Peace Maker

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Peace Maker

The shrill whistle of a steam engine pierces the air as the Vexas Express makes its way through Horny Valley with the second sun rising to its apex in an azure sky. On board the train humans watch as humanoid bulls and stallions herd triceratops and other herbisaurs on the backs of pachycephalosauruses or bone heads as they are called for the massive and dense bony domes on their skulls. All the humans are in Victorian finery as mesa can be seen in the distance.

More that a few people are reading dime novels with a dashing black furred, red haired humanoid wolf in a black rifle coat, red vest, black tie and white shirt holding twin revolvers with a beautiful and scantily clad, for Victorian times, blonde woman in a red cloak clinging to his legs; her head looking lustily at his groin. As coincidence would have it, Fenryx Zavaj, the wolf man starring in those novels soon walks into the car and nods to all as he walks through. Children gaze in awe at him as the adults are shocked to see him in fact.

One man slides his hand to his holster after the wolf passes him by and glares at the hybrid. When Fenryx reaches the anthropomorphic buffalo soldiers at the other end the man rises and draws his pistol at the same time. Fen sees the soldiers start to react when he springs into action.

Lightning fast on the draw, Fenryx arms himself with both revolvers, turns and fires on the human would-be assassin. Both shots travel through his eyes and brain to embed themselves in the ceiling overhead. Fenryx has already holstered his weapons and moves towards the door when the dead man drops back into his seat.

Applause fills the car and Fenryx takes a modest bow before leaving to the iron vault car just in front of the one he traveled through. Twin black cats in Union blue uniforms were lounging until the wolf in black comes through the door. At first they go for their rifles but realize who this is and salute him instead.

"At ease, boys," Fenryx says amicably. "I'm just here to check up on our friend before we reach Helltown."

"Um, Marshall..." One of the buffalos calls from the other car. "We gots a problem, sir, you just whacked Billy-George Bush!"

"Oh, great!" Fenryx sighs heavily. "Put him in the ice boxcar, we'll have an inquiry when we get to Helltown to be sure." Then to the cats: "Is the Lord Tesla inside?"

"Aye, Marshall," the cat on the left says.

"He's been asking for you, actually," the cat on the right says.

"I better not keep him waiting then shall we?" Fenryx asks rhetorically to which the cats just smile and shake their heads.

Nikolai Tesla in the finery of a well to do gentleman scientist attends huge coils that crackle with energy. Contained within the fences the Tesla coils create is a mass of inky shadow stuff that appears to be a being of some sort. The great scientist flashes the wolf a huge smile when he sees him.

"Fenryx!" Tesla beams. "How are you, my boy? I've been thinking about you."

"In a good way I hope, sir," Fen says with a smirk that Tesla shares. "What do you wish of me? But before you answer that I need to inform you that I just killed Billy-George Bush in self defense."

"Pulled a gun on you did he?" Tesla asks to which the wolf just nods. "That should be the deciding factor. I know from reputation young master Bush likes killing random people and then hides behind his family's wealth and power to shield himself from the consequences. This time he pulled a gun on someone that would properly defend themselves."

"Thank you, sir," Fenryx says. "How is the prisoner?" I'll be glad when we get this thing in the vault."

"I must concur with that," Tesla responds. "My equipment here is barely containing the beast. Speaking of beasts, how is the good Prince Dracula ding?"

"Still staked, thank the gods of nature," Fenryx swears. "I'd shudder to ponder what would be the result should he ever break free."

"Moons rise is almost upon us," Tesla observes. "Would you talk to Jeremiah and have some sausages brought in?"

"Certainly, sir," Zavaj says as he opens the door and finds the twins sampling sausage sandwiches brought in by a mechanical manservant.

Nikolai Tesla obsessively checks the sausages and coffee for poison before takes exactly three frankfurters, three bratwurst and three knockwurst while he drinks exactly three cups of coffee to wash it all down. Fenryx eats and drinks along with Tesla as they watch alternatively the darkening landscape outside their windows as all three moons rise to replace the suns of the day and the creature Fenryx captured some time ago but could not destroy. Which is why it's going where it's going.

After the moons reach their zenith human bandits astride pterodactyls drop onto the roof of the train as it travels from Mesa to Mesa of varying heights. Bedecked in the colors of night the bandits sure they're hooded as they finger their knives. Silence is a key for these men so they carry no firearms.

The twins are quickly and quietly assassinated with thrown knives. But when the would-be thieves move into the darkened car they get a nasty surprise. First one through the door sees a flash of steel before he is decapitated.

