Open Office - Chapter 7

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#7 of Open Office

Things heat up! Some major plot developments in this one, combined with everyone's favorite brand of nastiness (we all approve of foxes eating shit, right?). Get your dicks out, enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Jacob was in paradise. He was happy and relaxed at work, Lane somehow still didn't suspect a thing, and Zander was no longer on his ass about getting his work done. It was a bit more difficult for Greyson, needing to put in a bit of extra time to take on some of Jacob's projects as well, but the reward he got more than made up for it.

At did at first. Jacob still managed to do a little work on his own, but it was sandwiched between the train of guys using his holes in the bathroom stall to start the day, and Greyson abusing them at the end. His productivity was nowhere near what it was, he did enough to make the remnants manageable for Greyson when he took over. As days turned into weeks, Jacob pushed it further. He'd give Greyson a bit of extra attention in the conference room to take more work off his own plate, in turn allowing himself to spend more time to spend in the bathroom stall. On more than one occasion, Jacob left their shared working space for a while, only to come back with the smell of fresh cum on his breath. One day, during the limited time Jacob spent in front of his computer, he pulled up their messenger app and sent a quick note to Greyson.

'Conference room?' He said simply, knowing the wolf would understand.

'Not yet. Need to finish your work,' the wolf shot back a couple minutes later.

'Come on, please? I'm starving,' Jacob replied.

'No," the wolf said shortly.

'Pleeeeeeeeease,' Jacob begged.

'No, now stop. You already do basically nothing but fuck around here. I said I'd do some of your work, not all of it. Either pull your weight or deal's off,' Greyson typed with obvious annoyance.

'Fine...' Jacob pouted, switching tabs again and trying to find motivation to do something productive.

The conversation was short, but had become a common occurrence. Greyson was growing more annoyed with the fox by the day, yet Jacob remained oblivious to it. Their roles had completely reversed. Early on, Greyson was had been eagerly pushing the fox further and further down the path of depravity, yet now Jacob was shirking his work in favor of shit.

The new dichotomy became conspicuous one day when both were again at their desks. Jacob hadn't started begging Greyson to go with him yet, but it was likely to start up any minute now. Before he could, the fox idly looked around the office, noticing it much emptier than it usually was. In fact, the only furs he could see were the four Zander had hired, and of course and Jacob himself. Tardiness had never been an issue for his other coworkers, much less for three of them at once. Jacob scratched his head a bit, wondering what was up. They weren't even in related roles, so it was unlikely they were having a meeting or something.

His answer came out about fifteen minutes later, when Zander left his office with three new faces in tow. An elephant, a bull, and a tiger followed the dragon out into the main area, with Zander going through his usual speech about new coworkers and how they should all be welcomed. Before the dragon had even left the room, Jacob was out of his chair and heading to the bathroom. Not even a minute after he sat down, his phone buzzed with a message asking about his welcoming duties - clearly Taylor had relayed the message to the new hires. With the new batch, Jacob was now the only employee not hired by Zander or the dragon himself.

For Jacob, this was heaven. Within the space of a few months, combined with Zander's fortuitous hiring practices, he'd managed to build up a routine where he sucked off nearly everyone in the building during the day. That wasn't counting the dragon of course, who still had no idea this was going on with as much time as he spent in his office. The tantalizing thing was that the others most likely didn't know the extent of it either. Taylor certainly did, given the fact that he told everyone else about it, and Greyson obviously heard it from Jacob directly, but the fox could never be sure how much the others talked about it amongst themselves. When the thought popped into his mind, however, he realized he didn't care. If they talked, oh well, and it likely would only mean that he got even more action during the day. He was far beyond feeling any shame over his slutty nature.

Greyson, meanwhile, hated the new developments. Three new employees making use of Jacob meant the fox had next to no time for actual work, dumping his entire list of projects onto the wolf. It took less than a week before he couldn't stand it any longer, and knowing something had to change, he sent a quick message to Jacob and told the fox to meet him in the conference room.

Jacob needed no extra persuasion to obey. He happily bounded over to their usual spot and opened the door, dropping onto his knees before it had even latched behind him. What caught him off guard though was Greyson reaching down and lifting him up by his shirt collar, forcing him back into a standing position.

"No. None of that. I brought you here to talk, nothing else," the wolf said sternly.

"We can talk while we fuck, we've done it before," Jacob said with a grin, eyes already darting back down to the wolf's crotch.

"Holy fuck, stop with that! I can't do both your job and mine and still have time for this. I like you Jacob, I really do, but I can't handle it anymore. Either you start picking back up some of your work, or..." he started.

"Or what?" Jacob asked, not believing the wolf had anything in him.

"Or I tell Zander what's really been going on," Greyson threatened.

"You wouldn't dare," Jacob said, eyes narrowing.

"Try me," the wolf replied, a bit of a snarl in his voice.

Jacob considered his options for a moment, but didn't back down. "Alright, fine. I think you're too enamored with me to do it, and if you do, you won't have anyone else around to join you in all your crazed shit play. You'll soil yourself with no one there to lick you clean, and I know you'd never give that up. I've got six other guys out there to fuck, yet you're dependent on me," Jacob said, fed up with the wolf's resistance at this point. "Let me know when you're ready for more of that. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me," Jacob said, turning and leaving the room, not giving the wolf a chance to reply.

Jacob grumbled as he left. He really did enjoy the time he spent with Greyson, and it drove him crazy not getting that for the first time in a while. It pained him to admit it, but he did need the wolf just as much and couldn't understand for the life of him why he blew up so hard right there. His mind went back and forth between going back and apologizing or blowing off some steam in the bathroom with the first guy he found on his phone, but unfortunately, the decision was made for him.

"Jacob, could you join me please?" Zander said from down the short hallway, making one of his rare trips outside the office. "The rest of you, get to work."

The fox's eyes went wide, and a small gasp escaped his lips. That fucking wolf actually did it and wasted absolutely no time in doing so. He had told the dragon what was going on. Part of Jacob wanted to run away in terror, never to show his face in the office again, but that wouldn't solve anything, and he'd be out of a job. At least by following, there was a slim chance he could convince the dragon to let him stay.

As the vulpine made his way around the corner and into his boss' office, his ears flattened down and he slowly made his way toward the chair, sitting opposite Zander but refusing to look him in the eye.

"You know why I brought you here this time I trust?" The dragon asked.

"No..." Jacob lied.

"I think you do. Greyson told me very specifically that you already knew," Zander said.

"Whatever he told you, he's lying," Jacob tried, finally looking up at the dragon.

"So, you do know what he said. I thought you didn't know why you were here," Zander said sarcastically, hiding a bit of annoyance toward the fox.

"Let me guess, he said I wasn't pulling my weight with work?" The fox asked.

"He did, yes. He said he's been doing your work for you for a while now. Is this true?" The dragon asked.

"Not all of it," Jacob spat out, but quickly realized that was the wrong thing to say.

"Why is he doing any part of it at all? I pay you well above market rate for your exceptional work, yet I'm hardly getting any of it," Zander said.

"He offered," Jacob said simply, not sure what else there was to say.

