After-School Activities: Parental Bonds

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#2 of After-School Activities

After-School Activities

Parental Bonds

By Roofles

This is a work of fiction; all characters are of legal age and consent.

RJ, or Russell Junior, was leaving school when he saw his father's beat-up pickup truck waiting in its usual spot. The larger, older bloodhound was waving at his boy, making RJ's ears splay out in embarrassment. They burned hotly as several other students giggled and laughed at the display as he hurried over to the passenger side door.

Russell was always on time, arriving a good ten to fifteen minutes early before the school bell rang. He didn't want to miss getting his favorite spot. It was close to the school's front doors and gave him a perfect view for when the students came rushing out. Russell would always wave to get the young eighteen-year-old bloodhound's attention as if RJ wasn't aware he'd be there. Russell didn't want to risk his boy missing him.

Russell was just excited to see his boy again. And it showed on his face.

The windows were down, and music was blaring from the old radio within the truck. His father rested an arm out the window, slapping his large hand against the door as he saw his son approaching, practically barking at the boy in greeting.

Russell was a grizzled-looking bloodhound with a thick black and tan fur coat. The long hours of work were beginning to show on his tired, grumpy face. However, Russell's face would brighten up at seeing his boy. His expression relaxed, and his body eased just seeing his boy. The white, aging fur around his eyes would scrunch up as his droopy jowls lifted in a bumpy, black-lipped smile in greeting. Russell's floppy ears would perk up in excitement as his tail happily thumped against the torn leather seat. During a hot spring day like today, his lips would part in a happy panting greeting as the black and tan bloodhound came jogging over, pushing his way through the crowd.

"Dad!" RJ just growled at him, getting embarrassed by his hayseed father.

All Russell had on was a pair of tight blue overalls from work and a shirt underneath, going commando today, thanks to the heat. He tipped up his summer hat, an oversized woven straw mess he'd gotten last summer. Russell had a piece of straw sticking out of his muzzle, chewing on it idly as if unaware of how he looked to others.

While RJ looked nearly identical to his father in many ways, he was far less scruffy than his older man was. RJ's fur had a glossy sheen to it still that age hadn't sapped away, and the brown wasn't fading like his father. He wore designer clothes and tried to keep up with the trends when they could afford them.

In every other way, though, he was a miniature version of the older bloodhound in the driver's seat. If half the size.

RJ didn't have Russell's girth or weight to him yet. Something his older man was trying to help him with. Get him some muscle for working at the farm. Fatten his boy up and give him the protein he needed to build such solid muscle for long work days. Russell hoped his boy would inherit their farm after he retired. RJ didn't want to be a farmer like his father and would protest against it. He couldn't deny the results, though. It was hard not to notice.

Russell's arms were large enough to get people looking. He'd flex, showing off his work as the biceps bulged underneath his black fur. Proud of the hard work he put into it. Showing off and getting RJ even more embarrassed when Russell came into the school to get him. His job required hauling heavy material often enough that, even with the years under him, Russell had been able to keep them far after his college days.

It was his gut that showed his age. No matter how much he tried, the old bloodhound could not get rid of it.

"There's my boy!" Russell barked happily, tail thumping against the seat loudly as he helped RJ into the truck.

The younger bloodhound tried to shrug off his help, ears folding back as a heated blush overtook his face. Russell's hands were large, and his fingers strong. He easily helped his boy into the truck and closer to his side. RJ bumped into the large hound making his ears fold back.

"Dad! I got it." RJ would complain with a low whine as his father helped him buckle in as if he were still a pup. RJ had his eighteenth birthday party a couple of months ago, and even as an adult, his dad would still baby him as if he were still a puppy in his eyes.

"Make sure the doors are locked." Russell just said, lips pulled up in a smile. "We'll head out 'n get som' lunch befor' headin' home for the weekend. How does that sound, Junior?"

"Sounds fine," RJ grumbled at the name, wanting to pull his ears down in embarrassment. "Just, please, go already."

Russell barked a laugh as he started up the old pickup truck that chugged to laugh. Coughing out an unhealthy amount of exhaust, the truck teetered backward before clunking down the road. Everyone at school could see them go, and RJ could only groan, not having the heart to tell his father to stop picking him up.

All his friends called him Russell Junior, or RJ for short, these days. Only his father still called him Junior anymore. The canine shifted in his seat, tugging out his phone before texting as he pretended to ignore the man driving. Their sides bumped as the truck shifted, doing his best to pretend he wasn't there. It was hard to ignore the older canine when a large hand landed on his leg, gripping it tightly before releasing it in greetings.

"Ah, jus' you and me this weekend, Junior." Russell was on top of the world. Work had been excessively long this past week, and he'd been looking forward to these days off with his boy. What with school and work, the two didn't have nearly as much time as they used to have together. "Are you lookin' forward to it? Three days with yo' old man?"

"S-sure, pops." RJ swallowed, trying not to focus on that large hand on his leg. His father had such a strong grip, and he had to adjust his position as Russell's hand roamed up and down his thigh, rubbing his leg casually. "Sounds great."

"You 'ave a good day at school?" Russell continued asking as he drove down the street towards a buffet he had in mind for them. His large stomach growled in hunger, drool trickling from his lips as his nose twitched. The keen smell of the bloodhound picked up the tasty scent of food in the air.

"It was whatever." RJ just said, far too distracted by the meaty hand of his father to think about anything that happened in his day. Those strong fingers gripped his thigh again before Russell let go, using both hands to turn the steering wheel suddenly, getting several honks as he did so.

It was hard to say, but RJ was sure his father was just distracted by the idea of food. Even RJ could smell the restaurant long before they pulled into the parking lot. Just another thing he had inherited from his father.

Russell had become his primary guardian, with his mother out of the picture. His single father worked two jobs worth of hours during the week, pushing himself to provide for them. Exhausted, tired, and drained of all energy, Russell still tried to keep up the friendly banter whenever he picked his boy up from school. RJ knew his father wanted nothing more than to go home and crash on the sofa for the weekend. Try to catch up on all the missed hours before starting early Monday again.

RJ always felt guilty because of this.

He knew his father went out of his way to provide for them, sure. The extra stuff that his dad did, though, got to him. Russell made sure to schedule his lunch break for when RJ was out of school. Giving his son a ride home every day. RJ had insisted he could walk home, but his father would have none of it.

"Gives me time to see my boy." Russell would say. A heartwarming smile spread over his face, making RJ feel that guilt again in the pit of his stomach. Russell had bags under his eyes, and RJ wished he could do more for the two of them.

In the past couple of years, RJ had been helping out more than he had been.

RJ would do all the chores around the house as his father worked. The dishes, their combined laundry, bedding, dusting, and mopping even as need be. RJ would get down on his hands and knees to scrub the toilet and bathroom floor so that his father wouldn't have to worry about anything when he got home.

The two would stay up late together, eating RJ's dinner he'd made for them. They'd hang out on the sofa futon his dad had gotten on sale in the living room, and Russell would try and be invested in whatever game or show or "online streaming thingamajigger" RJ would put on for them. The older bloodhound didn't get it but would try to ask questions anyways, involving himself in his boy's life.

RJ had plenty of friends at school, and though it was rough, at times, not having a mother, RJ could honestly say that his father was his best friend. The two had done everything together in his mother's absence. Fishing, camping, gaming, movies, and even walking along the riverside.

