Family Secrets

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The first three fourths of this novella have been sitting on sf for like a year, decided it was time to finish it and wrap this thing up. I deleted the two chapters that were once posted here, so some of y'all might be familiar with the father/son stuff in this story. I could have done more with the ending, but didn't have the energy or time with all the nerve pain I've been dealing with this year.


Leanna is traveling home to a fictional county based in rural Georgia to see her parents and younger brother. Leanna is preparing to come out to her parents, having been in the closet about being a lesbian most of her life. She isn't sure if her parents will accept her or throw her out, but in the process of opening up to them, the whole family learns things about each other that will change their relationships irrevocably.

White cedar trees in every direction, that's how Leanna knew she was home. The tall, spindly things always made her imagine Earth as a porcupine--the trees its needles. But it was the smell of cedar, mixed with the scent of dirt, that really got to her. She'd seen the cedars for hours on the bus ride here, but it was the smell when she got off the bus that made her stomach swirl with nostalgia, comfort, and anxiety.

Leanna was in her mid-twenties, living in the city eight hours from the county she grew up in. County, because there wasn't really a town in any direction for dozens of miles. Just roads, gas stations, small trading posts, truck stops, a smattering of tiny schools, and a small liberal arts college her dad worked at. That and churches. More churches than places to get a bite to eat.

The bus station sat on a crossroads with a gas station, a diner that had been there long as anyone could remember, and a dollar store. Leanna made for a lonely figure out here, one anyone could pick out and recognize. She was the only raptor who had lived in Callowkeen County, and far as she knew she still had that title.

Bored, she took out her phone. No service, but she used the camera on the screen to straighten out her feathers. Her scales, a dark green looking black when not in the light, made the feathers pop with color. She had dyed the ones on her scalp and neck violet, while what ran down her back and tail remained a fiery array of reds. She wore a tank top with a skirt, something light for the weather. Summers here were an exercise in misery, and she was grateful her parents had the means to have A/C at their house. Out here it could be a luxury.

From down the road, Leanna heard a car. She grabbed her duffel bag off a nearby bench and waited. An old sedan with a sun-faded paint job pulled up. The trunk hatch popped, and Leanna threw her bag in there before going to the shotgun seat. She fell into the car and gave her little brother a hug. Like Leanna, her sibling, a musk deer with mottled white spots up and down his coat, was also adopted.

When she released him, Riley started turning the car around. He asked, "How was the trip over?"

"Quiet. Wrote some, but mostly listened to podcasts."

"Mmm. Not nervous at all?" Riley asked as they got back on the road.

"I mean, yeah, but it's fine. I've made peace with things going bad."

"You'll have to show me how to do that sometime. I've not been able to sleep the last two days."

"It's easier when I've already moved out. We can wait until you've graduated, too, you know," Leanna said. Riley had started college last year, and while he lived in the dorms during the semester, he still came home during the holidays and summer.

Her brother shook his head, glaring down the road. "No, I don't think it's right to ask you to do that. It was my idea anyways."

"That still doesn't mean--"

"You don't always have to put me first, you know?" Riley interrupted before shrugging his shoulders. "Besides, if mom and dad do kick me out it just means you'll have to cook me supper and do my laundry instead." His joke fell flat, delivered while he clenched the steering wheel at ten and two.

Leanna rested a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, Riley."

Leanna was engaged and getting married in the fall. Their parents didn't know, had never even met Leanna fiancée. She had been willing to marry the woman of her dreams without telling their parents, simply because she didn't want to threaten Riley's home life. Most folks in the county reacted poorly when the subject of queers came up, and while their parents always remained mute on the subject, Leanna didn't expect any different from them.

The fact Riley had ended up queer without Leanna revealing anything about her sexuality had been a small miracle to her. He didn't even need to come out, but insisted that if Leanna did that he would stand with her despite the risk. It still chewed up her insides to put Riley on the gallows with her, though. Leanna had no clue how he would finish his degree if their parents disowned him or kicked him out of the house.

They had been driving in a long silence, stewing all this over before Riley said, "It's just messed up, you know? Jayla is fucking fantastic, and I bet mom and dad would love her if they got to know her. You shouldn't have to hide someone so important to you."

"That still doesn't mean you have to come out, too."

"But I do!" Riley insisted as he swerved around a pothole. "I want to be able to go 'Hey dad! I love sucking cock!'"

Leanna snickered. "Okay, but maybe don't lead with that? Ease them into the cock sucking?"

"Is ass eating less gay?"

"Riley!" she smacked him playfully on the stomach.

"Ouch, watch it."

Leanna, with a grin showing her teeth, asked, "Have you even slept with a boy yet?"

Riley huffed. "I'm working on it, okay? It's not as easy as it looks when you spend half the year stranded out here."

"Didn't stop me."

Riley tsked. "Oh, I'm Leanna and I get all the pussy."

"And don't you forget it."


The sound of Riley's car roused Alexis from her nap. The mountain lioness swung lazily in a hammock fastened between the two sweetgum trees in her yard. She yawned and grumbled, "That was fast. Boy likely to get a ticket driving like that."

She sat up and swung out of the hammock, still in her overalls and work boots. Under the overalls she only wore a bra, finding the heat too much to bother with more. Hell, if Riley were moved out she might not even bother with that. Closest neighbors were half a mile off, and she bet the Clarks didn't bother with clothes now that their kids were grown and gone.

Alexis turned to the house and yelled, "Ethan! Kids are here!" She figured it a fifty-fifty chance he heard her. She wove around their pickup and through the weed-pocked yard. Home for Alexis was a two-story cabin house she inherited from her grandparents and spent the last decade hauling into the twenty-first century. It was a cozy spot, three bedrooms, two bathrooms. When she were a little cub she lived here with her parents, their siblings, and grandparents all under one roof. By the time she mounted the wooden porch the front door swung inward, the screen door swinging outward next.

Ethan, her husband of nearly thirty years, had aged pretty well. At forty-five, the hawk still kept a strong coat of plumage, a few of the brown feathers at his scalp grey instead of the reddish brown that covered all but his front. Unlike her, he wore a black vest with a dress shirt and slacks, fingers massaging a wrist which clued Alexis in that he'd been where she left him in his study this morning: writing.

He gave her a look. "You going to change?"

"Nothing they've not seen me in."

Ethan shrugged as Riley pulled his car into their gravel driveway. Out the car came Riley first, saying something to his sister before Leanna stepped out, dappled in sunlight from the sweetgum trees. A knot swelled in Alexis' throat seeing her daughter. She was this wispy beauty, feathers on her head and back tossing in the breeze, her curves elegant. She was almost tall as Alexis, and walked with this natural sway Alexis chalked up to her species, the way her digitigrade legs moved. Her reptilian eyes noted her parents on the porch, and she smiled and waved, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Ever since Leanna moved out she had been distant with them. It tore Alexis up inside. She sometimes wondered if their daughter knew their secret.

Ethan hopped off the porch and hugged Leanna. Riley grabbed her bag, and while father and daughter caught up, Riley headed inside. He stopped when he opened the door, asking, "You okay, mom?"

Alexis started and shoved her son through the door. "You're letting the cool air out!"

"Sorry!" He kicked the door closed with a cloven hoof. At the same time, Leanna had walked up the porch with Ethan.

"Hey mom," she said, stopping before her.

"My girl," Alexis said and opened her arms. That worry fell away when her daughter was right there. Leanna hugged her, and Alexis crushed her comparatively smaller daughter to her. She nuzzled into Leanna's neck and took a deep breath of her scent. "Mmmm, I've missed you."


Alexis finally released her, grinning, and asked, "What's that soap you been using on your scales? You smell like a strawberry patch dipped dish soap."

She chuckled, an earnest smile now. "Thanks mom, it's my body wash."

"You reek of city, what it is. We'll get you out here working later, some dirt and sweat oughtta get you back to smelling natural."

Ethan laughed softly. "She's supposed to be on vacation, dear."

"And I am, too, which just means time to fix things up around the house," Alexis said before getting the door.

"I don't mind, dad, really," Leanna said as she walked inside.

"See, someone still likes spending time with me," Alexis said, spanking her husband's tailfeathers as he stepped inside.

"She also doesn't have to live with you," Ethan shot back.

Leanna, giggling, said, "It's good to be home."


Riley didn't mind sharing his bedroom with his sister. Leanna's old room had been turned into an office for their dad, so when she visited they put out a small inflatable mattress next to Riley's bed. His room wasn't huge, especially stuffed with all the trappings of a nineteen-year-old boy: horror movie and anime posters, a bass guitar and amp in a corner, his unmade bed, wardrobe with a TV and Playstation perched on top of it. A desk opposite his bed, which took up any remaining space in the room, was crowded with knickknacks, an always opened laptop, old glasses, and a few half-finished snack bags.

When Leanna stepped inside she wrinkled her nose. "Couldn't even wash your sheets?"

"I've been busy," Riley complained, on his knees rolling out the inflatable mattress. "You're welcome to sleep on the couch."

"It's tempting," Leanna said as she pawed through the things on Riley's desk. "This what you've been using to practice?"

Riley had just connected the electric pump to the wall when he looked up. His ears shot up as if Leanna pointed a gun at him instead of the innocuous brush he used to get loose fur from his coat. It was made of brown, finished wood, with a long handle.

Riley jumped up and snatched the brush from her, locking his door before he whispered, "How did you know?"

Leanna giggled. "Relax. Mom and dad are downstairs, you don't need to whisper." The reason they put up with this arrangement when Leanna visited is Riley's room could be a safe spot for both. A door with a lock. That way Leanna could text her fiancée, friends, and scroll Instagram without someone peeking over her shoulder.

Riley sniffed the end of the handle, which carried no trace of being used as an improvised toy.

Leanna told him, "It was just a guess. Don't worry, you're not going to be found out."

Riley set the brush down with a sigh. "Suppose it won't matter soon, anyways."

"We don't have to do this the first night, Riley."

"Better to rip the band-aid off fast, right? Besides, I feel like if I wait another day I'll go crazy."

"I get that... I guess a part of me just kind of wants to savor things a bit longer. If things go off the rails tonight, I want to remember mom and dad laughing and smiling, not cursing and screaming."

Riley's ears folded back. "You think they'd hurt us?"

"I can take dad."

"We can all take him. He's not who I'm scared of."

Leanna shook her head. "Mom wouldn't."

"You really think so?"

"I just can't imagine it. She can get mad, she can threaten us, but bare her fangs? No way."

Riley frowned. "You know, some of us can't help showing these." He tapped one of the two long tusks that curved finely down his muzzle.

Leanna rolled her eyes. "I can understand being anxious, though. I always forget how big mom is until I'm in front of her. Then it's just like... 'oh.'"

Riley snickered. "Jayla says that's how you reacted to her when y'all met."

Leanna groaned. "Lord, giving you her number might've been the worst decision I ever made."


"Looks good, dad," Leanna said as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"Nothing too fancy, just old favorites," Ethan said. Boiled sweet corn on the cob steamed on a tea towel for anyone to grab. Next to it was a bowl of white rice and a pot of red beans cooked with the creole trinity, andouille, and crawfish. The scents of sweet corn and red beans and rice filled the dining room, making Riley's stomach growl.

"Sorry, skipped lunch."

Alexis reached her paws around the table and said, "Well let's say grace so we can get to eating, then." Hands and paws clasped all around the table. Alexis bowed her head and said, "Dear lord, bless this food you gave us, and bless my babies, who are home and healthy. In your name we pray."

A chorus of "Amen" followed. While loose hands picked corn onto plates, Ethan took on the duty of serving the red beans. A bed of rice for that spicy-savory mixture spread on top. He passed bowl after bowl before finally serving himself. By that time, Riley and Alexis both ate like they'd been starved.

Ethan met eyes with his daughter and asked, "You know the Heimlich?"


"You know, for when someone's choking?"

"Uhh, can't say I do."

"Well, let's just hope you're mom and brother make sure to chew and swallow, because I won't be able to save both if they start choking at the same time," Ethan said before finally taking a spoonful of the dinner he made to his beak. The rice helped pad out the heat of the red beans, which he let savor on his tongue before swallowing so his gizzards could get to work breaking things down. Fortunately, he didn't worry much about choking long as he took things slow.

Alexis glared at him, a gnawed-to-the-cob hunk of corn in her paw. Ethan simply rolled his eyes and kept eating.

Leanna giggled and said, "I've missed y'all."

"Missed your daddy's cooking more, I bet," Alexis said before gesturing with her corn to Riley. "This one always eats like he's been starving himself when he comes home for the summer."

"The dining hall only serves, like, the same five meals," Riley complained. His spoon already scraped the bottom of his bowl.

"I know how that's like," Leanna said before smiling at Alexis. "I mean it, though, about coming home. When we're all together like this, it's like slipping into a warm bath."

Ethan noticed Alexis' tail twitch and flick at the comment. His wife's hackles lifted just a touch. Not anger or agitation, but he knew her well enough to know what those words meant to her. Knew well enough how embarrassed Alexis would get if anyone else noticed.

"Save the poetry for your journal, hun," Ethan joked. "If you waste all the good stuff on us you won't have anything when you go to write."

"Please," Leanna flicked her wrist, "that wasn't anything." She picked up a piece of corn and started gnawing on it, but Ethan knew it was to hide her face.

They ate and talked for half an hour. Alexis got up to clear the table and get beers for herself and the kids. Ethan didn't drink because alcohol interacted poorly with his meds.

It was as things wound down, that Leanna made her announcement. She rolled a near empty bottle of beer between her palms, and broke a lull in the conversation with, "So I have some news."

Ethan and Alexis caught onto her tone immediately. Both parents leaned in and Alexis offered her daughter a paw, but Leanna did not hold it for support.

"What is it, baby?" Alexis whispered.

"I'm, um..." Leanna hesitated, then her hands went under the table. She retrieved something from the pocket of her PJs, and when her hand lifted up Ethan gasped. "I'm engaged." An engagement ring with a sapphire, her birthstone, now glittered on her ring finger.

Alexis laughed to flush the tension from her body. "That's fantastic! You had us worried there."

Ethan added with a smile, "So, who's the lucky guy?"

"Um..." Leanna looked down at the table, hands back in her lap. "Well..."

"Leanna?" Alexis asked.

Riley placed a hand on his sister's shoulder. "It's okay, sis."

Leanna said to her parents: "Her name is Jayla. We've been together for two years now and are getting married in September. And... and I'm a lesbian." Ethan gawked. Leanna stared at her mother defiantly, who in turn looked like she'd had the wind knocked out of her.

Riley broke the silence by jumping out his chair. "And I'm queer, too! And if you can't deal with that you might as well kick me out cause I'm not changing and neither is Leanna! We're fine the way we are!"

It hurt to see the way their children looked at them, the way they spoke. Ethan swallowed a bitter laugh at the twisted nature of this outing. He glanced at Alexis, who was trembling, now unable to look at anything but the amber glass of her beer. She mumbled, "I need some air," and got up, going for the back porch.

Ethan cursed, got up to go after her, but realized how this would look to their kids. He turned back around, Riley still with his hackles up but Leanna now deflated. "Listen, I promise you you're both safe, and we love you. I need to talk with you mom, then we'll come back in and sort things out."

"What is there to sort out?" Riley nearly snapped.

Leanna squeezed his hand. "Just sit down, Riley, please."

"I promise, there's a lot to sort out, but I can't just tell you without her here," Ethan insisted, "I'll be right back."

Ethan raced out onto their back deck. The cicadas were out in force, washing the night in their song. He found Alexis sitting on the porch swing and sighed. She had doubled over, hugging herself tight while she tried not to cry. Ethan sat down beside her and whispered, "It's going to be alright, Alex."

"Fucking goddammit," Alexis choked. "How?" She trembled and shook as Ethan wrapped an arm around her. He pulled her close and she leaned into him. He almost needed to brace himself to support her considerable size and weight. "Did you see the way they looked at us?" Alexis whined. "We were monsters to them. I never wanted... fuck they must have spent years scared and confused... scared of us Ethan! Lord forgive me, we screwed so much up--"

"Shhh," Ethan cooed. "It hurts, I know. When Riley started shouting at us I almost wanted to laugh. Like, really? This is what our kids think of us?"

"How could they know?" Alexis seethed. "I wasn't worried about them ever finding out, but I didn't know we did that good a job of hiding it!"

Ethan chuckled. "Think they'll be mad?"

"Wouldn't you?" Alexis snapped. She sat up, eyes puffy from tears. "Quit trying to make a joke out of this. These are our flesh and blood we're talking about!"

"Well, that was just never true--"

"You know what I mean!"

"I do, I do," Ethan said. He took Alexis' paws into his lap. "And you know they love us. If they really didn't feel like they could trust us, they would have done what we did."

"Marry each other?"

"Oh, so you can make jokes but I can't?"

"Yes, on account I'm the one actually hurting here," Alexis huffed. She got up and said, "Look at you, all stoic like when we got to go back in there and tell our kids we been lying to them their whole lives."

"Not lying, just hiding parts of ourselves," Ethan said. He got up with her and reached behind her ear, scratching there. "I'm scared, too, Alex, but the worst they'll be is mad at us for a bit, and then we can just be a family who don't hide anything from each other."

Alexis leaned into Ethan's scritching, taking a deep breath. On the exhale she straightened up and said, "I know, I'm just... I'm scared, and I hate hurting like this. Hate when they're mad at us."

"It'll be fine," Ethan took her paw. "It'll be better than fine. A week from now it'll be fantastic."

