Sizable Holiday

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#1 of Stories(Long)

A Long story commission for Ich featuring two growing giantesses enjoying a bit of coastal civilization.

Content warning can be found at the top of the story.

For fresh sizechangers, it may often be a bit of a dilemma how far one should take their size. However, a vacation is the perfect opportunity to...let loose a bit~

``Word doc version can be found ->here<-

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains: Macro(Reg-Giga), Growth, Blood+Gore, Unbirth, Insertion, Vore, Crushing, Paws, F/F, F/Solo, Military Destruction, And more!

A commission for Ich featuring his chars Jill and Silver having a bit of growing fun on a vacation~

Two big ladies and a helpless coast make for some proper fun stuff~

Hope you all enjoy!

Sizable Holiday

Comm for Sturmi

By Vargiedraws/vabad

"Come on, Silver, we don't have all day!" Jill shouted to her friend as she jogged away from their tent, and towards the calm morning sea, her digitigraded serval paws tapping against the sandy beach as she jogged in the nude, making no effort to hide herself. She was a serval indeed, sporting a sandy-hued furry coat which adorned a gradient towards a blue-ish hue near her behind and elbows, then a green-ish hue at the start of her tail. Her front, forearms, hands, and large parts of her muzzle, as well as her soles and half of her tail was a much lighter sandy hue, while black serval spots adorned her entire body except for that which was light in coloration, with the exception of her tail, which was entirely covered.

"H-hey! Wait up!" Silver shouted back, having barely just gotten out of their tent before Jill took off and left her in the dust. Silver was a fox with gray fur that mixed in with light and dark hues, the latter on most of her body, and the former on the outsides of her thigh, sides of her torso, her forearms, and her right paw, as well as parts of her head. Her fingers and toes both adorned a similar white hue to the tip of her tail and her chin, creating quite the beautiful vixen.

She was quick to follow, however, the pink pads of her plantigraded paws tapping against the sand, following the prints left of her friend's mint-colored feline pads. Though they were both of different species, they both adorned a similar hairdo: a long undercut hairstyle which flopped down over the left sides of their heads; Jill's was of a minty hue like her pads, while Silver's started a near minty neon green which faded to magenta a third of the way.

They were both here to enjoy a little holiday far from home, having selected this coast as a perfect place to camp before a day of fun. Both had recently found themselves with the ability to alter their own sizes at will, and had until now been careful not to overdo it; but it had been Jill's idea to travel this far from home, to truly test their new powers.

Hesitant at first, Silver had agreed to come along, though her mind was a bit conflicted about what the two planned; but with Jill's persuasiveness, it hadn't been much work to rope Silver into her plans. "J-Jill! Shouldn't we at least plan how to start and all tha- oh" Silver begun to shout before Jill dove into the waves, her feline form already growing before she even hit the waves, after which she vanished from view; and with a sigh, Silver followed, diving in to give chase towards their destination.

Their chosen town lay peacefully just up the coast, its denizens waking up to the morning hours while commuters rushed in and out, most taking the bridge across the river in order to commute to a nearby city they worked in. Thus would quite the steady stream of cars pass over the bridge, all of them equally unaware of the danger which now neared.

But their serenity would suddenly be interrupted as the water under the bridge suddenly exploded up as Jill emerged, her body still growing as she rose to soon match the bridge's height. Cars swerved upon it, many braking or panicking at the sight of the growing feline, whose amber eyes watched them with a plotting gaze matching the growing smirk on her lips.

She gleefully watched as people panicked, many pedestrians and drivers alike freezing up at the sight of her naked body, especially upon seeing literal waves of growth course through it. Other furs would witness one of her paws rise from the waters below, creating large waves as the huge limb pushed through the waters before stomping down, creating an audible thump as it slammed through water, and into cracking riverbed.

As that happened would she swell a bit larger before stopping her growth, her body ending up a towering 50 meters. She let out a giggle as she noticed the eyes of the furs ahead of her widen upon their new sight, for as she grew that final spurt would her two boobs rise to be level with the bridge, with her pink nipples suddenly approaching it. The pedestrians upon it immediately fled onto the road, forcing cars to swerve to avoid them, filling the air with screeching tires and honking horns.

Jill watched as multiple furs were struck by cars and trucks, launching their mangled bodies across the bridge while blood showered nearby vehicles. The whole bridge then suddenly shook as her nipples struck it, causing an immediate soft moan to escape Jill as her nips plowed through the brittle concrete of the bridge; their pink surfaces, as soft as they appeared, seemed unyielding in the face of even concrete and steel!

Her boobs struck a moment after, causing the entire bridge to visibly bend as huge cracks grew across it, with huge chunks of it already breaking free. Swerving vehicles plowed into its guard rails, falling into the waters below while people tried to flee across breaking bridge, running over huge chunks of concrete and asphalt barely held together by steel rebar and i-beams.

A chorus of splashes meanwhile echoed out as the bridge collapsed around the boobs, before falling down towards the river below, where her legs and knees struck and annihilated multiple chunks and vehicles. Yet Jill only giggled with amusement, her amber eyes watching the carnage with a playful gaze soon moved onto the riverside houses, from which she saw countless horrified stares, with cries soon to follow as she gazed upon them.

Her ears twitched with each and every cry as she examined them, her smirk growing some before she let out a playful little roar, momentarily playing the role of a giant monster as she let the whole town hear of her arrival. She then raised her paw above the houses beneath her, playfully wriggling her toes above while people tried to escape it, just for the paw to slam down upon its roof, to which a purr reverbed from her as she felt the roof tiles crunch and shatter beneath her sole, which pushed down further while the house groaned.

Cracks spread across its wood before a loud groan followed, after which it collapsed by the weight of her step and body, burrowing those within in a mess of drywall and wood while Jill only giggled as she rose another paw to step onto the road itself. Silver, meanwhile, had emerged at the same time as Jill, her huge vulpine form bursting out of the waves at an equal size to her friend, with her paws aimed for the nearly empty beach.