Russell held the door open before pushing his son inside, hurrying him along.

"Remember, boy. This place is all you can eat!" Russell smacked his lips, licking over them as he slapped his gut with a hand. It bounced with the motion. "Don't want to waste our money!" He laughed loudly, getting several looks as the two entered the Asian restaurant.

Jade Empire Buffet was a small restaurant squashed between a laundry mat and a used bookstore. It was run by a rather large family of panda bears that spoke in such thick Mandarin accents that half the time, the two bloodhounds couldn't understand a word they said. It wasn't needed as they were quickly ushered to their booth. The same one they'd been sitting in for the past three years.

"We come here often enough! Give 'em enough of our hard earnings to get our own damn booth!" Russell had just laughed about it, slapping his boy on the back. RJ could only blush as he took a seat across from his father.

Russell had a habit of saying everything was theirs. The money he worked hard for? It was their earnings, not just Russell's. Everything his father had and owned, he would gladly offer and give to his boy. Afraid he was never doing enough being a single parent.

"Get your arse up, boy! The food ain't gonna' eat itself, ya' hear me?" Russell said loudly as he practically picked his boy up out of the booth and, with an arm over one shoulder, walked over to the buffet together. "Got to treat yo'self on days like this! Treat yo'self!"

Russell would try to keep up with the youth and ended up dating it whenever he did.

It was still a treat the two could spend together. They didn't have much money, but every week, give or take, Russell would try and take his boy out to eat. It was Friday; the weekend was ahead of them! Russell wanted to make sure they started it off well.

"Make sure to start hot to cold, Junior." Russell had a bad habit of guiding his boy around the buffet they'd been to a hundred times over. RJ was sure it was just his canine instinct kicking in. Russell would always stay close by, standing between his son and any stranger. Using his body to block them off as he talked loudly with RJ about what they had this week to serve.

"It's the same thing every week, dad." RJ would just laugh. Despite being embarrassed over his father, the sheer charisma his father brought with him made it impossible to stay mad at him. Russell had a large personality matching his size.

"No! No, no. See there? They got coconut shrimp this time!" Russell would point out eagerly with a sausage-sized finger, wiggling it at the food.

"Dad. They had that last week. And we can't eat seafood." RJ couldn't help but smile. His father was a very animated person, and Russell would toss his arms in the air, pointing things out and vocalizing as loud with his voice as with his hands.

Most thought of Russell as a hard-headed, no-jokes kind of man during work. Russell put his nose down to the ground and would work until he legally had to stop. RJ knew better. His father was just a good, hard-working guy. Something people seemed to forget existed in this day and age. Russell would clock in right after dropping RJ off at school and take his lunch to give RJ a ride home before clocking back in for the rest of the evening into the night. The tired bloodhound would come home a little after ten on a good day and would end up just crashing after whatever dinner RJ cooked for them.

He was a tired dog and needed the right motivation to get him going.

Such as food.

"Teriyaki chicken. Orange chicken. Mongolian chicken, minus the onions. And, of course, beef!" Russell just drooled as he looked everything over. The canine sniffed the air, groaning out a loud happy, content sigh that sounded far too sexual in public. RJ just felt that flush come back to his face as his father smacked his lips noisily, scratching himself as he did. "This is what I'm talking about!" And Russel grabbed his large gut with both hands, lifting it up and dropping it with a bark of a laugh. "Onl' thing to feed this tank!"

"Whatever you say, dad." RJ rolled his eyes, moving around to get some greens for his plate. He'd sneak some for his dad whenever he could. It wasn't hard. Russell's plate might've been the same size as everyone else's, but the canine had piled it with three to four times worth of food. He'd never notice the few greens RJ slipped onto it.

And, from experience, RJ knew his father could eat it all and then some. Finishing whatever was on his plate and coming back for seconds, thirds, and sometimes fourths. One way to satisfy the hungry canine was these all-you-can-eat buffets; after what happened last time, they only had the Jade Empire Buffet to go to in their small Texas town.

"Just try and eat some broccoli and carrots." RJ would nag his father, already piling the steamed vegetables onto his father's plate.

Russell just gagged at the foul things. This was why RJ snuck them onto his fathers plate without him being aware. The older hound eating without looking half the time.

"Boy, I don't work this hard ta' eat no rabbit food!" Russell would say loudly without even noticing how offensive it could come off as. RJ would cringe whenever his dad did this and chide him after.

"Dad!" RJ would only laugh, though, apologizing if necessary. He knew his father meant nothing to it. He was just a blue-collared guy that was raised as such. "You can't go saying that kind of thing."

The larger, older bloodhound still had his farmer overalls on. RJ wasn't sure when his father managed to take his shirt off. The straps strained to keep his gut in check as Russell moved around the buffet with skilled practice. His heavy work boots thudded against the floor with every heavy step the canine took, easily parting the crowd during the early-bird dinner rush special Jade Empire was known for. Russell would motion for RJ to follow as they did their routine around the place before crashing into the booth again.

It took Russell more effort than RJ to get into the booth, straining to fit in with his gut. He normally shoved the table towards RJ, who was thankful he was the smaller one of the two for a change.

"Swear they make these 'ere things smaller by the day." Russell would grumble, his ears folding back as the insides burned red with embarrassment.

"The only thing changing size, dad, is your belly." RJ would tease as he munched on several garlic green beans loudly. Despite his best efforts, RJ did take after his father, and his manners while eating was one of the biggest signs of this.

The two wolfed down their food, talking with their mouths full as they laughed and barked, joking about things and talking about what they wanted to do for the weekend together.

"Tommy wanted me to hang out Saturday." RJ brought up.

Instantly, he got a reaction from his father. The older bloodhound's ears perked up, and eyes widened before both dipped back down, staring at his plate. Russell picked at the food, unable to take another bite no matter how much his hungry belly wanted him to.

"Oh. That's cool. I'll jus'... stay at home..." Russell tapped a dull clawed finger on the table. "Maybe take some extra hours. I know you've been wantin' to upgrade that dang com-pu-tor o' yours. It might b' a way to squeeze in some extra dough. For that." The bloodhound scratched his chin, thinking it over. "Be able to put some aside for your birthday party, too."

"Dad!" RJ just laughed, blushing fiercely. Anyone else might think his father was trying to guilt him. RJ knew that was just how Russell was. "I told him no! I was spending time with my best friend."

Russell's ears perked at that. "Who?" He asked naïvely, making his son bark another laugh.

"You! Dummy!" And his father's smile, he thought, would never go away after hearing that. "Though, I wouldn't mind getting the new GTX card." That got a quizzical look from the older bloodhound. "Graphics card. For my PC. It makes things look... better." RJ tried to dumb it down.

"O'. Right, right. That makes sense." Russell just nodded as RJ rolled his eyes. The older bloodhound really did try.

After RJ's mother was found overdosed on diet pills, their family life had never been the same. After recovering in the hospital and going to rehab, his mother deciding it was best to return to live with her parents for the rest of her recovery. Needing the familiarity it brought. It was a heated debate, but it was clear that her father, RJ's grandpa, blamed Russell for the whole thing and didn't want her to see either of the two any time soon.

That had been over three years ago.

RJ still exchanged letters with his mother as the two of them moved out of their home, and the memories attached, instead getting a far smaller, more affordable place to live in together.