He led her back inside, but Alexis did not return to the dining room right away. Both kids waited at the table, Ethan stood in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder as Alexis stepped into their pantry. "Alex?"

Alexis returned with a bottle of whiskey and grabbed a shot glass. She shouldered Ethan out the way, sat down and poured herself a glass. She took a shot in one swig and smacked the glass down on the table with a sharp clack!

"Your father and I ain't straight, neither," Alexis said it while the wash of whiskey still burnt her throat.

Riley turned to her sister, "How did you know?"

"I didn't, I was just trying to make a joke."

"Ain't a joke," Alexis grumbled while she poured herself another shot. Before she even set the bottle down, Leanna reached across the table and took the shot much like her mother did.


"And you never told us?" Leanna asked.

Alexis grabbed her glass back, and Ethan answered for her, "You know what the county is like, Leanna. We were afraid that first you'd out us on accident, then when you were older we were just scared you'd hate us."

Clack! Alexis finished another shot. "Father and I were friends in high school, both knew about the other, and agreed we'd marry so we could fool people into thinking we weren't queer."

Leanna grabbed the bottle and glass from her mother and poured another shot.

"Easy there, sis--"

"The grownups are talking," Leanna cut Riley off.

Ethan grimaced as Leanna took another drink. Clack!

"What could we possibly do to you?" Leanna snapped at her mother. "Help, officer, my mom is gay."

"You don't know what it was like back then," Alexis insisted, but Leanna was already pouring another shot. "I have friends who had their kids took away for being lesbian. Mothers with their babies ripped from their paws--"

Clack! "You remember when I tried to kill myself? You know what I was thinking after I swallowed those pills?" Leanna's voice quaked, she was shaking. "At least my fucking momma won't be as mad at me this way. I thought I was better off dead than--"

"Leanna!" Ethan snapped. He couldn't let her finish that sentence.

Alexis was crying again. "Y-you... you mean..."

Leanna, also in tears, acted as if Alexis was the only person in the room. "I felt so alone and scared, momma..."

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't--I shouldn't have lied to you. Especially when I know that feeling." Alexis got up and went around the table. Leanna tried to shove her away, but the slender raptor was no match for her mother, who knelt down and hugged her tight. Both women began to weep into the other, whispering apologies and consolations.

Ethan knew better than to stay there. Quietly, he grabbed the whiskey bottle in one hand, his son's wrist in the other. He led the musk deer into their kitchen, which was an open room with a grime encrusted stove, a fridge older than Riley, and a sink full of dishes that needed washing.

"Give them some time," Ethan said. "They need a minute." He opened the pantry and put away the whiskey on the top shelf next to a bottle of moonshine. When he shut the pantry behind him he found his son sitting on a stool next to the backdoor. He sat at a slouch, staring at a knot in the hardwood floor, looking hollowed out.

"Fuck," Riley cursed, looking at his father for the first time. "So did you and mom ever love each other?"

Ethan frowned. "What? Couse we did. We still do. Just because we don't fuck each other don't mean we're not best friends. Even if I could be open out here, I wouldn't leave your mom for the first gay man I see."

"Gotcha," Riley said. "Fuck, we got so hyped up for tonight. I packed a fucking bag upstairs in case you kicked us out tonight, you know?"

"Shit," Ethan cursed. "We were that scary to y'all?"

Riley shrugged. "We didn't know what to think. You never talked about queer folks. Didn't know if you hated or supported them. Never would have guessed you were being quiet cause you were queer."

Ethan sighed. "We talked a lot about telling y'all. Our plan was to wait until you moved out, that way if you wanted nothing to do with us, we wouldn't have to deal with you storming out or telling the neighbors or some other nonsense."

"Shit," Riley scratched the back of his neck. "Wished I took a shot of that whiskey, too."

"No you don't," Ethan said.

"Mmm... I guess it's hard for anyone to see outside the closet. You couldn't know how we felt, and we couldn't know how you felt."

"Thank you."

"Huh?" Riley furrowed his brow. "For what? Making a mess of dinner?"

"For being braver than us. Tonight's a mess, but the rest of our lives we'll be able to be honest with y'all, and you'll know to come to us when you need help with this sort of thing."

"Heh, guess you're right. Leanna tried to talk me out of it earlier today, but I wouldn't have it. You ought to have a chance to see her get married, you know?"

Ethan's claws pinched into his arm. "She was just going to get married without telling us?"

"Yeah, sounds pretty shitty, don't it?"

Ethan shook his head and said to the ceiling, "Lord, thank God we made the mistake of adopting a son after getting our hands full with a willful daughter."

"Hey! I'm right here, you know!"

Ethan smiled warmly at his son, more grateful than the boy could know. "I see you. Come on, let's go check on the girls and try to salvage this night."


Bleary-eyed, wearing only gym shorts, Riley dragged himself downstairs towards the smell of coffee.

"Morning," Ethan called from the dining room while Riley poured himself a cup. The house was quiet, though, Riley had a vague memory of Leanna waking up, getting dressed, and creeping out his room sometime after sunrise.

Riley sat down in the dining room with a mug of steaming, black coffee. A taste he acquired from his father. Ethan sat at the table as well, dressed and reading some book on sociology. Ethan asked, still looking down at his open book, "Sleep well?"

"Last night was real, right?"

"Yes. You came out. Your mother and I came out after."

"Weird..." Riley said to his mug of coffee. Out of the corner of his eye he studied his father. He supposed he expected some change the morning after, but his dad was his dad. A regal looking hawk who dressed in dapper clothes no matter the time of the year.

Ethan dog-eared his page and shut the book before asking, "Something wrong?"

Riley grabbed his coffee and took a quick drink, rim of the mug knocking against his tusks in his rush. The musk deer winced, barely able to swallow the mouthful of hot liquid.

"Heheh, easy there, son. I didn't mean to spook you."

Riley coughed and cleared his throat. "Ugh, sorry. I just--I don't know. Nothing feels like it's changed?"

Ethan cocked his head in that way only birds could. "What did you expect? For me to be introducing you to my boyfriend when you woke up?"

"No," Riley shook his head. "I guess... I... uh, I don't know? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Heh, no. I have dalliances with boys now and again, but my only partner is, and has been, your mother."

Riley frowned. "So you two just never..."

"Your mother has had girlfriends in the past, nothing quite permanent for one reason or another," Ethan said. "For me, I've been happy to keep my relationships casual."

"Ah," Riley said. He took another sip of coffee. His ears folded back and admitted, "I guess I expected it to be more obvious you were gay after coming out, but you're just you."

Ethan laughed. "I mean, your mother has always been butch, and I've always been the academic house husband who likes to dress nice even when I go out to buy chicken feed. The only reason you or no one else noticed is you took all that for granted because we're married."

"Ah, right."

Ethan reached over and squeezed his son's hand. "Don't beat yourself up for it. Till last night you were afraid we'd be homophobic, so how could you have known?"

"Yeah, fair," Riley muttered.

Ethan leaned forward, elbow planted on the table and beak resting on his fist. "So, I have a question for you now."

"Um... yeah?"

"Last night you just said you were queer. Did you mean gay or..."

"Bi? Pan? I don't know, does it matter? I've been with girls, but I like dick, too."

Ethan read between the lines better than Riley would have liked. "You've not been with a boy, yet?"

He cringed. "No... not for a lack of trying. It's just... you know how hard it can be to meet other guys out here, right?"

"That I do," Ethan said with a wistful sigh. "That's why most of my hookups happen at the college. Summers are just miserable dry spells."

"You fuck other professors?" Riley asked. Occasionally Ethan invited other faculty over for dinner, which got him thinking of which ones his dad might have been screwing...

"Once or twice, much easier to sleep with students," Ethan said nonchalantly, but when Riley gasped Ethan had a smirk ready. "What? There's a reason I keep my affairs casual."

"You sleep with your students?" Ethan hissed between his tusks.

"What? No, no, I care about my job too much. I don't fuck students who are in my classes, but after the semester is over, or if I just so happen to meet them through grindr, then..."

Riley just stared.

"Hehehe, want me to go back in the closet?" Ethan joked.

Riley shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "It's fine. Whatever, it's fine. Weird but fine. My dad's just a player, is all."

Ethan shook his head. "Hardly. Gay college boys are horny, it's easy to convince them to meet you in your office after classes, especially when you can lock the door and have a nice big sofa to--"

"Dad!" Riley covered his muzzle in his hands. "I've sat on that couch!"

"What? Hey, I clean any mess that happens. Can't have my students sitting in some senior's cum--"

"Stop it already!"

Ethan laughed so hard he doubled over. Riley had to resist the urge to run out of room. He almost insisted his dad walk back into the closet. He didn't understand why it had to be so embarrassing: maybe because Riley was a virgin when it came to guys, maybe because his dad fucked boys his age, maybe because he jealous. Although, that last one didn't really register. Riley had never been drawn to casual flings.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop," Ethan teased. "Just remember you opened this can of worms."

"And I completely regret it," Riley groaned.

Ethan shrugged and opened his book. "If you ever want help, I can give you pointers on picking up guys. Good looking deer like you shouldn't have the kind of trouble you do."

"Wait... good looking?" Riley asked. His dad never called him that before.

"Just calling it like I see it," Ethan said to his book. He flipped a page and added, "Besides, I can tell you need the confidence booster. That's the real shame about boys your age. No one ever knows how to make you feel sexy."

Riley's ears folded, cheeks flushed. It had never been pointed out to him before, but he knew immediately his dad was right. Riley had always just considered himself a gangly deer without even the benefit of having a rack of horns, just his weird, long fangs.

He swallowed the knot in his throat and took another drink of his coffee before standing up. "I'm going to get dressed."

"Wear something nice," Ethan said, still reading.


"You're mom and I thought it would be good to take you kids out today, show you what it's like being queer in this county." He looked up and smiled at his son. "Your mom's taking Leanna to her favorite bar, and I was going to take you up to the school."

"But I've been there plenty of times..."

"Oh, don't worry. I promise this time it'll be different," Ethan said with a little smirk before going back to his book. Still nervous, Riley retreated up the stairs with his mug of coffee.


Bribery in a Bottle, called Bribes by the locals, was a bar at the edge of Callowkeen County. The county north of here was dry, so Bribes made good money by being one of the closest places folks could go to get a drink. Leanna had never bothered with the nightlife in Callowkeen, she moved to the city quick as she could manage, so she had never known about the place beyond its name.

Outside, its gravel parking lot only had a few cars in it. Alexis parked her pickup in front of the place, the windows had drawn curtains with bars across them. Everything was coated in a layer of reddish dust, and the front door hung a little crooked on its hinges.

"So this is where the action is," Leanna said as her mom unbuckled and kicked open the door.

"Sure is." Alexis hopped out the truck, wearing a pair of daisy dukes, her dark blonde pelt practically shining in the sunlight. Her low-cut tank top showed off ample cleavage, her large arms, and broad shoulders. It was the same kind of clothes she wore when working around the house, nothing that made her standout any more than she already did. Not that Leanna ever thought her mom needed help with that.

Leanna settled for a black summer dress with a slit in the back for her tail, the cut going past her mid-thigh. If not for the strappy top, some might consider it modest. Not that Leanna had much of a chest to brag about. She liked the dress for how it hugged her waist then billowed out. It was certainly too dressy for Bribes, but her momma asked her to put on something nice, and Leanna was a sucker for dressing up.

By the time she swung the pickup's shotgun door closed, Alexis had already barged into the bar, yelling, "David! How's my favorite salty boar?"

After last night, Alexis had been even more bubbly and boisterous than ever. When Leanna had asked why, she simply responded with, "Course I'm happy! I never thought I could be more proud of my baby girl and here I am! Prouder than ever."

It still made Leanna smile, and she went into the bar feeling bubbly as well, a black handbag over her shoulder. It was a dusty pub, with a pool table and some old arcade games in the back. A massive table that could sit twenty dominated the middle of the place, with benches lining it, used by a hodgepodge of people. Alexis stood at the bar, talking with the boar behind the counter who already poured the lioness a beer.

He glanced at Leanna when she came in and whistled. "You weren't kidding. Ain't you a pretty thing coming into a place like this with a dress like that."

"Eyes off! My girl already got herself a catch."

David winked at Leanna, then said to Alexis, "Listen big momma, I know better than to cross you. I promise to behave."

"Mmm, and you spread the word, too," Alexis said as she took the beer David placed on the counter. She patted a stool beside her, and Leanna sat down with her mother.

"What'll you have?" David asked.

"What's on tap?"

"Miller, Bud, Tecate, Heinekin if you're feeling fancy."


"Mmm, we got it," David said. He leaned in close enough Leanna could smell his cheap cologne over the smell of polished wood that pervaded the place. "You sure you want something cheap? I mean your momma is paying, ain't she?"

Leanna chuckled. "It's a union beer. I'll go with it."

"Union beer, huh?" David stepped back and shook his head. "Never heard that one before. All right, comrade, one PBR."

Leanna rolled her eyes. "He always like this?"

"Don't mind him. He's just mad he's gotta work and can't flirt," Alexis said.

"Hey, a man can do both." David handed Leanna a pint glass but didn't let it go. "You're twenty-one, right kid?"

"Oh quit messing around," Alexis snapped.

"I'm just teasing--slow right now. How am I supposed to have any fun?"

Someone came up to the other side of the bar, trying to make eye contact with David. Alexis reached across the bar and shoved his shoulder to the patron, "Go do your job and let us drink in peace!"

David left, loudly complaining how hurt he was that they didn't come here for his company.

"You two know each other a long time?" Leanna asked before taking a drink of her beer. Light in flavor, it was easy to put back. Another reason she preferred PBRs is that, for whatever reason, they didn't leave her as bloated as other beers could.

"Since he started working here five years ago."

"Only five years? I figured he owned the place."

"Nah, owner don't show up much--not liked around these parts."

"Oh yeah?" Leanna asked. She started to settle and get comfortable with her mother. The place had A/C running, but it didn't feel frigid. It was nice. She turned in the stool to better face Alexis, leaning against the bar.

Alexis said, "You know the type. Anyone willing to take advantage of county lines and dry counties ain't the type to be too principled one way or another. Lot of folks don't like that he lets anything go on here. Folks want to hold some union meeting, for instance, or some locals organize a girl's night that's not about meeting boys."

"A lesbian night?"

Alexis leaned forward and whispered, "Careful with that word round here."

No one had eavesdropped on them, but Leanna would keep the warning in mind.

Alexis continued, "Not officially, not quite. Let's just say me and other like-minded girls saw it as an opportunity to mix and mingle without drawing attention to ourselves. Bribes is where I've met most my girls. Fortunately, this," she held up her paw and flashed the wedding band on her ring digit, "keeps most folks from ever giving two thoughts to me bumping up to another woman. Country people would rather ignore what's in front of them, I've learned, so long as you aren't eating a girl out on the pool table, no one's the wiser."

Alexis glanced at the pool table, noting now that it was three other women around the table. One made eye contact with her and offered a smile. Leanna returned it, then asked her mother, "What about those girls over there?"

"Two of them are on and off again exes of mine, third one, the younger looking leopard, isn't someone I've been with."

"On and off again?" Leanna asked, noting the other two women. One, a wolf wearing skinny jeans and a tattered football jersey, the other a chubby skink sporting a pair of cutoffs and billowy blouse. They looked around Alexis' age. Leanna tried not to stare, but it did interest her what type of woman her mother was drawn toward.

Alexis said, "There are only so many available women in the county. We make it work when we can, and stay out of each other's way when we can't." She sighed and drained the rest of her pint in a few hearty gulps, then admitted, "Right now, I'm going through a summer of can'ts."

Leanna frowned. "I'm sorry, momma--hold on a sec," she reached up and wiped some froth from Alexis' jowls. "Sorry, didn't want you dripping all over your shirt."

Alexis recoiled from her touch a bit, which surprised her. The lioness wiped her muzzle again with her paw, then, "Hey now, I'm the one supposed to be cleaning your face."

Leanna said, "Sorry, habit I picked up from cleaning up after Jayla."

"She a messy girl or just lazy?"

"Messy," Leanna said before, with a flush of her own embarrassment, admitted, "You'd like her a lot, long as you got along with someone else a lot like you."

"A lot like me?"

"She also loves taking up as much space as she can."

"Hey now, what's that supposed to mean?"

Leanna giggled and said, "It's a compliment, momma, trust me." She opened her handbag and retrieved her phone, asking, "Want to see what she looks like?"

"What kind of question is that? Course I wanna see my baby girl's fiancée."

At that moment, David came back to the bar. "Refills, ladies?"

Leanna had only got halfway through her pint, but let David take the glass. They had a bit more small talk with the boar before another customer ushered him away. Once he did, Leanna began to unlock her phone.

"Okay, so one thing you need to know," she said as she pulled up the pictures, "Jayla is trans."

"Like a transvestite?"

"What? No, no, she's all woman, she was just assigned male at birth."

Alexis frowned. "I thought that was a transvestite? I been with one before and that's what she called herself."

"Ah," Leanna nodded. "Okay, I get it. Generational things. She prefers to go by trans, transgender, or you know, treat her like one of the girls."

"I get it, I get it, just show me the pictures."

Leanna opened a gallery folder of photos of Jayla and the two of them together. Jayla was another lioness, but unlike Alexis, she had a thick flowing mane, delicately cultivated so that the lush red fur did not grow on her face, neck, or chest, rather flowing down her back. She, like Alexis, was bigger than most folks, but Jayla had a more athletic figure, where age had softened Alexis. Her mother whistled in appreciation. "Sweet lord, what a catch. She's almost pretty as you."