Unexpectedly the door slams shut and is locked as the bandit's compatriot stand dumbfounded as the hatch above the car opens. Emerging from the car is Fenryx with a black whip in his left hand; a basket hilted broad sword in his right. His tin star in a circle gleams in the moonlight but only his silhouette can be seen.

One bandit tosses a dagger at the Marshall only to see it blocked and redirected by wordplay back into his own hear. His compatriot on the precipice before the vault car is grabbed by the neck by the whip and flung overboard into the valley hundreds of feet below. A woman on the car before the one Fenryx stands on claps mockingly.

"Bravo! Bravo!" She says mockingly but the moonlight fails to show much more than a curvy silhouette. "What Marshall am I addressing? Or are you one of the ultra rare Ejudicators I've heard so much about?"

"I am an Ejudicator," Fenryx state. "My name is Fenryx Zavaj."

"THE Fenryx Zavaj!?!" The woman asks incredulously. "I didn't think you were real. Just something to sell dime novels..."

Fenryx leaps across the divide easily with his blade at the ready and asks: "And who might you be? A member of the Kingdom of Shades?"

"Not really," She answers. "But they are a client of ours. I'm just a thief, nobody of importance."

The woman runs off towards the other protected car as Fen gives chase.

"Not so fast, little lady!" He growls. "Not until I get some answers!"

"Can the big bad wolf catch little red riding hood?" She asks to mock him as the moons light show that she does wear mostly red, including her hooded cloak.

Fenryx takes a lasso out of his coat and starts to run after the woman who challenged him to a foot race. Running faster than a thoroughbred velociraptor, he easily catches; then ties up the human female. Apparently she expected death because she offers no struggle as she is hauled down and hog tied.

"Now that I got you good and caught," Fenryx and says with a smirk, "We can continue our conversation. Let's start with the basics of who you and who hired you?"

"Scarlet Jenkins," she growls. "I should have known better than to trust someone calling himself Hex Rex."

"HEX REX!?!" Fen cries. "You're either dangerously hurtin' for cash or just plumb loco. Which is it and where is he?"

"Too greedy for my own good," Scarlet admits. "He's attacking the other car as we speak."

"Damn!" Fen swears. "If that vampire hasn't killed your compatriots by now I'll be amazed."

"Vampire!" Scarlet shrieks. "We thought he was just some kind of crazy wizard!"

"Initially, that's all he was," Fenryx admits as carries Scarlet like a sack of potatoes." Then he got greedy for power, and got more than he bargained for."

The pair arrive on the scene in time to witness a handsome Southern gentry type human complete with handle bar moustache in the attire of a trail boss climb out of the car, sprout demon wings from his back and attempt to fly off.

"Not so fast, old fiend," Fenryx as he prepares to leap at the gentleman, his whip in his left hand and his sword in his right. "Not while you have the silver stake!" He glares at Scarlet. "Don't even think of escaping. Assisting a known Dark Mage is a grave federal offence."

Fenryx leaps and whip grapples the vampire who looks down at his new passenger and growls: "You again!?! Asmodeous be damned!! What do I have to do to get rid of you, law dog?"

"You really expect me to answer that, Hex Rex?" Fen growls with mocking joviality: "You sorry son of a bitch! I'll be taking that spike you stole."

"Think again, dog..." Hex Rex is about to rant when they encounter a rain cloud that soaks them as well as throws out some lighting. "Impressive, but not good enough, Zavaj, I can do magic too."

"That was just a distraction," Fenryx admits slyly before chopping at a bulging pocket that drops what the wolf is looking for. "Been nice talking with you, Hex, we'll have to do it again sometime,"

"The Master!" Hex Rex screams. "Nooooo!!!" The he shakes his fist as he flies off. "Curse you, Fenryx Zavaj! We'll be meeting again soon. Mark my words!!"

By use of nature magic Fenryx is able to slow his descent enough to use his whip to get back onto the train. Scarlet has since freed herself and gone into the car Hex Rex flew out of to find her compatriots dead. The spike goes through the ceiling to embed itself on the floor.

"I might as well make some profit out of all this," Scarlet says as she reaches for the stake. "All this fuss over a little thing..."

"That's far enough!" Fen says behind her as he grapples with her with his whip. "We have that under wraps for a reason."

"It's probably worth millions!" Scarlet whines as she's caught. "But what's with the chains?"

"We sometimes use this as an interrogation car for spies we catch en route to the vault." Fen says as he strips her nude and then suspends her from her wrists and puts a spreader bar between her legs. "Now the real fun can begin."

