[COMM] Bee My Guest

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Story Summary: An appletun puts out ads for a roommate, and is quickly answered by an oversized living-plush bee.

Word Count: 9535

Here's a gurgly commission done for xilirdrgn, featuring his appletun Fuji, and my living plushie Bear!

This was a bit of an experimental story, less in terms of kinks and more just how I wrote it! It has a lot of onomatopoeia of stomach noises and burping, and I mean A LOOOOT. It was fun to do, and though it certainly won't appear often, especially to this degree, I at least plan on including some more sounds than just a slosh or glorp in hyper stories. Big thanks to my friend SlimyOcto for helping me with those sounds and teaching me how to write them!

This story goes in pretty heavily on musk, feeding, fat, corruption, and (near the end) vore themes, so if you don't really like those I can't really recommend this story to you! If you do like those, I hope you have one hell of a time reading~

Tags: appletun, pokemon, living plush, bee, gay, size difference, musk, fat, feeding, honey drool, honey inflation, kissing, burping, hyper burping, stomach sounds, onomatopoeia, endless orgasm, messy, hyper, transformation, addiction, hypnosis, null bulge, vore

Fuji looked over his handiwork, staring at the several sheets of paper spread out on his table, different colours of ink and crayon covering the pages. He'd spent a good while working on the fliers, preparing an ad containing his phone, address, full name, and some colourful doodles. He lived alone and could handle the money just fine, but it sometimes got lonely whenever he didn't have any friends over, so he created the fliers so he could get a roommate to stay with him.

He left his home carrying the stack of paper and a stapler, occasionally sticking a page onto someone's fence or a telephone pole, not stopping until he was out of fliers and his body was all hot and sweaty. He returned home considering that a job well done, making himself a tasty snack and sitting back on the couch.

Hours later, after the sun had gone down, Fuji was just about to make himself some dinner before he heard the doorbell ring.

"Be right there!" He said, hopping off of the couch and rushing over to the front door, opening it up and finding himself confused for a brief moment. He was pretty short, sure, but he didn't expect his eye level to barely reach someone's knees, slowly looking up at the titan in front of him. At first he thought they were simply a massive bee, but it didn't take long for him to realise that they were some sort of living plushie. He nearly had to look straight up to see their face, seeing their button eyes looking back down at him with a smile on their face. Saying they were big would be an understatement- they must've been nearly fourteen feet tall, if not taller, and they had quite a chubby and heavy build too. They were also entirely naked but he didn't let that bother him. It didn't seem like they had genitals anyways, though he did his best to not stare at their fluffy crotch for too long.

"You must be Fuji." The bee said, Fuji now assuming the bee was a male.

"Yep, that's me! Who are you?" Fuji nodded, still holding the door open while he stared up at the plushie's face, not suspicious or worried at all.

"I'm Bear. I saw your flier looking for a roommate?" Bear crouched slightly, holding out one of the many fliers that were stapled around the area in front of the little appletun. "I'm interested in staying, if that's alright with you." He chuckled.

"Of course! Come on in, but it's a bit messy right now. I didn't expect anyone so soon, hehe.." Fuji laughed quietly, holding the door open for the bee to slowly squish himself through the doorframe, requiring him to crouch further despite how soft he was. He closed the door behind himself, taking a good look at the home from where he was standing, his wiry antennae rubbing against the ceiling. He looked even bigger to Fuji now that he was inside..

"Here, let me show you where y-" Fuji started, but stopped as the bee walked right by him into the kitchen, bending over in front of the fridge so he could look inside it. Fuji almost felt himself pout, silently wishing he could see past Bear's massive bug abdomen to get a better peek at his butt. He was snapped out of his staring trance once he heard things rustling around in the fridge, before the plushie stood back up and turned around with no small amount of food held in two of his arms.

"There you are little dude. Don't mind me, just having a little snack." Bear snickered and walked right by Fuji again, sitting back on the couch with a loud thud and starting to eat the food he gathered. From the looks of it, he must've nearly emptied the fridge, and Fuji even stocked up in advance for whoever his roommate would've been! He shrugged it off, figuring the food was at least serving its purpose, even if it was all disappearing so fast down the bee's throat. He realized he was staring again, walking to the kitchen and looking into the fridge, seeing that it looked barren compared to how much it held a minute ago.

"I-I can cook something for you..!" The appletun huffed.

"Sure thing dude, go for it. I'm starving~" Bear responded, still eating away at what he was holding. Fuji gulped- there wasn't much left in the fridge to cook, but he supposed he'd just have to make do, taking a few things out and starting to prepare dinner for both himself and his new housemate. Of course, it was difficult to not get distracted by the constant munching and gulping from nearby.

It didn't take too long for Fuji to finish, carrying a bowl of food over to the living room. Some of his friends questioned his decision to get a sofa that was far too big for him, but it seemed to be paying off now, Bear sitting quite comfortably on it despite his immensity- sure he had to sit sideways with his legs up, and even then he took up most of the couch, but he fit.

"Here, I hope you enjoy!" Fuji said cheerily, holding up the bowl above his head in both hands.

"Heh, thank you." Bear lifted it away, the bowl looking small in one of his large hands. "I have a better idea though," he paused, looking down toward the appletun next to him. "Why don't you feed it to me?" That got a blush out of Fuji, thinking he must've misheard.

"F-feed you?" He huffed, getting a nod in response.

"But of course. You cooked it for me, why stop there? Besides, I'm already so full, I'll need help eating any more." Bear chuckled. It was hard to believe that he was full after he'd already eaten so much, several different empty packages and wrappers sitting on the floor and table from what he'd already eaten out of the fridge.

