Most Dangerous Cure

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When a runner breaks into a facility to gain a cure for her eyesight, she finds that there is much more that she gets after getting what is believed to be a cure-all. Like any experimental treatment there are definitely some side-effects that weren't on the tin.

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For most that traveled the streets of the megacity they were unaware of what went on under their noses. The island of Manhattan was that of skyscrapers that held most of the offices for the megacorps that ran the place and down below were the shops, shows, and other things to keep those that worked in such places content with their jobs. In fact only two people really knew what happened underneath the pavement; those that had created the facilities deep underground and those that attempted to rob them. Sterling was one of the latter, the kitsune adjusting her glasses as she used the drones that hovered around her to make sure she didn't bump into anyone.

While she was blind it didn't stop her from doing the work that most people only heard rumor about, and more than once she had used it to her advantage as the rigger made her way towards her destination. Often she could explain her presence somewhere as mistaken direction or a malfunction in her units that fed her information. For this mission though after a certain point there would be no talking her way out of the place she was heading towards as she went down an alley away from the evening crowds. Underground facilities within megacity limits were quite illegal, though that didn't stop megacorps from building them anyway their secrecy was paramount and that meant anyone caught inside would likely disappear rather than get caught by the cops.

As Sterling switched one of her drones to sonar mode though there was a reason why she was willing to take the risk and was doing the mission she had taken solo. The item that the client was looking to steal was from a pharmaceutical company and it was believed that they had found something that would be able to fully restore her eyesight. It was powerful motivation for her as sometimes there would be spots where drones weren't allowed and despite it being the latest in biotech that directly interfaced with her mind there were deficiencies to the set-up as well. While she had been making due for all this time the kitsune was ready to see everything clearly as she continued to walk down the alley.

Finally her drone found the secret entrance to the facility, hidden behind a false wall and dumpster. Even though her client didn't give her much to go on Sterling knew that most of the time these places had an alternate entrance from the main one in case the building was being raided so employees could get out. Normally one couldn't get in from it but a program from a friend allowed her to bypass the encryption on the lock and fake an alarm just in that area to get it to open. It was a risky venture but Sterling knew once she was inside things would be easier as the dumpster slid aside and the wall opened up to reveal a staircase leading downwards.

After a moment of hesitation Sterling walked down with her drones leading the way. It didn't take long before the door slid shut behind her and effectively sealed her in, reaching the point of no return in this particular mission. Her plan once she had obtained the sample was to find the main entrance and hope that this facility wasn't a lobster trap as she got down to the facility proper. After doing a quick scan on the area to make sure her drones wouldn't be detected the kitsune began to make her way through the hall while looking for her prize.

There was a sterile smell in the air and Sterling found that there were a lot of sanitation protocols that were going on as she touched the stainless steel hallway. While she had guessed that a facility like this was probably doing unsanctioned testing the safeguards that she found while she made her way through could be considered as overkill. There was also something else that she noticed quickly, that there were no other people she could sense in the area. She had specifically chosen to go later at night to make sure that there wouldn't be many that had to be avoided, but the deeper she got the more she found that it was mostly drones that were taking care of things.

That was actually just fine for her as the kitsune used her abilities to hack into several of the drones to keep her tracks hidden and find out where she needed to go. While others may have a problem dealing with such advanced security measures she found herself with the advantage, as long as she didn't bump into another rigger that would possess these machines she could manipulate them to make sure that her presence went undetected. The more she dug into the processes of these drones the more that her mission started to become slightly more worrisome, especially when she saw the protocols for containment breach. Suddenly Sterling was aware that sometimes clients eliciting illegal activity weren't always the most forthright when it came to their knowledge and she wondered if she wasn't getting duped.

At this point though Sterling was all in and had already managed to get down towards the research division of the lab. Once more there were no people and the sight of only seeing robot drones floating around was an eerie sensation. More than once she had to stop and hack into sensors that were specifically calibrated to detect organic life and make sure they didn't read her biosignature. Though there were a few close calls the kitsune was able to maneuver their way to her destination and found herself standing in front of a heavy steel door.

Becoming less enthused by this mission by the second, Sterling thought to herself as she found several inches of metal between her and the sample she was supposed to steal. There were several locks to get in with several being biometric in nature, which was strange considering how hard they were making sure that organic material wasn't here, but fortunately with her upgraded drones it was just a matter of finding things around the lab that she could use. The drones had organic interfaces that not only helped her see but also were useful in picking up things like errant DNA or fingerprints and using them to bypass the locks of the door that she had her back against.

Eventually with the combined efforts of her drones and the tools she had brought along Sterling found the door slowly opening and a plume of cold air pouring out of it. Even with her grey fur she found herself shivering slightly as she went into the cold storage with one of her drones to scan the area. It turned out that there wasn't much to scan as the entire vault only held one sample in it, the small vial of liquid glowing with an unearthly green hue as it sat in the middle of a burn chamber. Even though it didn't deter her from her goal the fact that this was the only sample in the lab made her wonder just what was this lab working on that required all these layers of security for one little sample?

