God I Love Horses

Story by Horse_furry on SoFurry

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#3 of Amanda's Slaves

God I Love Horses

By Horse_furry

This story is intended for Adults only. Only readers of legal age should continue to read the story below. And any underage readers should stop and go elsewhere.

This story is copyrighted by it's writer. Please do not take credit for this story.

Eric walked through the local village, looking around at the various carts and stands holding various items. "Damn, she didn't tell me what to get," Eric said to himself and he continued to walk down the street. He cursed himself again for leaving the cottage with only his loincloth on. "I should of asked for something better, at least." He shook his head and continued on. He started to notice, though, that he was getting looks from the locals as they went about their shopping business. Eric did take some delight in the looks he was getting from the local prostitutes as they stood outside their doors, looking for customers. He even swore he saw a couple wink and seem to hither him over. But he knew he couldn't, not with his sister still alone with their new mistress Amanda.

Eric looked to his right and finally saw what he was looking for. A stand with vegetables and beans and other foods. He walked over and smiled to the middle aged tigress behind the stand. He nodded to her and she smiled back after quickly looking over the large horse.

"Hello there, what would you like?" asked the tigress. Eric looked over the assorted foods and grinned.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Eric walked down the trail leading towards the cottage. He held two large sacks in his arms, filled with the food he had purchased all around the market. Whistling to himself he shifted the bags to get a better grip on them. He could just see the cottage in the distance on the other side of the a small grove of trees. Hurrying up his pace, he closed the distance pretty quickly with his long strides. The horse was soon at the front door, standing there for a second and listening if there were any sounds from the outside. He thought he heard some giggling, so he knocked on the door. Whatever sound that was coming from inside before, had now ceased and there was now only the sound of the blowing wind. Eric waited there for only a few seconds before he heard the bindings on the door being unhitched and the door being slowly opened inwards. Eric glanced in to see that his sister Christine had answered the door. Instantly recognizing the horse as Eric, she gave a great wide grin before leaping forward, wrapping her arms around her larger brother.

"Oh Eric, it's so great that you're back," Christine exclaimed, hugging Eric tightly. Eric smiled, yet was trying to hold onto the items that he had brought back with him from the market.

"Well well, great to see you too sister." Eric liked the feeling of the warm mare against him, against the cold winds that he had just traveled through to get back to the cottage. Christine held him close for a little bit until a voice from inside called out to them.

"Why are you two just standing in there?" Eric recognized this as Amanda's voice instantly. "You should let him go so he can get that delicious food in here. I'm starving." Eric looked in and surely enough saw the husky fem sitting on the couch, looking at the two in the doorway. Christine sighed and released her brother from her capture and let him pass by on his way to the kitchen. Both Christine and Amanda watched in silence as Eric passed by and went into the kitchen to prepare the food that they would be eating. "Make sure it's some good stuff," Added Amanda as she yelled at him from room to room. Amanda shook her head chuckling before looking up at the mare who was now walking over towards her. "What's the worried look for, dear?" asked Amanda. The mare flopped down onto the seat next to Amanda.

"What look, there is no worried look on my face, see?" Christine gave an over exaggerated smile at Amanda, rising a giggle from the husky.

"I don't believe you. What? You worried that he won't approve of what you just did with me? Your mistress?" Christine looked over towards the kitchen before looking down and shrugging her shoulders. "Honey, you may think that he's a saint and he thinks of you the same way. But the matter of the fact is that he knows why you both were bought. And probably is expecting his turn to come soon. Hell, he's probably excited about it. And he's not going to approve or disapprove you receiving pleasure or giving pleasure if you want it." Amanda paused for a moment, gauging the reaction of Christine, which was pretty good so far. "I know that he wants whatever makes you happy. So as long as you are happy, he's happy with it." Christine was nodding at the end of the little talk, still looking down at the cushions of the couch.

"I know," Christine responded. "I just can't shake the feeling. He's my brother and he's been looking out for me ever since I can remember. And I feel like we're still kids or something." She shook her head in disappointment as she looked down at the couch. Amanda reached forward, placing her paw under the mare's chin, lifting it up so their eyes met.