"Your new wolf coworker just offered, out of nowhere, for someone he's known barely a few months, to do your job for you and not say anything? Try again," Zander said, anger apparent in his voice now.

"It's true!" Jacob insisted, knowing that while technically what he said was true, it was far from the whole truth.

"And what was his reason for it? What did you offer him in return?" Zander pressed.

"Uh..." Jacob started, unsure of what he could even say here. "...Nothing. He's just...just a nice guy, I guess," he finished lamely, knowing it wasn't going to end well.

"Uh huh. He decided to do two jobs for no extra pay, for...nothing. Alright, well, I can see you won't say anything, so here's the deal. I know what you've been doing for him - he told me. And even if he hadn't, it was the first thing I would have guessed," Zander remarked.

"" Jacob stammered, unsure how much the wolf really told him, eyes wide in fear.

"I know you've been fucking him," Zander said bluntly. "Not to mention every single guy in this office, aside from me. He's doing your work so you can spend all your time being a whore."

"That's...that's...what?!" Jacob said incoherently, completely in disbelief that the wolf told on him in this much detail. At the very least, he seemed to have left the nasty bits out, but that was small consolation to Jacob right now.

"I warned you before about stepping up and doing your work, and it clearly seems like you didn't listen. Nor can you control yourself around my employees. You've managed to corrupt every single one into your ways, you little succubus, and are actively distracting them from doing their jobs. If you have anything to say in your defense, do it now," Zander ordered. Jacob's jaw opened and closed a few times, desperately trying to come up with anything to say. That wasn't at all how things happened, yet the fox couldn't muster up the words to defend himself. Even with his job on the line, nothing came out besides pained noises and an attempt to hold back tears at potentially losing everything he'd gained recently.

"I thought so," the dragon remarked. "Now, I still haven't made up my mind what to do with you. Everything tells me I should fire you on the spot and not look back, but for some reason, I find myself wanting to give you one last chance. So, before I change my mind, get over here and beg for your job."

Jacob practically fell out of his chair, shuffling around the desk on his knees, paws pressed together in front of his chest as he looked up at the dragon. "Please," he started, finding words for the first time, "please don't fire me. I need this job; I'll end up homeless without it. My boyfriend doesn't work - I'm the only income we have. I'll - I'll change, I can be good, I promise!" Jacob said, stumbling slightly over his words as a couple tears slipped out, the reality of the situation hitting him hard.

"You've already gotten far more money out of me than you should have," the dragon remarked. "Why the hell would I give you more?"

"Please, I'll do my work, I promise, it'll be the best job anyone's ever done," Jacob uttered, throwing out the first words that came to his mind.

"Not good enough," the dragon growled. "I want you to really show me how much this job means to you. Kiss it," he stated, raising one of his legs and holding his black scaled footpaw in front of Jacob's face.

"W...What?" the fox asked, sniffling slightly and leaning to the side, looking around the obstruction and up toward the dragon.

"I said, kiss it! Beg it for forgiveness," the dragon roared, shoving his footpaw forward and pressing the sole against Jacob's lips.

It took the fox a moment or two to get settled enough to obey, but seeing no other option, he slowly managed to pucker his lips and give the dragon's sole a kiss. After he did, he pulled back, still shaking slightly at the sudden change in his situation.

"I tell you when you can stop," Zander instructed, shoving his leg forward once more.

Jacob obeyed quicker this time, lips pressed against the sweaty sole. "I'm sorry," he half-cried between kisses, moving his muzzle up and down. "I shouldn't have acted out, I should have just done my job, I'm sorry..." he continued, but Zander remained quiet. Jacob's eyes shut as he sniffled, struggling to maintain his composure as he fought to keep his job.

After a few minutes, Zander finally spoke again. "Suck," he said, in a voice that left absolutely no room for debate. The dragon had shifted his leg down and placed one of his toes against the fox's lips, trying to force it inside. Jacob shakily opened to accept it, taking care to avoid the claw as he felt it rest on his tongue, giving it a few firm sucks. His tongue slid around it a bit, hoping beyond hope the dragon would consider it good enough to keep him around.

"Hmph," Zander said simply as he ripped his toe out and replaced it with another. "Passable, but barely. I expected better out of a worthless whore."

Jacob whimpered as the dragon curled his toes, pressing the claw into his tongue. It wasn't sharp enough to draw blood, but it hurt nevertheless. He sniffled a bit, trying to keep snot from running down on his boss' footpaw, only barely succeeding at that as well. He tried his best to please the dragon, but between his pained cries, it was a struggle.

"You're fucking horrible at worshipping someone, you know that?" The dragon sneered, lifting his leg up higher and putting the sole against Jacob's face again, only to shove him backwards a bit. The fox stumbled back, barely able to catch himself with his paws and mostly remain on his knees.

"Get back up here, and we'll give you something I know you're more...practiced at," the dragon spat, still on the verge of kicking the fox out now. "Last chance, whore. Impress me or you're gone. Get my dick out."

Jacob struggled to even get back up to his full kneeling height, still fighting tears as he shuffled closer to the dragon. "W...What?" he asked again, lifting a paw and wiping away some of the wetness from under his eyes.

"You fucking heard me. Or what, suddenly it's weird because it's your boss? You fuck every other guy out there," the dragon remarked, pointing out of his office, "yet now you're too good for it? No, fuck that. If you want to stay, I need a reason to keep you, and the only one I've got right now is that everyone else seems to think you're a good fuck. So, get over here, suck my dick, and prove to me you're good at something in your worthless life. If you can't prove that to me, you're out on your ass. Clear?"

Jacob nodded, his paws shaking madly as he lifted them to try to reach for the dragon's crotch. Before he could, however, a giant paw seized the back of his neck and shook him. "NO! Use your fucking words. I said - ARE? WE? CLEAR?" Zander yelled, not caring who heard him.

"Y-y-y-yes, s-sir," Jacob stumbled, barely able to get the words out now. He was afraid not just for his job now but for his safety with how huge and angry the dragon was.

"Good," Zander said, practically throwing Jacob forward and against his crotch. The fox struggled a bit as he raised his paws again. He fumbled around with the dragon's pants, taking far, far longer than usual to undo someone else's zipper. Jacob's heart was racing as he finally managed to undo it enough to show off the dragon's underwear, with a sizeable bulge already present. Here, Zander at least offered Jacob a bit of assistance, lifting himself up just enough to slide his own pants down the rest of the way, letting them drop around his ankles.

Jacob gulped a bit, sharing down the semi-erect length before him. The ebony flesh tapered off into a fine tip, begging Jacob to wrap his lips around it. Knowing what was expected of him, Jacob managed to take hold of the dragon's cock, his fear growing the longer he held it. His paws grew warmer the longer they were in contact, easily able to feel how hot the dick in front of him was. He leaned in and gave the head a lick, then another, then another, finding the taste not wholly unpleasant, even given the circumstances. His paws worked up and down the sides, finding it harder and harder to keep hold of the length as it grew before him.

