Goggles Part 3

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(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.)

Part 3

Welcome to the 5th Grade

"School?" Goggles asked, looking up from the comic he'd been reading. "Isn't that the place you go to learn stuff?" Jake nodded. "And is that why you haven't been coming over during the week?" "Yeah, school is harsh, you get homework all the time and you have to finish it on time or you fail." The palomino replied. "I failed and got held back twice in the fourth grade but now I've finally made it to 5th this year. Oh! I better go! I'm going to be late, school starts in twenty minutes!" "I'm coming." The brown pony said simply and set down the comic. "What?" Jake looked at the boy. "I'm going to school with you." Goggles replied, this time with more detail. Jake wanted to argue and change the boy's mind but he had come to find Goggles was extremely stubborn and there wasn't enough time left to argue with him. "Fine, but you can't go naked, you need to dress. Get the clothes I bought you, get dressed and meet me out side, and hurry!" Jake said, and went out side.

The boy had only taken two minutes to dress himself and met Jake out side, itching at his shoulders. "You look so cute like that." Jake stated, watching as the boy tugged at the collar to his bright blue shirt and noticing that his large groin was easily visible through the deep green jeans he had on for he wore no underwear. Goggles had tried on a pair when Jake had bought him some and they were so uncomfortable the boy nearly ripped them off to get out of them. Jake noticed the pony had taken the time to brush his hair a little better, and it made him blush at how cute the young male looked.

The two arrived with two minutes to spare, but still had things to take care of. "Mrs. Murry, my friend here would like to sample school. He's really smart and I'm sure he'd do well in this class. Please give him a chance to just see what it's like. If he likes it, I'll get him enrolled, if not, then he won't come back." Jake explained. The teacher examined the unfamiliar horse and blushed a bit at the sight of his crotch. "My, I don't think it will hurt if he just gets a sample, what's his name?" The fox asked. "Goggles, ma'am." He answered, hiding behind Jake, shyly. "Uh... Goggles what?" She tilted her head. "He has no last name as far as he knows." Jake answered for his trembling friend. "He's an orphan, and the only name he went by was the nickname they gave him at the Orphanage." The female opened the door and allowed the boys to enter first.

At the sight of all the students watching him, Goggles remained hidden behind Jake. "Alright class, I'd like to know a little more about you, this being our second week together, why don't we start with you Jake, tell the class, where your parents work and who your best friend is." Mrs. Murry instructed. Jake cleared his throat and spoke. "My mother works at the bank and my father worked at the race track. My best friend is standing behind me." "Very good Jake." She replied in the typical grade school teacher manor. "You may have a seat. Next, we'll have our new little guest go." Jake moved, leaving Goggles standing in the middle of the room. "I..." He begun, but choked off, not because he was nervous, but because he didn't know what his parents did. "I... I don't have... parents." He said at last, looking at the floor. "I was orphaned... and... and I never got the chance to know them." The whole room fell completely silent as he finished speaking, as if he'd said something terrible. In truth, he had. For it was awful that he had no parents. "Oh, well who's your best friend?" The brunet fox asked, to break the quiet. The boy looked around the room full of people and pointed to the only familiar face in the bunch and said with out hesitation that boy's name. "Jake."

"And there you have it. Now class, we must all be extra nice to Goggles, he is an orphan and he is our guest. Go take a seat, right there behind Jake." She said pointing to an empty seat just behind the palomino. Soon all the students had gone, each one telling about their mother and father, and each one leaving Goggles more and more dejected, being the only one unfamiliar with the joys of parent-child bonding. When Mrs. Murry passed by to hand out tests, she gave Goggles a gentle pat on the back when she noticed his expression. She gave him a warm smile to try and ease his pain and handed him a test. He looked it over, multiplication ranging from factors by zero and all the way up to twenty. The pony scanned down and found it had thirty problems. He picked up a pencil that had been sitting at his desk and wrote his name where it asked for it and in the place it asked for the date, he left it blank because he really had no idea what day it was. "Now, once you finish this test, turn it in to me then you may go out for Recess. If you finish early, you can have extra time. You may begin." The teacher said and sat at her desk at the front of the room.