"Hey hey, just remember that you are both grown up now. Both adults that can do adult things," Amanda paused. "Even with each other..." she continued, mumbling. Christine's ears perked up.

"Wait, what did you say just now?" Amanda shook her head.

"Nothing, I was just thinking aloud." Amanda then froze for a second, sniffing the air with her canine nostrils. The husky gave a wide grin towards Christine, who herself paused to sniff the air. They both smelt the aroma of the food being cooked in the kitchen. "I think I smell noodles..."


All three of the furs sat back in their chairs, sighing and smiling about the dinner they had just had. Amanda leaned up and looked over at Eric.

"Wow, Eric, That dinner was great!" Amanda said, smiling. "Now I know you were definitely a good buy. I wonder what other hidden talents you may have." Eric grinned wide as he looked at his mistress.

"Well Amanda, only time will tell." He responded before looking over towards Christine, giving her a wink. Christine gulped and gave what looked like a forced smile. She still couldn't get used to the thought of her brother being used in anything sexual, yet. Amanda looked over to Christine, still giggling and gave her a wink before turning back towards Eric. Amanda stood up and walked over to the still seated Eric, grinning the entire time. Eric and Christine both watched her as she strolled up to the stallion, placing a gentle hand on the bare, muscled chest of the equine. Both Eric's and Amanda's eyes met as he looked up at her and she looked down to him. Amanda then looked over to Christine.

"Hey honey, why don't you and your brother take a seat on the couch? Get comfortable?" Amanda asked Christine, still smiling. Christine nodded.

"Ok," she then rose up from her chair and padded over to the couch, taking a seat and watched as her brother walked over and joined her on the couch. Eric then stretched out his arms and laid one around Christine's shoulders. Amanda raised an eyebrow as she saw that Christine seemed to be more comfortable with Eric's arm around her. She smiled and walked right up to the couch and right in front of Eric. Eric looked up at her as did Christine as the husky bent over slightly and softly placed her hands on the stallion's knees. Amanda looked over at Christine for a split second, seeing that she was a little disturbed as she looked at Amanda.

"Christine, would you stand here next to me?" Amanda patted her hip, wanting the mare to join her. Christine took a deep breath before standing up, her brother's arm slipping off of her. She stood next to Amanda, waiting for what she would do next. Amanda reached over and pushed down on the mare's shoulder, pushing her down to her knees. Eric just watched, arms spread along the couch and leaning back and relaxing. Amanda looked back forward at Eric with a sly grin as she started to walk her fingers up the horse's muscular legs. Christine gulped as she watched Amanda's hands work their way up her brother's thighs. She looked up at Eric to see that he was relaxed and even looking a little eager as he sat back and let Amanda roam with her hands. Eric didn't do anything but just lay back and watch, but taking the occasional glance over to sister, kneeling next to Amanda with her head tilted down slightly. Eric shifted a little in his seat as Amanda used her fingertips to brush up the thighs' short fur, making Eric a little bit ticklish. Amanda smiled as he looked up at Eric's face, then over to Christine's.

Amanda saw the mix of embarrassment and slight shock as she watched the husky's advances on her brother's thighs. Amanda gave a little whimper, getting the mare to look up at her.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Asked Amanda, reaching over with her nearest arms and gently rubbed the side of Christine's muzzle. Christine gave a little sigh as she felt the warm paw against her cheek. She closed her eyes and moved her head into the strokes of the paw, making her relax a little.

"Amanda, I..." Christine started but was interrupted when Amanda leaned over quickly and planted her muzzle against the mare's. Amanda was surprised to say the least as she felt Amanda's tongue probing against her still closed mouth. Christine moved her head a bit before giggling a little bit, locking her lips with the husky. They both murred as the kiss started off slow, but soon became more passionate as the moved their bodies closer to each other. Amanda took her remaining paw away from Eric's thigh and placed it of Christine's other cheek, pulling her long muzzle even harder against hers. Their tongues jockeying for position in each other's mouths with moans and pants escaping into the air.