After looking around for a few moments Sterling found something to transport the vial in, carefully grabbing it while her drones downloaded files from the nearby computers to help her make sense of what she was taking. As soon as she stepped over the threshold with the metal box however the vault door nearly snapped shut on her tails as alarms began to ring out through the lab. A quick scan showed that the biosensors had gone off despite her best efforts to keep them suppressed as she began to ran. The tech must be keyed in to this specific organic signature, Sterling thought to herself as she clutched the box, but that wasn't going to stop her from making her escape as she ran back towards the way she had come in.

With stealth no longer being on the table Sterling went to her back-up plan, mentally calling in another drone that was still outside as security drones began to swarm into the tunnel. More than once she had to call in her own drones to attack the ones coming at her as bullets and electrical discharges were exchanged while she kept her head down. After nearly being shot she did a scan of the security response and found that the containment protocols had been activated and that they were about to burn the lab with her still in it! Fortunately she had a few minutes as they appeared to be dumping their data first, but as soon as their servers were purged this place would turn into one big incinerator.

Sterling had managed to get fairly close to the exit before the security drones had pinned her down, but as she took out her own gun and fired on them she knew she didn't have time to wait around. It seemed like they were pinning her down on purpose to keep her in the lab, a sentiment that was confirmed when she managed to possess one of them. But it wasn't just a response to an intruder, the orders were to make sure that nothing organic left the lab. That's why it was targeting her drones too, since they had an biometric signature despite not really being alive, and though it caused her to frown Sterling knew what she had to do.

With a few commands all her drones zipped off in different directions after she had boosted the signal on them while masking her own. The security drones immediately started to give chase and for a few brief moments the way to the stairwell was opened. As she got up the stairs she could feel the heat increasing and knew that it was the primers being lit, which meant that she didn't have long before this place was filled with thermite or whatever they were using to destroy the lab. Her heart pounded in her chest as she ran as fast as she could up to the secret door and found a thick slab of steel between her and the outside world.

Though the background noise from all the alarms made it difficult for her to keep in contact with her drones outside Sterling was able to shift her perspective to the oni drone outside, which she had ordered to rip away the wall for her arrival. It was one of her strongest drones she had and with taking direct control she could find the weak points in the door and override them to get it to open enough. While possessing the machine she could feel her organic body heating up and induced an even greater sense of urgency as it began to push the entire thing upwards. The screeching of gears could be heard as the metal lifted up, and when it got high enough the kitsune risked being crushed underneath to scramble to the other side.

Sterling felt the flames practically lick against her tails as she used a drone to help pull herself to the other side, the oni drone dropping the metal door back into place. Even with the blast door in place she could feel the heat radiating from the other side as everything in the lab itself was burnt to a crisp. Though she lamented the loss of her drones it was better then herself as she slowly got to her feet and brushed herself off. It was unlikely that the cops were going to be called on the scene but the kitsune hopped a ride on her drone anyway to get out of there quickly before any megacorp private security came to make sure she didn't escape.

About an hour later Sterling found herself back in her own hideout, or rather one that she shared with a few others, breathing a sigh of relief when she found her scans brought back nothing of the lab she had infiltrated or anyone looking for her. Though she would keep her guard up or a while it seemed she had managed to get away without anyone noticing her or her drone's presence. She had also contacted the client and told them about the success of the mission and when to drop off the package so she could get paid. The client was ecstatic and told her that they could arrange a meet within the hour to make sure the contents were delivered safely.

While normally an expedited meet time would be fine this time it left the kitsune with a dilemma. Most of the records she had found on the lab server were heavily encrypted about the project, but once she gave over the sample she would never have access to it again. What little she could read did tout the substance having regenerative properties and that it was being looked to as a panacea for a variety of conditions. The only question was whether she was willing to risk the side-effects on something that could restore her sight as she found herself mulling over the metal box.

With time ticking down Sterling finally opened the storage container and grabbed the vial, carefully opening it before taking a nearby bottle of eye drops while her drones hovered around her. With no time for gloves or other precautions she made sure her movements were steady and deliberate as she used the tip of the bottle to suck up a bit of the liquid, then tapped off the access and set it aside. Though part of her thought to just leave the sample like that as she recapped and put the vial back inside she wasn't sure how long it would be viable like that. When she checked the time however she didn't have time to apply them now and put the bottle in her pocket before heading out to make the trade.

The hand-off happened exactly as Sterling had hoped, the kitsune walking down the path of the arboretum minus one metal box and several hundred thousand credits richer. It was quite the lucrative payday and there was still one perk left that she had yet to explore. As she walked near a pond she found the large park to be mostly empty with only criminals like herself and the exceptionally bold making the way through the grounds, and her anxiousness to try out the cure on herself was too much to bear. She sat down on the nearby bench and put her drones onto standby mode before pulling out the dropper and holding it in her hands.

There was still a bit of hesitation on using an untested, unresearched cure, but she found her desire to see override any cautiousness on her part and lifted the bottle in the air. With her drones shut off she had to guess but fortunately she had done it so many times it was second nature. After taking a breath she gave the bottle a squeeze and found the liquid hitting its mark and causing her to blink for a few times. As she moved it over to put it in the other eye she could already see a strange green glow instead of the usual blackness that came with her being disconnected.