"Right, uh.." Fuji trailed off, looking around for a moment. This bee had only just met him and he was making himself right at home, as if Fuji was the one just moving in. Normally even the cheery little pokemon might've at least questioned it before doing it anyways, but for whatever reason he couldn't quite manage the words as if his thoughts were dampened ever so slightly. He found the stepstool he always used to climb the couch, pulling it closer and climbing onto it, but with Bear taking up the whole sofa he couldn't quite get the space. Fortunately he was helped up, Bear grabbing his sides with two hands and lifting him up as if he was weightless, setting his feet down on one of those huge, stuffed thighs.

"W-woah.." He mumbled, trying to gain his footing as he was let go, stepping around a few times until he fell forward, going face first into the plush's neck fluff and leaning against his fat body. He took a deep breath in, immediately feeling an intense heat fill his lungs. There was a smell he didn't fully expect, like a mix of the sweetest honey and an athlete's gym bag, and it made his cock throb in his shorts. Was he already hard? He couldn't tell.

Fuji immediately pushed himself back as he took another breath in, his hands sinking into the plush's body, his bulge twitching against that squishy belly until he took a step back. The stuffed body felt warmer than his own, and it was hard to not press himself up against it.

"Sorry, I-I'm good now." He laughed, cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, acting as if he didn't have a boner.

"You're fine, I know I'm big.. Now get to feeding~" Bear said, handing back the bowl of food once Fuji had his footing. Nervously he took a forkful of the hot meal, having to lean against the bee and press his large bulge against him just to keep from falling over as he lifted the food up into Bear's waiting mouth, staring into that slick, wet, shiny black maw.. He closed his mouth over the fork and swallowed the food without even chewing, opening his lips again to let Fuji pull the fork back to get more. The horny male's blush only grew more once he saw that the fork was covered in honey, and he had to resist the urge to lick it right in front of his roommate as he got another forkful, and fed that to him, and then another, and another.

Only once the bowl was empty did Fuji stop, having trouble thinking straight while his shorts were tented out. It seemed that Bear was drooling onto himself, honey dripping onto his fluffy mane from his mouth and tongue, yet he didn't seem remotely bothered by the sticky mess.

"T-there we go, all done!" Fuji exclaimed, feeling a small sense of pride welling up inside him from accomplishing such a feat. He wasn't sure why it felt like such an accomplishment, but he didn't question why as he was given a gentle pat on the head.

"Now what about dessert? Something to wash it all down too, if you please." Bear asked in a way that Fuji knew was serious, and he stared silently for a few long moments before starting to climb down.

"R-right, I'll be right back with that." He huffed, managing to safely drop down onto the stool before hopping down to the floor, setting the empty bowl on the table and walking into the kitchen. He looked into the freezer for a dessert, taking out a few ice cream bars and getting a large bottle of soda from the fridge. He waddled back to the plushie, doing his best to not drop anything before he was suddenly lifted off his feet and once again set on Bear's thigh.

"Do you, um.. want me to feed these to you, too?" Fuji asked meekly, holding up the numerous sweets and the drink. He could hear that stuffed (and stuffed) belly rumbling as if it was still starving, all of that food loudly and slowly being worked at by the plushie's fat gut. It made him even more aroused and embarrassed, his shorts struggling to contain his raging hardon.

"I would've done it myself, but since you're being so generous and asking anyways..~" Bear smirked and kept his arms by his sides, not offering any help in the endeavour that was feeding him. Fuji nodded again, carefully setting things down on Bear's other thigh so he wouldn't drop everything. He unwrapped one of the ice cream bars, sticking it into that drippy mouth and not finding himself too surprised when Bear closed his maw over the whole thing. He swallowed it entirely with a single strong gulp, almost pulling Fuji's hand into his mouth before the stick slipped from his fingers before he had time to react, that too being swallowed with the rest.

"U-uhm, you just.." Fuji awkwardly pointed at Bear's mouth, the end of his finger damp and sticky with honey.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Bear hummed, giving the side of his belly a gentle pat that made a small ripple across it.

"N-no, nevermind." Fuji went back to work, picking up and unwrapping another ice cream bar to feed to his new roommate, that one being swallowed entirely too, then the next, and the next. Before long they were all gone, only a pile of wrappers around his feet remaining, and the unopened two litre bottle. He didn't even need to be asked to give it, picking up the heavy bottle in both hands and almost falling right over, managing to steady himself without help. He stood up tall and tried unscrewing the cap, huffing and grunting with effort, pushing against Bear's stomach while he was trying to screw the bottle open. All of that pushing and shoving against his gut really made Bear's stomach groan louder, smushing the food inside and churning things up.

"T-there, I got it!" Fuji exclaimed happily as the bottle hissed open, looking toward Bear only to be interrupted by something much louder.


With all of the pushing on his belly, Bear couldn't hold back a loud belch- not that he really tried to hold it in at all- from being released right in Fuji's face. He was stunned by the wave of hot, humid, and surprisingly sweet air flowing against him, the noise shaking him to his core. He let out a quiet, whimpery moan, his dick throbbing extra hard in his clothes a few times.. before thick spurts of cum filled his underwear, quickly soaking the fabric before it started to gush right through, thick globs of seed dripping down his shorts or dripping off onto Bear's stomach.

"Already? How cute..~" Bear chuckled lowly, licking his lips at the sight of the appletun creaming himself.

Fuji was a mess, barely able to process what was happening as he panted and moaned, almost spilling the drink he was struggling to hold while his knees wobbled, and he fell face-first into Bear's fluffy neck again. He took another deep breath of that sweet and musky scent, his orgasm becoming just a bit stronger and messier while his cum ran out from his pant legs and down his thighs or continued to gush through, most of the mess ending up on Bear in one way or another, not that the plushie seemed to mind.