Eric scooted up to the edge of his seat, wide-eyed as he watched his little sister making-out with their owner. He was slightly confused by this, as she was so nervous when he had left to go to the market. 'I guess they got familiar with each other after I left,' Eric thought to himself. But as he continued watching, he could feel his loins stirring fast under his loin cloth. He looked down to see the big bump under the fabric starting to rise up. He hunched over slightly as he looked down, giving a little sigh before tilting his head up and looked at the kissing girls.

"Ummm...ladies?" Said Eric, trying to get the two's attention. Amanda and Christine didn't seem to notice the stallion, continuing to lose themselves in each others muzzles. Eric paused for a second, starting to lose his train of thought as he looked at the two. But he caught himself before it was too late and tried to think of what his next move would be. Eric slid off the edge of the couch and went to his knees, joining the level of height that Amanda and his sister were already at. Still not really noticing the movements of the stallion, Christine and Amanda continued to make-out, popping out their tongues every now and then to lick each other's muzzles. Eric got a closer look, getting really hot under the collar now.

Eric slowly leaned forward, trying not to make any sudden movements like a predator stalking its' prey. Soon, he was within inches of the husky and mare kissing. He could he even the slightest sounds of the two's mouths slurping and sucking on each others'. It was then when the two finally realized that they had a visitor near them. They stopped and slowly separated from their muzzle embrace, slowly turning their heads towards Eric's presence. They saw Eric's wide grinning face very close to theirs. He closed his eyes as he heard the two ladies have a little giggle with each other as they studies his grinning face. Amanda's eyes started to trail down the male's body, bending over slightly as her eyes came upon the large tent post in Eric's crotch. Christine, though, just kept looking at her brother's face, smiling at how silly it looked.

Eric then decided to make his move. With his eyes still shut, he pushed his head forward towards the girls, attempting to kiss where Amanda was before he closed his eyes. But he only hit air, as Amanda had bent down, looking at his rapidly aroused member. But Eric wasn't going to give up that easy. He kept his eyes shut and followed the giggling sounds he could hear, and soon felt his nose brush up against another's. He leaped at this and pressed his muzzle to the others, giving the other a smooch. He then opened his eyes triumphantly to see his conquest. But to his surprise it was not Amanda's eyes he met, but his sisters warm eyes. Eric pulled back a little, but found a hand holding his head against his sister's, pressing him back into her. Eric darted his eyes to the left and was surprised to see that in fact it was Christine's arm that was hold him in. Eric surprise increased when he felt Christine's lips move against his, her tongue pressing against his lips.

Amanda looked up from her exploration when she felt the two bodies she was pressed against suddenly move. The husky smiled devilishly as she saw the two sibling's lips pressed together. She let her tongue hang out of her mouth as she felt herself increasingly moist in her loins. Amanda looked back down to the loincloth again, licking her lips as she studied the bulge again. She wasted no more time and bent all the way down and nuzzled the stallion's groin and aroused member. Eric jumped in shock, not expecting Amanda against his groin. But his attention soon turned back to his sister, who was now planting little kisses all over his nose, muzzle, and face. Eric was still a little reluctant with his sister kissing his face, but when he felt Amanda tug off his only piece clothing he had, he figured 'what the hell.'

Eric grasped his sisters muzzle and pulled it slightly back and in front of his. Looking into her eyes, he gave her a wink.

"Oh Christine, you are so lovely," the stallion commented. Christine gave a loving smile and planted a kiss on Eric's lips before pulling back.

"I love you so much, my brother," Eric felt a great moment between the two, just staring into each other's warm eyes. But this moment was interrupted when Eric suddenly felt a warm, wet sensation around the head of his equine cock. He looked down to see Amanda looking up at him with her puppy-dog eyes, wagging tail, and his cock in her mouth. Eric chuckled at the sight before moaning as Amanda licked her tongue across his flat, sensitive cockhead. But his moans where silenced when Christine locked lips with Eric, kissing passionately.

Amanda peeked up to see the kissing horses, making her feel even hotter. She swirled her tongue around the cock in her mouth, suckling on it like a baby on a nipple. Eric's cock instantly became rock hard at 14 inches. Amanda separated herself momentarily, looking at the large cock protruding from Eric.