By the time Zander was fully erect, Jacob's heart was in his throat. "I...I..." the fox stammered, looking at the pillar of meat in front of him.

"You what?" Zander spat.

"I...I can't..." Jacob finally said.

"And why the fuck not?" The dragon demanded.

"It's,'s...too big..." the fox stammered, knowing he was going to suffer one way or another - either by being jobless, or being forced to take something so huge. The dragon's cock was somehow even wider than the orca's, and Jacob already could barely fit that down his throat. The length even surpassed both Lane and Greyson, two of the longest cocks he'd seen before now.

Zander had to fight back a brief smile as his size was inadvertently complimented. "Too big? If it's too big, then I truly have no use for you if I can't even fuck you. Get out," the dragon said, fed up with the fox's hesitation.

"No! Please, no, I'll...I'll try..." Jacob said, though he knew it was going to be a futile effort. Before the dragon could force him to leave, the fox leaned forward and stretched his jaws as wide as they would go, barely even able to stretch them around the first couple inches of the jet-black shaft. His eyes clenched shut as he tried to shove himself forward more, making absolutely sure to keep his teeth covered, but struggling to get any more inside. He gagged heavily on the little bit resting on his tongue, fearful of the nearly ten times more that remained for him to choke down.

"Fucking worthless toy," the dragon chided, putting a paw on the back of the fox's head. "Guess I'll do the work myself. You're used to making others do it for you, aren't you?" He remarked, giving a particularly rough shove to the back of Jacob's head and jamming another inch or so inside. The fox hacked and coughed, spraying spittle all over the dick inside his maw, but it was so utterly full that not even a drop managed to escape. He tapped the dragon's leg a few times, trying to get him to take it easy, but Zander paid it no mind. Once the coughing died down a bit, he shoved forward again, dangerously close to entering Jacob's throat now.

The fox frantically smacked Zander's leg, trying to get him to pull off. There was no way it was going to fit. For a moment, the dragon seemed to listen, pausing and leaving his shaft where it was. "You want this fucking job or not? Last chance because I'm tired of asking. Either you let me fuck your throat, or you walk out that door right now. Smack my leg again if you give up."

Jacob immediately raised his paw but thought for a moment as he did. He knew the consequences now would be painful, but it would be nothing next to being jobless, and he couldn't do that to Lane as well, not with everything else that had happened. Just as he was about to tap out, he lowered his paw again and waited, closing his eyes and preparing himself for the inevitable difficulties he was about to face.

"Smart choice," the dragon growled, renewing his grip on Jacob's head and giving him no chance to prepare, abruptly cramming another couple inches inside. The fox tried to cough, but Zander was so far in now that all Jacob managed was to make his throat squeeze the head of the shaft even tighter. The pattern continued like that for a while, with the dragon giving Jacob a moment to get his composure back, then jamming himself further inside. After getting about ten inches in, Zander ripped Jacob off far enough to allow the fox to breathe, only to force himself back in to where he was before in one go.

"I think you can handle it from here," Zander remarked, knowing full well his dick was already past the difficult parts, stretching the top of Jacob's neck already and nicely bulging his throat out. The fox blinked once as he mentally prepared himself to take over, placing a paw on each of Zander's thighs for balance. He struggled, but managed to inch himself forward, finding it at least slightly easier now that they'd fully passed his gag reflex. Inch after painful inch disappeared down Jacob's gullet as he crawled his way forward, almost imperceptibly making progress unless you were really focused on him. After what seemed like far too long, and already short on breath just from one trip down, Jacob's nose bumped against the dragon's crotch, feeling far fuller than he ever had before.

"I knew you could do it," Zander said with false sincerity, shoving Jacob into his crotch with some heavy force behind it. Once he let go, Jacob pulled off again with some urgency, desperate to breathe. He moved back until the head was in his muzzle again, jaw already aching from the stress it was under, and inhaled through his nose quickly. His coughing renewed as he went back down, not used to his gag reflex being triggered at all, but this time at least managed to do it all on his own.

"You've got one thing going for you, anyway," the dragon said, 'helping' Jacob back down faster than he was comfortable with. "You're tight. Nothing you did yourself, still haven't seen anything remotely resembling skill from you - but you're small, so you're tight. Maybe that's why the rest of them like you, you're just a scrawny little fox they can use to get off, and they don't know the difference," Zander said, practically dragging Jacob up and down his length now.

"I do though, and I can tell you're just a weak little hole for me to fuck. I've got fleshlights that feel nicer than you at home, and they're not nearly so difficult to use. Only difference is you're a bit warmer. And here I was led to believe foxes were good at this sort of thing," Zander said, feeling Jacob slightly tensing around his cock as tears rolled down his cheeks. It was clear to the fox now that the dragon had no intentions of keeping him and was simply taking the opportunity to use him before he was cast aside.

Zander picked up the pace, feeling close despite Jacob's lack of participation, with the fox barely able to do much more than keep his muzzle open and stay upright. "This must be fucking heaven for you," he continued. "Little toy like you getting to play with the biggest cock he's ever seen, and you don't even have to do any work. I'm gonna flood your stomach with cum, just the way you like it. You'll never feel full again - every fucking dick you take after this will pale in comparison to what you're choking down now. You'll never be satisfied again after today. So as my parting gift, I'll rock your world one time," the dragon said, practically slamming Jacob's head down into his crotch. He went silent, panting a bit as he worked, both paws gripping the sides of the fox's face now as he relentlessly fucked it. After a couple minutes, Jacob thought he was about to pass out, eyes fluttering until he heard the dragon's roar, the cock jumping painfully inside his esophagus.

Jet after jet of blazing hot seed painted Jacob's insides white, absolutely flooding his stomach with the stuff. Zander didn't let that last too long though - after a few pumps of cum, he jerked Jacob off his cock and shoved him back onto the ground, pointing his dick over the fox and covering him in white from head to toe. There was no hiding this one - Jacob's clothes were absolutely covered in dragon jizz, and it wasn't about to come out easily.

Both males panted as Zander's orgasm died down. The dragon slumped back in his chair, cock still dribbling small bits of seed down its length, while Jacob lay back on the floor, sobbing silently over his presumably lost job. His throat ached from strain, unsure he could even speak if given the opportunity now. Zander seemed to take the initiative first though and shifted back up to look down at the fox.

"Feel good about yourself?" He asked. "Being a whore?"

"N...No..." Jacob croaked, barely finding the word.

"Aww, that's too bad," Zander said mockingly. "Well fortunately for you, I remember something else you are that might make you feel better. Do you remember the first day we met?"

"W...what?" Jacob asked, not understanding why he was being asked that.

"Answer the question," Zander spat.

"I...not really, I know I got here a little late..." Jacob sniffled, finding it hard to speak still.

"Well, as it so happens, I'm pretty sure I know why you were late. You had a very...distinctive smell on your breath that morning," the dragon remarked.

Jacob's eyes went wide for a moment, but quickly tried to recover. "Yeah, my boyfriend and I...we were trying out new breakfast ideas, and that day's really didn't end up well..."