After nearly an entire minute of cumming passed Fuji managed to snap out of it, realising what was happening and turning as red as a tomato.

"O-oh gosh, I'm sso s-sorry..!" He gasped, feeling the warmth soaking his crotch and running down his legs, Bear only helping him by taking the soda bottle from his hands.

"You're making quite a mess, maybe you should hurry and clean up." The bee said, lifting up the drink in one hand and drinking straight from the bottle in large gulps, emptying it in seconds. Fuji didn't say anything back, silently and slowly climbing down from Bear's thigh and stumbling toward the bathroom, leaving behind a trail of appletun-semen on the floor. He closed the door behind him, leaning back against the door and groaning as he rode out the rest of his climax, a puddle growing on the floor around his feet. He took deep, shaky breaths in as he finished, struggling to stay up while he finished cumming in his pants. His cock softened and shrank to half mast while continuing to dribble into his clothing, and he peeked down to pull his waistband away, strings of cum connecting to his scales and the fabric of his underwear, his junk completely covered in nutsludge and a pool of it sitting in the bottom, quickly disappearing as it went down his legs onto the floor with the rest. He was momentarily distracted by a loud belch from the other room, making his half hard dick twitch and spurt out just a little bit more cum.

"O-okay, uh, clean up time.." Fuji thought out loud, managing to start calming down despite how hard his heart was pounding.

"I'm g-gonna take a shower!" He shouted out through the door, not wanting to open it at the risk of being seen in such a state, even though he'd already thoroughly embarrassed himself.

"Take your time, I won't be going anywhere!" Bear replied, slowly rubbing his belly with two hands, not bothering to clean up the mess of cum that'd already soaked into his fluff.

Fuji slowly got undressed, setting his helmet aside and peeling his clothing off, dropping it on the floor and turning on the shower. Once it warmed up he stepped in, enjoying the heat that covered his body and washed the mess off of his scales. He took a second to think about what he was doing, imagining why he would've so eagerly fed the bee so much of his food, why he would've cum hands free just from the same bee burping right in his face.. Sure, he knew he had a massive fetish for all of that, but still, he hadn't even eaten his own dinner yet! Of course, those thoughts soon led to him getting hard again, his shaft rising to full mast and his heavy balls tightening as they prepared more seed. He huffed to himself, reaching a hand down and gently squeezing the side of his thick, foreskinned prick. Maybe he could rub one out real quick..

After doing just that, and almost clogging the drain with his cum (again), Fuji quickly finished cleaning himself up and dried off, tossing the dirty clothing in a basket, wrapping a towel around his waist and putting his helmet back on before stepping back out of the washroom. His dinner was on the counter still, and as he stood on his tiptoes to reach it he saw that Bear was no longer on the couch. He heard snoring coming from down the hallway, setting his dish back down and sneaking toward the sound, realising that it wasn't coming from the guest room- or what would've been the guest room before he got a new roommate- but his own bedroom. He gulped, pausing by the door and listening in, obviously not getting anything other than more snoring, so he slowly cracked it open and peeked one of his eyeflaps inside. He saw Bear lying belly-down on top of his extra large bed, so large that he easily took up the entire thing with his feet past the end. Fuji could really see how large his butt was now, and the large, fluffy bug abdomen that was resting over the plush's back.

He wasn't going to wake Bear up, he never told him which room was his after all, so he quietly closed the door and stepped back into the kitchen. After reheating his meal he went to the couch, seeing that one mess had been replaced with another. There was no sort of packaging or trash left behind, a very quick check revealing that it wasn't in the garbage bin or washer or anywhere he could see. Instead on the couch where Bear was sitting, there appeared to be bright yellow, powdery stains left behind, both under where his ass was and where his bee abdomen was resting, and some other random spots. The pokemon stared quietly at it, setting his food down on the table, wiping up some of the powdery mess on his hand. It was kinda chalky, and he gave it a sniff as he brought it up to his snout. There was a familiar smell, just like what he breathed in when he accidentally smothered himself in the plush's silky neck fluff, and his towel started to rise in front. He had no doubt now that his new insect roommate had some sort of aphrodisiac, but he still wasn't fully sure how, or if something else was going on.

After fighting back the urge to directly sniff where Bear was sitting, Fuji sat back on the sofa and started to finally eat his dinner, doing his best to ignore his dick rising to its full size in front of him and throbbing hard. He could faintly smell the honey lingering in the air, and it wasn't making it any easier to manage his arousal, or to stop thinking about the bee in the other room. Once he was done and he put his dish away he snuck down the hallway, entering his bedroom as quietly as he could. Bear was still fast asleep, still on his stomach. Fuji could see that more of that yellow, powdery substance had been rubbed onto the blankets, and upon closer inspection it appeared that the plush's yellow fluff was covered in that dust, some spread to the black fluff around those spots. It seemed to be a source of that sweet, honeyed smell that clung to him, and was definitely the cause of Fuji's unusually strong arousal. He snapped out of it just before he had his face right in that bright fluff again, stumbling back and almost falling right onto his ass. He huffed loudly, shaking his head and walking to the other bedroom, leaving his towel on the floor and helmet on the bedside table, getting nice and comfortable under the blankets. Or at least he tried to, since his hardon was still pulsing with need, and after squirming and tossing and turning for a few minutes, he reached under the covers with both hands to start helplessly stroking himself off. It was going to be a long, long night.

Eventually, after many messy orgasms that he soaked up with the towel, Fuji managed to finally fall asleep, though he was still rather restless. In the morning he was roused awake by hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him.

"Time to wake up, sleepyhead." Bear said.