Verbally Scarlet does not respond but the realization of the situation hits her like a runaway freight train. Fenryx now has the whip in his right hand and uses it to carve a star in her back before he asks the first question. Scarlet tell him her name and tells him to get bent which earns her a few good lash marks up and down her legs and sides before he strikes the lips of her labia and her breasts.

No more questions are asked but the whipping continues. The only "breaks" she gets is when fen wants to fondly her breasts and her groin. Scarlet yells herself hoarse from the pain the wolf inflicts on her so that even being molested by him is a welcome respite.

Most of the time when Fenryx cracks his whip on some part of the body that is painful but not overly so like her back and buttocks. He keeps this up for almost two hours, with semi frequent molestation breaks, straight before he stops the session for the evening. But instead of a whip occasionally striking her between the legs she feels something warm and hard; in her mind she prays it's his dick she just shoved into her.

Yelps of pain soon turn to moans of pleasure as Fenryx takes Scarlet as a plaything to be used to release sexual tension. Despite becoming a thief, a part of her is still a whore. Scarlet knows full well there is nothing she can do right now so she doesn't even verbally oppose being abused in a sexual manner; in a perverse way she's actually enjoying herself.

"This is the survivor?" Tesla asks as he walks in on Fenryx fucking Scarlet from behind and fondles her breasts with a pair of leather gloves over his hands. "She looks hardy enough."

"You want to join in?" Fenryx offers rhetorically as he already knows the answer. "But yes, sir, she's the only survivor of the raiders Hex Rex used for the attack."

"He didn't get what he wanted obviously," Tesla observes and ignores Fen's offer. "Which is good," Then he turns to the woman, "I do hope you weren't hoping for a trial, Miss, there will not be one. You attack the Ejudication League. You're only alive as we need female bodies in the vault for certain experiments." Scarlet looks at him in fearful disbelief and he continues: "Pray Fenryx impregnates you. It's the one thing that will spare you from being exposed to worse for the betterment of our knowledge of other worldly beings." He smiles to Fen before departing, washing his hands on the way out.

The next morning they near Helltown and Scarlet finds herself still naked but on the floor with her hands tied behind her back. Fenryx is still sleeping but he has morning wood that Scarlet discovers that she wants. She crawls over to him and gives him a little head to slicken the shaft with her saliva before she impales her along its length.

Scarlet has heard whispers about the Ejudicators, horror stories about how they deal with things that should not be. Male crooks they catch are summarily executed but they are the lucky ones. Females like her are rarely heard from again and even then they wind up in a sanitarium or some place with stories of giving birth to monsters.

Getting pregnant by a wolf man is still giving birth to a monster in her mind but at least then she can instill in her child some of her values as they are close enough to humans in their reasoning. Scarlet thinks on this as she gives herself pleasure by riding the wolf's pole. In her own mind a prayer to the goddess of fertility has already begun as she has already decided that it's better to serve the devil you know as a sex toy than potentially serve as a chew toy to a devil whose mind is far more alien to comprehend much less figure out how to appease so that it doesn't hurt her.

Scarlet is returned to a suspended position after Fenryx wakes up and climaxes before he looks to go back to whipping her while the train is reaching Helltown, but she pleads with him that she will reveal what she knows if he will keeping fucking her instead. Those cars exclusively for the Ejudication League use are uncoupled from the rest of the train that brought them here and are coupled to another train as Fenryx gladly complies with Scarlet's request, suckling on her tits as she spills her guts in the vain hope it will grant her some leniency. Fenryx has to leave once the other train is ready to go but Tesla watches the restrained Scarlet as they enter a tall rock formation much like Devil's Tower in our world.

Once the cars headed for the Hell Tower are put on a black iron steam engine the rest of the train is allowed to disembark. Fenryx would have been on that demonically painted engine except for the incident earlier on the way in. But if there were a human who was looking to Fenryx hang for what he did they were going to be disappointed as the testimony of the witnesses clears him.

After two hours of testimony it's up to a judge to decide if it's worth the expense to hold the hybrid for trial. Evan as old a curmudgeon as he is, Judge Gabriel Guillotine finds that Fen acted in self-defense as a duly appointed officer of the law. He gives the monster a fiery and derogatory speech about how he is supposed to act in accordance with his station but that's all the punishment he gets.

Meanwhile Scarlet gets a grand tour of what is to be her new home until the end of her days First thing that happens to her is a ride in an iron maiden on rollers but minus the spikes that she is locked into for her own protection. Next the thing is pushed into the actual facility so that the horror show can commence.

