest, accentuating his knightly pecs and ridged abs. The latex sleeves on his arms brought out his bulging biceps and triceps, and he could feel the same happening to his thighs and shin. His feet were encased too, as the seamless rubber was pulled taut over his paw pads. The latex pressed his fur against his skin, robbing his body of his fluffy fur and replacing it with a slender and shapely physique. His gooey latex form stretched and squeaked with each pounding he took. Every part of him below his neck was covered in latex, save for his throbbing hardness.

Sephos' movements rocked his body with forceful shoves. The ridges of his serpentine cock rubbed against the knight's tense pucker, interjecting his euphoria with bursts of textured ecstasy. Faster and faster. The repetitive battering worked Ersor closer and closer to his climax. His body squirmed as the tentacles stroked his rubber-encased nipples, massaged his latex-suited body, and milked his cock for all its worth.

"I'm... I'm..."

Ersor stopped himself.

"Master..." he pleaded.

"Yes, slave?"

"Please Master, let me cum."

Sephos snorted with a smirk.

"Sure. Cum for me, slave."

The fallen knight had no choice but to obey. His pelvic muscles clenched and he let loose a string of sergal seed. A second spasm of his body made him shoot another load. And another. And another. Ersor was lost in his satisfaction. Pleasure surged through him in crashing waves. Behind him, Sephos was still relentlessly pressing on into the sergal's fuckhole. The knight moaned and huffed. As his climax subsided, the tentacles milked the last drops of his spunk.

"That will be the last orgasm you have."

Ersor understood. He should be feeling fear, humiliation, desperation, but all he could sense was an emotional numbness. A tendril was pushing against his softening shaft, but it wasn't to stimulate him. Instead, it pressed it against his crotch, shoving his flesh back into its genital slit. The sergal moaned as his cock filled out his slit cavity. A firm protrusion plunged into the slit, pinning his member against his inner flesh. The rest of the object pressed against the lips of his cock slit, plugging the opening. Gooey latex covered his crotch, sealing the plug in forever.

He tensed his manhood, feeling his hardening flesh struggling against the unyielding plug. He squeezed again, but there was no escape. His latex skin left his crotch smooth and featureless, securing the genital plug in its permanent home. Ersor let out a silent whimper as the snake ploughed through his rear tunnel.


He was here to serve his Master.

His pleasure was secondary.

He clenched his tailhole, feeling his Master's reassuring obelisk within him.

Yes. His orgasms were mere distractions from his true purpose.

He rocked his hips and squeezed his rear tunnel, pouring his heart and soul into milking the serpent. All he wanted was for his Master to experience a blissful climax, as gratifying as his final orgasm had been. His Master's peak was close. He could feel it.

His body was almost sealed beneath his new latex skin. Only his head was left, though not for long. More goo crept up his neck and covered his face. A rubbery scent filled his nose. The last thing he saw was the burning moon, surrounded by chains in the crimson sky. Then the latex blinded him. He gasped, swallowing the goo and choking. Struggling to breathe, he shook his head, but to no avail. The latex solidified into a tenacious but flexible material, constricting his entire head.

He opened his mouth and tried to inhale, only to suck the latex against his mouth. The vacuum in the rubber hood sucked the latex against his face. From the outside, his expression of agony was outlined in the shiny latex. His maw was twisted into a silent scream, and his blank eyes were fearful and desperate.


I can't breathe!

Sephos ignored the suffocating sergal as he pounded away. There was a violent jerk, and Ersor whimpered as the snake flooded his inner passage with warm spunk. Jet after jet, the serpentine essence was pumped into him until he could no longer take it. Excess seed spurted out from his dick-filled pucker, spilling their warmth over his latex thighs.

The sergal felt lightheaded. He couldn't breathe, not with the airtight latex pressed against his face.

Blacking out...

Blacking out...



The sergal gasped for air. He didn't realise he had been holding his breath. He was standing on the gravel path in front of Sephos' cottage, geared up in his armour. The serpent stood beside him in his flowing robes. It reminded the sergal of their first meeting, except now his sword was sheathed and the animosity was gone.


"You were daydreaming," Sephos smiled warmly at him.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry."

"All good. Here, I packed you some food for the journey back."

"Whoa, hey. You didn't have to."

Sephos held up a bundle wrapped in a blue cloth.

"For breakfast, there's a loaf of pumpernickel bread and a few spreads. There's apple jam, blueberry jam, and honey. Enough to keep the variety each day, or mix and match for a combination of flavours.

"For lunch and dinner, I put in a few cuts of cured meat, some jars of preserved vegetables, and a block of goat cheese. It's to go with the rice or potatoes, whichever starch you fancy for each meal. Oh, and there's the peaches we harvested yesterday."

Ersor smiled. It filled him with anticipation of Sephos' delectable meals, and he was doing his best not to lick his lips.