The dragon's face couldn't have looked more evil if he tried, smiling that predatory smile down at Jacob like he was about to feast on him. "Oh, I'm sure you had quite a disgusting breakfast, but not quite that type. You see, unfortunately for you, or fortunately maybe, I know what that smell was. You can try to hide it all you want, but everyone knows what shit smells like, and it was unmistakable on you. I'm pretty sure I even caught a little brown on one of your teeth."

Jacob looked up in fear as the dragon shared his knowledge, unsure what was going to happen next. Zander had already gotten what he wanted, and the job was off the table. "Why...why wait so long to tell me you knew?" he stammered.

"Because I didn't care then. You can do in your free time what you please, but now...after you've not only stolen from me, but fucked around and distracted my employees from their own work on top of I think you know you need to be punished. You're not keeping your job by any means at this point. But before you go," Zander said, trailing off and slowly standing up, moving over to squat above the laying fox. "You're going to choke down my shit."

"Wha...why?" Jacob asked, looking up at the winking pucker above him, unsure what the dragon was playing at.

"Because you need to be punished. Were you not listening?" Zander questioned, his tailhole opening to blast Jacob in the face with a foul burst of flatulence. "I'm not about to take it easy on you, so open up and get ready."

Before Jacob could reply, the dragon grunted and the first log of waste rocketed out of his tailhole, propelled down, and smacked Jacob's muzzle. Immediately, it started coiling around on top of it, having nowhere else to go. By the time he took his first bite, the next one was already making contact, each log just as thick as the dragon's cock. The fox struggled to chew through even the smallest chunk, finding it insanely sticky. The brutalization of his maw earlier didn't help either, making it painful to chew at the moment.

Zander gave him no reprieve though. In under ten seconds, Jacob's head was completely buried, with the fox shifting his head around under the muck to try to breathe. His jaw worked as hard as it could, but he barely made a dent in the pile with as much as the dragon was pushing out. The logs became softer over time, slopping down and filling in the gaps, leaving greasy smudges over everything they touched. Jacob was nowhere near those, however, still trying desperately to chew through the harder logs he was initially fed, his sobs starting up again under the weight of it all. There was no reason for this other than pure humiliation, and Zander seemed to be getting his fill of it.

Somehow, despite Jacob's head being completely submerged in a pile of the stuff, the dragon wasn't done. It was close, but those softer logs continued to soften up, and soon enough, straight diarrhea was spraying from the dragon's tailhole. Jacob could feel himself laying in it as the wetness dribbled down onto the floor, completely soaking his head and spraying out onto his shirt, completely ruining the garment.

By now, all premise of eating was forgotten, with Jacob simply sobbing as he tried to keep his head in a position to breathe. Zander's dump had finished, a few farts spraying out the remaining wetness across the small fox down below before the dragon stood back up. When he looked down though, he grew enraged, seeing the fox simply lying in the feces and sobbing.

Zander dropped down to his knees, reaching into the muck and seizing the back of Jacob's head, lifting him up out of it, not caring about the mess on himself for the moment. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" The dragon screamed, shaking Jacob and knocking some of the waste back down onto the floor. "I SAID, EAT!' He yelled, grabbing a pawful of waste with his free fingers and jamming it into the fox's face, going into his mouth, nose, and everywhere around them.

Jacob made a few desperate attempts at chewing and swallowing, but he was past his breaking point. Seeing the effort was futile, Zander dropped the fox back into the pile and stood back up, shaking his head. "Not a toilet either I see," the dragon grumbled. "Well, this is where we part, I suppose. You're absolutely of no fucking use to me. I gave you every opportunity to succeed, even with the things you're supposed to be good at, and you utterly failed. Being a slut, a toilet, not to mention your actual job, and you failed at all three. I see no reason for us to continue here. I'll help you pack your things," the dragon said matter-of-factly, turning and walking out of his office, leaving Jacob in a heap on the floor.

The fox simply lay there sobbing, unwilling to move for the moment. He was completely covered in waste, his throat hurt like hell, and now was out of a job. Everything had been going so great, but now it came crashing down around him in an instant. He couldn't even be mad at the wolf for telling the dragon about all this. Jacob had been kind of an ass lately and had only himself to blame. He rolled over slightly, sniffling and trying to keep his nose free from the pile of shit around him, when the door opened once more.

"Right, sorry about all that," Zander spoke, shutting the door behind him again and returning to his seat.

"C...Come back to humiliate me more?" Jacob weakly asked.

"No, Jacob, that part's done. You can sit up now if you want, I'm not going to hurt you," Zander said.

Still sobbing, Jacob slowly eased himself back into a sitting position, trying to avoid slipping in the piles of waste surrounding him now. "W...Why?" Jacob could only ask.

Zander smirked. "I can only assume you mean why did I do all that, and not why am I not going to hurt you. Unless you want me to," he added, to which Jacob shook his head a bit. "Unfortunate, I'd gladly do it. I love masochists. Anyway, everything I said is true, I do know you've been fucking everyone else, and a small part of it was just pent up lust I had to take out on you. You did also steal from me for a while, not actually doing your job. But neither of those are the actual reason."

"Then...what is?" Jacob said, coughing and spitting a bit of dragon shit out and onto the floor.

Zander smiled, crossing his shit-covered paws and looking down at the fox. "You really have no idea? No suspicion at all? Think about everything that's happened since I got here."

Jacob thought for a moment, still slightly scared the dragon would turn on him at a moment's notice and inflict more pain, but for now, he played along. "I...I guess the big thing is you replaced all the employees? All but me, anyway..." Jacob started, to which Zander nodded, prompting him to continue. It was hard to think with everything going on, but the fox continued. "And...and they're you. I mean, big, strong, buff guys to varying degrees. Not...not quite as big as you, in any way, but..." Jacob said, shaking his head. "But they're all good at their jobs, and I think we're - or, I guess it's you're now, doing better than you ever have as a company. So clearly, they weren't just stud hires or something..."

"All correct," Zander said. "I did expect you to say something before now about my hiring choices, but I imagine you didn't want to potentially rock the boat and lose out all the fucking you were doing. Keep going."

"They're...well, I don't know if they're gay, but at least willing to fuck me if nothing maybe that was part of it? I don't know, I can't come up with a reason - why do you need competent employees who also want to fuck me? And why me? You didn't know me before you started here, yet it all seems geared toward humiliating me and turning me into a whore."

The dragon smiled. "Again, all true. While I didn't know you before, I meant what I said about smelling your breath on day one. I'd always planned on bringing in an office slut, but imagine my surprise when I found this place already had one. I just needed to get you to open up a bit."

"Wait, did bring these guys on to fuck me? And all the stuff with Greyson, was any of it real? Or just to make me a slut?" Jacob asked.

"Oh, it's very much real - I must say he's taken a liking to you. Today wasn't the first time he told me about what you've been up to. Shit included," Zander remarked. "But his infatuation with you is quite genuine."

" knew, about all this?" Jacob asked.