Russell had tripled down on his relationship with his son, making sure to be there for everything. Not wanting his boy to feel any different than the other kids in their situation. Birthdays, sick days, good days, and bad. Russell was there. And the older canine couldn't have been happier about it. Anyone else might think Russell would hold it against RJ for consuming all of his free time, but that hadn't been the case.

It was clear to the two of them how much healthier Russell had been because of their closer bond.

The older canine didn't drink as much as he used to, though he still had the beer belly showing the days when he did. Russell was going on walks again and wouldn't spend days sulking in bed. The bout of depression passed when RJ took the role of caretaker, or as they joked, "wife" in the home and began taking care of everything for the two while Russell continued to work.

A simple thing had changed everything for his father.

Russell had pulled a one-eighty, and no matter how many hours he had to work, he was just happy to come home to his "new wife."

It all started after the older canine came home one late night, working overtime to pay the hospital bills. Russell instantly perked up after that long day to see the house cleaned and a freshly cooked dinner waiting for him. RJ had just greeted him with a simple "Welcome home, dad," and Russell's entire life had changed that day.

"Happier than I 'ave ever been, Junior." Russell would remind RJ whenever the younger bloodhound worried about overworking his father. "Having you ta' come home to aft' a long day? What more could this old dog ask for!" And he hugged his boy for a full minute after that.

RJ could only smile at the old memories, reminiscing about them here with his dad. He jumped as he felt a boot rub against his leg. He glanced up to see the older bloodhound looking at him.

"What's on ya' mind?" His father would ask. Always being there for him and supporting him. "Somethin' worryin' ya'? Project at school? That bully isn't at it again, is 'e? I'll kick 'is dad's ass again if I have tah!"

"No. Nothing like that. Just... Happy?" RJ chuckled nervously, smiling so hard it hurt his cheeks.

"For?" His father cocked his head, still chewing on the Mongolian beef he'd eaten whole.

"Just you. Us. This." RJ lowered his voice as he looked around. "I'm just... it's hard, you know?" RJ grumbled, picking at his plate now as his father had been. Whenever either of the two got bothered by something, the two of them would stop eating.

"What about this? Do you not like comin' 'ere?" His father's thicker accent came out, being born and raised in the south. "Ya' wanna' go somewhere else? Just name it! I'll take ya'." The older bloodhound was already grabbing his stuff as if preparing to leave.

"No. Not that." RJ just blushed further. "I'm just... glad to be doing this with you? Is all." And RJ couldn't look at him as he covered his face. "My dad's my best friend. What the hell is up with that?"

Russell chuckled at that, taking his seat. He waited for his boy to look at him between split fingers.

"They say a dog 's man's best friend. Well, I say, he's also dog's best friend." And his father gave him a wink. "Makes sense to me, boy." And Russell nervously picked at his napkin. "I mean 'n all, yo' are mine? So makes sense. If I was yours...?"

RJ's chest hurt from the pounding of his heart as he looked down at his plate.

"I'd do anything for you, Junior. Ya' know that. Anything." Russell just nodded before belching out and hitting his chest. "Hoo wee', watch out for that beef! It's spicy!"

"Sure thing. Sure..." RJ just said, unable to finish his plate. Russell made sure to finish it for him and then some. Going back for second, third, and fourths until RJ had to get his dad to leave so the staff wouldn't kick them out as the other place did.

"That's what I call a good deal!" Russell scratched his full gut as he hefted himself into the driver's seat. The truck leaned a bit his way as he did. RJ didn't point this out. "Saves my wallet!"

"Saves the fridge from you too!" RJ just teased as he climbed in the side door. The second the door was closed, he felt himself pulled to the middle seat, sitting next to his father.

"We're going to have the best weekend! Just wait and see." Russell just smiled, belching once more. "Oof, s'cuse me." RJ just wrinkled his nose from the potent smell and rolled his eyes, looking out the window as he scooted closer to his father's side.

He could tell Russell went to work today. His fur was slightly damp from sweat, and the heat pumping off his side was a clear telltale sign his father had been outside under the sun. He smells strong of it. The sun, heat, sweat, and the musky odor of a hard-working man.

And RJ reveled in it.

Like his father, his nose was his key asset. Canines were known for their strong sense of smell, and as a bloodhound, his was particularly strong. Even from his father's burp, he could smell the mixture of food Russell had eaten for lunch. Sitting this close? RJ could smell everything from the man.

Being only a half-day for his father, Russell hadn't bothered with anything other than a shower that morning. His fur was slightly matted to his arms and back, and he was sweating as the noon sun came in strong today. The extra fur underneath his arms was very potent, and with his dad's arm now around his shoulders, RJ could smell the sweaty pit rubbing against the nape of his neck.

It made him swallow and shift slightly in his seat as his father's warm, larger body bumped into him as the truck drove down the road.

"Such a nice day out. Maybe take a walk?" Russell said as he pulled to a stop at a stop sign. "Take the wheel, Junior." And RJ did as his father unbuttoned the front of his overalls, fiddling with the buttons. One side dipped down, showing off his large dark-skinned nipple. "Few wee, it is a nice one!" His dad just said, dropping his sweaty shirt on RJ's side before taking the wheel and going.

His shirtless father's furry body rubbed against his side, and RJ felt the shivers run through his body from it. RJ hadn't been interested in any of the boys at school. Or girls. Like him, they were still coming of age, and no one had caught his eye or nose. The coach was another story. Seeing a real man in person like that, in the locker room, smelling him after a long day of gym...

The skunk had awoken something in him.

It sparked something to life within him. RJ happily sniffed after that pleasant aroma wafting off his gym teacher. That simple thing, such as smell, triggered something inside the bloodhound. No one else in school had even made the bloodhound look twice. He hung out with friends and even had sleepovers, thinking nothing of it.

But after that day, he had smelled his teacher, something shifted in him, and RJ began noticing the men in his life. His teachers, the owner of Jade Empire (a big burly panda bear of a man), and his father. It had been overwhelming for the young adult. It was something else. A newfound pleasure and joy to take in life.

He had never felt such intense attraction before. While they had all lived as fantasies in the boys' mind, RJ couldn't help but remember the nights he spent thinking of them at times like this. Sitting so close to his father, smelling like such a man... it made him drool in a newfound hunger that food couldn't fill.

"So, this is what a real man is like." RJ had touched himself thinking, sniffing one of his dad's used underwear. It was one of the reasons why he had begun doing their combined laundry. "A real man." Such words were an aphrodisiac to the younger bloodhound.

Something about seeing a real man, all hairy and big, with a gut and forearms that could crush steel bars (he was sure of), was everything RJ hadn't known he'd been missing from his life until that day. And since then, he couldn't help noticing it. Watching from the corner of his eye as his gym teacher yelled at one of the jocks after practice, or how the owner of Jade Empire would reach above his head, shirt pulling up to reveal his stomach, to put something away.

Then there was his dad...

Russell was the embodiment of masculinity. And RJ couldn't think of anyone else.

It started slowly. RJ would greet his father at the door when he got home, helping the man strip off his jacket and took a few guilty sniffs of it. Able to smell the powerful musk of the older bloodhound clinging to the fabric after such a long day of work.

That evolved into helping remove Russell's boots, rubbing his socked feet after, and getting pleasantly rewarded by the new distinct smells of his father's paws. His father's groans while rubbing his paws were only the cherry on top, an added reward.

