Spyro's Espionage Mission - NSFW

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#1 of The Legend of Spyro's Lewd Adventures

Synopsis: A young adult purple dragon will now have to face a new type of enemy that is accustomed to the modern gimmicks of the new dragon era - Political Corruption.

Spyro's Espionage Mission - NSFW

Synopsis: A young adult purple dragon will now have to face a new type of enemy that is accustomed to the modern gimmicks of the new dragon era - Political Corruption.

The Dragon City, Warfang was bustling with activity as many dragons roam the busy streets. The sun had just risen over this great city which gave it an even more majestic look than usual due to its golden glow illuminating all around. With how beautiful the city was, one might think that no type of villainy will rise, especially since here was where the legendary purple dragon and ex terror of the skies lived.

But alas, those are the wishful thought of the fool. Evil will never completely disappear. The two may have defeated Malefor; the Dark Master with their splendor and righteous acts, but none can truly vanquish the darkness that was inside the hearts of many.

After the birth of the new dragon era, a new type of evil has risen in the heart of the city, and not the kind where one rules with an iron fist. No, this type of evil was known to be more intelligent, cleverer and most importantly...more powerful for any who dare oppose or defy what they stand against. This time the opponent of the new dragon era, were none other than corrupted politicians.


A large crowd gathered at the entrance of Warfang's Temple of Heroes where dragons, moles, cheetahs and other creatures that are sentient are required to vote for their favored politicians. It wasn't uncommon seeing so much attention focused towards these events because every year there would always be some sort of conflict between the ones who are running for court.

Needless to say, despite the unfriendly atmosphere that surrounds the area, moles, cheetahs, minotaurs and dragons alike had lined up to vote for their favorable party.

While the normal folks were busy frolicking with their votes, one would assume that everything seems to be just fine. However, behind the scenes in this seemingly ordered area were a battlefield ruled by intelligence, cunning, and decisive decisions were corrupt politicians used everything on their resources to tip the voters in their favor.

One particular campaign party under the name of "Fo Melar" were one, if not, the most corrupt politicians that ruled the underworld of the City of Warfang. With their questionable business practice, they governed the city's shadows with an iron claw. For decades, they have been a thorn in the city's political department, and during the war, they used their dirty claws to support some of Malefor's legion that almost lead the city's destruction under the false promise of being able to rule it for themselves. That was before Spyro, the Legendary Purple Dragon, was born.

Now that peace has returned to Warfang, they now focused their extra sets of skills to new heights; in this case, they now want to rule the city behind the scenes. With their preparations almost complete and with a certain dragon backing them up, it won't be long till they have full control of the city once their party wins.

All they need now was the backing of two of the most influential dragons that had saved the world back during the war. And one of those dragons had already 'willingly' joined to their side without making a fuss...

Spyro the purple dragon, now a young adult, strode through the temple of Warfang with a confident presence that any creature that he encountered on his way to his destination gave him a greeting of respect and awe. With his reputation as the legendary purple dragon that saved the dragon realms, it was hard for anyone to doubt anything that he says or does. Even though this place was filled with thousands of creatures working, everyone seemed to pay close attention whenever Spyro passed by.

He walked past several guards, servants and other citizens that all stopped whatever they're doing to stare at the purple dragon. Some of the older residents of Warfang knew exactly who he was, while others didn't seem too familiar with such stories like the younger generation did. He simply smiled at each individual person that stared at him and kept walking until finally reaching the doors leading into the earth guardian's quarters itself.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Spyro knocked the solid stone door a few times, before he heard a rough, older dragon voice behind it.


Pushing the door open, Spyro was greeted by a cozy office. The interior of the room consists of a fireplace in the farthest end. In neither side were crazy tall bookshelves that almost reached the ceiling where a chandelier made of spirit crystals hang on the center. Right in front of the fireplace was a huge desk that was two times the volume of himself, and in that desk stood Terrador the earth guardian, who seems to be busy looking at a stack of papers that were placed around the desk.

Terrador looked up upon hearing the sound of the door opening and immediately noticed Spyro standing right in front of his desk. His eyes widened slightly, and let out a relaxed smile.

"Spyro, I'm glad that you've received my letter," Terrador put away the papers that he was checking and gave the purple dragon a welcoming look. "Take a seat young drag-- I mean "Lord", judging from your expression, it seems that further explanation about the request that I sent you is in order." As he said that, he stood up from his position and went to grab a scroll right in a nearby bookshelf that contained sensitive information about the city's occurences.

"Master Terrador, you know you don't have to use my title every time you greet me. Besides that, it's just the two of us here, so I don't think anyone will judge you if you won't call me by my proper title." Spyro said with a heartfelt smile as he made himself comfortable near a carpet covered floor. "To be honest, I am much more comfortable with you guys calling me 'young dragon' or my normal name other than 'Lord'. It feels weird."

Spyro felt somewhat embarrassed after saying that last part, but he couldn't help it since he has much respect to the guardians that even he considers family.

"Haha that it does." Terrador smiled as his expression then turned to something serious. Noticing the immediate shift of expression, Spyro's old habit kicked in, bringing his full attention to Terrador as he handed a scroll to him.

Carefully unfurling it, the purple dragon read its contents carefully as Terrador began to debrief him about his request to the purple dragon.

"Spyro, before we begin about this request's debriefing, tell me, what do you think of these years' politicians?" Terrador asked with a stoic face as Spyro carefully chose the answers in his mind. After a few seconds of gathering the perfect answers, Spyro replied with an evenly stoic face as well.

"I believe that most of them are corrupt, deceitful, self-serving, greedy, and power hungry individuals who only care about their own selfish interests rather than the common good. If that isn't enough, I even met one who tried to bribe me into supporting their campaign the other day when I was busy doing some business with a couple of old friends." Spyro said with a straight face as he recalled the unpleasant encounter with a certain male dragon that discreetly gave him a strange ticket and told him to come meet him in a particular place as a bribe to have him support their party. Suffice to say, when he was curious about the offer and went to that place, he may, or may not have enjoyed that place's services as he was still dreaming about it till this day.

Studying his old pupil's expression, Terrador didn't notice the sudden shift of tone in the middle of Spyro's answer as he nodded and gave him his approval.

"Indeed. In this day and age, with the war gone and the Dark Master banished, the problems that were ignored in the decades past have come into fruition, corruption in the world of politics." Terrador sighed as he rubbed his forehead with his claws. "One of the guardians, Cyril, who was considered a veteran in that field, had almost fell victim of those cursed politicians," Spyro let out a quiet gasp as Terrador continued explaining. "He fell prey to one of the corrupt campaign party's dirty trick where a couple enthusiastic dragonesses made him drunk and praised him of his lineage and achievements during his time as a guardian and in the war. Then they took advantage of him."

"Oh, well that explains everything." Spyro cannot help but rolled his eyes at Cyril's blunder as Terrador let out another sigh.