She curiously looked down as those plantigraded paws of hers pummeled into the sandy beach, the resulting heaving of sand and shockwave being quite the contrast to her past size; they even left countless objects crushed, including a small shop stand. She purred in delight from the sensation of the stand's wood crunching beneath her, then took another step, looking ahead to see crowds flee from houses at the sight of the two, each by now given ample reasons to flee.

However she avoided stepping onto them, and aimed her next step onto a portion of still clear road; a deep purr reverbed from her as the paw struck, and as her sole felt the asphalt crack in such a pleasurable way. She, in fact, seemed to somewhat savor the feeling, and her muzzle even gained a little smile as she watched the damage caused by just a step.

Her walk then resumed as she begun to walk onwards, opting to take a larger step over some houses to step onto another road; but as she begun to take her step would Jill's roar distract her, causing her to look towards her just in time to see her step upon the house. "Do you need to be that showy though? It doesn't hurt to avoid them, right? They're people after al-" she begun to say before she both heard and felt a crunch momentarily preceded by a sharp yelp that caused her to stop.

Her distraction had caused her to not notice a few furs in her path, thus she suddenly felt their bodies against her paw, whose sensitivity picked up on just a momentary struggle before she felt their bodies burst and pop into a bloody mess. "Oh goodness!" she exclaimed, immediately raising her paw to spot a horrific mess in the bottom of its print; down there were the hardly recognizable remains of two furs, whose bodies had been crushed to the point where only a mush of blood and gore remained.

A similar mess stuck to her sole, and she stared at it with shock, as she had hoped to avoid causing such casualties; but she merely heard a giggle from Jill, who playfully walked onwards, still swaying those hips of hers as she kicked her way through house after house, seeming unbothered by any of it. "Not so bad is it~?" Jill teasingly said towards silver, noting her previous action, and seeming quite amused by it.

"B-but they're people, Jill! I shouldn't be doing this!" Silver responded, to which Jill merely giggled some, casting a wink towards her friend while her tongue poked out from between her lips.

"Bugs more like it~ c'mon, didn't it feel nice~?" Jill said, to which Silver couldn't help but adorn a momentary blush of admission. While those had been did feel nice when they crunched and popped, thus her mind quickly filled with conflicting thoughts, mixing with a sensation of power which was trying to take root.

Far less concerned about the lives of the tiny furs, Jill continued into the town, making sure its inhabitants could see her well as she walked in their direction. Her paws playfully kicked through the houses ahead of her, a gleeful expression on her face as she watched and felt those structures splinter against her paws, launching showers of debris far across the streets further ahead.

In those streets would countless fleeing furs panic, diving to the ground and crying out in horror as they tried to dodge the debris rain of enormous planks, building chunks, bricks, and more. They watched many others get struck, skulls cracking, bodies bursting, and some vehicles even flattened by the debris, all the while they desperately tried to flee and dodge, having no desire to stay around to be struck.

"Fee fi fo fum~ you all better run~" she playfully teased towards the tiny people as they fled from her, her amber eyes watching a plethora of pleading stares cast her way, to which she only giggled with amusement. A dense crowd of micros would take to the streets ahead of her by the time she reached more denser structures, their bodies packing the streets as they all fled in a singular frenzy.

A massive paw slammed down near them, to which a chorus of yelps and cries echoed out from them as they stumbled from its quake, meanwhile Jill watched them with a smirk. Raising another paw, she spun around, her paw grinding against the road before she then faced that dense crowd, which she so eagerly begun to follow.

"Ohhhh, flee quick now~" she playfully teased as she stomped closer, her every word causing screaming voices to respond as the furs ahead of her descended ever-more into pure panic. She also saw more furs flee from apartment blocks and houses to join the crowds, with only few being smart enough to actually flee to alleys or places too tight for her to follow this easily.

And easy it was, for Jill was rapidly gaining on the crowd even with her casual walk, her posture calm and gracious like a feline, with a playful expression upon her muzzle, and steps which seemed so light. That only made their impacts even worse, striking a horrific contrast between the visible "gentle" grace of her steps, and the powerful booms and tremors caused once they actually struck the ground.

She even swayed her hips quite a lot as she walked, placing a hand on one to truly finalize the casual look that gave such a delightful increase in the fright of those at her paws. But their horror would be quick to escalate once Jill suddenly begun to grow once again, her already colossal form swelling and growing with each and every step; the furs ahead of her could only shriek in horror to witness such an act, their eyes growing wider to see waves of growth swell her body larger and larger still.

The asphalt still cracked and heaved around those paws, with the tiny furs watching as their swelling caused that tarry rock to crumble and crack, and even buckle from the tension her growth put upon it. It wasn't long before those paws of hers would begin to knock streetlights right over, a sharp shriek of metal echoing each time one was struck, treating furs around her to the rather terrifying view of such steel bending and snapping with what seemed like no effort at all.

Straggling furs were left to fend for themselves, many of them stumbling as Jill's paws neared, their screams and pleas growing ever-louder as they stared back with frightened gazes, most of them crying out for help or even mercy. They'd cry and shriek as the paws came over them, some trying to dodge out of the way, while others ran until the last split of a second, yet none able to actually avoid her.

The crowd heard sickening cracks each time the paws struck one of their bodies, shattering bone on contact before suddenly and violently pressing them into the ground, to which a momentary crunch, then pop would echo their fates. Then would the paws rise to reveal deep imprints in the cracked asphalt, with a collection of crushed and mangled corpses dotting the bottoms of each alongside whatever else Jill crushed.

A similar graveyard of bodies would dot her mint colored pads, providing a lovely contrast of color between blue-ish green and crimson red which trickled across leathery feline pad. It didn't take long for Jill to become truly colossal, her growth only stopping as she neared a whole 200 meters in height, a size of such immensity that even skyscrapers would struggle to rival her.