"What? You know you'll always be first place in my eyes."

Leanna blushed, grateful her scales hid most of it. She locked her screen and said, "Jayla is a steelworker at a factory, but does smithing at a workshop on her spare time. We met at a gallery that was hosting some of her metalwork."

Alexis' brow furrowed. "So you're saying she's an artist with a factory job she uses to pay the bills?"

"Uh, yes?"

Alexis blew out an immense sigh. "Oh thank the Lord--was worried I'd have to worry about another starving artist in my family."

"Hehehe, is that all you care about?"

Alexis asked, "Does she make you happy?"

Beaming, Leanna admitted, "Very, momma."

"That's all I need to know to know I'll love her like she's one of my own."

Positively buoyant at that, Leanna hugged her mom tight. "Thank you, momma."

Chuckling, Alexis returned the hug. "Nothing to thank me for. Loving and supporting you is natural as breathing."


Inside Ethan's car, both boys bellowed with the CD player: "When they came for the communists I kissed them on the lips! Then they came for the singers in a haze of pink slips--ohhh!" Riley held a tune better than his father, but both reveled in a chance to sing. It started with his father putting in a CD with an album opener about two boys unrequited love in the country. Ethan sang every line, and, at his father's encouragement, Riley grabbed the CD's jacket, pulled out a little booklet of song lyrics, and began to sing along, too.

Their impromptu karaoke continued even as Ethan pulled into a parking lot in front of the humanities building. As the song swelled to its final crescendo, they turned to one another, singing, "He's the laureate of the Granite State--now he doesn't even write, he just riffs! And they'll cover up his coffin in pink slips!" The final chords of the song hit in time with the last lyric, and as it faded to silence for the next song, Ethan switched off the ignition, took out his keys, and silenced his speakers by popping open the door.

"Enjoy yourself?" Ethan asked with a little quirk to his beak.

"Yeah! Uh," Riley chuckled nervously, "I've not done something like that in a while."

Ethan got out of the car, shutting it and locking it with his key fob as Riley did the same. "That CD is one of my go-tos when I just need to sing my head off."

Riley smiled. "Glad I got to listen to it with you."

"Noticing some changes in your dad, finally?"

Riley grinned. "I guess you might be cool." He always thought of his father as a self-contained, stoic--if a generous and quietly outgoing one. He could not remember the last time he saw Ethan have fun like that. It made the old hawk seem a decade younger.

As the two walked inside the building, Riley asked, "So what am I going to see that I haven't seen before?"

"Patience," Ethan answered.

Riley pictured his father hitting some switch before the bookcases in his office swung around, revealing some sort of sex dungeon set up. He knew it silly, but he figured it must be something major to drive all the way out here.

Ethan's office was on the fourth floor of the humanities building, inside the English department. Though his father worked as a rhetorician, his real job was coordinating all the first-year writing classes at the college. It involved mostly grueling managerial work, not research or small seminars for invested students. Still, his dad never complained much about his job, and it did afford him a corner office in the building, one of the biggest on his floor.

Ethan unlocked his door, opened it, and waved inside, "After you."

With some amount of trepidation, Riley walked in. His dad's office had the fruity smell of a wall-mounted air freshener. Bookcases lined two walls, with curtained windows taking up the rest. His desk was a big, imperial behemoth of faded mahogany. It carried several dings and scratches, one side of it cluttered with books and a closed laptop, the other side bare. Next to the desk, along one of the windowed walls, was a sofa: red cushions clean if old and worn.

"Have a seat," Ethan said as he shut the door behind them, flipping the lock. "Thought we could talk."

"Talk?" Riley asked as his father sat on the edge of his desk, facing the sofa with his taloned feet just dangling over the floor.

Ethan gestured to the couch, "Come on, promise you're not in trouble."

Riley sat at the edge of a cushion and asked, "Uh, what's up?"

Ethan stared at the ceiling a moment. "Where to begin..."


"Suppose we should do this like a band-aid." Riley's apprehension built into a lump of anxiety before his father added, "I want to give you the talk--about men."

"What? You're, uh, kidding right? I'm nineteen not nine," Riley protested, ears folding back.

"Alright," Ethan quirked a brow. "If you plan to bottom for your partner, when should you use an enema--"

"Dad! Gross," Riley jumped to his hooves. "You cannot be serious right now."

Ethan only offered his son a smirk. "So you don't know anything."

Riley hugged his arms around his chest. "Google exists. I don't need my dad to tell me this stuff."

Ethan nudged his son's jeans with a talon. "Sit back down, goofball. I'm not interested in explaining enemas anyway."

Lips quivering around his tusk, Riley listened. Ethan couldn't help but swallow a chuckle at his son's pout. He knew laughing at Riley would only make matters worse.

Ethan decided to be candid: "You said you've never been with a guy before. Now I know when I was your age I was desperate to get with a guy. I needed to know that the things I felt weren't just something I couldn't get out of my head. I made some mistakes because of that, and if it weren't for your mother I don't know what would have happened to me. I just want you to be safe, dear, and not go through the pain I did."

Riley relaxed a little, feeling sheepish now. "Jesus, I'm sorry, dad, I didn't know."

Ethan shrugged. Riley and Leanna had a pretty good relationship with Alexis' family, but Ethan's past had been a black hole. Not because his family found out he was queer, but because of all the other problems that could haunt and plague a rural family dogged by poverty. Ethan said, "It's alright. Years of therapy and your mom have sorted me out. So how about we start over, hmm? When did you know you liked guys?"

Riley scratched the back of his neck, looking at the bookshelves instead of his father. "I mean, you remember when I had my first real girlfriend, right? I sort of realized around the same time I liked boys, too. I think I do, at least. I like looking at porn of--" Riley flinched.

"It's fine, dear. Nothing leaves this room."

"Right, sorry."

"Hehe, nothing to apologize about!" Ethan hopped off the desk and sat next to his son. He rubbed his back and said, "No more hiding things between us, alright? You don't need to be embarrassed about sharing your sex life."

"Thanks, dad..." Riley whispered, letting himself lean against the older hawk. "It's like you said, I'm really anxious about getting with a guy. I'm scared that once I get in there I won't actually like it, that I'm some kind of phony or fake."

"Mmm, that's understandable. Have you not had any luck with the boys at your college?" He chuckled. "Speaking from personal experience, college boys are pretty easy to catch."

"I don't know... Grindr and shit freaks me out, and when I go to LGBT meetups I feel like this awkward fish. All these people are out there with dyed hair, clothes different from mine, and I'm just like--how do you fucking talk to people? The only thing I maybe have in common is not being straight."

Ethan let his son vent, offering an "Mmm," and "Yeah," as necessary. He could tell these were anxieties Riley had been swimming in for a while.

"It's just so frustrating sometimes. You, mom, and Leanna are all so good with people, and I never really had trouble with being an introvert before, but putting myself out there like this... it's just hard. Not to mention I don't seem femme or masc enough to most guys."

"Femme or masc enough?" Ethan asked.

"You know, like, I'm quiet about being queer. It's not intentional, I just am, so I bet most gay guys wouldn't think to flirt with me. Especially when I'm not big enough to be a stud, but too tall and masculine to be a twink--"

"Okay," Ethan held up a hand, "Let's pause there."

Riley grimaced. "Too much?"

"Not at all, dear. You clearly needed to get this off your chest, but I'm not going to have you berating yourself, either. It sounds like to me you aren't looking for some fuck buddy, but a romantic partner."

"I..." a protest rose in Riley's throat, but it quickly deflated like the rest of him. "Yeah... I don't know why. I've told myself, no more girls till I gave myself the chance to date a guy, but I don't know... it's like being gay is this pool and there's no shallow end, so you either jump in and swim or you just sink."

Ethan hugged his son tight, which his son clung to, quivering. Ethan whispered, "I know it feels like that, but trust me, no good person wants you to sink. You're not a freak or bad fit because you feel this way. I felt it, your mother did, I'm sure Leanna did, most of us do at some point or another when we're still figuring things out."

Sniffling against his father's vest, Riley mumbled, "I know... I'm just..."

"Shh, it's okay. Just take a moment for yourself."

Riley did, letting himself be held by his father. He could not remember the last time he let himself be held by someone, but Ethan was far more familiar with this situation, comforting and consoling his children, students, even other queer men. He felt an outpouring of love and care for his son, and an idly entertained idea came to the forefront of his mind again. Why not? If his son turned out willing, why shouldn't Riley's father answer these anxieties that chewed up his son.

Gently, Ethan broke up their embrace, hands still on his shoulders. He caressed his son's cheek, wiping a tear away. "I'm glad you shared all this with me. I want to do my best to care for you, to be there for you, dear." He rose to his feet and asked, "Can you get up for me?"

Riley did, still slouching and shaky. He managed to say, "Thanks dad. We, uh, going now?"

"Not yet," Ethan said gently. "I know your confidence is feeling really shaky right now, and I know most boys your age never feel good about yourself cause boys aren't supposed to get compliments. So I want you to try something."

Uncertainty kept his son's shoulder's hunched, posture timid. "What?"

Ethan leaned back against his desk and said, "Compliment me."

Riley blinked.

"Gay men, like most women, learn how to compliment each other. It's one of our few saving graces--a way to make us feel good when most folks want us to feel bad," Ethan explained. "I'm going to teach you how."

"Oh... I didn't... okay? How about..." Riley paused, then tried, "You're dressed nice."

Ethan laughed. "That I know!" He took pride in his tailored clothes. The older hawk's build had remained slim through active housework, light exercise, and dieting well. The dress shirt he wore today was crimson, with golden cufflinks, and dark slacks to match. Ethan said, "Be specific. If you're vague, people will think you're just buttering them up."

"Okay..." Riley frowned. "It's just a bit weird, you know? You're my dad and--"

"Take a deep breath, dear. Heh, if you don't hurry up I'll show you how it's done."

"Okay, fine, uh... your clothes are nice. The red goes well with your feathers, I think?"

"You think?"

"It does! I like it, anyways--it's striking," Riley said. He swallowed and added, "There, was that good?"

"Hehe, it's a start," Ethan told him. "You will have to be more casual than that, though."

"Well it's hard being put on the spot."

"Practice makes perfect. Another way is to simply express you like something, such as, 'I love the way that red goes with your feathers.'" Ethan pushed off the desk, drawing close to his son. "Easy, yeah?"

"S-sure." Riley struggled to match his father's golden eyes. He saw nothing in them that should alarm him, but the level of intimacy of Ethan so near: the warmth in those irises, his father's beak almost touching his muzzle, the scent of his father's cologne subtle but definitely all Riley smelled now. He found it hard to breathe, the reasons why leaving him paralyzed and embarrassed.

"My turn," Ethan whispered. Riley actually doubted his father might find anything on him to compliment, flinching when Ethan touched his hand. "Ah, are you scared?"

"It's nothing," Riley dismissed, not even wanting to recognize how wound up he suddenly felt.

Ethan chose to let it drop, and lifted Riley's hand between them, palm up. "I've always admired your hands." He traced a finger along his palm, fur thinned to the point of exposing dark flesh, the deeper lines in his palm visible. Ethan said, "You have these long, delicate fingers, with these callous on them. It makes it easy to tell you're a musician. Men who craft things, whether it's with carpentry or bass chords, are just so much more interesting to me."

Riley stared at his father, wide-eyed. Was this all really practice or... his father's gaze lifted back to him, and Riley's breath caught in his throat.

"And that look," Ethan laughed gently, "just adorable. Sorry, that's not sexy, is it? Here," he let go of Riley's wrist and touched one of his tusk. Riley gasped, but remained rooted in place. "These, though?" Ethan's finger slid up the tooth and touched Riley's upper lip. Riley's pulse built and built, but he remained enthralled by Ethan's smolder, by his words. "I read that tusk length for male musk deer has a direct correlation to masculinity. Old, primal evolution stuff: the longer the tooth, the better the male." Ethan's digit gently stroked where fang met gum, then slid down the length of Riley's tusk. "I've always wondered if you knew that. If my son knew how big his tusks were. These long, erotic, slender fangs of his, bigger than the average musk deer's." As one finger teased at the point of his tooth, Riley felt his father's other hand come to grope the swelling bulge in his jeans. God, why was he getting hard right now, and why in the hell couldn't he move? "I wondered..." Ethan got closer, hand still rubbing his son's crotch, their chests now touching, his beak resting on Riley's shoulder, tilted up to whisper in his son's ear, "Did my son know how big his cock must be? Has he ever thought what it would feel like to have that entire length sheathed in another warm body like mine?"

Despite all his swagger, Ethan watched his son carefully. The musk deer had this adorable little tremble, but he knew his son well enough that it wasn't fear. "Dad..." Riley whined, "W-we can't..."

"Shhh," Ethan cooed. "We aren't blood. I want to give this to you, Riley, but I won't force you. If you want, I'll never bring this up again, but if I can help you with this I'd gladly give you my everything, teach you everything I can."

Riley surprised Ethan with a tight hug. His boy's restrained erection bumped against his crotch, clearly showing the seduction worked. "I want to," Riley breathed, "I just don't know where to begin... I don't know if--"

Ethan silenced his son with a finger to his snout. He offered his gentlest smile and said, "I'll guide you." Riley nodded and let go of his father. The hawk took a step back and suggested, "How about we start with taking off our clothes, hmm?"

"Uhhh, okay?"

"Heh, I can tell you're still reluctant, so I'll start." Ethan turned a little, sure not to look back at his son. He wanted Riley to watch and to not feel embarrassed about watching. First, Ethan removed his vest, tossing it in his office chair before undoing the cuffs on his dress shirt. Steadily, he undid the buttons of the shirt, top to bottom, before one then the next sleeve slipped off. The shirt joined his vest before Ethan stole a glance at his son. He couldn't help but laugh. "Are you alright?"

Riley started. The musk deer almost faced away but stopped himself. He admitted, "I just... I never realized how hot you look?"

"Heh, well, I do try to keep in shape when I can," Ethan said as he faced his son. He did have a slight lip of fat at his stomach, but his arms and chest were still in good shape. He had always been of the mind that if the gym on campus was free then it would be silly not to keep a regular exercise routine. His feathers in his front were a downy cream color before more of those reddish brown streaks dotted then dominated his sides and back.

Ethan touched his belt. "Would you like me to continue?"

Riley, shyness slipping away, said, "Yes."

Ethan felt his loins flush with heat as his son watched him. He loved catching the eye of handsome young boys like this. A guilty pleasure, really. He slipped off belt, button, down the zipper, then removed his briefs with his dress pants. He dropped them, then worked them carefully past his taloned feet, sitting back against his desk as he did. Ethan wryly said, "Sorry, there's not really a graceful or sexy way to remove one's trousers."

Riley did not answer right away. He eyed his father's soft, inviting thighs where more of those soft white feathers covered it. At his knee the feathers ended in favor of pebbly scales, the calves toned and firm looking. Almost afraid, Riley finally let his eyes come to rest on his father's crotch. His cock sported a half chub draped across his balls. He was girthy but an average length, and something about that soft, hefty looking flesh made Riley long to come closer to it. He finally glanced up and saw his father's smug smile.

"Enjoying the view?" Riley nodded slowly and Ethan snickered. Were it any other young, nervous boy, Ethan might have been a bit more tactful. "Here," he sat back on his desk and said, "You can keep your clothes on and touch me, if you want to start there."

Riley still struggled to process how attractive his gay father was. In the soft light coming through the shuttered window, he couldn't believe how soft those feathers appeared, how firm the muscles underneath. Ethan liked dressing up so much that Riley hadn't seen his father in anything more revealing than a t-shirt in years. Seeing him naked just made Riley more self-conscious of his relative lankiness.

Riley moved closer to his dad and touched his knee, right above where his feathers terminated for the scaly, taloned legs that followed. "There we go," Ethan whispered.

"Your feathers are so soft," Riley managed to say.

"They're softer elsewhere."

"Y-yeah?" Riley's hand moved up his dad's leg, resting on his thigh, finding himself looking again at the other male's length. Pale flesh stood erect over a mound of pubic feathers, the maroon mushroom head wrapped in foreskin.

Ethan touched his chin and got Riley to look up. "You okay, dear?" he asked.

Riley touched his tongue to his tusk, working up the courage to ask, "Is it okay if... if I touch it?"

Ethan resisted making another wry comment, and simply said, "Of course."

Riley did, finding it soft and firm to hold. It was warmer than the rest of Ethan, and Riley felt his father pulse in his palm. Tonguing his tusk again, he worked his hand up and down the shaft, watching Ethan's foreskin roll up and down his glans. Riley sighed, humping into his son's hand and lounging backwards. Encouraged by his father's pleasure, Riley decided to do something he always fantasized about.

He knelt before the desk, grabbing his dad's ankles. "Riley? Oh," when Riley hooked one of Ethan's legs over his shoulder, his dad obliged and hooked the other, scooting forward so Riley had better access to Ethan's package. Before his boy could lean in, Ethan placed a hand on his head. "You sure you want to move this fast?"

"I do," Riley said. "I-if we're doing this, I want to do it."

Ethan let go and watched his boy nuzzle into the underside of his cock. Riley sucked in a deep breath and moaned. Riley knew he enjoyed his own musk, but his first taste of another man's made his cock ache in his jeans. Those soft pubic feathers teased at his dark snout, and he burrowed in deeper, right near the top of his father's balls and inhaled more of that musk. Salt, something spiced and sour and sweet. It was different from the smell of his rut but oh so enticing.