"It gets worse from there. Rumor has it that Cryil had sex with those dragonesses and decided to use that scenario to blackmail him, telling everyone lies that he tried to rape them. But thankfully, he wasn't drunk enough that he managed to use a protection spell and secretly brought a magical recording device. So they let him off the hook for that." Spyro let out a bemused smile as he could hear what that glib tongued Cyril would say in that situation, but he shook off that thought when suddenly, a thought came to his mind as he looked at Terrador with a curious look.

"By the way, is Volteer...?" Spyro left that sentence hanging for a couple of seconds as Terrador's tone shifted from being serious to amused.

"Ha... You're worried about him? The dragon who talks so much that it could induce hypersomnia to a dragon with his ramblings alone?" Terrador rolled his eyes and added, "Yes he is fine. In fact, he was a target by some corrupt parties as well. Unfortunately for them, Volteer is well versed in many fields of studies that he managed to turn the table around with those foolish dragons and came out unscathed."

"Hehe, that's Volteer for you." Spyro relaxed slightly with the awareness that his fellow electric instructor was okay.

"Good, now back to the topic at claw." Terrador went back to his serious expression as Spyro gave his full attention once more as they talk more on what the purple dragon must do.

"It has come to our attention that a certain campaign party under the name of "Fo Maler" - Strange name, I know - has been aggressive with their actions regarding this year's elections. In case you haven't heard of them which were highly unlikely, they were an underground organization that controls the underworld ever since the creation of Warfang. But for some reason, they seem to have surfaced their businesses three years ago and were now doing shady stuff within the world of politics." Terrador's expression suddenly turned sour as he went to continue debriefing Spyro.

"A close friend of mine, one who was not affiliated with this mission, came into contact with one of the dragons who are under Fo Melar. He got invited into their place and returned a changed dragon." Terrador sighed as he continued, "He now supports Fo Maler. When I asked him some personal questions that only me and him know, but so far, there hasn't been a gap with his memory. When I secretly scanned him with anything magical or not, it was negative." Terrador gave Spyro a serious look.

"Spyro, for your mission Cyril has gotten you an invitation with his connections with other trustworthy politicians. You will go to Fo Maler's yearly party in their private place and gather evidence. It doesn't matter what kind of evidence. It could be documents, creatures, or objects; anything will do as long as it is strong enough to counter their claims." Terrador gave Spyro a few seconds to register everything as he anticipated a few questions that the purple dragon will give him.

"Will there be a deadline for the mission? How long I should be in that residence?" Spyro asked as the earth guardian shook his head.

"No, for this particular mission, you are free to move and go as you wish. Just keep in mind of the strange occurrences and try not to be involved too much by the creatures that frolic there."

Spyro nodded as he asked another question, "What about my partner? I feel like this kind of mission will be hard to pull off without some kind of backup." He then remembered something that was one of the reasons why he accepted this mission. "By the way Terrador, have you gotten word of Cynder?"

Judging by the look in Terrador's face, Spyro accepted the fact that she hasn't returned yet from her solo infiltration mission.

"First, let me just say that Cynder will be fine. She was, after all the Ex-Terror of the skies." Spyro smiled at the thought of those poor bastards that were on Cynder's list. "Second, yes you will have a partner. He is perfect for this kind of mission. As to who you partner is, it is--" Terrador was cut off short when a small glowing creature came down from the chandeliers and hovered in front of Spyro's face.

"Hey little bro! Long time no see!" Sparx obnoxiously said as he sped around Spyro's body and let out a whistle. "Dang bro! How many dragonesses did Cynder burry?! With a body like that, I'm sure you're girlfriend must have a few dozen or so hidden in her backyard!" Spyro smiled at his brother who he haven't met for quite a long time. Ever since he started living in the dragon city, his brother went back to the swamps to live with his dragonfly parents. He regularly visits them but as the years passed by, those frequent visits became rare with how busy he was within the city walls.

"Sparx! You're my partner for this mission?" The purple dragon asked the obvious question as the dragonfly nodded in agreement.

"Heck yeah! Terrador came to visit our home and told me of his predicament!" Terrador let out a cough on the background which went ignored by the two brothers as Sparx continued. "He said I was the perfect candidate for this kind of request since I am small. Plus, since the focus will be mostly on you, I can freely look around the place and gather things and such."

"Ahem." Terrador's voice broke through their reunion as the two brothers shut up and looked at the earth guardian. "As much as I relish this wholesome reunion, we are still no done with the briefing. Sparx? If you may?"

The dragonfly nodded silently as he went to Spyro's side, nudging him with his shoulders and giving him a cheeky grin as they both listened to Terrador.

"For this mission to work, we need you two to split off. Spyro, since I know you will be mostly focused on by the creatures inside there, I suggest that you will lightly mingle with them, gather any useful information about what's inside for you to use since we lack the necessary information about Fo Maler." Terrador then looked at Sparx who seemed to be unusually excited for his turn.

"*Sigh* As for you Sparx, you will be infiltrating the manor in advanced without anyone noticing. You two must agree in a meeting spot for you to debrief each other and decide on your next course of action." He then looked worriedly at Sparx, "Please be careful when snooping around the manor. I have known you to be a loud dragonfly despite being so small."

"Yeah yeah! I'm sure we will be fine! Besides! It's just like old times, right Spyro?" The dragonfly winked at Spyro as the purple dragon let out a small smile.

"Yeah. Just like old times."

"Heh~ I bet my wings I'd do a better job of infiltrating that place than your girlfriend." Sparx bragged as Spyro thought of Cynder once again, worried on what might have happened to her, but he threw all those thoughts away and focused on the task at hand. The mission comes first.

'Besides, I'm sure she'll be fine... She has to be.'

Unknown Location...

Cynder held her breath as the black dragon on her back slowly brought his thorny, twisted cock into her nethers. As he touched the tip of the purple penis against her moist slit, she let out a little gasp as her hind legs shuddered slightly. Both enjoyed the pleasure and desired more. The black dragon swiftly pushed his tool and began pounding her pussy. Her whole body shuddered in approval, as she felt the heat spike within her and her walls clenched around the muscular cock in obvious excitement.

"To think that the ex-terror of the skies, heroine of legend, would be reduced to nothing more than a brood dragoness like this." Came a voice from somewhere as Cynder looked up, her eyes covered in a slight haze as she looked at the owner of the voice. A small thought appeared on her mind, nagging her subconscious as the dragon that the voice belonged to leaned down and gave her a wet, sloppy kiss, unbothered by the black dragon that was fucking her senselessly.

After a long, tongue filled kiss, the dragon pulled out his long forked tongue that reached towards the back of Cynder's throat as she panted for air. "A shame. I was attracted by your splendor when you were shown to be a headstrong dragoness. To think that a single drug and a cock in the ass are all it takes to turn you into this submissive bitch." He roughly grabbed the face of the dragoness and forced her to look at him in the eye as the black dragon on his back began to thrust wildly, indicating that he was about to cum.