"Wow. Did you empty out your pantry for me?"

"Haha, don't worry about me. The harvest is generous, and I have more than enough."

Ersor nodded as he took the bundle. It was knotted to one end of a wooden pole, allowing the knight to balance it on his shoulder with one hand holding the other end.

"Thanks so much for your hospitality."

"It's the least I can do. You did spare my life."

"It is my duty as the King's knight."

"He did order you to kill me, though."

Ordinarily, Ersor would've been defensive about that question, but the past week had brought them close enough for quips like this.

"It's not that simple. If a knight was chosen based on his ability to blindly carry out orders, we'd have an army of mindless brutes. Yes, strength and combat capabilities are important, but knights are also chosen for their virtuous character and discerning mind."

He puffed up his chest in pride.

"We are an extension of the King's will to protect his people. He is not omniscient, so there's bound to be situations where we have to make our own judgement on what's good and evil. If He wrongly accuses you of treason, it's on me to discover the truth and act in His best interests. Today, I have saved your life, and I believe with all my heart that the King would've wanted the same."

"You did save my life," Sephos nodded in agreement.

Their smiling gazes met for a moment. Sephos' expression was cheerful and gentle, but there was a heaviness behind it.

"I think this is farewell, then."

Ersor nodded. "Yeah. It was nice meeting you."

"I will miss you. Your presence was welcome, a restoring light when it gets lonely."

"Hey, don't be like that. Didn't you teach me 'Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened'?"

"Yeah." The serpent forced a smile.

"You've taught me so much, and I'll always be grateful for that."

"That is good. I'm happy that my perspectives can be wisdom in your life."

"And I'll come back to visit when I'm free between my deployments."

"I will await your return then," the snake smiled, more warmly this time. "There will be a hot dinner and a fresh bed ready for you."

Ersor flashed a grin. He felt a pang of guilt inside. Life as a knight was always busy, and a few days of freedom was hard to come by, much less a few weeks needed to travel to the cottage and back.

"I look forward to it."

He turned and left. His leather sandals crunched down the gravel path as he made his way home.

Ersor's feet were tired. His armour was dusty. After entering the city, he made straight for the palace.

"Knight Ersor, Commander of the Fifth Battalion," he told the squire stationed in front of the throne room. "I request a presence with the King."

"The King is busy. There are a lot of subjects who have matters--"

"I am here to report on a mission of utmost importance. Tell Him Knight Ersor is requesting His presence."

The fox looked annoyed, but he complied. A few minutes later, the double doors opened, and he came out glowering at the sergal.

"The King will see you next."

Ersor took the time to take a breather. He felt proud of his successful mission. Sure, he didn't kill Sephos as he was commanded, but with his discerning judgement, he saved a man's life. He would need to explain to the King why he spared the serpent, but it would be for the greater good. The King would see that he made the right choice.

The doors soon opened for him, revealing the awe-inspiring throne room once more. It was just as he remembered it: black onyx pillars with purple trims stood on the dark granite floor. Giant diamond shards floated in the air, casting a blue magical glow over everything. The knight walked down the purple carpet and knelt before the throne.

"Your Majesty, I have returned from the mission."

"Did you bring the traitor's head?"

"Sire, I--"

"You didn't kill him?" The white dragon raised his voice.

"No, sire, I--"

"I ordered you to kill him for acts of high treason, did I not?"

"Yes, sire."

"Then by sparing him, you too shall be found guilty of high treason."

Ersor's heart violently thumped in his chest. This wasn't going the way he had intended.

"Sire, I can explain!"

The King snorted. "Plead your case."

The knight took a deep breath.

"I went to the location as you directed and found Sephos. However, there was no fortress, no army that you described. He was no sorcerer, merely a lowly farmer living in solitude."

"He has deceived you with his countless lies. Surely his troops are stationed elsewhere, ready to strike any time now."

"I watched him day and night. There is no such thing."

"You searched his place?"

"Every inch."

"And the surrounding regions?"

"I scoured for miles, nothing but grassland and hills."

"You're saying that I'm wrong, then?"

"No, sire! Perhaps the information you got was unreliable, or we have the wrong person. We can conduct a thorough investigation to--"

The King waved Ersor off. He leaned back in His throne and sighed.

"It is okay. I do not claim to know what goes on in every corner of my kingdom. That is why I have knights like you to be my eyes and ears on the ground. Arise, Knight Ersor, Commander of the Fourth Battalion."

The sergal stood up.

"You have been in my service for years. I have seen you since you were a mere pageboy. I have watched you grow over the years, not just in strength, but also in wisdom. Your steadfast spirit and your loyal determination have brought you to where you are today. This title is well-earned, Chief Knight Ersor, Sovereign Commander of the King's Circle."

"Thank you, your Majesty."

"Come forward and receive your reward."

"Up the throne, sire?"