From there, it was just one thing after another.

Small little things like RJ helped his father out. Giving him a fresh, warm towel after a shower or rubbing his old man's shoulders while he drank a beer. Whatever he could to get that guilty yet satisfying feel of the man. Sniffing the towel after or feeling up the older bloodhound's shoulders and arms as he rubbed.

"A real man." RJ would giggle to himself at night, thinking of. He was at that age, and his hormones were going crazy thinking of it all, discovering this side of himself in a safe, secure environment.

And Russell just loved the attention he was getting. Never complained or commented on it, afraid he'd lose it if he did.

After losing his wife to addiction, Russell had been a shell of his former self. He worked, slept, ate, and that was about it. He did what he had to for his son, not even caring about himself. Then, one day, RJ began to do the housework. Made him dinner. Complimenting him and greeting Russell after a long day of work.

All of Russell's hard work suddenly began to make sense again. Something just clicked, and the old bloodhound realized that RJ was why he was doing all this and who it was for.

Seeing his boy running around the house to get everything done, pampering his old man, and making sure Russell was appreciated for all his hard work was everything the older bloodhound had wanted or needed in his life. To be recognized again. To be noticed and appreciated for it all. He couldn't stop smiling after the first week, worried that one day RJ would go back to sulking in his room, on his computer, without even saying a word to his old man.

But that hadn't happened. The good days kept coming, and things only got better!

Suddenly, RJ was there for him when he got home. Helping him with his coat and hat. Taking off his heavy boots and rubbing his feet. It was heaven. Russell had never experienced anything like it before. His son was daunting over him when it was just the two of them, and Russell began to covet that kind of attention more and more as the months went by.

"Welcome home, dad." RJ would wag his tail in greeting.

"I miss you." Such words were the sweetest music to the old bloodhound's-tired ears.

"I'm so happy you're here!" Russel never thought he'd hear such things again.

"You're my best friend." And Russell had hugged his son for a full minute, swearing he'd do anything to keep his boy happy.

He had found a reason for getting out of bed again.

"Is there a movie or show you want to watch?" Russell began as the two headed inside the small duplex they rented out. The older bloodhound waved to their neighbors, a pair of grumpy old Persian cats. The two older women just turned their noses up at the father and son and marched back inside, complaining about how their day was ruined. "Good t' see ya' too! Bitches, I swear." Russell just laughed.

"It's because you forget to button up again." RJ pointed out. Russell looked down to see his shirtless chest exposed, the hump of his paunch showing, making RJ laugh. "Dad, for fuck sake."

"Watch your language!" Russell growled but couldn't find the anger behind it as his son moved in to button up his overalls. "I was jus' so relaxed. In the truck. Was all." He grumbled, ears splaying out in embarrassment as he looked away from the smaller bloodhound fawning over him again.

Russell's tail wagged from the attention. Feeling his boy scratch over his chest before buttoning up his overalls.

"I was too." RJ just grinned up at his old man. "Today's been the best since seeing you." And RJ headed inside. Russell's tail picked up speed, quickly tailing after. He nosed the air, smelling his son's musk.

RJ was always so happy and excited to see him. Russell's nose could smell it. Smell it all, and he loved the intoxicating aroma of that. Of someone that truly loved him.

"Welcome home," RJ teased as Russell crossed the threshold.

Russell stopped as if waiting for RJ to take his coat. The two looked at each other before laughing.

"Force o' habit, eh?" Russell chuckled, his stomach bouncing with the motion. "You can take this," he offered his sweaty shirt instead. "Far too nice a day to be wearing it!"

"S-sure," RJ smiled, taking the damp fabric in his hand. His tail wagged as he excused himself, most likely to drop it off in the laundry room for later.

Russell stomped inside, shutting the door behind him with a loud stretch, yawn, and a scratch to his gut. He came around the corner to see RJ coming out of his room, the boy stopping as if being caught red-handed with something. Russell quirked an eyebrow.

"Was uh, j-just taking off my shoes!" RJ said as he came over, smiling. Russell could smell his embarrassment but didn't know that RJ had stashed the shirt to sleep with at night in his room.

"Mind helping me with mine?" Russell clenched his toes at the prospect of another paw rub.

"Sure!" RJ gladly jumped on, and Russell's tail wouldn't stop wagging as he headed over to the sofa to take his usual seat.

The sofa had a clearly defined sunken part to where Russel sat at. The imprint of it looked very close to his rear end. The two canines would joke about it.

"One day, you can fill out your man's seat!" Russell had said.

"Why would I need to? Planning to go somewhere?" RJ had asked, catching his father off-guard.

"Nope." And the two had watched shows together for the rest of the night, cuddling up side by side.

Sitting down now was a release in itself. Russell groaned as the familiar mold of the sofa formed around him, his bulky, heavy weight sinking into it as he lifted a leg for his boy to take hold of. RJ did, placing the boot in his lap as he sat on the opposite side of the sofa.

"Days like this? Are the best." Russell just scratched his full belly, giving off another belch. "Hanging out with my boy. Eating good food. Half day of work... with a weekend to look forward to!" He couldn't be a happier dog as he felt the familiar tug of his boot being pulled off.

Russell curled his toes as RJ pulled the heavy brown boot off, setting it aside. Russel didn't offer his other leg, instead letting his boy take hold of his paw, needing both hands and began rubbing it over. The fabric of the ratty thick gray wool work sock clung to Russell's hefty foot. It curved around his toes and paw pads, the damp sweat of the hard-working canine practically gluing the thing to his paw as RJ rubbed over it with two fingers.

The smell hit RJ first, nearly knocking him out. The stench of his father's paw was overwhelming, and he shivered, shuddering in delight from the manly odor. The heat came next. Curling both hands and fingers around the paw, RJ began to work his father's paw pad with his thumbs. The feel and texture of it against his hands, combined with the heat radiating off it, made his palms grow clammy and damp with sweat. Perspiring from his father's heat.

It was hard to say if it was his sweat or his father's as he gave him another strong rub over the paw resting in his lap. Russell boots said he was a size sixteen, and they had to special order them online. RJ didn't doubt it, feeling the weight of it on his lap.

Russell groaned, resting even further back, practically sinking into the sofa now.

"You 'r getting so goooood at this." His tongue lulled out. "Not cheating on your old man with anyone else, are ya'?" Russell teased as he splayed his toes, loving the feel of his boy's fingers moving between and over them.

RJ curled his father's toes with his hand, pushing them down before repeating the opposite way, pushing them up to stretch out each toe. Taking hold of one, he swirled it around before going down the line. Working on every toe before stroking up the hefty, large paw with both thumbs, from the base to those delicious toes wiggling in; thanks for the treatment.

"I'd n-never!" RJ blushed even more. He blamed the smell. The look on his father's face and the fact his dad's overalls had sagged down to reveal his large stomach and the top of his pubic fur wasn't helping matters. RJ wished he could pull out his phone and take a picture of him, to add to his collection.

One of Russell's ears perked at that, the older bloodhound opening his eyes lazily to look down at him.

"What? No one wants my boy?" Russell growled as if offended.

"No. Not like that."

"Is there someone?" Russell asked, trying not to let his discomfort show.

"No, dad!" RJ just laughed, blushing more as he continued to rub, practically hiding his face behind his father's paw and, guiltily, enjoying the smell of it. "I'm just. Never done this before. With anyone other than you, I mean."