Her paws now outsized the entire street, her steps happily pummeling not just both lanes, but the very sidewalks themselves, and even damaged the buildings beyond! For as those paws rose would they cut into the buildings to their sides, effortlessly plowing through facades of brick and concrete, and through multiple rooms, within which cowering micros cried out as the paw burst through their homes, splattering their bodies.

Showers of debris were thus flung out as the paw left the buildings, its sole presented above a few more straggling furs just before it stepped down, flattening both them, and surrounding objects and vehicles. She then stopped, however, and gazed down upon another building beneath her; it was the tallest one in the town, a large corporate building that now reached to just under her waist, its roof full of furs flocking around a helicopter readying to take off.

"Awww, but I only just arrived~" she giggled to them before leaning over their building, causing mass chaos and panic upon the roof as she let both of her massive boobs descend upon it, filling their skies. The spinning blades of the helicopter snapped off as one nipple struck it, flying in multiple directions before the helicopter itself begun to crunch, with the crowds following as the landing pad crumbled beneath just one boob.

The rest of the crowd was crushed beneath the other nipple and boob a split second later, with the roof soon collapsing as the boob struck it. From outside would furs watch as the entire building shook, windows shattering across it as multiple floors collapsed beneath the boobs, which pummeled their way floor after floor, causing massive cracks to grow across the structure.

And Jill giggled as she watched the building fall apart, at first leaning to the side before it collapsed upon even more crowds, whose final moments were spent with them shrieking and crying out before being crushed beneath collapse. Silver, meanwhile, had begun to walk into the town proper, at first taking careful steps over houses and people, trying her best to avoid stepping on either, while instead just savoring the sensations of feeling the asphalt crunch and crack by her weight.

But the sensations of the crushed furs still filled her mind, distracting her at times from what was at the ground, leading to a multitude of furs staring up to see her paw rise above either them, or a nearby home. Their screams would bring her back to reality, oftentimes too late to avoid the following sensation of a few bursting bodies, or of a house or vehicles crunching underpaw.

Though the houses were quite a bit larger than her paws, would the sudden impact, alongside her weight, easily crush them, doing enough damage for those structures to collapse while her next step begun to move. Silver seemed to startle a bit each time she crushed something, but goodness it did feel good, very much so, and as she watched Jill stomp along the townscape could Silver not help but focus on the pleasant sensations of destruction, how wonderful it felt to crush a home, or even people themselves...and not to mention the feeling of power this caused.

Thinking for a moment, she then reached down towards a fleeing car that sped down the street she had just entered, a curious expression on her vulpine muzzle all throughout. She listened to the screams of horror from within it, most of which were pleas and cries for mercy; but the car's occupants would instead helplessly watch her huge hand move over them, fingers soon pressing onto its sides, causing the whole vehicle to groan as it begun to deform from her grasp alone, after which she lifted it up.

She held it before her muzzle as she continued her walk, a curious expression watching the furs inside of the car, who plead and cried to her as they stared back, noting her conflicted expression. Though she had planned to be careful, she was now even more distracted than before, causing her paws to carelessly stomp down amidst the crowds, who had to dodge out of the way for real now.

Some of them had foolishly thought to not flee as much due to her apparent care, but the moment she became distracted would their lives suddenly get far scarier, leaving them doomed to suffer those steps. Many of them would watch as others vanished beneath her paws, the boom of each step mixing in with sickening crunches and pops while crimson blood gushed out from beneath each sole, splattering onto nearby vehicles, or even furs.

That left many gagging and coughing, and others frozen by trauma, leaving their stares blank as they stared at the blood-soaked paw, then at the gory crater it left as it rose; for corpses squashed beyond recognition stuck to both sole and crater bottom, where a mush of flesh, blood, and various bits of body parts remained. Vehicles fared no better either, and Silver's paws would carelessly come down on them, whether they were occupied or not.

Car roofs would crunch in a near instant by the fall of a paw, while the structures of each such vehicle would so effortlessly be flattened into thin metallic sheets by her weight, and molded after the shape of her paws as they forcefully pressed the metal into the ground. Any fur within them would cry to the final moment before the walls of their vehicles would come around them, squashing them between flattening roofs and floors, and forcing the gore of their bodies into any nook and cranny they could fit.

Some vehicles were only partially crushed, oftentimes cutting some in half, or leaving parts of them jutting out from beneath the paw in odd angles, often with doors open, and wheels popped off. Then would the paws rise up again to reveal those flattened wrecks, blood seeping out from each of them; many even stuck to the sole itself, just to become dislodged by its most subtle of movements.

Silver herself was still studying that car in her grasp, curiously swaying it between two vulpine fingers as she watched those inside plead and cry, begging for her to spare their lives. "Hmmm...I do wonder..." she audibly pondered as her gaze traveled from the car, and onto her boob, after which a plotting gaze immediately filled her face.

Those inside of the car immediately panicked as they were suddenly moved towards the massive boob, their pleas crying louder as they watched her nipple approach, each meter moved causing their desperation to grow. A massive crash then sounded as the front of the car was pressed against the nipple, causing Silver to let out quite the moan as she felt the car crumple against it, its hood bending and buckling while paneling snapped loose.

She felt its engine break apart against the pink surface, then the rest of it as the occupants were crushed within their seats, their shrieks growing louder as engine and wreckage pushed through the dashboard alongside the nipple. Their legs snapped moments later, after which the nipple pressed them to their seats, their bodies slowly crunching against it while the roof of the car begun to peel away against the surface.

Silver's palm pressed against the nipple a moment later, her moan continuing as she felt the entire car fully crunch against it, blood trickling down from her boob, and onto the street below, where horrified furs stared up. She then moved her hand away and giggled a bit to see the wreckage of the car fall off it; licking her lips in delight, she then noticed a tall brick building to her left, from within which she noticed quite a few furs staring back at her with horror after having witnessed that act.