Ethan worried a little about the tips of his son's tusks digging into his sack, but it didn't go too far before Riley began licking the underside of his meat. His son's smooth, broad tongue could almost cover the entirety of his girth. Ethan placed a hand on Riley's head, scratching a bit behind the ears while he encouraged, "That's it, dear."

Cock. Riley was kissing and licking a dick, and it didn't gross him out or anything. He'd been so scared one smell of another guy would turn his stomach, that he was just faking it, but the texture along his tongue, the flavor on his tastebuds. Riley trembled. He loved it. Just like the first time he went down on a girl, a little clumsy and worried about his tusks. It was a totally different flavor. The tones musky and subdued, getting a little saltier when he licked up the tip and tasted his father's precum. His father's precum.

An hour ago that thought might have grossed him out and flustered him, but he couldn't get it out of his head now. This was his dad's cock he worshipped, and while they weren't related, Ethan raised him. Ethan knew Riley better than most people ever did, and Ethan still wanted him. Something about that got Riley even hotter. The joy of feeling certain about his desires, about being wanted so plainly by someone so close to him, and his own teenage lust had him drunk on a hormonal cocktail. His hands, holding his dad's thighs, pressed Ethan's legs together, as if he wanted his dad to pin him in place.

Ethan could feel his son getting needier, and wanted to push the boy further. He loved partners who could get lost in their own little world. The fact it was Ethan's own son was even more gratifying. This needn't be a one fuck and done. There was so much Ethan could teach his boy, and as Riley's lips opened and closed around his tip, he could tell his son would be an eager pupil.

Ethan sat up a little, putting a bit of pressure on the back of Riley's head. His cock slid farther into his son's maw. The boy sucked clumsily as Ethan's girth fit snugly between those tusks. A little spit and it would slide easily. Though, that first descent tugged back Ethan's foreskin, his glans grinding against his son's tongue. Both men moaning.

Salty and sweet, more viscous than Riley's spit. His dad's precum slid warmly down his throat as he savored that pulsing meat in his maw. He really liked cock. The more he had of it in his mouth the more he needed it. He worked some saliva along his lips, tongue slipping around cock to press spit into his tusks. He did his best to lube his father's shaft before descending further, finding the wet helped. Ethan bucked up and Riley found his snout buried in pubic feathers. Cock filled his maw and hit his throat. He shuddered and gagged, backing off with his eyes watering.

Ethan cursed. "Shit, you okay?"

Riley popped off the shaft, coughing, and wiped tears from his eyes. "Y-yeah, I just--ugh--went a little fast."

"We can do something else if--"

"No," Riley snapped, then his ears clipped back when he saw his dad's startled look. "I j-just, I want..."

"To keep sucking your dad's cock?"

"D-don't say that," Riley whined.

Ethan cocked his head. "Too much?"

Shyly, face tilted into his dad's thighs, Riley said, "I like this. Earlier, what you said, have you ever thought about us doing this stuff before?"

"Of course not, dear. We came out of the closet yesterday, and I don't fantasize about boys I don't think I can have. I learned that the hard way." Ethan tried to move his legs, but Riley yanked them back into place. Ethan couldn't help but laugh and ask, "Comfy down there?"

"Yes," Riley muttered.

Ethan ventured, "I'll only call you by your name if that's what you want."

"I'm not sure what I want." Riley's eyes flicked from his dad's to the cock looming in front of his muzzle. "Except this thing. And you. I... I think I like the dad stuff, I just don't want this to be weird."

"Heh, I think we're already a little past that, dear."

"Just shut up and let me suck your dick, dad."

"So dad stuff is fine--hah-ah..." Ethan sighed as his son's lips wrapped back around his shaft. "That's a good boy," he cooed. "You know j-just how to treat your dad's cock, don't you?"

It embarrassed Riley how hot his dad's words got him. He mewled around the dick in his mouth, so Ethan knew to keep the praise up. Even with the interruption, it was so easy to fall back into focusing on his dad's length. That wonderful, simple spire of masculinity, so weighty and firm in his maw. He bobbed his lips and sucked, finding his father particularly enjoyed himself getting stimulated just past his glans. That was good, Riley did not think he could take Ethan all the way without gagging again, so he worked what he could. His finger and thumb stayed wrapped around the base, so the occasional buck of his father's hips didn't end with Riley taking too much at once.

Ethan had many a male suck his dick, but he couldn't say one with tusks ever did. At first he worried about it, as anyone did about teeth touching their dick, but it felt good grinding up and down the smooth fangs once they had been slickened with spit. It made for one other sensation on top of the lips gliding up and down his meat, his son's tongue playing along the underside of his shaft, or the sucking that tugged on his glans with every bob of the boy's head. Given, well, everything, Ethan found himself getting close, finding his edge sooner from a blowjob than he had in years.

He grabbed his son by his scruff and shoved him down, huffing. "God, son, you-you're going to get me off if you keep this up."

Riley moaned his eager consent. He needed to know what another man's cum tasted like. He had always been curious, and given how quickly he took to Ethan's precum, Riley needed his father's seed in his maw, needed that thick sperm pooling and sliding down his throat.

Warning given, when Ethan released Riley, he found his boy renewing his pace, working faster, sloppier. Ethan did not try to hold himself back. He could guess that Riley's jaw would start to get sore soon, and didn't need to put his son through his paces--yet. In fact, hearing his son mewl and suckle his dick, knowing he was close, like he'd raised some eager cumslut, just made the tension in his loins greater. Lord forgive him. The thought of raising his son into this, training him to be Ethan's personal pet. It was wrong, but he could see his son with blinders on, the musk deer in a collar, maw hanging open and waiting to service whatever male stood in front of him.

"F-fuck," Ethan quietly muttered before his beak clenched tight and he came.

Riley felt it. The pulse of his dad's dick as it filled his waiting maw. He froze and concentrated just on a gentle suction, letting his father's seed spill across his tastebuds. The flavor was a little sweeter than Riley's, more subdued. Whether by age or their difference in species, Riley couldn't guess, but the more that viscous fluid filled his mouth the more Riley quivered in place. He kept his eyes closed, willing himself to focus on the feeling of his father's cum rolling through his mouth, of that shaft twitching between his lips. The scent of Ethan, so strong in that moment. All of him, all of this so close and intimate and good.

It could have been twenty seconds or twenty minutes, but Riley remained in a rapturous stupor until Ethan placed a hand behind his son's ears. "That's... you can release me."

Carefully, tongue sliding one last time across those glandes before he popped off, making Ethan shudder. His son, doe-eyed, looked up at him, maw still full of cum. Remembering it was the boy's first time, Ethan said, "It's okay if you need to spit it out--"

Riley cut him off by opening his maw--tongue covered in a slimy film of semen, strings connected at the corner of his lips, viscous seminal fluid pooled with saliva at the bottom of his mouth. Ethan stared as his son's ears folded back a little shyly, even as he shut his maw and made a dramatic show of swallowing.

"Mmm--fuck, I love how that feels."

"You what?" Ethan asked.

"Swallowing," Riley answered, eyes half-lidded. He blinked and asked, "Is this... is this right? I didn't even get off, but that felt so good, dad. I didn't think I'd be so... relaxed? I feel like I could just stay here all day."

Ethan chuckled a little, no longer worried about his son. He said, "That just means you really enjoy sucking dick. Plenty of boys and girls out there who feel the same."

"Yeah, I guess," Riley said while he stared at his father's cock. It had begun to flag in its arousal. He really did seem spaced out. Ethan did not want to push him to anything else right away, but hoped his son wanted more. It didn't help how adorable the boy looked sleepy-eyed, cheek leaning against Ethan's thigh with a dumb little smile on his face. He never imagined seeing that kind of expression on his son, but it made Ethan want someone in a way he'd not felt in a long time.

Riley finally glanced back up at his father. "So, what do we do now?" Riley felt he got what he needed from this interaction. He could say he'd been with a guy, and that he definitely loved cock. It felt weird to ask for more, even if Riley's erection remained throbbing in his pants.

"What do you want to do?"

A tug in his chest begged him to stay between his father's thighs, but Riley untangled himself from his father's legs and sat back on his haunches. "I want to do more, but God, dad, where do we even start?"

"Heh, nervous about going all the way?"

Riley thrust his bottom lip against his tusk, an expression he did when he chewed on a thought, uncertain if he wanted to say it. Again, Ethan did not push, but let his son get up off the floor. Riley hugged his father tight, and Ethan returned the embrace. He felt his son take a deep, ragged breath.

"Hey, is everything okay, dear?" Ethan asked.

Soft, bare feathers. Another man's warmth, the firmness of his body pressed to Riley's, it was such a comfort. He ached for more, but admitted, "I... I don't know if..." his fingers curled into fists around Ethan's feathers, "If we keep going, I'm not sure I'll be able to just see you as my dad anymore."

Riley might as well have kneed Ethan in the sternum. That whump he felt in his chest wasn't something anyone had made him feel in a long time. Normally, when boys got attached, Ethan had ways of sending them on their way. Let them live their lives away from a man too afraid to come out of the closet to even his kids.

Riley mistook Ethan's silence and quickly added, "I'm not even sure if that's a bad thing. I just--we can't hide that from mom and Leanna. Oh God." Riley backed up, appalled. "What are they going to think whenever they--"

"Don't need to find out," Ethan whispered. He slipped off the desk and grabbed his son's wrist to keep Riley from backing further away. "This can be a onetime thing, it never has to leave this office."

Riley shook his head. "That's just it, dad--Ethan, I don't want to go back. Why should I just settle for no one touching me all summer when you're right here?" Riley's fingers found their way back to Ethan's waist, that coat of feathers still so enticing. "Why should either of us? You need that, too, right? Everyone does."

"Silly boy," Ethan grumbled. He leaned in and nuzzled his son's cheek with the top edge of his beak, along the nares. "You don't need to worry about my needs."

"You're not answering the question."

"That's because..." Ethan sucked in a breath through his nares, savoring his son's scent. "Of course I want more of you, of this, but you're right about us not being able to hide it. And I don't want you to feel like you shouldn't chase after someone younger just because you think you need to stay with me."

"I'm not marrying you, dad, and I'm not straight. I never planned on trying to be with one person the rest of my life. I just... when we're together," Riley now hugged them together again, chest to chest, necks nuzzling up against each other. "When I see you, I'm going to expect this. Want this. Maybe if you were just some random hawk I met at a bar I could do one fuck and be done. But you're you, and you mean so much to me... if we break this seal, I'm not sure I'll be able to ever go back."

"Hehe, was the seal not broken when I came in your mouth?"

"Okay, you got me."

"Mmm, so we are going through with this?"

"If you want to."

"My lord, son, you can't take a hint."

"I need to hear you say it, Ethan."

"Of course I want to, Riley, my dearest," Ethan said. He felt his cock surging back to life at doing it, at saying his son's name in that tone of voice. He certainly never expected to leave his office with this level of intimacy between them, but it was like some silent dam inside him had been broken and this roiling flood of love and warmth washed through him. Through them both.

"I don't know if I want my first time with a guy to be in your office, though," Riley said before leaning away. "I'm sorry, is that weird? I just--"

Ethan pressed a finger to his snout. "We can go back to the house. Alex should still be out with your sister when we get back."

"What are we going to tell them?"

"Oh I've no clue, but I can't imagine it going any worse than last night did. We'll hide the whiskey before we say anything, just in case."

"So... how is she?" Even over the phone, Jayla's voice carried a sultry smoke to it that took Leanna back to warm nights spent together. Leanna had texted Jayla the news about her parents, but only now finally called her to talk. She used her mother's old flip phone, since it got better cell service out here than hers.

She paced in front of Bribes, the afternoon sun stretching out the shadows of the cedar over most of the parking lot. Leanna said, "It's like she's a whole new person and nothing's changed at all. She's so excited about you, and us, and I didn't know I could have this much fun with her before, but it's been so great getting to know her like this."

Over the phone Jayla giggled. "Girl, don't go swooning for her now."

"Stop. I'm just--last night was hard, but I'm so glad I came out here."

"I'd say it's the best way things could've gone."

"I know, it's weird. I was so mad at her at first..." a truck with its axles raised and mufflers messed with went roaring down the highway Bribes was off of. Leanna paused for it. She planned to do this phone call at home, but Leanna had been having so much fun she lost track of time. She didn't want to go home, so best to just do a quick check-in now. Leanna continued, "I was mad, but now it's just never felt this easy spending time with her. The only thing I'd change is I wish you were here."

"I could take a sick day, Friday, come down for the weekend," Jayla suggested.

"It's tempting, but I'm not going to ask you to do that. There'd be nowhere for us to sleep, much less..."

"Woods are a big place down there. We'd find somewhere private if we got each other worked up."

"You really are pushing your luck," Leanna warned. "Let me think about it, okay? I'm tempted, but--I don't know."

"You want this time with them," Jayla said. "I understand, baby."

"Thank you," Leanna said with a little sigh. "I need some time to get to know my parents all over again."

"Take it. But if your mom hooks you up with any cute girls, be sure to send me pics."


Over the phone, the burst of Jayla's laughter made it impossible for Leanna to resist her own smile. Her fiancée said, "Love you, baby. Stay safe, and I'll hear from you tomorrow?"

"Of course, love you."

Leanna flipped the phone closed and looked up in time to see a lanky raccoon approach in a leather jacket. He looked to be in his thirties, nose and brow carrying piercings. "Hey, you got a smoke?"

Leanna said as she made for the door, "No, sorry."

"Figures. Hey, where you going?"

"Inside," Leanna answered.

The raccoon darted in front of her, putting the door between them. "I've not seen you around before. You're that raptor girl the Pine's adopted, right?"

"Listen, I'm not interested. Fuck off." Leanna shouldered past him.

"What, you a dyke or something?"

Leanna spun and smacked him, palm open and claws out. The guy yowled and backed off, cursing her. "I told you not to fuck with me," Leanna snarled before heading inside. She slammed the door behind her, getting a few people around the bar to look up, including her mother.

Leanna left Alexis at the pool table with the other girls, who she'd been introduced to. They had been having a good time, talking, drinking, swapping out who played pool. Alexis came over with a pool cue in hand. "Baby? You okay?" she asked as she reached Leanna.

"Just some asshole outside who couldn't take a hint," Leanna said as she moved to the pool table. "I handled him."

"I can see. Shit, your claws are dripping blood, here." Alexis tossed the pool cue to the wolf. "Swap in for me, Torrey. We need to go to the bathroom."


"Hush girl," Alexis said as she wrapped a paw around Leanna's bloodied fingers. "You go dripping blood round here and David's gonna throw you out for causing trouble."

"The guy started it," Leanna complained as they reached the bathrooms.

"They always start shit," Alexis said. Bribes bathroom had two sinks and three stalls packed together so tight Alexis almost had trouble squeezing into the stalls. She ran the tap and forced her daughter's fine, slender fingers under the cold water. "Tell me what happened."

"Guy came up for smokes. Tried to stop me from going inside, wanting me to flirt. I told him to fuck off, he called me a dyke, and I put him in his place."

Alexis grunted as she carefully washed her daughter's hand and the blood that had seeped into her paw. "You must have got him bad, to get this messy."

"You always taught me not to pull my punches," Leanna said.

"Yeah, your punches. If your claws come out they're liable to call the sheriff out." Alexis shut the tap off and sighed, looking her daughter in the eyes through the mirror. "I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."

Leanna enjoyed watching the pair of them in the mirror. It reminded her of the pictures she shared of her and Jayla. Her slender, lean body leaning against the bigger lioness.' Without being really conscious of it, she leaned against Alexis, and said, "A part of me wished you were there. No way he'd have fucked with me if you were around."

The weight and warmth of her daughter against Alexis made it hard to think. Leanna's tail idly stroked against Alexis calves, and it felt so electric she felt the sudden impulse to wrap her paws around Leanna's waist, hold her close and--

A hard knock on the door snapped Alexis from that train of thought. Both women stepped apart as if they got caught doing something wrong. "Alex?" It was David on the other end of the door. "I know you're in there, come on out."

Alexis yanked open the door and said, "Shouldn't you be at the bar?"

David had a hard, stern look to him. "Your girl tore up Lance's face. Lucky she didn't take an eye out. Y'all need to leave before his uncle gets here."

"Shit," Alexis said.

"Who's his uncle?" Leanna asked, still at the sink.

"Sheriff's deputy," Alexis said. "Lance is a punk who gets bailed out every time he gets in some scuffle or wreck. They ain't likely to press charges, but we ought to make ourselves scarce."

"He's a pain in the ass we can't get rid of," David said. "Someone in the parking lot saw what happened and is willing to stand up for you, so we'll get things sorted, but I doubt y'all want to be harassed by cops."

"I owe you one, David," Alexis said.

The boar offered a smirk that didn't reach his eyes. "Just promise not to start shit here again."

"Alright, I'll settle my tab next time I'm here."

"I know you're good for it," David said.

Alexis led Leanna out, grabbing her purse from where they left it with the other girls. They quickly rushed to the truck, no sign of Lance. As they got in, Alexis said, "Use my phone and text your daddy. Tell him we're going to camp out tonight."

"We are?"

Alexis twisted around her seat to look behind her as she backed out. "Just being safe. In case someone tries to come around the house. They don't see the truck they won't bother with us."

"Okay. You have somewhere in mind?"

"Something special. Was planning on saving it for another night, but we can just stop by the gas station on the way and pick up food for the evening," Alexis said as she pulled out onto the highway.

"Alright, just the two of us. For the rest of the night."