Goggles looked at the first question, 3x15, thought for a moment and wrote forty-five in the space below it and moved on. 10x0, this one made him smirk as he wrote in a zero. 20x17, 4x5, 8x2, he was having no trouble at all, addition was always a snap for him, they'd made him do it in classes they held at the Orphanage. He'd failed the first one because he was so scared he couldn't think, but he'd caught on quickly afterwards and surpassed all the other orphans, and soon he was completely finished with his first fifth grade assignment. He stood from his seat and every one stared at him as he made his way to the front desk. "I'm done ma'am." He said and showed her the paper. "But, that's impossible, I handed this out only a moment ago. You're the first one done and I have only just started teaching multiples higher than ten, how did you...?" She looked at the paper, totally astonished. "Alright, out... out the door and to the left, go straight and you'll see the play ground. You may go." He walked out the door, looking back at Jake, who was utterly stupefied, and followed the teachers instructions. The playground was quite large and had three monitors positioned. He looked around, finding he was the only one there and decided it be best to wait for Jake. The pony took a seat on the bottom of a slide and patiently awaited the company of his friend.

"So, you think you're pretty smart, huh, horse face?" Came a harsh voice after five minutes of waiting. The boy turned to see who was talking and to determine if he was talking to him. It was the large bull who had introduced himself earlier as Stanley, along with Larry and Sue. "I'm Goggles." He said, oblivious to the name calling. "Math and stuff is really easy for me, I already know a little bit of algebra too." "I think you owe us a favor. I think, three months of homework will do." Stanley said with a cruel smile. "How do you suppose I owe you a favor? I didn't ask anything of you." Goggles replied truthfully. Stanley moved around in front of the boy, they were all hidden from the sight of the monitors by a large boat shaped structure in the middle of the playground. "Oh, you're right, I forgot. I've decided not to beat you up, now you do owe me a favor. I'll give you my homework after class each day, then you'll do it at home and bring it back and I'll turn it in in the morning. Got it?" He made a fist and held it in front of the pony's face. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. If I did the work for you it would deny you the chance to learn." He told the large boy, with out fear of the large knuckles held in his face. The bull only smiled and pulled the orphan up off the slide by his collar, spun him around so he faced away from him, and grabbed a fist full of the child's long, un-trimmed mane and yanked down, causing the boy to cry out in pain. "One more time, you will do what ever I tell you to do and you'll do it the night I give it to you, do you understand, madam?" He sneered, breathing in the boy's face. "No, I won't squander your chances at a quality education! I suggest you do your own homework, primarily for your own good. A full education can be quite a reward!" Goggles whined, wishing he'd let go of his hair. "Wrong answer." The bull growled, pulling the boy's headgear off with his free hand and, holding it out so Goggles could see, crushed the lenses and let the shards and remainder of the toy fall to the ground. With a short, hollow laugh he thrust his fist into the child's right cheek and threw him against the slide.

"Goggles!" Jake had finished and walked out in time to see the boy thrown against the metal slide but Stanley and ran up and blocked him. The muscular boy shoved Jake. "Back off, Butt-munch, we're doing business here! Goggles is going to do my homework this year so I can go into middle school next year. Isn't that right, orphan boy?" His voice boomed as he laughed. But the boy didn't reply, he just laid against the slide where he had landed. "Goggles is not going to do your homework, jerk!" Jake snapped at his ex-friend. "You better come up with a new name for him before you say anymore!" Stanley laughed more as he kicked the smashed set of rims that used to be Goggles' favorite gear, and sent it flying only to crash into the large boat, not more than fifteen feet from where they stood. Jake's fists were clenched so tight his knuckles were turning white and was just about to throw a punch out of blind fury, when a choked groan stopped him. The palomino looked towards the source of the horrid sound and gasped, the young horse had pulled himself to his feet and was walking awkwardly away from the group, clutching his stomach. The horse followed his friend. "Don't worry, I'll get you new ones. Don't cry." Jake stopped in front of the boy. "Goggles?" In truth, he hadn't heard a thing, his eyes were winced shut and suddenly, he fell to his knees, blood gushing from his mouth, his blue shirt turning deep purple, soaked in the place he clutched with his small hands. Trembling, the palomino touched the liquid with his palm and examined his hand. It was revealed plain against his pale, palomino fur, red and thick, it was blood.