"What~?" she giggled to them, seeming to now delight more in her power and size, to which she begun to eye the structure up and down, measuring it; it stood as tall as she, and that was no good, thus she gave them all a plotting wink before exhaling...and then growing. Their screams sounded oh so exquisite as they realized that her 50 meter frame swelled larger to fill the street, all the while a look of delight filled her muzzle; she stretched amidst her growth, basking in the pleasure of surging size as she closed her eyes, letting the furs around her bask in the view.

Those upon the roof begun to flee for its exits by the time she neared 100 meters tall, to which they saw her hips approach them, driving them to greatly hasten their fleeing pace; but those who stared up would see her closed eyes open in that moment to glance towards them. She then cast a wink their way, and in that moment thrust her hips to the side, causing a new chorus of shrieks to echo out as that huge and wide hip suddenly rammed itself into the structure, causing the whole thing to shake as her mass plowed its way through the brittle brick.

The whole thing crumbled from the impact, the roof collapsing with furs still on it, while those cowering inside could only scream as Silver's hips suddenly burst in through their walls, striking them with such force they splattered against it. Others watched as massive cracks spread across the structure as it begun to break into numerous chunks, which all begun to fall onto fleeing crowds near the building, all of whom dove to the ground as the mass of brick and apartment furniture came over them.

And silver only giggled a bit, letting out a playful "whoops~" as she continued her delightful expansion, basking more in the sensations of growth as she left those 100 meters behind to grow much larger. She continued to stretch as she listened to the screams around her, all before she stopped once she matched Jill's new 200 meter size, at which point she looked around with a purr.

"Ohhh, this is fun~" she audibly giggled as she rose up fully, taking a few steps back to happily survey the destruction she had just caused.

But just then would her paw step down upon a small bus depot, where numerous furs flocked to busses in a hope to flee; and as her paw came down would they splatter as the busses begun to crumple and crunch, yet their wheels engaged in the last moment, suddenly pulling on her paw. And with a loud "Whoa!" Silver lost her balance, falling backwards towards a dense portion of the town's center, where more apartment blocks and even town hall itself was now cast in her shadow.

A dense crowd of fleeing furs filled the streets around them, screams erupting en-masse from them as they watched her behind descend towards them. They scrambled, shrieking and screaming as structures around them begun to crumble and explode as the rear struck them, causing rains of debris of brick and concrete to bombard the crowds.

And as a mass of collapse happened around her would her huge behind strike the crowds, tens of thousands of furs splattering as the rear struck them, their bodies pinned against the ground before they burst into showers of blood and gore against her fluffy cheeks. A mighty boom followed before she continued to fall back, leaving more crowds staring at her back as it fell over them, splattering them until she was left sprawled on her back, surrounded by collapse as surrounding structures fell like houses of cards.

Jill, meanwhile, had continued to chase the "little" crowds, a playfully teasing expression watching them as they fled from her; she only seemed more enticed to chase as she noticed their desperate eyes stare at her, tears welling in them as they looked at her almost pleadingly. But they would helplessly watch her paw rise above them, a gruesome sight of crushed corpses and vehicles adorning her minty pads, giving them all a hint of what was to come.

And the paw then fell down, most of them diving out of the way, shrieking in horror as they tried to dodge the giantess's paw, just for their bodies to burst beneath it. A huge mass of furs were crushed in an instant, their bodies bursting in a juicy fashion, splattering blood and gore on survivors, who were left staring in shock and trauma at the huge feline paw.

The other would come down moments later, crushing even more of the crowd, sending bloody and severed limbs flying as it struck, and painting even more of the town red. But Jill then stopped as she heard Silver's "whoa!", looking to her just in time to see her fall upon the center of the town, inspiring Jill to giggle some; she then looked back down at the crowds at her feet, and crouched above them, giving them all a playful smirk as she reached her hands to them.

They tried to flee and dodge her hands as they descended, their cries seeming to fall upon deaf ears, however, as they were swiftly scooped up into her grasp; quite a lot of them were crushed by the fingers as they tore into the ground, mangling bodies with careless ease as Jill wrapped her fingers around the crowds. She scooped up two huge handfuls of squirming little furs before she then rose up, a playful glance cast back to the survivors on the ground, who stared up in fear, just to see her paws begin to move.

"Oh, squirm good~ we'll have good use for you~" Jill then purred to the furs in her grasp as she walked towards Silver, who remained laying on the ground for the moment, surrounded by the ruins of large apartment blocks and rubble piles. "Need some help~?" she heard Jill's playful words, taking her attention towards her friend, seeing her walk in her direction with those masses of furs in her hands.

"Not so bad treating them like the bugs they are, huh~?" Jill asked, to which Silver got a moment's blush on her faces, hesitant to admit she was right. "Oh, don't be shy about it~ just look at all these bugs~ I'm sure I can help...coerce you more~" Jill then continued as she crouched above Silver, a smirk on her muzzle as she examined her naked body, her gaze slowly traveling towards her nether regions.

"Mmmmm, in fact~" she purred as she reached one hand towards Silver's womanhood, inspiring a blush as the sprawling vulpine instinctively spread her legs, revealing her vagina to the world, especially those inside of Jill's grasp. And gods how they squirmed and plead as they saw her womanhood near, their eyes only growing wider to see that fleshy opening presented to them, those labia seeming to only swell larger as they were brought near.

For gods it was arousing for Silver to see those furs approach, and she held her breath waiting for what was to come. She howled and moaned as she felt Jill's hand push against her labia, her fingers skillfully parting those vaginal lips to push a large portion of her closed fist into her, squirming furs dragged with into the depths of her womanhood.

And Silver groaned, arching her back as she felt the hand push them in, thousands of furs in a dense mass who immediately begun to panic within her nethers. They squirmed between vaginal folds, pushing against firm pink flesh as they clawed and tried to get free; and that only drove Silver to moan louder and deeper, closing her eyes as she felt Jill's fingers press towards her walls, stroking over them to give her even more pleasure.