"Don't need to sound like it's gonna be awful," Alexis teased while Leanna texted her father.

Message sent, Leanna said, "I'm not thinking that."

"Mmm, sure. You're just gonna have to put up with your momma. Think of it as punishment for using your claws on that fool."

Leanna let it drop, afraid to describe the butterflies in her chest. She hated how romantic this all started to sound, and how if this were any other girl, she'd be reaching across the cab and stroking her thigh.


Riley stroked Ethan's thigh, idly reminiscing about how his father's cock felt filling his muzzle. They drove back home with the CD player turned down as Riley rested his face against his father's shoulder. When Ethan didn't need both hands on the wheel, his right went to touch his son, stroking his neck, his cheek, groping his crotch. Neither male pressed things too far, just enough to keep each other hard. Occasionally Riley's fingers squeezed his dad's cock through his dress pants. Things had started innocent enough, but soon it was impossible to think about anything but the way his dad smelled, how he felt throbbing through the fabric of his pants, Ethan's little huffs when Riley's fingers rubbed up and down his glans.

"You mind checking my phone, dear?" Ethan asked.

Riley blinked. He completely missed the chime from his father's phone. Riley fished it from the cup holder Ethan dropped it in and swiped open the lock screen. "It's mom--no wait, Leanna is using mom's phone. She says mom is taking them camping and they'll be back tomorrow."

"Heh, maybe we don't need to worry about how they'll take our news."


"There's a park ranger, Anna, who has a spot over in Callowkeen National Park that's out of the way, set up for any of the other lesbians in the county to use when they want a night together or need to hide out."

"Wait, so you're saying they're going there to, like, do what we did?"

Ethan shrugged. "Probably best not to jump to conclusions, but there's a reason your mother goes camping by herself. You know what this means, though, right?"

Riley licked his lips, glancing back down at his father's crotch. "We're going to get the house to ourselves?"

"Hehe, almost like we planned it."

Riley pawed his dad's shaft, stroking it up and down. "Can't you go any faster?"

"My son, so needy."

"Dad, please."

"Mmm, we're almost home, dear. Just wait a little longer for me."


"Ain't she a bit young for you, Alex?"

"She's my daughter, Pete."

"Oh," the chubby squirrel muttered. He stood on his tiptoes, leaning over to get a better view of the young raptor in the back of the gas station.

Alexis shifted in front of his view and said, "Just put twenty on pump two."

"I forgot you had a daughter," Pete said. He pressed some buttons at his kiosk and said, "Should be set up."

"She's been living on her own for a while now," Alexis said. "Got a life of her own, I'm just trying to let her see more of my own now that she's grown."

"Fair enough."

Alexis turned around, they were the only two at the place right then, so she had no qualms calling out, "Baby girl."

"Yeah, momma?"

Alexis put her debit card on the counter. "I'm going to fill up the tank. Get everything you want and put it on my card. PIN's your brother's birthday."

Leanna smiled and went about her business. She grabbed a twelve pack of Miller High Life, which she knew Alexis could put back in the right mood. Then two bags of jerky, two bottles of water, two bags of pistachios and some spicy trail mix. By the time she dumped all this on the counter, another person had ambled into the gas station. An older bird, robin by the colors of him, in a big tractor cap who went straight for the coffee in the back.

As Pete rang things up, Leanna said, "And that little bottle of Southern Comfort on the shelf behind you."

"Alright," Pete grabbed the bottle, which was plenty to get Leanna wasted. "It just going to be the two of you out there?"

"Think so," Leanna said. "Unless she's got some surprises in store for me."

"Just a lot of booze for two people."

"What else do you do in the woods to keep from getting bored?" Leanna asked.

Pete shrugged his shoulders. "That's fair. So you're really her daughter?"

"Adopted, yeah. You really don't remember me, Pete?"

The squirrel tapped the side of his head. "Stroke burned a hole in my memory a few years back. Best I got in my head is a little girl running around this store and knocking things over with her tail."

Leanna giggled. "I can still do that, if you'd like."

"I'll pass. Cleaning up ain't as easy as it used to be. Why you dressed up for camping, though?"

"We were elsewhere. We're going to go home and get changed first."

"Hmm, good. I really thought for a minute there Alex just picked up some out of towner looking for a roll in the hay."

"You know about my mom?" Leanna asked.

"Your father, too," Pete asked before he pulled up the cuff of his plaid button up. He wore a rainbow bracelet on his wrist. "Great niece got me this. Used to be scared of being open, but now I'm just too old to give a shit."

Leanna snickered. "Thanks Pete, how much I owe you?"


Leanna balked. "For some booze and jerky?"

"And the twenty in gas."

"Fine," Leanna grumbled as she opened her handbag and retrieved her wallet. Behind her walked up the other customer.

"What about letting your momma pay?"

"She's not gonna let me cover anything else this trip, might as well get this for her."

"You're a good girl, Leia."




Ethan did speed a little after that text message. He hadn't had a boy over at the house in almost ten years, and now it was his boy, and they had the whole night alone. All at once so much time and not enough at all. As they pulled into the driveway, Riley finally sat up. He undid his buckle before Ethan even came to a stop, and by the time he got the car in park, Riley was on him, climbing over the gear shift and straddling Ethan's hips.

The musk deer's ears were flattened against the roof of the car as he pecked Ethan's beak with kisses, tusks nudging against keratin. Ethan huffed, grabbing Riley by the butt. "Boy," Ethan said, "if I was ten years younger I'd carry you in like this."

Riley laughed. "Worried about throwing out your back?"

"Mmm, it'd be worth it." Ethan grabbed Riley by his scruff, holding the boy still so he could open his beak. Avians couldn't kiss proper like other anthros, but with a tilt of the head, Ethan locked their maws together. Riley whimpered and opened his lips, his broader buck tongue finding Ethan's thinner one. They teased over and around each other's tastebuds, swapping spit while his horny son humped madly into Ethan's stomach. He hadn't cum earlier, and clearly his arousal hadn't flagged at all in the forty-minute drive home.

Riley broke the kiss to hug his father tight, humping against the hawk's stomach. That littlest bit of pressure, squeezing at his loins, had him on edge. He just needed Ethan so badly.

"Dad," Riley whined, "Oh fuck, dad, daddy, oh shit."

Both men humped and ground against each other, but Ethan managed to keep himself more together. "Come on, dear, hold it in. I know you want it so bad, I can feel you throbbing against me. But not here."

Riley whimpered, unable to stop his hips. He burrowed his face in his father's neck, still humping. "I d-don't know if--"

"Good boys cum when they're told. And you want to be my good boy, don't you?"

"Fuck..." Riley froze, panting. Hearing those words from his dad felt like something realigned inside him. "I do," Riley breathed. "I want to be a good boy."

"Then go inside, upstairs to my bedroom. I want to find you naked in my bed when I get there."

"Yes, sir," Riley whispered. He kissed his father's cheek and forced the driver's side door open, stumbling out into the summer heat. It barely registered given everything else. Riley fished his keys from his pocket and had the front door open in a matter of seconds. Some small part of him heard his mom shouting about leaving the door open, as he raced up the stairs to the master bedroom. He threw off his shirt, kicking out of his jeans as he crashed through the door.

His head pounded with nerves and the stupid, lusty excitement of a teenage boy who needed to get off an hour ago. It was like some doe's heat put him in rut. The tapered tip of his pink cock poked out from his boxers. He fell back into the bed, throwing off his underwear and resisting the urge to touch himself. He stared at his dick, struggling with how strongly he smelled. Soon as his pants came off it was like a bomb of his musk hit. Potent, pungent male buck coming strongest from his hefty balls and thick sheath, which was stretched wide around the girthy base of his shaft. The first eight inches of which carried heft great enough his last girlfriend couldn't get her fingers all the way around it. The last three inches of his shaft tapered off to a tip thick as Riley's thumb, with a urethra currently drooling a fresh bead of precum on every throb of the randy teenager's meat.

He'd known himself big since the first time he sported an erection alone in his room at the age of twelve, but hearing his dad say as much earlier in the office... his father whispering in his ear, fingering his tusk. It would be so easy to rub one out. He resisted rolling over and humping his parents' bed, sure he'd cum in seconds. He just needed to fuck something so bad. He tossed his head back in a pained, rough groan.

Ethan heard his son as he came down the hall, turning in the doorway to find his boy had followed orders, much as it pained the randy buck. Riley sprawled back on the bed, legs spread, aching shaft rising, falling, rising, falling, on each little pant of his wiry son. That soft coat of dark brown fur and smokey grey front that wrapped around his son's heavy balls, tusks sharp and distinct against his muzzle.

Riley did not hear Ethan till the floor creaked underneath him as he stepped into the master bedroom. His boy looked up and locked eyes, those soft browns twinged with nervous energy. Ethan whispered, "Shhh, it'll be alright, dear. Daddy's here." He slipped out of his vest and tossed it onto Alexis' nightstand, covering up a family picture she kept framed there. Best if that not see this sort of thing.

Riley watched his dad undo his buttons, hands only leaving his shirt to open a sliding closet door. He searched through the shelves on Alexis' side of the closet till he found something. When he faced Riley, his shirt had been opened, and in his hands was a leather collar and fine, chain leash ending at a leather handle. Ethan tossed it onto the bed next to his son.

Riley sucked in a breath as his father said, "Put that on." Fingers trembling, Riley fumbled to listen to his dad. The leather collar had a good weight as he fastened it to his throat. While he did, Ethan shuffled out of his trousers again, naked by the time Riley got the leash on. His father's stare, soft smirk to his beak, got Riley to go still.

"W-what?" Riley asked.

"Just admiring the prettiest boy this side of the Mississippi."

"Dad!" Riley grabbed one of the pillows by the headboard and threw it at Ethan. "D-don't stay stuff like that... I'm not--"

Riley stopped when Ethan's knee fell on the bed, shifting the mattress a little with his weight. He felt a lump his throat grow and swell till he had trouble breathing as Ethan shuffled closer. His dad leaned in, caressing his son's jaw. "You are to me," Ethan said, "and right now, I'm the only man who matters to you, aren't I?"

"Hah--ah," Riley huffed, trying to speak, unable to with his dad looming right there. He just nodded.

Riley did not even notice Ethan grab his leash till his father tugged on the chain, yanking his face next to Ethan's. "Good boy," Ethan said, making Riley whimper. "I'm going to take good care of you tonight, okay? But if you have any problems just say Callowkeen and I'll stop, okay?"


Ethan nuzzled his son's cheek, then gave Riley some slack. The boy slowly dropped back onto the bed, as Ethan straddled his son's hips. Ethan placed his freehand on his boy's chest, feeling that racing heart, ribcage juddering on each shaky exhale. He needed it so badly. Ethan lifted his head, his nares flaring as he sucked in that pungent smell of a buck in rut. It was a little sharper, randy with a teenager's youth. Salt and earth smells blending with Bradford Pears in bloom, a stink to some, but a fine intoxicant for men like Ethan.

Later, Ethan would need to actually talk about safe sex and prep and all those ins-and-outs. But the older male knew his body well enough to know he was clean, and regular testing reassured him he would be safe to sink back on his son's raw cock. The thought made his tailfeather's lift reflexively.

Riley gasped when he felt his father's smooth, scaly digits wrap around his cock. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best to hold in his excitement as Ethan guided his tip, brushing around soft, fine feathers and nestling in against his dad's pucker.

Throbbing, leaking all over Ethan's entrance. He didn't expect to hilt his son before the boy came, but that was fine. He was worked up like a teased virgin, and it would have been easy to stroke out that first load then get to the real action, but Ethan wanted Riley to cum inside him. Nowhere else. One hand planted on his son's chest, still holding that leash, other wrapped around his soft-yet-firm taper as Ethan rocked up and down against it.

"You want to be inside me so badly, don't you, son?" When Riley tried to nod, Ethan cut him off, "Ah ah, use your words, dear."

"I want inside you, daddy, please," Riley whispered, voice strained. "I need it. I need you. Please."

"Such a needy boy."

"Yes! Needy for you, daddy."

"Mmm, you're so cute like this," Ethan said. "I wonder how long I could hold you here."

Riley whined and shook his head.

"See how long it takes until you get so desperate you throw me on my back and fuck me."


"You want to, don't you?"

"Please daddy, just... just... Oh god..." Riley stopped, eyes wide as he finally felt pressure growing against his tapered tip. His father's soft, warm heat nestling down, firmer and firmer. His cock with nowhere to go but inside Ethan. His father, letting out a little breath, yielded, that ring of muscle stretching around his son. His tip, suddenly surrounded by tight, pulsing heat. Riley moaned, harshly, teeth clenched. His hips bucked reflexively, and he rammed the first few inches into his father.

Ethan gasped, but said, "That's it. My needy boy. You can't wait to breed your daddy, can you?" Riley grabbed him by the thighs and forced him further down. Going in without lube, even for someone as practiced as Ethan, was still a big ask. His rim stretched around his son's meaty cock; it expanded till it left a solid gape, wide as Ethan's largest toys, almost the biggest dick he'd ever taken. He groaned and doubled over, backside burning.

Riley clutched him close, not aware of the exertion Ethan experienced. That tunnel swallowed almost half of his shaft now--inner heat of Ethan's body soft and pliant. It constricted around his member, and Riley's eyes watered, his nuts screwing up tight. He couldn't stop it. He was going to cum. He didn't want to, but it was so much, too much.

"Daddy... I'm sorry daddy, I'm gonna--"

"It's okay, son. Cum for me."

Riley buried his face into his father's shoulder, whimpering and overwhelmed. An orgasm had never overcome him like this before, but it came like a great catharsis. The tension in his body exploded, his cock twitching around Ethan's rim. Pink flesh vibrant against the dark skin of his pucker. Those balls lifted and fell, and Riley exploded inside his father.

Ethan felt the boy's first few shots. Liquid heat, thick ribbons of cum filling him. His son's cum. It soothed the burn Ethan felt as his son quaked and shuddered, babbling, "Ethan! Dad... I'm..."

"Sh-sh," Ethan soothed, stroking the back of his neck. "You're a good boy, just enjoy this, dear."

Riley whined, his father's praise so good. This whirlwind of feeling coursed further through him, muddling into relief as he panted against his dad, the flow of his orgasm tapering off to a last few precious pumps of cum. Ethan's walls clenched around him, and Riley twitched, called back to attention as his father touched his cheek.

"Hey, why are you crying, silly?" Ethan asked as he wiped tears out of the corner of Riley's eyes.

"I'm just..." Riley sucked in a shaky breath. "I love you, dad."

"Hehe, I love you, too, son. I'm so happy to be here with you."

A surge of fiery love snaked up through his sternum into his ribs. Riley hugged his dad tight to him again, his cock not flagging at all. He just came, but he felt that need in him still. Like Ethan was that doe in heat, and Riley wouldn't be sated till he was sure he bred his father.

Ethan nuzzled up under Riley's chin and whispered, "You need more, don't you?"

"Yes," Riley breathed, fingers sliding down to his dad's bubble butt. That soft, full rump felt so good to squeeze down on. He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. "Fuck dad... I've not needed it this bad in so long."

"Heh, good." Ethan sat up. "Because I'm far from done with you." With a grunt, Ethan hiked his legs around and spun on his son's lap. Riley moaned feeling those cum-slickened walls twist across his cock. His father rested on him, in a reverse cowboy. Ethan lifted his tailfeathers and spread his downy white cheeks. Riley had a perfect view of his thick, throbbing cock wedged inside his father. The pink flesh dripping pearlescent beads of cum that leaked out of Ethan's asshole. Ethan looked over his shoulder, and said, "Watch me hilt you."

Using his son's cum as lube, Ethan wiggled his rump, sliding down few more inches on that shaft. It bowed a little from the pressure. His son was just so big. Ethan was used to less endowed males rutting him over his desk. It had been years since he took a cock this big, needing to relax his inner muscles. He drew in a long, deep breath, and on the exhale rocked downward. He groaned as more meat caved in his asshole. It was the boy's girth that really did Ethan in. That painful stretch eased by the feeling of his son's cock smashed against his prostate. He felt Riley's pulse along his pleasure button, strong and full of life.

Ethan needed that life sheathed completely inside him. He leaned forward, quaking as fat cock slid out his asshole, eased by his son's cum and freshly dripping precum. Riley gawked, breathless, as the glistening pink shaft came free, coated in a sheen of his seed, till only the tip remained. Ethan's tailfeathers trembled while his father panted. Riley wondered if he should do something, but even as he thought that his dad slammed back down on his lap. His cock, enveloped by tight, wonderful heat until that soft rump pounded his hips.

Ethan arched his back, feeling the wind almost knocked out of him. He felt his son's tapered tip nudging against his abdomen, leaving a little outline there. Ethan's cock flexed, bouncing up and down with a strand of precum falling from it. "D-dear God, Riley."


"You're just, hah, so big." Ethan sucked in a breath and moaned. Bottoming out on his boy took a lot more out of Ethan than he expected, but he wanted more. He reached behind him and pawed around, finding the chain to Riley's leash. Ethan wrapped it around his hand and yanked Riley up.

Riley found himself chest to back with his father. He squeezed Ethan's hips, already rocking. Both men gyrated back on each other, mashing ass and crotch together, neither male able to stop themselves. His dad's walls squeezed and ground against his cock, rippling up and down his shaft. It was an intoxicant Riley sank further into. The grip on his father's hips tightened, and he started lifting his dad up and down.

"That's, hnnf, it son, yes," Ethan gasped, keeping a tight grip on the leash while his boy took over. "Fuck your daddy."