"Mmwhuh..?" Fuji grumbled, slowly lifting an eye and looking to his side to see the massive bee standing over him, crouching to the side of the bed.

"I'm hungry. You can't make me breakfast from bed, can you?" The plush responded.

"Well uh, no, but.. J-just give me a bit to get dressed, ok?" Fuji huffed and blushed, once again getting a good huff of the honey musk that lingered in the air. He could hear Bear's gut still gurgling too, still full of food from yesterday.

"Heh, of course. Don't take too long though, I'm gonna be snacking until it's ready." Bear told him, and that's all that was said before he walked out of the room, not bothering to close the door and leaving Fuji on his own. The appletun huffed to himself, sitting up in bed and noticing that, unsurprisingly, he had a serious case of morning wood. Even though he had morning erections almost every day, this one was much more insistent than usual, not to mention how horny he was yesterday. He was pretty hungry though, and maybe he was a bit worried about Bear eating all of his food, so he did his best to ignore his need and got up out of bed. He put his helmet on and peeked into the hallway, hearing the crunching of chips coming from the living room.

Once he deemed it safe he made a short dash across the hall into his own bedroom, his balls bouncing and his cock swaying, quietly shutting the door behind him once he made it in. After taking a brief moment to calm down he started to walk over to his wardrobe to get some clothing, but he only made it a few steps before stopping, something having caught his eye. The blankets on his bed had been quite messed up, fortunately still in one piece, but all on top of the bed or sliding onto the floor, covered in plenty more of the yellow stains that decorated his couch. Not too unexpected, if it was really coming from the bee's fluff like he thought. His mind immediately went back to how he smelled it yesterday, how amazing it smelled and how delightful it felt, and precum started to drip from his cumslit without him touching himself.

"M-maybe just a little sniff.." Fuji told himself as he stepped closer to the bed, taking a detour from his plan to get clothing. He grabbed part of the blanket with both hands, holding his breath as he brought the dirty fabric up to his snout, lightly pressing it to his nose as he took a long whiff. It wasn't quite as strong as it was directly from Bear's fluff, but it was more than enough to make him moan with joy and pleasure before he took another deeper sniff, pressing the musky blanket against his whole face and practically smothering himself in it. He could feel the precum running down his shaft and dripping off of his scaly sack but he couldn't find himself caring, filling his lungs with Bear's scent as he kept on sniffing the blanket, feeling oh-so warm and even a bit dizzy from it.

He slowly humped against the side of the bed, grinding back and forth against the blankets while leaking precum all over them, adding his own musk to the mess while he kept thrusting and huffing away, his balls swinging back and forth between his legs. He quickly lost track of time, but Bear was fully aware of how long was passing, and after he was bored of waiting- and after eating lots more of Fuji's food- he stood up from the couch and walked down the hall.

"Hey nerd, you having fun?" Bear spoke, making Fuji yelp and nearly jump out of his scales.

"B-Bear! What are you doing here?" Fuji squeaked, looking back at the much taller plushie behind him, clutching the blanket to his chest and keeping his hips pressed against the side of the bed. He knew there was no chance of him hiding his fat balls, but he hoped that Bear wouldn't notice, by some miracle.

Bear didn't give him a response though, at least not verbally. He walked up behind the appletun, crouching down and putting a hand on his head, wordlessly shoving his face down into the musky bedding. He let out a muffled yelp as he was pushed down, feeling the bee's massive hand on the back of his head, stronger than he expected from the plush body, not that he was really trying to get away. He could only breathe in more of that sweet musk, resulting in more precum spurting from his dick without him even trying to move.

"I had you pegged as a musk slut since I first saw you. Who would've guessed that I was right?" Bear chuckled, rubbing Fuji's face into the blankets some more while he moaned and whimpered. "I'd have some more fun now, but I'm pretty hungry, and you still haven't fed me." He said, lifting Fuji's face up away from the blankets and making him whine as he had that lovely scent taken away. "You gotta feed me some more to earn more of my pollen~" He snickered and grabbed onto the appletun's arm, literally dragging him for a few seconds until he managed to stumble along with his hardon still pulsing in front of him.

"H-hey..!" Fuji squeaked out, but his complaint went either unnoticed or ignored. He was dragged out to the kitchen before finally being let go, the plush towering over him.

"Don't keep me waiting, shrimp." That's all Bear said before leaving Fuji on his own in the kitchen, walking back to the bedroom.

He looked into his fridge and discovered that it was entirely empty, not even bottles of condiments left behind, looking as if it was brand new- other than some stains or bits of Bear's "pollen", as he called it. Rather than feeling upset or frustrated about his new roommate literally emptying out his fridge, Fuji huffed and blushed harder at the thought of the bee eating so much and still craving more. He closed the fridge and went to the pantry, seeing that some was still left even if more than half of what he'd had was now gone. He grabbed most of what was left, carrying it to the bedroom in his arms, seeing that Bear was waiting for him on the bed, sitting up with his hands by his sides.

"That all? Hmph, you'll have to go and buy more later." Bear huffed, giving his belly a pat and making it wobble. Fuji could hear it gurgling even from the doorway, and he was so entranced by it that he forgot that he was completely naked, and his dick was still fully erect and dripping.