"You now belong to us, to Fo Maler," He then gave her another kiss on the cheek and brought her forehead towards his, "To me."

Spyro adjusted the golden collar imbued with three diamond shaped spirit stones on the middle as he looked at the tall metal gates that separated him from his mission. Two guards, one cheetah and one mole stood on either sides as they stoically check creatures who were invited to the party with their crystal scanners. The collar that Spyro wore was supposed to be the invitation according to Cyril. Thankfully, it seems the ice guardian was resourceful to nag one the very last minute as rumors have spread that the lord of the manor were not handing any more.

With a strode of confidence, Spyro slowly walked towards the gates with big strides as dragons that were lining up to the gates looked at him with awe and respect, some would even go so far as to make way for him, bringing him closer to the ones inspecting their invitation as he came into close contact with the cheetah and the moles.

"L-Lord Spyro!" The cheetah said in surprise as she shakily hovered the crystal near the purple dragon's neck. "I-It's an honor to meet you, my lord!" She held out a paw, hoping to shake his as the purple dragon heard a cough from the mole.

Spyro let out an amused smile at the nervous cheetah and gave her a pat on the shoulder. "The honor is all mine." He then looked around him and saw the impatient gazes that the other guests are giving the guards. "I do not want to be sound rude, but I think it's best that we should talk later when all the guests have been scanned, you don't want to answer to your superior when the guests arrived being cranky now, do they?"

The cheetah gasped and blushed as she quickly let Spyro in as the mole who watched her interact with the legendary purple dragon sighed.


'Good, I'm in," Spyro marveled the large archway that leads to the main hall of the building. The building itself was so big that it can rival Warfang's oldest and largest building, the Dragon Temple, were countless dragons and other creatures study to become important figures in Warfang.

Noticing a tiny glow that got inside the openings of the building, Spyro breathed a sigh of relief knowing that his brother managed to infiltrate the upper layers of the manor.

So far, their plan was to do a full sweep of the building, with Sparx infiltrating the other sections of the manor while Spyro tries to mingle with the guests around, gathering any kinds of information or rumors that can prove beneficial with his mission.

Just as he was to set foot beyond the archway, the blaring of trumpets echoed across the large hall as a dragon of unknown origin suddenly appeared right beside the archway and took a deep breath of air as Spyro braced himself for what comes next.

"Announcing his lordship's arrival, Lord Spyro!"

At once, everyone's attention turned to him as Spyro suddenly felt self conscious. After the blaring of trumpets died down, he carefully moved forward as the only sound that accompanied his walk was his footsteps. Not soon after, a single clap appeared amongst the onlooker and there, it began resonating as the crowd cheered for the arrival of the legendary purple dragon himself.

"Is that really Lord Spyro?" A male dragon asked as he eyed the hero with awe.

"Oh my, he is as handsome as what the newspapers show~" A dragoness said as she eyed Spyro's underside while consciously licking her lips. "Do you think he's single?" A female dragoness from her side asked as she adjusted her jewelry and prepared to greet the purple dragon.

Creatures big and small then flocked to greet him, but before he got swept away from the sea of mobs, a loud boom echoed across the hallway which made everyone stop and turn to look at the noise.

Spyro's eyes narrowed, the memory of his quick debriefing with Terrador flashed through his mind as the primary target on his mission descended from a flight of stairs and started walking towards him with a commanding presence. A cyan colored ice dragon with black spots going through his neck towards his tail. He had a purple underbelly and a scar in his chest

It was Thermia. Cyril's distant cousin and the primary suspect of his mission.

"Now now everyone! Please leave our guest of honor some space! This is not how we upper classes act now, shan't we?" The lord of the manor eyed the guests who were about to hound Spyro, looked away and muttered an apology to the purple dragon as they dispersed to their respected positions, each waiting for another opportunity to have a special conversation with Spyro.

Pleased that the crowd had left him, the purple dragon let out breath that he didn't know he was holding and looked thankfully at Thermia who approached him with a suave smile. Once in front of him, Spyro was awestruck on how he was easily overshadowed by the ice dragon's large body as he can see his dripping muscles that bulged with every movement as well as the scars that he earned through countless fight. He radiates an aura of confidence. Similar to Spyro, he too was a veteran when it comes to fighting so he must be careful when interacting with him.

There is also something strange when he was this close to the dragon. Something... Smells so familiar about him, but he couldn't put a claw in it. Whatever it was, it made him highly suspicious at Thermia who finally finished sizing Spyro up as he bowed.

"It is with greatest pleasure that a dragon such as you has come to my humble abode, Lord Spyro." Thermia said as he gave the young hero a bow. Spyro smiled in return and said, "The pleasure is all mine. I must say though, this party of yours seems a bit..."

"Dull? Boring? Unexciting?" Thermia replied as he looked up and notice Spyro's surprised expression. "Don't worry, I feel the same way. Alas, as a politician I must maintain my image when mingling with powerful people." He let out a tired sigh, "It's hard to be yourself when you are with others who judge you're every move."

"Heh, well I can relate to that." Spyro replied as the ice dragon guided them to an empty spot where a massive pallet of food was spread in a giant table.

As they rounded into the corner, Thermia offered Spyro some food, which the purple dragon gratefully accepts. It was just duck meat seasoned with a bunch of pepper and some greens mixed in it. Some of which Spyro recognized so he assumed it was safe to it.

"So Spyro, I take it that since you are here in my humble abode, is it right to assume that you favored my campaign as one of the Councils of Warfang?" Thermia asked as he grabbed a drink from the punch bowl.

Spyro took one as well and tasted it. The punch was purple in color, with different fruits that floated in his metal container. While tasting it, he noticed a hint of alcohol mixed in that made the drink a little bit more interesting.

Decided that the drinks were not spiked or anything, he took one full swig of the stuff which amused Thermia a little bit with his behavior.

"Well~ That depends~" Spyro teased as he planned to lure the dragon into uncovering some interesting information. "What's in it for me? Just to let you know, I don't just wave my tail to any politician without giving me something... Worthwhile" With this, Thermia gave him a grin as he looked around. Noticing that none of the crowd was spying at him, he leaned down and whispered something into Spyro's ears.

"So, how much?"

"You know money isn't a problem of mine." Spyro whispered back as Thermia grinned. Seeing a cheetah servant nearby, the ice dragon signaled the waiter to come to him.

Once in his side, he leaned down and whispered something to the cheetah's ear, as the servant pulled out what seems to be a blank pink card and handed it to Thermia. Thanking the servant, the cheetah left to do his work as the ice dragon looked at Spyro who was eyeing the card curiously.

Leaning in close to Spyro once more, he handed the card to Spyro as he whispered, "Come meet me at this exact location of the manor. Once I leave, talk with the guests for a bit to not arouse suspicion and then come find me there. I believe I have something that you will be worthwhile to you."