But the hand soon slid out of her, a line of pre-sexual fluids stretched between vagina and fingers as Silver gasped, herself left panting now as she sprawled, with Jill casually guiding her other handful of furs above her chest. Silver watched with a blush as Jill begun to sprinkle the tiny furs onto her boobs, subtle purrs rumbling from her as she felt little cracks from micro bodies impacting her strong enough to shatter their little bones.

Many cries of pain were thus released, though the furs were quick to begin moving, trying to wade through Silver's soft and fluffy fur, and towards escape...maybe. But Jill had already begun to move over Silver, a plotting smirk still on her lips before she slowly licked her muzzle.

Countless furs cried out as they watched her huge body lay onto Silver's, their own tiny bodies trying to flee, just to be trapped between giantesses as they went into a kiss, their lips sliding over each other as Jill lay on top of Silver. They both purred as they kissed, both feeling squirming micro bodies between boobs and bellies, just for those bodies to begin popping and crunching as the two lightly moved and shift.

Silver's eyes closed as she savored the affection, moaning into Jill's maw as she felt the squirms within her, which gave such wonderful pleasures that well helped to escalate the wonderful feelings gained by the kiss. The kiss was held for a while before Jill released it, her hands slamming into the ground next to the two to push her up, revealing the countless crimson stains and crushed corpses now dotting their fronts, causing the huge feline to giggle as she took in the view.

"Mmmm, now for the rest~" she purred as she begun to move back, her knees sliding backwards through the townscape as she leaned down towards Silver's nethers, and begun to caress her snout towards those puffed labia. And silver moaned louder still as she felt Jill's snout push into her vagina, spreading it slowly as her tongue begun to slide into the tight passage where countless furs still struggled and squirmed.

A lot of them were already crushed between vaginal folds by the continuous movements of the womanhood, while others stared in horror as the tongue intruded in. Their screams were inaudible to the two above Silver's moans, which only grew louder as Jill begun to lick her vaginal interior, seeming to equally focus on pleasuring her and hunting the furs trapped within.

She snuck a hand towards her own nether region, letting two fingers slide between her aroused labia, to which she begun to masturbate while she ate Silver out, herself moaning into the vagina with volume that threatened to deafen those within. They panicked seeing her tongue slide closer, clawing and crawling across fleshy landmass as they tried to drag themselves deeper, crying and pleading for her to stop.

And the pink tongue would come over them moments later, mercilessly squeezing them against the firm vaginal flesh, their bodies crackling and crunching as bone snapped between vaginal wall and tongue, causing them to only shriek louder and squirm harder. And then they burst, a gasp of pleasure booming from Silver as she felt their squirms turn to a lovely warm burst of sensations, the crunch rushing through her nerves like a pleasure storm, causing only louder moans to leave her.

And Jill seemed quite skilled at the art, her tongue burrowing deep into Silver's depths, exploring her vaginal interior as it hunted and crushed the masses of furs, all the while her own fingers pleasured herself. But her other hand soon rose up, too, her ears aiming it as it reached towards another few furs cowering near the two, who all shrieked as those fingers scooped them up, and lifted them towards Silver.

Another far louder moan would escape Silver moments later as that hand groped her boob, crushing those tiny furs against it as Jill begun to massage it, only loudening the already deafening sounds of pleasure Silver released. And the two continued that act, their pleasures growing with the volumes of their moans, it seeming that both were nearing a climax; yet as they neared would a sudden boom cause them to stop as a nearby explosion took their attentions, their eyes opening up just to lay eyes upon a fleet of naval ships approaching the coast.

"Ohhh, rude resistance interrupting already~" Jill giggled, seeming not at all bothered by the arrival of military fleets. "Say, pause for now to torment these a bit~?" she then asked, to which Silver blushed for a moment, herself still panting from the rush of pleasures she had just now experienced; but after a moment she did nod, after which she begun to rise.

Uncertainty was certainly the rule among those ships, for even though they felt confident in their own strength would they all feel a sensation of uneased upon the sight of the two. And just as a large field of jets would near them from above would a chorus of screams echo as the two giantesses begun to grow, panic sweeping through the fleet as a result.

The ground visibly buckled around them from their increasing mass, the pleasures of growth causing deafening purrs to rumble from both; their paws plowed through countless structures and homes, scattering crowds of fleeing people desperate to escape them. Helplessly they'd watch as the two paws grew near, effortlessly toppling townscape buildings while the two towered ever-higher, both giggling as they listened to the panic they caused.

They began to walk while growing, huge paws rising from rubble craters to swing far above the townscape, soles presenting themselves to dense crowds who all fled for dear life as the two begun to walk. Countless lives and homes were crushed beneath their paws as the two passed a kilometer in size, flattening multiple neighborhoods with single steps as they hastily neared the once valiant fleet.

The gun batteries begun to fire upon them, shells of all sizes bombarding their forms, to which Jill only giggled as she felt their attacks tickle against her form, her giggling changing to purring before long. Silver, on the other hand, flinched for a moment as the shells struck, just for the realization to strike her that they were harmless, and instead felt rather good, causing her, too, to purr as she continued to walk.

And they were nearing the sea with immense pace, their growing bodies looming high above the fleet, which begun to slowly turn its engines into reverse to back away from the two. The approaching squadron of jets, once high above them, and ready for a divebomb, was suddenly cast into panic as the two growing giantesses neared it, their increasing size leaving them to quickly reach the elevation those planes flew at.

Tinier than gnats, those jets tried to dodge the two, with furs on the ground watching in horror as many of them released autocannon fire and missiles upon them, to which they still merely giggled! And though the jets tried to evade would the titans prove far too large and quick to ever dodge, thus would they collide into their massive boobs and bellies, each jet becoming a pretty tiny explosion against a vastness of giantess, all while eliciting nothing but giggles and purrs from the two; Silver even swept her hand towards a few, slamming her palm through them, and crushing them towards her rear, then purring as they exploded against her cheek.