"For now, get up here and feed me, I'm starving~"


Fuji set the food on the bed and clambered up onto the blankets, having some trouble due to his insistent erection and massive balls. He grabbed a bag of chips and climbed onto Bear's thigh, not getting any help with it this time. He opened up the bag of chips, reaching in and grabbing a handful, bringing them up to the plush's open mouth and sticking his hand right in. It felt like sticking his hand into a sauna with how warm and wet that maw was. Unlike yesterday he didn't have any utensils to use, not that he even thought about it here, and Bear took full advantage of that. His long, black, slippery tongue licked up Fuji's arm, green scales getting a golden coat of honey, making him shiver and scooping the chips out of his hand, followed by Bear closing his mouth and swallowing it all down with the appletun's hand still inside. He yelped quietly as he felt his hand get buried in the surprisingly smooth and squishy maw of the plushie, more like rubber than their fluffy exterior, and it only made him hornier as he managed to pull his hand out with a pop- it was completely covered and dripping with honey, and he didn't even have to sniff it intentionally to smell the aphrodisiac-like musk coming off of it, not dissimilar to the pollen.

He didn't hesitate long before getting another handful and feeding that one to Bear too, getting the same outcome as the first time and squirming in place as that slick tongue glided against him, then the same for the next handful, and the next. He stopped once he reached in and there was nothing but crumbs, though he scooped those up too and made sure his hand was licked clean.

"Those tasted pretty nice, not too filling though." Bear chuckled, and Fuji tossed the empty extra-large, party-sized bag of chips aside before stepping down to pick up another bag of chips.

Bag after bag, box after box, wrapper after wrapper, Fuji fed more and more of his food to the voracious plushie, both of his forearms soaked in honey, his genitals covered in his own precum with more dripping out every time his dick throbbed. It seemed like Bear's gut wasn't quite as bottomless as Fuji thought, as after being fed so much it appeared to be larger than earlier, filled past the brim yet far from its limit, yet still so soft from all the fat-like stuffing. It was rumbling so much that Fuji could feel it vibrating him whenever he touched it, sloshing any time he touched it. The smells alone were enough to nearly make him cum, but with all of those other things he was practically ready to burst.

"U-uhm, all the food is gone.." He mumbled, meekly looking up at the bee, probably far more upset about it than Bear.

"Mmh, that's a shame. You can get some more once we're done though, I have a different job for you now." Bear sighed, the hot honey-scented air from his breath wafting over the whiny appletun. As he spoke, plenty of honey dripped from his maw, slowly soaking his fluffy mane. Without a doubt he was drooling far more than earlier, like the most slobbery dog with a twenty ounce steak held inches from its face. "I'm feeling kinda stuffed, and my belly's gonna need help digesting all this. Why don't you give it a rub?" He grinned.

"I-I.. alright." Fuji huffed out, eyes glued to that plushie gut as he reached a hand out to it, slowly pressing in. Sure, he'd been touching it plenty while feeding Bear, but that was to keep himself steady. This was different, his hand pressing right in with a sort of hesitant insistence, his fingers slowly disappearing right into that plushie belly, and pushing a bit more- enough to make his whole hand practically vanish- he could feel some of that food inside, pushing it around and making the noisy gurgles shift. He pressed his other hand in too, squishing it in just like the first, taking his sweet time massaging that gut. He leaned a bit closer, almost pressing his head right against Bear's belly as he listened in..


He shuddered as he heard the noises coming from inside that stomach, and a bit of off-white precum gushed from his urethra, almost going past the point of no return and having to tense up to avoid cumming right then and there. Once he managed to calm down he continued, gently kneading that belly like a cat trying to get comfortable, making it gurgle and slosh from the movements. It felt so incredibly warm, but not in the same way a regular person's body would. It was closer to laundry fresh out of the dryer, so hot and huggable, and unlike normal laundry, Bear stayed just as warm, maybe getting even hotter. The plushie sighed contently, sitting back and letting the appletun massage his stuffed belly while still drooling honey on himself. Fuji practically hugged that gut as he rubbed it, pushing his hands deep into that fat tummy, feeling its increasingly loud sounds reverberate through him.

Glrrp.. Grrgghgllsh..!

His moans were drowned out by those deep noises, and he kept himself pressed up against the belly and squeezed it tight with both arms, pinning his steel-hard dick between Bear's gut and his own.


The rumbles quickly became louder from the squeezing, but rather than backing off Fuji only squeezed tighter.


Bear let out a thunderous burp without an ounce of shame, smirking as he felt Fuji squeeze even more. That raucous belch was more than enough to make Fuji burst, the appletun trembling and moaning as he emptied his balls all over his chest and Bear's belly, the mess dripping and running down to coat his scaly balls, ending up all over the plush's lap below or in the happy trail of yellow fur coming from his crotch.

"What a pervert, cumming again just from my burps. If you want them that bad, maybe I should really give 'em to you~" He laughed, putting his hands on Fuji's sides and lifting him up off his feet, bringing the two of them face to face. Fuji could only make a confused and dazed whimper, moaning quietly while he continued to cum all over the bee's neck fluff. Bear lightly pressed his other two hands against the sides of his belly, rubbing and squeezing himself until..


While not as long or loud as the previous, that still-massive, pheromone-laden belch directly in the appletun's face was far more than enough to strengthen his orgasm as if he'd been edging for hours beforehand, the first thick cumshot shooting far enough to land on top of Bear's head and one of his antennae, streaking down his face with the next few adding to the mess on his muzzle, then his neck and chest.

Fuji was a moaning mess, and it was fortunate for him that he was being held up since his legs felt like jello. Bear simply chuckled, licking some of the mess off of his own face with his long tongue.

"Not bad, not bad.. How about this~?" Fuji could barely even hear the plushie speak before he was lifted even further up, bringing his tip to the same level as Bear's face and immediately giving him a messy bukkake, not that he seemed to mind. Fuji let out a surprised huff once he felt something warm and wet slip against his shaft. He was all sensitive and tender from his ongoing orgasm, and that stimulation was almost uncomfortable with how intense it was, and it only escalated. He looked down to see Bear's tongue slowly coiling around his shaft and the top of his sack like a cockring, wrapping around a few times before going tight. It wasn't so tight that his ejaculations couldn't escape his urethra, but it was enough to make his prick just an inch longer, thick veins bulging along its length.

