What's good for the goose

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#47 of 2023 Shorts

After a long and happy life together, things start getting boring and cold after their kids leave home. A devoted married couple decide to spice up their life with living out their most private sexual fantasies involving each other.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Foreword: Just a little short story done in an hour or two to try get my mind working again. This was not one of the planned stories I have been working on, just a random idea that popped into my head this morning after recent conversations with a friend.


"Not used to being on this end of the dick, are you old timer?" The young black bull snorted as he gripped Leland by the base of the tail, using it to pull the older wolf a little further back and a little deeper onto his thick fleshy spear.

"Nffuck...no...never have been...on the receiving end b...before" the large black wolf with white badger like stripes down his back growled. His muscles rippled beneath his black coat flecked with the silvery grey of his age, while his claws scratched at the cheap white linen sheets of the motel bed beneath him.

"C'mon big guy, even your wife took it better than this and she's like half your size" Dom laughed and gave a little buck of his hips forward, sinking another couple inches up the reluctant lupine's posterior. For an old guy, Leland was still in great shape, he had to admit. A little softer around the belly maybe, but he still had defined shoulders and arms and a rather pert behind for a guy. Dom vaguely recalled a similar physique to Leland's being referred to as a muscle dadbod by his girlfriend at some point.

It had sounded good on paper, but in reality, it was something else. After years of marriage, doing the whole two and a half kids thing with a white picket fence, things had gotten a bit stale once the empty nest syndrome began kicking in. That was when they'd sought help from a marriage counselor and eventually a sex therapist when things in their bedroom got rather cold. The sex therapist had recommended discussing their deepest fantasies, opening up and being vulnerable to try to rekindle those feelings of intimacy. Perhaps even living out a few of their fantasies would help ignite their passion for one another again.

Leland had always fantasized about seeing his pretty little wife with another man, even one of his friends. But she'd always been so devoted to him, he never thought she'd do it or even consider it. He was also very old school and such things were improper, a married couple was meant to be devoted to one another and no one else. They weren't even meant to look at anyone but their partner with a roaming eye, that was just how marriage was done back in the day! Surprisingly, she had agreed to live out his fantasy, provided he live out hers and she got to choose their partner.

Right about the halfway mark, Leland began to wish he'd asked for more information about Kelly's fantasy. If he had, he'd know that she fantasized about watching him with another man. Not just that, but someone that would make him groan like he made her groan when they made love. He didn't know what was more surprising, that his pretty little wife he'd thought was so innocent harbored such lewd thoughts about him; or that she was sitting close by and touching herself while the bull rearranged his guts.

"This is so exciting..." he'd heard his wife say as she leaned forward to watch the moment Dom's blunt cocktip kissed against his virgin pucker and began to push past it. Her slender black furred fingers had dipped down between her thighs to just touch herself lightly at first, but the more Leland groaned in pain and discomfort, the faster and more eager her touching became. He couldn't believe his little vixen was getting off on him groaning in pain while the bull who had practically cored her out not that long ago now deflowered his backside too!

"Almost there, champ" Dom huffed and puffed as he slowly worked himself deeper into the married wolfs behind for his wife's pleasure. The large wolf couldn't help but grunt and groan in discomfort as his tail hole was stretched wide around the girthy fuckstick he'd enjoyed watching his little vixen ride earlier. He'd enjoyed the faces and sounds she'd made as Dom lay back and let her impale herself on his ebony tower, she truly did look so radiant and beautiful as she rode the young man to climax. The way her long golden hair cascaded down about her angelic face, how her limbs trembled in ecstasy, even her cries of pleasure were like a sweet symphony to his ears. Now that it was his turn, he wasn't so sure this was all a good idea suddenly. He was a proud soldier for God's sake, he'd fought in wars, hell he'd even been shot twice! But even that somehow didn't compare to taking a massive bull dick up his shitter. Leland almost would have preferred to be stabbed again with a knife rather than let Dom go any further. "There you go, all the way in...that wasn't so bad, was it?" the bull smirked and gave the wolfs backside a mocking little pat.