Soon two kilometers tall, their growths ended as the two began to walk into the sea, their huge paws rising from crushed townscape, debris raining from their padded soles as they rose those stompers above the sea. Huge splashes exploded around them as they stepped down, creating gargantuan tsunami waves which swept outwards in every direction, both towards the ruined town and the fleet.

Its ships tried to turn to avoid the waves, but watched as smaller ships became capsized by the sudden rush of water, with others lifted up by the violent waves. And more would come as the two giantesses walked near, the coastal sea shallow like a puddle to them, making it a trivial task to not just keep up with the fleet, but to also catch up with it.

"What~? Can't take some rough seas~?" Jill giggled as she walked closer, watching the waves of both her and Silver's steps rock the fleet as it so desperately tried to escape them. The fleet's guns continuously fired upon the two in a desperate hope to stop them, something which only seemed to amuse them further.

"Come on~ that tickles~" Silver giggled as she stomped near one ship, gleefully watching as it capsized the moment the waves rushed over it; the sheer force of water even snapped it in half, spilling sailors into the sea, just in time to see her other paw rise above. And as that paw slammed down upon them, crushing them and ship both into the seabed, had Jill reached forth towards a few more capsizing ships, one of which she so easily grasped in her hand.

A massive carrier, this huge ship seemed like naught but a scale model to her as she raised it up with both her hands, her fingers curled around front and rear with a light squeeze that effortlessly flattened and crunched the metal. She raised it up, then suddenly snapped the whole ship in two, a playful look spreading on her muzzle to see the ease of which she did such an act, after which she raised one half of the ship up towards her maw.

She held its open end above it as she gaped wide, watching tumbling sailors cling to railings and bits of jutting out metal to avoid falling to their deaths, to which she merely giggled and shook the craft. And thus would they shriek as they lost their grip, flailing as they fell down towards the gaping maw below.

Their bodies crunched and cracked against her tongue, rolling across taste buds as their battered forms tried to hold on, just for more to fall among them as Jill continued to shake that ship half. Once she felt that few, if any, remained in it, she merely threw it aside, letting it carelessly strike the coastal Cliffside near the two while she shook the other half above her maw.

A mass of furs thus fell from it, many of them crashing against her gums and boobs as well, causing small cracks to echo out as their bodies splattered against her, it seeming like Jill made no effort to actually aim where they fell. It certainly made for quite the chilling sight to see flailing sailors vanish into her maw, or visibly splatter against her shoulders, muzzle, and boobs, their blood flowing over her fur while she only giggled, seeming amused by their deaths.

Silver, meanwhile, gleefully stomped upon a few smaller warships, her tongue poking out as she watched sailors flee across their large decks, many diving to the sea as her paw rose above, just for the whole ship to vanish as she stepped onto it. She felt it against her sole, how it moments later crunched beneath it against the seabed, with countless sailors perishing with it.

Nearby ships were snapped or capsized by the waves caused by that step, but Silver seemed not to care, and merely raised her paw above them, too, to crush them with the same ease. But eventually would one of the larger ships gain her attention, its cannons still firing as people tried to evacuate it; thus her hand reached for it, effortlessly grasping it between a few fingers which violently yanked it out of the waters, plastering its crew to the floor from the sudden movement.

She leaned back a bit with a giggle as she raised the ship up, depositing it upon her chest, between her boobs, upon which the ship creaked and leaned to rest against one. She locked eyes with a few terrified sailors, whose looks of disbelief stared at her for a moment before they watched her press her hands onto the outer side of each boob.

She heard them beg for her not to do it, just for her to giggle as she then suddenly pressed her boobs together, shrieks echoing from the sailors as those landmasses of mammaries rapidly moved together to crush their ship and them. They were thrown back to the ground as the ship rocked from the impact, its whole form crumpling and deforming while deafening snaps and cracks sounded from huge pieces of steel breaking free and crunching.

Their screams silenced moments after, replaced by Silver's groan as she pushed her boobs together, crushing the whole ship with one squeeze. She rubbed them together, purring as she felt the final few bodies crunch while the forceful rub of her boobs tore the vehicular wreckage asunder, leaving her both huffing and panting as she watched debris and wreckage trickle down her torso.

Jill had meanwhile grasped the final ship into her hand, her tongue licking across her feline lips as she raised it up, and towards herself. She noted its delightful shape, watching sailors cling to railings as she inspected it, being unable to resist giggling at how easily its strong steel hull crumpled from the squeeze of her hand.

Without a word she moved it towards her womanhood, her ears listening to the growing pleas of the sailors, who then screamed as a deafening moan boomed from her as the front of the ship pressed against her labia. A shudder of pleasure swept through her form as the cold metal slid in, already crumpling and deforming as the vehicle slid deeper into her.

The ship groaned as it pushed in, causing Jill's pleasure sounds to continuously grow in volume as she felt more of it rub against her womanhood, its deck snapping and breaking as it was rapidly being deformed by its squeeze. Massive tears grew across the ship while its bridge broke apart, pre-sexual fluids flooding the deck as sailors tried to hold on, all the while the ship continued to deform.

The muscles pulled on it, tugging and squeezing as Jill pushed it deeper, her moans growing in force as she begun to rub it towards her walls, which pulled and tore at it as her womanhood eagerly crushed and pulled on its toy, all while she watched Silver have her fun. But as silver moved her boobs apart would both notice another fleet far in the distance, and further along the coast; that one was larger than this, and just by the shores of a city.

An excited "ohhhhh!" escaped Jill upon the sight, after which she slowly slid the ship out of her womanhood, revealing a crumpled and crunched wreckage of which little was recognizable; her sexual fluids even flowed over it, while fuel dripped from its broken hull, as well as blood from sailors crushed within its rooms and hallways. Dropping it to the sea like the used toy it was, Jill then glanced to Silver, who giggled and gave a "go ahead~" expression to her friend.