"Oh yeah. How do you think you were never caught? Greyson constantly kept me updated on what you were doing, and holy fuck did you two push it to the extreme in here. Multiple days of you being in the bathroom for hours straight, then the same thing with him in that conference room. And the smell outside it... Anyway, I ran interference. I'd keep the former employees away and make sure they didn't suspect a thing," Zander explained. "Also cleaned the conference room at night. Your tongue isn't quite as effective as you think it is."

Jacob looked down, embarrassed as he reached up to scratch the back of his head. As he thought about what the dragon said though, he perked back up for a moment. "Wait, no, we did get caught! Taylor..." he started, then cut himself off. "Oh. Right. He was in on it, let him catch us. And that's how you made sure everyone else knew..." The fox said, shaking his head and forgetting it for now. "So...the former didn't just fire them...did you?"

"Technically yes, but it was a mutual separation. You know of my history before coming here, yes?" Zander asked, to which Jacob nodded. "Then you know that my last company left me fairly well off. I was able to offer each of them a sizeable severance package - one they'd be fools not to take. Some came to me, scared, when other employees started leaving quickly, hoping I wasn't going to take their job from them and leave them destitute. I could never do that though, so believe me when I say they're well taken care of. It's why the last three all left around the same time - two had come to me to ask what was going on, and I was already talking with the third, so it seemed a good way to not leave one or two around who were just paranoid about their jobs."

"So...I guess that just left me," Jacob said, dejected. "You got rid of the others, gave me false hope, and...well, now I'm out of one too."

"Not necessarily," the dragon started, causing Jacob to perk back up. "Tell me - have you ever heard of a website called Open Office?"

"Uh..." Jacob started, not sure he wanted to admit to it, but given he was still sitting in a pile of shit, it seemed okay to talk about. "Yeah, it shut down a couple years ago. It was a...well, a cam site of people fucking in the office. I, uh, well, my boyfriend and I had the premium tier on the site, so I could see a lot of the nastier stuff that went on. He still goes back and watches the saved videos pretty often, actually. Not a ton of different furs on it, just a dragon and wolf and OH MY GOD THAT WAS YOU?" Jacob shouted, voice rising as realization suddenly dawned on him.

Zander smiled, nodding. "It was. It was a real office too - not all of us engaged in that kind of thing. Greyson and I found out we'd been fucking the same coworker in secret for a few months, and the three of us talked about setting up a site to make a little extra money on the side from it. We had to be sneaky about it, and a lot of the videos were shot on phones, as I'm sure you remember, but we managed it. I was still the owner, so there was never a huge amount of risk, but there was an actual business running that I couldn't interrupt, and I thought half the employees might quit if they realized the disgusting things going on around them."

"I hired Taylor after meeting him through the site and he joined us for a while. Soon after that though, the real business was acquired, and I couldn't turn down the money associated with it. That's when the site was shut down. I took a break from work for a couple years, and while most furs out there know I've been out of the game for a while, what they don't know is that I've been looking for others like me. It took some time, but everyone in this office now not only is competent at their actual job, but fully on board with the idea of opening the site again and starring on it. And yes, before you ask, they're all just as nasty as Greyson and I are, they just haven't shown you yet on my orders. We couldn't scare you off too quickly, or make you too suspicious," the dragon said with a chuckle. "It's one thing to fool yourself into believing seven other random guys are willing to get blowjobs from you, it's an entirely separate level of delusion to think they're all into shit play and stuff like that."

"The one thing we're missing though, is a slut. I'm sure you remember the otter from the old site. He moved about a year ago, and I've been searching since then to find someone to take his place. So, when I say you're not necessarily out of a job, this is what I mean. I don't expect you to be able to control your urges here, you've proven that already, so what you'd call a 'proper' job is out of the question. We want to make Open Office a proper porn site though, fully functional and profitable. Your contract will remain the same should you choose to stay, but you'll obviously have new responsibilities - no more programming."

Jacob stayed silent for a moment, trying to take it all in. This was a huge revelation, and he couldn't believe he was sitting here in a pile of the dragon's shit that he jerked off to so many times before. "I...I don't know," he started, still not sure if this was all a dream. "I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"You always have a choice," Zander said. "You can leave and remain quiet about our intentions under your NDA, but since I've never technically fired you, you'd be quitting, and under the terms of our contract, you'd have to repay everything you've made so far aside from your original salary, on top of being out of a job. Or, you can stay and fuck as much as you want."

"So, I don't have a choice," the fox repeated.

"I suppose not. Shall I take that as a yes then?" Zander asked.

"Yeah...I mean I guess so. I'm excited about it, but...there's just a lot going through my mind right now. It's been a bit of a wild morning," Jacob said.

"I can imagine. I've been waiting for this day for a while," the dragon admitted. "I've heard so much about how good a whore you were, and it was so difficult to keep up the act and not just come fuck you senseless."

"...So why did you? Keep up the act, I mean," Jacob asked.

"You weren't ready," Zander responded. "Greyson told me how reluctant you were the first time you did something together, and if I threw you in the deep end right away and started passing you around, you'd have quit out of loyalty to your boyfriend. I had to set it up so that you made decisions along the way that would lead to you willingly fucking everyone around you. Even Taylor's not as big an asshole as you'd expect - we planned it so that Greyson would defend you, you'd feel closer to him, and that would break the ice. It took a little longer than we expected, but now, look at you," the dragon said with a smile, gazing over the shit-covered fox.

"They...they were all in on it?" Jacob asked. "This was just one exercise?"

"More or less. Once Taylor and Greyson got you into daily fucks, I brought on the next round of employees. Taylor did his job by setting them up with you right away, and you performed beautifully. Even with as nasty as Brett is," the dragon remarked.

"You even know about that?" Jacob asked.

"Of course. I met him about a year ago, and you could smell him from across the room. I swear his dick is rotten from the stench of it, and how much fucking cheese ends up on it, but that didn't stop you from sucking him off," Zander said proudly. "After that moment I knew you'd do whatever we threw at you. From there on it was just getting you to be more open about it, and pushing you to initiate it more often, particularly the wilder stuff."

"Greyson's deal with me," the fox said simply.

"Yep. Even him taking over your work was planned. Like I said, we're running a non-porn business here too, and I couldn't let the clients down. He got nastier than even I expected with you, and you took it from there once you got away with it. You always had a choice though, and nothing was forced on you. Sure, we persuaded and manipulated you, but every step of the way, no one forced you to do anything you didn't want to do."

"It sure felt like that a little bit ago," Jacob remarked, reaching up and rubbing his throat.

Zander just laughed. "Right, again, sorry about that. Though I did give you a chance to tap out," he recalled.

"Yeah, then you'd have fired me," Jacob said, a bit of anger returning to his voice.

Zander just shrugged. "You still had a choice, but choices have consequences."

"Yeah, right..." Jacob said, unsure what else to say to something like that. "I guess...I guess I should ask then. When does this new position start? I haven't seen any cameras or anything, so I assume we're not ready yet?"

Zander's evil grin reappeared on his face. "You already have," he said simply. The dragon whirled around in his chair a bit, pointing toward the back corner of his office, up high near the ceiling. "Camera's up there. Spy camera, meant to be out of the way and unnoticeable. That's why I had you come around to this side of the desk."