With out hesitation the boy yanked of the child's shirt and moved his hands away to reveal a deep, bloody gash caused by the edge of the metal slide. Jake stumbled back as the boy re-covered his wound instinctively and emitted a strangled groan. "Help! Some body help!" The pale horse screamed, but the gang had already fled at the sight of the bloody shirt. Jake commenced in screaming with all his strength, running in random directions, completely blinded by tears. His legs carried him as if they themselves were beings of their own will, as he cried out again and again, into the darkened world the panicking horse charged. His voice failed on him and all he could do was sob hoarsely and run on into eternity. After what seemed like forever, he felt himself collapse as his legs turned to rubber beneath him. He held himself, alone, lost, blind, and sobbing and wailing with his cacophonous voice.

Out of the darkness of the world his tears had cruelly distorted, a pair of gentle hands came to rest on his cheeks, and a sweet voice cut through the madness that enveloped his entire being. "It's ok Jake, calm down." The boy collapsed against the one in front of him, tears still streaming down his cheeks with out a sign of ending. Slender and gentle arms held him against the owner's body, and Jake could tell right away, it was female.

The young, confused, and frightened horse held the stranger tight for what seemed like an eternity. Her embrace was strong, but gentle, and he found her breathing to be rather soothing against his trembling body and could soon feel wet strands of hair against his cheek. "You were so strong, so brave, what you did makes you a hero." The woman said when at last the trembling child had calmed down a little. Jake attempted to speak, but his voice only clogged up in his throat and became a hoarse noise. Slowly though, he opened his eyes, his view clear at last and noticed the female he was laying against was wearing a very nice, red office suit, which he recognized. "Mommy!" He wailed, causing the older palomino to hold her child tighter. "What happened to him? Where is he?" The boy demanded. "Hush, Jake. Don't say another word. He's fine, you drew enough attention to make the front page of every news paper for miles. The Ambulance had arrived within three minutes and they got him to the hospital. Then they called me and told me they couldn't find you." She explained. Jake sat back and looked around. He realized he'd run all the way across the school campus and had finally collapsed right outside the first grade class room. He looked at his watch, a quarter-after-five mocked him in return. "It was 9:15 PM when they heard your cries for help, and when I found you, it was ten to five." She admitted. He figured he'd been wandering about for nearly seven and a half hours or so and had been kneeling there in the grass for around an hour. The pony looked into his mother's face. Her beautiful, shining hair hung beside her cheeks again, partly wetted by his tears along with her shoulder where he had leaned. Her deep, piercing blue eyes were locked on to his, her lips pressed together, the way a concerned mother would. Her eyes gave away her worry as well as a pleased expression. "Mom, don't be proud of me. I was blinded with tears and I ran like a scared little boy." He said, the roughness in his voice still present. Her eyes softened and she leaned forward to place a hand on her son's shoulder. Jake could feel that he'd lost his jacket and the sleeve of his shirt sometime when he had been thrashing about blindly. "You were only running around to make sure you were heard weren't you? Sure, you over did it, for hours, but, you were worried and wanted to help your little buddy, right?" Her voice was soft and gentle to Jakes pounding head. She smiled softly and lifted her son into her arms and walked back to her vehicle. She laid him down in the seat and wrapped him in his jacket, which she'd found three hours prior to finding her son and buckled him in so that he wouldn't move around too much on the way home then walked around to the other side, rested his head in her lap and stroked his cheek gently with one hand as she started the truck with the other and brought him home.

Jake stirred from an unpleasant dream to find himself cuddled up with his mother in her bed, his torn shirt had been removed. His stirring woke his mother up and she greeted him with a smile. "I've excused you from school today on account of mental illness and have taken the day off in order to care for you." She spoke softly. His eyes were pointed at her, but they didn't see her. "You want to go see him, don't you?" At that, his ears perked up and he climbed out of bed to get dressed, smiling, his mother followed.