He almost squealed as, without any warning, Bear took every last inch of his girth into that rubbery mouth and throat, smothering it in slick, squishy heat and bathing it in thick, sticky honey. His cum pumped right down Bear's throat, filling his already packed belly even more, mixing with the food inside and causing even more gurgling and sloshing. Fuji's orgasm only became harder and messier once the bee started to quickly slide up and down his length, honey and cum splattering out with the movements.

Schlpt, glp, shlop, splurt..

Those sounds from the messy blowjob were louder than Fuji's own moans, not that he had much strength left to keep moaning, practically getting the soul sucked out of him through his dick. Bear raised a hand to cradle Fuji's heavy balls while they kept tensing and pumping, gently massaging and squeezing them to milk even more cream out of them while they were covered in honey from above.

Minutes passed, and Fuji felt like he was about to pass out before Bear suddenly stopped, pulling all the way off of the appletun's dick with a loud huff, tongue still wrapped tight around the base as fat cumshots continued to gush and spurt into his mouth. He wasn't done with his earlier "assault" though, and with the tip resting on his tongue he let out another low, long belch.


Fuji squirmed as he felt the hot air blast against his groin, honey and cum splattering against his scales. He felt himself get even warmer as the scent wafted up to his face, more pheromones filling his lungs as he breathed it in and whined. While it mostly smelled the same as before, like honey and a faint blend of foods, now there was also the stench of his own semen mixed in.

"Your cum tastes pretty good, and it looks like you aren't gonna be stopping.. I think a productive toy like you deserves another reward~" Bear slurped his tongue back into his mouth, though not before licking some of the cum off of his face only for that mess to be almost immediately reapplied.

Fuji was lowered down again and brought right in front of the plushie's face, their snouts just an inch from eachother's. That was until Bear put a hand on the back of the pokemon's head and closed the gap, pulling him into a sweet kiss. Kiss might've not been the right word though, it was more like Bear was trying to smother him, lips around most of his face, trapped in a cave of musky heat and honey. He didn't resist one bit as Bear's tongue prodded his lips, and only a moment later it slid right into his mouth, that rubbery appendage invading his maw to slip and slide against his own tongue. A mix of honey and cum- mostly honey- covered his taste buds, and it only became stronger as more of that sweet goop filled his mouth, Bear feeding him his sugary drool. There was more than he'd thought, plenty dripping onto his body, but his mouth was full in seconds and he had to swallow it to avoid choking, only for more to slowly pour in. He was given a heavy dose of the bee's aphrodisiac through the honey, his orgasm continuing without pause.

It felt like an eternity of kissing passed for Fuji, the plushie's tongue slipping and sliding all over the inside of his mouth and all over his face. He didn't need to think to gulp down more honey, instinctively swallowing it a few times every minute while he was fed more and more of Bear's seemingly endless supply. The whole front of his body was covered in a sticky mess of honey and cum, lots of it getting all over Bear as well, and the bed underneath. Any hunger Fuji had felt was entirely gone, his belly so full of honey that it was starting to ache and swell, but he wanted more, and Bear was happy to keep feeding.

More time went by, and Fuji drank so much honey that he looked heavily pregnant, his stomach so heavy and dense from its filling that he wasn't sure if he'd even be able to stand on his own- though the thought only passed once through his lust-wracked mind. Bear eventually decided it was time to wrap things up though, but not without a special "treat". He kept his lips tight around the appletun's face, using his tongue to push his maw open inside his own, and gave his belly a good squeeze with two hands.


He burped right against Fuji's face, holding him tight and not letting any of that gas escape from his lips. It needed somewhere to go though, and with a loud, bubbly glorp, it went straight to the appletun's belly. It bloated larger during that long belch, making it appear less heavy and saggy and more round. His head was spinning, that sweet and musky scent suffusing every inch of his body, and all he could think about was getting more. He felt unimaginably horny and needy even though he'd been cumming nonstop for a while, absent-mindedly grinding his dick against the plushie.


Another noisy, smelly belch was delivered to his gut, making it creak as it grew more, and Bear pulled back a moment later with a content sigh.

"Hahhhhuuhhhrp~! Mmph. You look cute like this, so broken and messy, all stuffed from my honey and burps~" He snickered, his stomach still rumbling.

"Mmnhh- hic! Mnhhffhhhuuuuhhhrrhhpp! Uhf.." That was all Fuji could respond with, burping out some of what he'd been inflated with. He could feel his belly pressing against Bear, pinning the tip of his dick between their bodies.

"You got a bit of a mess on your face, let me wipe that off for you~" Bear said as he set Fuji down on one of his thighs, the appletun barely able to sit up without help. Fortunately the plushie grabbed the back of his head before he fell over, Bear raising two of his four arms and showing off the yellow fluff in his pits. Before he could process what was happening Fuji had his face shoved deep into a furry armpit, head almost fully buried in that musky fluff, and he immediately took a deeeeep breath in..

The smell of aphrodisical honey in Bear's armpit was almost as strong as his massive belches, but even more powerful than that was something familiar yet unexpected. It smelled like a locker room with no ventilation after a big game, incredibly hot and musky despite the living plush not having any sweat. Fuji's moans and whimpers were muffled by all that fluff, and Bear made sure to really rub his face around in it, rubbing his musk into that scaly face.