Once the second drop was in Sterling chucked the empty bottle into the trash and sat back on the bench as the glow got stronger. As the second ticked by she wondered if perhaps this was all there was or if maybe she waited too late to apply them, only to let out a slight gasp as the glow began to clear and she saw something form in the middle of her vision. It was the stars of the sky; they were hazy at first but as she blinked a few times and that green coloration receded to the edges of her newfound sight she could see the moon in the sky along with the stars and the flashing lights of the satellites above. The kitsune found themselves with their hands against their faces as the haze of her eyes continued to clear and she saw things in detail more vivid then even what her best drones could provide.

"I can't believe that actually worked," Sterling said to herself with a chuckle as she stood up, commanding her drones to head back to her place since she no longer needed them. "Also can't believe I just did that... of course what would it have done wrong, made me more blind?" As she continued to look around in awe she felt her eyes starting to water a bit with tears dripping down her fur, which prompted her to go to the edge of the pond and clean herself up.

After splashing a bit of water on her face Sterling looked down at the surface and caught her reflection. While she was used to seeing herself in the cameras of her drones it was the first time she was actually looking at herself from her own point of view, though as she watched herself examine her head she noticed something that caught her off guard. Her irises were the most intense shade of green she had ever seen and almost looked like they were glowing. It reminded her of the color of the serum she had just used and as she leaned in closer it looked like the area around her eyes was turning black and rubbery as another tear formed at the corner of her eye that was an iridescent green.

As the droplet of green rippled the water after dropping down her muzzle Sterling gasped and had to blink a few times, only to find that the coloration was starting to spread over the whites of her eyes. Her pupil was also starting to become narrower and the black skin around her eyes was starting to spread. While she had been prepared that there might be side-effects the physical changes happening to her face were being accompanied by strange thoughts that were starting to swirl around in her head. At first she thought it was just due to seeing her new look but as she backed away from the reflection and brought her hands to her face she felt a very strange sensation that took the kitsune by surprise.


The feeling nearly knocked her back as the feeling seemed to grow more potent in her mind, which was not what she wanted to have in the middle of a park. As she rubbed her face to try and get her senses back Sterling's fingers began to grow stiff and felt smoother than usual. When she pulled them back she saw that they were starting to merge together and she was unable to bend them as the fur fell away. At first she thought that they were turning into some sort of tentacles but as the flesh knit together it was hardening and turning a bright white like a claw or spike.

This was way beyond the typical side-effect, though as Sterling tried to recall her drones she was having a hard time concentrating. Even if she could get to a doc wagon she wasn't sure what she would tell them the problem was since she had just used an experimental mutagen on herself. As the kitsune tried to think of what to do she felt her muzzle twitching and with her hands unable to do much she used them to get back to the edge of the water. When she looked down at herself she gasped as not only did the green glow continue to corrupt her eyes but the black rubbery skin had assimilated most of her face and her upper vulpine muzzle, though as what looked like a pair of whiskers poked their way out from it her gasp revealed her inner mouth glowing with a similar neon green hue.

As her tongue swelled and began to stretch out her already partially transformed jaws the carnal sensation of desire had continued to grow in her body. It felt like every movement of her clothing against her fur was causing her to go into more desire and imagined this being like going into heat as her breasts pressed against her shirt. With no way to remove it, her hands growing so heavy that it was hard for her to lift them, all she could do was arch her back as her tongue pushed past her lips. Glowing droll began to leak down her cheek and neck that caused the remaining fur on it to dissolve as it felt like her entire chest was growing, though as she looked down she found that something was happening to her pussy.

If it wasn't for the thick appendage of her glowing green tongue that was practically draped across her neck she would have let out a loud groan as the groin of her pants began to bulge out. It quickly caused the seams of her clothing down there to pop and as she found her back becoming more flexible she was able to bend herself up and see that not only was her clit a shiny black and pushing out but her pussy was throbbing with it pushing out also. She was growing... a cock... but something was also happening to her snatch as green goo began to leak from both appendages. Just as she saw the new appendage wiggling in the air her tightening shirt began to pop at the buttons as the green-stained fabric showed multiple tendrils wiggling around underneath and stimulating her chest.

Though she knew deep down she should be horrified there was something so primal about her transformation that it was causing her corrupted mind to want more. As more goo leaked out of her nostrils while her nose merged with her growing muzzle she found her tongue licking around it, finding the sensation to cause her growing body to practically convulse. Her clothing was quickly becoming tatters from her expanding frame as she was growing much, much bigger than she had been before. As she managed to roll onto her stomach she once more saw a face staring back at her, but it was not the vulpine one that he had seen before...

...and it was smiling.

The glowing mouth tentacle that her tongue had become waggled about in the air as her head slumped forward. Though her head was practically stretching outwards along the back to form into several head tentacles all that Sterling got was an intense pleasure and even more lust. Her head was becoming completely alien and as her new whiskers grew she could see her breasts pushing their way out, though with each time her body pulsated it felt like her entire torso was thickening. The shiny black alien skin had taken over most of her body by this point and as her legs burst from her pants they began to split with tentacles spreading over the grass while also caressing over her increasingly thick cock-like tentacle while smaller tendrils emerged from her mutating folds. Her form was becoming less humanoid by the second but she found herself unable to care about that, especially when she felt her new member get engulfed by her own pussy and began to pump against it.