Pulling back, the ice dragon bowed and left the premise enabling Spyro to act in his own accord as another dragon came up from behind him and began his conversation with him.

After a few minutes of mingling with the guests and a couple of fruit punches later, Spyro was feeling a bit frisky. Remembering that he was supposed to be someplace else, he took a look at the invitation that he received and saw a faint drawing of a map.

Bidding farewell to the other guests that he talked to, Spyro went on his way to where Thermia was waiting for him.

Unknown Location...

The dragon looked in his scrying orb and smiled as Spyro was on his way to where Thermia was waiting. With a flick of his claw, the orb switched dragons, now looking at Thermia who was ready for his guest to arrive. He then turned his attention from the scrying orb to Cynder who was a huge mess on the floor.

The ex-terror of the skies, now turned breeding bitch and slut, laid on the floor with his cunt overflowing with seed were countless dragons have fucked it raw and hard. She couldn't think straight anymore, she could never feel anymore. The only thing on her mind since the day she was raped was always about pure feral sex.

The dragon looked down at her beloved soon-to-be sex slave as Cynder turned to look at her master with sheer admiration. Letting out a horny whine, the black dragoness turned to her back and exposed her gaping slit still full of cum. The scent permeating around her cunt was so overpowering with musk that it filled the room with the smell of sex.

"Aww... Poor thing, does my queen need some of...this?" He slowly brought his claw in the outer edges of Cynder's breeding hole, tantalizingly tracing his claw while occasionally touching the inflamed flesh that was exposed due to having been fucked too much.

"Well, not yet my dear," He removed his claw from it which made the dragoness whine with need as he put a foot down on her muzzle, forcing her to shut up as he looked at the scrying orb that showed Spyro had arrived. "We have to wait for the guest of honor to come to ourselves. Then and there I will breed you senseless in front of him, understood?"

He removed his paw from her muzzle as Cynder's hazy eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and nodded vigorously. She cannot wait for her master to finally inject his seed inside of her, bearing his clutch and all.

Spyro stood in front a plain door. Nothing much can be said about it except that there seems to be glowing pink lights that waved underneath the little gap. He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed the handle anyway. He cannot sense anything malice or some kind of magic that was in play thanks to his high sensitivity with magic, but still, he braced himself on what was behind this door that his supposed target was waiting for him.

However, upon fully opening the door, what greeted him was a normal looking room that has a king sized cushion on the center. A single desk stood unused on the far corner of the room while two bookcases stood at either side of it for easier access. Overall, nothing out of the ordinary was in the area besides the fact that it seemed like a simple private office. Walking inside and closing the door behind him, Spyro surveyed the area and sensed no traps or any listening device whatsoever. For now, this room was isolated from the rest of the manor so it might be the perfect place to discuss something.

"Welcome to my office Lord Spyro," Thermia's voice suddenly appeared behind him as the purple dragon whirled and saw the taller dragon behind him. "Hahaha, my apologies for the surprise, I simply cannot resist." The ice dragon walked past Spyro who was baffled on how he managed to evade his detection.

"How did you get behind me?" Asked the purple dragon as Thermia turned around and winked at him.

"Let's just say that Ice has more uses than just freezing enemies solid~" Was the only reply coming from him as Spyro wondered if being here was even a good idea. Nonetheless, he was here now, so he must take whatever he think should be valuable for his mission.

"So, what do you have to offer in exchange of my...favor..." Spyro started to ask, but his sentence died out when he saw not one, but two erect pricks that Thermia was showing when he laid on his back against the giant cushion.

"O-oh my..." It was his only reaction as Thermia's plan to let the purple dragon drop down his guard began.

"Like what you see?" The ice dragon flopped his two barbed dicks in the air, pre-cum splattered everywhere as one landed between Spyro's muzzle as he shook his head.

"W-What's the meaning of this Thermia?!" Spyro asked, ashamed that he was actually attracted to those big juicy dicks. His own dick began to poke out of his sheath as the effects of the drugs that were in the fruit punch began to work.

"Oh? Don't tell me you don't like this?" Thermia innocently asked as he broke down Spyro's mental resistance little by little. "I mean, after all, you enjoyed what my workers did to you the other day you decide to visit my... sinful establishment~"

Spyro's head suddenly hurt as his mind immediately flashbacked to the time where he showed up to a certain place where a male dragon invited him.

The place that he went to was a secret sex den where the only dragons that are invited to are those who were powerful, rich, or in some cases, have countless connections to those who were in power. Needless to say, Spyro got all of those qualifications as the place he walked into was the most morally sinful place he ever set foot.

Nonetheless, deep inside him, a raw feeling began to drive his thoughts into a frenzy as he stood there frozen, seeing his fellow dragons engaging in bold sexual acts made the fire in him began to turn into a blaze as his moral compass began to broke down, luring him into the pit of flesh and desire.

What did the final blow to his morals was the approaching dragon that invited him into his place. Cum covered his body from head to dick as he invited Spyro to join the debauchery with him.

He couldn't remember what happened next, but he was sure that he was fucking a dragoness and at the same time, being fucked by a random set of males that used his hole when he was not looking. Not that he cared or whatever, his instincts were overpowering his rational mind so there was no escape for him inside that place.

Spyro shook his head as he tried to control his breathing.

He may not have noticed it, but right now, he found himself lying on his back against the cushion while Thermia's two impressive pricks swayed on top of his muzzle dripping pre occasionally as he can feel a pleasurable feeling on his groin. Looking down, he saw Thermia licking his already hard cock as Spyro took a moment to register what was happening now.

"L-Lord Thermia? What are you.... G-Get off me!"

Scrambling away from the perverted Ice dragon, Spyro attempted to stand up from the cushions, but instead ended up tripping over himself causing Thermia to chuckle before standing up.

"Oh? Is something the matter Lord Spyro?" Asked Thermia in a playful tone as the purple dragon stood up and distanced himself from him. He had already succeeded in making him flustered, all he needed now was to push the right buttons. "If there is something that you need, I could as for my servants to--"

"No!... No, that's... Enough Thermia." Spyro looked at the ice dragon with a slightly flushed face as he tried his best to compose himself. "I do apologize, but I am not into... This." He gestured to himself, although his weakened voice betrayed his needy desires that the ice dragon will have no problem breaking. "I have a mate."

"Oh? Are you telling me that Lady Cynder and you are mated?" Thermia struck a cord against his prey as Spyro cringed and looked away. Despite the fact that they seem to be living together and their obvious feelings for each other, the two dragons of legend have yet to mate.

With the perfect opportunity within his sight, Thermia stroke the purple dragon's vulnerable mind as he slowly walked around Spyro who seems to be eyeing him warily.