"So...all that's on tape now?" Jacob asked.

"It's recorded yes, but not on tape. This isn't the 80s," the dragon joked.

"Is that why you were so rough then? For the cameras?" Jacob asked.

"In a small part. One of the best performing videos we had on the old site was a little roleplay where I abused my power to force the otter to bend over for me. They were in on it of course, but the illusion that it was real made it one of our most viewed. Naturally, I wanted to try it again, but I wanted to up the ante. Not only did you believe it was real, but I threatened to take your job if you didn't comply. We'll even get two separate videos out of it - the vanilla portion where I fuck your throat, and the extended cut with all the shit for our premium subscribers."

"That...that doesn't explain the roughness..." the fox said.

"That was for me. I'm bigger than just about everyone I fuck, and I like making sure they know it," the dragon said, cock jumping back to life a little. "I had to shove it in there, and it felt so fucking good when I felt your neck squeezing my dick. I also had to keep your mind focused on the stress of the situation. If I took it easy, you'd have time to think about what was actually going on, and potentially realize I wasn't just using you before I fired you. I had to keep the tears real. Plus, there's a rather large part of me that enjoys the abuse and sadism and making sluts like you feel helpless."

"Well, mission accomplished..." Jacob croaked slowly. "I don't think I could have stopped you if I wanted to..."

"You couldn't have," Zander said, his smile never wavering. "Once you didn't tap out, I was getting off in your throat one way or another. If you didn't put in the work, I would."

"Yeah, I...I noticed..." Jacob said.

"I'm sure it came out great on the video too. One sec," the dragon said, suddenly leaning forward and shoving a finger inside Jacob's maw. The fox was taken aback at first, but quickly realized the dragon wanted him to suck it clean, so he did. It didn't take long, but the dragon's finger was nearly long enough to push into his throat already, causing Jacob to cough a bit at the unexpected entrance. Once Zander had a digit no longer covered in shit, he quickly navigated his computer with it to find the recording, rewinding it a few moments before the end.

"Fuck yeah that's good. Look at that! You can really see the tears, even through all the shit," Zander remarked lustfully, zooming in and showing Jacob's face, surrounded by a sea of brown as he sobbed on his side.

"Yeah, it's...great..." Jacob said.

"Oh, come on, you had fun too. I can prove it," the dragon said, zooming back out and refocusing the camera to Jacob's crotch, showing a rather obvious bulge in it.

"Not because of the abuse," Jacob said, though even then he wasn't entirely sure it was true. "It's hard not to be aroused when your head's buried in so much shit."

"Now that, we can agree on. I might not eat it, but it does feel damn good," the dragon said, reaching down and grabbing a pawful of cold waste off the ground, forcing it against Jacob's muzzle. Once some of the shit made it inside, Zander wrapped his fingers around the fox's jaws and squeezed them shut, preventing him from letting it out. It was difficult, but Jacob chewed his way through what he could, mashing it around with his tongue a bit before swallowing it down.

"There's a lot more where that came from, so if you don't mind, keep eating while we go through the rest of this," Zander remarked. "I don't need a pile of it left over when we leave today."

"Rest of what?" Jacob asked, reaching down and grabbing a small bit, happy he was now able to use his muzzle as he pleased for once.

"Your new job description. First and foremost, you know the general premise of the site, right?" Zander asked, and Jacob nodded through a mouthful of feces. "Then you know we have to keep up appearances. This is supposed to be a normal office, just with employees that fuck each other from time to time. No one outside here will know just how many people work here, and it will be presented in a way that makes them believe the office is bigger than it truly is. In reality, we'll only hire furs who can do both jobs, the office work and the porn. One thing I need to make clear though, and make sure you're okay with - the nature of all this means you'll be on camera a lot. There's a chance you'll be recognized outside these walls. Everyone out there has agreed that having their face shown isn't a problem, but I need to make sure you're okay with it too."

"I suppose," Jacob said. "I's kind of hard to censor my face and still film a blowjob, isn't it?"

"Or shit eating, or any number of other things you do with that muzzle of yours," Zander added. "But okay, since that's out of the way, we can go into expectations. This applies to everyone, not just you, but from now on, I don't want you showering. If you have any commitment outside work that requires you to clean yourself in any way aside from lightly removing visible stains, let me know in advance and I'll approve it. We have to appear to be a normal office, but cameras can't pick up scent, so be as nasty as possible in that regard - it'll just get everyone else going. Obviously the same goes for brushing your teeth or anything like that," Zander added, and Jacob just nodded as he took another big bite of shit.

"Dress code remains the same for everyone but you. This is where you're a little unique. Obviously as the office slut, we want you to appear as one, but we can't just have you walk around naked. I want you to wear the tightest clothing you can find that still reasonably covers everything. T-shirt that just doesn't fully your stomach, a pair of tight shorts that shows off your ass and bulge, and...nothing else. Walk around with your tail lifted high like you're always ready for something underneath it, and don't be afraid to be extra touchy with everyone out there, even if you're not fucking. Slip in a few gropes where you can, discreet but not overly so. There's no actual risk of being caught but pretend like there is."

"Now, something new is that we plan on taking requests through the site from donors. Anyone who gives $50 or more, or for each six months they stay subscribed, can make a request for a scene they'd like to see - limited to one per user per week, and an hour at most, to make sure someone doesn't just flood the site with only one thing. You'll have an earpiece in, same color as your fur, for any instructions you need during the day if something has been requested. It'll also let you talk to me from anywhere. This might just be as simple as you sucking off one of the guys of their choice, or something as intense as what we did earlier. If someone wants me to be that rough with you again, are you okay with it?"

"Yes," Jacob said, muffled through his mouthful, but more turned on the more he thought about what his days would be like now.

"Good. There's limits, obviously, and I won't let you actually get hurt in any serious way, but beyond that, be open to things. It might not be the most exciting thing in the world - someone might want to use the entire hour just to watch you suck my toes or something - but they paid for it, so they get it. As long as you're not hurt, and it doesn't break the illusion of secretive office affairs, it's fair game. Any questions?" Zander asked, but Jacob just shook his head, focusing his mouth on the meal to get through the pile in any reasonable timeframe.

"Alright, last thing I think before we go back out and see everyone else. Performance goals - while obviously I could leave you free to do whatever you wanted in the office, there's certain things we'd like to have to make sure we're generating new content for return visitors. So, I'm sure you're already doing this anyway, but bare minimum, everyone fucks you once a day. Ass, mouth, I don't care if it's your fucking armpit. It can be dirty, but keep at least some of it vanilla, otherwise we have nothing for the lower tier of users. Try to do the dirty stuff later in the day, too - once you get shit all over yourself, it's kinda hard clean up. Move around the office too, I don't want every video just under someone's desk."

"For toilet stuff, just make sure you come hungry. While some of it will end up on you, most will be in. There'll be plenty of requests to piss or shit in your mouth while someone's at their desk, and if you spill any, it'll break the illusion by messing up the office. Beyond that, the guys here just enjoy it, and they won't be using the bathroom unless it's in or on you. Most important thing though, always remember you're on camera. Extra things like chewing with your mouth open or making sure they can see the piss flowing into you can go a long way. Any questions now?" The dragon asked as Jacob took the last bit of waste inside, chomping down on the shit before it joined the rest in his stomach.