"Keep on sniffing, slut. You're going to be doing lots of this from now on~" Bear grinded Fuji's face deep as he spoke, soon lowering his arm over the appletun and trapping his head in that overwhelming stench. He couldn't respond to that comment, but it certainly didn't seem like he'd mind..

Weeks passed, and Fuji never left Bear's side for more than a few moments- when he had permission to, of course. Each time he did though it was very reluctant, as it felt like torture to be anywhere without the bee's scent. Neither of them had eaten any normal food that whole time, Bear drinking nothing but Fuji's cum, and Fuji ingesting nothing but the dominant plushie's sugary spit (and sweet belches), being fed so much that he'd at least doubled in weight since they first met. He wasn't upset or worried though, he was happy to become as big as Bear wanted, and do anything and everything that Bear wanted him to do. He never even considered doing otherwise anymore, his mind fully dedicated to obeying Bear for more and more pleasure.

His home- no, Bear's home, had become quite a mess, honey and cum splattered onto nearly every surface and soaking every piece of furniture, especially the bed. Yellow pollen had been rubbed onto all sorts of things, further ensuring that every last inch of the home would carry Bear's addictive musk. Fuji's clothing was given even less mercy, every piece fed to the plushie one by one, all getting slowly absorbed by the bee's constantly sloshing and gurgling gut, turned into stuffing to further pad his stomach and ass. All that remained was his helmet, and only because Bear thought it was cute. Plenty of Fuji's other possessions had been given up too, turned into nothing but little snacks for Bear. His phone, his laptop, his keys, all of it churned to nothing in the plushie's always hungry stomach without a second- or first- thought from Fuji. Just like everything else in the home, he was just another of Bear's belongings.

His mind and home weren't the only things to go through such dramatic changes though, his body had gone through some unexpected changes far more than just his explosive weight gain. As the days passed his scales had become darker and smoother, his body eventually becoming fuzzy and then even fluffy. His heavy, flabby fat had become more dense, turning into something that felt more akin to memory foam. The pie on his back had shifted downward over time, eventually meeting his stubby tail and slowly merging with it, making it grow hugely and get rounder and rounder. From underneath his helmet two long and thin antennae had sprouted out, allowing him to sense even more and having that overwhelmed too. Even his saliva had turned thicker and sweeter, just like Bear's own. There was no beating around the bush- somehow he'd been turned into a living plushie bee, his body all fluffy black and yellow, complete with a big bug abdomen sticking out from where his tail used to be.. Used to be, that didn't sound right to him. As far as he could remember, he'd always been like this.

On top of everything else, it seemed that his hefty cock and balls had completely disappeared- or maybe not, maybe they were just hidden, it was impossible to tell, but in their place was a sizeable null bulge, so large and round that it almost reached his knees. He spent most of his time rubbing and squeezing it, even while pleasuring Bear in one way or another, sinking his hands deep into his squishy and oversensitive nulge but never getting off. He didn't mind though, no pleasure could ever compare to the joy of huffing the larger plushie's addictive pollen. Of course it raised a question, how could he have fed Bear his cum if he's always had a nulge? That was another thing he never bothered to worry his musk-brained head about.

Chuurrnn.. gurrgbbglrr..

It was a morning like any other, Fuji being roused awake by the constant noises of Bear's gut. It was hard not to hear with how it was pressed on top of him, his entire body pinned between that fat belly and the bed, but even with its volume it remained one of the most soothing (and arousing) sounds to him. He moaned underneath it, hugging onto as much of that tummy as he could and grinding his nulge against it, coaxing out even more gurgling and groaning.

Soon enough Bear himself woke up with a wide yawn, stretching his arms and pressing down extra hard on the tubby plush under him.

"Hnff.. good morning, you slutty little drone. Sleep well?" He asked, and the only answer he got was the muffled vibrations of Fuji's moans underneath. He laughed, rocking back and forth to rub his belly against the bed and the person that was stuck to it, the noisy bubbling in his stomach gradually working up to something..

Grrllssshsh.. sshllrrghhrrgllsshhh.. gggrbblgrrrrgrgbgllrb..!


That massive belch that lasted several seconds, far louder than anything Fuji could ever dream of creating, was enough to make the ground and walls shake, furniture rattling and a few things falling over. The vibrations were so strong that Fuji thought he might turn to dust, yet he wanted even more. He wanted those burps to be louder, longer, deeper, harder, the rumbling against him feeling better than any sort of masturbation he could do in his current state.

"Ahh, that felt nice.. how about another?" Bear asked, as if he needed to ask. This time he had a different plan, getting up on his knees with his stomach so large now that it still rested on the bed. He grabbed Fuji from underneath with a hand on his head, bringing him up so the two of them were face to face again. Bear took things a bit further- not that the act was unordinary for them now- roughly and rudely shoving his tongue into Fuji's mouth and down his throat, bulging his neck out with it, and taking the entirety of his head into his large, honey-drooling mouth.


That burp was almost deafening like this, but Fuji practically melted with bliss as it washed over his head and filled him up, hotter than a sauna and sweeter than honey, more orgasmic than, well, an orgasm. His blobby stomach, that was already filled with gallons of honey from yesterday, rapidly grew even larger, was inflated like a balloon by that burp over his head until it grew taut.

Bear slid Fuji's head out of his mouth like a lollipop, leaving him dripping with honey while he moaned and huffed.

"Y'know, pet, you can't provide for me like you used to.." Bear said, staring down at the smaller bee's musk-addicted face. Though he never really needed to eat, and since it took several days for his stomach to digest anything his belly was still full of cum, he was feeling quite hungry..

"W-wait, you don't mean..!" Fuji started to panic, but was shushed by a large hand smothering his face.