The nurse greeted them as they walked in. "I've been waiting for you, come, right this way." She said, and lead the two horses down a hall, around a corner and at last to a door, room 23A, and pushed the door open. The room was small sized and dimly lit. Two chairs, a bed and a small table were the only objects in the room besides the small television, that was clearly off. There was a motionless shape in the covers to the bed, the head of the child was turned away from him. As the young palomino approached the immobile body, he found himself all alone, the door shutting behind him. The brown horse lay completely still and looked so strange, he hardly recognized the boy with out his bright, wonderful eyes and cheerful expression. If it weren't for the heart monitor's blipping he would have thought the boy wasn't in there any more. The curtains were drawn shut and not a sound could be heard other than the soft beeping from the monitor Jake reached out to touch his dearest friend's cheek, it was cold and felt lifeless. As he withdrew his hand, he looked up at the IV, slowly replacing the blood that was lost, reminding him, suddenly, of the reason the child was there in the first place. The palomino pulled back the covers, only to find the boy's clothes were removed and his stomach was bandaged up. Replacing the covers, Jake took a step back, watched the slow, semi-uneven rise and fall of his injured friend's chest as he breathed in and out, then turned to leave.

The hall was completely empty, both the nurse and his mother gone. He made his way back to the waiting room and spotted his mother, sitting patiently for his return. It took everything he had to refrain from running across the room, and then he collapsed against his mother, holding her. He didn't care who saw him, the only thing that he was worried about was the nine-year-old child down the hall in room 23A. He'd demanded to be taken to the school playground to retrieve something important. He ducked under the yellow hazard tape that stated 'Danger Do Not Cross' all along it and walked to the spot he'd last seen Goggles standing, there was blood all over, dried onto blue tinted glass that littered the ground near the slide, he could see the trail of blood that lead to the place he saw Goggles fall, but ignored it. He walked towards the boat and stooped to retrieve the mangled remains of what gave his friend his name, now empty, brass rims attached by an elastic band. In the distance, swaying in the wind, caught by the edge of the campus fence, his shirt sleeve, but it wasn't important at the time. He cradled the crippled eye-wear as he made hi way back to where his mother parked. Stanley now stood by the fence entrance, watching the palomino. Jake didn't even look at the bull while he made his way past and got into the truck.

Taking her eyes from the road, Terri secretly watched her disgruntled child attempt to reshape the twisted brass frames in some hope of fixing it. She sighed to herself, feeling the same frustration as her son, and stopped in front of the Crafts Workshop. Jake looked up at his parent, startled. "Remember son, equally, even if I have to help you see ways of doing it." She said and smiled at him just before he bounded out the door and into the building. The owner of the shop, his uncle, was busily fixing the inner mechanics of a digital clock and glanced up to see who had entered. "Hey nephew! What can I do you for?" He called, returning his attention to the clock. "For five grand." Jake joked in reply, knowing that's not what he meant. "I'd pay ten grand just for the chance to do you, Jake." He joked back. "I see you've got something in your hand, need it fixed?" He'd set the clock down now and moved around to the other side of the counter. His uncle was the best mechanic in town. His grease-stained green jump-suit contradicted his glorious white fur, which practically glowed. Jake guessed he hadn't had to fix a vehicle in a while, because even though he was a dirty grease-monkey, the horse took excellent care of his body. Nick took the ruined pair of goggles from his relative and held them close to inspect every detail.

Jake noticed the male's crotch, nearly level with his muzzle and only inches away, a large bulge had been formed from the joke. His father's was long, but his uncle's was thick. "I can't fix these, but, I can remake them." He said at last, to try to turn his nephew's attention away from his hardening shaft. "The lenses have to be tinted blue." Jake stated bluntly. "But, tinted glass is expensive. Are you sure you don't want regular glass?" "It has to be blue." The boy demanded. "It's important, it can't be any other way!" Jake looked hard into the adults eyes. "Alright, nephew, fifteen for the rims, twenty-five for the lenses, and I'll get to work on it right away." The palomino yanked out his wallet and handed the male four tens and walked the door. Checking again, Jake found he still had one ten dollar bill left. "Mom, take me to the flower shop, please." He said, getting back in. With a wide smile, Terri started the truck back up and pulled away from the craft store and headed for their new destination, three streets down. "That's a very responsible way to spend your money, Jake." She told her child, her eyes remaining on the road. "I'm very proud of you." He looked at the woman, she was dressed casually, but she was still just as beautiful as ever. "Really?" She looked over at him and chuckled. "Son, you're spending your hard earned cash on your little boyfriend instead of things other kids would do with their money. You're selflessly fixing his glasses for him." She said and stopped at a red light. "Just like when you bought me those earrings Monday, you're using something you worked hard for to please the ones you love. That's one of the most responsible things anyone could do." The light turned green and she pressed down on the gas, the vehicle pulled forward and in no time they were parked out side the flower shop. "I'll meet you outside this store, son, I'm going to get something for him too." She called, and he nodded in response as he pushed the door to the building open. The fragrance of hundreds of different flowers filled the air and it made Jake's head spin a little.