The sensation of essentially having sex with herself fueled the growth that she had, the remaining patches of fur sloughing off and dissolving away under the glowing green goo that oozed from her flesh. Her arms and legs were completely mutated and completely unrecognizable; what used to be her arms had become thick, muscular limbs with her merged fingers forming into a deadly spike that she felt she could drive into the ground while her legs had massively bloated before splitting apart into a mass of tentacles that slithered around the ground. As her pussy hips continued to swell it grew almost as big as her upper body as she began to feel it filling with something more than just her own new maleness that had gotten pulled inside. The monstrous creature was no longer thrashing about from her body growing massive, instead it was from the waves of pleasure she was getting as a pair of tentacles rose up from her shoulders that had a pair of pedals which opened to reveal a single eye in each.

The Bal'Kar, as soon she made contact with the glowing orbs of her new controller tentacles she knew exactly what she had become. Her thick tongue slithered over her own mouth as the thinner disintegrator tentacles crackled with energy while wiggling about on her monstrous muzzle. More information than she had ever thought possible was flooding into her mind as she connected with others like her, including the one that the lab below had gotten their essence from. Though this would have been unreal Sterling's heavily corrupted mind was eager to share in the connection, at least until she sensed movement coming in from both above and through the ground.

With her transformation being mostly complete the Bal'Kar knew that it was likely the megacorp that she had previously taken the serum from, which meant that it would be best for her to go. While she was quickly growing to be taller than some of the trees in the park that would just leave her more exposed and vulnerable to attack. As the rest of the hive that she had psychically linked with explained to her the details of how she would escape she slid her body into the nearby pond, feeling her tentacles sink down into the mud as she used her new basher tentacles in order to expand the coast line and hide her secretions. While it probably wouldn't work for the long-term it would be long enough for what she needed to do as her shiny black head dipped down beneath the surface with her eyes watching the headlights roll in before dropping down below completely...

After about twenty minutes the emergency response team had quarantined off the entire park, helicopters flying about overhead as several discussed how they were going to find the source of the signal that they had tracked. Most of the people involved had on hazmat suits while others were armed with cannons that looked like they belonged on tanks or ships instead of being held by rather large trolls that scanned the horizon. Though they hadn't gotten to the pool yet Sterling knew that it would be only a matter of time before they searched this area as well, but thankfully with a little help from the others she managed to find out how to hide herself in plain sight. As the containment teams quickly made their way towards the side of the pond that she had transformed on a naked kitsune woman emerged on the other side, her glowing green eyes looking back at the team with a grin as she called her drone to give her a set of clothes.

Though she couldn't ride on her drones like she used to, her compressed Bal'Kar form far too heavy for it, she could use them to find a hole in the containment that had been hastily set up so that she could escape. After putting on her new set of clothes it was a matter of probing the right areas and taking over the drones needed in order to get out. As she got to the perimeter fence though she found herself unable to access the programming like she was used to, in fact she couldn't even sense them anymore as she watched it float about. While this new information was slight disturbing she didn't let it damage her focus and just waited for the drone to leave before slipping through the fence with the help of her own.

By the time she was back on the street Sterling blended in just like everyone else that was walking about that late at night. Though the crowds were much thinner than they were during the day it was also a livelier group, including those that were part of the rave scene that had glowing hair, tattoos, clothes, and pretty much everything else. A set of glowing green eyes was nothing compared to that and soon the sound of helicopters and sirens was at her back. Once she was back into a relatively quiet area of the city she found herself still mulling over the question of why she couldn't invade other drones but hers still were able to come to her.

Sterling waited until she got back to her own drone garage before cracking one open and looking inside. Perhaps it was attuned to her because she had used it for her own eyesight so long, the Bal'Kar kitsune mused to herself as she got to the heart of the device. It was the core of the system and as she looked through it she realized that all the parts in here looked mechanical but were actually organic in nature. On a whim she put her fingers against the device and as they dripped with the slime that she produced naturally a connection started to get established just like with the rest of the hive.

It wasn't as strong as her and the others had but as she closed up the casing once more she saw that more of the goo was starting to leak from the drone. A very interesting prospect, she thought to herself as she found herself grinning. As she looked at the others that were around the shop and could feel the one on her workbench mutating already plans began to form in her mind. While she still had to be careful on how to reveal herself there were a few that she knew wouldn't mind helping her out in a test...

The next day a dragolf found himself walking into the old factory that was just outside of the megacity, Vira looking around as he carefully made his way inside. He had gotten a message a few hours ago that one of their friends had something that she was going to show him and another of his group that usually went on missions together with. Though he saw the motorcycle of the draconic sabrewolf there was no one there to greet them, though as he continued to walk further into the decrepit building he suddenly saw a familiar sight. For a brief moment he thought that perhaps they were playing some sort of trick on him, only to see one of Sterling's drones fly towards him.