"See? You haven't even mated with her yet." He went to his side and whispered something in his ear. "Let me be blunt Lord Spyro. You wanted this, but you feel guilty with your soon-to-be partner. But you don't have to! As long as you haven't been marked yet, you are free to mate with anyone as you wish, and besides, I've heard that you've enjoyed my services way back then when you came to visit my establishment~"

The purple dragon gulped as he began to loose sight of his mission. With the swirling thought of guiltiness, sex and pleasure, he was not in the right state of mind to argue as Thermia continued to whisper things in his ears.

Things such as 'you're going to enjoy yourself' and 'what harm would it cause?' kept repeating itself until he will break him.

"Trust me Lord Spyro~ The guilty pleasure of not keeping this a secret from your beloved will be divine! And besides~" He brought his tail over to Spyro's leaking cock as he sensually rubbed it. "Lady Cynder isn't here, so who would be able to sotp us?"

Thermia pulled back and let go of Spyro's prick as he gave the dragon some space to think about. With some luck, he might accept the offer and began drugging him with the special cum that he produced.

A few minutes later, Spyro looked at Thermia and gave him his answer.

"I'm deeply sorry Lord Thermia, but I can't accept your offer." Spyro said with finality as Thermia's expression slightly darkens. "It's just that, I don't see the point of us having sex will benefit me. I can literally do that with anyone else and probably more."

Seeing that Spyro was still sane with all that mental manipulation, Thermia have no choice but to use his ace.

"Ah... I see, what a shame. Well, do not worry, I won't tell a single soul about our escapade in this room." Spyro nodded and was about to leave and rendezvous with Sparx in the place that they planned to meet when Thermia suddenly added.

"A shame, the master would have loved to meet you in his place after the party."

Spyro stopped partway to the door as he registered what Thermia just said.

'Master? What is he talking about?'

Turning around, Spyro faced the ice dragon once more. "What are you talking about? What master?" The purple dragon narrowed his eyes as he looked at Thermia with curiosity. "Are you saying that you are not the one managing the entire campaign?"

'He took the bait!' Thermia looked away and nodded, a plan began to formulate in his mind as he successfully grabbed Spyro's attention once more.

"Indeed, do you honestly believe that I can do this on my own? Goodness no!" He let out a half-heartedly chuckle. "You know, even if you don't want to proceed with that former offer, how about I'll set up a meeting with you and the master? Trust me you will vouch for us when you hear his offer."

Spyro put a claw in his chin and considered his options. This was the first time that he heard of this so called "Master" that was not mentioned by Terrador nor in any of the scrolls that he read. For once, this might lead to something even bigger that could prove helpful in this mission.

However, the risks are too high. He will be meeting with an unknown creature, one that not even the guardians have heard of. Not to mention that Therium suspiciously said that he wasn't the one managing the entire campaign party... Was the corruption much bigger than they initially realized?

Well, one way or another, he cannot let this opportunity go to waste.

"Very well, I suppose I can accept your offer of meeting with your 'Master'. Just, tell me," Spyro studied Thermia's expression for any hints of falsehood on what he was about to say next. "What's the catch? I know well enough that you cannot just give away something so sudden without you benefiting anything."

Thermia just shook his head and gave Spyro a smile. "I'm telling you, I am just saying this because I want you to vouch for us. You supporting this party is already a big benefit for everyone."

Sensing no lies from his speech, Spyro relaxed as he closed his eyes and calmed himself. It seems all that unnecessary guard was for nothing, he could have just asked him directly and still get a straight answer. Like, it wouldn't be a problem, not with his reputation as the hero of legend.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll take your words as is." Before he can leave he then turned around, the lust in his mind still lingering as he looked at Thermia who walked with him. "For what its worth, I actually would love to have sex with you. But I don't think my consciousness will let me hear the end of it."

The two of them chuckles as Thermia leaned down to Spyro and spoke in a hushed tone. "Thanks, oh and by the way. I will fetch you some servants that will guide you to the Master's lair. Don't worry, you will know who to follow when you see them."

With a nod, the two dragons dispersed as if nothing happened between them as Spyro noticed that a servant has signaled Thermia to follow him who seems to be annoyed about something before he disappeared when he rounded in a corner.

"Ugh... That was so mentally exhausting." Spyro complained as he his mindset has returned to its default settings. "I should keep my urges in check, I can't jeopardize the mission because of some lewd stuff." Spyro walked through the halls and saw the comfort room where he and his brother were supposed to meet.

Opening the door to the toilets, Spyro was surprised to see that the interior was pretty large than he initially thought. The stalls were separated by a huge wall that organizes where any creature should go when they need to do their business. Ranging from the largest dragons to the smallest moles, Spyro was impressed by the architecture of this place. It seems that the lord of this manor spared no expenses when building his home.

While in the bathroom waiting, Spyro stood there for a couple minutes, wondering why Sparx have not came to their rendezvous point which made him worry.

"Just where are you Sparx? C'mon!" A knock from the door interrupted his thoughts as he sighed and decided to leave. He knows how annoying and resourceful his brother was so he knew not to be worried. But still, there was a nagging feeling in his gut that something was terribly wrong.

Unbeknownst to him, Sparx was unconscious and captured by a group of moles. They were doing a sweep around the kitchen and saw an eerie glow in the isolated part of the room. Upon inspecting ,it was a sleeping, stuffed Sparx who ate the drugged foods that were supposed to serve the guests. Apparently, it seems he had been overdosed by the drugs that were supposed to make guests feel light tipped to the point that he knocked himself out.

Well, too bad for him.

As Spyro turned to open the door, he was knocked back by a heavily drunk large dragoness who, for some reason, has went to the men's bathroom instead of the female's bathroom, which was left of the men's bathroom.

"H-Hey! Miss? Are you okay? This is the men's bathroom!" Spyro cried in alarm as he can smell the stench of alcohol coming from her muzzle.

Giggling, the dragoness fluttered her eyes open and saw that she was sprawled in an awkward position with her on top of Spyro. Strangely, the dragoness wasn't bothered by it, instead she just gave him a giggle and looked at him with sultry eyes.

"Oh my. *Hiccup!* It seems I have snagged myself a hero~" Sang the dragoness as she rubbed her moist slit against Spyro already hardening cock. The dragoness was twice as large as Spyro, almost as large as Thermia as she gyrate her hips against the smaller dragon, who was trying to push her away, but it seems she had Spyro in a deadlock position that even he cannot escape without hurting her.

"Miss! I seriously must implore you to-- Hmpph!" The purple dragon was silenced when she suddenly parted his lips with her muzzle, thrusting her long forked tongue and wiggled it deep past his throat as Spyro fought hard to push her away, but ended up failing as he succumbed to the horny female dragon's sexual needs. She continued to rub herself along Spyro's shaft while simultaneously throat fucking him. Her saliva dripped onto Spyro's maw causing him to shiver involuntarily.