"God Eric, you are such a...big boy," Amanda kissed along the cock, letting her tongue slide along the cock she held with both of her hands. She rubbed the head with her paw, causing Eric to groan into his kiss and making his hips sway slightly. Christine pressed her body harder against Eric's, draping her arms over his shoulders. Eric, meanwhile, rubbed his hands along the mare's back, slowly working it's way down to the base of Christine's tail. He used his fingers to weave its way in between the hairs, massaging the tail base and causing Christine to shift her weight around on her legs. With Amanda working on his cock, his continued to move his hands down until he firmly grasped his sister's beautiful buttocks. This caused Christine to jump a little, then moan and press her head even harder against her brother's muzzle.

Amanda was slow and deliberate with the strokes of her tongue against Eric's engorged tool. Not trying to get the horse off too soon and have the fun cut short. Amanda opened her mouth wide and slipped the slightly flared cockhead into her mouth, wrapping her black lips around it and gave the flat head a lick lashing. Eric pulled his head back suddenly, clinching his eyes shut and whinnying loudly as the feeling of the tongue against the sensitive head surged through his body. Christine let her muzzle linger there in the air, hoping that her brother's lips would return. But as moments passed, her want wasn't fulfilled and she reopened her eyes to see Eric with his head titled back and still whinnying in pleasure. Christine looked down, seeing Amanda working her canine muzzle up and down Eric's cock. Christine took a quick peek back up at Eric and saw that he was not looking at her still. The mare then quickly lowered onto her knees at the same level as the husky. She watched Amanda continue to work Eric's cock, the husky's focus totally on her licking and sucking.

Christine licked her lips before leaning in and nuzzling lovingly against Amanda's furry face. Upon feeling the mare's muzzle against hers, Amanda popped the horse meat out of her mouth and nuzzled back, whimpering softly. Christine moaned softly in response to the whimpers as she began to extend her tongue and get slight licks against Amanda's fur. By this time, Eric was looking down to see the reason why the warm, moist muzzle had been removed from his cock. Seeing the two below nuzzle drove the equine deeper into lust for the two. A slight presence of sweat started to form under his short fur. He moved his hands forward from his sides and petted the two with a hand each. Amanda and Christine looked up at Eric, both giving him a cute smile as they kept their muzzles together. Eric took one of his hands and used it to position his cock in between the two pressed muzzles, taping them lightly on their noses. This made both of the fems giggle and separate just enough to get the thick tool between their muzzles. Eric was starting to get a little surprised on the limited thought that Christine was currently giving about doing it with her big brother. But when two long tongues came licking along his cock's length, all of those thoughts just flowed out of him and disappeared.

Amanda and Christine both simultaneously extended their tongues form their mouths and started to lick the stallion's shaft like a popsicle in the middle of the summer. Moans and groans escaped past the stallion's lips, making the girls work harder, knowing that they are doing a good job so far. Eric put his hands on top of their heads and started to moves his hips very slightly back and forth. The girls started to use their hands to rub and tease the shaft wherever their tongues weren't. The rock hard cock stuck straight out, starting to glisten with the saliva from the twin licking. Christine worked her tongue up the long tool, moving her way up to the tip. As Amanda worker the lower part of Eric's cock, Christine moved directly in front of her brother, her tongue laying against his flat head. The mare opened her mouth wide and slipped the head past her lips and into her mouth, immediately closing around it, similar to what Amanda had done earlier.

Meanwhile, Amanda was licking and sucking the lower part of the shaft near the opening of the sheath. She took one of her hands and started to rub the stallion's swelling sack that was swinging slightly with the stallions' slight hip movements. The sounds of moaning, licking, sucking, groans, murrs, and horse whinnies and other sounds filled the room as the two horses and the husky in the middle started to really heat up.

Amanda started to nibble of Eric's sheath, using her teeth to gently rake against the short-furred flesh. Eric raised his head up, involuntarily closing slightly his eyes slightly as he grunted loudly, then he followed that closely with a long nicker as both his cockhead and thick sheath were being pleasured. Amanda rubbed the large balls in her hand before she pulled her head back to look up at Eric's face.

"Oh you like that, horsie?" the husky-fem asked in a cute yet seductive voice. Eric, who was now looking back down, nodded.