"Hey, welcome to the party," the voice of Sterling came out through the drone as it floated near him. "We're down in the main processing area, going to need a lot of room for what I'm about to show you next so just follow the drone. Also if you don't want to ruin your clothing I would suggest that you get naked."

Vira was slightly taken aback by that request, wondering what could possibly be going on that would warrant a bunch of space and no clothing. As the drone continued to hover around him though he began to feel like the suggestion was a good idea, his eyes starting to droop slightly as the light around him became tinted green. Had he looked back up he might have noticed that the casing of the drone had split in certain areas and was dripping with a green fluid while tentacles were starting to slip out of some of the bigger holes. The biggest alien feature however was the glowing green eye surrounded by petals that was staring straight down at him, bathing him in the hypnotic green light as he slowly started to take off his equipment followed by his clothing.

Once he had removed everything the drone suggested a place where he could store it for safe keeping and as he deposited his gear he noticed two other sets of clothing and equipment that were there as well. The revelation was quickly forgotten however as Vira felt more and more relaxed while he made his way towards the destination given to him. By the time he had gotten to the doorway that he was supposed to go in he was practically hunched forward and glassy-eyed, his body completely relaxed save for his maleness that was twitching and starting to get aroused even before he heard the sounds of groaning in the other room.

When he opened the door Vira was greeted with a sight that would have normally shocked him; inside of the large abandoned manufacturing bay the kitsune and draconic sabrewolf that he had gone on several missions with were on a couch in the middle of the room with their naked bodies pressed together. While seeing Serathin between the legs of Sterling would have been shocking enough the hybrid was staring up at the eyeball of a tentacle that was attached to the kitsune's shoulder. Green drool was also leaking from her mouth but as he continued to approach all Vira could feel was a growing lust as Sterling turned her head towards him.

"Ah, about time you made it," Sterling said as the tentacle on her shoulder pulsed, which as it did the two shifted positions so that Serathin was sitting with her riding his cock while grinding into his lap. "I was already getting Serathin here acclimated, and since you got here second you're going to take the more direct approach. But first I think I might have something that you'll enjoy as much as the hybrid likes my new pussy."

If Vira had looked down he might have seen the maleness of the pleasured male swell and grow slightly bigger or the small green tendrils slip past Sterling's pussy lips to rub against the base of his shaft, but all the dragolf could focus on was the thick cock that had sprouted between the kitsune's legs. Not only was it quite large but it was also a shiny, rubbery black with green highlights that seemed to glow the more he looked at it. Even without the hypnotic enthrallment that he was under from the corruptive light shining down on him the dragolf would be tempted, but with his inhibitions removed all it took was a wink from those glowing green eyes and a finger beckoning him forward to bring up him to Sterling. The kitsune was practically shivering in delight as she found two more to join her in the hive to start a new node as her guise started to slip and her fur wiggled and writhed from the tendrils underneath.

She had already infected Serathin as soon as he had come down, the draconic sabrewolf groaning with each time she slid down on his mutating cock that she was hiding in her snatch. The tails that had been rubbing against his chest and thighs stretched out unnaturally and turned to tentacles to wrap around his arms and legs, keeping him contained while she focused on the dragolf in front of her. As Vira got up and wrapped his hand around her shaft without even being prompted eventually he found himself getting lifted up in the air. Sterling's legs had already lost their fur and several had wrapped around the dragolf as he was positioned right in front of her mutating form.

"You know what, I think I've changed my mind," Sterling said, her voice growing distorted as she found herself licking her lips with her thickening, slightly green tongue while looking at Vira. "I was going to stuff you silly with eggs, but waiting for you had made me rather ravenous. Looks like instead of being full of eggs you're going to become them instead."

Though Vira was still under the influence of the controller tentacles the combination of what he had just heard plus the fact that the vulpine muzzle hovering in front of him was growing bigger and filling with teeth had knocked him out of his stupor. "Whoa, Sterling, hold on," Vira said as the grin on the transforming face of Sterling grew bigger while her tongue began to lick against his cheek and leave a trail of slime. "Can't we just... nnng... talk about this?"

Sterling chuckled at that as she could start to feel the dragolf squirming while behind her the draconic sabrewolf was also starting to realize that the one he was thrusting into was becoming more monstrous. Had she not been supporting herself this entire time Serathin would have gotten crushed under her weight, but as more tentacles wrapped around his body she could feel that he was starting to grow as well. His breeder cock was probably getting closer to two feet and started to wiggle of its own accord as she started to shift the eggs inside of her, her own new appendage pushing up into the dragolf at the same time. Vira let out a gasp as he was penetrated, the tentacles holding him keeping his lower body in place so that his tailhole could be spread open while his upper body feel forward.

When Vira caught himself it was on the very large head of the kitsune, though by this point Sterling's ears had melted back into her skull and her head tentacles were already starting to emerge once more. Already she had grown to over twice the size of the two of them and was getting bigger by the second, her tentacles becoming more than eager to shed the guise and finally release her true form once more. Green goo began to leak out onto the concrete beneath them as her chest barreled out and her hips widened, and as her disintegrator tentacle whiskers formed they stroked Vira's body as every thrust of her breeder cock brought him closer to her lips.