She finally broke off from Spyro who took in massive breathes of air, only to look into his eyes seductively. "Mmmmmm..." Spyro felt the dragonesses warm breath tickle his earlobes making him shudder again. "...you taste delicious~"

She turned around, her pussy facing Spyro's face as her hot mouth wrapped itself tightly over Spyros throbbing member, sucking greedily like a hungry animal. His body tensed as pleasure coursed throughout every inch of his being. Making it fair, the dragoness brought down her pussy against Spyro's maw, almost suffocating her with her giant bitch ass pussy as he tried to inhale deep breaths of air, with it also comes with breathing in her musky dragoness scent.

Not wanting to get suffocated by a female dragon's vagina, Spyro clawed her ass and flailed around, earning a yelp from the drunk dragoness as she let go of the saliva covered cock that she was sucking like an ice cream.

"Oww! Y-You meany little dragon!" Noticing that Spyro was crawling away from her, she immediately pinned him down with her body as Spyro let out a big 'oof!'. Turned around, Spyro was about to retort when he saw the look she was giving him.

It was oddly the same look when he did something wrong to Cynder as the unmistakable feeling of dread ran through his body as he went against talking back.

"Now, don't move, or momma will get angry~" A violent shiver ran through his entire body as the the dragoness leaned down and nibbled Spyro's nape, causing him to shiver as her tail snaked to his own, intertwining them while her slit grinded harder against his crotch. Her weight pressed upon Spyro, forcing him to lay flat on his back as the dragoness started molesting faster now that Spyro couldn't resist anymore. His cock reached to its full mast, ridges underline his pole as the dragoness took advantage of their position and slammed her hips against his length repeatedly.

Her heavy panting filled Spyro's ears, mixed with her slurping noises and moans. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he was enjoying this. It was a strange sensation, having a larger dragoness ride his cock, especially one who was more than half his size. As if sensing Spyro's growing arousal, the dragoness began to bounce harder, making Spyro squirm from the intense stimulation.

"Ahem.. uhm.. hnnngggg..." He grunted as he felt his orgasm approaching quickly. "Y-Yeah.. yeah right there!" Deciding to forgone his loyalty to Cynder, he let the guilty pleasure took over his lust addled mind. "Nnhh... Fuuuuck!!"

He arched his neck and roared as the dragoness rode him harder, eliciting a loud moan from her as she tightened her grip around Spyro's waist. Her pace became frantic as Spyro found himself losing control. The dragoness' heavy panting was getting louder, mixing with the sounds of their flesh slapping together. Spyro felt the pressure mounting within his loins until he released inside her, cumming unceremoniously inside her tunnel, filling it to the brim with his seed.


After his climax subsided, Spyro laid still, letting the dragoness continue riding his dick. After a few seconds, she eventually stopped moving and collapsed atop him with her forelegs pinning him to the ground.

With his mind cleared of lust, he realized what happened, and despite his guilt of having sex behind her love, Spyro enjoyed the experience immensely. His tried to push her away, but she was still keeping a strong grip on his body that made it impossible to push her.

"Shit..." He cursed inwardly. If he wanted to escape, he'd have to hurt her somehow.

His head snapped towards her and he growled, showing teeth. "Let me up!"

But she simply giggled, rubbing her snout against Spyro's cheek. "No chance~" She cooed, looking at Spyro with those sultry eyes.

"I said, LET ME UP!"

The dragoness just booped him on the snoot and simply said, "No."

While Spyro was busy being raped by an MILF dragoness in the bathroom, he was fortunate enough to evade an unseen, odorless pink mist that wafted around the main hall. At that same time, the servants of the mansion were serving pink colored refreshments and some food that were spiked with drugs. The servants that brought them were wearing something that covered their muzzles so they are unaffected by the mist but the guests were unaware by it since they thought it is a uniform thing.

As the guests began inhaling the unforeseen mist and at the same time, eating the drugged food, things became a little bit frisky as the unmistakable urge to mate began to flood their minds.

After what felt like hours of heavenly sex, the two dragons busted out of the bathroom with his groin full of dragoness spunk. The dragoness that she came to know as Phyria got knocked out cold in the hallway covered in his and hers cum as she vowed to never tell Sparx about this and went on his way.

When he returned to the main hall, he was met with a strange scene. Almost every dragon around the hall was tipsy and a bit too drunk. A few dragon couples were also making out messily with tongue and all, assuming that they were couples to begin with. There were even some dragons who were very bold and were exposing their bulging cocks and rubbing their pussies as the crowd that was watching them cheered on.

Spyro smelled the air, suspicious that he might think there might be something, but there was none. He even tasted the food and drinks before and found out that none of them were anything that can be considered abnormal.

"Oh, fret not, my dear worry rat! Can you not envision that mischievous purple dragon reveling within, utterly immersed in an intoxicating merriment?" A lively voice resonated from the hallway, leaving him with a hazy inkling of the scene unfolding nearby, while a cunning strategy took shape within the recesses of his imaginative mind. Quickly, he pretended to be one of the horny dragons among the crowd, slurring his speech and occasionally showing off his cum-covered dick as the crowd cheered on. Some of them even touched Spyro's slit and licked them which he shivered from pleasure.

'Never thought I would say this, but thank the ancestors that I had sex with that dragoness earlier. It would solidify that I was infected by whatever happened here." Spyro thought to himself as two dragon servants came to him and touched his shoulders.

"Lord Spyro? Are you feeling fine?" One of the dragon servants warily asked as Spyro pretended to be drunk and horny.

"Oh I am feeling muuuuuch better than fine~" Said Spyro as he slurred his speech. "Well, you two look handsome~ Why don't you two handsome dragons join me for a drink here and get wasted huh?"

"Yup, he is perfect." Said the other dragon servant as the two guided Spyro out of the area, leaving behind the dragons who were about to start one giant massive orgy as a couple of dragon were beginning to be painted by white by the crowd.

As the two dragon servants guided a feigning drunk purple dragon to the gardens, they led him to a secluded part of the garden where no one could see. Once they arrived, Spyro noticed a small pond surrounded by flowers and bushes, along with a few benches sitting next to the water.

Nodding, the dragon servant covered Spyro's eyes with an enchanted blindfold, making the him unable to see as the purple dragon honest his senses to its fullest, trying to make sense on where they will be heading.

Hearing a click from in front of him, Spyro was surprised that the ground in front of him to vibrate violently, revealing an underground staircase that descended deep as far as the eye can see with only torches that lit the way. Of course, the blindfolded dragon won't be able to see, but at the very least, he can feel that they were going down due to the two servants guiding him.

They continued walking downwards without any interruption, passing several torches that lead deeper underground. Eventually, after traveling quite a distance, the stairs ended abruptly, leading them to another door that opened once again.

Spyro can hear muffled voices when they stood in front of the metal door. Without hesitation, the dragon servants removed his blindfold and pushed open the doors, allowing Spyro to enter the giant room beyond. His eyes bulged and his jaw dropped as he eyed the countless creatures that occupied the chamber. All of the creatures where being tied and gagged by some rubbery material against a metal slab, however strangely enough there weren't any dragons that were being tied up.