"Oh yes....ahhhh....very mm...much, ma'am," Eric stuttered, looking back between Amanda and Christine. The mare looked up at her brother, keeping her head down to her cock-sucking duties, which she was enjoying very much. The two horses made eye contact, Eric watching Christine using her lips to suck and feeling her tongue swirl around the cockhead before taking some of the cock down her throat.

Amanda smiled at hearing Eric's response and moved her muzzle back to the horse's package. She pushed her nose against his balls, almost like she was testing them before slowly letting her tongue flop out of her mouth as she opened it. She continued to use her hands with his balls, tickling him and such before taking a good sniff and smelling the musky odor of the strong stallion. Soon she held her urges back no longer and gave the sack a nice, long, delicious lick. The stallion reacted absent-mindedly by bucking his hips a little. This inadvertently meant that Eric thrusted his cock forward and to the surprise of Christine, caused her to take more horse cock down her throat. Christine gagged a little, not expecting so much stiff meat so quickly. But she soon relaxed her throat and took a little more down her throat.

Eric grunted loudly as he started to pant. The pleasure had increased so much between the husky's ball licking and his sister's blow job that he became nervous that he would blow his load soon. Eric started to control his pants and start to back away from the two kneeling females. As Eric's cock started to slide out of Christine's mouth, she tried to lean forward, keeping as much as she could before it slipped out totally. Amanda quickly lost the target of her licking adventure too while Eric took a few steps back, his cock bobbing up and down as it stuck straight out from his crotch.

Amanda and Christine stayed down on their hands and knees, looking hungrily at the piece of erect equine cock. Amanda looked over at Christine as noticed some liquid on the side of her muzzle. She gave a little sad look and whimpered before leaning over towards the mare and started to lick the liquid away lovingly. Amanda murred as she continue to look up at Eric with a smile on her face.

"Oh god, Eric. You are so fucking hot," said Christine. Amanda finished with her licks and gave Christine a nuzzle before returning to her former position.

"God I love horses," Amanda's voice seemed to be filled with love and lust while she looked at Christine then at Eric. Eric had been slowly stroking his cock, his eyes transfixed on the mare and her naked form as the two fems had stripped while they were on the ground. Amanda noticed this and decided it was time to let her two horses have even more fun.

Amanda stood up from her kneeling position and looked down at Christine and motioned her to get up also. Amanda then positioned the mare next to Eric and then took a step back so she could get a good look at them. Her pussy by now had become drenched and she could tell the Christine's was as well. Then to her delight, Eric reached his arm around his sister and brought her into a deep, passionate kiss. Both horses moaned and grunted into the kiss as their hands roamed all over. Amanda felt really hot at this point and used both of her hands to rubs her large breasts. She continued to watch as she played with her nipples and areolas, pinching and pulling on the, causing her nipples to become hard and erect. Soon one of her hands started to rub slowly down her body, past her stomach and bellybutton until she reached just above her pussy, rubbing and pressing to excite her even more. She lifted one of her breasts to her mouth and licked at the nipple, sucking on it and teasing herself.

Meanwhile, Eric and Christine were locked in a deep, loving kiss. Their bodies close together and the stallion cock pressed up against his sister's stomach and up into her tits. Christine was the first one to pull back.

"Mmmm...Eric, I love you so much. And I've needed you around me my entire life. And now you've turned out to be such a fucking hot stud and now I want you to take me as you filly," Amanda's ears, along with Eric's, sprouted up at what she had to say.

"My...my filly?" Eric stuttered, shocked at what he had just heard. Amanda, still playing with herself panted.

"Ye...Yeah Eric, mmmm..." Amanda started. "Your sister isssss...oh...Is totally in love with ya." Her fingers started pressing against the upper part of her cunt, causing a small bark to force its' way out of her muzzle. "And as your...mmm...mistress, ah. I command you to take you sister as your filly...aaaand your mate..." Amanda moaned, closing her eyes and losing herself in her own self-pleasure. Eric turned towards Christine, who's blush you could see through her furry cheeks as she gave the shy, innocent look.