The fleet stared at them with worry, especially to witness a reaction like that: excitement to see them! It was a horrifying prospect, and yet the fleet would barely be able to think about it before screams swept over it as the two giantesses suddenly surged to sizes not one of them could even comprehend.

From 2 kilometers they grew at a rate so immense spectators could literally watch clouds part around them from the shockwave of growth, airliners detonating from the wall of air they displaced as they grew countless kilometers in the span of seconds, creating walls of water displaced by their growing bodies. The city, moments earlier just worried about the two, was suddenly cast into panic as the two giantesses swelled to loom above even it, the few remaining clouds soon reaching to barely their knees, if even that!

"CANNONBALL!" Jill then shouted as she leapt just as the two stopped at a stunning 400 kilometers in size, the ground shaking as her legs pushed into it, launching her frame through the upper layers of atmosphere, and above that fleet. It was like a country was soaring above them, her legs bending to position her behind towards the fleet as she fell down, her ears hearing the countless screams thus erupting below.

The entire country shook as she struck the coast, the crust exploding around her in a cone of ejecta as a massive boom swept outwards; the city near the coast was vaporized by the sudden impact, which created a massive tsunami multiple kilometers high that swept out in every direction. And Silver watched as that wall of water washed over the coastline, sweeping through other towns, villages, and even another few cities, whose skyscrapers snapped like twigs against the wall of water.

She watched for a moment, then smirked as she turned to face the countryside, gleefully rising her now immense and city-dwarfing paws above it, watching the shadow creep first above the tsunami, then still untouched land. It slammed down, the crust heaving around it as cracks swept out behind a massive ripple and shockwave which flattened trees and farmland both as she begun to walk.

Other cities stared up at her in horror as she neared them, screams erupting as they watched her paws strike the earth to create mega quakes the likes of which not a soul among them had ever experienced. They watched the horizon ripple from her steps, the crust itself heaving around each such impact while her frame loomed above them before she had even cleared that horizon yet!

But then would such a paw rise above them, blotting out the rising sun beneath a sky of vulpine pad which gave little warning before it fell upon them; their screams would echo while skyscrapers snapped and exploded against that sky of pad, rubble raining onto crowds in the final moments before the paw struck. And thus would a whole city vanish beneath her step, the ground cracking, heaving, and exploding around it, erasing any trace that it had ever been there.

And onwards she walked, gleefully watching as other cities fell by her presence alone, her purring rumbling like deafening thunder all the while; people were quick to realize that those purrs were brought forth by the sensation of crushing not just whole cities, but millions of people with her steps, and that made it all even worse to behold. But a giggle eventually left her as she laid eyes upon a city by the slopes of a snowcapped mountain, her eyes noting that an avalanche had struck its outskirts.

The wall of snow had blockaded its primary highway, leaving the city in chaos as its denizens tried to find other means of escape. "Ohhhh, good idea~" Silver giggled as she leaned above the city, blotting the sun's light behind her body as she stared upon the metropolis, seeing lights blink back on across it from the darkness of her shadow.

She reached towards the mountain beside it, a giggle escaping her while the furs beneath watched a single finger approach it, to which a booming "boop~" escaped her as the finger struck its snow-covered cap. The whole thing begun to crack open from her poke alone, the furs in the city panicking as they watched the cap of snow suddenly come loose, rolling down the slopes in perhaps the largest avalanche civilization had known.

The wall of snow mercilessly swept through the city, snapping skyscrapers like twigs against its mass; dense crowds of people would only helplessly watch the buildings explode from the impact of snow before it swept over them, crushing millions of people in moments, and burying any trace of them beneath the snow. Jill, meanwhile, had risen up from the meteor crater she had created, giggling as she brushed the mixture of magma and crust from her behind before she stood to survey the damage she had caused.

The tsunami had already flooded most of the coast, and a smirk spread upon her muzzle as she watched it, even though it seemed to lose speed. Thus would her eyes land upon another city which seemed just barely spared by the watery tides, to which a booming "tsk tsk tsk~" echoed in the skies.

The city panicked as it watched her walk in its direction, a smirk still on her muzzle as she approached it, making sure to sway her hips for them all to see. "No, no, you were supposed to join the others~ so let me help~" her teasing voice boomed in their ears as she approached, the receding flood waters rippling with her immense steps, each of which shattered the crust, and caused the waters to flood out.

"Buuuuuuuut~ this should do the trick~" she said with a playful tone as she reached a toe towards a dam just upriver of the city, behind which lay a vast lake. And the whole thing broke apart as the toe prodded it, its concrete shattering, allowing for the waters held within to rush out, and flood the downriver city.

Jill watched crowds flee through its streets as the waters came, snapping skyscrapers against it while millions of furs were washed away in the mass of water which swiftly joined the coastal flood waters, Jill looked towards Silver after that, who glanced back with a giggle, herself having found quite the few cities to enjoy, something which caused Jill to smile broadly, after which she immediately headed towards her.

The boom of her steps rang loud, a sway on Silver's vulpine tail as she watched her friend near with such stunning speed. Seeing a city in her path, Silver then went down on all four to look at it, her huge eye filling its sky as Jill approached. She watched those skyscrapers sway from side to side, seeing mass collapse before Jill even reached it, with crowds stumbling in its streets, crying out in fright.

But then she stomped near the city, and Silver gleefully watched as it seemed to practically evaporate by the shockwave that created, which swept out and through the city in seconds, literally wiping it off the face of the Earth as tall skyscrapers were turned to clouds of dust, and crowds of people into crimson mist. Silver's gaze then moved beneath her, laying eyes upon a city now trapped directly beneath her womanhood, which elicited quite the smirk from her.

She sat down onto her knees, letting them slam into the ground on either side of the city, all before they begun to drag apart, prying the very crust itself as she begun to lower her womanhood towards it. She watched it with burning passion, a look of need upon her eyes while millions under her cried out in horror to see their skies be replaced by vagina, with spread and needy labia descending like landmasses.