"Oh." Russell's eyes widened briefly before he chuckled, slapping a paw onto his gut as he rested on his back. "Good." He just said with a smile as RJ switched to his other foot.

Russell hated admitting to himself that he didn't want RJ dating anyone. He claimed it was just because his son was so important to him and that, as a father, he wanted to protect his boy. There was a part of him that knew better.

RJ really was his best friend. Russell didn't hang out anymore with the guys at work. They drank too much and complained about their wives or family the entire time, staying out too late. Russell didn't talk about his wife and never complained about RJ.

And with how often Russell worked, there weren't any opportunities to meet anyone new. Not that he needed it.

Coming home to RJ was a gift in itself.

They joked about it. Russell teasing his boy about it. But there was a part of him that truly felt, at times, that RJ had become a sort of second wife to him. Cooking and cleaning up after the old canine. Taking care of the home so Russell could be the breadwinner again. He'd work hard to ensure all the bills were paid, and food was in the fridge. Splurging every now and then to buy RJ a new game. And RJ would ensure the house was clean and dinner was ready by the time he returned.

It had been a win-win. Their relationship had become even stronger and closer, and the two hadn't asked for anything more.

And at first, that had been enough.

As time passed, RJ became closer to him with these daily paw rubs. Going out of his way to help his old man out. The two would spend the rest of the night after dinner watching shows or hanging out on the sofa. There were some nights even when the two had retreated to Russell's bedroom, across from RJ's room, and the two would spend the late night watching something on RJ's tablet before falling asleep.

Russell hated carrying his boy back into his room, so the two would fall asleep in the same bed together on many nights, cuddling up close.

And, at first, that had been enough.

"What shows are ya' thinking of?" Russell brought it up for the fourth time that day. RJ finally stopped burning holes into his old man's socks with his eyes to look up at his father.

"Huh... what?" RJ asked, licking his lips. He was drooling, and Russell chuckled at that.

A part of him wondered how that drooly tongue would feel over his paws.

"I could stay 'ere for the rest of the day. But if'n you want to keep this up? I'm gonna' pass out, Junior." Russell honestly said. He was tired from working all day without breaks. He wanted to ensure he could squeezed in some extra hours before spending the rest of his free time with RJ. But he wasn't a young hound anymore, and these extra hours took a toll.

"Oh, sorry. Should I... stop?" RJ looked conflicted, and Russell didn't want him to.

"Well. You know..." Russell took a second as he shifted his bulk and weight to sit up. Crossing one leg over the other, he took hold of the gray sock and began pulling it off. "It's been a while since you rubbed my paws directly. If you want ta', that is." Russell found himself blushing at the thought.

They had only tried it once before. And RJ had accidentally bumped his nose into his father's toes. Or maybe, Russell had pushed his foot up into his face. It was hard to tell at the time, and neither of the two wanted to admit it was a little of both. They hadn't risked such a thing happening again.

"Oh!" RJ sat up fully as if called on in class. "That's. We haven't done that in a while, ya'." RJ nodded, his mouth growing dry as butterflies danced around his stomach. He was sure his father was experiencing something similar.

"I really need it. I'd really like it if ya' did, Junior. For your old man." Russell looked at RJ, who met his eyes.

"Oh. What if I... Uh, I mean. What if..." RJ tried to bring up and talk about the time it had happened and couldn't find the courage to.

"If it happens... so what?" Russell cleared his throat, still sitting up. "You are a bloodhound, like your old man here!" And he jabbed a thumb against his bare chest with pride. "Our noses are everything to us! Just. Just follow your nose, Junior."

"What if it leads me astray?" RJ licked his lips once more.

"I trust you, Junior. You know I'd never be mad at cha'." Russell said. RJ watched every movement his father made carefully. "It's a really warm day, ain't it?" Russell began pushing down his overalls.

"Uh... ya' pa,'" RJ said, his accent slipping slightly. Something he tried not to let show at school or in public.

"An' it's just us, right, Junior?" Russell said, peeling the denim fabric down over his side and thick legs. He dropped them to the ground, kicking them aside. RJ was keenly aware that his father had gone commando again and tried not to stare.

"Righ'." RJ just nodded.

"And you know your old man likes to be comfy." Russell, wearing nothing, took a seat once more on the sofa. His bulge hung between his meaty thighs with plum-sized orbs hanging underneath. The smell coming off him made it hard to think, and RJ began drooling profusely in that newfound hunger.

"Righ'." RJ just said, nodding along still.

"And your old man? He likes to relax. Likes to b' free o' constraints after a long day o' work." Russell eased back on the sofa, pulling the side switch, the back of which lowered a bit to become a fold-out bed. The two were in the middle of the linen upholstery convertible futon bed. "Gonna close my eyes while you. Work. I know what a good boy ya' are. How hard ya' work for us. Always proud of my boy. Brag about you all the time at work." Russell settled back, opening his legs slightly as he placed an arm behind his head as a makeshift pillow. "I trust ya', Junior. Whatever you do. Your old man will always have your back."

RJ nose twitched as he gawked over the burly, hairy, buff, and yet fat man before him. Russell's arms and legs were so thick with muscle you could see them through his thin brown and black fur coat. He had a pronounced belly, though, which he liked to scratch at now and then, making the thing shake slightly back and forth.

No one could call Russell a small guy.

His legs were tree-trunk thick. His arms, when flexed, made eyes pop out of their socket. His father had what he liked to call "man hands," the very thought of which made RJ's groin stir with excitement. Russell had to buy extra-large boots to fit his feet into, and, looking down at the sockless one, RJ could see why.

His paw was heavy, and RJ had to use both hands to lift it. It was covered in brown fur, the rest of the leg in black fur. Each toe was an alternate color. Changing between black and brown. The dull black nails poked from each one, and warm dark gray pads graced each toe and the bottom of his father's foot.

They were warm.

They were slightly damp.

And RJ didn't know what to do first as his old man kept his eyes closed, letting his son explore his body.

RJ's nose twitched as he swallowed the pooling drool in his mouth. He could practically taste it already. His sensitive nose could smell it. After a day of work, that rich, earthy musk of his father's paws. And it led him down, lower, until his nose was right over his father's beans. Sniffing at them. Inhaling that scent and letting it fill his very being with his old man's smell.

RJ exhaled, and he saw his father shiver at that. Twitching in response. Did such a thing, like a gust of warm breath, have such a strong reaction? What, then, would Russell do if RJ went farther than that? Farther than he'd ever gone before.

"Tha' felt good." He heard Russell rumble in approval. The older bloodhound gave him encouraging words to continue. "I like that feel." RJ could see his father's belly rising heavily with his breaths and knew Russell was just as nervous and anxious about this as RJ was.

"You like this?" RJ just asked, taking a breath of that musky smell before exhaling once more over it. The humid breath of his son made Russell's toes clench tightly, growling softly.

"Yea'. I like that." Russell panted. "Feels real nice, Junior."

RJ wasn't sure why he felt so unbelievably happy after hearing that. His whole body felt warm, and he felt as light as air as his tail wagged, nose dipping down to sniff over his toes.

"You smell... good." RJ tried to keep up the dialogue, needing it to encourage him to continue. He liked the sound of his father's musky voice talking to him like this.

His father hadn't dated after the divorce. Instead, putting all his time and energy into working and supporting his son. RJ wanted to return the favor for all the time Russell spent with him.