"Relax, relax. I ain't getting rid of you. In fact, I was going to give you the biggest reward I could~" Bear smirked, and that immediately made Fuji perk up. "Since you love my stomach so much, how about taking a trip inside it? Permanently."

"B-but.. that's.." Fuji stammered. If he could still orgasm, Bear's words alone would've been enough to set him off, and it took all the effort he had to not start playing with his nulge right then and there.

"Now let's get ya up here..~" Bear grabbed onto Fuji's ankles without another word, easily and quickly lifting him up and flipping him upside down. He yelped, the movement forcing a short but noisy burp out of him, but Bear took it further.

Fuji squeaked in surprise as he felt something warm and wet slide against his paws, wiggling his toes as Bear gave his plush pads a lick, soon getting much more than that as Bear took both of those feet right into his mouth, pulling them deeper and slowly swallowing them down, the slick and rubbery walls of his throat squeezing tight and firm but not uncomfortably so around Fuji's feet as he was pulled deeper.

"O-ohhh gosh.. oh gosh.." He squeaked out with excitement, feeling Bear's large hands on his sides as he was pulled deeper, feeling more of his legs getting pulled into that swelteringly hot throat. He was lifted more the further he was swallowed, Bear's hands firm on his body as he was lifted up from his upside-down position to a more horizontal pose. Fuji had never fed him anything so large but it seemed like he wasn't having any trouble, swallowing unnecessarily loud and pulling the former-appletun a little bit deeper with each noisy gulp. He could feel each time that throat clenched around his legs, making tremble with delight as he was pulled past his knees.

Fuji gasped as felt Bear's slippery tongue slither its way between his thighs, sending a shiver up his body as his sensitive nulge was given a slow, deep lick, travelling up his taint and between his plush cheeks, going up his buggy abdomen before stopping, just for another similar lick a second later. He couldn't help but squirm, nearly waist deep in the hungry throat of his master, honey dripping from his lower body as he was licked and sucked on like a snack. But he knew that at this point that's all he was, and Bear was just playing with his food, more teasing licks being delivered as Fuji was slowly pulled deeper.

It took a few swallows and some light pushing to get down Fuji's squishy rump and round abdomen, both of which popped into Bear's throat with wet slurps. Swallowed with then was Fuji's null bulge, and the sensation of that being surrounded by the pred's incredibly tight, incredibly hot, and incredibly wet throat forced a loud moan from Fuji, drooling honey onto himself while he was toyed with. Bear smirked around his meal, continuing to swallow him further down.

Next was Fuji's belly, still full of honey and burps, and while it wasn't difficult for Bear, Fuji himself was certainly struggling.

"Mnnh.. Huuhhrrrp! U-uhmfff.. Oouurrrrpp! Mmnngghhhhuuuuhhhrrhhp!"

Fuji couldn't stop himself from burping, the squeezing from below forcing more pressure out of him with several noisy, embarrassing belches, releasing what he was just filled with. It didn't take too long for his gut to get swallowed with everything below the waist, more burps getting pushed out of him still.

Now that the thickest part of him was through, Fuji could really feel Bear's throat tugging at him and trying to pull him all the way in. He was nearly upright now, and the only thing stopping a rapid descent were Bear's hands on his sides. "Stopping" wasn't quite the right term, Bear continuing to slowly lower him further down his throat, enveloping more of his body in that honey-slick gullet.

Despite the finality of what was looming, Fuji was absolutely giddy, giggling with excitement and huffing happily as his chest was swallowed, the only grip on him outside of the throat being two fingers lightly squeezing the sides of his head. Soon, that too was gone, and the contractions from Bear's throat momentarily paused as he put one of his large fingers on Fuji's head- the only part of him that was still left in his maw, rather than already swallowed. While he couldn't speak with his mouth full like this, Fuji had a pretty good idea of what Bear would've said in that moment.

"So long, honey slut~" After Fuji imagined Bear saying that, with a push against his face and an extra large swallow, he was swallowed whole, his vision going dark as his head was gulped down with the rest of him. He already felt like he was going to melt, feeling his entire being getting a massage from the walls of the throat he was in, honey being rubbed into his fluffy body and staining him further with musk, as if it made any difference at that point. All he could hear were the wet squelches of the rubber around him and the gurgles from the stomach below, and his own moans being muffled.

Despite the tight squeezing and relatively slow descent, it felt like far too soon before he landed inside Bear's gut, though it was less of a landing and more of going from being squeezed and submerged in honey, to being submerged in a mix of honey and his own cum. He moaned loudly, but any noises he made were completely drowned out by the cacophony of gurgling, sloshing, groaning, and rumbling that surrounded him.


It was all he could hear, even his thoughts silenced by that constant roar. And it. Felt. Great. He was trapped in a state of bliss, the aphrodisiacs in the honey wreaking havoc on his broken mind, ruining him further and further past his addicted state, squirming and pushing against the walls of Bear's stomach.

"Ooomph.. Oouuurrrrhhrrp~! You make a pretty big snack after I fattened you up so much, snnrrk~" The plush snickered, rubbing his belly with all four hands and pushing against the meal inside, helping to slowly churn things up and making things even noisier. Fuji moaned inside, but Bear didn't even notice. To him, Fuji was nothing but what was going to be extra pounds of stuffing on his gut.

He laid down on the bed, rolling over onto his stomach and pressing it down against the blankets, smushing down and slowly rubbing it back and forth. While Fuji was no more than a horny snack in his belly now, squished between the walls of the honey and cum-filled stomach, it was still going to take several days to digest him, and Bear decided to kick it off with a nap. He wasn't in any rush, there was lots of time left before his belly would be empty again- lots of time for him to find a new roommate..

Cooling Off

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