Their heavy moans filled room as his eyes were drawn to the thing that was wriggling on their groin. A long slimy black tentacle that wiggled with life snaked to one of the cheetahs and sucked on his dick hungrily, prompting the beast to gasp audibly. Another creature crawled onto an buxom minotaur's face and forced itself between her jaws, thrusting in and out while feeding her some icky pink substance as her pussy was forcibly being fucked by three tentacles. He can see the tentacles wriggling on her stomach, filling her up with a strange pink liquid that was unnervingly familiar to him.

Following the long trail of the black tentacles, Spyro was surprised to find out that the floor he was standing on was made up of metal grates as he can see the wriggling, pulsating mass of black tentacles underneath him.

"What is going on here?" Spyro asked the two servants who smiled at him.

"Oh them? You have nothing to worry about them Lord Spyro. " One of the servants said as he eyed the tentacles fucking the creatures. "They are mandatory volunteers who were willing to test the Master's artificially made golem." He eyed the creature underneath him and let out a shiver. "I was a volunteer once myself. Those tentacles are much more warm and moist than a female dragon's pussy. You should try one for yourself Lord Spyro, it was simply divine!"

The other dragon nodded as well, indicating that he too had the same experience as Spyro eyed the pink substance that was being deposited into each creature. "And what about that pink liquid?"

"Oh, those are just mild doses of aphrodisiac to keep them horny till the end of the day." The servant nonchalantly said as Spyro did a double take. Did he heard exactly what he had said?

"'End of the day'? Are you telling me that..." Spyro let the sentence hang as the two servants nodded.

"Yes my Lord. The process will last for at least twenty-four hours in order to experience the most sexual bliss that the golem can offer."

"I-I see..."

With his curiosity sated, Spyro made a mental note to try leave this information out when reporting to Terrador, his lustful instincts telling him that maybe trying one for just a little while won't hurt if the servants' word were to be taking into consideration.

While walking through the horny creatures that were experiencing heaven, Spyro couldn't help but feel very horny from the sexual intercourses that were happening around him. Meanwhile while looking at the two servants, they don't seem to be bothered by it. They seemed to enjoy themselves as they finally stood in front of another metal door. This time however, the door had runes scribed around it with a giant purple runic symbol on the middle of it.

Without saying a single word, both dragon servants placed their claws upon the door, causing it to move forward slightly until the entire thing slid aside to reveal another room where dragons of any species were having the same treatment as the creatures before.

"Oh. So this is where the volunteered dragons are being held." Spyro said aloud as the two dragon servants chuckled beside him.

"Yeah, well, dragons tend to be... violent when it comes to sex, so the Master had the idea to separate dragons from other species in case of some kind of accident."

"I see..." The purple dragon can feel his lustful desires welling up in his mind again, an indication of his cock leaving a trail of pre all the way as the two servants were already planning on drugging him by having him exposed to the musky, drugged air that surrounded the rooms. The two of them were unaffected however, because their muzzles are covered, but for Spyro, slowly but surely, his body was already feeling the effects of the drugs as they finally made their way in front of a wooden door that separated them from their Master.

When the two servants opened the door, he was then greeted by the stench of alcohol and sex. Countless dragons were too busy to notice the purple dragon's arrival as they were engaged in a sexy debauchery.

A familiar moan caught his attention when he noticed a familiar red dragon fucking a random dragoness as they were being covered by countless dragons who jerking their cocks and pointing it towards them.

He then noticed another familiar pink dragonesses whose head was bobbing back and forth as she received the dragon's seed inside her mouth. Her wings fluttered rapidly as her tail swayed side to side like a pendulum. Her ass was being ravaged by an older, possibly an elder dragon who's cock was at least larger than average that barely fit the pink dragon's asshole. Still she took it in like a champ as the elder dragon said dirty words unto her which made the scene even more arousing.

He felt his heart rate increase as he watched his fellow dragons around him fuck like wild animals. He can't believe that he was watching such lewd acts during his mission. For once he even thought of just strait out abandoning the mission and just jump straight into the orgy pit.

"Lord Spyro? Our Master is right there waiting for you." The servant's voice brought him back to reality as Spyro realized what he had just thought. Shaking his lust addled thoughts, the three dragons walked past the lewd orgies that were happening around them as they were about to meet this so called "Master".

However, when they reached the farthest point of the room, Spyro was stunned to see who that 'Master' was. What was even more shocking was the dragoness that was currently sucking that dragon's dick greedily like a straw.

"Malefor! Cynder..." Spyro looked at the familiar purple dragon that was currently receiving pleasure from multiple dragons at the same time.

"Ah~ If it isn't my favorite guest of honor~" The unmistakable dominating voice of the Dark Master rang through Spyro's ear as he shook his head in denial.

"N-No... This is... This is impossible!" Just when he was about to do something, countless tentacles appeared from below him as his limbs, wings, and muzzle suddenly got restrained as Malefor let out a 'tsk' while caressing Cynder's head who was balls deep into the dark purple dragon's enormous cock.

"Grr... That's it my little bitch~ Take that cock that you love so much." Malefor then smiled wickedly as he saw the face of despair of his guest.

"And as for you~"

With a snap of his claw, the tentacles that were not included in binding him snaked its way towards his cock as Spyro struggled to free himself. However, his struggles proved futile as the ropes tightened around his wrists and ankles preventing him from moving freely. It didn't stop there though, as the bindings also wrapped around his neck forcing him to stay still despite how hard he tried to break away.

"And as for you two," Malefor looked at the two servants as they couldn't help but feel aroused at the bondage treatment that Spyro was getting. "Why don't you two give our guest a warm welcome hmm~? It's only polite to do so."

Finally unable to restrain themselves after seeing the sights and the horny sounds that they went through, the two dragon servants began to surround Spyro and began to use him as to vent out their release. First came the male servant who knelt down next to Spyro's head and proceeded to lick his shaft clean, slurping loudly as saliva dripped off his tongue. Next, the second dragon approached Spyro's legs and started licking his thighs thoroughly making sure to get every bit of cum that leaked out from Spyro's slit. Finally after doing that, he moved towards Spyro's ass, thoroughly licking the crack in his butt hole and lapping at the puckered opening.

Meanwhile, Cynder choked on the obscenely large dick that was deep in her throat as Malefor grabbed her horns and pushed her head deep against his groin. She coughed violently as she gagged repeatedly, eventually spitting out strands of spit mixed along the length of the phallus. As soon as the gag reflex subsided, the dragon pulled out, throwing Cynder to the ground as Malefor stood up with his throbbing, pulsating shop looming over her with a menacing aura.

"Now, my queen, it is time for the moment that you've been waiting for." Malefor said with a wicked green as he loomed over Cynder who's right eye was turning dark purple. "Lay on your back you bitch."