The boy picked out a five dollar bouquet of roses, beautifully tended and tied with a lovely turquoise ribbon. He could count exactly six roses, each with their sharp thorns removed, and the ribbon was silk. He picked out a tag and tied it to the plant and wrote 'Get well soon, Goggles' on it and brought it to the front counter. "Will that be all for you?" The dragon behind the desk asked, recording the data on the cash-register. Jake nodded and handed her his last ten. She accepted the money, made the change, and handed it to him with a smile. "I hope Goggles feels better real quick." She said with a wink, pointing at the tag. "Thank you ma'am." He replied and rushed out the door to find a place on the curb to wait for his mom. Soon the truck rolled up beside him, his door opened up and his mother greeted him. Jake buckled up and lay the roses across his lap, to take the objects his mother had just handed to him. In one hand she'd placed the renewed gear, they looked beautiful, polished, shined, and there was even a green stripe along the elastic band on the outside, and on the inside, Goggles' name was written, and in the other hand, a cube. But not just any cube, it was a Rubick's Cube. "Gifts, from me, that's why I took so long. I picked up the finished work from uncle Nick and had him write that name on the back, then I went to the store to get the boy a challenging game, and when I saw that ridiculous thing, I knew it'd be perfect." She explained. "Come on, I'll take you back."

Jake slowly opened the door to the room Goggles was in, and looked towards the bed. The boy's body was still motionless, but this time he could see the boy's purple eyes staring at the ceiling, still unaware of the palomino's presence. The boy entered the room, catching the pony's attention. "Goggles." He said softly and the boy smiled wide upon seeing his friend. "J-Jake..." The young boy's voice came out weak and chop-ish, Jake guessed he was in a lot of pain. "... those fo-r... me?" Jake nodded. "Yeah, I got these roses for you." He said smiling softly. Goggles held out his arms to accept the bouquet of flowers, brought them close to his muzzle, and inhaled steadily. "Look what else I have for you. It's from my mom." He said, pulling his other hand out from behind his back and holding the Rubick's Cube out for the boy and demonstrating how it works. "It's fun, see? You mix up the colors by turning it a bunch of times, then you try to resolve it." The older male explained and handed him the thing. The boy tried it. "...c-cool..." "One more thing, I think you'll really like this one." Jake said, pulling the goggles from his pocket and holding them up for the child to see. He gasped and reached his both hands to retrieve his precious head ornament. Jake winced at the sight of the IV's tubes sticking out of a wrapped section of the boy's arms, but handed him the gear. "Wow... you did t-this for me?" The child smiled weakly. Jake could tell Goggles was in pain just from talking. He smiled at the pony and stroked his muzzle gently. "J-Jake..." The boy started but Jake placed a hand over his mouth. "I know what you're about to say. You're welcome. No more talking until you're better, ok?" He said, not unkindly though. "It must suck, the pain, and being all alone in this room all day. Mom says the hospital said they'll will let you out as soon as you are able to sit up and eat solid foods again. I hear you got lucky. I hear the cut was deep, but not deep enough to reach your organs. They say your abs will heal fine and that you be left with only a scar that wont even be visible through your fur." The two smiled at each other and then parted with a muzzle rubbing.