Finally the teasing was brought to an end and Vira found the long glowing tentacle tongue that had been slithering around his head finally looped around his neck before pushing into his muzzle. His eyes widened in surprise at his maw suddenly being stretched just like his tailhole, the pleasure coursing through his body second only to the tentacle still pushing up between his legs. While Sterling was tempted to give him an egg or two for the road she found herself growing hungrier by the second and instead used her tongue to pull him inside her maw. By this point she had grown big enough that it fit easily, even his shoulders popping in as Vira suddenly found himself sliding past the sharp row of teeth and being engulfed in the rubbery confines of the creature.

By this point Sterling had grown so big that Serathin was basically held up by her tentacles instead of the couch that had been crushed at this point, the draconic sabrewolf feeling something happening both to his tailhole and his own cock. As the pussy it was plunging into started to push out and slide even more up to the hilt the tendrils that were inside started to play with the tip, the Bal'Kar smirking around the squirming man in her maw as the draconic sabrewolf began to pant even harder from the insertion. With his maleness already partially transformed it didn't take much for her to start sliding an egg into his new breeder cock, enjoying the sounds of his startled cries becoming passionate moans as she pulled back enough so that he could see his shiny black shaft and the spherical object that was bulging it out while sliding into him.

The concrete beneath them began to crack as one Bal'Kar was starting to become two, though Sterling was taking it slow with both so that they could enjoy it. Her malformed drones were already patrolling the area to make sure that they wouldn't have any surprises and the factory was so far out from the city that it was unlikely anyone would hear them. It was actually the perfect place to start a nest the more she thought about it, but as the dragolf snout that had started to slide down her throat was stuffed with more of her internal tentacles it brought her focus back to these two. While she could have just gulped him down at this point she could feel the arousal of the other creature pressing against her lower jaw, which was one of the reasons she had chosen him in the first place as her breeder cock was replaced with her tongue stretching out his tailhole.

With the chest of Vira slowly sliding down into her maw, green drool dripping down his legs as they kicked in the air, Sterling used her controller tentacle to check back to see how Serathin was doing. She could already start to feel the connection from him forming to the hive even though his own controllers hadn't sprouted yet as his belly looked quite swollen just from the first egg being pushed into him. There was only pleasure on his face though and from the black tendrils that were spreading along his flesh from his groin she could see the corruption setting in quite nicely. Since her own cock was no longer inside of the dragolf she was consuming whole she put it to good use, the shaft of it already bulging as the tip pushed up against the tailhole of the draconic sabrewolf this time.

As his tail was pushed back Sterling could see that the inner flesh of his pucker was already a glowing green and tendrils were starting to form around the opening. The egg was probably causing him to develop the typical Bal'kar womb or egg sack that would hold them even while his outer appearance was still mostly his old form. She could see the purple and black fur of his hips starting to bulge up from the tentacles forming underneath it, as well as his stomach expanding again from another egg being pushed in through his cock. It would soon be joined by another one that was coming in through her breeder to stretch out his tailhole while she continued to swirl her tentacle tongue around the dragolf while pumping it into him.

Vira's kicking was starting to cease and was turning more into squirms as the pleasure overwhelmed his body. Using the drone that had come in with him she could see the shape of his head slowly traveling down her throat, though it was getting slightly harder to see as she was growing bigger. The lust that she was being fed from these two as well as the rest of the hive was becoming too hard to maintain her guise anymore as her arms became her basher tentacles while smaller ones pushed out of her shiny black chest. Any trace of the feminine kitsune was replaced with the tentacle monster as her abdomen grew to the point that it was almost bigger than the draconic sabrewolf pressed against the opening as she slowly swallowed down Vira completely.

As the dragolf's legs were pulled in Sterling could feel that he was still as hard as a rock, no doubt his arousal at being completely enveloped by the slimy insides of the monster swallowing him down causing his pleasure to skyrocket. That was exactly where she wanted to leave him, at least for the moment as her tongue pulled out and licked against his feet and toes on the way into her maw. Soon her tentacles would completely wrap around him and he would eventually be completely absorbed into her body, his essence transferring to the eggs that she had continued to pump into the draconic sabrewolf whose gut was swollen to the point that it was almost pushing him back, where he would be reborn as a Bal'Kar himself. For the moment though he would enjoy the ride as her throat muscles squeezed against every inch of his body until it could no longer be seen traveling down into her gullet.

With Vira taken care of for the moment she turned her attention back to Serathin to finish him up, though as her abdomen continued to squeeze more pleasure of out of his new equipment and his own tailhole forming into something similar around her monstrous tentacle cock there wasn't much left to be done. Green goo was practically gushing out of his mouth as his tongue flopped out of it, thickening like some sort of inflating balloon while the eggs inside of him began to push up into his chest. Another one for the hive, Sterling thought to herself as she could feel her tentacles starting to get wrapped around by his that were sprouting out of his body. The infection in his body had quickly reached critical mass and soon his body practically exploded with new growth as his head thrashed back and forth while swelling and growing several large tentacles from his softening skull.