Ersor ascended the ten steps up the platform until he stood before the throne. The King sat confidently in His seat, smiling proudly at the newly appointed chief knight.

"Now, kneel."

The sergal complied. He was so close to the King, his face was between His knees. The dragon shifted His royal robes, and Ersor could see that he was sporting an erection beneath the tenting fabric.

"Sire," the knight blushed. "The other guards are still here. Is this okay?"

"It is no problem. As devoted servants, they should be proud of your achievements, as well as the reward I am bestowing upon you."

The sergal looked around. The guards were in full suits of armour with helmets that concealed their faces. They held their polearms in their hands so that the axe heads were on the top and the ends were on the floor. All of them stood deathly still, almost like they were--

"Mindless drones in my service. Worry not about them."

Ersor turned back. The King pulled His loincloth to the side, revealing his draconic dick standing at full mast.

"Prove your loyalty to me."

The knight nodded. Leaning forward, he opened his lips and took in the King's shaft. Ersor puckered his lips, keeping a tight suction around the royal girth and out of reach of his teeth. As he leaned forward more, he clenched his fist to suppress his gag reflex. The King's impressive length had already reached the back of his throat, and he wasn't even done yet.

The dragon put one hand behind Ersor's head and pushed him down. The sergal's throat was filled by the draconic phallus, creating a stretched bulge in his neck. He choked and whimpered, but he endured the burning sensations. This was service to the King, and he would perform it dutifully.

He wrapped his tongue around the kingly cock, massaging it as he slowly pulled his head back. Then he thrust forward again, taking the dragon's sceptre down his maw. The pain in his maw turned into pride and pleasure. His heart beat excitedly. If there was anything in life he wanted to do, it would be to serve the King with every fibre of his being. He craved nothing more than to please his Master like this.

His maw was a vessel for the King, a royal cocksleeve to milk and gratify the kink. With his hands supporting himself on the dragon's thighs, he rocked his body back and forth, bobbing his head up and down the King's member. His saliva lubricated the shaft, allowing the tapered cock to slide smoothly into his maw and down his throat. The taste of the King's precum covered his tongue.

Fuck, it tastes so good.

Ersor moaned ecstasy. His tongue worked the cock with all the fervour he could muster. From the base of the shaft, he stroked across the ridged underside of the reptilian obelisk all the way to its tapered tip. Then he pulled back, took a breath, and dived back in. The King's maleness entered and exited his mouth over and over and over. The precum in his maw tasted like nectar of the gods. The draconic crotch musk was masculine and strong, filling Ersor's lungs with a comforting warmth. He was completely engrossed in his carnal indulgence.

How much time had he spent here?

How long was he performing fellatio on the King?

The knight didn't know, nor did he care. He kept sucking and sucking until he could feel the King's involuntary thrusts. Telltale signs of the imminent climax. But the King was holding back.

"Look at me."

Ersor pulled back, gently squeezing his lips around the royal cock head to milk another drop of pre before drawing back. He looked up at the dragon.

"Tell me, my knight, where does your loyalty lie?" the King asked.

"Tell me, my knight, where does your loyalty lie?" Sephos asked.

He sat on his throne made of steel wires intertwined together like a mass of twisted snakes. Ersor was kneeling between his legs, his body fully sealed in black rubber. His face was merely a latex visage, save for openings for his eyes, mouth, and nostrils. The snake's generous leakage was smeared all over the latex knight's submissive form.

"Your Majesty, my loyalty lies with you and only you," Ersor replied with a glazed look in his eyes.

"Good boy," Sephos purred as his eyes pulsed with a deep blue glow.

The sergal grinned sheepishly and resumed his eager sucking of the snake's cock. Sephos' hands glowed blue, sending another surge of bliss through Ersor's mind. The sergal tensed his maw and slurped hard. Sephos bucked his hips, riding his primal urges through the inevitable orgasm. He clenched his cock, shooting a forceful jet of spunk down the knight's ravenous throat. Ersor choked on the thick, white deluge, but he didn't stop. After gulping it all down, he continued sucking every last drop of cum. When that was done, he took to licking the dick clean.

Ersor was oblivious. All he saw was the kingly manhood before him. He didn't see Sephos' serpentine sceptre, nor did he see the snake's devious grin. He didn't realise that they were in a large hall with rings of floating runes circling the pillars. He didn't see the knights standing guard, some of them bearing the same insignia as the one on Ersor's tunic, while others belonging to neighbouring kingdoms. He didn't hear the war-chants of the soldiers outside Sephos' nefarious fortress as they marched towards Ersor's kingdom.

But it didn't matter to Ersor. In his eyes, he was a loyal knight of the King, and that was good enough for him.


~ End ~

Product of Oblivion

Have you ever been in the clutches of oblivion? Imprisoned in a void with no escape, your mind the sole place of refuge from the emptiness around you, your thoughts the only company from the solitude beyond. But like a gramophone disk, each playback...

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