"God, Ethan," Riley whined into his father's nape. "You feel so good."

"I'm all yours, Riley."

Hips flush to father's ass, the musk deer shoved Ethan forward. The hawk grasped the edge of the bed, scrambling not to fall off as Riley put him on his knees. His son noticed his precarity, and backed up till the tip of his dick remained inside Ethan. Riley tugged his father backwards onto his cock. Ethan squawked a little from the manhandling. He liked it, but the forcefulness brought back a sudden burning stretch, but that sting around his rim had started to feel good, like an itch Ethan needed to sate.

Ethan settled on his elbows, lifting his ass and tailfeathers up. He grabbed a fistful of the comforter and said, "That's it, son, fuck your daddy senseless."

Riley, panting, was too worked up to respond. He gripped his dad's thighs, and held him in place. By now, it was easy to slide out that sloppy hole, his cock tugging on the rim and pulling it backwards before the pink shaft rammed itself back in. Ethan grunted, shutting his eyes as the explosion of pressure and pleasure worked through his guts. He clenched his beak close, sucking in a breath through his nares and getting more of his son's ripe pungent musk. The smell of a buck in rut, the smell of male sex. It alone made Ethan's beak open in a long, broken moan as his son started fucking him.

That soft, pliant heat sucking up and down his cock was oh so satisfying. Riley could not stop himself. He felt his orgasm already building, but it didn't matter. His father's body was made for Riley to plough. He churned up the older hawk's guts, Ethan's rump jiggling a little on each firm slap. The teenager's heavy balls slapping his dad's. His father's cock swinging up and down, dripping precum all across the sheets. Riley clenched his teeth, eyes screwed up shut, he leaned forward a bit, fucking harder and faster. His dad's wobbling legs began to spread, wider, falling forward.

Ethan's swaying dick got pinned behind him, between his thighs as his son fucked him into the bed. That big, brutal cock made it impossible for Ethan to stay on his knees. And his son kept pistoning his hips, a machine smack smack smacking his nuts first on Ethan's balls, then his butt and thighs, as Ethan's was belly down in the bed, utterly helpless. His beak hung over the edge, open with a dumb, little smile. Riley had fucked him past the point of orgasm. His son's fat, pink shaft mashing Ethan's prostate into a pulp, a haze of pleasure taking over. His lower body numb, with the need to cum, but Riley fucked him so full and fast his poor prostate couldn't even clench down to nut properly.

Riley didn't even notice his father's cock leaking little dribbles of seed every now and then, weakly pumped out by his balls. It drooled out his urethra, into a slimy pool around his glans smeared into the comforter as Riley rocked Ethan's body forward and back. Riley was too caught up trying to hold off his second orgasm. It wound up in his loins, balls drawing tight. His hips a hard pounding blur. Riley fell across his father, propped on his elbows.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck, dad..." Riley breathed, feeling it build and build. His thrusts slowed. Long, ragged smacks of his hips melted into keeping his crotch flush to his dad's ass, grinding, humping. "Ethan, I'm gonna cum."

"Yes," Ethan slurred. "Please, son, d-daddy needs it."

"Dad, God," Riley couldn't control himself any longer. His back arched, pressing every bit of himself to his dad, his sheath rubbing against Ethan's asshole the last bit of sensation grinding along his dick before he came. "Mmm!" Reflexively, Riley clamped down on his dad's shoulder to keep from being too loud.

Those slender, fine tusks punched into Ethan's shoulder. A sharp sting from them made the hawk gasp, the pain of it barely registered over the sheer, blissful exhaustion of having his son breed his rump. He felt every little pulse of that cock inside him. More liquid heat as those virile, teenage balls clenched up and down his rump. Ethan felt himself getting filled. In this position, gravity and the weight of his quivering, teenage son, keeping all that cum inside him. Ethan's stomach rose a little with it, like he ate too much. He groaned, eyes rolling back in his head. Ethan's cock now resting in a smaller pool of his own cum, eked out in one long, drawn out, anal orgasm.

Neither knew how long they lay there in the languid warmth. Each exhausted in their own way. Ethan didn't even want his son's teeth to leave his shoulder. The sting of that bite had dulled to a slow, satisfying throb of pain. He shifted and sighed, reaching over his shoulder to scratch behind his son's ears.

That touch of affection roused Riley. His eyes blinked open, and the taste of blood on his tongue made him release his father with a little gasp. "Oh my God, dad, are you--"

"Hehehe, I'm fine, son," Ethan breathed.

"I'm sorry, I've never gotten so worked up like that."

"I'm glad you did," Ethan whispered, throat a little dry. "I, heh, don't think you'll have any trouble making other boys happy."

Riley kissed his dad's shoulder, where twin beads of blood started to appear around his feathers. "You're the only one who matters to me right now."

"I'm hardly a 'boy.'"

"You're wonderful. That's all that matters to me."

"Trying real hard to fluster this old man, hmm?"

"Shut up, dad." Riley nosed his dad's shoulder. "Should I get up and take care of this?"

"No," Ethan said. "I like it." He waved to the side of the room where a bookshelf was cluttered with old paperbacks.


"Your dad likes vampire novels, remember?"

A whole shelf had been dedicated to different books in the genre. From Bram Stoker to more contemporary stuff.

Riley chuckled. "Are you saying I'm a vampire?"

"I'm saying I've had a thing for fangs like yours for a really, really long time."

"Mmm, we should have done this sooner." Riley worked his arms around and under his father, hugging the pair tight. "God, dad, I'm..." Riley shook his head back and forth against his father. "I'm head over hooves for you right now."

Ethan actually laughed.

"Hey! What's so funny?"

"Just giddy, is all, son." Ethan sighed. "I do feel truly blessed to have you, you know that?"

"I do."

"Then you know what I want you to do?"

"Anything, Ethan."

"Carry me to the shower? We should wash up, but I can't feel my legs."


The pickup wound through dirt and gravel roads so narrow only one vehicle could fit at a time. Tree branches occasionally whipped against the cab, telling Leanna cars did not come down this path often. It was off the main road that cut through Callowkeen National Park, which was centered around a small streak of a lake. Leanna leaned against the window, trying to still her stomach as the bumpy ride made it churn.

She asked Alexis, "When were you planning to take me down here?"

"I was thinking Friday. Wanted to show it to you, at least," Alexis said. She scratched the back of her head with a claw. "It feels weird. Like most parents go show their kids where they went to school, or what street they grew up on. None of that really mattered to me, but this?" Alexis paused as they came around a bend and into a clearing next to a creek. There was a small shelter built out of logs with a bench--a spot where someone on a hike could rest in a storm. Under the shelter was a heavy-duty trunk with a padlock latching it shut.

Alexis put her truck in park and said, "This is where some of the best nights of my life happened."

Stomach settling as they came to a stop, Leanna popped her door open and stumbled outside. She savored the clean air, rich with trees and rushing water from the creek. The whole place was covered in shadow from the slow, setting sun already fallen over the trees, but it was a lovely little spot. "It's beautiful, momma."

"I would have liked to plan better," Alexis said, having gotten out and circled round the truck. She went straight for the trunk, kneeling at it and turning the numbers on its bottoms. "We could have made a day of it. Done some hiking, fishing. Actually enjoy the park a bit rather than just hide from the cops."

"How many people know about this spot?"

"Plenty know of it." With a grunt, Alexis tugged the padlock free and tossed the trunk open. "Only a few of us know how to get in this trunk, though. Come over here and help me carry this stuff to the pickup."

In armloads, they hauled over padding, thick blankets, tarp, mosquito netting, and several tent poles. Leanna learned, as she helped her mother set things up, that Alexis had modified her pickup's bed so the tent poles could be inserted inside it. They did not put up the tarp, cause no one forecasted rain in the county for at least another week, but the mosquito net went up, the tarp across the pickup's bed with all the blankets and padding to help with the bedding. Alexis had a pillow under the backseat of the cab and brought it out as well. By the time they finished, they needed the flashlight and lantern Alexis kept in the truck to better see by.

It was already sunset as they climbed into their little nest. Leanna tied the mosquito net close with a string, its roof hanging close to their heads even sitting down. Alexis tore open the box of twelve packs and passed Leanna a can. They lay on their sides, propped on their elbows.

Alexis popped the tab on her can, and when it didn't explode finished opening it. She took two long gulps before exhaling. "Still cold. Damn girl, you really spoiling me getting these."

"What else would I get?" Leanna asked with a stifled giggle. She reached into a plastic bag Pete had thrown the rest of their stuff in, fishing out the beef jerky. She tossed one bag to Alexis. "So how often you go out here?"

Alexis shrugged. "Depends. Some years it's almost every weekend. Other times I don't come here for months. Last time I was here was... April?"

"That long? Momma," Leanna tsked and shook her head. "We gotta get you up to the city. Girls would be all over you."

"You think I want a city girl?"

Leanna opened her can of beer and took a drink. "Plenty of country girls in the city. Just like me."

Alexis sighed. "Lord help me, there better not be any more girls like you." She rolled onto her back, paw still wrapped around her beer. It was a beautiful sky, tinted purple on one side, orange on the other, blending blues and greens in the middle. "One of you is trouble enough."

Leanna sat up. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what I mean," Alexis answered even as she turned her head away. "I can barely handle you, can't imagine another Leanna in my life."

Alexis first got a raise on Leanna's feathers, but that same plumage of her head and hackles lowered again. "Am I really that much to handle, momma?"

"Hmm?" Alexis faced Leanna, alarmed by that tone of voice. She sat up and waved her paw between them. "No, no, you're wonderful, baby girl. You're the best thing that ever happened to me--just don't tell your brother that."

Leanna sat back against the side of the bed, knees tucked under her dress. She cradled her beer can in front of her muzzle as she asked, "What did you mean, then?"

"Shit." Alexis tossed back the rest of her beer, crushed it in her paw, and threw it to the foot of the pickup. She said as she popped open another beer, "You know this ain't my forte. Not good with words like your daddy or you. Lord, Riley all stunted by youth and still better at this."

"Momma, you're avoiding the question."

Alexis took another drink. "I know. Trying to get my thoughts together. What I meant was," a deep breath, "There ain't a girl in this world I love more than you. So the thought of meeting someone like you--lord help me. Lord help Ethan, too. I'd probably kick that old bird out on the couch and never let the girl leave my room."

Leanna did not expect any of that. Flustered warmth worked through her, and she thought again of that moment in the bathroom. Her mother pelt now soft yellow in the lantern light on one side, shifting to blue where light didn't reach. Her dark ears leaning back, eyes shining in the growing twilight. Leanna resisted the urge to touch her, afraid what that touch might mean. Her mother had crow's feet, fat in her arms and thighs and elsewhere from age, breasts sagging slightly. Still, Leanna saw nothing but a goddess sitting across from her.

Growing up, Leanna had a crush on Alexis that she chalked up to being a growing teenager needing someone and somewhere to project her desires on. It had faded when Leanna moved out, but now...

Alexis cleared her throat. "See? Bad with my words. Now we're stuck out here and it's all weird between us. You're my daughter, baby girl, you'll always be that first. I just ain't expecting to meet someone who means as much to me as you do."

"Momma..." Leanna whispered, wanting to say so much, but she hesitated. Did Alexis actually want her or was this all just some mix up? She wondered what Jayla would tell her to do, which leapt to memories of her fiancée over her, pressing inside Leanna while she clawed at the lioness's back and called her momma.

Good God, Jayla would be laughing at her right now.

Leanna swallowed the knot in her throat and said, "You're getting worked up over nothing, you know. I was just saying we could find you a girl to screw. Not your bride, silly girl."

"Excuse me?" Alexis huffed. "Who you calling girl?"

Leanna giggled, and the moment washed away. A tension they unknowingly both danced around. She said, "Girls, tell me about who all you took out here and I'll tell you how me and Jayla got together."

"You really after your momma's dirty laundry, huh?"

"Long as you can handle mine."

"Long as I can handle--psh, girl sit back and listen up. Gonna blow your mind with the things we do out here."

Alexis had never minced words with Leanna, and she didn't censor herself when describing her escapades with different women. She told Leanna about her first time out here at twenty-one, with an older woman in her thirties. This old dom who guided Alexis through how to pleasure each part of a woman over the course of one long weekend. How one of the girls at the bar, the wolf named Torrey, was a squirter. Least she was for Alexis. They came out here with towels every time cause otherwise they'd need to wash up the blankets before leaving.

"Anyways, she smelled funny to me, but foxes are funny smelling, so I don't think nothing of it till the next morning," Alexis was saying, the night sky now full of stars with a few streaks of the Milky Way overhead. "Wake up at sunrise with poor Jenna humping up against my thigh, in heat of all things."

Leanna took a sip from the bottle of Southern Comfort she now held. Between the pair lay their jerky and trail mix open, both women just nibbling on things. At the foot of the pickup were six cans of beer, four from Alexis, who now finished her fifth, crushing it and adding it to the pile. Leanna asked while her mom got her sixth beer, "Was it your first time dealing with a girl in heat?"

"Mhmm. So here I had this tiny little Catholic vixen grinding up against me, swearing up a storm. Apparently she knew it was coming on, and wanted to come out here to get away from her man. Didn't want to deal with a whole new litter of kits."

"She don't tell you none of that, though."

"She don't! But here I am, horny vixen on me, and that heat, smell of it does something to me. Really gets my blood up. I licked that poor girl's spade raw, and managed to find this spot, right..." Alexis pantomimed fingering the vixen with her paws, "here. She just melted. We were supposed to go hiking that Saturday, but we barely went two miles, cause every thirty minutes I had to get this girl off."

Leanna snickered. "Poor thing! That must've been so hard for you!"

"It was exhausting! You ever deal with someone like that?"

"I have!" Leanna sat up on her knees and grabbed a handful of trailmix.

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm," Leanna said while she chewed through the salty assortment of protein, sugar, and fat. After swallowing she said, "This ex I had, we got together shortly after I moved out of here. She had to house sit for this friend one time, watching this annoying, mean little feral dog."

"And the little dog went into heat."

"Momma!" Leanna tossed the cap to the Southern Comfort at her.

"Hey! No need to get violent, girl, tell me your story."

"Alright," Leanna said with a little huff. She took a drink, then spoke while Alexis took some strips of jerky. "So, this girl, name's May. She texts me, complaining about being bored, so I decide to come over, and we just end up bored together. You know what girls end up doing then. We start making out, and this shitty little dog tries nipping at our heels. I'd have kicked it, but with talons like these I'm liable to kill the thing. So we decide to go back into the guest room which just has an old mattress on the floor with some blankets. We shut the dog out, and are getting busy, but that dog's out there yapping."

"Mhmm," Alexis grunted.

"May can't stand it. Is more bothered by that, insists I open the door."

"So you don't fuck? How's this--"

"May insists I don't stop."

Alexis gawks. "Say what now?"

"You gotta understand, momma, I want things to work between me and this girl. So I listen to her, I open up the door. Fucking mutt scurries back inside and I try to get back between May's thighs. This dog don't leave us alone, of course. So here I am, holding it away from us with one hand while this thing chews and gnaws on me while I finger the girl with my other hand, trying my best to get her off. I'm not sure I ever felt less sexy, but somehow this bitch still cums."

"The dog or the girl?"

"Alexis I swear to God!"

Alexis head tossed back in a barking, belly laugh. Her tail smacked up and down on the bed, and she got so overtaken she didn't come back to her senses until her beer spilled across her tank top.

Leanna didn't offer an ounce of sympathy. While Alexis scrambled and drank the rest of the frothing can to keep from spilling more, Leanna said, "Serves your dumbass right."

"Oh, listen to my girl! Damn, I think I can count on one paw the times I heard you use my name." Alexis threw the now empty can with the rest and looked down at her tank top. She cursed and said, "At least nothing got on my bra."

"Got a spare shirt in the cab?" Leanna asked.

"Nothing." Alexis sighed. "I'll just need a shower in the morning, I guess."

"Just take it off," Leanna said, flinching when Alexis' hackles went up. Feeling flushed with more than just booze, Leanna added, "I just mean, still got the bra, right? Ain't like I've not seen you in a swimsuit before."

"Yeah," Alexis blinked and shook her head. "Nothing to be nervous about." She pulled the tank top overhead. Leanna couldn't help but stare at her mother's ample cleavage, how soft and inviting the mountain lioness' midriff looked. Fortunately, Alexis didn't notice, too busy crawling to the end of the pickup. She untied the mosquito net and said, "I'm gonna lay this out on the dash to dry then take a piss."

"Alright," Leanna said, still watching the muscles of her mother's back move. Leanna nibbled on a claw, staring till her mother disappeared around the bend to take a leak. Being drunk definitely brought out how much Leanna still wanted her. It was stupid to try anything, but... Alexis getting bashful and shy about the shirt. Did Alexis want her, too?

It seemed like it, but the thought made blood rush and roar through her skull so fast she had trouble remembering to breathe. Lord help her, Leanna could not afford an anxiety attack over this. She reached for her phone, tucked away in the corner. It was on airplane mode to save battery, and Leanna only used it to check the time: almost one in the morning. How had so much time already passed?

Leanna swallowed the knot in her throat. They needed sleep. That would put an end to this. Leanna heard Alexis coming up the trail and put her phone away, hopping out as well so she could use the bathroom. She said as she passed Alexis, "We should probably get to bed. It's getting late."

"You say so, baby girl."