The city shook as the vaginal lips struck its outskirts, crushing a vast swath of suburbs beneath them as Silver let out a deafening moan, closing her eyes as her hands slammed into the ground near her, fingers curling to tear through the brittle crust, carving vast trenches with their vast forms. More of the city begun to flatten beneath her vagina, her huge clit descending upon numerous skyscrapers, which snapped like twigs against it, each one causing visible shudders of pleasure to rush through her.

She begun to drag her womanhood over it, using her hands to move her as her vagina ground against the city, crumbling its fragile ground, causing collapse across it while each inch she moved caused her to moan deeper. For she felt every single one of those millions of furs crunch and pop against her womanhood, as well as every single building perishing beneath her; and it all culminated in a pleasure the likes of which she had never felt before.

Jill had meanwhile also focused on another city, and with a lick across her lips she went down over it, slamming her knees into the ground before leaning forwards as shockwaves swept out around her. Her hands slammed down far outside of either side of that city, whose denizens stared up in fright to see her huge boobs move overhead, a single one enough to take up the sky of that city.

Its denizens stared at the sky of feline boob, its shadow blotting out the sun, leaving them staring at it and its nipple as it hung there above them, ominously so while Jill's eyes stared down. She sported a plotting gaze as she observed how they panicked, how many of them plead to her, begging for her to not do what she was planning; ignoring their pleas, she merely giggled before suddenly bending her arms, sending those huge boobs towards it.

The screams of that city were thus silenced by a colossal boom as the boobs struck, crushing it whole as Jill moaned ever-as loud, before huffing with need as she begun to move her torso, letting the gargantuan boob grind across the landscape, crumbling it like sand. "My, isn't it fun how easily millions squish~?" Jill giggled as she glanced towards Silver, who responded with a playful giggle between huffing before she begun to rise up back onto her knees, revealing the vastness of land crushed and ground apart by her womanhood.

"But, since we were so rudely interrupted before, how about we continue now, hmm~?" Jill then said as she rolled to throw herself onto her back, casting another city into the shadow of her immense body. Her butt descended first, pushing through clouds as it descended upon that city, her ears listening to the screams of its populace as her plump cheeks fell through their skies, growing their fright for every second until impact.

Countless millions were crushed in the instant after, skyscrapers snapped like twigs, while every single inhabitant of the city was squashed against the impossibly large feline. And as the ground heaved from the impact would more of her follow, her vast back falling over mountain ranges and tiny towns, all of which crunched beneath her weight and size until she sprawled across the landscape.

Silver purred as she watched, but blushed a bit from the view of her lovely body, to which she licked her lips and leaned in. She begun to lick across her belly, driving out deep groans from Jill, who arched her back and stretched out as she felt that vulpine tongue against her, her eyes closing, just to open again as she felt Silver's fingers slide into her vagina, driving out a far louder moan as they begun to stroke against the walls within.

A soft "mmmmm~" sounded from Silver as she skillfully massaged Jill's vagina, pressing the fingers against the soft pink walls to drive out the most pleasure she could. Meanwhile, however, she reached her other hand towards a nearby city, casting its denizens into panic and chaos as they watched their skies fill with Silver's gargantuan hand, which descended upon them with horrifying speed.

The whole city shook as the fingers struck, tearing into the ground as they burrowed beneath it, causing the ground itself to buckle and crack open before more shaking followed as Silver begun to tear it out of the very ground. And she raised it above Jill's boob, before groping it, listening to the growing screams from the metropolis as millions of furs watched that feline nipple near, just to see structures explode against it before they were crushed and smeared between palm and boob in an act which drew out even louder moans from the godly feline.

Silver continued, collecting city after city, and dropping them upon jill's body, depositing those hives of millions upon boobs, belly, and chest. She leaned in to let her tongue lick over Jill's body, drawing out even more purring from her while the screams of countless cried out from furs who helplessly watched the vast tongue drag over the feline fur, and towards them.

Countless furs were crushed, and buildings snapped and exploded against the wall of pink tongue, fleeing crowds vanishing to be crushed into tiny smears by the tongue as it licked across the belly. Silver's hands were also working on the boobs, massaging them, and crushing those cities against them, listening to Jill's moaning, and how it grew in volume the more Silver massaged.

Their rude interruption from before meant that the two were already quite close, and both of them also seemed eager to help the other reach that climax, a fact which was continuously seeming more firm. And Silver thus turned around as she worked on Jill's body, going over her, but positioning her womanhood above Jill's snout as she herself lowered her muzzle towards Jill's nethers.

And in unison would they both nuzzle towards the other's womanhood, filling the world with their booming moans as they parted those vaginal lips with snouts and then tongues, which pushed deep into the other to lick as deep as they could. Countless furs watched them in their shameless display, which only grew more passionate as time drew on, and as their spectators stared in absolute horror.

They'd watch the two push deeper into the other's vagina, getting glimpses of their tongues pushing in, with some even seeing right into those fleshy caverns, where tongues slid across vast folds of pink flesh; the two seemed entirely focused on that act, to boot, both escalating without stop. And then, suddenly, would both of them howl in pleasure as their orgasms were reached, feminine juices squirting out from vaginas, and onto snouts and battered countryside as the two grit their teeth, groaning as they felt themselves go.

It lasted for a moment, but in the end would Silver flop down next to Jill with a cataclysmic BOOOM while Jill watched, panting as she shared a loving smile to Silver.

"See~ huff~ not so bad to be a goddess, huh~?" she asked, to which Silver gave a shy smile.

" is something alright. That was good~" Silver purred in response, a smile on her lips as she snuggled towards Jill. The two giantesses were so huge that they almost sprawled across the whole country, yet neither seemed to even notice it anymore as they snuggled.

"And it is just up from here, but that's for another time~" Jill then purred, with Silver nodding as the two cuddled, ready to rest for what would come next...

The end