Soon the distinct outlines of the eggs that were inside him was lost as Serathin's body bloated and oozed with more of the corruption, the already cracked concrete pitting and dissolving under the two monsters as Sterling began to feel something happening in her former pussy. Instead of feeding eggs to the breeder that was inside of it she could feel them pushing into her, forming into a cycle of sharing as Serathin began to produce his own. Soon they would be laying them, especially with the dragolf she could feel being completely encased in her inner tentacles soon becoming a part of them, and it seemed their tentacles were already getting to work building a pool for them. As the two tentacle beasts embraced one another thinner ones worked their way into the already partially destroyed foundation while their alien influence crept further along the floor...


A week passed and as usual the megacity quickly forgot about the incident that happened at the park, though for those that worked in the shadows the pharmaceutical company that got ripped off and destroyed its own lab in the process still made the rounds. For the three that stood in the corner however there was a different set of news that they were interested in; namely that a bounty had been put out for information on usual creatures that might be skulking around the outskirts of the city. It was one of the main reasons that Sterling even came in anymore aside from keeping up appearances that she was still on the job. Though the hunger that came from being around so many potential Bal'Kar was enticing she knew better than that, especially considering how well things were going.

"Yeah, I heard that someone released a pathogen or something into the nearby districts," the orc that was playing pool said as he lined up his shot. "From the sound of it the megacorps want something done about it, but any mission I heard about doesn't exist anymore."

"Do you think that they succeeded?" the fox morph in the corner holding another pool cue said. "That's what I heard, and instead of killing you whatever this thing is turns you into some sort of monster. My cousin said that his friend went on one of those missions and while he did come back he thought there was something off about him."

"Superstition and fear," the orc huffed as he made his shot, the ball bouncing against several others and putting them in the holes as he stood up straight. "Considering the combined firepower of my crew and a few others whatever is out there doesn't stand a chance. Just give me the right payment and I'll be your exterminator."

As the two continued to talk Sterling merely took a sip of her drink and made her way back to where the dragolf and draconic sabrewolf sat talking to one another. "Sounds like while the megacorps are itching to take us out they still haven't figured out a way to do it," Sterling reported to the other two, their green eyes gleaming. "The contracts have been rescinded as well, and from the sounds of it no one wants to go out there themselves to take care of the problem... at least not for free."

"That's good news," Serathin said as he finished his own drink. "I think that warrants a little celebration, perhaps we should head back to our hideout and discuss further plans. We've been in the city for a while and I've been itching to get somewhere that we can be more comfortable."

Both Sterling and Vira nodded as the three walked out of the bar after paying their tabs, heading to the APC that was parked a few streets away before getting inside. The modified vehicle was the only thing that was able to hold them and as the three loaded up into it they could hear the suspension strain slightly. Once they were secure they drove back to the outskirts of the city, heading to the same place where Sterling had ambushed the two a week ago. As they got closer they could see the building come into view, and though most of the windows were blacked out there were still a few spaces where one could see a green glow if they were looking hard enough.

Once they parked the three of them went into the front area and immediately took off their clothing, putting them in their respective cubby holes that they had built into the wall. Theirs wasn't the only outfits and equipment though as they had half a dozen others occupied as well. Sterling couldn't help but smirk as she remembered the two groups that had attempted to take them down, watching as her drone wrapped around them while others were taken and either consumed or converted. Once the three were completely naked they continued wordlessly from the front entrance into the main production area, which had been refitted for producing a different sort of product as the kitsune looked out at the various green glowing pools of liquid surrounded by black tendrils of alien biomass.

Those that were moving about were all in their Bal'Kar forms as well since there were no need for disguises. The teams that they had converted both reported back that their intelligence was faulty and that whatever they were looking for was not there, and while megacorps probably didn't believe them it would give them time to shore up their defenses and continue to prepare. In some of the pools there were piles of eggs or equally bloated tentacle monsters that were incubating and waiting for their chance to be unleashed upon the megacity. Soon the spires of metal and glass would be replaced with rubbery flesh... but for the time being this would have to do until they could make it happen.

Sterling let out a sigh of contentment as she dipped her toes into the warm goo of the nearest pool, watching as the dragolf and draconic sabrewolf both quickly shed their forms and grew out their tentacles to join the others. For the kitsune she wanted to take her time with it, enjoying the sensations of her alien body emerging from her feminine build to become a monster. As her toes began to turn black and stretch out into the pool her fingers did the same, letting out a lustful sigh as the small tentacles began to push into her pussy. Already she could feel her internal tentacles sliding around them as she stepped further into the pool and watched her fur instantly melt back into the black flesh of her old form.

Going from a massive tentacle monster to a much smaller kitsune woman often felt very constraining for her, which what she gathered from the other two as well as the hive was a sentiment shared by many. With having to disguise herself so often though to go into the city and make sure they hadn't been discovered though she had gotten it down to a very pleasurable science, using her mutable form to enjoy every second of the experience. With her augmented physiology it was nothing for her to take her tails and morph them into tentacles first, using them instead of her fingers to push into her snatch and her tailhole while her feet and legs split into more of them. As she stood there pleasuring herself she could feel the eyes of the others watching her, though all of them shared in the lust that she was giving herself as her tongue lengthened and licked against the furry orbs of her chest.