Women of every color of the human rainbow can be seen stripped completely nude save for leather collars and piercings on their nipples and labia lips as well as their ears. More than a few girls Scarlet recognizes as sister rogues or numerous stripes. All these she knows were previously presumed dead after pulling off various capers.

Molly Flanders, a blonde bombshell Scarlet knows is a card sharp, con artist and witch who allegedly was burned at the stake by some back water one god theorists is among the first she is privy to witness as she first comes in. A bear guard begins to beat her mercilessly for trying to escape. When Scarlet know her, Molly was one of the most defiant witches and proponents for women's liberation but after ten minutes of intense paddling from the very male bear she is practically begging him to use her as a fuck toy.

Joanna Jocasta, Scarlet sees next: a dark skinned woman who bilked man after man of his hard earned cash by taking him to bed and running off with his money in the middle of the night. One night she did this to a Federal Agent who subsequently tracked her down and made her disappear. Currently she has her holes stuffed with tentacle that threaten to tear her up at any given moment.

Eye stalks turn her way as Scarlet is wheeled past Joanna's cell. They belong to whatever abomination is molesting her as if anticipating Scarlet as fresh meat for it to tastes as it sends tentacles with mouths at their terminus to suckle Joanna's breasts. One look at the scene and seeing how a friend with benefits Scarlet had in Joanna prompts the newly acquired prisoner to pray like she's never prayed before that her time with Fen has indeed impregnated her.

Whatever else the creature looks like is thankfully hidden from view as it reaches up at her through a grate. Tears roll down Joanna's face as she endures the pair and humiliation of what she is going through. Scarlet can almost read Joanna's thoughts by looking into her eyes; she wants to die at this point to end all the suffering she is receiving.

A handsome human male guard at the door of the one cell is captured and dragged in when tentacle batter it down. He fires off shot after from repeating rifle until a sickening crunch is heard followed by the tell tale thud of the weapon dropping to ground. Other guards rush over to seal the cell including the bear from earlier who uses his weight to hold the door in places as rabbits rivet it in place.

The grizzly then grabs Molly and throws her over his shoulder before taking some place. She whispers some question to him to which he just nods. Molly has a hopeful smile on her face as she's taken away.

Finally Scarlet is thrown into a cell of her own with the door slamming shot with such a clang as to make her think there is no way for anything to get in or out save the appeture she just traversed. The room is square and Spartan save a few inner features like a mattress on the floor that has a series of cuffs linked to it and a window wall of sorts to the outside made of very strong glass that appears unbreakable which is more for her protection that to prevent her escape. Outside in what looks to be the ocean floor or a submerged room made to simulate that landscape is a titanic octopus that occasionally moves around but always eyes her hungrily.

Scarlet looks for a place to hide from the octopus who gets closer to her from its side of the glass. Cowering in the corner, Scarlet prays to all the gods and goddess of the universal pantheon that she be spared getting eaten and promises to be an obedient fuck toy if that's what will get her out of this. Drumsticks and beer with mashed potatoes is shoved into her cell by an automaton that she pounces on to slake a hunger and thirst she never realized she had.

There must have been something in the food and/or the beer because Scarlet begins to feel strange a few minutes after eating. Scarlet would often play on her reputation as a vixen and a bitch and use it to her advantage as much as possible. She even dabbled in magic to enhance both her natural abilities and unnaturally seduce males.

Her whole body starts to itch as her ass and her face starts to hurt something fierce. Scarlet can see herself in the glass and what she sees shocks her. As she watches her nose and mouth start turning into a canine muzzle as her ears migrate to the tope of her head and become wolf ears.

Pink fur covers her body but her bloody red tresses doesn't change save to conform to the new shape of her head. A tail of pink fur like that of a fox busts out her ass crack but she finds that after it fully forms she can wag it however she likes. Scarlet no longer finds the room cold and gets a smirk on her muzzle.

"What the fuck!?" A voice from the other side of the door shouts as Scarlet starts to admire herself. "There's supposed to be a human in here, not a bitch."

"I was human when I was shoved in here," Scarlet admits, reasoning that honesty might be her best policy out of here. "Then after dinner something happened."

"Lord Tesla needs to see this," the voice says. "Fenryx brought you in. Did he fuck you before hand?"

"Yeah, I hear he was put on trial..." Scarlet prompt,. "By the way who are you?"