"Yeah? You like my smell, Junior?" Russell could feel his excitement stirring and had to let out a deep breath to try and relieve some of that building tension.

"It's just. So strong...? Like. I've never smelled anyone else like it. Like you. Before." RJ closed his eyes, letting his nose guide him to sniff over the paw. Sniffing over each toe one by one and giving in the pleasant, arousing aroma before him.

"Yeah...?" Russell swallowed heavily at hearing those words.

"Yeah... you are a real man." RJ just said as he pressed his cold nose against it. Russell had to stop himself from jerking back at that cold black button nose touching his warm paw pads. The contrast of heat to cold affected them both as RJ groaned, and his father curled his toes around his boy's muzzle, pressing his paw against him in a loving pet.

"That's a good boy...." Russell groaned out. "That's my boy." He continued to pet over the side of his boy's whiskered muzzle. A shiver ran up his leg as RJ nuzzled back against his paw.

Another warm gust of air hit his paw, but Russell didn't react to it this time. That bumpy black wet nose continued sniffing over his toes, pushing between them to inhale the rich musk within. It was what was to follow that made Russell react. He'd expected it, and still, once it happened, the older bloodhound moaned in a low howl.

That hot pink tongue slapped against his father's center paw pad. The wet, grooved texture of the bloodhound's tongue licking over its coarse surface made Russell squirm. The sweat and grime of the day being hungrily licked away to be replaced by a warm, tart trail of drool that dripped down Russell's paw.

And that was only the start.

The older bloodhound had to cover his muzzle with his other hand.

The humid breath huffed and panted against his foot was incredible. The tongue didn't stop there. RJ rolled it around in his muzzle, tasting his father like this. The sweat and grime, the hard-working man's heat and musk were amazing. Combined together after a long day was the perfect mixture to get the young bloodhound going. It sent his taste buds into a delightful dance, craving more. And RJ was happy to sate his hunger as he licked once more.

The tongue drooled over Russell's toes, around and between them. Russell clenched them on his son's tongue and got a playful growl in reply. The two smiled as RJ continued to lick his father's beans clean. Swirling his thick, wide tongue around the smaller ones before wrapping his lips around the big toe and giving it a suckle.

Russell wiggled it, letting the dull claw scratch at his son's tongue as he chuckled heavily.

"Whatever you're doin' down ther' feels incredible." Russell voiced his thoughts aloud, pretending to keep his eyes shut. "I hope I can get such royal treatment from now on."

RJ pulled off his father's paw with an audible popping sound, drool trickling down his lips as he tried to lick it all up.

"Wow." RJ just said, still tasting that world-changing flavor in his mouth. "That. Wow." He just huffed again, chuckling as he looked up at his dad. He could see the smug smile on the older bloodhound's face.

Russell lifted his other socked paw and petted the side of RJ's face with it. Rubbing the stinky fabric over the whiskered muzzle and along his cheek.

"You're a good boy." Russell just said approvingly. He was glad to feel his boy's nose push against the sock and take a deep whiff of it before groaning loudly in return. "Heh, you know...." Russell eased his foot down, opening his eyes finally to look at his boy.

RJ was panting hotly; his whole face was in a goofy smile as he met his father's warm eyes.

"There are plenty of other places, I'm sure, that nose of yours want to explore...?" Russell's voice was deep and heavy with lust as he scratched under his gut, lifting it a bit before letting go. He lifted that finger to sniff at it, nose wrinkling a bit before relaxing back again. "You kno'. Plenty o' spots on the male body tha's smell just as good."

RJ's ears perked at that. "Oh?"

"You already know the paws...." His dad lifted his and wiggled the drool-covered toes. "It's a start. There's also the pit," Russell dipped his nose under one arm to sniff loudly to indicate. "But that's what most people just know of...."

"Where..." RJ licked his lips, nose twitching. "Are the other spots? Sex ed never taught this...."

"Well. How about we just let that nose of yours find out?" Russell smiled toothily.

RJ nodded, ears splaying out. "Okay. I'll. I'll just close my eyes then?"

"Heh, ya' do that." Russell didn't this time. "Your nose won't lead ya' astray, Junior."

RJ placed a hand on the futon sofa and felt his father shift to give him room. Ears splaying out, the younger bloodhound crawled between his father's legs, nose twitching and sniffing to serve as his guide. He could smell so much.

They say a canine's nose is a thousand times stronger than a human's, and the story this sofa alone could tell him. The strong smell on it masked everything else. A bright light for his nose to sail towards. And, even with his eyes closed, RJ could practically see everything in the room through his nose. The sofa smelled of their time on it, of old crumbs of food and a drink spill... but mostly of the man lying there before him.

The heat radiating off his father was the brightest of visuals. He had such a powerful musk that it was nigh visible to his nose as he sniffed closer to that source. It was so strong and intense that it could've slapped him in the face as RJ stopped, opening his eyes to stare at his father's bulge directly in front of his nose. Another inch, and he'd have bumped into it.

RJ slowly looked up at his father, who was watching him.

"What are ya' waiting for? An invitation?" Russell chuckled, and it made his belly bounce with the heavy sound.

RJ's ears splayed out.

"Here ya' go then." Russell just grinned, lifting his stomach with a hand. "Get a good whiff of this boy. Really know what a man smells like."

RJ felt the raw sexual heat of his father's groin wash over his face as Russell gave him full access. The smell was like nothing else. It was better than any sock or underwear that RJ had spirited away to his room. This was directly from the source of such pleasant odors, and RJ was more than happy to shove his snout down against his father's curly fur.

Russell grunted at the force. "Easy ther' boy!" Russell just laughed. "Not goin' anywhere. Eager, aren' we?"

RJ didn't respond as he shoved his nose through the field of curly brown fur underneath his father's sagging gut. No other smell could compare to it. The fur was sweaty and damp, slightly salty, as RJ nipped at it playfully with his teeth. Russell grunted, shifting and squirming at his son's playful teasing.

"Damn boy," Russell placed one of his large hands on the back of RJ's head. "If I'd have known ya' was this eager!" And Russell just grinned, tail thumping as his boy nosed under his gut. The worry and anxiety melted as his pup lifted his rear, wagging his tail and butt happily. "Nose up a bit. You'd be surprised what builds up under this gut of mine."

RJ glanced at him before following the advice, nosing up through the curly fur to the damp crease under his father's gut.

The crease was sweaty from the sunny spring day, and RJ was licking at it before he was told to. That hot tongue lapping at his belly sweat made Russel groan low and deep. It turned into a lustful growl as Russell gripped his son's head a little tighter and pushed his gut against his face, pushing RJ's against it.

"Thas' a good boy."

Russell's fat sheath hung loose, his heavy balls sagging down low. They glistened with sweat, the opening clenched and opened ever so slightly as Russell clenched, making RJ's ears perk up at the sight. The black flesh of the sheath opening was slightly gray around the edges, much like several other spots of his old man's fur. It wasn't that that caught his attention but the damp, wetness of that sheath opening that smelled delightful and inviting.

His nose twitched, and the potent smell was already coaxing him closer.

Before RJ could nose it, he felt his father's strong legs squeeze around his body, trapping him between two furry meat slabs. Walls of pure smelly, sweaty muscle hugged his body as his dad ruffled his hair with a hand. Giving his boy a good hug as he teased the boy.