Goggles waved to the nurse who'd led him to the exit and allowed him to keep the crutch he used to support his weakened body. He hadn't stood for three and a half months. The sights of the world around him, the grass and the sky, made him smile as he made his way home. He enjoyed the sounds of his hooves hitting solid ground once more, the smell of flowers reaching his nose, the wind blowing he hospital garments which they had let him keep upon learning he was an orphan. Clenched tightly in one hand, the multi-colored cube given to him, he'd messed with it a little but never managed to complete a side yet. As the limping horse boy moved on, lost in his surroundings, a loud noise broke the quiet. Startled, the boy turned around, recognizing the sound as a honk. The nurse had told him about it when he'd asked one day upon hearing it outside his window. Goggles spotted a large red truck, a few feet away and realized he'd walked into the middle of the road by mistake. Leaning against his crutch, he wobbled his way to the yellow line in the center before he lost his grip on the device and fell hard on the paved street, the crutch sliding well out of his reach along with his Rubick's Cube. He lifted his new goggles, which had fallen over his eyes on impact and attempted to retrieve the crutch and cube. In moments the owner of the vehicle had jumped out and was already handing him his things and helping him up. He looked up at the female, she wore a nice red suit baring a name tag, the name he couldn't pronounce. Her long white hair hung down beside her cheeks and her blue eyes remained fixed on the boy. "Are you alright Goggles?" Her voice was gentle and sweet. The boy looked puzzled. "You look like you're having trouble. Want a lift?" He looked at her curiously. "Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know who I am, do you? I'm Jake's mother. We learned you'd be out today and he's instructed me to pick you up and take you to your home while he's over at a friend's house today." She explained and helped him into her truck. "You're Jake's mom? You're beautiful." He said. The female palomino blushed. "Why thank you. You know, I've always wondered, what were your parents like?" The boy looked at her a moment. "I was only a year and a half when I was placed in the orphanage." He said plainly. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She said. "I didn't know, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." "People say they were driving drunk and crashed and died. Other people say they were murdered. Some think they were addicted to crack and just left me one day in the playground. But I know they're all wrong. I know my parents are still out there." He stated. The vehicle slowed to a stop outside his club house thing just on the other side of Ulsock Forest. "That's very good, Goggles. You keep that thought with you and maybe one day you'll find them." Terri replied with a smile and waved as he climbed out and headed for the ladder that lead to the entrance.

Climbing the ladder had been very difficult to attempt with only the use of one arm and his weak wobbly legs, but he eventually made it and slid the cardboard door open. Closing the door behind him he made his way over to his blue bean bag and sat himself down in it, setting his crutch aside and with a grunt he began studying the cube again. "Goggles." A voice sounded. The startled boy looked up and spotted a young palomino horse boy standing in the corner of the room. "Jake!" He moved over to the child and helped the boy remove his clothes odd hospital clothes. "How are you feeling?" He asked sweetly, examining the bandage wrapped around the child's abdomen. "I'm good." The boy replied smiling. "I wanted to ask you if you would go out to dinner with me." Jake said, blushing deeply. Goggles blushed too. "You're asking me on a date?" Jake nodded, looking at the ground, shyly. "Y-you don't gotta... I mean... I won't ask you again if you say no..." "Yes." Was his simple, yet excited reply. "W-what?" Jake looked at the horse boy. Goggles smiled. "I want t-to go out with you." Jake's ears perked and he smiled. "Are you sure you're up to it? I mean, you're still healing, your legs are probably really weak, and you just got back." "Trust me," the brown equine stated firmly. "I've been all alone for so long, and I've missed you, this is a perfect way to spend time together.