"Kodyax von Shrecken," the bear says to identify himself as realization dawns on him, "I wonder if we could do something similar with Molly."

"Who knows," Scarlet says non-committantly but in her head thinks Molly would be a bear due to her temperament from when she was studying under her.

"Sit tight, Scarlet," Kodyax says. "I'll go for Lord Tesla."

"I know you don't owe me nothing," Scarlet says, "But would you get Fenryx too. I'd be willing to be chained to fuck him again."

"He was looking into how arrange you to be his pet," Kody says. "He's been meaning to come by but he's had a mountain of paperwork to go through since his acquittal."

"What were the charges, anyhow?" Scarlet asks.

"Billy-George Bush tried to shoot him in the back," Kody explains. "Fen killed him and they had to do an inquiry."

"I've seen Billy-George at work," Scarlet says. "He thought his family connections meant he could do whatever he felt like. I've seen him kill men and hybrids and call it a duel to get him off with just a fine."

"Hey, Kody," Fen says ash he just happens on the scene. "Lord Tesla is ready to examine the prisoner."

"She's gonna set a new precedent, Fen," Kodyax infers as he jerks his head towards her cell.

"By the Goddess!" Fenryx thunders as he takes a look. "I know, Nik had them put something extra in the taters, but what brought this on?"

"Ha Molly gotten the same tainted taters yet?" Kody asks.

:"Nah, this is something new another mad scientist cooked up," Fen admits then smirks. "Go fuck Molly and I'll put in a word with Tesla about getting Molly a serving."

Kodyax goes on his way as Fen enters the cell and Scarlet is taken aback at the scent and how it makes her feel. Scarlet was merely thinking about fucking Fenryx before but now that his scent is fully in her presence the urge is ten times stronger. Fenryx can smell her heat and it gets him excited sexually as well.

Fenryx presses Scarlet against the wall and licks at her tits; suckling on her nipples. Scarlet reaches down to unbutton his fly as she spreads herself. Tesla himself and is about to remonstrate Fenryx when he sees the pink furred tail of Scarlet and drops his clipboard in shock.

"She turned into a wolf woman!?!" Tesla manages to get out in his shock.

"Yeah, Nik, Kody has requested we give the formula to Molly," Fenryx states.

Tesla picks up his clipboard and accedes to the request: "I'll put the order in as soon as possible." The he looks back at Scarlet. "If you breed with Fenryx and this is permanent you may be reassessed as a potential field agent."

"I kind of want this to permanent; sir," Scarlet admits. "I heard Ejudicators sometimes work together in small teams..."

"That's usually just training missions," Fenryx states. "The only exception is when the administrators think a given team is better off working together."

"And then only if the pair are considered married or something similar," Tesla says with a smirk: "Of course if you and Fen prove amendable as a couple..."

"How soon do you want to examine her?" Fenryx asks pointedly. "Because right now we're kind of knotted."

"Knotted?" Tesla says in a inquiring manner and sees that Fen's phallus is stuck in Scarlet's slit by an inflammation around the base of his engorged member. "A hold over from the animal side I see, fascinating."

"Not that I'm in a hurry," Scarlet whispers to Fenryx, "But the sooner you fire the cannon the sooner we can start satisfying his curiosity."

"I know, this is both good and bad for you," Fenryx whispers back. "By becoming a she wolf you became an experiment so you won't be thrown to the monsters. But now you get to be poked and prodded as they figure out how to replicate the formula and calibrate it to work again and again."

After Fen climaxes Scarlet is taken to a medical chamber where samples are taken to see what caused the transformation. The fact that Scarlet was willing to be Fen's fuck toy to get out of being molested by extra dimensional monster helped her to mentally accept the change but that's not enough for the scientists. Of course when Molly turns into a pink bear woman it leads credence to her claims but the scientists still want more tests done.

Her transformation opens new doors for Scarlet who is allowed to wander up and down the Tower but not outside without an escort. She also gets to wear clothing again especially when outside; usually with Fenryx. It's when she is on the outside that Hex Rex tries to contact her again.

Hex Rex tries to blackmail her into working for him again but the plan backfires on the vampire when Scarlet decides to gamble and come clean to Fenryx about what Hex Rex has over her. Fenryx and Scarlet almost trap Hex Rex but they only manage to stake one of his many shadow clones. It does free Scarlet Hex Rex's influence as the dark mage considers her a lost cause now for his schemes.

The incident with Hex Rex also accelerates her progress towards becoming an Ejudicator. Scarlet has to take her lessons slowly as the knowledge that Ejudicators are privy to is mind blowing at first. In the interim, Scarlet finds out that she is pregnant which adds a new level to her relationship with Fenryx.