Leanna heard something in Alexis' voice, but didn't dwell on it. There must have been things on her mind, too. Leanna trudged up just into the cover of trees. She squatted down and used her tail to keep some balance. It didn't take long to empty her bladder, staring ahead at a bush, Alexis still all over her mind. Trading stories of their sexcapades hadn't felt weird up until they reached this point. Now Leanna wanted to know what she smelled like, what her mother sounded like.

"Goddammit." She finished, and pulled her panties back up. The dress she wore felt now a little light, night air just cold enough to make her want something warmer. Warmth like her mother wrapped around--paws roving up Leanna's thighs...

Leanna returned to find Alexis had cleaned up some. She took the remaining cans out of their box, and put all their trash in there before bagging up what remained of their meager dinner and drinks. It was shut in the cab for the night, leaving the two women outside with nothing but the waxing cicadas and the scurry of critters.

Leanna climbed back inside the netting, tying it shut. When she faced Alexis, her mother shoved the one pillow they had against her chest. "Here," Alexis said.

"Momma, you need this more than me." Leanna handed it back.

"I'll be fine."

"No, I'll be fine. I'm young enough roughing it won't bother me much, but you know your neck will be hurting all day tomorrow if you don't have some support."

Alexis glared at the offered pillow. "I'll bundle up the blankets and be fine."

Leanna rolled her eyes and took the pillow, but an idea gave her pause. She forced herself to say it before she got second thoughts, "What if we shared it?" The pillow in question was big enough for them both, long as they were okay sleeping back-to-back.

The two women stared at each other. Leanna set the pillow down and lay on her side, facing away from Alexis. She said, "It's not a big deal, really."

Behind her, Alexis huffed. "Stubborn girl."

Leanna opened her mouth, but whatever words she had died when she felt Alexis settle in behind her. She held her breath, every scale aware of where her mother's body pressed up against her. Alexis spooned her, slipping one arm under the pillow, other wrapped around Leanna's waist. Alexis' nose brushed against Leanna's nape. Her tail ran along her mother's thigh, between her legs.

"There, happy?" Alexis grunted.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Leanna whispered.

"I'm not uncomfortable."

"You sound wound up."

"So do you." Alexis sucked in a long breath and exhaled. The heat of it along Leanna's feathers and scales made her tail quiver. "Leanna, I need to come clean. Right now, I'm struggling to just be your momma."

Leanna knew what her mother meant, but resisted the urge to ask her to say more. She twined her fingers with the digits of her mother's paws. "Don't overthink it, momma. I want you here against me."

"And Jayla?"

"Hehe, trust me, momma. Jayla's not going to mind."

"You two open or something?"

"Something like that," Leanna said. She wasn't interested in going into the polyamory of their relationship. She brought their twined fingers up to her muzzle and kissed them. "I just... We can just enjoy this right?"

"Course, baby girl."

"Just a mother and daughter keeping each other warm," Leanna said.

"We both know what this is."

"We do, but just for tonight we can pretend different."

Alexis hugged her tighter, taking a deep breath, clearly savoring Leanna's scent. Leanna sighed, grateful how the night wound on and on. Neither woman knew who fell asleep first, too focused on their partner's breathing and the feel of one against the other.

Alexis slept till the sun climbed past the canopy and shined on their little clearing. Normally, sleeping outdoors had her up same time as the birds. Rare was the girl who made her sleep so good she didn't want to wake, and usually that took a few orgasms to get there.

Her eyes fluttered open, and Alexis found she had rolled onto her back, head barely propped up by the pillow and back a little sore from sleeping on something other than her mattress back home. She felt her daughter's warmth all along her body before she really took in how they lay together. Leanna had rolled over in her sleep and burrowed into Alexis. The lioness had one arm hooked around her daughter, Leanna with her arms wrapped around Alexis, one under her neck, other around her breasts, crooked upwards to cup Alexis' far shoulder. One of Leanna's legs were pressed up to Alexis', and the other had been tossed over her mother's thighs, making sure the pair were thoroughly tangled up in each other. Leanna's dress had hiked up in her sleep, high enough that Alexis could see the waistband of her black panties wrapped around her otherwise bare hips, meaning her daughter's sex was flush with Alexis' thighs, and, noticing that, Alexis now felt the heat coming off the girl's crotch.

Alexis' bladder also pinched inward, that unpleasant squeeze the remainder of the beers she had not siphoned off from the night before. She needed to get up and go, but dear lord did she not want to move an inch. She didn't know if she'd ever have Leanna this close to her again, and she wanted to savor every second of it.

She took a deep breath, keeping herself clenched down there while shifting slightly. Leanna's head rested on her chest, muzzle tucked in against Alexis' collarbone. She placed a paw on her daughter's cheek. The scales of her face pebbly, fine and smooth on her fingerpads. Her digits caressed up to where those feathers, dyed purple, began to sprout on her scalp. Small and pointy to lustrous and soft as Ethan's when Alexis reached their thickest point. Alexis leaned in and planted a firm kiss just above her daughter's snout.

"Mmm," Leanna grunted. Her hips ground up against Alexis' thigh, making the mountain lioness tense. Leanna mumbled, "Momma," and sighed before cracking open her eyes.

"Hey, baby girl. Sleep alright?"

Instead of rolling away like Alexis might expect, Leanna sleepily hugged Alexis closer. "Good. Sleep was good. Did you do this or me?"

Leanna meant how wrapped around each other they had become. Alexis answered, "I think both of us had something to do with it."

Leanna yawned, then nuzzled into Alexis' neck. She gasped when her daughter placed a kiss there. "I like waking up like this." Leanna's grip on Alexis got stronger, fingers and claws pressing into her sandy blonde pelt.

"Leanna," Alexis whispered. "I'm not sure we can do this again." Leanna's hips gyrated against her thigh. Her daughter definitely humped into her leg that time.

"Would it be so bad?" Leanna whispered, kissing up Alexis' jaw to her ear. Her hot breath washed across it, and Alexis quietly cursed. "I know you want me, and I've had a crush on you since I was fourteen."

"God help us," Alexis grabbed Leanna's shoulders and forced her backwards. "I'm begging you, baby girl, please don't press this. What would Ethan and Riley think? What if someone else found out in the county? I'd be accused of grooming you. Folks would think we been doing stuff for years. I'd lose my job, not to mention--"

"I'm sorry," Leanna finally deflated. Crestfallen, eyes cast downward. She bit her lip, "I shouldn't have pressed it. I just thought..."

Alexis hugged her daughter to her. "It's okay, baby girl. You're right. I don't know a girl more beautiful than you, nor one I'd love to have more, but we won't ever be safe if we did something like that."

"Even if it was just here? The one time?"

"We both know it'd never just be the one time."

"Yeah, we do." Leanna took a shaky breath. Alexis recognized her daughter on the verge of tears, and against her better judgement, touched Leanna's chin and got her to look up.

Leanna's lips were thin, fine things at the end of her muzzle, covered completely and overwhelmed by Alexis' as she kissed her daughter on the mouth. She held Leanna there, not pressing the kiss any deeper for she didn't want things to get out of hand, but savoring, much as she could, the lips of the most beautiful woman Alexis knew.

When she broke the kiss, Alexis said, "I'm sorry I can't give you more, but you will always be the love of my life, baby girl. Whether I can have you or not won't change that."

Leanna teared up anyways. She blinked them away and buried her face in Alexis' shoulder. "Goddammit, Alex," Leanna swore, "I wish you would, but I understand." She sobbed once and forced herself to look up. She wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered, "I love you, too, momma, even if you're dumber than bag of rocks."

"Hehe, there's my, Leanna. Come here." And Alexis held Leanna to her chest for a while longer, stroking along the feathers that ran down her spine in thick, flowing reds. Eventually she asked, "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Good, cause your momma gotta pee like the lord asking her to cause the next great flood."


"What? Honestly, you should be glad we didn't get into anything," Alexis said as she finally got up and started making her way to the pickup's open tailgate. "I was liable to make a mess and end up marking you on accident."

"Mmmm, I wouldn't have mind carrying your scent around all day."

Alexis flinched. The lioness meant it as a joke, but knowing Leanna shared a certain kink with her mother just made her all the more desperate to get out of the truck before she turned around, took everything back, and found out what other kinks she shared with her daughter.


Leanna didn't like the silence that fell between them on the drive back to the house, but she struggled to think of what to say. The pair talked about plans for the day, briefly, and quiet commanded the space of the cab otherwise. When they pulled up into the driveway, out rushed Riley. He wore, of all things, one of the skirts Leanna brought with her. Red, knee length, it suited his fur well and matched the purple v-neck he wore, but both women were still surprised by the decidedly femme look. Riley opened the passenger side door, beaming.

"Hey! We were wondering when you two would get home. Good thing dad decided to start lunch late."

"You're wearing my skirt," Leanna said.

Riley's ears folded back. "Is that okay? Ethan said you wouldn't mind when I brought it up to him."

"Brought what up to him?" Alexis asked.

"Trying more feminine looks?"

"Of course it's okay," Leanna said with a smile. She stepped out of the cab and flicked the skirt with her tail. "It looks good on you."

Riley grinned again. He seemed giddier than a schoolgirl getting asked out by their crush. Leanna asked, "What else have you been up to, aside from raiding my suitcase?"

The front door opened again, and Ethan said as he shut it behind him, "Afternoon, ladies."

"We can talk inside. Dad had some things to talk with mom about."

Leanna and Alexis exchanged a worried glance. "I'm sure it's fine, I'll see y'all inside," Alexis said.

Leanna let Riley lead her past Ethan, barely getting a wave to her father before they were in the house, up the stairs and heading to Riley's room. Leanna found her suitcase had indeed been left open, clothes rummaged about. She almost commented on it, but Riley asked, "So, how was last night?"

Leanna frowned. "Last night was fine. What's got into you?"

"Oh, Ethan said when Alexis takes girls camping it usually means--"

"What? Riley, really?" The feeling of Alexis' lips on hers was still so keenly on Leanna's mind. Still, she tried to play innocent for Alexis' sake. "Why would you think that?"

Riley shrugged, sheepish. "Ethan just assumed..."

"Dad assumed that? Also why are you calling him Ethan now? I've never heard you call him that."

Riley's ears went straight up, eyes wide. "Oh. Um... this may sound awkward, but I really want you to keep an open mind."


"You did what with my son?" Alexis roared, grabbing Ethan by his vest and slamming him into the side of her pickup. Her claws came out, something she never thought she'd ever have to do with Ethan.

"Easy, Alex," Ethan coughed. "You know I'm a bottom through and through, he was the one doing things."

"Don't joke about this," Alexis snarled.

Ethan flinched. "Fine, no more joking, but this isn't one. We're together. He and I. We're not talking about the rest of his life, but while he's living here, long as he wants me, I'm his."

Alexis just stared, nostrils flaring with each furious breath until she roared and threw a haymaker. Ethan shut his eyes and heard a loud thwunk. Alexis had punched a dent in her truck big enough to look like someone hit it with a mallet. She stomped off to the porch.

"Lord help me," Ethan swore under his breath before he followed her, stopping her before she could open the door. "Before you go any further, please don't be mad at Riley."

"I'm not mad at you or Riley, though, y'all are both damn fools. I'm mad at me."


Leanna felt herself floating off into orbit. At some point, Riley guided her to his bed so they could both sit side by side. "You and dad... just like that?" Leanna finally asked.

Riley shrugged. He held Leanna against him, and said, "Yeah... I kinda always figured you had a crush on mom, and Ethan and I got talking about it last night, and he told me mom had been struggling with feelings for you since you were in college."

"Jesus fucking Christ," Leanna whispered.


"I'm fine. Last night--I realized she might, and I tried--fuck what is she going to think, Riley? She told me we couldn't and you two just did what you wanted cause you're two horny boys--"

"Hey, it's more than that."

"Sure, fine. Still. Fuck. We tried to be responsible, Riley."


"Grooming them?" Ethan shook his head. "What are they going to do, call CPS and have them take away the fully grown, consenting adults? Also how is anyone going to know out here? Hmm? Our neighbors can't exactly spy through our windows. This isn't a trailer park, Alex. No one's going to hear or see anything we don't want them to."

They now sat on the back porch swing. It's where Alexis went when upset. She circled around the house to it, and Ethan had followed, certain the last thing Alexis needed was time with just her thoughts.

"You're right." Alexis held her head in her paws. "Dammit, I just feel so damn stupid. I told her no this morning."

"If what was stopping you is what we would think, now you know. We'd be happy if you two made each other happy."

"We already do!" Alexis said. "Besides, Leanna has Jayla, and her life in the city."

"Now, don't start talking like you two would be happier staying chaste," Ethan said. He laid a hand on her back and stroked up and down. "It's okay to want something more, to ask for something more."

"But it feels wrong, Ethan. I'm her momma, I'm supposed to give, not take. And what do I have to give her when her life is so far away from mine now? I feel like I'll be holding her back."

"Heh, I worried I'd do the same with Riley."

"Don't go trying to empathize with me."

"You saw him when he came outside, right? In that skirt, all hopped up and feeling good. Tell me the last time you saw our son like that? Looking like he's about to burst. I don't even know what I did, but somehow, just loving him like he wanted to be loved, it did that to him." Ethan took a deep breath. "If I get nothing else out of it, that alone would be worth it."


Both parents started, seeing their kids standing outside the backdoor. It had been Riley who spoke, tears in his eyes.

"Christ, how long were you two spying on us?" Alexis growled.

Leanna stepped forward. "We, uh, opened the backdoor and heard y'all talking through the screen door. We didn't want to interrupt."

Alexis surged to her feet. "And what about all the A/C? Shut the door before you run up our electric bill any higher." Riley scrambled to slam the door, while Ethan then Leanna both started laughing at Alexis. "Y'all laugh all you want. You ain't the ones paying our utilities."

Leanna moved to the edge of their deck, stepping down a step and holding out her hand. "Can we go on a walk, momma? Just the two of us."

Alexis gawked, so Ethan shoved her. "Go on, get. Riley and I will have lunch waiting by the time you get back. Don't be gone too long."

"Or do," Riley said as the girls walked off the deck and into the yard. It had a fenced in chicken coop, a vegetable garden, and at the back a small trail into the woods that eventually led onto their neighbor's property.

"Do?" Ethan asked innocently as Riley fell onto the porch swing with his father, throwing his arms around the older hawk's shoulder. "Can't imagine why you'd want me alone again."

"Mmm, you, saying all that stuff about me." Riley nuzzled into his father's neck. "I'm going to make sure you get a lot more out of it, I promise."

"That so, boy?"

"Hehe, let me show you, daddy."


Hand in hand, Leanna walked with her mother onto the dirt trail just big enough for the pair of them to move side by side. They had not spoken yet, Leanna trying to figure out what to say to Alexis after all this time. Eventually she settled on: "Riley looks cute in a skirt."


"You know he came out there thinking we'd already done it. He dragged me inside all excited to talk about what we both got into."

"Never took your brother as a gossip."

"He's not, but you know how he likes to babble on and on about the stuff he's excited about."


Leanna squeezed her mother's paw. The dappled sunlight wasn't as oppressive as it normally was. It felt good to be out here with her, even if Alexis was all grunts and distance. Leanna let her, and kept talking, "Riley said that dad told him you felt some kind of way about me since college. It's funny, cause I didn't tell anyone about having a crush on you until I'd been with Jayla for near on a year."

"What she think of that?"

"Oh, she laughed at me. She said, 'Leanna! All your exes are big girls, what that tell you?' She acted like she'd known already. And then... well..."

Leanna trailed off, and Alexis squeezed her hand. "You don't have to share if you don't want to."

"I do want to. It's just embarrassing. She insisted we start roleplaying like she was my momma, and good lord, Alex, it did something to our sex. I never knew I could get off that easy, that many times till I just allowed myself to want what I wanted."

"Heh, sounds like it."

"What do you want, momma?"

Alexis stopped in the middle of the trail. Leanna faced her, taking Alexis' other paw in her hand while her mother's ears folded down and she turned her head away.

Leanna pressed on, "I know you're worried about taking from me or some nonsense like that. But did you ever ask me what I want to give you?"

Alexis' mouth opened and closed. A knot bobbed in her throat till she cleared it and finally looked at Leanna, tears in her eyes. "I'm just scared, baby girl."


"Of losing you," she managed to say before those next words caught in her throat.

Leanna stepped closer and wrapped her mother in a hug. Alexis accepted it, taking a few shaky breaths, clearly trying not to cry. Leanna tilted her head up and whispered in Alexis' ear, "You know you'd never lose me, right? You're stuck with me just as much as you're stuck with Ethan and Riley."

"It's just... these last few years, it's felt easy to lose you." Alexis hugged her tighter. "You're out on your own, and you don't need us. I was only seeing you four or five times a year, and I was scared if I said or did the wrong thing you'd get even farther away."

"Oh, momma... I'm so sorry. I was scared, too. That's the only reason why. I was horrified you'd find out about me and never want to see me again. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. Dad, too, but I mentioned telling Jayla about you, right? I cried in her arms some nights cause I was so torn up about you."

"Lord, I'm so sorry, Leanna. I wish I never hid anything from you. I wish I could have been the mother you deserved." Now Alexis began to cry into Leanna shoulder, and she could not help but join her mother in crying, burying her face in her Alexis' warm neck.

"You're the only momma I ever want," Leanna said, words vibrating against her mother's pelt. "You taught me how to be the woman I wanted to be, even if you didn't know it. I love you, momma."

"A-and I love you, baby girl," Alexis managed, still wobbly. "I just... I've been with the same ten girls in the county for twenty years and never managed to make anything last for more than a year. I can't make nothing work, it feels. What if you see some side of me you don't like?"