The restaurant wasn't the finest in town, but it was still a good one. Goggles followed Jake in, still blushing and for only two reasons. One, it was his first date, and two, the only thing he was wearing was a towel wrapped around his waist. "Jake, people are staring at me." He whispered to the older male. "Just ignore them, they obviously have never seen a poor orphan!" He said loudly, more to the crowed of costumers rather than the boy. Jake paid the person behind the counter extra to let Goggles in even though he had no clothes on. They took a seat and Jake handed the boy a menu. "What's this?" He asked, opening it. "Oh! That's what you use to pick what you want." "What's a hamburger?" "Hehe, it's hard to describe, but it's good, if you're not a vegetarian." Jake explained, then blinked, pausing, suddenly thinking. "Wait a moment... Goggles, how exactly have you been surviving all these years? Where, exactly have you been getting your food?" He asked and leaned close, looking at the boy. "Uh... I don't really know for sure. It's just there when I wake up." He replied, trying to think of a logical reason as to how. "I know it sounds weird, but it happens. It's just there." Jake shrugged and gave the waiter the order, getting a burger and apple juice for Goggles and grilled cheese sandwiches and soda for himself. "I'm sorry about what happened to you Goggles. I wish I had finished my math sooner so I could have been out there with you." Jake spoke solemnly. "Jake... it's ok, it wasn't you fault. It just happened and..." Goggles tried to explain, but Jake cut him off. "No, I should have been out there with you! I'm not letting you go back to school ever again. And I'm dropping out too." "Jake no! You need your education! You can't quit school!" Goggles leaned against the table and reached for his friend's menu and pulled it from his hand. "You're wrong. I can. Because all I really need is you." He replied, blushing deeply. The pony sat back, blushing with him. "Careful, it's hot." The waiter said, setting the plates down along with the cups. "Enjoy." He smiled at the two and walked off. "Please, Jake, don't drop out. You really need school." Goggles explained, fidgeting some. "No I don't. You're extremely smart, you know way more than I do and..." He cut himself off, noticing the boy was still fidgeting. "...is something wrong?" "I gotta pee." The young horse whispered. The palomino smiled. "I'll take you." He said and stood. He lead Goggles to the restrooms in the back and went in with him. "Do you know how these work?" He asked indicating the urinals hanging from the wall. "You just pee in there, and pull the leaver and it will flush." He said, demonstrating the flush. "S-show me, I'm scared." The boy whined. "But I don't have to go. Oh fine, watch." Jake said, and un-zipped his jeans and pulled out his sheath and hung it over the odd wall-toilet. "See, that's all you do, except in your case, you would be peeing." The palomino explained. Goggles nodded, removing his towel and mimicking his friend, and pulling the leaver when his business was finished. "Jake, m-make you penis bigger like you did before. I w-wanna see it again. Please?" Jake blushed deeply and looked over at the boy. "N-now? I-in here?" The two boys looked to eachother, both blushing immensely as Goggles nodded. Jake smiled shyly and once again pulled down his pants in front of the young horse. He stroked his shaft as it swelled and watched the child's eyes widen. In moments, Jake was stroking his long thick shaft with his hand while he worked his way out of his clothes, Goggles too, was horny and stood before his friend's nudeness with a long and thick rod. It wasn't too unnatural to look at, for it was dwarfed by the pony's hair. "Wanna... wanna feel it again?" Jake leaned against the wall and offered himself to the boy who then took it shyly in his hand once more. Just then, a large male bat walked in on them. Jake blushed and Goggles froze, cock still in hand. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." He blushed sheepishly and left the two. The horses looked at each other. "M-maybe we should stop." The long haired pony backed off the older male. "Why? You love me, don't you?" Jake smiled at the boy's deep blush. "Yes." "Well then, who cares if others know?" Jake smiled and turn around, bending over. "Come on. Your turn." He giggled. Goggles' blush remained. "Me? How?" The pony asked, examining the palomino's rear. Jake giggled at the boy. "It's simple. Remember how I did it? Just put your cock, er, penis, in that hole right under my tail. Then when you've gone as much as you can, pull back, but not all the way, and push back in again. Just keep doing that." He explained. "In there? It's so small, are you sure you can fit it in there?" Jake laughed. "I doubt it's even going to fit halfway. Yours is huge. Come on, this is my first time, give me a humping to remember." The boy giggled, blushing deeply and looked over his shoulder. The young horse moved closer to his friend and examined the entrance, it glistened with a clear liquid, lubrication, Jake had applied on an off chance at this kind of moment, the boy figured it was just natural. He touched his cock to the horse's rear. "Like this?" Goggles paused and looked up at his friend. He enjoyed the feel already. "Yes, just like that, k-keep going." The palomino answered, shuttering gently.