Officially Scarlet Jenkins re-enters society as Scarlet Zavaj, wife of Fenryx and mother of his children. Her legal transformation from ninja bandit to law dog comes when some of her former associates try to hijack a zeppelin from the dark heart of the desert kingdoms that she and her husband are guarding. Scarlet has a laugh as she recognizes some of her former associates but they don't recognize her.

"It's ironic," Scarlet tells Fenryx as they stand in an observation chamber, "Not five years about I would among those looking to rob the zeppelin."

"Whatever could they be after?" Fenryx asks facetiously "Could it be the sarcophagus of Set-Amon?"

"Given that not only it but also the old villain's death mask is made of solid gold," Scarlet speculates. "I would be surprised if it was something else."

"You know as much as I do, love," Fenryx says. "How many?"

"I'd say ten give or take a coup.e," Scarlet assesses. "And since we have a son and I'm wanting a daughter, I would hope we're past not trusting me. Still, after this we better get some time off with our child."

"I miss Beowulf too, Red," Fen says as he nuzzles his wife. "I've made the appropriate noises at the appropriate people to get us some furlough time."

The sound of gunfire erupts suddenly as Fen takes out his revolvers and Scarlet shuffles a special deck of cards. One of the gifts Scarlet received on the way to becoming an Ejudicator was a special deck of cards and book of card games that unlocks arcane secrets with said cards. Mister and Missus Zavaj are quite the pair of Ejudicators that rarely fail and the bandits are about to find out why.

Fenryx says a quick prayer to the spirits of the wind to speed his reaction time so only the bad guys fall tonight. He prays to the spirits of fire that his shots are clean and accurate. When his prayers are done he moves like a wraith through the airship shooting down bandits left and right.

Scarlet makes herself scarce, as in invisible scarce and goes on a tear whispering things in the bandits ears that has half of them jumping at shadows and the other half watching their compatriots for signs of treachery so they can justify blowing them away. Paranoia and confusion rule the day as the pair take out the bandits without much trouble. It's when the special passenger wakes up and starts walking around that the trouble starts.

When he was a full fledged Pharaoh in the desert kingdoms, Set-Amon was a tyrant of the first order who practiced the blackest of black magic. Eventually he was deposed and killed by his own magic. They mummified his corpse and hid him away where it was hoped he would never be found.

Archaeologists found his tomb and the Ejudicators were secretly notified who dispatched the Zavajs to fetch the mummy so he could join Dracula in the Vault. Unfortunately it's easier to wake a mummy than it is to revive a vampire. The mere fact that he's out of his tomb is a factor and when the bandits break the seal to steal his mask the simple act of opening the sarcophagus is enough to get him moving again.

Bandits slain by the mummy rise again as zombies under his control and require blessed bullets of the old ways to go down. Unfortunately for them, bullets from Fen's peacemakers are blessed by the power of nature by virtue of the fact that he maintains and amiable relationship with the spirits as a druid warrior. In fact his prayers earlier empower his guns and the bullets fired from them.

It soon dawns on Set-Amon that somebody on board the airship can thwart him and seeks him out. Fenryx gets a heads up from his wife about Set-Amon and when they meet, Fenryx is prepared and uses all of his priestly powers to send Set-Amon packing. Once Set-Amon is back in his sarcophagus Fenryx re-seals it so he and Scarlet can go back to their cabin.

Pterodactyl riding zombies with Hex Rex leading them attack the zeppelin as the wolves start to get undressed. Fenryx opens up their portal window and takes aim with a custom made Winchester rifle. A single shot knocks Hex Rex off his steed and the zombies follow him down.

Scarlet licks her husband's scrotum to get him started and soon convinces his member to come out to play as Fenryx helps himself to his wife's cunt and eats her out. Fellatio is nothing new to this couple but Scarlet is only sucking his shaft to get him hard enough to ride. The birth of their son cemented her transformation but as much as Scarlet loves her son, she wants a daughter now.

Fenryx is pounding Scarlet's pussy as the zeppelin approaches the tower. An automaton of Tesla's design rolls in on the fornicating wolves and Tesla's far away command and upon seeing what is going on, allows Tesla to use special goggles to see through its own visual receptors and speak through its speakers. However, the conversation Tesla was going to have with the wolves, he decides to save as he smirks to himself before going to check up on their son whom his people is taking care of as well as monitoring to see how he develops.

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