Leland could feel those large balls of Dom's nestled up behind his own smaller by comparison sack. They were so big and heavy they hung low between the black bull's thick muscled thighs, but now he could feel them twitching and pulsing against his own balls as they prepared to empty another voluminous load right up his tail pipe. Goddamit, what did he get himself into? It wasn't bad enough the damned bull was hung, but he was less than half their age. He was younger than their own youngest fucking kid! Kelly had wanted to make sure she had someone that could service them both, but the fucker hadn't even gone soft between hollowing out his vixen and then getting him kneeling on the bed like a bitch. He'd even used some of Kelly's femcum and his own slick seed as lubricant to break in Leland's backdoor, how humiliating to be fucked with the cum of his wife and her lover as some of the lube to help him lose his anal virginity.

He loved his wife, he truly did. Seeing the fire in her eyes after all these years really made him happy, he just wished it didn't have to be while he was on his hands and knees with the world's biggest cock up his ass. It was demeaning, it made him feel weak and powerless, like he was less of a man for it. But then, she never complained when she was in that position with him, did she? Leland frowned as he thought about it, he'd done this to her countless times over the years and at most she'd just clicked her tongue at him when he got a little too eager. Kelly had taken it in her stride all these years and he knew he wasn't the smallest in that department either, but in all that time she'd never denied him once.

She'd also fulfilled his fantasy of being with another man when he knew she had never even thought about it in all their time together. She'd done that for him and only him; goddamn he loved his wife. With his hands gripping the sheets tightly, Leland grit his teeth and began to rock back a little, letting out louder groans and even a whimper as the bull started to pull back and thrust forward under his held aloft tail. Leland accepted his new position, he wanted to give his wife the show she deserved, even if he felt like a ten-pound weakling for willingly submitting to another man.

"Ready old man?" Dom grinned down at the back of Leland's head, his thick fingers gripping the older wolfs tail and about his waist to hold him in place. The bull loved breaking in newbies, even better if he got to nail their wives first too. Kelly was a naturally slender and busty vixen also, which was just his type. She'd kept her long curly strawberry blond hair and bright green eyes, along with her youthful energy. He'd initially thought she was half her age when he'd first met her for coffee after chatting on the hookup app. There was something about fucking a milf that never failed to excite him, sure as shit, she fit the bill and then some. He couldn't ask for a more perfect setup either, her husband wasn't a small wimpy pencil dick either. Leland was a big toned wolf, ex-military like his own dad, with a cock that almost rivaled his own. Goddamn he loved fucking a real man, it felt so damned primal and empowering to turn a big dicked wolf into his bitch. It was so exciting in fact, that Dom had to force himself to slow down and enjoy the tight virgin rear gripping like a vice around him before he popped too early. Not that it mattered, he was good for a few rounds regardless. He just had plans on making both husband and wife kneel side by side with their tails lifted, so he could plow both their behinds and see which was better. He loved doing a lewd side by side comparison, it wasn't often that he got a chance like this.

Kelly watched with rapt attention as her big, strong husband submitted to another man for the first time in his life. Leland had never so much as had a prostate check, despite her trying to convince him it was for his own good. "Bet that finger won't feel so big now..." she idly thought to herself with a devious smile once Dom's hips finally pressed flush against her husband's behind. She hadn't actually thought he'd go through with it, hell, even if he'd wanted to back out of this, she'd have let him. She really didn't want him to do something he didn't want to do in the first place. But he was a stubborn sort, even if it meant giving up his ass to a young strapping bull half his age. He was also very honorable, he always stood by his promises, he always did what he said he'd do. She really admired him for that, he had true integrity which was in very short supply these days. While he also was able to admit he was wrong sometimes, he still never stopped to ask for directions however.