Goggles stopped abruptly, suddenly unable to continue. "J-Jake, it's blocked, I can't go anymore." The pony whined. "That's because that's the end I think. You've completely filled me up." He replied, closing his eyes. "But it's not... even all the way in yet." The orphan complained amidst a pleasured moan, ruining his disappointed whining. Jake smiled. "That's... perf... ohh... perfectly natural, buddy. Y-you're cock is quite large, and... I... uggh! M-my little rear can't fit it yet! Oh god..!" The older male blushed out of embarrassment, he'd been unable to keep his cool in front of the boy and stop the moaning. The younger horse began as had been instructed, trying to repeat the motions his friend had demonstrated on him long ago. The equine slowly humped his friend's ass, listening to his grunts for clues to his performance, and groaning on his own path to and orgasm, each on their first anal. He could tell the older boy was in a lot of pain and his eyes were squeezed shut, but the smile on his face and the gentle return bucks from his rear only helped to assure the child. Suddenly his cock throbbed causing him to leak what felt to him like fluids into his friend's backside and impelled the pale boy to open his maw and moan. It intrigued him to see an older male brought down into a whimpering groaning state sheerly from contact of this manner. Suddenly the brown equine child was pounded by a huge wave of pleasure, causing him to cry out meekly and softly. His legs grew weak and his body locked up, same sensation as before when Jake had touched all over him with his hands. His shaft grew tense and suddenly fired a huge wave of seed up into his best friend as he helplessly leaned against the rear-end of the palomino boy. The force was so strong that it worked it's way up into Jakes body quite a ways and completely filled the older boy's tail hole.

The sudden filling had halted Jake's pleasure and stopped the climax, but he didn't mind. Pulling off Goggles, he turn around and looked down at the boy, panting, but grinning up at him. The palomino pressed this thick rod against the pony's chest, causing a blush to return to his small, speckled cheeks. Jake rubbed the tip of it in his friend's fur, then over a nipple, causing the kid to giggle and seize the prodding spear in his hands and hug it lightly. The older equine smirked and pressed his cock against the boy's lips and received a shy, experimental lick. Goggles took hold of the cock once again and began tasting it. "Mmmnnn! Stop, Goggles I don't think you're ready for..." Jake had tried to explain, but was silenced when the pony slid the pipe into his muzzle. "Al-al-alright... mmm." Jake was full of his friend's cum and humbled by it, so he didn't want to compain. He moaned louder as the juvenile horse stimulated his already on-the-verge malehood. As his climax neared once more he noticed he could feel Goggles' top center tooth and realized the child's mouth was too small to take a cum blast. Heated and spent, the younger male took his friend as deep as he could into his mouth, with out gagging and sucked it like a bottle. It was salty, slightly bitter, and warm, but it had a good taste. A taste Goggles quickly came to enjoy and made him greedy. Jake moaned and panted while the brown colt sucked harder and faster.

Just as Jake leaned back and moaned one last time, he pulled himself free from his friend's muzzle and splattered the ground with his spooge. "Aww... why'd you do that?" Goggles complained again. Jake panted, still spewing on the ground, and smiled at the boy. When he'd finally finished cumming, the palomino faced his friend and wrapped his arms around the brown, black speckled horse, and played connect-the-dots with the triangle of three spots on each shoulder. "Goggles... I, your mouth is too small... I don't want to risk hurting you..." When his hands slid over the bandage, he pulled back, afraid of causing him pain. "Don't worry Jake, that didn't hurt." "I've been meaning to ask you something but was too scared to." He paused and thought a moment. "When you got hurt, it made me realize how dear you are to me, and I've decided on asking you... would you be my boyfriend?" The male bat had came back in to see if the boys had finished, still needing to pee. Goggles blushes at the older male. "Of course, Jake. I'd love to be your boyfriend." The bat blushed at the two naked boys, declaring their love for each other, both still semi-hard and moved around them and the cum spot to do his business. Jake smiled and redressed himself and tied the towel around the pony to help hide his shrinking horsie meat and they both left their messy play area to finish their date with a passionate kiss. "Sure am hungry!" Goggles said with a smile sitting down back at the table. "Me too! Let's eat!" Jake smiled at him and he smiled wider back.


Goggles Part 4

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 4** **A Date For Uncle Nick** "Thanks again, Uncle Nick, for taking Goggles to get his bandages...

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Goggles Part 2

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 2** **Jake's Adventure** It had already been two days since Jake Wildgale had spent his first night with the...

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Goggles Part 1

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 1** **The Little Pony With A Weird Name** Jake thought to him self, as he made his way through...

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