"Got cha'." Russell clenched his toes, flexing his legs as his son tried to sit back up, holding him down. "Can't go nosing such a sensitive place and jus' stop now. Tha's rude, an' I taught you better than that, Junior."

RJ's whole body tensed as he felt the weight of his father's legs on his back. They flexed again, pushing him back down and closer to his body. Those meaty thighs rubbed against the side of his face, coating RJ in his dad's smell. The heat coming off them made the bloodhound pant, and with every breath, he could only smell more of his father right before his nose. Getting lost in it. The feel of his body, the smell, and the heat, made his head feel fuzzy.

Drool trickled down RJ's engorged tongue, splattering over his dad's exposed furry sack. Russell jumped slightly at the feel. The warm thick saliva ran down between his twin orbs, making him delightfully shiver. He couldn't help but want to feel more. Feel his son's tongue lapping on him so eagerly and happily, as he did with his toes earlier.

"Now. B' a good and continue where ya' left off." Russell growled low and deep; his voice filled with lust as he pushed the back of RJ's head, forcing his boy closer.

RJ gulped loudly, muzzle opening wide again as he panted over his father's balls. The hefty sack sagged with the weight of the full orbs inside. The long day only added to the powerful stench wafting off them. Like an oven door being open, the heat pouring off his father's groin made his mouth salivate. Sweat trickled down RJ's brow, and his face was still damp from where his father had rubbed his thighs against him.

The smell was so rich and pure. The raw essence of man. The smell took his breath away, and RJ just nosed against that loose hanging sack, touching his cold nose against that hot, sweaty flesh. RJ pushed his full snout against it before snorting a breath of that delicious aroma. His father jerked from the touch, but RJ barely reacted, so entranced by the smell that nothing else mattered.

Russell kept his strong legs over his son's body, hugging him closer, encouraging his boy to continue his exploration. RJ happily wrapped his arms around them, gripping Russell's thighs with both hands. Showing no signs, he wanted to stop.

The warmth radiating from between his father's legs was all the invitation he needed. The smell was what had attracted him, though. He couldn't get enough. Sniffing over the sack, nuzzling against the sheath, and tasting the sweat in the crease of the legs with a long, thirsty lap of his drooling tongue. It was heavenly. Everything about this moment and RJ's tail wagged as he began lapping between his father's legs blindly, following his baser, primal instinct.

Hungry, wet slaps of his tongue filled the living room. RJ was licking against anything he could reach. Nuzzling and nosing everything else. Tasting this man's body. Feeling those strong, warm, sweaty thighs against his face. His own flesh reacted, his blood rushing as it filled his body with renewed warmth. RJ couldn't explain the excitement building up inside and just continued, getting lost in the flavor. The smell. The feel of his father's body, wiggling his body closer like an excited puppy.

Huffing and panting, RJ kept nosing lower. Bouncing his dad's sack on his snout as he sniffed against the sweaty taint. The fur was matted to the warm skin. Wet and warm, RJ drooled as he nuzzled his face against it, nose twitching in anticipation. Those thighs squeezed his snout, and a deep rumble sounded from the older bloodhound in approval.

"Hoo, boy. No one's gone and sniffed down there 'n a long time!" Russell was panting happily, lifting one leg with an arm to support his boy to get better excess to his sweet spot.

He was rewarded with the sweet touch and feel of a tongue lapping it up. RJ's wide tongue slapped against it before dragging over his father's sack.

"Ah, ye'. Right there. That's the spot." Russell groaned out, his fat sheath twitching. Wrapping a large hand around it, he gave himself a strong stroke. The pumping motion forced his fat meat out, causing his sack to bounce off his boy's muzzle in the process. Warm, damp flesh drooping over the side of it after.

He could feel RJ shift, whimpering from the display. It only encouraged his father to continue. Slapping his boy in the face with his fat sack as he pumped his length several times.

"Tha's my boy. My good boy." Russell huffed out as he kept rubbing himself. "Com' up 'ere, boy. Put that tongue of yours to further use." Russell's words coaxed RJ back up. Russell eased his leg off his boy's shoulder and planted his large foot firmly on the sofa.

He used both legs to lift himself before dropping back down, shaking the whole sofa with a chuckle. With a slap to his gut, Russell opened one leg, casually letting it fall to the side showing his groin off. He stroked a finger closer to his sheath's opening. His dark tip was already poking free, leaking profusely with excitement. The slick flood pooled around the opening and ran down into his curly fur.

"I want that tongue o' yours right there." Russell pointed. "Just like you did to your daddy's sweet spot. Lick it all up. An all-you-can-eat buffet." Russell fondled his sack. "Gonna' fill that sweet mouth of yours so good, give you a belly like your dads."

RJ's droopy ears splayed out as his tail wagged, nose twitching as he inched closer between the older bloodhound's legs. He scooted closer on his knees, nosing down at the base of his father's full sheath, and took several deep sniffs of it. RJ held his father's thighs tightly for support as he felt a shiver run down his spine from the smell. The heat coming off him was making him thirsty, and the younger bloodhound could only take a lick of that loose fleshy sheath, lapping up from the base up to the tip and closing his muzzle around it. With closed eyes, RJ licked over his father's tip and swirled his tongue around and inside the sheath's opening. Dipping it in before pulling out, repeating the process several times in quick succession.

Russel jerked at that, gripping the sofa tightly as he growled in pleasure. He wasn't expecting his boy to just go for it like that. RJ had seemed so timid about their closeness. He had been very mistaken about his son. RJ had just been holding back up until now, and Russell just placed a hand on the back of his boy's hand, slowly rocking his hips up and into that humid maw and giving into the feel of the boy's eagerness lapping at his length.

Months spent bent up led to this moment, and RJ wasn't about to let it slip past him. His lips met the sheath's opening as he slurped his tongue deep inside. Feeling every inch and corner of it, he drooled profusely onto and into it. He groaned at that taste, the smell filling his core from the flavor flowing over his tongue. Russell's length expanded, spreading out over his red carpet of a tongue, welcoming it in.

RJ had never done anything like this other than with himself. He tried to use the same principle to work on his father's length as he did alone. Using one hand, he took hold of the swelling knot and, gripping it, twisted it back and forth. It elicited a low howl from his dad, who kicked out a leg. It shook in midair as if he were getting the best belly rub of his life.

Reaching a hand down, RJ felt his father up. The orbs were so large, drooping down in their sack like a pair of plums. He rolled them around his paw-padded fingers, feeling the musk coat his digits as he did so. Using the tip of his dull claws, RJ scratched and teased underneath that sack, making the much larger bloodhound squirm.

Russell wrapped a leg around RJ, groaning low and deep with a growl as he humped his lower body against his boy. His rear end was on RJ's legs, and his powerful thighs squeezed the boy tightly between them as RJ continued to work that fat meat. The young bloodhound inched forward as his father pushed against him until RJ was half under his father.

His bulge rubbed against his dad's ass, eliciting shivers of delight that danced over his body, making the bloodhound groan. The weight of his father's ass and legs on him, pinning him to the sofa, helped encourage the young, inexperienced bloodhound. RJ pulled Russell roughly, gripping his legs, trying to get as close as possible to his dad.

Russell just chuckled in reply, curling his legs around RJ's waist.