"Is this true, sis? You love me that much?" He asked, half knowing what the answer would be.

"Oh, of course I do Eric," his sister responded. "So much, and I want to be with you for the rest of our lives." Christine stepped forward, quickly placing her lips to Eric's, enclosing into another passionate kiss. Gasps and pants fill the room along with the feminine moans and barks coming from the husky to the side.

"Oh...please, be...my mate...Eric," Christine managed to gasp when their mouths briefly separated.

"Of course...I will, Christine," Eric grunted. He placed his hands under Christine's muzzle, pushing it up until their lips slid apart and he started and kissed her neck.

"Oh my brother, my love. Take me now," Christine nickered. Eric only grunted and pulled down on her hips, forcing her to the ground. She lets her strong brother use his sensual hands to pull her hips down, murring softly. Christine could feel the heat around her sex, the moistness inside already ready to lubricate her stallion's large cock. Eric let go of his sister's hips as he sat on the ground, his long, thick stallion-hood sticking straight up into the air.

Once her hips were free from their grip, she hastily kissed all over Eric's face, using her tongue in which ever way she thought fit. Eric groaned pleasurably as he felt his cock rub against Christine's belly, leaving a slight trail of pre on her short fur. Christine scooted back away from Eric and saw the pre on her tummy. She giggled and used her hands to smear it out against her body. She also used her hands to rub sensually all over her body, rubbing her sides, her hair, and her breasts as if to show herself to her stallion brother. Eric whinnied lustfully, waiting on his haunches for her next move. Christine slowly stood up, swaying her hips as he turned her back to him. Flicking her tail, she lowered herself down onto her knees, with one hand on her rump, looking back with an innocent yet sexy look that drove the stallion wild even more. He looked and saw her dark colored sex through the strands of her tail, looking moist and ready to be mounted. Christine arched her back.

"What are you waiting for stud? Show me how much you love me my brother." Christine prodded. Eric had gotten onto his knees at the word 'waiting' and by the time the mare had finished 'brother,' he was already gripping his cock with one hand and her shoulder with the other and aiming his cock for his mounting. Christine watched as the thick cock inched towards her quivering, anxious sex. Christine almost came when Eric's flat tipped cock first was pressed firmly against her waiting pussy. Eric paused there for a second, looking over the back of the voluptuous figure he was about to breed. His eyes went wide as the fire of desire burned brighter than ever before deep inside of him. Eric gripped Christine's shoulder firmly as he grunted and started to slowly pushing his cock forward. But at first it was a struggle to get the large tool to slide inside of the mare's tight cunt. Eric tried a few times, grunting and panting a little as he did so. He finally looked up from his action.

"Ughhh...hey sis, just relax. It'll be better for the both of us," Eric told Christine. She looked over her shoulder at her brother's face, a slightly nervous but needing look on her face as she nodded.

"I'm sorry, it...it's just that I'm so..." Christine gulped. "Nervous." She fluttered her eyes and her cheeks became a little red. Eric nickered and rubbed her back.

"Well, you shouldn't be. Here." Eric reached down with his free hand and took two fingers and slid them into her pussy up to the second knuckle. The mare groaned as the fingers spread and moved around inside her helping to relax her a bit. Eric continued to nicker as he used his fingers inside of Christine to get more ready for his enormous stallion-hood. After some groaning and much shifting by the mare, Eric thought it about time to try to enter her again. He removed his fingers and stroked Christine's back while gripping her shoulder still with his other hand.

"Now just relax, you'll enjoy this a lot if you do," Eric assured her. Christine, looking forward, nodded and tried to relax herself. Eric grunted and slowly pushed his hips again, putting a little more force than last time, and with more success. Eric could hear his sister moan loudly as his thickness pushed into her pussy and finally Eric was able to get the first two inches inside of her. He smiled and looked up at the back of his sister's head. "There, you did it. How do you feel?" Christine turned her head, panting with a flushed face.

"Oh shut up and fuck me...ahhhh...please, make me...ugh, yours," Christine groaned loudly. Eric was caught by surprise, but quickly changed his shock to deviance. He grasped both of his hands on Christine's hips, squeezing them before jutting his hips forward, forcing three more inches into the mare. Christine's head shot right up, gasping loudly as her cunt was being filled the horse cock. "Yyyyeah...ohhh yeah," was all Christine was able to say before the stallion tugged back on his hips, slipping a little of his cock back out.