"I think I understand. I mean, it's basically just what I was doing, but...more open, in a way," Jacob said. "I guess one question - you said we might be recognized, but if we use names...won't that basically guarantee it?"

"Right, good point - I've cleared this with everyone else, but no one is to use names here. Just refer to each other by species. You might notice the group is entirely different ones to make sure we hit many viewer's tastes. There'll be profiles of each of you on the site, but no personal information on it - things viewers would want to know for context of sex, but nothing else. Approximate height and weight, dick size, fetishes, stuff like that. Oh, and three separate counters - one for each load of cum, piss, and shit they feed you, or in your case, that you eat," the dragon said with a grin. "It's always fun to see who gets the high score. Now, everyone has been busy while we've been in here. Want to go talk to them now that the secret's out?" Zander asked.

"Sure," Jacob said, gingerly getting up alongside the dragon. "You really are fucking huge, by the way," the fox remarked, unable to ignore the giant erection poking out from the dragon's crotch.

"I know," Zander said with a smile, pushing his hips forward and smearing it against Jacob's chest, getting a bit of waste across it. "You want to stay dressed though? You don't have to today."

"I guess not," Jacob said. "Not like I can wear these home anyway..."

"That's the spirit," Zander said, patting Jacob on the back as he removed his clothes, leaving them in a heap on the dragon's office floor. The pair walked out, naked and erect, and rounded the corner back to the main area. A round of applause greeted them, and a few obvious changes struck Jacob right away.

First and foremost, in a show of solidarity, everyone else was naked, and the majority were still hard. Even past all the waste still smashed onto his head, the scent of fresh cum was obvious, and Jacob knew the guys out here had jerked off recently, or at least some of them had. Some more obvious cameras had been newly set up under the guise of typical security cameras, overlooking the main part of the office. The chairs and desks all seemed to be replaced - Jacob couldn't quite tell why the desks were changed, but the chairs now had a hole in the seat, still weird but as natural as you could make it look, clearly meant for discreet rimming or toilet play.

"Hey, there he is!" Greyson said, standing up and walking over to the pair, wrapping Jacob in a huge hug with the wolf's erection very noticeably sandwiched between them. "You were right by the way; I'd never give up what we were doing. I just knew we'd be able to be more open about it once I told this guy," the wolf remarked, punching the dragon lightly on the shoulder. "That is, if he didn't break you first. What the fuck was that anyway, Zander? I haven't seen you that aggressive in a while."

The dragon just shrugged. "I just did what I felt the moment needed. It turned out great on video."

"Yeah, I bet it did. Everyone with a fucking power complex is going to go back to that and jerk off daily, imagining themselves fucking Jacob up like you did," Greyson marveled.

"I give the audience what they want," Zander joked, doing a little half-bow.

"You okay after it?" Greyson asked, turning his attention back to Jacob.

"Yeah. My throat hurts a lot, but I'll get over it," the fox said.

"Got it. Anal only today," the wolf said with a grin, reaching down and squeezing Jacob's ass.

"No, I...I can do both," Jacob replied, prompting another squeeze.

"That's our slut," a new voice said, approaching Jacob from the other side. "Hope you're not too mad at me," the lion added on. "I'm not that much of an ass really, just had to get you sucking dick."

"I know, I get it," Jacob said. "Might take me a bit to get used to your new attitude, but I think we can work it out," he remarked, lifting a paw and giving Taylor's cock a squeeze.

"Damn right we will," the lion purred. "And now that the secret's out, we can do all sorts of nasty things to you."

"I look forward to it," Jacob said. "Can...can we get started now?" He asked hopefully.

"Not just yet," Zander interjected. "Your new role starts tomorrow, and I want to be sure you know how everything works before then. Give me a few minutes to show you, then you can start the orgy."

Jacob nodded, though he was slightly disappointed. "Fine. What's first?" He prompted, eager to get it over with.

"Well, first is for you. I forgot to mention this earlier, but in my office are two small cameras. I've taken to calling them the fox cams. They're on a small, adjustable string that will hide nicely under your fur. One will go around your forehead, and the other around the base of your tail. The cameras are always on, but when it's relevant, I'll make the feed available on the site and viewers will get a live POV of what's happening to you, in addition to the broader cameras to show the full scope. You won't always be the focus though - if you're in the middle of moving between scenes or doing something that otherwise can't be shown for some reason, we'll have someone fill time with something else, like pissing in the break room sink and trying not to get caught or something."

"Don't worry about overlap either- when multiple things happen at once, there's a way I can make two or more streams available and let viewers flip between them as they please, so don't hold back if you think someone else is in the middle of something too. Last general statement, if you ever think you're about to get up to something that isn't in one of the pre-defined areas, push the button on the far wall," he paused, pointing to it, "and that tells me to follow you around, or ask what's up in your earpiece. Once I know what you're doing, I can readjust the main camera or turn others on as needed to keep you in focus and make it live. It's usually for things like teasing - groping someone in the hallway or something while they look to make sure no one watches, then transition to under their desk."

"Speaking of which, there'll be a lot of hidden fucks underneath desks. There are a few new additions to the bottom, so listen carefully. There's a light in the corner under each desk with three colors - brown, yellow, and white. I'm sure you can guess what they mean. Everyone else can trigger those lights when they want to use you. Those will likely be your primary way of keeping track of who else is waiting, as some might need to use you at the same time, and to make sure they don't interrupt an ongoing thing by asking for you. You won't be live while you go over and have a quick chat to figure out what they want to do and where. Assuming you're kneeling under the desk and facing someone's crotch, then there will be a camera behind your head and a camera and button to your right, next to the light. The button not only turns the cameras on, but also turns the light off and signals to me that you've started a new scene if I haven't found it already. I can manage the live cameras on the site from there but try to make sure you're positioned in a way to really show off whatever you're doing. The cameras are all also positioned in a way to not show the walkways in the office, so don't worry about moving from desk to desk or anything. If someone's jerking off or something to fill time on screen, you won't be seen unless you show up to help out. Got all that?"

"I think so," Jacob replied. "Kind of hard to concentrate right now though," he continued, and it was immediately obvious why. Greyson had followed them around during the tour and was currently standing behind the fox, idly humping against his back and smearing pre throughout Jacob's fur. The wolf muzzle was down against the top of the vulpine's head, madly huffing the scent of the dragon's shit still left there.

"Down, boy," Zander said, rolling his eyes at Greyson. "I swear you have absolutely no control when it comes to shit. Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep you from getting caught when you took Jacob on a naked walk through the parking lot?"

"I had faith in you," the wolf replied, refusing to move his muzzle. "And it's not like you didn't know this about me before."

"Yeah, but I expected a little more discretion from you. You could have ruined the buildup to this any number of times, all because you couldn't resist fucking covering Jacob in shit," Zander remarked.