This was better than anything Russell could've expected or hoped for, and here he was about to finish. His boy's mouth felt so warm around him as RJ went back down on him. That tongue never stopped lapping at his sweet spot, slapping against the underside of his knot, curling around it, and giving several tugs against the engorged veiny bulb. The sultry breath washing over his sensitive bone was just too much, and before Russell could even say a word of warning, he was howling out as he blew.

His droopy sack tightened painfully against his body as the sheer rush of pleasure hit him like a truck, knocking the wind out of him as Russell fell onto his back, hands gripping the sofa as he thrust upwards into that warmth of his boy's snout.

Thick hot seed poured into his boy's mouth, and RJ's ears jumped up at the taste of it, eyes widening. The hot spunk filled his sinuses with that rich musky smell, and RJ was drooling uncontrollably as he tried to swallow it all down. It just kept coming. Spurt after heavy spurt of thick puppy batter landed on his awaiting tongue. RJ couldn't swallow it fast enough. His throat bulged with every full gulp he took, feeling the heat run down his body to settle in his filling belly as his father dropped a hand onto his head.

RJ glanced up at the older, graying bloodhound. Russell's tongue was hanging out the side of his muzzle, and the look on his face was pure goofy bliss after such a powerful orgasm.

Russell pet his boy between his floppy ears, groaning as he did so.

"Easy there," he huffed out, slowly pulling himself free. RJ just swallowed, panting happily as he looked up at Russell's face with lust-filled eyes. His muzzle dripped with drool and released mixed. His breath stunk. The smell of his release filled the air between the father and son, and Russell just guffawed at the look on his boy's face.

"Still need to bury that bone, 'eh Junior?" Russell asked, and RJ just nodded dumbly in reply. "Been a while since your old man tested out his backyard." Russell sat up a bit, looking his boy over.

RJ was half naked, his mast pushing against his underwear, the tip wet with excitement.

"Shouldn't keep you waiting too long. Ruin those unders otherwise." The large bloodhound got up slowly, his son following his every move without moving. "Now then," Russell lifted his gut before dropping it. He looked down at his boy. "Lay on back now."

RJ did. The young bloodhound couldn't imagine arguing with anything his father had to say. He felt incredible. His taste still filled RJ's mouth, and all he could smell was the man looming above him.

Lying on his back, RJ watched as his dad crawled up over him before sitting down on his belly. RJ "oofed" loudly at the heavy weight of his father. RJ still watched Russell's face for orders as the larger bloodhound scooted back slowly, tail wagging lazily as he reached back with one hand blindly.

"Where's that damned... ah," Russell's fingers curled around his boy's length through his briefs, startling RJ, who whined. "That's a good boy." Russell panted as he stroked RJ slowly, easing the fabric off his dick as he did so. He could feel the wet warmth of his boys pre-coating his fingers as it had coated his fat length and the front of his underwear.

RJ had always been large, even for his young age, and Russell had guiltily admired that. Proud of his boy.

Russell teased his rear end over that tapered tip. The heat that splashed against his tail hole made Russell jerk again. He was panting, his body shaking slightly in anticipation as he slowly eased himself down onto RJ's twitching length. It took several attempts before they got a proper position, and once more, Russell's bulky weight sunk over his son as he let out a deep, low groan.

Russell was at a loss for words as his boy's fat length forcibly spread his inside. The raw heat made him perspire even more, sweat dripping down his furry body as he squeezed that girth tightly with his plump rear end.

The younger bloodhound's tongue drooled from the side of his mouth as he splayed out on the sofa, letting his father do most of the work as he gave in the pleasure.

Russell hissed out between clenched teeth as he felt RJ's length twitch inside him. The younger bloodhound was so worked up that Russell worried he might blow there before he got tied together. Russell didn't want to risk losing such a special moment with his boy's first time and pressed down on the swollen bulb at the base of RJ's dick. It was swollen, and the feel of his father's furry rear pressing down on it made the hound whimper, dick twitching as he struggled to hold back. His legs twitched, and his toes curled as Russell pressed down.

There was resistance, and Russell growled low and deep as he wiggled his fat rear back and forth over it. Planting two hands on RJ's sides, Russell rocked them back and forth, trying to use the momentum to help tie the two together. The older bloodhound, thankful for his added weight, for once, was helping instead of hindering him.

"All worked up, huh?" Russell growled. "My boy is so eager to be with his dad." He panted. "Just want to be... together." He groaned as he began humping his boy's body with his own. Russell dropped to all four, pushing his entire body down on the smaller hound. "Just shove it in, Junior. Your old man can take it!"

RJ just nodded, drooling from the corner of his mouth as he began humping into his dad. Russell had to sit up for it and grunted with every thrust, bouncing on his boy. RJ winced as his father landed on his lap once more. The girth of the older bloodhound moving with the motion as RJ took hold of those thick thighs and thrust harder.

"Tha's it. Jus' like that. You're doing good. Just keep that up." Russell managed to say between bounces. He grabbed his ass with both hands, spreading his cheeks as he rocked back down, feeling that swollen, slick knot pressing against and spreading his tail hole each time.

And, finally, RJ couldn't take anymore as he gripped his father's thighs with curled fingers and pulled him down as he thrust upwards. There was a popping sound. Stars burst in front of Russell's vision as his boy tied him. The knot swelled, locking the two together as Russell half collapsed on RJ's body. The smaller bloodhound released a startled yelp as a mass of furry weight fell on him.

Russell groaned out, hugging his boy under him as RJ continued to hump, even smothered like this.

"Jus'... Jus' like that." Russell panted, licking the side of his boy's face. "Fill daddy with all your love, Junior." And RJ did.

At a slow, steady pace, the two held and hugged each other as RJ made love to his father. He tried to pull Russell closer and only got crushed by the older bloodhound's heavy weight. All the canine needed to finish was to be smothered underneath the musky male body with his bone buried deep in his old man's backyard.

Russell licked and cooed over RJ's face the entire time his son came. A deep warmth filled Russell's stomach during it all, but all he could remember was the pure look of bliss on RJ's face as the two settled down on the sofa together, his father still on top of him.

RJ tried to pull out, making the two wince.

"Not jus' yet, Junior," Russell said lovingly. "Be a while before that boy settles down." The bloodhound chuckled, nuzzling RJ's face with his own. Their muzzled bumping into each other as Russell flicked his tongue out to lick over RJ's button black nose.

Russell rubbed his hands all over his boy's body as he felt RJ twitch inside him, still leaking, he was sure.

"The apple of your daddy's eye." Russell's smile was soft, and it tugged at the wrinkles on his face. "You make this tired, old boof dog a happy father." Russell rested his bulky weight over his son's body. "Come on up, son. Snuggle with your pa'."

RJ blushed fiercely, nodding in obedience as he nuzzled his face against the pillows of his father's chest. They were solid yet soft and hairy. Russell's body was sweaty and warm, and the smell was the perfect thing to lull RJ to sleep with. RJ snuggled closer to his warm, musky body. Nuzzling under his father's chin as Russell bent his muzzle down to lick between RJ's eyes.

The young bloodhound opened them to look at him.

"I love ya', Junior."

"I love you too, dad," RJ said as they bumped noses.

"We have all weekend together...." Russell groaned out happily.

"We have the rest of our lives together...." RJ agreed. "You're my best friend, dad."

"And you are mine, son...."

And the two fell asleep that Friday evening tied together, forming a bond stronger than any other.

The End

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