"Jeeze, sis. You're sooo..tight, damn," Eric groaned. He used his thumbs to message and pull apart her nice, firm butt cheeks, inadvertently getting a better view of his insertion. He pushed forward again, stirring loud moans from the forward facing mare. Eric enjoyed hearing these moans, swiveling his equine ears forward as he started to pump his hips rhythmically.

Meanwhile, whilst the two horses started to really go at it, Amanda had lied back against the couch. The husky's hands and fingers furiously going to work against her erogenous areas. She used her claws to stroke erected clit, along with using her fingers to dig into her pussy and find her g-spot. And once the husky-fem had locked onto that spot, she used one of her paws to go to town on it. Using the other paw to rub her tits, she groaned and gave little barks before bitting her lower lip to try and stifle her noises so she could hear the erotic noises that were coming from Eric and Christine. Amanda would occasionally bring her pussy-juice soaked fingers to her muzzle, murring as sucked the juices from her fingers, swallowing them down delightfully. Soon, her attention was directed more towards the horse show in front of her than on herself. She licked her lips as she eyed the muscled stallion's tail and rump, clinching and releasing with every powerful thrust. Just then she got an idea. She quietly slid off the couch and went to her hands and knees before moving directly behind the hip thrusting stallion. She watched his tail as it moved with this movements, grinning mischievously as she pictured what she was about to do. She slowly extended her arm, seeing that Eric hadn't noticed her closer presence yet. She gently wrapped her paw around the tail, a little above the base. This caused Eric to stop his thrusting. He grunted and panted as he turned his head to look at the intruder, only to see Amanda's mischievous expression. Still panting, he started to move his mouth to say something. But before a word could escape his mouth, the husky pulled his tail up and leaped forward, planting her nose against the stallion's tailhole. The slightly cold feeling of the canine nose made Eric jump forward and slam a little over half his cock deep into Christine. Christine's eyes went wide before she whinnied and yelled loudly in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

"Ahhhh...oh fuck, oh fuck..." Christine managed to whinny before she started to pant heavily, trying to relax even more. Eric had yelped in shock and clinched his ass and butt cheeks, but Amanda was already established and wasn't going to come out easily. Amanda started to use her tongue to lap around the stallion's anal area, probing her tongue around.

Eric still was getting used to the feeling, knowing full well that she was there to stay and he better get used to it. He groaned a couple of times, finally relaxing his rear and letting the husky-fem explore him with her tongue. But soon he looked forward towards his mare and gave her a swat on the rump. Christine nickered and looked back to him, smiling.

"Lets go stud, we ain't...Ahhhh...we ain't finished yet," Eric gave a small thrust forward while she talked, causing her to interrupt her sentence. That was the only response he gave before he tightened his grip and started to thrust faster and harder than before. The rim-job that Eric was getting seemed to help spur him on, making him hotter. Beads of sweat started to form under and on the stallion's short pelt, dribbling down slowly and dripping down onto Christine's ass, tail, and on the floor. He started panting harder now, between the tight grips of his sister's pussy and Amanda's tongue lashing was putting him into heaven. He didn't even notice that he had almost slamming the entirety of his cock deep into Christine. But it wasn't ignored by the receiver of the stallion-hood, who yelled and moaned wildly as she felt her pussy walls stretched almost to their limit.

Amanda moaned into her rim-job, causing her muzzle and tongue to vibrate against the strong stallion's tailhole. Eric whinnied loudly, and she hoped that it was her doing that had caused it. 'God I love horses,' she thought to herself.

Eric's thrusts were beginning to become more quicker, and his hands dug into the mare's hips as all three could tell that the end was coming soon. Amanda gave a few last licks before moving back and away from Eric, getting onto her feet and strolling next to Christine. Christine didn't look over to her, as she was too lost in her own actions and pleasures to even care. Eric whinnied loudly and powerfully plowed his hips forward and hilted all of his thick equine cock deep into his loving mare. Christine threw her head back, gasping in pleasure as she felt all of her brother inside of her, smirking a little as she felt his large balls smack against her inner thighs, among other areas. Amanda petted the mare, knowing that the time had finally arrived.