"What am I supposed to say? 'I'm sorry'? We both loved it, didn't we Jacob?" Greyson asked.

"Yeah..." the fox said weakly, though Zander wasted no time in cutting him off to speak again.

"That wasn't ever in doubt. I swear you dogs are just innate shit lovers, and you two are the horniest of the pack for it," Zander teased.

"Not a dog," Greyson corrected, "but yes, I love shit, sue me. We all do. And complain all you want, but it worked. We got ourselves a slut. What about you, anyway? We all saw how you started that video, making him kiss your feet. Never seen someone so into that before."

"Then you clearly don't spend enough time online," the dragon joked.

"I do, just not in the same places as you," Greyson replied. "I've got scat porn up basically 24/7 both here and at home."

"It's a power thing," Zander said, shrugging. "Knowing you've reduced your victim to nothing more than a sniveling mess barely fit to worship your feet, let alone anything else. Really make him degrade himself before he's allowed to move upward."

"And I think that's where we differ - I don't call my partners 'victims'," the wolf said with a chuckle. "I prefer consensual, if a bit rough, shit play."

"Your loss," the dragon replied. "Anyway, let's get back to the tour so we can really wreck him," he continued, as if Jacob wasn't there. "There's not as much to see beyond this anyway, mostly the same setup in other locations."

The trio wandered off with Greyson constantly walking uncomfortably close to Jacob the entire time, the heat of his cock never leaving the small of the fox's back. They toured the restroom, the conference room, the break room, Zander's office, and even a small corner in the storage area where filming stations were set up. Jacob was instructed how best to position himself to make sure they got the best shot of whatever was going on. Other cameras were set up to capture the whole office, but as Zander explained, those were mostly for him to monitor what went on and keep things going as needed. Occasionally they'd be shown on the site, but only after hours when they could sell that the office was empty, and Jacob stayed late to fuck one of the guys out in the open.

As they returned to the main area, they could see the rest of the group had rearranged the chairs in a circle and sat waiting, cocks all pointing toward the center. "Now, for the rest of the day, our usual work is on hold," Zander told Jacob. "It's a special day, inviting a new member into our group, especially a new slut. In preparation for your new job tomorrow, we thought it only fair to give you a little warmup in front of an audience. Go on," the dragon urged, giving Jacob a light push, but the fox didn't need it. He strode forward and knelt in the center of the ring, a smile on his face as he looked at the horny males surrounding him.

"So, who do you want to fuck you first?" The dragon asked, taking his seat in the circle.

"Um...if it's alright, especially after the fight this morning, even if it wasn't real, I'd like Greyson..." Jacob said, still feeling light shame but quickly getting over it.

The wolf beamed with pride as he stood up, stepping forward and holding his cock over Jacob's head, giving it a few strokes. "And just what do you want to do with me?" He asked.

"Eat your shit," Jacob said quietly.

"What was that? I don't think they heard you. Speak up so the microphones can catch it," he said with a grin.

"I want to eat your shit!" Jacob half-shouted.

"Now that's more like it," the wolf replied, turning around and lifting his tail. Jacob wasted no time in shoving his face forward, paws up to part the cheeks as his lips firmly glued themselves to Greyson's tailhole. He didn't have to wait long as the wolf clearly planned for this, and within seconds, a giant log of shit barreled down along Jacob's tongue. The fox pulled his head back as the wolf continued shitting, but by the time the log broke off, a giant mass was still protruding out past Jacob's lips. Remembering what he was told about the cameras, Jacob tilted his head back a bit more and opened wide, slowly coaxing the rest of the waste in without using his paws, sucking it down like a thick, disgusting noodle. He chomped on the waste, letting some of the brown drool run down his cheeks. The sounds of masturbating furs graced his ears as he showed off his prize, spinning around in the circle with a mouthful of partially chewed feces, making sure they all saw it before he gulped it down, all without closing his lips.

When the next log spilled forth, Jacob was back in position, carefully guiding it out on his tongue. He kept it outside his muzzle for as long as possible, tongue stuck out and against the hole as the waste traveled along it, only to disappear as it crossed the threshold of his lips. He sank his fangs into the mess like the starving animal he was, pulverizing it between his cheeks and swallowing like he hadn't eaten in weeks.

After the first two logs were polished off, Jacob took a different approach. He held his paws out in front of him, letting the shit crackle and droop before falling into them with a wet splat. Each one landed on top of the last, creating a mound the fox could scarcely hold onto. Only when one of the logs rolled off the side and onto the floor did Jacob bring his paws up, shoving his face into the pile.

Flecks of shit flew everywhere as Jacob tore at his meal, well beyond caring how messy his face got. Chunks of wolf shit were mashed into a thin paste between the fox's jaws before they too joined their fellow logs in Jacob's stomach. Not all of it managed to go down, as the vulpine still had brown drool pouring from the corners of his muzzle, unable to contain everything he was attempting to shove inside. It ran down his chest as he shoved the last of the waste inside his maw, paws clamped over his snout to make sure it all stayed inside.

From that point forward, Jacob took a feral attitude toward the rest of his meal. It had already started piling up on the ground, and the fox got on all fours and dipped his muzzle into it. Occasionally one of the remaining logs would fall on the back of his head, but he paid it no mind, knowing he'd vacuum it up as soon as it hit the floor. It was far from clean by the time Jacob got done, but the larger chunks were fully ingested, and his fur had a fresh coat of wolf shit covering it.

The vulpine panted as he sat back up, tongue hanging out of his muzzle, looking out at all the appreciative onlookers. Eager to put the proverbial cherry on top, he reached down and took hold of his cock, giving it a few quick strokes to show off his appreciation for the meal. With everything he'd been through today, especially with as long as he'd been covered in shit, he was already close to bursting. He closed his eyes and grunted, paw moving a mile a minute before he exploded across the floor in front of him.

As he rode out the orgasmic high, he took a quick stock of how he managed to end up here. Even though it just happened, he still could hardly believe it. The last few months had all been a setup to get him to this point, but as he sat there with his cock still dribbling onto the floor, he knew he didn't care. A small part of him was annoyed, but only because he could have been eating everyone's shit for ages now, if he'd only been told. When his breath returned, he finally brought his tongue back into his maw, turning his head around and eyeing all eight of the larger men sitting around, jerking off, waiting their turn to use him. His attitude was quickly summed up as he found the capacity to utter a single word, showing how he truly felt about the situation.


Open Office - Chapter 8

By the time the day ended, Jacob had gone well beyond the limits he thought he had. Not only had Zander revealed the hidden intentions of the office, but also provided Jacob with a new role that better fit his talents. He surprised himself a bit with...

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Open Office - Chapter 6

Things at work couldn't have been smoother for Jacob. Each day, he got a bit more comfortable doing things with Greyson and Taylor in the office, and while the guilt was still there, it lessened a bit each time. He'd still managed to hide things from...

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Open Office - Chapter 5

The next day at work was anything but easy. Jacob slowly walked in the building, head already held low and ears flattened a bit. He'd fully expected Taylor to out him to the entire office with as annoying as the feline seemed, but so far, the fox was...

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