As her hands went up to press against her breasts she saw the nipples push out, causing her to shudder in pleasure as they became tentacles that wiggled about in the air. Though the Bal'Kar were all one big erogenous zone there was something about it that she enjoyed as the flesh around them swelled and turned black. The tentacles of her tails were pumping deeper inside of her and she could tell she wouldn't last much longer before she fully emerged, especially when she grew a cock just above her pussy that was beginning to merge with the other hole. She remembered when she surprised someone she had seduced on one of the two teams with it, her otherwise kitsune form sporting a big dick that would soon find its way inside his mouth.

When her controller tentacles emerged from her shoulders she gave each one a pet before finally letting go, submerging herself beneath the goo as her guise disappeared under the tentacles that enveloped her entire body. When her head poked out of the surface again it was that of her Bal'Kar form as the tentacles waved about in the air. Though the pit she had gone into was quite deep in the middle it didn't take long for her tentacles to touch the bottom as they connected to the biomass that collected around it. Soon it would be full of eggs just like the others, though whether they would be in a pile or inside one of their newer members she wasn't quite sure yet.

A sudden splash disrupted her thinking as she was pushed back by the massive wave of bio-essence that was displaced from the Bal'Kar doing a cannonball. "Hey, watch it," Sterling said as the saber-fanged Bal'Kar looked up at her with a smirk as he emerged from the pool. "You flood this place and it'll light up like a beacon for miles."

"Don't worry, all the biomass crawling up the walls will catch it," Serathin replied as Sterling could feel him starting to wrap his tentacles around hers. "We still have to fill this pool with eggs you know, and after spending so long in the city I wouldn't mind getting a few in you."

As Sterling was about to agree she frowned when one of her alerts went off, the corrupted drone finding movement in the perimeter that set off her proximity alarms. As she formed a controller tentacle in it, which was remarkably similar to when she had to look through them for her sight, she was surprised to see an orc making his way up to the factory with several people in tow all heavily armed behind him. "Looks like he managed to find the right price," Sterling grumbled as she shared the information with the rest of the hive. "So much for taking a break... and if the megacorps are sending them here again it means the bluff we gave them before didn't work."

"Didn't think it would in the first place," Serathin replied as a second controller tentacle sprouted on the drone that belonged to him. "Four of them, pretty heavy weapons but nothing we haven't handled before. There might be an eye in the sky on them though, so no going out there like this."

"Just when I finally got a chance to stretch my tentacles too," Sterling said as she began to revert back to her guise form, her massive frame quickly compacting on itself until it was vaguely humanoid as fur sprouted over the flesh. "You and Vira can join me outside, I want the others on stand-by in case the megacorp told them about the previous two groups. Let's finish this up quick, maybe we can get a few new incubators for our troubles."

Serathin nodded and also began to shrink back to his old body, though Sterling was way ahead of him as she climbed out of the pool and shook herself off. After a few thoughts she decided to go with a classic and after confirming the location of where the group was coming from she absorbed the last of the bio-essence on her and walked outside. With her eyes glowing in the darkness she imagined she would need to make her introduction rather quick and had her corrupted drones on stand-by in case the ruse failed. It didn't take long to find the four practically crashing through the underbrush of the nearby forest that caused her to roll her eyes as she messed up her hair and found several leaves to stick to her fur.

Once her disguise was complete she took a few breaths to simulate panting and dove out into the path that the group was taking, hearing their weapons immediately go up as she collapsed on all fours to the ground. Seeing a naked kitsune woman lying on the ground in front of them had the desired effect however as though the controller tentacle she was still connected to in her drone she saw them quickly ease back. "Whoa, what the hell?" the orc said as he quickly but cautiously went over to her. "Where did you come from?"

"My group... it got ambushed..." Sterling said while keeping her eyes low to the ground, not wanting them to get unnerved just yet as she could also see Vira and Serathin getting into position along with her other drones. "We were told to check something out nearby, and all these monsters are there. I managed to get out but they were getting ready to do something to us..."

"See, I knew that this mission was bad news!" the troll behind the orc shouted. "Not only did the corps double book us but that rumor about monsters is true!"

"Will you put a cork in it!?" the orc shouted back before turning back to Sterling and helping her up. "Hey, sorry about your team, but if you could tell us anything about these creatures maybe we can save them before-"

"Wait a second, I remember you," another member of the group spoke up. "You're Sterling, the blind kitsune rigger. Weren't you the one that infiltrated that company to get the cure for your sight?"

Sterling nodded, not only to answer the question but also to give the signal to the others. "I did, and it cured much more than my sight," Sterling said, finally looking at the orc with a smirk on her muzzle as she commanded her drones to attack. The troll was quickly swept up by her biggest drone as the tentacles that emerged from its metal casing wrapped around him while her flying ones swooped down and grabbed the rest. "It also cured me of my metahumanity, something that I'm looking forward to do to you all just like the others."

Before the orc could bring his gun back up he found himself grabbed by two hybrids that brought him down to his knees with surprising strength, and once they had captured the group completely it was merely a matter of administering said cure to them through a dunk in a bio-extract pool... or potentially something a little more fun...