"Oh..shit...Ahhhh, I'm cumming Eric!" Gasped the mare.

"Mmm...me too, ughhh..." The stallion took one final long, powerful thrust and slammed back in. There was a mixture of gasps, moans, grunts, nickers, whinnies, and others from the two as they both came together.

Christine's body shivered in orgasmic pleasure and her pussy clinched down on the intruding cock, quivering in pleasure. Eric made only horse sounds as the pleasure overwhelmed him, his cock twitching as it started blowing his load deep within his sister. Amanda, decided not to interfere anymore, thinking it was their time, and her time would come later, but not too much later she hoped. The two equine figures held themselves in place, Eric unloading his thick, hot seed and Christine gladly receiving the hot load. It was a little while before the torrents of horse cum had slowed down and only a little trickle remained.

The air was thick with the musky smell of sex, and the sounds of panting with a slight nicker here and there. Eric was the first one of the two to come back down from their orgasmic heights. He looked over and saw Amanda first as she stood off to the side, finishing herself off with her paws. The he looked back down to his lovely mare, who was now turning her head to look back at her strong stallion. She leaned back and accepted the stallions arms around her body in a loving embrace. He kissed her neck before reaching up to her muzzle, making her give a cute giggle.

"Oh...*neigh* that was the best thing...ever," Christine commented as she pressed her butt back against Eric's groin. Eric just nuzzled her neck, hugging her tightly from behind and closing his eyes. But soon her felt some fuzzy yet slippery fingers against his lips. He opened his muzzle slightly and the fingers slipped into his mouth. He started to suckle on them and opened his eyes to see that the digits belonged to a certain wide grinning husky-fem.

"I'm sorry, but I just had to," Amanda giggled. Eric smirked and gave her a wink as he continued to suckle on the canine fingers. Eric suddenly felt his receding cock slip out of Christine's cum flooded pussy. This was suddenly followed by the distinct sound of his cum splashing against the floor. Amanda's eyes went wide like a child coming downstairs on Christmas morning. She tugged back on her arm, pulling her fingers out of Eric's mouth. She then proceeded to get down on all fours and lap up the pooling cum that included the slight taste of pussy juice. Both Eric and Christine watched and soon the mare slipped under Eric's embrace and turned towards him.

"Excuse me," she grinned before winking to him and joining Amanda on the floor, lapping up the rapidly disappearing cum. Eric looked at the two, chuckling mightily, placing his hands on his hips, his dangling pride between his legs, still dripping slightly.

"You two are the greatest," Eric commented as the two stood back up, looking at him smiling.

"Oh we know," responded Amanda before giving Christine a lick on her muzzle. The mare giggled and wrapped an around the husky-fem and her stallion, pulling them together. She then proceeded to give each of them a great kiss before looking at the two smiling faces.

"I am so glad that you were the one to win us, Amanda," Christine said. Eric nodded in agreement.

"Probably one of the better things that has happened in our lives," Eric added. Both horses leaned in and licked, nibbled, and kissed the slightly blushing Amanda.

"God I love horses..."

To Be Continued...


Thanks for waiting for the next installment. Writers block and distractions both caused it's delay. But I hope you all enjoy it. Please rate me highly and look for the next installment in the future. Also, read my other stories and rate them well. And of course, I am open to any comments, suggestions, commisions, and anything else that could help the stories.

Home Alone

Home Alone By: Horse\_furry ======================================================== Disclaimer: This story is intended for adults only. Please do not read if state law prohibits such actions of reading adult liturature. The door closed...

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The Start of things

THE START OF THINGS By: Horse\_furry ========== Disclaimer: This story is intended for adults only. Please do not read if state law prohibits such actions of reading adult liturature. Amanda leaned back against her chair as she looked...

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18 By Horse\_Furry ======================================================== Mandy laid in her bed, not able to sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed with her eyes closed, trying to escape into the dreamworld so that the next day would...

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