There was just something about seeing her husband, someone she considered to be a real man's man, submit to another male that excited her. Her handsome masculine protector, on his hands and knees with another man under his tail. She'd let Leland do those things with her before, so she knew exactly how it felt. He'd been her first too, there was always something special about that first time, she knew he'd remember this for the rest of his life. The pained whimpers and groans were oddly exciting, he never showed or acknowledged pain since she'd known him, so to hear him make those noises now was...something special. She couldn't quite describe it, but it was tickling her in unexpected ways and making her so damned horny, she just couldn't keep her hands off herself. As she watched the bull's thick veined ebony shaft pull back, only to sink back between Leland's firm white buttocks, again and again, her own fingers toyed with her nipple and clit alike. She'd already cum twice from the display, but it felt like there was an unquenchable fire within her that would not be sated so easily.

Leland's ears twitched as he heard the sudden intake of his wife's breath, followed by a low groan. He knew those sounds all too well, he'd brought them about enough by his own hands to know she'd climaxed again. His ears lay back flat against his salt and pepper hair in embarrassment, something about his wife getting off right beside him as he did such unnatural things was oddly exciting. Perhaps it was just the fact the young bull's thick cumvein was constantly grinding against his prostate as he started to move, but the old wolf felt himself quickly rising to full mast and even his slick precum started to drip to the motel bed beneath him. "Fuck..." he groaned deeply, growling and gritting his teeth when he felt his own balls beginning to churn with the growing need to cum. Leland didn't want to do that however; being made to climax from this, from being bred like a bitch, that was something he wasn't sure his pride could take. A part of him worried that Kelly would look at him differently if he did, maybe she'd even love him less somehow. Maybe she already did, now that he'd let another man breed him?

"It's okay, you can finish. I want you to, please...for me?" Kelly's face appeared beside him to say, while she brushed his hair back behind an ear and kissed him on the cheek. It was as if she'd been reading his mind somehow and knew what he needed to hear, she was always there to support him when he needed her, his perfect angel. His beautiful vixen was right there beside him, letting him know it was okay to give in. Her soft fingers even reached beneath his belly to grasp his bouncing and jumping cock to grip and stroke slowly, adding that extra bit of pleasure to take him over the edge. With a loud howl, Leland finally let loose with the biggest climax he'd ever had. His hot white seed sprayed up high enough to catch his chestfur even, leaving a sizable wet spot on the motel bed to rival his wife's own.

"Not done yet, pops" Dom noted playfully as he felt the old wolf contracting and squeezing around him with every jet of his seed beneath. The bull figured he was in the clear to reach his own finish now as well, he'd outlasted the husband at least. With firm grip on Leland's tail to force it up higher, Dom watched as his thickness began to thrust in and out of the clenching pink pucker faster and harder. Soon his hips were clapping lightly against the wolf's backside, being accented with a soft grunt or groan, helped along by his beautiful wife lovingly kissing and soothing her husband. Finally, Dom couldn't hold back any longer and with one final hard thrust to sheath himself in his latest cuck ass, he blew his hot messy load up the old wolf's back passage. Again, he shivered as he felt the old man clench and quiver around him from the feeling of having his young virile bull seed flood him unnaturally.

It was the best climax Dom had had in ages, his vision went bright white and even his ears started ringing. The large black bulls entire form trembled and twitched as he bucked and ground his twitching cock under the wolfs tail. His large balls were tucked up against his groin, twitching and jumping with every hot spurt of his young virile seed firing uselessly into someone's father's ass, as if he were trying to breed the old bastard.

For a long moment there was nothing but silence once Dom's climax finished, Kelly lay beside Leland as she gently and lovingly stroked his hair. Dom remained fully hilted in the old wolf for a little longer, before finally withdrawing himself from under the canine's tail and moving over to flop down and lay beside the vixen. Leland finally lowered his hips to the bed, his tail instinctively curling down between his thighs as his asshole ached from being stretched and pounded so hard.

"So, how was your first beef injection?" Dom asked with a teasing smile, grinning at the old wolf as he turned to lay on his side and cuddled into his wife.

"I've had worse..." Leland replied nonchalantly and trying to sound tough again.

"No, you fucking haven't..." Kelly piped up; the vixen was not prone to swearing, so her sudden outburst set off both men into a fit of laughter.

Somewhere we belong

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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