Leanna laughed a little. "Momma, I been with you most my life."

"Psh, still couldn't put two and two together about your butch momma loving women."

"Shut up!" Leanna tried to playfully push Alexis away, but Alexis held her close, both women laughing now. Leanna eventually growled, "Even so, Ethan stuck around, didn't he? And don't try to tell me that man don't love you, cause even if he don't fuck you, I know he loves you."

"He does, lord help him."

"Lord help me," Leanna cut in.

"Trying to say you love me?"

"I do, Alex, and if you let me, I want to love you in all the ways I can."

"Dear God, Leanna," Alexis breathed, their muzzles now snout to snout. Unable to tear their eyes away from each other. "I want you like plants want sun and rivers want rain."

Leanna's chest fluttered at that, and she whispered, "You're supposed to save the poetry for me."

"Couldn't help myself. Sorry if it was bad--"

"Just shut up and kiss me like you wanted to this morning."

And finally, Alexis shoved aside any final reservations and gave her daughter what they both wanted. Leanna's thin, soft lips met her fuller ones. "Mmmph," her daughter breathed before tilting her snout a little, maw opening so their tongues met. Hers was pebbly and smooth contrasted with Alexis' rougher, sandpapery tongue. Her daughter's saliva sweet, enticing more. Alexis' grip on Leanna's waist got firmer, her chest soaring as she deepened their kiss again. The bigger mountain lioness tilted the younger raptor back, tongue diving into that reptilian maw. Leanna cupped her cheek, fingers petting down to scratch behind Alexis' ear.

Alexis' lips were wet with saliva, her tongue deep in her daughter's mouth. She plundered every flavor from the young girl that she could, breasts heaving as she panted through her nose. Her claws extended and dug into the black fabric of Leanna's dress, taking all her restraint to not shred it. She broke the kiss and shoved Leanna up against a tree, both women panting.

"Momma..." Leanna breathed before Alexis buried her muzzled into Leanna's throat. Her daughter's back arched as mother's paws worked under her the hem of her dress. Fingerpads stroked over bare scales, rubbing around to Leanna's back where a soft coat of feathers grew. Alexis took a deep breath of Leanna's neck, dragging her tongue along the border where scales bloomed with fine feathers. Leanna smelled and tasted like home, sweet as a spring bloom with reptilian undertones that just reminded Alexis of the smell of petrichor that summer rains stripped from the dirt.

That inhale lasted minutes for Alexis, as if she needed an eternity to savor the warmth of her daughter's body: Leanna's belly tensing under the touch of those paws, tail quivering against her mother's ankle, claws digging into the thick, sandy fur of her mother's nape. On the exhale, Alexis whined, "Baby girl... God Leanna." She kissed up her daughter's neck, planting one final kiss on her lips before she asked, "How on Earth did I hold myself back for so long?"

Leanna hooked her arms around Alexis' shoulder, just savoring how her mother's paws rested at the small of her back under her dress. "Part of me wishes you wouldn't have," Leanna said with a wry little smile. "Maybe it was better this way, though."

"I just want to scoop you up in my arms and run off into the woods with you."

"Hehe, maybe run back to the house? If you're gonna put me on my back it better be on your bed."

"Mmm, assuming the boys haven't ruined mine yet," Alexis said. "Poor Ethan better get used to sleeping in his son's room, cause if I take you back to my bedroom you ain't leaving."

"Promises promises, momma."

Alexis growled, knelt down, and Leanna yelped then laughed as Alexis did sweep her into a bridal carry. Alexis kissed her on the bridge of her snout and whispered, "You're gonna be screaming my name by the time I'm finished with you."

Alexis carried her daughter back down the trail at a slight jog. She wasn't a spring chicken anymore, and her daughter was heavy enough to make Alexis work up a sweat carrying her all that way in this heat, but she bet Leanna wouldn't mind her mother's stink. If that pissplay comment was anything to go on, Leanna likely enjoyed all sorts of kinky things.

They broke free of the woods and back into the clearing of their backyard. Still sitting on the porch swing, Ethan jolted up a little on seeing them while his son knelt on the wooden deck, between his father's legs and no doubt nursing on Ethan's cock.

"Y'all couldn't do that inside?" Alexis barked. Leanna just laughed as they came up to the porch.

As if to keep himself from being completely exposed, Ethan shoved Riley's face down into his crotch and held him there. He said, "We thought you'd be gone longer--"

"And we thought y'all'd have lunch waiting for us," Alexis growled as she mounted the porch and reached the back door. Leanna first threw open the screen door then twisted the knob to get them inside. They didn't stop to talk.

An abashed Ethan barely got to say, "Don't be throwing out your back, Alex--" before Alexis kicked the back door shut. Panting, arms burning, she raced through their kitchen, around the dining room--Leanna's tail whipping over a half-finished glass of water on the table--before she turned the corner and climbed the stairs. Exhaustion simmered through her as she kicked open the door, grateful to see the bed made and their back up sheets had been thrown on while Ethan no doubt washed their normal set.

Alexis spun and tumbled on her back into bed, panting furiously. Leanna, giggling, rolled off onto her knees, looming over her mother. "Look at you, you didn't have to carry me all the way up here."

"I..." Alexis swallowed and took a breath before trying again, "I wanted to." She sucked in another breath and coughed. "Always wanted to do that with a girl, and I ain't getting any younger."

"Just don't be doing it every time," Leanna chided, "Liable to give yourself a heart attack."

Alexis flashed a toothy smirk. "Good exercise, sweeping you off your feet."

Leanna giggled scooted to the edge of the bed. "I'm going to get you a glass of water."

Alexis sat up. "You ain't going nowhere--"

"Hush with that," Leanna said. She shoved Alexis on her back. "You just lie there and catch your breath. I'll be right back."

Alexis watched her daughter walk right back out of the door, feeling silly for exerting herself so much. She sighed and managed to catch her breath. Sitting up, she decided to give her daughter a treat: stripping out of her shirt, unclasping her bra, and tossing both towards the closet. Next, she shimmied out of her shorts along with her panties. By the time she heard Leanna padding down the hall, Alexis had scooted back to the headboard, legs open, leaning back on pillows and trying to figure out what pose would feel sexy.

She settled for lounging back with one knee tucked in, a paw resting on it. Leanna said, "Alright old girl--" she gasped and froze in the doorway as she saw her mother reclining for her.

Alexis smirked. "Who you calling old, hmm?" Alexis felt her daughter's eyes all over her: tracing the curve of her heavy breasts, the softness of the love handles around Alexis' waist, the fullness of her thighs, the petals of her vulva barely exposed under the thick golden fur that surrounded her sex.

Both hands clutching the glass of water she held, Leanna took a long drink before she swallowed and said, "Holy shit, momma."

"Like what you see?"

Leanna scowled. "Don't get cocky now." She walked around the bed and forced the glass in her mother's paws. "Just take a drink." Alexis did, keeping an eye on her daughter as Leanna doubled back and shut the bedroom door before turning her back on the bed. She said over her shoulder, "Suppose you want a show?"

Alexis scoffed and in a few quick movements got behind Leanna. She wrapped her arms around Leanna and kissed into the back of her feathery neck. Her scent was stronger when mixed with her feathers. "Please," Alexis whispered, voice husky, "what kinda mother would I be if I didn't help my baby girl out her clothes?"

"Spoiling me," Leanna breathed, quivering against Alexis, leaning back into her mother's chest.

"Forever and always," Alexis growled. "Ain't a girl who deserves spoiling more." She took the hem of Leanna's dress in her fingerpads. "I been wanting to get you out of this since you put it on."

"Hehe, I was hoping it'd get your attention."

Alexis only responded with a throaty rumble before pulling the dress up, Leanna moving her arms so her mother could get it off. Alexis took another deep breath of her daughter, paws groping Leanna's hips. She traced around the raptor's thighs, scales smooth and soft, her fingerpads stroking up and across the lacy black panties Leanna wore. Alexis rubbed a little deeper there, teasing Leanna's labia, feeling her arousal already leaking into the fabric of her underwear.

Alexis spun and tossed her daughter back onto the bed. She squealed; mouth quickly sealed by her mother's lips. Alexis over her in the bed, a deep rumbling growl, Leanna squirmed beneath her, whimpering. Her mother's hunger so apparent and flushing her whole body with heat. Alexis broke the kiss, arms now wrapped round Leanna, her daughter squeezed tight, breast to bra. As Alexis undid the straps, she whispered, "God, why did I wait so long to do this to you."

"Y-you tell me," Leanna said as her bra unclasped. Alexis pulled it off her and went back down. Leanna had a beautiful coat of reddish feathers that lined the bottom of her ribs and traced up between her breasts, spreading out across her collarbone. Alexis kissed her ribs, where feathers yielded to scales. She grabbed pawfuls of her daughter's tits and squeezed. Both barely filled the padded palm of her hand, but they yielded so sweetly, and Leanna's back arched into the grope. Alexis' tongue traced up one petite mound. She lapped around it before finding her dark areola, nipples already firming up.

Leanna gasped when that rough tongue rubbed along her tit. She was well used to her fiancée's rough felid muscle. Her scaled tits weren't as sensitive as a mammal's anyways, which made her mother's tongue perfect. She grabbed the back of Alexis' head and shoved her into the mound. The lioness' lips closed around her hard nipple. She squeezed and massaged her breast, as if she wanted to knead milk from it. Her tongue swirled and raking the tip of her tit. Leanna's tail lashed across the bed, claws digging into Leanna's scalp.

Alexis responded with a snarl, and she moved her knee between her daughter's legs. Her lower thigh rubbed right along Leanna's soaked-panty-covered slit. The heat from her daughter's cunny spilled across her fur. Her daughter bucked into her mother, and Leanna responded by grinding harder.

"Momma... fuck!" The sensation was too much, coming from her mother no less. She convulsed there against her, a long moan falling through her as Alexis got rough with her tits. Claws raked the finely scaled flesh, her teeth nipped her areola, sucked the scales against her wriggling tongue. The sudden roughness made Leanna scream. Daughter's warmth spilled across mother's thigh. Alexis released her tit with an audible pop, the tenderized nipple flushed with blood and almost looking purple with the blush rushing through it. Alexis blew air over it and gently licked.

Leanna whimpered, panting, her panties absolutely soaked. Normally she needed to be high or drunk or both to cum from her breasts. She didn't need it here, not when a need that ached in her for so long was finally met. The sweet release when her mother's hungry lips and hers met. Leanna was sitting up now, tongue dancing with Alexis'. Her longer, nimbler one wrapping around the rougher, squeezing it as a hand squeezes another.

Alexis shoved her back down on the bed, but Leanna pushed back, breaking their kiss. "I need to explore you, too."

Alexis, almost smug, just growled, fangs showing.

Christ, Leanna felt her cunt clench again. If it were any other woman, she might be willing to be a pillow princess, but this was her momma. There was so much Leanna needed to taste, touch, smell. "Pl-please momma. I-I need it."

"Mmmm, you're lucky I love you, baby girl."

Even that made Leanna whine. Her mother got off her and scooted up to the bed's headboard. Leanna rolled over and just stared. Alexis' legs hung open, a slice of pink of her vulva just barely exposed around thick, blonde pubic fur. She watched her mons clench, mound fluttering under that fur.

"Don't keep your momma waiting."

Leanna scrambled forward on all fours and got close enough for Alexis to grab her daughter's head in a single, big paw and shove Leanna into that furry muff. The raptor almost squawked, as her lips rubbed against soft fur, a little greasy with sweat. The strong, feline musk of her mother might have been acrid if she was a male, but it was sweeter, almost spiced and so pungent. Leanna moaned and her tongue lolled out her lips as she lapped along that fur. The taste a sweeter, saltier version of her mother's musk.

"That's it, baby girl, rub my scent into those scales. Make sure everyone knows how much you love your momma."

Leanna ran her hands through her mother's soft, full thighs. Wrists coming to rest there, arms pushing her mother's legs further open. Swimming into her, snout nosing her vulva. Her fingers spread open that muff to reveal glistening, dark pink folds. The heady scent of her pussy making Leanna's head spin. She dragged her tongue across the exposed flesh, swapping spit for her mother's arousal. It was bright, almost acidic on her palate, with that familiar sweetness she smelled. One lick beget another, daughter insatiable as she cleaned every crevice of her mother's pussy with her tongue.

Alexis leaned against the headboard, sighing. "There you go, worship your momma."

Leanna moaned again. She could only smell her mother, only see or taste, whole world her momma. Leanna's muzzle dipped down to her mother's entrance, snout pressing against vulva as her tongue plunged into pussy. The wrinkling flesh tasted even stronger here. More of that musky sweet. She was entrapped by it, like a bee to nectar. She lapped along her mother's insides, Alexis' hips grinding up into the maw making out with her cunny. Her mother's walls flexed and squeezed around her tongue, pressing more of their flavor into her tastebuds. Leanna almost imagined herself milking her mother of this inner sweetness. It was only when she felt an ache in her ribs she stopped.

Like breaking the surface of water, Leanna came up for air with a gasp. A breath before she spat on her index finger and thumb. Then diving back down, snout flush to mother flesh, her oral muscle meeting her, tasting her. The thumb of her right hand found Alexis' clitoral hood with practiced ease. As her tongue danced through her mother's vent, her thumb pressed and rubbed against the rouge hood. Just putting pressure on her clit, like squeezing a cock in a condom. Her mother actually gasped, which thrilled Leanna. She wanted to make her momma feel so good that no other girl but her would do. She needed the older lioness addicted to her daughter.

Leanna's thumb came flush with the exposed clit, rubbing along it. Grinding that bud as she broke the kiss on that cunt. Her tongue half still sucked into mother's sex as she panted, took a long breath, and kissed again. That fat mound smothering the nostrils on her snout as she dug back in. Her fingers rubbed faster, squeezing the hood and gently jerking it. A small convulsion made her give a pleased churl that vibrated through Alexis' vent.

On the next breath, Leanna sat up, plunging three fingers into her mouth. She sucked hard, slathering them in spit as she looked down at her mother. Alexis, panting, watched her daughter like this was some fantasy she dreamed instead of reality. Leanna smiled and ripped her fingers free, leaning back down to spread her mother before she shoved her fingers inside. Alexis gasped as Leanna's digits curled, pressed up towards Alexis' clit. Massaging that bundled pleasure center from below, much the same way she massaged Jayla's prostate when sucking her fiancée off.

As Leanna caressed her mother's innards, her lips closed around Alexis' clitoris. Her tongue slid and ground against the nub, making her mother's legs quake. They tried to close reflexively, but Leanna refused to be bucked off her. Fingers pumped in and out, grinding, jabbing, rubbing, knuckles now soaked in her mother's arousal. Leanna sucked on the bud, tongue working with each suckle. Synching into a steady pace, her maw working over her mother's pleasure organ. The knots of nerves beneath kneaded by her fingers. Pressing like a pincer, making her mother's insides coil tight. Paws scratching down the heardboard, leaving gouges, mother snarling.

The more control over her body Alexis lost, the firmer Leanna became: a machine meant to pleasure her mother until Alexis exploded:

"Le... le... fuck baby girl, oh god momma's--Christ! Leanna!"

Another scream, and the lioness contorted over the smaller raptor, almost folding over. Leanna sucked and slathered that clit for the first few convulsions, her fingers squeezed so tight it made her wrist ache trying to keep them forced inside her momma's pussy. Then a second spasm, Alexis moaning, whole pelvis thrusting into the air a moment. When it slammed back into the bed, Leanna switched places with her hands. Burrowing into her mother's folds with her tongue, tasting mother's anguished cum, stronger and a bit more bitter in flavor. All while Leanna's nectar-soaked digits continued jerking the hood, squeezing that bud, up, back down, up into another convulsion. Her mother's paws grabbing her wrist and tearing it away. Alexis tried to shove her head away, saying, "Baby you're g-gonna--" but the warning fell apart with a quite curse that felt like it fell through a trapdoor in Alexis' throat, thrown out like water from a blowhole when it turned into a yowl.

Leanna's entire muzzle flooded when Alexis squirted. No stranger to the flavor of urine, daughter gladly accepted her mother's mark. Lapping at her vulva, lovingly. Worshipping it, as Alexis gasped and moaned weakly.

When Leanna finally rose, she took a deep breath. The smell of their sex reeking the whole room. She sighed happily and crawled up to her momma. She gave her a kiss, and said, "Hope you're not done already."

"Just..." Alexis took a breath and shivered, "hah, I've not squirted in a while."

"Mmm, enjoy it?"

Alexis tried to glare. "Don't get smug about getting me off, girl. I'll end up chaining you to the bed if you keep up that attitude."

"I don't see a problem there."

Flustered, Alexis turned her face away from her daughter and muttered, "Christ, girl, I ain't pretty enough to be wanted like this."

"Get used to it, momma. Cause I'm not wasting another moment with you ever," and Leanna kissed her.

"I like this smell on you," Alexis growled before kissing her again.

Then Leanna broke off to swear, "I'll wear it anywhere for you, momma." Another kiss.

"Goddamn, girl. Goddamn!"

"Hehehe, what?"

Muzzles nuzzling each other, eyes glued to each other, Alexis admitted, "Just waiting to wake up from this dream."

"You ain't got to dream no more, momma."

"What'd I even do to deserve you?"

Leanna just smiled and silenced Alexis with a kiss. Then another and another. Until all those doubts quieted. She'd have the rest of her life to figure out why she got to have this bliss. Her love deepening for her daughter with every kiss.