"Hmmph! HMMMPH!" Spyro's muffled plea was music to Malefor's ears as he smirked evilly. Lining his hips up between Cynder's spread open legs, he positioned himself perfectly. With a grunt, he plunged into her depths without warning. His member stretched her insides beyond belief as she screamed in pain due to the sudden intrusion.

Cynder could hardly breathe as she gasped for breath amidst the massive organ filling her completely. Even breathing caused her lungs to ache horribly as she inhaled deeply, gasps escaping her lips uncontrollably. After several seconds passed, the initial discomfort faded away as the dragon pounded harder and faster into her tightness. Soon enough, she found herself enjoying the rough pounding, moaning softly as she cooed approvingly.

Soon after, her moans were muffled when Malefor brought his muzzle for a long, sloppy wet kiss, plunging his tongue deep into her maw while he looked wickedly at Spyro who was having mixed feelings about this.

Seeing his supposed-to-be mate raped in front of him has a certain hotness that made him even more aroused than ever as the servants that were preparing him were finally done as heavy footsteps came behind him accompanied by a familiar voice.

"Well, well, well~ Now this is a sight for sore eyes~" Thermia's deep voice cut through the horny moans of the orgy around them as he looked at the restrained hero and then to Malefor. "I take it he is mine to use?"

Still busy making out with Cynder, the other purple dragon just gave him a wink, which was all Thermia need as he got behind Spyro, studying his untouched ass. "You two did a marvelous job preparing him. You two can do whatever you want for the day. Dismissed."

With their jobs done, the two servants allowed themselves to join the other dragons in their orgies who were now having a massive orgasm. Fortunately, the pink mist that wafted around the room kept their lust always at hyper levels so the debauchery was never ending.

In response to what was about to happen to him, the purple dragon closed his eyes tightly hoping that things would somehow resolve itself quickly. But instead, he felt a new sensation behind his back as he can feel the familiar prod of a certain dragon's dick that he had tasted back in the room. A tingle ran across his spine followed by a rush of warmth throughout his body as a soft hum escaped his vocal chords.

"Rurrr~ You have no idea, how much I wanted that ass for far too long, 'Lord' Spyro~" Thermia said as he mounted Spyro.

The dragon groaned audibly as he thrust forward burying himself deeper within Spyro's rear entrance until he hit bottom. Then with one final push, he buried himself fully inside the bound dragon's rectum causing him to gasp harshly before letting loose a loud roar.

Thermia continued to pound Spyro mercilessly as if trying to make up for the time he tried to seduce him back in the room. The purple dragon's cock swayed with each thrust as the muffled pained groans from the purple dragon began to grew larger with each thrust. As he was being fucked mercilessly, Spyro felt his arousal rising to the point where his cock grew hard that he hated it. Added to the fact that he was watching Cynder being raped by Malefor and that it was so hot too look at just made him wish that everything ended already.

But unfortunately, the dragon wasn't going anywhere anytime soon since Thermias stamina seemed endless.

Meanwhile, Cynder was screaming louder than ever as Malefor pulled back and grounded his barbed, knotted dick harder into her abused pussy. Each forceful slam sent shockwaves coursing through her entire body as she cried out in pleasure. The corruption that he planted in her has begun to take its toll as her other eye began to turn purple.

"That's it, succumb to me my queen~ Bear my eggs~!" Malefor growled as his orgasm was fast approaching.

Her screams became shriller yet softer as she nodded fervently. Her mind broken, she lay limp below as Malefor growled, battering his knot against her tight slit. Meanwhile, Thermias pace quickened as he took advantage of the situation and rammed himself further into Spyro's asshole. The dragon grunted and cursed as he forced himself deeper and deeper, eliciting squeals of agony from the captive dragon.

With his thrusts getting faster by the second, it was without question that his orgasm was fast approaching as well. He knew that once he cums, Spyro won't last very long either. And judging from the amount of fluids leaking from his cock, he figured that he wouldn't be able to hold out for long anyway.

So why bother holding anything back? Why try to prolong such an inevitable event? Instead, his corrupted thoughts decided to go full force and enjoy the ride

As he neared climax, Thermia gripped onto Spyro's tail tighter as he slammed himself into the helpless dragon. In return, Spyro clenched his muscles around Thermia's cock as he rode out the waves of ecstasy. His mind succumbed to the corruption as he let out pleasurable grunts.

With one huge thrust, the dragon hilted himself inside Spyro, his knot spreading his ass wide apart. Instantly, he felt another wave of heat wash over him as he exploded as Thermia spewed copious amounts of seed into Spyro's bowels. Unable to control himself, the ice dragon bit hard into Spyro's neck, marking him as his as the purple dragon groaned from the pain.

At the same time, Cynder rode the pleasurable feeling of ecstasy as Malefor jackhammers his pussy intent on filling it with his cum, his barbs making the experience a hundred times more stimulating for her, scraping her walls as she savored every moment his master was doing to her. Unfortunately all good times come to an end as Malefor did one huge thrust and knotted inside her, sealing her fate as the Dark Master's bitch as involuntary gurgles left her mouth.

A stream of her feminine juices turned into a tsunami as it got mixed by the Malefor's cum, the inevitable sign of her bearing his clutch in the future will be a tale told in the future as the older purple dragon bit her neck as a sign of his claim.

With the two dragons of legend finally captured and corrupted, nothing stands between Malefor and his conquest of conquering Warfang secretly.

Removing himself from the unconscious dragoness, he looked at Thermia who was still cumming inside his former nemesis.

"So, how does it feel to finally fuck the dragon that you formerly admire?" Malefor asked as he stepped over Cynder and went his way to the ice dragon and an unconscious Spyro.

He chuckled again as Thermia replied. "It feels so amazing..."

Malefor raised an eyebrow as Thermia immediately corrected himself. "I mean, not as amazing as yours Master~"

"That's better~" Grabbing the ice dragon's head, Malefor gave him one sloppy kiss as Thermia groaned in return.

Breaking off, the two of them panted as Thermia lewdly looked at Malefor and said, "Next time we are on bed, I'll be the one on top."

"And that you will, you deserve it~"

Malefor licked his muzzle as he imagined ruling the entire city with an iron claw.

Today Warfang, tomorrow the world.

---The End---

Greed of Dragons - Chapter 2

"...Dart?" Derg said with disbelief, his innocent eyes filled with surprise as the dragon that he thought he would never see again was standing in front of him. The white dragon examined Dart'tharan's body, and sure enough, the mark where the former...

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Dragon's Parasitic Pleasure

Dragon's Parasitic Pleasure By Nightdraklin --- \*grumble\* Derg sighed as his stomach has bellowed for the fifth time this afternoon. Despite having wandered through the outskirts of his safe haven and into an unexplored...

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Greed of Dragons - Chapter 1

Dart'tharan tugged his knot out of a male dragon below him. A simple yet kinky process was done, the essence and strength of a dragon were almost literally pushed away by the amount of cum that filled their belly as the teal drake licked his fangs....

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